Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 08/26/19
Episode #13594 ~ Maggie and Sarah blast Xander for his lies; Kristen drops a bombshell on Brady; Tony makes a confession to Anna; Eli and Lani arrest Tony.
Provided By Suzanne
Susan: I just--I-- I can't believe that that mean, mean, mean kristen ruined the extra-special celebration for dr. Marlena evans and mr. John black's extra-special true love.Sonny: Well, thanks to you, marlena is alive and can celebrate many more anniversaries.
Will: That's true. Last time kristen showed up, s wasn't so lucky.
Sonny: The only good thing that came out of that ruined wedding was that you got your memory back.
Will: Yeah, and as thrilled as I am about that, kristen set off a chain of events that devastated too many people in this town.
Sonny: Yeah. Hopefully, this time it'll be different.
Anna: What do you mean kristen's not the only one who's killed people? You don't mean you. She didn't make you kill someone, did she? Because you would never do that. You're not a killer. That's impossible!
Tony: You're wrong, anna. I took a man's life.
Eric: I'm sorry.
Sarah: No, it's all right. I mean, god, to find out that kristen has been masquerading as nicole this whole time, I mean, that's-- that's like losing nicole all over again.
Eric: I know, but victor and maggie did not come to the party. They need to know the truth-- what happened to nicole, holly's death.
Sarah: Okay. If you need time alone to process this, I can tell her.
Eric: No. We're doing this together. First, I want to apologize again.
Sarah: For what?
Eric: For getting emotional about nicole. It just... it hit me really hard, you know, the idea of her death, the finality. But I never want you to question my feelings for you again, okay?
Sarah: You have no reason to apologize, and you have every right to grieve nicole. I just-- I cannot believe all the things that kristen did. And with xander's help.
Eli: Well, well, well. If it isn't the teflon don of salem.
Xander: It's within my legal rights to seek as many immunity deals as the D.A.'S willing to allow. And so far, she's been very willing.
Lani: How is it that you make everything sound so sleazy?
Xander: It's a gift. You know, instead of shaming me, the police should be thanking me for exposing kristen dimera's latest reign of terror.
Eli: Hell of a lot sooner would have been nice.
Xander: Well, now you know. And I suggest that you and the lovely detective price get off your bottoms and go and arrest kristen... because until you do, I won't feel safe walking the streets of salem until that bitch is behind bars.
Lani: Actually, we have kristen in custody. She's right behind that door.
Eli: Care to say hello?
Brady: I wanna hear it. I deserve to hear you admit to killing all those people, kristen-- ted, holly, nicole. I wanna hear you say it.
Kristen: [Laughing] Brady, come on--you have it all wrong. I didn't kill anybody.
Brady: Stop lying to me! You've been impersonating nicole this whole time to get what you want. I know the kind of person you are. I know what you've been up to. I want you to tell me the damn truth, kristen.
Kristen: Look, I swear to you--I swear I didn't kill anybody.
Brady: You tell me why i should believe a word you have to say. Why should I believe you?
Kristen: Because I love you. You are the only person in this world that matters to me, so please just hear me out. I will--I will tell you everything... so that you'll know that I don't have blood on my hands.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Xander: Kristen's in there? Why isn't she in a cell?
Eli: We just brought her in.
Lani: And she was not happy when hope told her that you ratted her out to D.A. Trask.
Xander: Hope said that?
Eli: Yeah, but you got all that immunity. It's all good, right?
Xander: Has kristen confessed?
Lani: To loving brady? Yes. To being responsible for a string of deaths? No.
Eli: Unless you got something you wanna add. Wanna go for another immunity deal?
Xander: There's no way kristen can be released, right?
Eli: You sound nervous. Doesn't he sound nervous?
[Light laugh] I guess I would be too if i flipped on kristen dimera.
Lani: If you do know anything else, now would be the time to come clean.
Xander: Unfortunately, I, uh, have someplace to be.
Eli: Damn near ran outta here, didn't he?
Lani: Wouldn't you if you'd ticked off kristen dimera? What kind kills a child just to get what she wants?
[Door closes]
Sarah: Hi, mom.
Maggie: Hi! I didn't expect to see you tonight.
Sarah: Um...[Ahem]. How's victor doing?
Maggie: Uh, better, better. It was a good idea to keep him home. was the big anniversary party? Was it fabulous? Were john and marlena surprised?
Sarah: We all were.
Eric: Kristen dimera crashed the party.
Kristen: I cannot bear to have you look at me like I'm a killer.
Brady: Because you are.
Kristen: No, brady, I-I saved lives.
Brady: You are.
Kristen: No! I saved lives. I didn't take them.
Brady: Holly and nicole are dead because of you, kristen! You even shot ted laurent.
Kristen: No, that wasn't me. I didn't shoot ted. It was tony.
Anna: You. You shot ted laurent? But I thought you weren't like the rest of your family.
Tony: I'm not! Shooting ted was an accident, i swear. But kristen's using that as leverage over me.
Anna: Okay, so that's it. So if you left her, she would go to the police and tell them you shot ted on purpose?
Tony: No, there's more to it. She threatened to hurt you if i didn't stay married to her.
Anna: You mean by hurt--
Tony: Yes, yes.
Anna: Kill me.
Tony: Yes. Anna, as much as I wanted to come back to you, there was only one choice to be made, and that choice was to protect your life at all cost. Please tell me you understand that.
Will: There you go.
Susan: You know what, will, i need something definitely stronger than h2o!
Sonny: Uh...all right. Well, one shot comin' right up.
Susan: Hey! Sonny, can you make me one-a those, um, blue hawaiian, you know, with a little extra creme de le coconut?
Sonny: Um... no?
Susan: Okay, shot's gonna do fine, thank you. Oh, make it--make it a double. Double.
Sonny: Want a dou--all right. Get ya a double. Double coming right up.
[Susan murmurs] All right, we can get ya a double--here we go.
Susan: Thank you.
[Gargling] Ohh!
[Smacks lips]
Will: Susan, I-- I can't believe that you--you chewed through those ropes to escape. Do your teeth hurt?
Susan: Yeah. I mean, it didn't help that--that mean, mean, mean kate, you know, tried to yank 'em outta my mouth. How did she think I could be kristen being me, I mean...
Sonny: That makes sense.
Susan: What?
Sonny: It was obviously kristen who showed up at our door last month.
Susan: No, no, no, sonny, that was me at the door.
Will: No, but-- yeah, she showed up first.
Sonny: Yeah. She was like really weird, like even--
Will: Yeah.
Sonny: Even for--
Susan: What? Even for who?
Sonny: Do you remember she gave xander that lucha libre mask?
Susan: A lucha what-cha?
Will: Uh...the mexican wrestling mask--yeah.
Sonny: And she said that she wanted to replace it with a more, um, feminine one. Do you remember that? I bet you xander took that nicole mask.
Will: Yeah! So that's why she had to go around salem pretending to be susan. She went to go get the mask back from xander.
Sonny: And that's why there was a gun in her purse. It all makes sense.
Susan: A gun. A gun.
Will: A gun, yeah. Wow, I-I-- I don't wanna think about what would have happened if we hadn't taken the gun from her that day.
Eric: So all this time, kristen duped everyone into believing she was nicole.
Maggie: Ha ha. So then I saw kristen in the red dress. I know I'd been drinking, but i wasn't hallucinating.
Susan: Uh...I am so sorry that we doubted you.
Maggie: No apologies, sweetie. I was drinking, and I shouldn't have been. How did kristen pull it off? And why?
Susan: I--
[Sighs] Partly because she wanted to gain control of dimera, and that'S...why she married tony.
Maggie: She married her brother?
Anna: You were protecting me?
Tony: Anna, I fought so hard to recover and to come back to you. There is no way I would have allowed kristen to-- to hurt you.
Anna: Even if you had to stay married to her?
Tony: Yes.
Anna: And even...if I hated you?
Tony: Ha. Yes. Oh, anna, your life, whether i share it or not... is the most precious thing on earth for me.
Anna: Oh, tony! Oh, darling. I only said I was marrying roman just to make you jealous. But you are the only one that I want to be with, ever. And forever.
Tony: Well, ever and forever might have to wait, because they still can accuse me of murdering ted.
Anna: But it was an accident, and the police should understand that.
Tony: Anna, listen. I was very well aware of kristen's criminal activity. Some may say that I was an accomplice.
Anna: No, no. Now, you--you were a victim. that wicked witch is locked away, you're free and she can't hurt you-- or me--anymore.
Tony: I hope you're right, my love.
Anna: Oh, I am. I am. And all we have to do now is go to the police and explain about ted's death and that you had no choice but to do whatever kristen told you to do.
Tony: But what if they don't believe me?
Brady: So now you're trying to pin ted's murder on your brother? I mean, from a family that prides itself on loyalty, i think your daddy would be very disappointed in you, kristen.
Kristen: It's true. Ted showed up at my hotel room to talk to nicole. He was desperate to convince her to turn on me, then things got a little crazy and we argued and...and tony shot him.
Brady: Tony shot him. Well, ted was found dead in his apartment.
Kristen: Well, maybe because I took him to his place to make his death look like a robbery gone bad.
Brady: To protect tony.
Kristen: Yes, yes, yes! To protect tony. Because he did me a huge favor by marrying me so that I could regain control of dimera from stefan.
Brady: So you framed stefan for ted's murder to get him out of the way?
Kristen: No, no, that was just dumb luck.
Brady: [Sarcastic laugh] Dumb luck?
Kristen: Yes.
Brady: How so?
Kristen: I had no idea that stefan was gonna chase down ted and get caught standing over his body with a gun in his hand. You have to believe me, brady.
Brady: Kristen.
Kristen: What?
Brady: If all of this is true... then you won't mind telling the police, will you?
Kristen: I will do anything you ask if it will prove to you that everything I've done is a way to find my way back to you.
Tech: At safelite autoglass,
Tony: You know, I should have gone to the police immediately after I shot ted accidentally.
Anna: But kristen was blackmailing you.
Tony: But what--why would they believe me?
Anna: Because it's the truth! That woman used your love for me to hold you hostage. But in the end... love won.
[Tony chuckles] And I won't--I won't lose you again, tony, not ever. Not after thinking you were just ashes.
Tony: [Laughs] You are such an angel. You are...everything that is good, bright, and light.
Anna: That's because I have you back again. And tony, we have faced much worse than this. We will survive this too. We just have to tell the truth.
Tony: You're right. And with you by my side, I have nothing to fear. So now we will go to the police and convince them that I am nothing like my sister.
Anna: Hmm.
Tony: Yes.
Susan: How dare kristen impersonate me yet again for her nefarious deeds! No wonder you two were all kinda strange the day I showed up.
Sonny: Well, we'd just seen kristen off, and then you showed up like two minutes later. Like, you were wearing a completely different outfit.
Will: Yeah, talk about confusing.
Susan: Oh! Like when you two gave me that gun just outta the blue, right?
Will: Well, I mean, yeah, 'cause we thought it was yours. But actually, it was that--
Susan: It was that phony kristen's!
[Gasps] Oh, and like you and-- and brady, you know, you accused me of--of throwin' myself at him when you know that I only have in this love tank of mine room for my roger--that's it.
Sonny: Well, that was because before you showed up, kristen threw herself at brady, like practically just stripped his towel off of him.
Susan: My god. She besmirched my good name! She did the same to my sister, sister mary moira. Oh, that little she-devil! She made us look like floozies!
[Light music]
Kristen: I, uh, took some money... the diamond necklace, and I put the gun next to ted's body to make it look like a robbery. And then I left.
Eli: Anything else you'd like to add?
Kristen: No. No, there's nothing else. I'm telling the truth.
Eli: All right. That concludes kristen dimera's statement on the death of ted laurent. August 26th, 2019.
Brady: So what now?
Lani: We need to get tony's statement, see if it corroborates with kristen'S.
Eli: And just so you know, laurent's death isn't the only crime we're investigating. There's also the death of holly walker.
Brady: Can I have some more time with her, please?
Eli: Sure.
[Soft, uneasy music]
Kristen: Truth and nothing but. Now do you believe that I did it all for you?
Brady: If that's true, kristen, if you ever cared about me at all, I'm gonna need something from you. I need you to look me in the face and admit to me that you killed holly.
Eric: Kristen married her brother, but her ultimate goal was to get to brady.
Maggie: Yeah, but he would never wanna be with her.
Sarah: Yeah, but that's why she pretended to be nicole and push eric away.
Maggie: So that's why she blamed you for holly being killed by the cartel. I mean, that was her excuse for ending things between you.
Eric: Yeah.
[Dark chords]
Maggie: Okay, there's more, isn't there?
Sarah: I-I'm-- I'm afraid so.
Eric: Maggie, she didn't act alone.
[Door opens] She had an accomplice.
Sarah: There he is now.
[Tense music]
Maggie: You knew nicole was kristen, and you said nothing!
Xander: I didn't have much choice.
Maggie: Well, what is so hard about doing the right thing?
Sarah: You forget who you're talking to, mom.
Xander: I wanted to, I did. But I've been working with kristen since her science experiment in nashville, and once she gets her hooks in you, she doesn't let go.
Maggie: You pretended to be my friend.
Xander: I am your friend.
Maggie: The hell you are! I told you I saw kristen and... you made me think I was hallucinating. You let me think that my drinking was part of the problem!
Xander: I am so sorry for that.
Maggie: You know, victor's right. You don't deserve to be a part of this family.
Xander: I made mistakes. I regret them, I--
Eric: You regret getting caught.
Xander: I'm trying to make good--I just sang like a bird to the police about kristen. She won't get away with what she's done.
Sarah: Things that she did with your help! You watched her torture eric and break his heart, and you did nothing!
Xander: Well, it seemed to work out in your favor, sweetheart--you couldn't pick up the pieces fast enough.
Eric: You know, I thought you were a piece of trash helping deimos kidnap nicole. But what you did to holly was pure evil.
Susan: Come on!
Sonny: All right, all right.
Susan: I mean, I should-- I shoulda known that I wasn't talking to my sister, sister mary moira. "I'm elopin' with the gardener." A cruise around the world. My sister is a prude from the get-go. I mean, she gets seasick just takin' a bath. Why didn't I know that that wasn't her? I mean, because I am one thing. I--maybe not one thing. I may be some things, but I am not--definitely, definitely, definitely no fool!
Sonny: Well, kristen fooled all of us...okay? With the help of xander. Which explains the payments that she was making to xander from that nashville account.
Will: Yeah. If only we had figured that out sooner. We could have stopped kristen from terrorizing salem again.
Sonny: Who knows? Maybe even ted laurent would still be alive.
Lani: Here's the transcript of kristen's statement.
Eli: What do you make of it?
Lani: It's hard to know. Her statement incriminates tony, the brother who helped her, and then it clears stefan. But why would she do that after trying so hard to steal his company and to destroy him?
Eli: Love.
Lani: What do you mean?
Eli: Kristen loves brady, and she'd damn near do anything to prove that to him. Maybe even tell the truth.
Kristen: If I ever cared about you? How can you even doubt that you're my world? Everything I've done is for you.
Brady: Everything you've done--are you proud? You proud of everything that you've done?
Kristen: Do you remember nashville?
Brady: Of course.
Kristen: You wanted me then. You loved me--I know you did.
Brady: Nashville--this is what nashville was about. I slept with you so I could find out where nicole was, kristen. That's it.
Kristen: I love you, and i know you love me--
Kristen--kristen! We had great sex--that's it! Do you understand me? It's not love. It is not love.
Kristen: You can tell yourself whatever you want. But I know when you made love to nicole... deep down, you knew it was me, didn't you? Didn't you?
[Eerie descending notes] Ah, it ended to soon.
Eli: Let's go find tony dimera, see if we can have a little chat with him.
Tony: No need to find me. I'm right here.
Lani: We need to talk to you about the death of ted laurent.
Tony: Well, that's what I'm here to discuss.
Eli: Your sister said that you killed him.
Tony: She said that?
Lani: Did you shoot ted laurent?
Tony: Unfortunately... yes, I did. But I'm quite sure that my sister must have told you that it was an accident.
Lani: She left that part out.
Eli: We also need to ask you about why you've been aiding and abetting your sister all this time.
Anna: Tony hasn't been aiding and abetting her. He's her victim. Kristen has been using him for weeks.
Tony: It's all right, darling.
Anna: No, it's not all right, darling. Tony is a hero. The only reason he didn't tell anyone what that evil woman was up to is because she threatened to kill me if he did.
Susan: [Slurping] I just hope for once the police figure out a way to put kristen in jail for good and for keeps. 'Cause that woman... ha! She is a terror!
[Light music]
Here. Gimme another one.
Will: Mm-mm. I think you had enough.
Susan: What?
Brady: I slept with nicole. My feelings were for nicole. If I had known you were behind some mask, I never would have touched you, kristen.
Kristen: Yeah, but you did touch me. A lot. And you know every curve on this body. My body. Not nicole'S. And that may have let you believe what you needed to believe to make you feel safe, but deep down... you knew that we have too much power.
Brady: No. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong.
Kristen: No, brady.
[Laughing] Oh, I'm not wrong! Just admit it! I mean, you admitted it to nicole. Come on, you still had feelings for me. You felt it, you felt my love, you felt me every time you touched that scar of the phoenix, every time, brady. You may have been making love to nicole, but you were there wanting me. I know that you were, deep down, deep down, right now, brady. You still do.
Eric: I don't care what kristen did to me, but I'll never forgive you and kristen for holly. I mean, you were the one who kidnapped her from her bed, weren't you?
Maggie: Oh, my god. Kristen and xander kidnapped holly? And killed her?
Eric: And then they hung the blame on the cartel.
Maggie: You're a monster!
Eric: If you think you're getting immunity for taking the life of that sweet little girl, you're dead wrong. Because if the police won't prosecute you, I'm gonna make you pay.
Xander: You've got this all wrong--I loved holly when she lived with me and nicole in nashville. I'd make up these silly little games and make her laugh every time.
Sarah: You made her laugh, and you drove her off a cliff?
[Somber music]
Maggie: Oh, my god! -And...that's your basic three-point turn.
Tony: Kristen may have done some horrible things, but she's still my sister, and i certainly didn't want to see her die. And so I tried to wrestle the gun away from ted, and that's when the--we had the accident and the gun went off.
Eli: Why didn't you come forward when stefan was arrested for ted's murder?
Tony: I should have. But kristen threatened me that she would kill anna if i did.
Eli: Anything else you'd like to add?
Tony: No.
Anna: Yes! That he's done nothing wrong. And that he doesn't deserve to be locked up.
Tony: Darling, it's all right.
Anna: No, it's the truth.
Eli: Thanks for your cooperation, mr. Dimera.
Tony: So, uh, what's gonna happen to me now?
Eli: Well, it's up to trask. She's cut several immunity deals for xander, so maybe she'd be willing to give you a break.
Anna: Well, if she doesn't, she'll have to answer to me.
Tony: [Whispers] Oh, darling, sweetheart, it's okay.
Eli: Well, we'll take this up with her now.
Anna: I cannot believe that kristen did not tell the police that you shot ted by accident.
Tony: Yeah. I must say I was a bit shocked. I mean, she... left out the most important detail.
Anna: Well, the most important thing is really that you told the truth and that your word is worth much more than kristen'S.
Tony: [Chuckling] I feel better now. Well... conscience cleared, and all that.
Anna: [Giggles] And once we have--[Ahem]--Been sprung from this place... you and I can begin our future.
Tony: Oh...I have so dreamt of that.
Sonny: Kristen married her own brother to get control of dimera? I mean, who would do that?
Susan: Ugh! She's just one sick puppy!
Will: Yeah. She must have forced tony into that marriage. My grandmother says he's a decent guy, so I don't think there's any way he would have gone through with it if kristen, you know, gave him another choice.
Sonny: I'm not sure about that. I mean, he's a dimera. They can't help themselves.
Will: Well, you know one thing's for sure. Tonight woulda been way worse if you hadn't gnawed your way through those ropes and-- and clobbered kristen over the head. Sonny's right, I mean... you saved marlena's life. I'm so grateful for that. Susan, you're my hero.
Susan: Oh! Will--I-I don't know, no. I'm not a hero!
Will: Yeah, you are.
Susan: No, I'm not!
Maggie: My precious holly. Daniel's little girl. Ah, she's so like him. Look--her smile. She's so sweet. For kristen and xander to sacrifice this little child... how sick are you?
Sarah: How dare you even show your face here? Just get the hell out of this house and don't ever come back!
Xander: Please stop yelling at me and just--just hear what I'm trying to say.
Eric: We are tired of hearing your lies.
Xander: Please believe me, I--I never touched a hair on holly's head.
Eric: What, so you hired some dirty stooge to do your dirty work?
Xander: Listen to me! I would never allow anyone to hurt holly. It's the god's honest truth. I know I've done terrible things, but killing holly is not one of them.
Maggie: And we should believe you?
Xander: I swear on my mother's grave... I didn't murder your granddaughter.
Brady: Maybe I sensed something was different about nicole... but that doesn't mean I ever wanted to be with you again. You hear me?
Kristen: You asked nicole if she saw me in the fire because you were hoping that i was still alive. And nicole asked you if you would go back to me if I was. And you know what, I knew at that moment that you still wanted us to be together.
Brady: No. I never said that.
Kristen: [Laughs] You weren't ready to say it. You weren't, but I saw it in your eyes.
Brady: Yeah, well, it's not true--at all.
Kristen: I am the only woman that you have ever wanted. You've always wanted me, and you want me now.
[Whispers] I can see it.
Brady: You murdered a child. How in the hell am I ever supposed to have feelings for you?
Kristen: Except I didn'T. I didn'T. I'm not the monster you think i am. I'm just a normal person
Susan: All righty. Ooh...whoo hoo.
[Giggling] You know, will, I definitely-- I'm not a hero.
Sonny: Susan, you were totally brave. You came outta nowhere. You took aim, and you let kristen have it.
Susan: Oh, well, anyone... anyone coulda done that.
Will: No--okay, anyone could have, but you did. No fear. That makes you a bonafide hero.
Susan: [Giggling] I am not a bonafide hero!
Will: Yes. Yes, you are.
Susan: Okay, so I am!
Will: Yes, you are--there we go.
Susan: I'm a bonafide hero.
Will: I'm so grateful to have you in my life, susan, really.
Susan: Oh, will, my sweet, sweet will, you are my-- my stars in my skies.
Will: [Chuckles]
Susan: You know what, guys?
[Laughing] All this saving has just made me really pooped out.
Sonny: Mm.
Susan: It's way past my beddy-bye time.
Will: Well, um, I mean, we should probably stay and clean up, but why don't we get our hero a cab?
Susan: Hoo hoo!
[Laughter] You know what, do you--do you mind just, you know, puttin' me in a cab to the airport? Just 'cause I miss my roger.
Will: Yeah.
Sonny: We can definitely do that. All right, come on, we'll walk you out.
Will: All right, come on.
Susan: Oh, don't forget my purse!
Sonny: Yep.
Susan: Ooh... or we could dance tonight.
Will: We can dance to the cab. Oh--
[Susan giggling]
Tony: And I'd fall on one knee, right now if I could, and marry you again, anna. Well... we will, circumstances permitting.
Anna: Yes. And we'll have a beautiful wedding. We'll invite everyone we know. Maybe I'll come in on a horse.
[Laughs] I've always wanted to do that. And then we'll take a very, very long honeymoon.
Tony: Yes. One that'll be forever and ever.
Eli: [Ahem!]
Tony: Oh, I am sorry. I didn't see you there. Um... so am I free to go?
Eli: I'm afraid that I spoke too soon when I said that D.A. Trask might be willing to cut you a deal.
Anna: Well, what are you saying?
Eli: She's been reappointed by the mayor. She's afraid that if she does cut you a deal it'll make her look soft on crime. And it doesn't help that you're a dimera. She has a vendetta against your family.
Anna: But he's nothing like the rest of them.
Eli: Doesn't matter. Trask is still pressing charges. Which means...I'm forced to arrest you for the murder of ted laurent.
Anna: No. No!
Eli: Excuse me. I'm sorry. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
Xander: I'm not proud of the things I did with kristen, but if I didn't help her, she would have killed me.
Sarah: Oh. Oh, big, brave boy like you, and that's your excuse?
Xander: I do have a conscience. There's no way I would let holly die as part of kristen's crazy scheme.
Eric: What are you saying?
Xander: Holly's not dead.
Brady: Holly's alive? Hey, this isn't some ploy to get me back or anything...
Kristen: It's not.
Brady: Kristen, you need to be honest with me, okay? There's a lot of people in this town that love that little girl, so you need to tell me the truth about her right now.
Kristen: It is the truth. I swear. Holly is alive.
Brady: Where is she? Tell me where she is now!
Kristen: Where every little girl should be... with her mother.
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