Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/29/19
Episode #13597 ~ Eric and Jennifer pressure Jack to make a deal with Kristen; Sarah and Xander have a contentious conversation about Eric and Nicole; Chloe informs Brady she received a life-changing offer; Tripp bids farewell to Salem.
Provided By Suzanne
[Soft music]Chloe: [Sighs]
Brady: Hey.
Chloe: Every time I say that I'm not gonna take the red-eye, I take the red-eye, and it's awful. I need coffee.
Brady: Well, come on. How'd it go? How'd the audition go?
Chloe: I don't know. It was kind of like singing to a sphinx, but I do love being in new york and seeing my parents.
Brady: Yeah.
Chloe: Oh, tell me, how was the party? Were john and marlena surprised?
Brady: Uh, yeah. Yeah, we all were.
[Soft rock music playing]
Hope: You look like you've been working on that story all night. I thought you might like a little caffeine.
Jennifer: [Gasps] The whole cake?
Hope: And coffee.
Jennifer: Yes, gallons.
Hope: More caffeine.
Jennifer: Gallons, gallons. Thank you, cuz.
Hope: Of course.
Jennifer: You look like you have not had the greatest night either.
Hope: Couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about all the signs I missed.
Jennifer: Yeah, you're not the only one.
Hope: Yeah, but cuz, come on. I was the police commissioner until what? Not so long ago. Shouldn't I have realized that that kristen was back salem, that ted was somehow involved in her crazy? Oh, you first. And now he's dead. And you know what? I keep thinking, "could I have saved him?" I don't know.
Jack: Damn it, adrienne! You're making salem sound like gotham. Of course, yes. Of course you had to cover it, but you didn't have to bury the lead, which is that the dimera siblings are both safely behind bars. Yes, thank you. Look--listen to me. I'm the mayor, I'm your brother. What the hell do I have to do to get some good coverage from that rag that you put out?
Kayla: Uh, maybe start by stop acting like a jerk. Oh, but that would be an impossible dream, would it?
Jack: Uh, I'll call you--I'll call you back. Thank you. I was just looking for you.
Kayla: Oh, why?
Jack: I need your help.
Jj: Hey.
Haley: Hey.
Jj: You ready?
Haley: Eh, not really.
Jj: Look, we're only staying with your mom until we find a place of our own, and maybe it'll be a good thing. Maybe you and your mom can have the chance to...
Haley: What?
Jj: You know?
Haley: Bond? Bake cookies together? Yeah, no, she's not exactly the maternal type, you know?
Jj: I know, but she's also a workaholic. She'll probably be gone most of the time.
[Door opens] Hey. We're out of here. Thank you for everything.
Tripp: You know what, no. Don't go.
Melinda: [Sighs]
Eric: Thank you for seeing me.
Melinda: I have a lot on my plate this morning. You have 30 seconds.
Eric: I want you to reconsider granting kristen dimera immunity.
Melinda: Not gonna happen.
Eric: She knows where nicole is, where holly is.
Melinda: Or maybe not. We do know that she had someone killed again, kidnapped again. She held a gun on marlena again, and this time, she's not gonna get away with it.
Eric: But what about nicole? What about holly? They're just collateral damage? Please, you gotta help them.
Melinda: No. No, I don'T.
Eric: [Over phone] Sarah. I'm sorry about last night. Finding out about nicole, it was too much to process. Thanks for understanding that i need to find out the truth.
[Phone beeps off]
Xander: From the forlorn look on your face, I presume you've heard about nicole.
Sarah: Yeah, I heard.
Xander: And I also presume from the fact that you're chez kiriakis at this hour of the morning, that you slept here last night. I'm guessing alone. I'm guessing eric... oh, what's a nicer way of saying "dumped you"? Look, I am so sorry.
Sarah: The hell you are!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Brady: And then my dad figured it all out, and he literally ripped the mask off of her face in front of everyone. Right here.
Chloe: Wait, so kristen was pretending to be nicole? No, that doesn't make sense--
Brady: Chloe--
Chloe: I would've known.
Brady: I saw it with my own eyes. It's true.
Chloe: Oh, my god, brady, you slept with her.
Brady: Yeah, I know that. Can we--we can skip that part, though.
Chloe: Wow, no wonder you were so freaked out afterward. I mean, a part of you must have known that it was kristen...
Brady: I know. Chloe. Chloe.
Chloe: Right, or at least that it wasn't nicole? The whole thing's so freaky.
Brady: Chloe, I don't wanna talk about the freaky aspect of it, okay?
Chloe: I get it, I get it.
Brady: But, um, there is something I have to tell you. It's big.
Chloe: What?
Brady: Give me your hand. According to kristen, holly-- holly is alive.
Chloe: What?
Brady: She--yeah. You all right? Look at me, look at me. There's more, okay? Nicole is alive too.
Chloe: Alive?
Brady: They're both alive. Listen, this is according to kristen, okay?
Chloe: So both of them--both of them are alive?
Brady: Yeah.
Chloe: Well, then where are they?
Brady: That's what eric is trying to find out right now.
Melinda: I get why you want this to be true. I get why everyone wants this to be true, but kristen is using that. She's holding out hope to desperate people in order to make sure that she doesn't have to pay for her latest one woman crime wave.
Eric: And you don't have to remind of what kristen is capable of. I just feel in my heart--
Melinda: Oh, you feel that she's telling the truth and that your soul mate and her little girl are still out there somewhere. Well, that would be very pretty to think so.
Eric: I'm saying that it's true. I'm saying that we should find out if it is!
Melinda: Okay, first off, there's no indication that nicole is in any danger. And if she is alive, isn't it her choice whether she wants to come back or not?
Eric: "Her choice"? My god, kristen, to get what she wants, she staged the death of a little girl. She kidnapped kate and ted. She got ted killed, by the way. Do you really think that she wants nicole strolling through the park in the middle of her plot? The dimeras, they have houses all over this country and each and every one of them, there are dungeons.
Melinda: Listen to what you just said. Listen to that list. You want me to grant that woman immunity?
Eric: You gave that list to xander, who was involved in each and every one of them.
Melinda: Because xander gave me kristen's head on a platter. Bec--you know what? I'm not gonna debate this with you, and I'm not gonna let kristen dimera play me for a sucker. Your 30 seconds are up.
Xander: You've always been a bit touchy when it comes to eric.
Sarah: That wasn't about eric. That was about nicole and knowing that she was alive and holly! My god, god knows where she is!
Xander: Hold it right there. I didn't know anything about nicole.
Sarah: And I believe you. My god, we find out that nicole is alive, and you use it as an opportunity to gloat?
Xander: I wasn't gloating.
Sarah: And not that it was any of your business, but eric didn't dump me. He told me about nicole, and i realized that he needed time to process it all. After all the horrible things that nicole said to him and thinking that holly was dead, blaming him for her death, just to find out that this--that it was kristen all along!
Xander: He's not just processing what kristen did to him. He's also processing the chance that nicole might still be alive. If she is, then there's nothing standing between them now.
Sarah: Except me. (Tiffany) with counseling and using the
Haley: [Chuckles] Um, tripp, that's so nice of you, but we've already made plans to move in with my mom, so...
Jj: And like I said last night, after everything that's happened, I don't think it's a good idea for the three of us to be living here together anymore.
Tripp: I agree. I agree, but the reason that you guys don't have to leave is, I'm the one who's going.
Kayla: Oh, this is gonna be good.
Jack: Just hear me out, okay?
Kayla: Okay, well, go on.
Jack: Eve is suing me for wrongful termination.
Kayla: Hmm. Well, you know what? I think the whole town of salem should sue you for hiring her.
Jack: You said that the hospital security people have footage of eve going into seth burns' office at the exact time that the diary was stolen. You're chief of staff, come on. You could just get me a copy.
Kayla: Do you have a subpoena or a warrant?
Jack: All right, okay. Look, I know that I'm not your favorite person in the world...
Kayla: You are so perceptive.
Jack: All right, all right! I'm sorry I jumped down your throat because you took adrienne's side.
Kayla: Yeah, I took adrienne's side and jennifer'S. And I always will, because i care about them.
Jack: Right. Right, right, right.
Kayla: Okay, all right. I care about you too, damn it. All right, I'll make you a deal. And here it is. I will help you if and only if you start treating jennifer with the respect that she deserves.
Hope: I actually saw kristen disposing of the necklace right after she killed ted.
Jennifer: Right, but hope, tony confessed to that.
Hope: Well, maybe he pulled the trigger, but kristen's the one who killed him. She works just like her father, just like stefano, always getting someone else to do her dirty work. Xander, tony, ted. He was trapped. I mean, he just had no other way out. He had to do whatever she told him to do. He tried to protect me.
Jennifer: Okay, that's it. I've had enough. He is not noble. He had to protect you because he got involved in this mess in the first place for money, hope.
Hope: I know. I know.
Jennifer: No, I don't think you do know.
Hope: I do, I know.
Jennifer: I don't think you do.
Hope: I know, I know. I do know. He told me he loved me. I think he really did. In his own way. Am I eating this cake by myself?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Hope: Okay, fine, I'll eat the whole thing.
Chloe: That sick, sadistic bitch.
Brady: Yeah, I know.
Chloe: She looked right at me as I was holding the dress that I picked up for holly's funeral. She threw it in my face and said it was my fault that her daughter was dead, and it was just a performance?
Brady: Yep. I know, chloe.
Chloe: And she did all that just to get you back?
Brady: That's what she said.
Chloe: And she knows where holly and nicole are, but she won't say anything unless she goes free?
Brady: Kind of hard to negotiate with a woman who doesn't give a damn about anything but herself.
Chloe: Well, she cares about you.
Brady: Yeah. Yeah, lucky me. You know, chloe, that night that... I can't even say, like, "we made love." We didn't make love. There was no love involved.
Chloe: Well, it was for you. I mean, you love nicole. And look, I know you don't wanna talk about it, but you were really upset afterward.
Brady: I know, I think--i think... I didn't know it was kristen, but, you know, I knew--I knew that something was wrong.
Chloe: Well, she lied. She used you like she uses everyone.
Brady: You know what she said to me the other night? She, uh... she that there was a part of me that actually knew it was her. A part of me that still wants her and always has wanted her. I mean, after everything she's done.
Chloe: Well, is she right?
Xander: I'm not gloating. I feel for you.
Sarah: Why don't you just stop pretending that you feel for me and just tell me where holly and nicole are?
Xander: I told you, I don't know.
Sarah: How the hell could you not know, xander? You're the one that kidnapped holly from her bed! You helped that bitch stage her death! Rex caught you tampering with the autopsy report.
Xander: Yes, I know, but i don't know where they are. I still don't know where they are. Even then, kristen knew that this was her trump card. There's no way she was gonna share it with me.
Sarah: I guess that makes a certain amount of sense, but why would kristen even trust a lying muscle-bound cretin like you?
Xander: I can't defend what i did. But if I knew where holly and nicole were, I would tell you. I swear.
Sarah: Your word of honor? Oh, gee, that really means so much after you've been lying to us for months, letting my mother think that her granddaughter is dead, watching her start drinking again after 30 years! The only reason that I didn't rake you across the coals last night in front of her is because for whatever inexplicable reason, she doesn't despise you, because she actually thinks that you care about her. She's been through enough without knowing what you're really like.
Xander: She's right. I do care about her and you.
Eric: Okay, okay, I get it! Nicole and holly are not as important as you saving face.
Melinda: Just go.
Eric: One, two...
Melinda: What are you doing?
Eric: I'm just counting the number of people who risked going to prison to save your daughter. Was it tripp, jj, jennifer, so far, am I--
Melinda: That was different.
Eric: Yeah, well, you weren't so capable of playing law and order when it came to haley, weren't you? You would break the law to save your own kid.
Melinda: You listen to me. Trying to protect haley did not put this entire town in danger. I let kristen dimera go, this all happens again. I'm sorry, eric, but you're gonna have to look elsewhere for the answers you need.
Eric: Okay, but...
[Tense music]
Haley: Wait, so where are you going?
Tripp: A couple months ago, I applied to medical school in california. And I got wait-listed and didn't really think anything would come of it, but... a spot just opened up, and they offered it to me.
Haley: Oh, my god, tripp, that'S...that's so great!
Tripp: Yeah. Yeah, so this place is yours. I start tomorrow.
Jj: Yeah, that's really--what haley said. That's great.
Tripp: Yeah.
Jj: Congratulations.
Tripp: Thank you. Uh, and look, before I go, I just wanted to say that I... I really hope everything works out for you two. And I'm really sorry that i screwed up the way I did.
Haley: Oh, stop it, tripp. You were just--you were just trying to help.
Jj: Yeah, I don't want any bad blood between us, especially with you leaving.
Tripp: I'm good if you are.
Jj: [Clears throat]
Haley: Wow, this is so exciting. I'm so happy for you.
Tripp: Thank you. Yeah, I--
Haley: Whoops.
Tripp: I'm excited, and I'm pretty happy about it. You know, new beginnings and all that, you know. I'm--well, now I'm gonna go say my goodbyes to kayla. Um, I'll send for my stuff. Take care, guys.
Jack: That's blackmail.
Kayla: That's right. I'm trying to blackmail you into not being a jerk.
Jack: Jennifer is not perfect, you know.
Kayla: Oh, please...
Jack: Oh, please, there's two sides to this story.
Kayla: Do you hear yourself? Eve finds out that you wanna remember who you actually are. I mean, the nerve of you, seriously. But that doesn't really suit her needs, so she destroys the serum and the diary that could help you remember your wife and kids. Then you fire her and she sues you, and you are mad at jennifer. I mean, really.
Jack: I'm mad at both of them.
Kayla: Confirming what I said that you are acting like a total...well, we have been over that, haven't we?
Jack: So you're not gonna help me.
Kayla: I didn't say that. Listen, I want you to remember who you were.
Jack: That's not gonna happen now, is it?
Kayla: Well, I don't know. Did you reach out to the fda like I suggested?
Jack: No. No, I've been too busy running this town.
Kayla: No, you know what. I don't think that's what it is. I think that you are scared. I think you are scared of having feelings and possibly even a conscience.
Jack: You know, I may not remember, but have you always been this high and mighty and condescending?
Kayla: Touché. And the answer to that question is, I think with you, yes. You do seem to bring out the worst in me. All right, you know what. I'm gonna get you that footage, but you better think about what I said.
Hope: I don't wanna talk about me. I came here to talk about you, and you turn it around, always, to talk about me. I wanna talk about you. How--tell me, how are things going with jack?
Jennifer: Eh.
Hope: That good?
Jennifer: Do you remember the movie where the devil gives dudley moore three wishes? So he grants them the wishes, and then it has this horrible twist. That's my life right now, because I always wanted jack back and this is what I got.
Hope: Don't give up. That's what I say, still. I mean, at least you got rid of evil eve.
Jennifer: Yeah, but she's the reason he'll never get his memory back. She destroyed the serum, she destroyed rolf's diary. Wait a minute.
Hope: What?
Jennifer: We know that rolf is alive, because sami saw him.
Hope: Mm-hmm.
Jennifer: So that means that rolf and kristen were working together after the fire. So even if there's no notes, even if there's no serum, if we find rolf, jack still might have a chance to get his memory back. We just have to find rolf.
Hope: We need to find rolf.
Jennifer: Yes.
Hope: That's it?
Tripp: Okay, look, I don't know how you're gonna feel about this, but do you remember when i worked here?
Kayla: Of course I remember.
Tripp: Well, I loved it. The medicine, the science part of it, but also the whole idea of helping people heal. And, you know, in the great i have, I screwed everything up. I went after you when you were helping me, and every day, I saw how much good you were doing for people, and I still tried to...I still tried to go after you.
Kayla: I told you that I was over that, that I'd forgiven you. You have to let that go.
Tripp: Thanks. I try, but I guess I just never fully, you know, forgiven myself.
Kayla: Well, I really hope you do. So, what did you wanna talk to me about?
Tripp: I want to be a doctor.
Kayla: Hmm.
Tripp: Like you.
Kayla: Ah.
Tripp: And I know I couldn't work here after what I did, so i applied to medical school in california.
Kayla: Hmm.
Tripp: And I didn't tell you, because--
Kayla: You didn't think that I would approve? Well, you are wrong. And when the school saw that you had worked here, they called me, and I gave you a rave review. And I told them I thought that you would make a hell of a doctor.
Tripp: Wait, so you're saying you're the reason I got in?
Haley: Jj.
Jj: Yeah.
Haley: I think something good just happened, right? I mean, tripp's gonna be a doctor, we get to stay here, and I don't have to live with my mom, three good things. It's just it's so weird. I'm not used to that. It's like I've forgotten what happy is like, you know.
Jj: Want me to remind you?
[Romantic music]
Do you wanna go and...
Haley: What, unpack?
[Giggles] Unpack?
Jj: That's exactly what I had in mind.
Haley: [Chuckles]
[Knock at door] I didn't hear that, neither did you.
Melinda: Haley, are you home?
Haley: Oh, my god. I'll talk just a second.
Jj: Hurry though.
Haley: Yeah, yeah. Hi.
Melinda: Hi. Hi. I came by to drop off the keys. I'm all tied up at work, and i didn't know what time you guys wanted to move in.
Haley: Actually, we--
Melinda: But I'll be home early. I was gonna make you your favorite dumplings for dinner.
Haley: I was actually about to call you, and it turns out that we don't have to move in with you after all, so...
Jack: I'm not doing this.
Eric: You have to, jack. It's your job.
Jack: It is not my job. It is the da's job, and by the way, she called and told me how you've been harassing her.
Eric: Yeah, because she's been a little fragile and everything.
Jack: If she decides that kristen dimera cannot be granted immunity, there's nothing that you can say to change that. By the way, there is no evidence that ms. Walker or her daughter are in any kind of danger or, for that matter, if they're even alive!
Eric: Nicole would come back to me if she could. Kristen dimera is--she's keeping her hostage.
Jack: Supposition.
Eric: So maybe they're already dead, why put yourself out there? God, you're such a jerk.
Jack: I'm done here.
Eric: No, we're not. You know what, you were in the same warehouse as she was. And you got out by the grace of god. Doesn't she deserve the same chance? You know what, everybody in this town thinks you're a spineless little worm, and this is your chance to prove them wrong.
Sarah: You care about me. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Xander: It's the truth.
Sarah: Oh, so we're gonna be truthful now? Okay, then let me ask you this. You knew that kristen was passing as nicole, but you had no idea that nicole was out there somewhere?
Xander: I really thought maybe she died in that fire.
Sarah: You were in the fire, and you made it out.
Xander: Look, eric and brady both swore there's no way she could have gotten out, and they had no motive to lie. And I didn't see what happened to nicole, 'cause I was too busy dragging deveraux out.
Sarah: Oh, right. Xander the hero.
Xander: No, look. I know what I put you and your mother through, grieving for holly, but I had no choice--
Sarah: There's always a choice, xander, but you chose kristen dimera's money. You chose to do the truly disgusting things that she told you to do, and now you are choosing to back her up!
Xander: No, I--
Sarah: No, no! You go and tell the da where holly and nicole are and kristen is toast! Like you said, it's her trump card, but you won't blow it for her. Do you get a nice big bonus when kristen gets immunity? Is that what you want, more money?
Xander: If I knew where nicole and holly were, I would tell you, I'd tell the police, I'd go looking for them myself. I don't know where they are. I swear.
Sarah: Bull.
Brady: You know, I kind of think there's a part of me that knew the truth all along. I never really understood how nicole would wanna have me back after what I did to her. I think I wanted forgiveness from her so badly, that I was willing to overlook how crazy it all was.
Chloe: I don't think it was crazy. I mean, kristen--"nicole," said to you that you were the only one who really tried to protect holly, so she wasn't wrong.
Brady: Yes, she was. You did everything you possibly could. And I'm really sorry that you've been carrying around blame for happened to her when it was all a lie. I'm really sorry.
Chloe: Well, all I care about is finding holly and nicole.
[Phone rings] Sorry.
[Phone beeps on] Hi, this is chloe. Oh, my god.
[Phone beeps off]
Brady: What?
Chloe: Well, apparently the sphinx liked me. That was the general manager. He just offered me the job to join the company for next season.
Brady: Oh, my god, oh, my-- that's grea--oh, my god, that's great! That's so great. You don't look happy at all.
Chloe: Well, I can't go to new york now that holly's missing. I have to turn it down.
Kayla: No, I am not the reason that you got into medical school. You are. I just gave them an assessment of who you really are. And like I said, I do think that you would make a hell of a doctor.
Tripp: You really think that?
Kayla: I know it. I have always known that you had incredible potential, and now I have seen how hard you have worked to turn your life around. There's just one thing I'm worried about. I'm scared that you are leaving town for the wrong reason.
Melinda: What do you mean, you're not moving in?
Haley: Well, it turns out that tripp got into medical school all the way in california, and he has to leave right away, so we have this place all to ourselves.
Jj: I'm sorry you went to all that trouble for nothing.
Haley: Yeah, me too. I hope you're not too disappointed.
Melinda: Disappointed? No. I mean, I am crazy busy at work, and it'll be a relief not to have my house turned upside down.
Haley: Well, I could still help you make those dumplings, if you want me too.
Melinda: Well, I don't even know that I have time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. It's been nonstop all morning.
Haley: [Sighs]
[Laughs] Well... that was my mother being emotional.
Jj: Um... I could tell that she was looking forward to spending time with you.
Haley: Yeah?
Jj: Yeah, I think she was disappointed that we weren't moving in. That was your mother being kind of sweet.
Haley: Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. I guess so.
Xander: Look, you just dumped your husband for eric, and now he's run off looking for nicole. It sucks. All I'm saying is, with me, you don't have to pretend it doesn'T.
Jack: Whatever they think of my spine, the people of salem would have my head on a pike if I let kristen dimera out of jail.
Eric: I'm not asking you to set her free, but there's gotta be something we can do, some kind of offer.
Jennifer: Come on, jack. This is right up your alley. Nobody thinks outside the box like you do.
Jack: What are you doing here?
Jennifer: I need to talk to kristen, I have follow up questions that I need to ask.
Jack: No.
Eric: What, is that only word you know?
Jennifer: You need to get the truth out of her, jack.
Jack: Me?
Jennifer: Yes, you need to give her something in exchange for the whereabouts of the people who allegedly died in that warehouse, and your future depends on it. -And...that's your basic three-point turn.
Brady: You know, I remember when you were offered a spot in that opera company when we were living in vienna. And you turned it down. Remember why you turned it down? Because our marriage was in trouble, which was a really nice way of saying that I was a mess at the time. You can't keep putting everybody else first, chloe.
Chloe: Yeah, but holly needs me.
Brady: If nicole's alive...
Chloe: Oh, yeah. Then she doesn't need me.
Brady: No, no, no. Look at me. When we find her, and we will, you will be a very important part of her life. Promise you that. But until then, you shouldn't be waiting around here, tending bar. It's not where you belong. You belong in new york, doing what you were meant to do. I think you need to go.
Jack: Why are you two ganging up against me?
Jennifer: Jack, I'm not ganging up on you, I'm trying to help you. If we can find nicole and holly, then there's a chance that we can find rolf too.
Jack: Wait, wait, what?
Jennifer: I mean, think about it, all right? If kristen had this nicole mask that was supposedly made by rolf, doesn't it stand to reason that they survived that fire together and they were working together? Which means kristen knows where he is.
Eric: She's right.
Jennifer: Right, so it's not just holly and nicole depending on us to find rolf. You are too, jack. Rolf is the only person that can help you get your memory back. And listen, I know you say that you don't care to remember our past, but what about your kids, jack? Don't you think it's worth a try to remember your children?
Haley: Look, when I said that I would show up for dumplings, I wasn't signing you up for it too. I know she's not your favorite person in the world right now, but...
Jj: No, I think it'S... I think it's great that you two are getting along better. I wish I could say the same about my dad.
Haley: Me too.
Jj: I still can't believe that he hired her as the da.
Haley: Yeah.
Jj: Neither one of them are known for their restraint. I hope it doesn't turn into a disaster.
Haley: Ah. They're adults, at least, chronologically. We don't--we do not have to worry about them at all. Besides, we got a lot of unpacking to do.
Melinda: Oh, commissioner...
[Laughs] Sorry, ex-commissioner. I have something for you. I was on my way to the post office, but you saved me the trip. This was found in ted laurent's personal effects. It doesn't appear to be pertinent to the murder investigation, and it's addressed to you. Don't you want it?
Hope: You read it?
Melinda: I had to. It's my job. Would've been yours too, once upon a time.
[Tense music]
I'm just a normal person
Chloe: Well, it kind of sounds like you want me to go.
[Both laugh]
Brady: Is that what it sounded like? No, no. I'd miss you like crazy. But this is not forever. This is--this is not even a good-bye.
Chloe: No, I know it's not. And if you ever need me, I'm just a phone call away. Taking this with me.
Brady: Same with me. Come here.
[Groans] Oh--oh, wait. Does this mean that I have to sit through another opera?
Chloe: Yeah, the entire season.
Brady: [Laughs]
Kayla: I just hope that you're not running away.
Tripp: From what?
Kayla: From your feelings for haley.
Tripp: Maybe that's part of it, but this offer came out of the blue, and I decided a long time ago that I'd go if I got in.
Kayla: I'm so proud of you. And your father would be too.
Tripp: I do not deserve all of the things that you've done for me. I mean, I was so screwed up when I got here.
Kayla: That's probably why you were such a good fit for our family. You always have a home here. I hope you know that.
Tripp: I do know that. Thank you.
Kayla: You're a good boy.
[Solemn music]
Sarah: My god. You want me to say that I think it sucks that nicole might still be alive? Then I would be just as disgusting as you.
Xander: Yeah, that really stings, sarah.
Sarah: It's the truth. Truth... but...what is the truth here?
Xander: Look, I'm sorry i just made things worse, didn't I?
Sarah: No. No, I just had a reality flash. I mean, I'm sitting here, and I'm calling you every name in the book, and I'm telling you off, and... how could you think that I'm not thrilled that nicole is alive? I'm a good person.
Xander: You are a good person.
Sarah: I... a good person that was sitting here last night, telling my mom how much easier it would be if nicole was dead. So maybe if you're disgusting, then I am too. Maybe we're just two of a kind.
Jennifer: I realize you have to do what's best for the city, but can't you come up with a way to keep everyone safe and still get the truth out of kristen?
Jack: Melinda, could I have a word with you?
Eric: You think he's gonna make her give kristen a deal?
Jennifer: Yeah, I do. Which means I actually have a prayer getting my husband back and holly.
Eric: And nicole. I'm not gonna rest until I find her.
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