Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 8/28/19
Episode #13596 ~ Eric has an intense confrontation with Kristen; Kate makes a stunning announcement to Gabi and Stefan; Marlena and John enjoy the last hours of their anniversary; Eric breaks the news about Nicole to Sarah.
Provided By Suzanne
Ciara: You have got to be kidding me.
Ben: Nope. This whole time, "nicole" was really kristen dimera in a mask.
Ciara: Unbelievable. Wait, wait, wait, so where is kristen right now?
Ben: The cops took her in.
Ciara: Do stefan and gabi know about this?
Ben: I'm not sure. Trying to reach them, but there's no answer. Starting to get worried.
[Dramatic music]
Oh, my...
Kate: I thought you were sick. I thought that's why you weren't at john and marlena's soiréE.
Victor: Yes, well, from what I hear, it was just as well that I didn'T.
Kate: Mm-hmm. It was quite the surprise party. That's for sure. But since you're up and around, I guess that means that you weren't really under the weather.
Victor: I feel like hell. I dragged myself over here to find out why you lied to my face about shin.
Kate: What are you talking about?
Victor: Talking about getting cozy with the competition. The hell you up to, lady?
[Tense music]
John: Just can't wrap my head around the fact that "nicole" was kristen.
Marlena: When I think about all the things she's done to the people we care about...
John: Can't stop thinking about brady. See the look on that kid's face when I ripped that mask off?
Marlena: And eric... to believe that nicole was back from the dead and rejecting him and then realize that he'd lost her forever...
Sarah: No, I-I can't take this anymore. I'm gonna go down to the police station.
Maggie: I'm as anxious as you are, sweetheart. But you've just got to sit tight and have faith.
Sarah: Faith? In xander? Mom, do you honestly believe that kristen is gonna tell him where holly is?
Maggie: Well, he said he'd try.
[Somber music]
Sarah: Maybe it was a mistake to let eric go with him. I-- I'm afraid of what he's gonna do to kristen if she doesn't cooperate.
Maggie: Oh, hon, I know you're concerned about eric. But what happened here tonight wasn't just a shock to him.
Sarah: I know. And... brady and...god, marlena. John!
Maggie: And you.
Kristen: [Sighs] You may have been making love to nicole, but you were there wanting me. I know that you were, and deep down, deep down right now, brady...
[Laughs] You still do. I can see it in your eyes, brady; you still care. I know you do. So I'm never giving up. One way or another, we will be together.
Eric: Nicole can't be alive. She died in the fire.
Brady: Kristen--she swears it's true.
Eric: She's lying! She's just worming her way out of going to prison.
Brady: Listen to me, listen to me. I know you have every reason to believe she's lying to you, but I think she's telling the truth about this.
Eric: Why? Why--when has she been honest with us?
Brady: Because in her twisted mind, she thinks that we're still gonna be together, right? And she thinks that honesty is gonna be the way to win me back. So she's telling me everything that she wouldn't tell anybody else. That holly is alive, that she's with nicole somewhere--
Eric: No, brady! Don't you see she's just messing with you?
Brady: You don't understand what I'm saying to you. Kristen made nicole a deal. She said... that she would let nicole live and be with holly, and, in return, nicole would let kristen steal her life.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ben: You were in the tunnels?
Gabi: Yes, yes, we were stuck in the damn wine cellar.
Ben: By kristen, right? She did this?
Stefan: Yeah, she knocked us out and dragged us down there.
Ciara: Oh, my god. Well, a-are you guys okay? How did you even get out?
Stefan: Will and sonny rescued us.
Gabi: Where the hell were you?
Ben: We were just about to start searching.
Gabi: Oh, really, okay, so stefan and I, we've been mia for hours, kristen is out loose, and you--now you're gonna start searching?
Ben: I'm sorry. Okay, we honestly just found out that kristen dimera was passing herself off as nicole. We had no idea. We just found out.
Gabi: You are the head of my security; you're supposed to keep me safe, but you're completely incompetent.
Ciara: Look, gabi, I know that you're upset, but this really is not ben's fault.
Ben: I promise you, mrs. Dimera, nothing like this will ever happen again.
Gabi: No, you're right. It won'T. Because you're fired.
[Dramatic music]
Sarah: I am... stunned. And angry. And so, so sad. You know, when I think about my feelings, I-I think about how what eric is going through is so much worse. I had no idea that kristen could be that evil.
Maggie: She's gonna get what's coming to her.
Sarah: I hope she pays. I hope we find holly. And that this whole nightmare is just over. Honestly, mom, all I can think about is how much eric is suffering and how I just wish i could take his pain away.
Maggie: Mm. You love him very much, don't you?
Sarah: I really do.
Maggie: Well, he's a very lucky man to have you in his life.
Sarah: [Scoffs] No, don't give me too much credit, 'cause ever since "nicole" came back, I have been feeling pretty damn insecure.
Maggie: Well, that's not the impression I got earlier. You seemed so convinced that things were gonna work out between you and eric.
Sarah: I know he loves me. But there is a part of me that... that wonders if he truly wants to be with me or if we just ended up together because nicole rejected him.
Maggie: You two are together because your connection is undeniable. And because this wicked kristen dimera made him think that nicole was no longer the woman that he had fallen in love with, that her anger had turned her into a completely different person.
Sarah: Yeah. Still... I've been afraid that time would soften nicole's anger. And that she would eventually forgive eric and then he'll just go running back into her arms and I... I'd lose him all over again.
Maggie: Well... we know that's never gonna happen.
Brady: Kristen said that she pulled nicole right out of the warehouse before it exploded. And now she feels like she deserves something in return.
Eric: Nicole's alive?
Brady: Kristen was desperate to come back to salem, so she knew she couldn't do it as herself, so she came back as nicole. She used rolf's technology, whatever the hell it is, to create a mask and then she convinced nicole to help her pull off the impersonation. Now, she had nicole and holly in some remote location and then kristen came back.
Eric: So first she's dead, now she's alive?
Brady: I know...
Eric: I kn--you know what, brady, I can't even believe you.
Brady: I don't believe--hey. Eric, I didn't believe it either. But think about it. How many people made it out of that fire? And you know nicole. She would do anything for holly, anything. If kristen really did make her that offer, eric, she--
Eric: Kristen doesn't make offers! She's a cold-blooded killer. You know it!
Brady: But she wouldn't hurt a child. And she had nothing against nicole.
Xander: Did kristen say where nicole and holly are?
Brady: No. No, she's not gonna tell me unless I find a way to grant her full immunity. Unless we do, we're not gonna see them again apparently.
Eric: Then I'm gonna go talk to that miserable bitch myself.
Brady: Hey, let me go with you.
Eric: No, I'm gonna do this on my own.
[Tense music]
I'm just a normal person
Victor: Mr. Shin chairs the board at dimera, our biggest rival.
Kate: I know.
Victor: Well, when I met you earlier at the club, you feigned disdain for him.
Kate: Oh, my god, seriously, I don't have a clue to what you're talking about.
Victor: Oh, save in. Number one, I can always tell when you're lying. And number two, the bartender told me you had your heads close together and you didn't seem upset at all.
Kate: Oh, really? Really, you're spying on me?
Victor: No, I simply tipped the man. Obviously I should have been spying on you.
Kate: It wasn't my idea, victor. Mr. Shin approached me--and quite aggressively, may I add.
Victor: Oh, please, you're gonna make me nauseous.
Kate: Oh, my god, no, not to sleep with me. To hire me... as ceo of dimera.
Victor: So have you defected or not?
John: Voicemail.
[Phone beeps]
Marlena: You know what, I'm sure he'll check in when there's news. Please try not to worry.
John: I can't help myself, doc. Despite everything kristen has done to brady, I'm afraid she still may have a hold on him.
[Suspenseful music]
Kristen: Hello, eric.
Eric: I prayed to god I'd never have to lay eyes on your face again.
Kristen: Oh, you still pray? I would've thought the whole sex, lies, and videotape thing would have put a kibosh on that.
Eric: You destroyed my life as a priest and you tortured my family. But this, this is a new low for you.
Kristen: What are you so upset about? I-I assume brady told you that your lady-friend is still alive.
Eric: And you're lying! Just like you lied when you pretended to be nicole.
Kristen: I fooled you, didn't I?
Eric: She was the love of my life. You made me think she hated me, that she blamed me for the death of her daughter... to get your hooks into brady.
Kristen: It wasn't personal. It's true. I wanted brady. And you were in my way. I kept telling you to stay away. But you were like a bad rash. You kept coming back. So I had to come up with something to get you to leave me the hell alone.
Eric: The death of a child?
Kristen: Holly is not dead.
Eric: Yeah, but you made us think she was. Even after john ripped off your face, you didn't say a word. You only mentioned it to brady. Why, did you think that somehow he'd start caring about you?
Kristen: Brady does care about me.
Eric: He hates you as much as I do.
Kristen: Why are you pitching a fit? You should be out there celebrating. I swear... on my love for brady, nicole is alive.
Eric: You demented freak.
Kristen: [Laughs] Now, now... you better start being nicer to me, because I'm the only one who can tell you where nicole and her precious little daughter are. Aren't you dying to find out?
Ciara: You can't fire ben.
Gabi: Yes, I can. I run dimera.
Ciara: Why would you get rid of your most dedicated employee?
Ben: Ciara--
Ciara: No, no, no, no. Ben works his tail off day and night. He'll go without food. He'll go without water. He'll go without sleep. He'll put his life on the line just to keep other people safe. He is smart, he is loyal, and he always does his best.
Gabi: Yeah, well, his best got me and stefan locked in a dungeon and left to die.
Ciara: How were we supposed to know that kristen was running around in a nicole mask? You guys didn't know. Nobody did.
Stefan: She has a point, gabi.
Gabi: Listen, I know that you two are simpatici or whatever, but I have a child to think about. I cannot take chances!
Stefan: You're right. You and arianna deserve the best, and you're getting that and more in ben.
Gabi: Well, you know I can't stand him.
Stefan: Look, gabi... it wasn't too long ago you felt that way about me and you changed your mind, right? The important thing is we are free and unharmed, okay? Probably better off for having been locked up together, if you know what I mean.
Gabi: Yes, I know what you mean. Will you stop? Yes, ben, you can have your job back.
Ben: Thank you... mr. And mrs. Dimera.
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Ben: You won't regret this.
Stefan: Mr. And mrs. Dimera.
Gabi: [Sighs]
Stefan: Has a nice ring to it.
[Chuckles] Now that we've both been honest about our feelings for each other, hopefully it's smooth sailing from here on out.
Gabi: I hope so. Hey, listen, um, I gotta go. I gotta go check on arianna right now, actually.
Stefan: Okay, hey, just promise me you'll come back and spend the night.
Gabi: Well, arianna's been worried, so...
Stefan: Yeah. Sonny and will are probably just getting there. It's late. She's sleeping. You're gonna sit down and watch her sleep all night?
Gabi: [Laughs]
Stefan: We will have you up and out of the house and back home before she wakes up.
Gabi: Well, I can't make any promises, 'cause I need to go check up on her right now. I need to get going.
Kate: I... declined mr. Shin's offer, obviously, because I work for you.
Victor: You telling me you turned down a shot to be top dog at dimera? And you turned it down out of loyalty to me? Kate: Is that so very hard to believe?
Victor: Yes.
Kate: I told mr. Shin that i couldn't work for him because of my allegiance to you. But truthfully, it's because i was afraid of kristen. She had threatened to kill me, kill my family. I thought it best not to defy her.
Victor: That cuckoo's in a cage now.
Kate: Exactly. So now I'm free to accept the offer.
Victor: And is that your plan?
Kate: That all depends.
Victor: On what?
Kate: On whether you can match mr. Shin's offer. Demote brady. Make me ceo of titan.
Brady: What in the hell are you doing here anyway?
Xander: I came to help. I promised maggie and sarah I'd try and get kristen to give up holly's location.
Brady: Yeah, maggie, after three decades of being sober, destroyed by your lies, xander, you know that?
Xander: I'm trying to make it up to her.
Brady: Don't give me that crap. You knew that holly was alive. You didn't say anything.
Xander: I didn't know anything about nicole, I swear. All kristen told me was that holly was in good hands. I had no idea she was with her mother until you told us just now.
Brady: Sorry I don't buy it, xander. You've teamed up with kristen before. And you hate eric. You've always been jealous of him because nicole has been the love of his life. You tried to put a bullet in him.
Xander: You have no right to lecture me on being jealous of eric.
Brady: We're not talking about me; we're talking about you being scum.
Xander: Look, whether you believe me or not, I didn't know anything about nicole. Yeah, I might not have been the man of her dreams, but we were married. I did care about her. And I, for one, am happy that she didn't die in that fire.
Brady: Are you suggesting that I'm not?
Xander: No, I'm suggesting that, instead of wasting your time trashing me, maybe you should just be happy nicole is alive.
Sarah: It is going to be so hard for eric to have to grieve nicole all over again. But, mom... this changes things. Maybe now eric can finally find closure. And maybe now we both can finally move forward. And I'm gonna be there for him every step of the way.
Maggie: Like I said, he's a lucky man.
Sarah: Do you think that I'm a horrible person? Because it sounds like I'm relieved that nicole is gone, like it makes things easier for me.
Maggie: No, honey, I know what you're saying.
Sarah: Because I would never ask or expect or even want eric to forget nicole. What I want is all... all I want... is for eric to be happy.
Eric: Okay, let's hear it.
Kristen: As I told brady, i need full immunity first. So... run along. Talk to the da. And once I'm free, I'll tell you anything you want to know.
Eric: You're not going free until you talk.
Kristen: And I'm not gonna talk until I go free. So we hit a wall.
Eric: Kristen, I'm telling you--
Kristen: This is not a negotiation. You get me a deal... or you will never see nicole again.
Eric: Where is she? Where is she?
Eric: You tell me where they are now! Tell me where they are, kristen!
[Overlapping shouting] You tell me where they are! I want to know where they are!
Brady: Eric!
Eric: Where's nicole?
Brady: Leave her alone!
Maggie: Listen... you know, don't be so hard on yourself. I had a few private moments of my own when I found out that kristen was masquerading around as nicole. And they weren't entirely noble.
Sarah: What kind of thoughts?
Maggie: Well, let's just say that I was relieved that I didn't hallucinate kristen. I had been drinking and, when i saw her in nicole's room, I... well... everyone thought I was delusional, and that made me feel terrible about myself. But I was right. I know what I saw.
Sarah; mom, I am... I am so sorry. I have been so wrapped up in my own stuff lately that I haven't even told you how proud I am of you for your sobriety.
Maggie: Oh.
[Laughs] Ooh, and I'm so proud of myself. And so is victor. He gave me this. It's to celebrate ten weeks' sobriety and counting. I was touched.
Sarah: I'm glad that victor is being supportive.
Maggie: Well, he and I had a rough patch lately. But it's partially my fault. But now we're on the right track. And hopefully for good.
Kate: I know you don't want to lose me. If you make me ceo, I won't leave titan and I won't leave you.
Victor: [Sighs] I can't do that to brady. I mean, you of all people know how hard it was for me to renew my relationship with my grandson.
Kate: I know how easily distracted he is by personal matters. I mean, right now, he's dealing with a psychotic mess as we speak.
Victor: Kristen dimera will go to prison and he'll go back to work.
Kate: But I do a better job, and you know that. I earned this. I deserve it.
Eric: I'm out of here.
Xander: If you don't mind, I would love to get a hold of ms. Dimera.
Just make it quick, all right? I've got to take her down to holding.
Kristen: [Coughs] Oh, you have some nerve, showing up here.
Xander: I just came to talk some sense into you.
Kristen: If you think I'm gonna listen to a spineless traitor like you--
Xander: I'm just gonna cut right to the chase. You want immunity, you can get it, just like I did. But first you have to make a show of good faith. There are women who know when little leaks show up,
Ciara: So if gabi stays in charge at dimera, do you think she'll let us stay at the gatehouse?
Ben: Well, I don't know what happened down in that cellar, but gabi and stefani seem to be getting along.
Ciara: You noticed that too, huh?
Ben: Oh, yeah. I mean, since stefan wants me to stick around and gabi seems to listen to him, I think we'll be able to keep our place. What?
Ciara: Nothing, it's just... you just said "our place."
Ben: That's how I think of it.
Ciara: Me too.
Ben: Okay, good.
Ciara: Yeah, you know, it's really... it's really starting to feel like home there. You know, it's where I wear your t-shirts, where I burn our dinners...
Ben: Mm.
Ciara: And it's where we made love for the first time.
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. And you know what's really cool?
Ben: What?
Ciara: I think it's really cool that us living together wasn't some sort of, like, big discussion. We just... I don't know, we kind of just drifted into it.
Ben: Well, let me make one thing very clear to you, ciara. I didn't drift into anything. I have wanted what we have together since the day I fell in love with you. No, you know what?
Ciara: Mm?
Ben: Even earlier. I've wanted this... since the day I found you on the side of the road. Fate brought us together.
Ciara: Mm...
Ben: I will never let anything--anything-- tear that apart.
[Tender music]
Stefan: Anyway, mr. Shin, sorry I missed you. I look forward to speaking soon.
[Phone beeps] How's ari?
Gabi: You were right. She was sound asleep. So how come you were on the phone with mr. Shin?
Stefan: I'm just checking in, since I assume I'll be getting my job back.
Gabi: [Scoffs] Why would you assume that? Shin named me ceo and I've been doing a pretty good job while you've been away.
Stefan: Sure, but I was only away because I was framed for kidnapping and murder, which is why you were tapped to step in. I would imagine shin and the rest of the board will want things to get back to normal as soon as possible. It's not gonna be a problem, is it? For you? And by "you," I mean "us."
Victor: I'm sure shin has moved on by now.
Kate: On the contrary. It's an open-ended offer. So all I have to do is say yes and, as andre's widow, i qualify.
Victor: Dimera already has a ceo.
Kate: Gabi hernandez? She's about as qualified, as capable, as my shoe of running a multinational corporation. Stefan's a joke. And kristen will be totally out of the running by the time they throw her into prison.
Victor: I'm just not sure i can do it.
Kate: The victor kiriakis that I know always puts his company first, because he knows, by ensuring the continued success of titan, he's taking the best care of his family. And his family is more important to him than anything.
Victor: But if I demote brady, he's never going to forgive me.
Kate: [Scoffs] Brady's a big boy. He's going to get over it. He knows it's only business. And if he doesn't, then he's really not up to the task, am I right? Let's do it.
John: You know what, doc, i think we need to call a timeout here from worrying about our boys and just try to enjoy the last couple hours of our anniversary.
Marlena: You know, if it hadn't been for kristen, this would have been a perfect night.
John: No, no, no, no, no, it's all good. I'm here with my incredible wife. We have just celebrated another year together. As far as I'm concerned, it couldn't be any more beautiful than this.
Marlena: I'm just so glad i married you.
John: Th--that was my line! You just--you just took the words right out of my mouth. But I can promise you this, sweetheart. We are going to enjoy many more happy anniversaries, especially now that kristen dimera is finally out of our lives for good.
[Romantic music]
Kristen: I'm not saying a damn word until I get total immunity. You sure didn'T. But once you knew that they couldn't touch you, you flipped on me like the rat you are.
Xander: Come on, K.D. Can't you tell me where holly and nicole are? Just for old time's sake?
[Dangerous music]
Kristen: [Mouthing]
Go to hell.
Xander: You owe me.
Kristen: I owe you nothing.
Brady: Hey. Why don't you go home? I'll call the da. I'll set up a meeting, all right?
Eric: I'm not leaving. Not until I know the truth.
Brady: We're gonna get to the bottom of this, I promise you that. Come on, go home and get some rest. I'll call you as soon as I hear anything, I promise you. Go home.
[Dramatic music]
Kristen: I swear on my love for brady, nicole is alive. Nicole is alive. Nicole is alive. Nicole is alive.
Stefan: Why do you seem so unhappy? When we were in that room, i opened my heart to you, told you that I have real feelings for you.
Gabi: Well, then why are you so quick to demote me?
Stefan: I'm only taking back a job that's rightfully mine.
Gabi: Right, and you're expecting me to go back to running gabi chic?
Stefan: Would that be so bad?
Gabi: It's just not as easy taking orders now that you're used to giving them.
Stefan: You've been under me before.
Gabi: Yeah. But I prefer to be on top. I thought you liked it too. I mean, you weren't complaining earlier.
[Phone beeps]
[Line trilling]
Eric: Hey.
Sarah: Eric. Hey, I'm going crazy worrying about you. What's going on? What happened with kristen?
Eric: Can you come over to my place? I need to talk to you in person.
Sarah: Of course.
[Phone beeps] I-I have to go.
Maggie: What's going on?
Sarah: I don't know.
[Somber music]
Xander: Kristen... the charges against you are very serious. You have to give something to get something.
Kristen: Oh, I am gonna get everything... brady, dimera, and sweet, sweet revenge on you.
[Door opens]
Hey! It's time to go.
Brady: This is an urgent matter, ms. Trask. Lives are on the line, so i would appreciate if you could please call me back at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Kristen: Uh, may I have a brief moment with brady please?
Brady: What?
Kristen: I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Ben: I have never wanted anything more than what we have together. Ciara, you believe in me. You encourage me. The way you just stood up for me to gabi, I don't deserve that. I don't deserve you.
Ciara: What? No, don't say that.
Ben: No, it's how I feel. But at the same time, I feel like... the luckiest guy in the world. My god, I--ciara, I never had a real home. Now I do... with you. I have never been happier in my entire life. Ciara, I love you.
Ciara: I love you, too.
Marlena: [Sighs] Well... our big bash didn't turn out so well. But the after-party's really nice.
John: Mm-hmm. I know that I promised you freezer-burned wedding cake, but you know what? I think I'm gonna go straight to the strawberries and whipped cream.
Marlena: On ice. On the night stand.
John: I like the way you think. Happy anniversary, doc.
Marlena: Oh, happy anniversary.
Maggie: Ah, well, I've been trying to reach you. I have big news.
Victor: Oh, so have I.
Maggie: Oh, I thought you weren't feeling well. Where have you been?
Victor: I've been with kate.
Maggie: [Laughs] Oh, well, I'm not happy to hear that.
Victor: Yeah, well, you will be happy to hear this. She's leaving titan.
Maggie: Why?
Victor: She wanted to be ceo and I wouldn't throw brady over for her. So she resigned, effective immediately.
Maggie: [Laughs] Oh, honey! Yay.
Kate: How sweet.
Stefan: You got some nerve, walking into my house after falsely accusing me of kidnapping, getting me thrown in jail when you knew it was my sister the entire time!
Kate: Sorry, not my choice. Kristen threatened to kill me and my family if I told the truth. Anyway, I'm hoping the both of you can let it go, seeing that it's in your best interest.
Gabi: Oh, where do you get off telling us what's in our best interest?
Kate: Well, there's been a development, so I came by because I thought the two of you should be the first to know.
Stefan: Know what?
Kate: We're going to be working together. I'm the new ceo of dimera.
[Tense music]
Kristen: I am so grateful, brady. The way you leapt to my defense!
Brady: I did it for my brother, all right? I didn't want to see him get arrested and, frankly, I don't blame him for attacking you, kristen, at all.
Kristen: All right, you can tell yourself anything you want, but I know the truth. You didn't want me to die. Because the connection between us is still there. You can feel it right now.
Brady: You...disgust me.
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
[Laughs] I can feel the fire inside you right now, passion only I can stir in you. I'm in your blood, brady, and i always will be.
Come on.
[Dramatic music]
[Door opens]
Sarah: Hey. I got here as fast as I could. Did xander get kristen to tell you where holly is?
Eric: She's not talking.
Sarah: Oh, my god. Eric, I'M... I'm so sorry.
Eric: There's more. This isn't about holly.
Sarah: What do you mean?
Eric: Kristen said that nicole's alive.
Sarah: What? D-do you believe her?
Eric: I don't know what to believe. But the one thing that I do know is... I have to find out.
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