Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/23/19
Episode #13593 ~ Kristen is finally exposed. A desperate Kristen pulls a gun on Marlena. Brady demands answers. Sarah comforts a reeling Eric.
Provided By Suzanne
John: Everydy, we would like to thank you all for being here, and trust me when I say from the bottom of our hearts, this means the world to us. Now, back when I thought I was the only one who was throwing a surprise party here...[Laughter] I chose this night specifically because exactly one year ago, this date was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but instead, I almost lost the love of my life, and in the days and weeks that followed--and you fought so hard to stay alive-- I had to face a cold, hard truth, and that was, if you lost this battle, I couldn't go on either, but you know what? Our prayers were answered, because you survived. So here is to marlena evans, and without a doubt, I am the luckiest man in the world to have you as my wife.
[Crowd murmuring]
Marlena: You... oh. Well, was 33 years ago today that I married this amazing man, and I looked at him and I thought, "I know everything there is to know about you." Boy, was I wrong.
[Laughter] It has been such an adventure to live with you, even through some very dark times. See, john is so...
Hope: Xander finally named his boss.
Marlena: He's fierce...
Hope: He swears it's kristen.
Marlena: When it comes to...
John: Kristen's dead.
Hope: She was in an explosion. That's all we know.
Marlena: Principles he believes in...
Hope: John, the woman I saw at the park--she dropped a brand-new $100 bill, just like the ones I found in ted's apartment.
Marlena: But then it wouldn't be john, my love, my soulmate, my friend.
John: What, do you think she could be here in salem?
Hope: She could be right here in this room.
John: Where the hell could kristen... kate tried to pull susan's teeth out. You think maybe she thought susan was kristen?
Hope: Kate was definitely hiding something. That could be it.
John: Eh, she was looking in the wrong place, though, I'm telling you, because those were susan's teeth, so...
Marlena: We always came through it together.
John: And where the hell could kristen be here, yet go undetected?
Sarah: Some of his inventions were just off the wall. Like, he had a schematic for this high-tech mask that apparently, he claimed would go on like skin and could make you look like anybody you wanted to be.
Tony: Dr. Rolf was insane.
Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john.
Kate: She said that she saw kristen wearing a red dress.
John: Where'd she see her?
Kate: She told me that she saw kristen open the door to nicole's room.
Tony: Dr. Rolf was insane.
Sarah: Make you look like anybody you wanted to be.
Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john.
Abe: ...About nicole surprises me anymore. Since she's come back, she's been another person.
Sarah: He had a schematic for this high-tech mask...
Tony: Dr. Rolf was insane.
Kate: Kristen opened the door to nicole's room.
Sarah: Made you look like anybody you wanted to be.
Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john.
John: So how did it go with your conversation with nicole?
Marlena: Not very well. I ask her a few questions, and then, uh, she got upset, and threatened to call the police.
Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john.
Sarah: High-tech mask... that make you look like anybody you wanted to be.
Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john. I know in the past, I've made some big mistakes. I promise this time, I'm gonna make your son very, very happy.
[Disquieting music]
Hope: John.
Marlena: And here we are today.
Hope: Where'd you just go?
Marlena: Surrounded by our-- our friends...
John: You know what you said a second ago about kristen-- she may be in this room?
Hope: Yeah.
John: I know you're right.
Marlena: And our family. What a happy time, a happy number of years together, and many more to come. So, my dearest love, you were always worth fighting for.
John: I love you.
Kristen as nicole: Okay, the speech is over. Let's go.
John: Wait.
Kristen as nicole: Uh, we're leaving.
John: You're not taking my son anywhere.
Brady: Dad, what are you doing?
John: She's behind ted and kate's kidnapping, and also ted's murder.
Brady: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. No, she's not. Nicole would never do that.
John: You're right. Nicole would never. You want to do the honors, or should I?
Hope: Mm, I don't know. I say go for it.
Brady: Excuse me. Excuse me. What are you two talking about?
Kristen as nicole: [Yelling]
Brady: Dad, what the hell are you doing?
Kristen: Agh!
[All gasping and exclaiming]
[Dramatic music]
Brady: Oh, my god.
Kristen: [Seethes and growls]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Disquieting music]
Kate: Well, I'll be damned.
Abe: I can't believe this.
Anna: So you married your own sister?
Eric: Wasn't nicole. It never was!
Eli: Hey, you're not going anywhere!
Kristen: Let go of me, you pigs!
Lani: Yeah, that's gonna work.
John: Commissioner, let her--let her go. Before you drag her off to jail here, I think she owes us all some answers.
Kristen: How did I--how did you figure it out, john, huh?
Marlena: I wouldn't mind hearing a little more about that.
John: Your old buddy, xander cook, gave you up to the da, kristen. He's gonna walk away a free man now.
Hope: Said you were running the entire operation, and he was just following orders.
John: Yeah, he'd say anything to keep himself out of prison, but you know, when I heard that, I started putting a few things together, like when maggie told kate that she saw you in nicole's hotel room.
Brady: I didn't even believe her.
John: Nobody believed her.
Kate: She's the one who had ted and me kidnapped. She's the one who wanted us to die in the basement. She's the one who threatened my family if I didn't blame stefan, right?
Brady: So you knew? You knew nicole was kristen?
Kate: No, no. No, I thought she was a victim, just like me. I had no idea they were the same person.
John: Then doc tried to come and talk to you. She tried to help you, but you just said disgusting, cruel things to her, and yeah, nicole was no saint, but she never would've been that damn vicious.
Marlena: That's your specialty.
Kristen: Yeah, well, it was a bad move on my part. Every muscle in my body just wanted to grab your skinny throat and squeeze it.
John: But you couldn't do that, because it would've given you away, wouldn't it? And you knew the only way you could get your hooks into brady was to make him keep thinking you were somebody else, somebody that he was in love with, and that is why you went so overboard tonight to ensure me by whispering in my ear, "I'm gonna make brady happier than he has ever been before."
Kristen: I would have.
Anna: By wearing a rubber mask? You really thought that would work?
Sarah: I told you about the mask that dr. Rolf was working on tonight.
John: You thought it was science fiction, something right out of "mission: Impossible."
Kristen: Yeah, but clearly not so impossible.
John: Right. And that's when I put it all together, because without this mask, you couldn't operate in salem without giving yourself away.
Kristen: [Chuckles darkly] Wow, you are really clever, john. I could never put anything past you for long, but I definitely fooled the rest of you morons, even the love of nicole's life.
Eric: Yeah, why?
Brady: Why? Why did you do this?
Kristen: You don't know?
Brady: No.
Kristen: I did it for you.
Brady: You did this for me?
Kristen: Brother's company, but most importantly, I did it for you.
Anna: So that's it? She forced you to help her take over dimera enterprises?
Tony: No, I agreed to do it.
Anna: Agreed? Why would you help that monster do anything?
Tony: It's complicated. We'll talk about it later.
Anna: Oh, you better believe we will.
Kristen: Dimera enterprise is my birthright.
Sarah: You doing all right?
Eric: No, I'm definitely not all right.
Kristen: What was I supposed to do, stay in exile? Watch vivian's bastard run it into the ground? Brady, come on. You can't be on his side. He forced chad out. He tried to take his wife.
Marlena: Don't even try to say you did this on moral grounds. You can't sell that.
Kristen: I had to figure out a way to save my father's company and win the love of my life back.
Brady: Stop it. There's no way you could've made it out of that warehouse alive. There's no way.
Kristen: Yeah, but here I am. Luckily, luckily, I had rolf's playbook, and I could transform myself into the one woman that I thought had a chance with you. I mean, come on, brady. You loved her once, until she slept with your f--your brother.
Brady: Enough. You fooled me. You got me. A fool. I don'T... no, she--she did! She fooled me.
John: It's not on you, man. It's not on you.
Brady: I saw the sun. No, I saw the signs. I saw all of them. So what about the scar on your back, kristen? It wasn't from the fire, was it? It was from the tattoo removal, right? You had your phoenix taken off your back, 'cause that was the one thing that would give you away.
Kristen: Right, right, and i hated--I hated it, but it was. You were right. It was a dead giveaway, and it had to go, but inside, inside me, I am still the phoenix, and I beat death again, and if I couldn't be with you as myself, at least I could be with you as her.
Brady: Kristen, you stole a woman's identity, you desecrated her memory, for a man?
Kristen: Yes, but you were the man! You are the man, brady! Yes, I stole her identity, but it's not like she needs it where she is now.
Sarah: Do you want to get out of here?
Eric: No, not till I see her dragged out in handcuffs.
Kristen: And I would do anything to get you back.
Brady: Don'T.
Eli: Let's wrap this up.
Kristen: If I could figure out a way to come back as myself, and you would give me a chance, I would have.
Brady: That option kind of went out the window when you decided to drug my brother and have sex with him on video.
Kristen: I thought it was a gamble. I did--I didn't even know it was going to work, but I had to try, even though nicole wasn't going to have an easy time getting with you, either.
Eric: You mean because of me?
Kristen: [Laughs] What do you think? I'm just a normal person
[Disquieting music]
Kristen: I admit, you were a thorn in my side, being the love of nicole's life and all. I mean, there is no accounting for taste.
Sarah: Don't listen to her. Just don't engage.
Marlena: No, don'T. Nothing she can say can change what she's done.
Kristen: I have been honest about why I did what I did. I just--I wish you would understand, brady.
Brady: Understand?
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: Understand that you wanted me, but were willing to destroy everyone around me, even my brother?
Kristen: Oh, my god. You were the fly in my chardonnay, the curdled cream in my coffee. I knew, I knew nicole's miraculous return was going to be really difficult, because you were gonna be right there, panting after her, clinging to her like a barnacle, so I had to come up with a really good reason for her to reject you.
Eric: Holly?
Kristen: Go to the head of the class, my boy. [Chuckles] That little girl's untimely death, uh, was just what i needed. I mean, it was the motivation nicole needed to just grind you into the ground.
Sarah: You used the death of a child for your own devices?
Marlena: She even blamed you over and over for holly's death.
Kristen: Marlena, I mean, it kind of was. I mean, wasn't it nicole's dying wish for you to take care of her holly, protect her, and didn't you hand holly over to that fembot, chloe, while the drug cartel was after her?
[Mock gasps] Oh. And didn't chloe succumb to my idiot half-brother? Didn't, uh, she accept his offer to move in with him, let him take care of her and her little brood, and wasn't it the drug cartel that kidnapped holly from his house? I mean, it was genius. It really was, because holly died, and then bingo, nicole was free to send you and all her annoying loved ones packing.
Sarah: You almost destroyed my mother when you blamed her for holly's death.
Kristen: You know what? I-I felt really bad about that. I did. I don't have anything against maggie. You know what, john? Do you remember when you and i coached that little league team together?
John: Yeah. You were a different person back then.
Kristen: Yeah, but I still look pretty fetching in a baseball cap. Oh, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
Brady: What if holly hadn't died? What was your plan to get me to get--get over nicole?
Hope: You're so calculating. The kidnapping--it didn't just fall into your lap, did it? The drug cartel wasn't behind holly's death. You were. You did it. You orchestrated the whole thing, didn't you?
Kristen: Just like I, uh, caused both world wars and the dust bowl, the dry-out. Wow, hope, you have got too much time on your hands now that you're not commissioner anymore.
Eli: But I am commissioner, all right, and I tend to trust hope's gut, so if she thinks that you orchestrated holly's death, I believe her.
Kristen: You're not gonna prove anything.
Eric: You took the life of a sweet, innocent little girl...
Brady: No.
Eric: Just to break up with me?
Brady: No, she didn'T. She would do a lot of things, but given how much she's always wanted a child, I don't think she would harm one.
Kristen: Thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate that. But if anyone is responsible for holly's death, it's you, sweetheart. You, eric. You sent that little girl to her grave, just like you sent her daddy to his.
Eric: That little girl did not deserve to die! She didn't deserve to die!
Sonny: She's got a gun!
[All yell]
Kristen: Anybody moves, the bitch gets it.
Roman: Easy, easy.
[Disquieting synth music]
John: Easy, easy, easy.
Kristen: You know what? Move. I should just do it, mm? I put a cap in you, and then someone shoots me, and we go out in a blaze of glory.
Will: No!
Kristen: You know, I suggest you hold off on your heroics. Wow, you know what, john? All that bilge you spouted about how you couldn't live without your beloved here? I think you might just have to live with that.
John: Let her go.
Kristen: Why, so that everyone here will be on me like white on rice?
John: I said let her go.
Kristen: And I said no. You know, I think doc and i have had this date since the beginning. Hmm? And I'm not afraid to pull the trigger.
Hope: You're the woman I saw in the park, hovering over a trash can, because you were disposing of the necklace you stole from ted's apartment after you killed him.
Kristen: I invoke my constitutional right not to answer, on the grounds that i may incriminate myself.
Kate: Because you're guilty, and you know it. You murdered ted.
Kristen: You are having a night for yourself, aren't you, babe? Well, I really loved watching you try and pull out susan's, uh, buck teeth.
Will: Where is susan? Did you do something to her?
[Suspenseful music]
Let's just say susan won't be stepping on my blue suede shoes anymore. [Chuckles]
Marlena: If you've done anything to hurt her, then--
Kristen: What? What are you gonna do, doc? The way I see it, you and all your party guests should be worrying about your own well-being and not my dentally challenged dowdy double. Wow. [Laughs] Alliteration under these circumstances. I might be better than i thought.
John: You don't need her, kristen. Let her go.
Kristen: Don't you get it, john? This is my ticket out of here. Last year, I was forced to settle on your psychotic granddaughter. This year, I have upgraded to first class. I have finally got my hands on the one thing I have waited my whole adult life to destroy.
John: Take me instead.
Marlena: John, no.
Kristen: [Laughs] Oh, wow. That's intriguing, john, but, uh, I'm gonna go with what doc says. No sale.
Brady: What about me? It's all right. Said you've done all of this for me. Well, let her go, and I'm all yours.
[Suspenseful music]
Humira patients, you inspire us.
Brady: I'm serious. I can give you the one thing that you want more than to hurt her. That's me.
Kristen: Nice try, but i didn't get where I am by being naive. You said some things to me, and I heard them, and--so now you're just gonna walk off into the sunset with a monster?
Brady: I don't--I don't want my father and marlena to hurt anymore. I want them to be okay. Just take me, kristen. Just do it.
Marlena: No, no, don't do that.
Kristen: Right now, it's time for you to shut your trap.
Brady: Kristen. Kristen, I'm serious. Show me--show me your humanity right now, in this moment. Please. I will work this out.
Kristen: Why? No, why?
Brady: Because we've done this before, remember? I left eve for you before.
Kristen: Yeah, but you double-crossed me.
Brady: But you've spent the last month getting back at me, so--
Kristen: Aye, touché, touché. Still, I still can't trust you.
Brady: Kristen, I don't think mutual trust is gonna be a big point in our relationship, but if you want a one-way ticket out of here, baby, just take me.
Kristen: You remember when I, um, asked you if you would go away with me tonight?
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: Yeah, I was gonna tell you everything. I was gonna tell you who I was. I really hoped, like, really hoped, that this would all be true, that you would remember that I was the woman that you loved. I really, really thought that, brady. I thought that we could be together forever. So honestly, I don't think that the commissioner here is going to, uh, let us do anything.
Brady: He might, you know. If you let me change places with marlena, I know that we can work something out.
Kristen: Forget it.
Brady: Why?
Kristen: Why? Because you're just gonna double-cross me again, and we both know it. No. No, I'm just gonna take my beautifully coiffed human shield and get the hell out of here!
John: Easy...
Kristen: Back. Get back.
[Suspenseful music]
John: Banks, good job!
Susan: No one's gonna hurt you, dr. Marlena, not while I'm around.
Marlena: Oh, oh.
John: It's okay, baby. It's all over. It's okay. It's all over, baby. You're okay. You're okay. It's over. You're okay.
Kristen: Ugh, who hit me?
Lani: Karma.
Marlena: I, uh... I can't find the words to tell you how grateful I am for what you did.
John: We owe you big time. Susan, anything you need, any time, you just give me a call, okay?
Susan: Okay.
Brady: And if he's not available, I'm your man, okay? Thank you.
Susan: Oh, my god, you guys are so sweet. Oh, my--I don't need anything. I just--I just want to make sure that dr. Marlena evans is okay.
John: And she is just fine because of you, but now, could you keep her company for a second? I want to talk to brady.
Susan: Yeah, you betcha. Oh, yeah.
John: You okay?
Brady: Yeah.
John: I know tonight was rough on you, man.
Brady: Dad, I feel like the biggest sucker that there ever was.
John: That's not what I'm talking about.
Brady: I know, I know what you're saying, and I appreciate your concern. I'm glad that marlena's all right.
John: Listen, you offered yourself up as a hostage. That took a lot of courage.
Brady: I'm not done with kristen yet.
John: What's on your mind?
Brady: Thought I'd go down to the police station. That bitch owes me some answers.
[Melancholy string music]
Abe: You were right when you said that stefan didn't kill laurent.
Hope: Kristen didn't just want to replace stefan at dimera. She wanted to destroy him, abe.
Abe: Well, she wouldn't have been the first dimera to stab another one in the back. You know, this is the only time that I have been happy theo is far away--and poor nicole. She never came back to us.
Roman: [Sighs] I can't imagine what you're going through.
Eric: I wish I could describe what I'm feeling right now, but I can'T.
Roman: It's not just what kristen did, but what it means about nicole.
Eric: I can't talk about that right now.
Roman: For sure, but we can go somewhere--
Eric: No, dad, I'm okay. Thank you.
Sarah: Roman, will you just let me?
Roman: Sure. Don't let him go alone, and for god's sake, don't let him have a drink.
Kate: So this is the thing that allowed her to conduct her reign of terror? It's unbelievable.
Roman: You gotta be in pretty bad shape.
Kate: Well, it's over now, right? At least, we hope it is. Roman...
Tony: Well, it seems like your fiancé is carrying on without you.
Anna: Listen, now that your sister-wife has been arrested, you said something about an explanation.
Eli: You right-handed or left-handed?
Kristen: What do you care?
Lani: Just answer the question.
Kristen: Right! You know, I'd kill for an aspirin right now.
Eli: You're done killing. Okay?
Lani: We need a statement. Feel free to start writing.
Kristen: [Laughs] Longhand, really?
Eli: You do know that there's outstanding warrants against you from the last time you were in salem, right?
Kristen: No kidding.
Eli: Your head hurts now, wait till the da throws the book at your ass.
Kristen: [Laughs] Doesn't the miranda thing say I have a right to an attorney?
Eli: See what I can do.
[Dramatic music]
Kristen: [Seethes]
Susan: What is my purse doing over there? Oh, right, right, right, right, right, right. She, um--she kicked it when she was tying me up.
Will: Oh, susan. We were worried sick when we couldn't find you.
Sonny: Yeah, we were afraid that she had done something horrible to you.
Susan: Well, she did!
Kristen as nicole: I tell you what: Why don't we both go powder our noses?
Susan: My nose isn't shiny at all.
Kristen as nicole: A little bit shiny. It's just a little shiny. I can help with that.
Susan: Still shiny?
Kristen as nicole: Mm-hmm.
Susan: You know, this isn't the little girls' room.
Kristen: You and I need to have a little chat.
Susan: Oh, well, we gotta hurry, because I hear the music, and our feet are just dancing, and--
Kristen as nicole: Sorry, susan, but the party's over. At least, for you, anyway.
Will: What happened then?
Susan: She started pulling at her face, and--and her skin started coming off, but it wasn't her skin, and then she wasn't nicole. She was kristen. And then she--she pulled out one of those gags--this gag, right here. She pulled out this gag and some ropes and--out of one of these drawers.
John: She probably stashed them there just in case.
Susan: Then she tied me up.
Sonny: W-how did you get free?
Susan: Well, I don't have these teeth for nothing. I just ch-ch-chewed my way out.
Sonny: Excuse me? You...
Susan: Yes, I did, and i mean, I couldn't let kristen hurt anybody else again, right? And then I just, um-- I spit out my gag, and I-- I went to work.
[Speaks indistinctly]
[Laughs] Uh, I don't--no, it's a good thing that I still have the gold back there, you know?
Marlena: Oh. You are worth your weight in gold. Oh, how can we ever thank you?
[Tender music]
Roman: Here, katie.
Kate: Here's looking at you, kid.
[Melancholy music]
Abe: You know, you have been through quite an ordeal.
Kate: Look, I know you're all being very understanding, but believe me, it was difficult keeping my mouth shut about kristen.
Hope: Because you knew what she was capable of.
Kate: She said that she would kill my children, one by one.
Hope: We all do what we have to to protect our families, kate.
Anna: I can't believe that you knew nicole was kristen this whole time. How could you go along with that?
Tony: She was my sister, and my father taught us that--
Anna: To marry your sister? My god. I can't believe even stefano would be "down" with that.
Tony: Kristen... convinced me that the dimera legacy was at stake.
Anna: Tony, it wasn't just about business. She killed people! What? Tell me.
Tony: Oh. She was not the only one.
[Melancholy music]
Sarah: I wish you would say something. Eric.
Eric: I'm sorry.
Sarah: What? No, no. My god, I... I'm the one that should be sorry. I... I shouldn't push you to open up. Not yet. You... you're still in shock. I-I--and I understand that.
[Mournful music]
When you are...ready to talk, I'm--I'm here.
Eric: Yeah, I know that. I'm grateful for that.
Sarah: Kristen's such a monster.
Eric: She played on everybody's memory of nicole. She orchestrated holly's death. She only did it so she could be with brady?
Sarah: I know. It's--I... honestly, I don't even have the words for how horrific it is, how sick.
Eric: It wasn't nicole. I mean, the woman that I thought was nicole... she... the woman that--that--that accused me, blamed me of holly's death. She pushed me, she hated me. Well... I just...
Sarah: I understand.
Eric: No, you know, it's just that--
Sarah: No, I do. It'S... it's like you said. She--she pushed you away, and... I think there's a part of you that just kind of hoped that maybe one day, it would be different, maybe, you know, one day, she'd come to her senses and--and realize you really did love holly and her, and I--I know that you said that you were over nicole, but I do think that there is a part of you that-- that was still hopeful.
Eric: That wasn't nicole. No, she--the woman that i thought was nicole--she didn't-- she didn't survive the explosion. She blamed me for holly's death. She--she's dead. She's not coming back.
Brady: Hey, hey, is she in there?
Eli: Yep, but she won't say a word without her attorney present.
Lani: And we can't make that happen tonight.
Brady: Let me see her. Let me talk to her.
Lani: Brady, I don't think that's a good idea.
Brady: I think it's a good idea.
Lani: She lost it in there. We're getting a holding cell ready for her tonight.
Brady: I really think that i can help you.
Eli: Nothing she says to you will be admissible in court without her attorney present.
Brady: What if I can persuade her to cooperate?
[Desolate music]
Eli: I guess if anyone does have sway with her, it's you.
Brady: All right.
Eli: Hey, brady. Be careful with her, man. Please.
Brady: All right.
Kristen: Gah!
[Dark music]
[Chuckles] If you're here to offer yourself to me again, forget it. I know where you stand.
Brady: I'm not here to offer you anything. I just figured since, you know, getting me was the goal of your whole operation, that maybe i deserve to hear from you. I want you to admit to me that you killed those people, kristen. All of them. Ted, nicole, holly.
Kristen: [Laughs]
Brady: Tell me you did it!
Kristen: Brady... oh, you are so wrong. You see, I didn't kill anybody.
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