Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 08/20/19
Episode #13590 ~ Will suggests to Brady that Kristen could still be alive. Marlena relays to John her strange encounter with "Nicole." Gabi questions why Stefan saved her life. Tripp confides to Kayla about his feelings for Haley.
Provided By Suzanne
Marlena: Chloe, hi. It's marlena. I just wanted to make sure that everything is set for the party tonight, and john actually thinks that we're having dinner for two, so he will be so incredibly surprised. Such a big night. And thank you for all your help. You've been just spectacular. You know, it's been a lot of work and it hasn't been easy keeping this secret from john.[Cell phone beeps]
John: [Clears throat]
[Soft music]
Marlena: Hi. How long have you been standing there?
John: Why? You got something to hide?
Tripp: Hey.
Kayla: Hi. Hi.
Tripp: Hi.
Kayla: I'm sorry I can't stay very long. I've gotta get back to the hospital.
Tripp: No, no, that's okay. I just wanted to apologize again for getting the prescription in my name when the sedatives were really for haley. Just don't let haley get in trouble for this, okay?
Kayla: I'll do my best to try to keep her out of it.
Tripp: Thank you.
Kayla: So how is she been after her fall? Any other incidents?
Tripp: Doesn't seem like it, no.
Kayla: Good. Listen, tripp. You know, I can't condone what you did, but I do understand that you wanted to take care of somebody that you've grown to have feelings for.
Tripp: Yeah, well, whatever feelings I have for haley, she doesn't have any for me, so...
Haley: [Sighs]
Jj: Welcome home.
Haley: You have no idea how happy I am to be here. I just could not wait another minute in the hospital.
Jj: Are you sure you're ready for this?
Haley: Ready to...
[Chuckles] Sit on the couch and relax? Yeah. Yeah, pretty sure I can swing that.
Jj: I just can't believe you were having all these visions, nightmares, and-- I just wish you would have told me.
Haley: I didn't want to burden you. Jj, you've already done too much for me.
Jj: There's no such thing as too much.
Haley: [Sighs]
Brady: Why would you want to talk about kristen? I thought this was about kate and ted's kidnapping.
Will: It is.
Brady: Then i don't understand.
Will: Okay.
[Clears throat] Sonny snuck into xander's room, found a lockbox. In it we found proof that xander has been receiving payments from a shell company.
Brady: Who does the company belong to?
Will: I'm glad you asked. I thought we would look into it and discover it was owned by stefan dimera. Turns out it is owned by a dimera. But not stefan.
Brady: You think it belongs to kristen.
Will: Yes, I do.
[Door bell rings, knock on door]
Kristen: Ugh, just go away. Just go the hell away and leave me alone. All right, I better get you downstairs and lock you in the wine cellar with stefan.
[Door bell rings]
[Knocking continues]
[Mischievous music]
Sonny: Gabi, are you in there?
Kristen: Oh, my god, sonny. Can't you take a hint and go home?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Brady: Xander worked for kristen in nashville.
Will: I know that.
Brady: Well, then it's not strange that xander would be getting payments from her company.
Will: I don't think you get it, brady. If kristen died in nashville, why is xander still getting paid?
Kristen: [Exhales sharply] Oh, my god, this is starting to get old.
Stefan: [Exhales, sniffs]
[Groans] What the hell? Where the hell am I? What is-- wine cellar. How did I get here? Gabi. Gabi, gabi. Gabi!
[Mischievous music]
Sonny: Somebody's got to be in there. Hello? I'm here to pick up something for ari. That was easy.
Kayla: [Exhales]
Kayla: [Exhales] It is terrible to have feelings for someone when they're not returned. You made incredible sacrifices for haley. I mean, you were willing to give up your entire life for her.
Tripp: Yeah, well, we were in it together.
Kayla: Well, it's understandable that you would start to have certain feelings towards her.
Tripp: You know, the funny thing is, like, I... I feel like it just kind of snuck up on me. Like, I didn't even realize i was falling for her until it was too late.
John: For the record, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop on your conversation.
Marlena: But you did, nonetheless. And--and... maybe a part of me just wanted to get caught.
John: Yeah, why would you want that?
Marlena: 'Cause I just don't like hiding things from you.
John: Oh, I think I know you well enough, and if you're hiding something from me, you probably have a pretty good reason.
Marlena: No. There's no good reason.
John: Ah.
Marlena: Especially on our anniversary.
John: Okay, so I gotta pull it outta ya, huh? I heard you talking to somebody on the phone saying you had a secret from me.
Marlena: Yeesh. Okay, well, then I'm just gonna tell you the truth. Right now.
[Dramatic music]
Sonny: Nicole? What're you doing here?
Nicole: [Scoffs] What does it look like I'm doing? I'm working.
Sonny: But gabi was named ceo of dimera, so doesn't that mean that you're out?
Nicole: Well, I still work for the company.
Sonny: She actually let you stay on?
Nicole: Why is that such a surprise?
Sonny: Because you two can't stand each other, and why are you so out of breath?
Nicole: [Exhales sharply] What's with all the questions, okay? Why are you here, sonny?
Sonny: Well, I'm here to pickup a bathing suit for ari. She needs it for camp.
Nicole: [Clears throat] Well, then go get it.
Sonny: Well, I need gabi to show me where she put it.
Nicole: Gabi...
Sonny: Yeah. You said you're here working, so that must mean you're working with gabi. So... where is she?
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Stefan: Okay. Still breathing.
Damn it.
[Exhales sharply] Gabi. Gabi. Gabi, wake up.
Gabi: [Groans]
Stefan: Gabi, it's stefan. Oh, thank god.
Gabi: What happened?
Stefan: You don't remember how you got down here?
Gabi: Where?
Stefan: We're in the wine cellar. We're locked in.
Gabi: Kristen.
Stefan: Yeah.
Gabi: Wait a second. Wait, I think I saw kristen, but that's not possible. Was I dreaming?
Stefan: No, you weren't dreaming. My sister is very much alive. She's the one who put us down here.
Brady: Well, will, there's lots of explanations why xander would still be getting paid by kristen's shell corp.
Will: True. It's possible he got a hold of the bank account and he's making payments to himself.
Brady: Or stefan took control of his sister's accounts and xander's getting paid secretly that way.
Will: Both of those are reasonable. But I think we have to consider the third possibility.
Brady: That kristen is still alive.
Haley: Thank you, my love, but I promise you I'm fine, okay? I'm fine.
Jj: And you would tell me if you weren't?
Haley: Yes. They got me off that sedative in the hospital, and pretty soon, I'll be tapering off that very mild prescription they gave me for anxiety. All right?
Jj: You'll check in with your doctors, let 'em know what's going on. Every day?
Haley: Twice on sundays.
Jj: I just can't believe tripp... was sneaking around getting you drugs without telling me.
Haley: He was just trying to help me, jj.
Jj: And lying about it.
Haley: [Sighs] It wasn't even his place to tell you. It was mine. So can you just please just let it go?
Jj: Why didn't you? Why did you feel like you could confide in him, and not me?
Haley: [Exhales]
Kayla: You know, haley's getting out of the hospital today, don't you? And that means it's gonna be you and jj and her all living in the loft together.
Tripp: Yeah, yeah, I've thought about that a lot.
Kayla: What're you gonna do about it?
Will: [Exhales] I know it sounds crazy, the idea that kristen could still be alive.
Brady: Well, will, it's hard to stand here in front of you and make a case that coming back from the dead isn't possible.
Will: That's a good point. So... do you believe it could be true?
Brady: Remember when maggie said that she saw kristen in nicole's room?
Will: And no one believed her because she'd been drinking.
Brady: I didn't believe her either. I dismissed it and moved on, but... what if she really did see kristen?
[Cell phone ringing]
Will: I gotta take this. Sonny and I, we have plans tonight.
Brady: Actually, actually, actually, before you answer that, you're gonna have to cancel those plans.
Will: Why?
Brady: Because... there's an anniversary party. Surprise anniversary party for dad and marlena, and you and sonny are invited and I really want you to come. Can you make it.
Will: Yeah, of course we can. I'll just reschedule dinner. Cool. So john and marlena don't know anything about this?
Brady: Actually, they do.
Will: Then how is it a surprise party?
Brady: Because they both think that they're surprising one another.
Will: Oh. That's complicated. [Laughs]
Brady: Actually, it's not because both of their guest lists are almost identical.
Will: Okay. Why wouldn't they be?
Brady: [Sighs] Well, they're actually is one person on the list that marlena invited that my father didn'T. Susan banks.
Will: Ooh. She's not coming, is she?
Brady: God, I hope not.
Marlena: When we were at doug's place, I had to leave abruptly to see a patient. But that wasn't where I went.
John: I see. So where'd you go?
Marlena: I went to see nicole. Chloe had asked me to do that.
John: I see. Why would she ask you that?
Marlena: She's worried about her friend. She just thinks, as a lot of people do, that nicole has been acting very strange lately.
John: Yeah, yeah. So how did it go with your conversation with nicole?
Marlena: Not very well. I asked her a few questions and then she got upset and threatened to call the police.
John: The police? What for?
Marlena: I don't know. I don't know. You know that eric is still very attached to her.
John: Yeah.
Marlena: I don't know if you're aware that nicole's been seeing quite a bit of brady lately, and I don't think that's good for either one of them.
John: No. Um... let me ask you this, doc. What do you think is going on with nicole?
Marlena: Well, clearly, she's still mourning the loss of her child. But, john, even in that context, her behavior has... it's been unusual. I think she's unstable. And I have no idea what she might be capable of doing.
John: Well, I wanna thank you for telling me all of that because... the truth is, I have been keeping something from you also.
[Dramatic music]
Nicole: I don't know where gabi is, okay?
Sonny: Well, did you see her when you first got here?
Nicole: Yeah, like, for a few minutes. Then she was called off to some emergency business meeting.
Sonny: And she left you alone in the house?
Nicole: Mm-hmm. She just ran out of here and didn't look back. Kind of rude, if you ask me.
[Cell phone rings] Oh.
Sonny: This is gabi'S.
Nicole: Is it?
[Cell phone beeps] Hmm. Well, I guess she was in a hurry.
Sonny: She never leaves her phone. She always needs it in her hand so we can be in touch about ari.
Nicole: Well, I don't know what to say. You know, maybe her priorities changed since she's schemed her way into being ceo.
Sonny: Maybe.
Nicole: Mm. So are you gonna get the bathing suit or what?
Sonny: Yeah, I'm just gonna run upstairs and look for it.
Nicole: Great.
Stefan: [Exhales, sniffs] I'm starting to shake off some of the cobwebs myself, but...
Gabi: [Groans]
Stefan: I'm pretty sure i know how I got down here.
Gabi: You saw kristen?
Stefan: I saw her. Yeah, clearly, she's back to get rid of both of us and take over dimera.
Gabi: She said that?
Stefan: Gabi, I walked in, she was standing over your unconscious body.
Gabi: What?
Stefan: Yeah. She was holding this weapon over your head like she was gonna... finish you off.
Gabi: Oh, my god.
Stefan: Yeah.
[Exhales] So... we struggled for this weapon that she was holding. I finally grabbed it away from her, she went flying, and I thought she had knocked herself out cold, so I went to check on you. That's when she must have hit me over the head.
Gabi: And then you ended up in here.
Stefan: Yeah. I must have been knocked out cold when she brought you in.
Gabi: Okay, okay, okay. I am-- yeah, I'm starting to remember, I think.
Stefan: Did she tell you anything, like, before she attacked you. How is she alive? What does she want?
Gabi: Oh, you don't know all of it?
Stefan: All of what?
Gabi: Okay, well, I was in the living room and that's when nicole came in, and she was completely out of control. She was raging, looking for shin.
Stefan: Wait, wait, nicole? What does nicole have to do with kristen?
Gabi: Well, we got into an argument. I was telling her that she framed you for the kidnapping of ted and kate. That she framed you for killing ted.
Stefan: Okay, I'm not-- I'm not following. You got into a fight with nicole, but kristen hit you over the head. What are you talking about?
Gabi: Stefan, kristen is nicole. -Their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town.
Marlena: Honey, you can tell me anything. You know that.
John: Yeah, I know. Your confession was about doug's place. So is mine.
Marlena: All right.
John: On the night that we were there together and you were talking to chloe... brady told me he's back with nicole.
Marlena: That they're together as a couple?
John: Yeah.
Marlena: Well, I happen to know that nicole's marriage to tony is in name only.
John: Yeah, it's just a business arrangement, but, doc, there's more to it. That case that I'm working on...
Marlena: With hope?
John: Yeah. We're investigating the kidnappings of... ted and kate, ted's subsequent murder, and... so far everything we learned, all the roads are leading right back to nicole. And that means that brady's caught up in this too.
Brady: Marlena wanted to invite susan to the party, so I did, but she hasn't rsvp'd yet though.
Will: Well, she might come. You know how much she loves marlena.
Brady: Yeah. If she comes, would you do me a favor? Would you run interference for me?
Will: Why? You think she's gonna put the moves on you again?
Brady: Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I mean, the fact that I reached out to her, she might get the wrong idea.
Will: Well, the wrong idea is sort of susan's thing.
Brady: [Sighs] Yeah, I don't wanna be cruel. But, then again, I don't wanna, as she would say...
[Mimicking susan] Be mean, mean, mean, brady. I don't really--I just-- she scares me, will.
Will: Oh, come on. You guys shared a really special moment, you know, the last time that she was in town.
Brady: Mm-hmm, you having a lot of fun with this right now?
Will: No, I--
Brady: Enjoying yourself?
Will: I'm just making sure that you're-- that you're, you know, not interested.
Stefan: Kristen is nicole? That makes no sense.
Gabi: Well, maybe not, but it's true.
Stefan: Gabi, I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Gabi: [Sighs] Okay. All right, look. From the time that nicole came back from the dead...
Stefan: Yeah.
Gabi: What has everyone been saying? She's not herself. She's not herself.
Stefan: She lost her daughter in a tragic accident.
Gabi: Well, that wasn't the reason because that's not her daughter. Okay? I'm telling you. That person isn't nicole. It was kristen wearing a mask.
Stefan: What?
Gabi: All right, you remember how I told you that we had this fight, right? Okay, well, it got physical and then I pulled her hair and that'S... that's when her face kind of fell off.
Stefan: You pulled her face off?
Gabi: Well, yeah, the mask, okay? And then, there she was, kristen dimera in the flesh.
Stefan: That's crazy.
Gabi: Is it?
Stefan: Yeah.
Gabi: Well, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. How nicole was trying really hard to get dimera back. How she rejected eric. Everybody knows that that was the love of her life, but she wanted brady.
Stefan: Kristen has always been obsessed with him.
Gabi: I mean, I'm not a big fan of nicole, but she's not crazy. Not like this. I mean, there is only one person that would go to extreme lengths, including marry her brother, to get what she wants, and that's kristen dimera.
Nicole: Oh, father, what would you do, hmm? I mean, I can't kill stefan. He's your son. And I can't kill gabi because she knows everybody in town. Her brother's a police officer, her daughter has two fathers, and none of them will give me a moment's peace.
[Sighs] Now I know what xander was talking about when he locked up ted and kate in that room.
[Chuckles] I mean, once you have them, what the hell are you supposed to do with them? I'm just a normal person
Tripp: You know, it's been really hard for haley to stay in claire's old room, especially with everything that's already happened.
Kayla: I can see that could be triggering.
Tripp: Yes, so I'm going to offer to switch rooms with her and jj.
Kayla: Well, that's a nice gesture, but you're gonna still be living there with the two of them.
Tripp: Yeah, but with work and studying, I'm barely ever there anyway.
Kayla: Haley doesn't know how you feel, does she?
Tripp: No. No, and I don't want her to know.
Kayla: Well, that puts you in a terrible position, doesn't it?
Tripp: I just want her to be happy.
Kayla: Well, what about you?
Tripp: I'll get by.
Kayla: Yeah, you know, tripp, I know that you still feel a lot of guilt about what you did to me and later to claire, and that you feel like you've made these mistakes that you have to make up for, but, listen, you deserve to be happy too.
Tripp: Thank you.
Kayla: I know, tripp, you and I have had a complicated history... but you are family now, and that is never gonna change. Ever. Do you hear me? I love you and I am here for you. Whatever you need. Whatever you decide.
Tripp: I love you too. Thank you. That really means a lot. All right. I'll keep you posted, okay?
Haley: When I started having those hallucinations of claire, you were going through all that trouble with your dad.
Jj: I still could have helped you.
Haley: [Sighs]
[Soft music]
I guess I just... I didn't want you to still see me as this weak person. You know, always... always having to be rescued.
Jj: You're not weak. Haley... you're one of the strongest people I know. You made a life for yourself all on your own. You worked your way through nursing school. You took on ice.
Haley: [Chuckles] And still I always find myself needing help.
Jj: We all do. It's what we do for the people we love. From now on, I would like to be there for you no matter what you are going through.
Haley: And I wanna do the same for you.
Jj: Good. So can we have no more secrets? Please?
Haley: No more secrets.
Jj: I love you.
Haley: And I love you.
Brady: Think I'm interested in susan banks? You've lost your marbles, will, all right? You're losing it.
Will: I'm just messing with you. Plus, if I know susan, I know that she loves roger. She does. Why else would she put up with that awful elvis routine?
Brady: I don't know, but I... I don't know what goes through that woman's skull, actually.
Will: Yeah, she's a few strings short of a guitar, but she--
[Both chuckle] She's a very loyal person. She has her own moral code, and, no offense, but you're really not her type.
Brady: Could have fooled me.
Susan: This.
Brady: No. You know, there... there was something strange about that whole thing.
Sonny: Hey.
Both: Hey.
Sonny: Sorry, that look a little longer than I thought.
Will: Is something wrong?
Sonny: Well, I ran into nicole at the mansion, and she was acting, you know, just, like, pretty weird.
Brady: Hold on, hold on. Nicole was at the dimera mansion.
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, she said she was working.
Brady: Working with whom?
Sonny: She claimed that she had a meeting with gabi, um, but gabi wasn't there.
Gabi: Oh, come on. You believe me.
Stefan: Check this out. So ben and ciara hid under nicole's bed in her room, and they heard her talking to kate.
Gabi: What did they hear?
Stefan: That nicole was actually involved in kidnapping ted and kate, and kate seemed to think there was a second person involved. Someone they were both very afraid of.
Gabi: Kristen?
Stefan: And kate didn't realize she was talking to her the entire time.
Gabi: Yeah, she fooled everyone.
Stefan: How did I not see it?
Gabi: Well, how could you imagine something so twisted?
Stefan: Me and my family.
Gabi: She knew that she couldn't come back as herself because of the crimes that she committed...
Stefan: [Scoffs]
Gabi: So she figured out a way to get what she wanted without being arrested.
Stefan: So she came back as nicole.
Gabi: Yeah, the perfect person to make a play at dimera. Oh, and of course, for brady.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line trills]
[Cell phone rings]
[Cell phone beeps]
Nicole: Brady?
Brady: Hey, I left you a message before.
Nicole: Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't get to the phone. I, uh... I was caught up in other things.
Brady: I heard you were at the dimera mansion.
Nicole: You talked to sonny.
Brady: Yeah. Listen. What are you doing right now? I'd like to see you.
Nicole: Oh, brady, I would love that.
Brady: Great. I'll meet you at the room in, say, 20 minutes.
Nicole: Perfect. I can't wait.
Brady: Neither can I.
[Cell phone beeps] Great news!
[Door closes]
Haley: Oh...
Tripp: I'm glad to see you're doing better. It's good to have you home.
Haley: [Laughs] Thanks. It's good to be back.
Tripp: And, look, I just wanted to say again that I'm-- I really am sorry, jj, for everything. I... I thought I was helping the situation getting haley those pills, but I... I just, you know, made it worse. I'm the reason she took that fall, so...
Haley: It's not your fault at all, tripp.
Tripp: No, if anything really bad had happened to you, I would have never forgiven myself.
Haley: Hey, look. See? I'm fine. One piece.
Tripp: Yeah, thank god.
Jj: Yeah.
Haley: Jj, is sorry too. He should not have grabbed you like that at the hospital.
Tripp: No, it's really fine.
Haley: He was just worried about me, and... might have overreacted a little bit, but he doesn't blame you for what happened. Right, jj? Okay. Then it's all settled. Roomies again.
[Sighs] I'm hungry. Are you guys hungry? I can whip something up.
Tripp: Oh, no, I just got off work. I just came home to change for the gym.
Haley: Oh, are you gonna be back for dinner?
Tripp: No, I've got plans. I'll see you guys later, though, right?
Jj: Tripp, wait.
John: Kate is really afraid of whoever's behind these kidnappings. She thinks that whoever it was was the one who murdered ted.
Marlena: Hmm, well, whoever that was, they were working with nicole.
John: Or forcing nicole to do their bidding, yeah.
Marlena: Who do you think it is? Stefan dimera?
John: Mm. We're working on some leads.
Marlena: And have you confronted nicole yet?
John: No. Kate did. Her takeaway? She feels that nicole is just as scared as she is.
Marlena: Well, then maybe i should go talk nicole again now that I have more information.
John: Absolutely not.
Marlena: What could be the harm?
John: Because you already said she's unstable, we don't wanna set her off, and last thing we wanna do is tip her off.
Nicole: Well, if I let them rot, then someone's gonna find them, but if I move them, then, I don't know, maybe something--
[Knocks on door] Oh. Brady, I've missed you so much!
Brady: Hey. Oh, hold on.
Nicole: What?
Brady: [Sighs]
Nicole: What, brady? Is something wrong?
Stefan: [Laughs] You know what's funny about all this?
Gabi: Cannot say that I do.
Stefan: That I was just about to have a contractor come down here and make sure nobody got locked in this room ever again.
Gabi: Oh, well, what happened to that plan?
Stefan: Funny you should ask. I ended up marrying a certain woman who kicked me out of my company and my home.
Gabi: Mm, I could see how that might distract you.
Stefan: Yeah, but let's not get into that. Now, the important thing is that we know kristen is here and wants to dispose of both of us.
Gabi: Well, it sounds like she would have already done that had you not come in when you did.
Stefan: Looked that way.
Gabi: Let me ask you. You say that you hate me. Why did you save my life?
Jj: I know this is awkward.
Tripp: No, it's--it's fine. I don't wanna make you feel like you have to stay away from your own place.
Haley: Yeah, this is your loft, tripp, and you were the one who generously took us in when we didn't have a place to go.
Tripp: It's really no big deal.
Jj: No, it was a big deal. You put everything on the line to help us out and I really appreciate it. We both do.
Tripp: Thank you for saying that.
Jj: But given all the circumstances... everything we've all been through... I think it would be best for me and haley to move out.
Marlena: Okay, look, I know I didn't have a lot of success talking to nicole the first time, but if I were to try it--
John: No, no, doc, doc, no, no, hope's on it. She'll get to the bottom of whatever's going on with nicole.
Marlena: Hope? Come on, what if she doesn't?
John: No, no, no, she will. She will--trust me, it's okay. Why don't you and I just try to, oh, I don't know, concentrate on each other tonight.
Marlena: Oh. Sure, I could do that.
John: I thought so. Because I'm sure that you are aware that tonight is the anniversary of our first wedding back in 1986.
Marlena: It's on my calendar.
John: Yeah. Listen, I hope it's okay if, you know, I didn't plan anything extravagant to mark the occasion. But I still would like to mark tonight for the special occasion that it is.
Marlena: Sure. What would you like to do?
John: Well, I thought something maybe kind of simple. Just you and I slide over to doug's place. You know, maybe get a bottle of wine, some appetizers, and who knows where that might take us.
[Both laugh] What? What do you think?
Marlena: I'm thinking that it's just amazing how we're always in sync.
John: Yeah, why's that?
Marlena: Well, I was thinking of doug's place tonight too.
John: Well, then this is gonna work out perfectly.
Marlena: It will be perfect.
[Both laugh] Oh, perfect. Table for two.
[Laughs softly]
Sonny: So they each think they're surprising the other one? How did that happen?
Will: I don't know. It's the most john and marlena party ever.
Sonny: Well, I can't wait.
Will: So, okay, earlier you said nicole was acting strange. Right?
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Will: In what way?
Sonny: She was just, like, jumpy, you know? She was out of breath and she was irritable with me when I kept asking her questions about gabi.
Will: Hmm. Well, nicole and gabi definitely don't like each other.
Sonny: It was kind of more than that. And one more weird thing. You know, how gabi always has her phone?
Will: Yeah, sometimes I think it's permanently attached to her hand.
Sonny: Exactly. Well, I found her phone in the living room at the dimera mansion. And nicole told me that gabi left it behind because she had this, like, emergency business meeting.
Will: Okay, gabi must have realized it was gone as soon as she got to the meeting.
Sonny: That's just it. I texted her again when I was parked in the driveway. She's still not responding.
Stefan: Why are you looking at me like that, gabi?
Gabi: Because I wanna know why you stopped kristen from killing me after everything that I have done to you. Tricking you into marriage, stealing your company, evicting you from your house... why didn't you just let your sister snuff me out?
Nicole: Is something wrong, brady?
Brady: [Clears throat] No. No, not exact--
Nicole: Okay, then what is it?
Brady: I saw will and sonny.
Nicole: Yes, you told me.
Brady: And the conversation I had with them, it led me to wonder about something.
Nicole: Wonder about what?
Brady: Kristen.
Nicole: You're bringing up kristen again?
Brady: I've been thinking a lot about her lately, nicole.
Nicole: And what are you wondering about?
Brady: If kristen is still alive.
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