Days Transcript Thursday 8/22/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/22/19


Episode #13592 ~ An explosive secret is revealed at John and Marlena's anniversary party. Eli receives stunning news regarding Kristen. "Nicole" realizes she must get rid of Susan. Anna and Tony kiss

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft music]

Abe: Oh, hey!

Brady: Hey!

Abe: Man! This place looks great. It's so...festive.

Brady: Yeah, I hope it stays that way.

Abe: Is something wrong?

Brady: No, no, no. I think, uh... I think my dad and marlena are in for a party they will never forget.

Lani: Ready, boss?

Eli: Wow.

[Laughs] Uh... yeah, yeah, just--just a minute.

Lani: If we're late, we could ruin the surprise.

Eli: I know. But...I still haven't heard back from melinda trask's office. Which means xander cook hasn't rolled on whoever he's working for. Hope he hasn't gotten cold feet.

Lani: Look, if xander doesn't get immunity, he is going away for a very long time. He'll fold.

Eli: Yeah, I hope you're right. Because if stefan is truly innocent, then whoever kidnapped kate and ted is still out there.

Hope: Kate?

Kate: Oh! Could you not sneak up on me like that?

Hope: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Really--I just wanted to catch up with you before the party so we could talk privately.

Kate: About what?

Hope: I know you lied about stefan kidnapping you and ted. I also know that nicole is somehow involved. I just wanna know how.

Kristen as nicole: Oh, come on, tony. You already whacked ted laurent. Knock off gabi and stefan. Go for a hat trick.

Tony: This isn't hockey, dear. It's murder. And ted's death was an accident, and you know it, trying to protect you.

Kristen as nicole: It doesn't change the fact that gabi and stefan know who I am now.

Tony: I am not your flunky. I'm your brother, kristen. And as far as gabi and stefan are concerned, that's your problem. And stop waving that gun around! We have a party to attend to.


Susan: Surprise! Ha ha.

John: Susan. This is, uh... unexpected.

Susan: Yeah, that's why i said surprise, silly, 'cause it's a surprise.

John: Right, right, surprise. Um...what brings you to salem?

Susan: Well, you know.

John: Actually, I don't know.

Susan: The par-tay! The anniversary party for you and dr. Marlena evans.

John: Oh, but... who invited you? Because I-I'm giving the party, and I know that I didn'T.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Anna: Oh, I can't wait to tell everyone about us getting engaged.

Roman: Yeah, now, anna, we do realize here this is not serious, right? We're just trying to make tony jealous.

Anna: Yes, and it better work.

Roman: Hey, he's gonna be there tonight, and when he sees how gorgeous you look, he'll drop nicole like a hot rock.

Anna: Aw, do you really think so?

Roman: Absolutely.

Anna: [Laughs] Ohh...

Roman: From my lips to god's ears.

Tony: May I remind you that marlena is a dear friend of mine.

Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] Still?

Tony: And I will not allow you to harm her in any way.

Kristen as nicole: Well, you're no fun.

[Gun clatters] Ohh...gosh. The mask is becoming a drag. Well, still, it's better than that susan banks get-up. Those teeth are just awful!

[Groans] Mm...besides... being nicole walker is so much more fun than being that dingbat.

[Laughs] Oh, yes.

Susan: don't want me at your party?

John: Ohh... hey, susan, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to be rude.

Susan: Brady is the one who invited me. Your son.

John: Really?

Susan: Mm-hmm. But you don't want me there, do you?

John: No, no, no, no, no. Su-susan, that's--that's not it at all, it's-- marlena's here. She's in the other room changing. And it's just that sometimes you you know, you--you just tend to say things that are right on the top of your head here, and you cannot, cannot, cannot mention a word about this party, 'cause doc doesn't know anything about it.

Susan: She doesn't?

John: No! That's why they call it a surprise. So promise me you will not say a word about it.

Marlena: Okay, honey--

[Light music]

Susan? What are you doing here?

This was me

six years ago...

Will: Gabi didn't call arianna tonight.

Sonny: You're sure?

Will: Yeah. I tucked her in. She told me.

Sonny: Hmm. That's not like her.

Will: Well, she does run a multinational corporation now. Ha.

Sonny: Yeah, but still.

Will: Yeah, I'll call her tomorrow.

Sonny: You know, I reached out to a few companies' european financial people while you were upstairs.

Will: Yeah? Did you ask about kristen's italian bank account?

Sonny: Yes, and, uh, I'm just hoping that someone can prove that stefan is accessing kristen's account to pay xander or that kristen is alive and is paying him herself.

Will: Ah...I would bet that xander is helping himself to kristen's money all on his own.

Sonny: Do you don't think kristen has risen from the dead again? 'Cause you, of all people, shouldn't be such a skeptic.

Will: [Laughs] That's true, it's not impossible, but, um...if kristen were alive, I don't think she'd be able to stay away from brady. And so far, that hasn't happened.

John: I was surprised as you are, doc. Just sitting here enjoying the cake, doorbell rings, and puuuh! It's susan!


Marlena: Hmm. I see. How are you?

Susan: Very well, thank you. You look beautiful! Just like you're goin' to a party or something.

Marlena: In fact, john and i are going out to dinner. The two of us. Soon as we're ready.

John: Yeah, well, I, uh, better get dressed. I'll be right back.

[Light music]

Marlena: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at doug's place. John doesn't know a thing about this party, and I hope you have not spoiled the surprise for him.

Susan: [Whispering] No, no, no, no, no, dr. Marlena, no! I-I-I wouldn't spoil anything for mr. John.

Kate: That's really none of your business.

Hope: Kate, are you being threatened? I know that you're scared.

Kate: You're damn right, I'm scared--ted was murdered.

[Phone beeps] I could be next, so, you know, I'm not talking to anyone-- not to you, not to the police.

Hope: You know what? You may not have to.

Kate: What do you mean?

Hope: Xander. He's meeting with the D.A. Right now. They offered him immunity in exchange for the name of the person he takes his orders from.

Kate: You're kidding.

Hope: So it's just a matter of time before the truth comes out, so... you might as well just tell me what really happened.

Kate: Thanks. I'll pass.

Hope: Okay.

Kate: My nightmare may be over.

Sarah: Do I look all right?

Eric: All right? You look terrific. Like...better than terrific.

Sarah: Really?

Eric: You know what, why don't we just skip this party and go back to my place?

[Both chuckling]

Sarah: We cannot skip your mother's anniversary party!

Eric: I know.

Sarah: But thank you. I'm really glad we worked things out.

Eric: You know what, I'm kinda glad that we had a fight. Now that I know there's no more feelings between nicole and me.

Sarah: You know, she might be there tonight.

Eric: Like I said, I don't feel anything for her. I have a future. It's with you. Come on.

[Sarah giggles]

Hope: So both john and marlena unsurprisingly think they're giving the surprise party.

Brady: That's right.

[Hope laughs]

Kate: Well, there better be an open bar.

Abe: Uh...excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Brady: Yeah, sure.

Hope: Uh--

Brady: Excuse me.

Abe: I understand that you were a witness at tony and nicole's wedding.

Brady: That's right, yeah.

Abe: I'm concerned about nicole. She's been behaving erratically.

Brady: Well, you know she made a play for the ceo position over at dimera.

Abe: I should. I work there.

Brady: Well, that's why she married tony. She needed the dimera name in order to be considered by the board.

Abe: So this marriage is no love match.

Brady: Ha ha. No, not at all.

Abe: You're sure.

Brady: I'm very sure. Because I-- I might as well tell you because this information's gonna get out sooner or later. Um...I'm with nicole. We are together.

Tony: Promise me that you will not do anything drastic this evening.

Kristen as nicole: [Sighs]

[Huffs] Don't worry. As tempting as it is to ruin john and marlena's pathetic little soiree... I have to be a good girl.

Tony: Yes...

Kristen as nicole: I just got brady back.

Tony: And murdering brady's stepmother on the eve of her anniversary may just put a damper the romance.

Kristen as nicole: Exactly. Now go put your party clothes on! Go, go. Party, party.

[Intense music]

But still...

[Eerie descending chords]

Girl's gotta be prepared.


[Intense musical build-up]


Susan: [Giggles] I am so happy you invited me to your party! Wait a minute. This isn't an anniversary party for your weddin'. This is an anniversary party for when you got popped! Why are you havin' a party for that?

Marlena: We're having a party to celebrate our first wedding in 1986.

Susan: Oh! Oh, I see. I guess.

Marlena: Yeah. I thought it would be--would be, you know, nice to have a party to sort of erase all the bad memories of last year and...and also be a nice surprise for john.

Susan: Oh, wow!

[Giggling] You are one handsome devil. You two make a perfect couple. Just like elvis and priscilla.

Marlena: It was so kind of you to keep me company.

Susan: Oh--

Marlena: Didn't you want to see sonny and will?

Susan: I-I do, yes.

Marlena: Don't you wanna see

Susan: [Gasps] Oh! Right, right, right!

John: I'll walk you out, susan.

Susan: Oh, no, you don't have to do that.

John: Ah, it's only polite. Come on.

[Quietly] You're really going to doug's place, right?

Susan: Oh, you betcha!

John: Better hurry. Bye!

Susan: Oh--

[Both chuckle]

John: Oh... you look gorgeous, sweetheart. And I am so happy it is just gonna be the two of us tonight.

Marlena: Yeah.

Sonny: If I could find out who's making the transfers out of kristen's account, I can probably find out if kristen's alive and working with xander.

Brady: Can't--I can't believe this. I just got back together with nicole. If kristen is out there running around, I mean, she could... she could turn both our lives completely upside down. Nicole's just as worried about it as I am.

Sonny: So she knows.

Brady: She's concerned that I would actually leave her for kristen.

Sonny: Well, I hope you set her straight...okay? Because you and nicole deserve to be happy.

Hope: Eli, that's it? Xander still hasn't given up his boss?

Eli: Not yet. But I told melinda to give me a call the minute he talks.

Lani: We should have brought kate in for questioning again. She knows more than she's saying.

Hope: I already talked to her tonight. No luck.

Tony: Ah--

Brady: Oh.

> Tony: I know this is a marriage of convenience, but I'd rather not be openly cuckolded in front of the entire town.

Kristen as nicole: Aw. He's just upset that he can't be with his beloved anna. Ooh! Speak of the devil.

Brady: Oh...

Anna: Oh, brady!

Brady: Hel-hello--

Anna: Hi! I just wanted to thank you so much for inviting us tonight.

Brady: Well, in all fairness, my dad and marlena did make the guest list.

Anna: Oh, whatever. We're just so glad we could be here to celebrate with them. Especially since we have something of our own to celebrate. Ta-da! [Giggles] Isn't it wonderful?

Brady: Whoa, whoa, whoa--

Anna: Roman and I are engaged.

Brady: Look at that! Well, congratulations to you. That'S...great.

Roman: I, uh...I need a drink.

Tony: I don't believe this.

Kristen as nicole: Ooh-ooh! I predict some major drama tonight.

Brady: No, no, no, don't say that, don't say that. This has to be a drama-free party--please.

Kristen as nicole: Oh.

Sarah: Well, we're gonna have to talk to them sometime, so let's just get it over with.

Brady: Look, if you're planning on starting anything or argu--

Eric: No. I'm not. You wanted a truce tonight. So do I. We're here to celebrate my mom and your dad. Does that work for you?

Brady: Yeah, that works for me.

[Phone beeps] They're here, they're here. Um, everybody, everybody, excuse me, excuse me--they are here. They are here, so... okay. Here we go!

All: Surprise!

Susan: Aah! Don't hurt me! Ha ha ha.

Kristen as nicole: What the hell is she doing here?

Brady: Marlena invited her. Oh, god, oh-- h-hi.

Susan: [Squeals]

Brady: Susan, I-I didn't hear back from you. I-I assumed you weren't coming tonight, so--

Susan: Well, I fooled you! Your daddy and your stepmama are right behind me.

Kate: Is that the lady or is that the tiger?

Marlena: What?

John: I just wanna tell you how lucky I feel to be married to you.

Marlena: [Sobs] Oh... I feel the same way.

John: Let's have a great night.

Marlena: Yeah.

All: Surprise!

Both: Are you surprised? What?

John: [Laughing] I'm phil mickelson.

[Cheers and applause]

John: Why should I be surprised--I'm the one who planned this whole party.

Marlena: Oh, no, honey, I- I planned the party.

Brady: No, no, no, no, actually, you both planned it.

Both: What?

Brady: Well, it turns out you both had the same idea, so it took a little work, but we all kept the secret, and we surprised you both, didn't we?

John: Okay, well, I guess we'll take it as a sign that we meant to be together, right?

Brady: That's right.

Marlena: As if we didn't know that already.

John: Already.

All right!


John: Hey, thanks, everybody. That was a surprise.

[Overlapping chatter]

Kate: I just want you to know if you're here to kill me, I am not going quietly.

Susan: Why would I kill you?

Kate: Let me see those teeth--

Susan: Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!

John: Kate, kate, what are you--knock it off!

Will: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!

John: What are you doing?

Susan: Aah! She is crazy!

Will: Grandma, w-what are you--what's going on?

Susan: She tried to hurt me!

Kate: No, I-I wasn'T. She had something in her teeth. I was--

Susan: Oh, you are one big, fat liar!

Will: Grandma, are we gonna have to have that talk about personal space again?

[Dinner music in background]

John: Well... that was--

Brady: Bizarre. Even for kate.

Kristen as nicole: Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. And it seems to be over now, so...

John: Yeah. My son tells me the two of you are back together.

Kristen as nicole: I hope you don't disapprove.

John: I just want brady to be happy, that's all.

Brady: I am. I'm gonna go check on the hors d'oeuvres.

Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john. I know in the past I've made some big mistakes with brady, but... I promise this time I'm gonna make your son very, very happy.

Susan: Ohh! Okay, you try to calm down when a crazy woman just tried to get your teeth out!

Will: I know.

Kristen as nicole: Susan.

Susan: What?

Kristen as nicole: Susan, are you okay?

Susan: Ohh...wh-- andre dimera... I thought you were dead!

Tony: No, tony, dear.

Susan: Tony, I thought you were dead too!

Tony: Ha ha ha. Yeah, rather hard to keep track.

Susan: Well, you tell your troubles to the lord up above! Because I have two people that look like me too, you know? One's a crazy woman, and the other is my sister the sister.

Will: What--what are you talking about?

Susan: Oh, didn't I tell you?

[Gasps] Oh, I-I-- I ran into my sister mary moira last time I was in town.

Will: Isn't she A... cloistered nun?

Susan: A nun, yeah, she was. She left the convent because she fell for the gardener.

Will: Oh. And what was she doing in salem?

Susan: Well, she said she tracked me down 'cause she just wanted to say good-bye to me before her and her man go on a cruise around the world.

[Giggles] I mean, can you imagine what that's like, running into yourself, only it's not you?

Kristen as nicole: No, I, uh...I can't imagine something like that. Not in my wildest dreams.


Marlena: So the two of you are engaged?

Roman: Just to make tony jealous--not really.

Marlena: How's that working out?

Anna: Well, so far, not well.

Tony: Susan... didn't run into sister mary moira, did she? It was you.

Kristen as nicole: Well, what the hell was I supposed to do? When xander took that damn mask, dressing up as susan was the only way I could leave my hotel room.

Tony: [Whispers] I wish I was there to see that.

Kristen as nicole: Well, i had to do a lot of talking to convince her that I was the nun. If she doesn't stop yammering, people are gonna catch on. Will is already wondering. I can tell.

Tony: Ohh...what are you gonna do?

Kristen as nicole: What do you think I'm gonna do? I'm gonna figure out a way to shut susan's big mouth.


[Intense music]

Andrew wanted nothing to do with his volcano demonstration.

[Low conversation]

John: He's so happy to be back together with nicole. I'm struggling, doc. I feel like I should tell him that she could be behind kate and ted's kidnapping and ted's murder.

Marlena: You don't have any proof.

John: He loves her so damn much.

Abe: You know, uh, brady told me that... he and nicole are back together again.

Marlena: What do you make of that?

Abe: Well, it seems odd after what happened between them before she left town. Nothing about nicole surprises me anymore. Since she's come back, she'S... been another person.

Susan: [Gasps] Oh, brady! This shindig sure is swell! Thank you so much for inviting me.

Brady: You're welcome.

Susan: Especially after i rejected, uh, your indecent advances the last time I was in town.

Brady: Really, uh...susan, that's not what happened. You know, if we're honest with each other, y-you remember. You came into my room and cornered me, and you were trying to kiss me.

Susan: Oh! I would do no such thing! I wouldn't do that because I am a one-man woman! And roger, my roger, is that man, yes. You must be, um, you know, confusing your sex fantasies with reality.

Brady: Are you kidding me right now? You're serious?

Kristen as nicole: You know, you're embarrassing her, brady. I tell you what--why don't we both go powder our noses?

Susan: My nose isn't shiny--

Kristen as nicole: It's just a little shiny.

[Indistinct chatter]

Sarah: [Clears throat] Um...I was kind of hoping that we could maybe get together. I would really love to hear about your recovery. I have a little bit of experience with dr. Rolf's serum because of will. I have so many questions about him.

Tony: Yes. I don't think i could answer those questions. You see, dr. Rolf was insane.

Sarah: Right, but he was also a genius. You know, rex and I had to go through all of his notes to try to find anything that could help will, and some of his inventions were just off the wall. Like, he had a schematic for this high-tech mask that apparently he claimed would go on like skin and could make you look like anybody you wanted to be. It was something out of science fiction--it was bizarre.

John: Any proof that might work?

Sarah: I don't know. I don't even know if he tested it out.

Brady: Uh, excuse me. Can I have your attention one more time? Thank you, thank you. You all having a good time?

[Crowd murmurs affirmatively] Good, good. So the last time that my father and marlena were married, they never got a chance to have their first dance.

Marlena: Oh.

Brady: So I thought, "why not now?" Now's a great time, right?

John: Good idea, son.

Brady: What do you say, huh?

[Mellow music]

Did you ever think

it would end this way

for us

running out the time

we had together

did you ever dream

love would come and stay

well, I did

Susan: Nicole, this isn't the little girls' room.

[Edgy music]

Kristen as nicole: You and i need to have a little chat.

Susan: Oh, well, we gotta hurry because I hear the music, and I think about just dancin' and--

Nicole: Sorry, susan... but the party's over. At least for you, anyway.

[Dramatic music]

I'm jimmy dean and uh,

Both: Cheers.

Sarah: Cheers.

Kate: Yeah, so...I just wanted you to know that I am sincerely happy for you and marlena.

John: Oh, thanks, kate.

Marlena: Oh, sorry. I've just resolved the mystery of why victor and maggie aren't here. Maggie texted to say that victor wasn't feeling well. I hope he's all right.

John: Yeah, me too.

Kate: Well, she could also have been apprehensive, you know, about the situation.

Marlena: What situation?

Kate: Well, it's a party. There's so much available alcohol know.

Marlena: Oh...

John: Mmm.

Marlena: Yeah, I heard there was a little slip.

Kate: Well, there was more than a slip. You know, I was there. She was...she was so drunk that she was seeing dead people.

John: [Laughs] Come on.

Kate: I'm serious. Sh-she-- she said that she saw kristen wearing a red dress.

John: Where'd she see her? Come on, tell me. Where'd she see her?

Kate: She told me that she saw kristen open the door to nicole's room.

[Phone rings]

Eli: Oh, it's melinda trask. Maybe xander's finally ided his boss. Commissioner grant.

Tony: Anna! What are you doing out here by yourself? You've been glued to roman all night.

Anna: Well, I wanted to admire my ring in the moonlight. Isn't roman a wonderful man?

Tony: Oh, come on, anna. You stop that. We both know that you're just trying to make me jealous. Listen, when are you gonna stop playing those childish games?

Anna: Games? You really think this is all a game to me? You were the love of my life, tony dimera, and you have no idea what I have been through the last ten years.

Tony: But it hasn't been a picnic for me either.

Anna: But at least you knew you were alive! I didn't! Shame on you. And you can go to hell for all i care!

Eli: That just doesn't make sense. Are you sure xander's not playing you? All right, thanks.


Lani: Well, what did he say? Did--did he say who he was working for?

Eli: You're not gonna believe this. Xander swears that it was kristen dimera.

Kristen as nicole: [Nervous chuckling] Excuse us. you think we can leave now?

Brady: Uh...why?

Kristen as nicole: Well, i have to talk to you about something and it's really important, and I've been trying to work up the courage the last few days to tell you, and I just realized that I can't wait any longer.

Brady: Okay, okay, okay, okay, but, um, why don't we--can we at least wait till dad and marlena's toast is over? It's about to begin, so...

Kristen as nicole: Okay. And then can--can we go? 'Cause the sooner we leave, the better.

Brady: Okay. Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Anna: Ohh... oh!

[Both laughing]

Tony: Oh, anna. I am so sorry about everything.

Anna: You are? Oh, well...

[Both laughing] Does that mean you're ready to leave nicole?

Tony: Oh, um, hmm. Oh... I can'T.

Anna: You are unbelievable!

Tony: Anna--

Anna: Ohh!

Tony: [Sighs]

John: Everybody. We would like to thank you all for being here, and trust me when I say from the bottom of our hearts, this means the world to us. Now, back when I thought I was the only one that was throwing a surprise party here...

[Laughter] I chose this night specifically because exactly one year ago, this date was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but instead, i almost lost the love of my life. And in the days and weeks that followed and you fought so hard to stay alive... I had to face a cold, hard truth. And that was if you lost this battle... I couldn't go on either. But you know what? Our prayers were answered because you survived. So here's to marlena evans, and without a doubt, I am the luckiest man in the world to have you as my wife.


[Murmuring, applause]

Marlena: You... oh.

[John laughs] Well, um... it was 33 years ago today that I married this amazing man. And I looked at him and i thought... "I know everything there is to know about you." Boy, was I wrong.

[Laughter] It has been such an adventure to live with you... even through some very dark times. See, john is...

Hope: Xander finally named his boss.

Marlena: He's fierce.

Hope: He swears it's kristen.

Marlena: When it comes to...

John: Kristen's dead.

Hope: There was an explosion. That's all we know.

Marlena: Principles he believes in...

Hope: John, the woman I saw at the park... she dropped a brand-new hundred dollar bill just like the ones I found in ted's apartment.

Marlena: But then wouldn't be john... my love. My soul mate. My friend.

John: You think she could be here in salem?

Hope: She could be right here in this room.

John: Where the hell could kristen-- kate tried to pull susan's teeth out. You think maybe she thought susan was kristen?

Hope: Kate is definitely hiding something. That could be it.

John: She was looking in the wrong place, though, I'm telling you, because those were susan's teeth, so...

Marlena: We always came through it...together.

John: How in the hell could kristen be here yet go undetected?

Sarah: Some of his inventions were just off the wall. Like he had a schematic for this high-tech mask that apparently he claimed would go on like skin and could make you look like anybody you wanted to be.

Tony: Dr. Rolf was insane.

Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john...

Kate: She said that she saw kristen wearing a red dress.

John: Where'd she see her?

Kate: She told me that she saw kristen open the door to nicole's room.

Tony: Dr. Rolf was insane...

[Echoing] Insane...

Sarah: Make you look like anybody you want to be.

Abe: Nothing surprises me anymore. Since she's come back, she's been another person.

Sarah: He had a schematic

[Echoing] Schematic for this high-tech mask...

[Echoing] Mask that...

Kate: Kristen opened the door to nicole's room.

Sarah: To look like anybody you wanted to be.

John: So how did it go with your conversation with nicole?

Marlena: Not very well.

Kristen as nicole: So you--

Marlena: I asked her a few questions, and then she got upset and threatened to call the police.

John: The police?

Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john...

Sarah: High-tech mask that...

Kristen as nicole: Don't worry, john... don't worry, john. I know in the past I've made some big mistakes with brady, but... I promise this time I'm gonna make your son very, very happy.

[Eerie music]

Hope: John.

Marlena: And here we are today...

Hope: Where did you just go?

Marlena: Surrounded by our-- our friends...

John: You know what you said a second ago about kristen, that she may be in this room?

Hope: Yeah.

John: I know you're right.

Marlena: And our family... and a happy time... happy number of years together and many more to come.

[Softly] So... my dearest love, you were always worth fighting for.


John: I love you.

Kristen as nicole: Okay, speech is over--let's go.

Brady: All right.

John: Wait.

Kristen as nicole: Uh--ha-- we're leaving.

John: You're not taking my son anywhere.

Brady: Dad, what are you doing?

John: She's behind ted and kate's kidnapping and also ted's murder.

Brady: Whoa, ho-hold on. No, she's not. Nicole would never do that. Stop it--

John: You're right. Nicole would never. You wanna do the honors, or should I?

Hope: Mm. I don't know. I say go for it.

Brady: Excuse me, excuse me-- what are you two talking about--

Kristen as nicole: Aah! Aah!

Brady: Dad, what the hell are you doing?!

Kristen as nicole: Aah!

[Intense music]

Brady: Oh, my god.

[Intense percussive music]

Kristen: Rrrr!

[Intense, dramatic music]

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