Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 08/27/19
Episode #13595 ~ Kristen offers to give up compelling information for her freedom; Anna urges Tony to use his knowledge of Gabi and Stefan's whereabouts as leverage with the police; Xander swears to Maggie, Sarah and Eric that Holly is alive.
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: Phew, I never thought we were gonna get susan in the cab.
Will: Oh, you're telling me. I--I'm very sorry you had to listen to that horrible rendition, of, uh, "heartbreak hotel."
Sonny: Are you kidding? I'm actually worried about the driver. She's gonna be serenading him all the way to the airport.
[Phone beeps]
Will: Please tell me that's not susan. If I have to listen to her say "she's so lonely she could die" again...
Sonny: No, it's a text from mackenzie.
Will: Ari's babysitter?
Sonny: Yeah. Gabi never called her back. Where could she be?
Stefan: Help, someone!
[Grunts] We're trapped down here!
Gabi: Can you please give it a rest? You've been yelling and banging for like two hours.
Stefan: I can't just stand here, all right? I'm going crazy.
[Sighs, sniffs]
[Sighs] Fine. Now that we've got a little time to kill, you wanna discuss what the hell just happened between us?
Gabi: I'm gonna make sure that you have nothing. I'm gonna make sure you never get your company back.
Stefan: What more could you take from me, gabi? You--you want the--here, you want the shirt off my back? Oh, I'll give you the shirt off my back, 'cause that's all you can take, and it's sweltering down here anyways.
Gabi: I don't want your stupid shirt!
Stefan: Yeah, well, what do you want?
Gabi: What are you--what are you doing?
Stefan: We can both keep on doing this dance, pretending that we hate each other, but we both know exactly where this is going.
Gabi: [Moans]
[Squeaks] I have no idea what you're talking about.
Stefan: Is that so?
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
[Phone ringing]
Lani: Here you go.
Tony: Thank you.
Anna: Oh, good, you're back. Does this mean you've changed your mind? You're not going to book tony for killing ted?
Lani: I already did. I'm just waiting on the holding cell.
Tony: [Groans] Anna... do you think you should get home? I--I think it's best. I don't want you sitting around and getting upset.
Anna: I--I'm not leaving here, and I've been very busy making calls. I don't care if I have to beg, borrow or steal, I'm going to raise your bond. So don't you worry. I'll be taking you home before you know it.
Tony: [Chuckles]
Lani: I wouldn't count on that. I'm afraid your ex-husband is considered a flight risk, and da trask has made it very clear that she is going to ask the judge to deny his bail.
[Tense music]
Sarah: I can't believe that you would sink this low. I mean, I knew that you were a sadistic, opportunistic creep, but to do this--to tell us that holly is alive--
Eric: That's cruel, even for you.
Xander: Why would I lie? The da gave me full immunity.
Maggie: So what? Now that you're free and clear, why not have a little fun at our expense?
Xander: Oh, I wouldn't do that to you, maggie, I swear to you. To all of you. I'm telling the truth. Now that kristen dimera is safely behind bars where she can't hurt anyone, I--I can finally be the bearer of good news. Nicole's little girl didn't die in that crash.
Maggie: [Gasps]
Brady: Holly's alive?
[Scoffs, stammers] What is this, some ploy to get me back or something, kristen?
Kristen: No, no, no, it's not.
Brady: Well, then you need to tell me the truth about what's going on, 'cause there's a lot of people in this town that loved that little girl. So I think you need to tell me-- what is the truth here?
Kristen: I have been telling you the truth. I swear, brady. Holly is alive.
Brady: Then where is she?
Kristen: She's exactly where she should be--with her mother.
Brady: What kind of sick-- sick game are you playing, huh? Nicole is dead. I saw her burn up in that fire. I watched her die, kristen. What are you talking about?
Kristen: No, you didn'T. I mean, you're right, the building did collapse. I mean, it was consumed in this spectacular fireball. But before it did, I found nicole. I got her out. I saved her life.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Maggie: This man has given me absolutely... no reason to trust him. But somehow, I know it's true. My heart is telling me it's true. Our little holly is alive.
[Weepy laugh]
Eric: That little girl's alive, you better take me to her right now, and I mean right now.
Xander: I wish that I could. Only problem is, kristen didn't tell me exactly where holly is. But she did assure me she's in very good hands.
Kristen: It's the god's honest truth. Nicole is with holly as we speak.
Brady: You--you're telling me they're both alive?
Kristen: Yes, I--when the warehouse caught fire, I saw you and eric desperately trying to dig her out of the rubble. I mean, you were doing everything you could to free her from where she was trapped. And then I heard eric promise nicole that he would take care of holly. But he wouldn't leave. And you? You were afraid that he was gonna perish alongside of her, and so you hit him over the head with a crowbar and you got him out.
Brady: Just like you got nicole out?
Kristen: Yes, yes, that is what I've been trying to tell you.
Brady: How? How? I don't get this. How did you--
Kristen: I found a window that was blown out by the fire, and I managed to pull nicole out before the building collapsed.
Brady: And then what? Then what?
Kristen: No matter how nicole felt about me--I mean, she was grateful that I saved her life. She was grateful to be alive, but most importantly, she was worried about holly. She was desperate to see her baby girl.
Brady: [Sighs] And then what did you do?
Kristen: It was simple. I just... made her on offer no mother could refuse. Her baby for her life. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Xander: I do hope that my sharing of this information about holly demonstrates to you both my sincere commitment to being a better person.
Eric: Everything you do and say demonstrates you're a heartless bastard. Assuming you're telling the truth. Who in the hell in their right mind would trust kristen dimera's judgment on how to care for a child? Why don't you just tell me what monster has her right now?
Brady: What do you mean, "an offer that nicole couldn't refuse"?
Kristen: Oh, come on, do i really have to answer that?
Brady: You're damn right you do, because if you're not telling me the truth--
Kristen: You know what, i swear to god, I've been telling you the truth ever since you walked into this room.
[Scoffs] Nicole has never been a threat to me. She--I have no reason to hurt her.
Brady: And holly?
Kristen: Come on, you know better than anyone how I feel about children. I wanted nothing more than for nicole to be with her daughter. I mean, I risked my neck pulling her out of that fire, so i should have something to show for it.
Brady: So something reasonable like--like stealing nicole's identity, right?
Kristen: I needed to come back to salem. Back to you. But I couldn't do that as myself, and lucky for me, I had access to all of rolf's mask technology. But unfortunately, the mask wasn't enough, so I needed someone to--to, uh, you know, teach me. To show me how to be nicole.
Brady: Her baby for her life. You expect me to believe that nicole did all this willingly?
Kristen: Well, I mean, maybe she was in a--tied to a chair or something, but she did know a good deal when she heard one. I made all necessary arrangements for her to be with her daughter, and I made sure that, uh, no one would come looking for her or holly.
Brady: By convincing everyone out there that they were dead. Right?
Kristen: It is. The truth and nothing but.
Brady: Okay, question.
Kristen: Mm-hmm?
Brady: Why should I believe a single word that you're saying?
[Phone beeps]
Will: She's not answering.
Sonny: Well, maybe we're just, you know, overreacting. I mean, she is running dimera, okay? She could just be working late.
Will: I mean, being a ceo is a full-time job, obviously, but when you were a ceo, if I called you and you knew it could be about ari, you answered.
Sonny: You're right, and so would gabi. You know, but maybe she doesn't have her phone. 'Cause when I saw nicole earlier, gabi had left her phone at the dimera mansion. I just--I just figured she went back to get it.
Will: Wait, hold--hold on. The last person who saw gabi was nicole.
Sonny: It was kristen dimera.
Gabi: Please tell me you're not reading into this. Into what we just did.
Stefan: I don't think there's much reading that needs to be done.
Gabi: Stefan, come on. It's not like we haven't had hate sex before.
Stefan: That's what you thought it was? Hate sex? Really?
Gabi: Okay, fine, I admit, i enjoyed it, and I'm sure you did too. But, I mean, how can I put this delicately? It's getting old.
Stefan: [Laughs]
Gabi: Is something funny?
Stefan: Only your continuing insistence that there's nothing between us but the physical when it's obvious you have feelings for me.
Gabi: I've never denied that I've had feelings for you. Feelings like disgust and hate. The, uh, heartfelt wish that you were dead.
Tony: Oh, anna, please.
Anna: [Hiccups]
Tony: I can't stand to see you so upset.
[Phone ringing]
Anna: Would you listen to yourself? You're in this terrible situation and--and you're worried about me.
Tony: Yeah, force of habit.
Anna: I'm trying to be strong. Really, I am. It's just... to mourn you for all those years and thinking I'd never see you again, and--and then to have this miracle gift of you being back only to be locked away.
[Hitches breath]
[Weeping softly]
Tony: Dear god.
Anna: What? What is it?
Tony: With everything that's been happening today-- with kristen being unmasked, me being charged with ted's murder--I just completely forgot. Kristen told me she locked gabi and stefan in the tunnels beneath the dimera mansion.
Anna: Are they still there?
Tony: As far as I know. You know, she wanted me to kill both of them, and when I refused she got very upset.
Anna: This is the best news ever. You can use their imprisonment to gain your freedom.
Anna: Sweetheart, don't you see? You have the leverage to bargain with the da. You can trade gabi and stefan's lives for your freedom.
Tony: But I don't know if the da's office is gonna see that as an even trade.
Anna: Of course they will. You killed one man-- ted laurent. But in self-defense. And by accident, no less. I mean, surely they're going to see saving two innocent lives more than makes up for that.
Tony: I just love the way you are so optimistic.
Anna: Why shouldn't we be optimistic? You've just been under so much duress, that's why you're so negative. And I don't blame you at all, but you leave everything to me. I'll call your lawyer and I'll have him start the process of negotiating your release.
Tony: Well, even if the da's office, uh, wanted to make a deal, I can't guarantee that stefan and gabi are still alive.
Anna: What are you talking about? You just told me kristen asked you to kill them...
Tony: Yes, I--
Anna: You refused.
Tony: I did, I did. But they've been down in that hellhole for--without any food or water--I mean, I don't know what kind of physical condition that kristen left them in. For all I know, they could... they be at death's door as we speak.
Gabi: Oh, there's anger. Hell of a lot of that. And then there's also loathing. Can't forget that one, hmm?
Stefan: Are you done?
Gabi: Oh, am I hurting your feelings?
Stefan: No, actually, I'm bored, so go ahead. Loathe me, hate me, do whatever the hell it is you want. The truth is, I've gotten past it.
Gabi: I'm sorry, "you've gotten past it"?
Stefan: [Sighs] I mean, sure. Did I hate you for pretending to be on my side? Making me believe that we were allies when the whole time you were plotting to destroy me? To take dimera from me? Sure, but underneath all of that hate and anger, there was something else. Something I don't even know how to describe. 'Cause all that time we spent together working side-by-side, I saw how your mind works. I saw that you go after what you want, anything you want, and anyone else be damned. So, yeah, after I found out that you had been conning me for months, did I hate you? Sure, but I saw underneath that. That there was more, and that everything about you-- all the--the deviousness, the passion, the treachery, the genius--all those qualities are exactly what caused me to fall for you.
Gabi: You fell for me?
Stefan: Yes. I should have admitted it before now, but my pride, my ego wouldn't let me do it. But I'm done with all that now. If we never get out of here, I'm not leaving anything unfinished. That's why I'm laying it all out on the line. I care for you, gabi hernandez, and I'm done pretending I don'T.
Will: Okay, so you showed up at the mansion and you--you found nicole, who was really kristen, chilling in the living room.
Sonny: Well, "chilling" would not be the right word. I mean, she was--she was really nervous.
Will: Nervous?
Sonny: Yeah, especially when I pointed out gabi's phone. I said, "gabi would never leave her phone behind." Okay, and she--and she was just like, "oh, no, it's no big deal. Gabi had some emergency business meeting to go to."
[Sighs] How could I not know something was up, will?
Will: Hold on, how--how could you not know that--that it was kristen wearing a nicole walker mask? I mean, that--that's not a conclusion that anyone would jump to.
Sonny: Guess you're right, but this whole thing is just crazy.
Will: Yeah. Okay, so we only have kristen's word that gabi even left the mansion, and we know she was furious that gabi was running dimera.
Sonny: Oh, my--what if kristen did something to hurt gabi?
Kristen: How can you doubt that I'm telling you the truth? I mean, as fantastic as it sounds... you should know by now... I will go to any lengths to be near you.
Xander: I understand your skepticism, but despite everything else she's done, kristen would not hurt a child. And if she did, she'd have to answer to me.
Eric: Yeah, well, forgive me if I have a hard time accepting your assurances.
Sarah: Can I talk to you for a minute?
[Tense music]
Xander: Maggie, I swear to you, I'm telling the truth.
Maggie: [Sighs]
Xander: And... I know how much holly means to you.
Maggie: And yet, you had no problem watching me grieve her death.
Xander: As I said, I-- I'm trying to be a better person now. So I really hope that you know that I'm acting in good faith when I tell you your granddaughter is alive.
Sarah: You don't fully believe him, do you?
Eric: No, I don't, but i can't think of any reason why xander would lie. What would I have to lose by proceeding on the assumption of truth? Sarah, I have a chance to honor the vow I made nicole. Before she died, I promised that I would--I would keep holly safe, and if that little girl's alive, I'm gonna move heaven and earth to find her.
Sarah: Yeah. I'm gonna be right by your side until you do.
Brady: Do you really expect me to believe you? Do you? You've been lying to me, kristen. Not only with your words, with your body. Every time you touched me, you pretended to be somebody else. That's pretty sick.
Kristen: I'm not so sure about that. You see, I think a part of you-- I mean, maybe even a part that, uh, is bigger than what you're willing to admit--knew that it was me all along.
Brady: Mm-mm.
Kristen: In fact-- in fact, brady... when we were alone together... the person who was lying to you was you. Nicole never kissed you the way I did. She never touched you the way I did.
Brady: S-stop that.
Kristen: Do you remember the first time we were together all those years ago? You said to me... that you could be the man you could never be with any other person.
Brady: I remember.
Kristen: You know what, and this time, right now, it's no different. In the light of day, I was nicole, but in the dark, when you and I were together and we were touching each other, I was kristen. And you, brady... you were that man again. And I know that no one in this town believes the word I say, but you trusted me once, and i need you to trust me again.
Brady: You want me to trust you? Do you? Is that what you want? Then you are gonna have to trust me first. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
[Phone ringing]
Tony: We can't wait around any longer. I've gotta tell someone about where gabi and stefan are, now.
Anna: Sweetheart, keep your voice down. At least until we can figure out how to use the situation to our advantage. Now, calm down, take a deep breath...
Tony: All right. Pity, though, that gabi and stefan don't have that same luxury.
Anna: Well, they haven't been down there that long, have they? I mean, more than a few people have escaped those tunnels.
Tony: Yeah, but by the skin of their teeth. You know, those tunnels are air-tight. There's a limited amount of oxygen down there.
[Sighs] I wish there was a way we could find out if they're all right.
Anna: You know, you seem awfully worried about stefan.
Tony: Why, is that a problem?
Anna: Have you forgotten your whole reason for working with kristen and keeping me at arms' length was to keep your brother from running the family business? And now you're doing the same thing to me all over again, only it's now to make sure he sees the light of another day. What is important to you, tony? Do you really, really want to risk your life and our future for vivian alamain's bastard son?
[Indistinct announcement on pa]
[Door squeaks]
Gabi: Well, you go ahead and tell yourself whatever you want, but we both know it was just sex--nothing more.
Stefan: No. If that's what you think, then so be it. But like I told you, I'm done denying my feelings. So if we never get out of here, you can keep on trying to destroy me, you can keep on hating me--hell, you can use what I just confessed to you against me... but I am opening my heart to you... knowing full well you promised to break it.
Will: Um, so I know you're probably out on police business, but, um, just give me a call whenever you get a chance. It's important.
[Phone beeps]
Sonny: No luck with rafe?
Will: No, I--I think gabi told me he was doing, like, a stakeout or something, and i didn't want to mention gabi in case we're worried over nothing.
Sonny: [Sighs] I really don't think we are. I mean, the way that kristen was acting this afternoon--what if gabi stumbled upon something and got in over her head? Come on.
Will: Wait, wait, wait...
[Stammering] Where are we going?
Sonny: To the dimera mansion. It's the only place we're gonna find any answers.
Will: How we gonna get in? Kristen was just arrested.
Sonny: We can't just sit here and wait.
Will: Okay, yeah, you're right. S-so they--kristen's at the police station, right? So if we want answers, we'll start there.
Sonny: All right, let's go.
Kristen: Brady, I do trust you. I trust you more than any other man in this entire world. Why else would I tell you that nicole is alive?
Brady: I wanna believe you. I want to believe you. I want to believe that nicole is alive, but you have to understand, kristen, after everything that's happened... I can't just take your word for it.
Kristen: Well, I guess then there's nothing else to say.
Brady: You can tell me where she is. You remember me telling you that I was a different person when i was with you? The same is true with you. You once told me that... no matter how bad you became, I was the one man that made you want to be good. I would love to see that goodness in you now, in this moment. Because if we have an iceberg's chance in hell of ever being together again, kristen, I need you to trust me. And that's why you're gonna tell me where nicole is... and you are gonna do it right now.
Eric: [Sighs]
Sarah: Brady's not answering?
Eric: No. He's the only one I can think of that could convince kristen to tell the truth. But I'm not gonna stop, maggie. I'm gonna honor the promise that I made to nicole. I am going to find holly. I'm gonna keep her safe... even if I have to go to kristen to convince her to tell me where holly is.
Sarah: No, eric, I don't think that that's a good idea. Kristen knows what a good guy you are and how you would do anything to help holly. She's just gonna use it against you.
Maggie: Sarah's right. I think you have very little chance getting through to kristen, but there is one person she might talk to. But he's definitely not one of the good guys.
[Suspenseful music]
Maggie: Xander... you said you regret working for kristen. You regret causing me pain, and all the other people who loved holly so much grief. Well, if that's the case and you truly do want to help the people that you've harmed... then go to kristen. Get her to tell you where holly is.
Sarah: You said you wanted to be a better man. Prove it. Do this for holly. For my mom. Xander... do it for me.
Kristen: I wanna trust you. I wanna believe that you really mean it when you say that there's a chance for us to be together. I give you nicole's location... and you're just gonna do what you always do. Mm-hmm, you're gonna ignore what's in your heart, turn your back on me.. but unlike you, I am a woman of my word, and I gave nicole her daughter in exchange for her life. And if anyone in this town wants to see them again... you... are gonna get me a new deal. Complete immunity from all my crimes.
Gabi: You're right. You're right. After what you did to me, i vowed to seduce you and crush your heart into a million pieces.
Stefan: So what are you waiting for?
Gabi: I can'T.
Stefan: Why not?
Gabi: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, I am going to hate myself for this so much more than I hate you. You're right, okay? You're right. I can't keep pretending. I'm--damn it, stefan, I feel the same way you do.
Stefan: [Chuckles] You do?
Gabi: Can you--yes, I do, but stop smiling, okay? Oh, my gosh, brady and kate, they warned me that I was playing this dangerous game, but did I listen to them? No, I did not. I said to myself, "no, you're never gonna get hurt again. You're never gonna fall for a guy again." But the joke's on me, 'cause... not only did I feel something for the man that I just despise on this planet, I actually fell in love with him.
[Seductive music]
[Door clicks, opens]
Stefan: Oh, my god.
Anna: Oh, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?
Gabi: Oh, my god, you're-- we have been trapped in here for hours! Thank you for coming to save us!
Anna: But you're both okay, right?
Stefan: Yeah, yeah, we're fine--thank you for coming to rescue us.
Anna: Oh, about that--it's gonna take a little while.
Stefan: What do you mean, "a little while"?
Anna: Well, you're just gonna have to wait, but I brought you some provisions.
Gabi: What? What?
Anna: I'll be back!
Stefan: Anna, wait!
Both: Anna!
Gabi: Oh, my god!
Anna: I am so sorry. I'll be back as soon as I can.
Both: Anna!
Stefan: The hell is going on?
Gabi: Anna, please!
Sonny: Lani, thank god you're here.
Lani: Sonny, whoa, what's going on?
Sonny: It's gabi. She's missing.
Lani: "Missing"?
Will: We think she needs help.
[Phone ringing]
Xander: This is a waste of time. Kristen already knows I flipped on her. Only thing she's gonna tell me is to go to hell.
Sarah: That may be true.
Eric: You have a better chance than either of us.
Xander: Well, that's really not saying much, is it? Look, I'm sorry, but... okay.
Sarah: Okay?
Xander: I'll go to the police station and talk to kristen. For you.
Eric: I'm going with him.
Xander: Suit yourself, pal.
Eric: I'm gonna make sure he keeps his word.
Brady: I'm sorry, I--I can't get you a deal.
Kristen: Don't sell yourself short, brady. I mean, you haven't even tried.
Brady: Kristen, it's not about me. It's about the new da, melinda trask. She's not a fan of the dimeras, and given the extend of your crimes--
Kristen: Okay, no harm in making the call, is there? I mean, I really don't think that's too much to ask, considering I am bringing back a mother and daughter from the dead.
I'm jimmy dean and uh,
Gabi: How could she do that? How could she just leave us here? Oh, are you kidding me? How can you be drinking that? Give that to me. I'm thirsty, what are you doing?
Gabi: You crazy? This could be poisoned.
Stefan: Why would anna poison us?
Gabi: What if she's working with kristen, okay? They might wanna cut their losses and get out of town and leave us here.
Stefan: Gabi... we're gonna make it out, okay? Hey. We've gone this far, haven't we? Finally admitted our true feelings for one another. So maybe being trapped down here wasn't the worst thing. I don't know about you, but... I'm not ready to be rescued anytime soon.
Gabi: Yeah, you're right.
[Phone ringing]
Anna: Mm. I found stefan and gabi.
Tony: You did? How are they?
Anna: They're fine.
Tony: Oh.
Anna: You know, it's gonna-- it, uh, might sound crazy, but i think they actually are enjoying their time together.
Tony: What, in the secret room? Oh, that's just the imagination talking.
Anna: Told you it was crazy. Anyway, I gave them some water, so they should be fine for at least 24 more hours. Just long enough for you to make a deal with the da and--and secure your freedom.
Tony: I'm sorry, darling. I think it's a little too late for that.
[Dramatic music]
Tony: I'm sorry, I--I just couldn't take any more chances with gabi and stefan's lives. I had to tell will and sonny where they were.
Anna: You did?
Tony: Yes. They're on their way to rescue them now.
Anna: But--but how will you bargain with the da? You don't--you won't have any leverage.
Tony: I know. My point is... to be honest, I did it for you.
Anna: For me?
Tony: You told me that i compromised myself by teaming up with my insane sister. Absolutely true, it was, what you said to me.
[Sighs] So I decided... that I want to really be the kind of man... that you can be proud of. I hope you're not mad.
Anna: Mm-mm, no. I've wasted far too much time being cross with you.
Lani: The holding cell's ready.
Anna: Don't worry, sweetheart. You--you cheated death to get back to me, and now that we're together, I'm--I'm sure we can find a way to beat these charges.
Tony: [Chuckles]
[Somber music]
Brady: All right, let's say, just for a second... that I believe you. That I believe that you have holly and nicole hidden away somewhere and that they're alive. It really sounds to me like you are threatening their lives, kristen, if you don't get what you want.
Kristen: Okay, I can't help how it sounds. All I know is that you have a choice to make. You could walk out of this room, turn your back on me, and holly and nicole could stay dead. Or, you can find a way to help me get off, and I can bring them back home to salem.
Maggie: I didn't think it was possible. In my heart, I wished so hard, and I prayed... mm. I know it's true.
[Sighs] My little granddaughter. She's alive.
[Both laugh] She's alive, yes.
Sarah: Eric and xander just-- they have to figure out a way to get through to kristen, 'cause...
[Sniffs] Holly's out there somewhere, and she's probably scared and alone and...
Maggie: [Sobs]
Sarah: God, it would just-- it would mean everything to find her and bring her home.
Maggie: Oh, god. Oh...
[Phone ringing]
Eric: Listen, are you scared? 'Cause if you're afraid to face kristen dimera on your own, i can happily go in there myself.
Xander: I don't need you to hold my hand. And just to be clear, I'm not doing any of this to help you ease your guilt over what happened with holly. I'm doing this for sarah and maggie. Brady? Is kristen still in there?
Brady: She is, yeah.
Eric: We wanna talk to her. There could be a chance that holly's still alive.
Brady: I know, and there's more.
Xander: More?
Brady: According to kristen, holly's not the only one.
Eric: What do you mean?
Brady: Kristen claims that nicole is still alive, eric.
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