Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 08/19/19
Episode #13589 ~ Gabi figures out Kristen's plan; Brady confesses to Eric that he and Nicole are back together; Kate receives an enticing offer, and Will and Sonny break into Xander's secret box.
Provided By Suzanne
Maggie: Oh, sarah. Well, this is a nice surprise. Were you waiting for me?
Sarah: I was. Henderson said you were out. He would not tell me where.
Maggie: Ah, well, henderson is the soul of discretion. I was down at the horton center in a meeting.
Sarah: Oh...
Maggie: Mm-hmm.
Sarah: Right. Are you doing that every day now?
Maggie: I'm trying. You know, the recent slip reminded me that I cannot be cavalier about my sobriety. I need to work the program. So were you looking for me?
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Maggie: Mm-hmm, is everything all right?
Sarah: Everything is all right.
Maggie: All right.
Sarah: Everything is great. I thought you would be very happy to hear eric and I are finally together.
Eric: Hey, I'm on my way out.
Brady: We need to talk.
Eric: Listen, I have nothing to say to you.
Brady: Eric, eric, give me-- give me one minute.
[Dramatic music]
Will: Sonny, what's going on? What are you so worked up about?
Sonny: There's something i have to show you.
Will: What is this?
Sonny: It's that bonehead xander'S. I got it from his room. I'm hoping that this could help us get to the bottom of your grandmother's kidnapping.
Kate: You're asking me to run dimera.
Shin: Why not? You're a formidable businesswoman.
Kate: Yes, I was that same woman when I was running the company before, and yet you threw me to the curb when vivian alamain and stefan came into town.
Shin: As I recall, they had some help from your late husband.
Kate: Yes, I am well aware of andre's deceptions. But the way I see it, I owe you and the dimeras nothing. I suffered enough at the house that stefano built.
Gabi: No! Oh, oh. What? What is this, a wig?
[Gasps] What?
[Tense music]
Oh, my god.
Kristen: [Chuckles] You know, for a gold-digging grifter from the wrong side of the tracks who schemed her way into my family, I do have to give you credit. You did your research.
Gabi: Oh, I didn't have to do research. I know exactly who you are.
Kristen: Oh, goodie. Then you know exactly what I'm capable of.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Will: How did you get your hands this?
Sonny: Well, I didn't plan to take it, but I was walking by xander's room--which is very messy, by the way--and I saw his door was opened, and before i knew it, I was, like, in his room rummaging through his stuff, and...
Will: Risky.
Sonny: Yeah.
Will: But--but gutsy.
Sonny: I promised you I was gonna help you, and that's what I intend to do.
Will: I am very, very grateful for that.
Sonny: Okay, so we know xander is hiding something. His story about the kidnapping of ted didn't match the cctv footage from the dock.
Will: Yeah, so if we could figure out the truth, we could solve the case, not to mention ted's murder.
Sonny: And the answers might be in this box.
Will: Well, the only question is, how do we get this thing open?
Eric: You want to talk, talk.
Brady: All right, look, I'm not gonna expect kindness from you or anything, but I thought we could be civil. Nicole--nicole is back. She's--she turned up alive, eric. That's a second chance for everybody here.
Eric: So you thought you'd let her second chance be to marry tony dimera.
Brady: I didn't let her do anything, all right? She's a grown woman. She did what she wanted to do.
Eric: Yeah, it's not like you ever stopped her from getting what she wanted, but in this case, did you--it's just wrong. Actually, no, it's more than wrong, it's insane. And you still gave it your blessing.
Brady: I didn't give her my blessing. I wasn't in a position to dissuade her from doing anything. She did what she wanted to do.
Eric: So I'm supposed to believe that she fell madly in love with tony after she nearly died while recovering in a hospital? That doesn't make any sense.
Brady: No, it doesn't make any sense. It's because it's not the real reason, eric.
Eric: What? What do you mean? Brady, tell me. Why did nicole marry tony?
Brady: It's so she could make a play for control of dimera enterprises, okay?
Eric: Dimera enterprises? Why--why would nicole want that?
Gabi: So--so nicole showing up, coming back from the dead, that was all you this whole time?
Kristen: [Chuckles] Give the girl a prize.
Gabi: Oh, and everyone thinking that nicole's turned into this crazy bitch because-- because she's losing her daughter, everyone thinking that it's grief, it has nothing to do with grief. This whole time, it's been you. This crazy bitch is you.
Kristen: Some acting chops, huh?
Gabi: You--you really think you're clever, is that what it is? You know, you're actually not. You know what you are? You're disgusting. You're despicable. Okay, you--you buried a little girl pretending that that was your child, shedding crocodile tears, blaming everybody for her death, even eric. You put that man through hell.
Kristen: Only because he was so nauseatingly lovesick, so relieved I was back that he actually expected me to get in the sack with him again.
Gabi: And you had to be cruel.
Kristen: How the hell else was I supposed to get him to leave me alone?
Gabi: Okay, so this whole entire time it's been a scheme to get back with brady?
Kristen: Wow, you really are connecting the dots.
Gabi: Wow, and brady, of course, I mean, he believes that you're nicole. Poor bastard. You know, ever since you got to this town, you've pursued him like crazy, like he's the only person that hasn't betrayed you, and, of course, brady fell for that.
Kristen: Bless his sweet heart, and now we are even closer than ever.
Gabi: No, kristen, nicole and brady are closer than ever, okay? He hates you with a vengeance, okay? And he's gonna hate you even more once he finds out that you're making a fool of him.
Kristen: Okay, I am not making a fool of him. I made him realize that he and i belong to each other. I made him feel the love that he's always had for me. And now that is stronger than ever, love, passion.
Gabi: Oh, passion? That's gonna turn into disgust once he finds out what you've been doing. I think he's gonna want to just wring your scrawny neck.
Kristen: Mm, you're so wrong. No, you see, I know brady like no one else does, and he is going to be grateful that i figured out a way to make him feel alive again, a way to bring us closer together like we were always meant to be.
Gabi: You are one crazy bitch.
Kristen: I am an ambitious, exceptionally clever woman who's accomplished almost everything she's set out to do.
Gabi: Almost everything?
Kristen: It will be just plain everything when she gets rid of the pesky little obstacle that's standing in her way.
Gabi: Okay, well, what's the one pesky little obstacle?
Kristen: I'm looking right at her.
[Tense music]
I'm just a normal person
Maggie: So how is eric? I know it's been hard on him having nicole back.
Sarah: Yeah, it was hard. It was hard for him to let her go, but he knows that there's no future for them. He--he told me so himself, and nicole's just not the woman that he fell in love with, so I really think that this is gonna work out, mom.
Maggie: I'm so happy. I'm so happy for you. Yes.
Eric: So the only reason that nicole married tony was to get control of dimera?
Brady: Yeah, it was strictly a business decision, all right? She couldn't become ceo without the dimera name.
Eric: Since when does nicole care about dimera?
[Dramatic music]
And why the hell would you go along with this as well, as, like, support her in her decision marrying a man she doesn't love? Whoa, whoa, wait, wait. You know what? I think I got it. You're the only man that nicole didn't blame for holly's death. So you're thinking that maybe if you--what, if you help nicole get what she wants that when all this is over that she's gonna come back to you?
Brady: [Scoffs]
Eric: You really think that the two of you are finally gonna be together?
Brady: Actually, we already are.
[Tense music]
Will: Yeah, give it a little more pressure on that end.
Sonny: All right, well, it feels like it's about to give.
Will: Yeah.
Sonny: This whole lock-picking kit, it's not a family heirloom, is it?
Will: Uh, if you're asking if I got it from my mom, the answer is no. It's, uh, it's paul'S. He--he left it when he moved to california.
Sonny: Oh, you didn't send it back to him?
Will: I've been meaning to.
Sonny: Well, for once, your procrastination pays off. We are in.
Will: Yes, okay, let's see what's behind door number three.
Sonny: Oh, my gosh. Look at those.
Will: Wow. I don't even want to think about where he got those. Okay, okay, what else? What else?
Sonny: Um, I don't know. Just looks like some ancient trinkets, which are probably cursed.
Will: And a picture of sarah.
Sonny: Super creepy.
Will: Yeah, creepier than the cursed trinkets. Okay. Wait, what is this?
Sonny: Is that a bankbook?
Will: Yeah, with an account number to what appears to be an offshore bank.
Sonny: That's great work. Hey, see if there's any transfers to xander's account from stefan dimera, and we'll see if that backs up his story.
Will: Or see if he was working with anyone else. I mean, the problem is that i don't know how to access this account.
Sonny: Leave that to me.
[Ominous music]
Shin: I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. I had no idea you had such ill will toward the dimera family.
Kate: [Chuckles] Well, that's one of the perks of working in hong kong, isn't it? It's easier to deal with family when you're 8,000 miles away.
Shin: I can't claim to know all the ways that you've been slighted, but I can promise you this, if you were to come back into the family fold, I would do everything in my power to make it up to you.
Kate: Well, that's very flattering, but why the change of heart? You already offered the job to stefan's wife.
Shin: I'm starting to think that may have been a mistake.
Kate: [Chuckles]
Shin: I have my doubts about her loyalty to the company.
Kate: Well, that's an easy fix. Just give it to the other mrs. Dimera.
Shin: I have reservations about nicole as well.
Kate: [Chuckling] They are both loose cannons. Well, what you could do is have them running it together as co-ceos the way sami and I did.
Shin: I don't think that would work in this case. Those two are already at each other's throats. And that's exactly why I'm considering making this change. Kate, how can I make you consider helping me to get rid of those two mrs. Dimeras?
Gabi: So I'm the last thing in your way, huh? Well, you've met your match, lady, because I will fight you every step of the way. Stefan and I, we're gonna making you the laughing stock of salem before you could ever complete your goal.
Kristen: Aren't you the big talker?
Gabi: Oh, I can do more than talk, and I am not gonna be intimidated by some looney-toon that can't even show her face in public. Oh, wow, that--that's why you opened the hotel door with your lucha libre mask on. So wait, your nicole mask, was it at the cleaners or something?
Kristen: Yeah, something like that.
Gabi: Yeah, you knew you could not go after dimera as your nasty, hated, disgusting self, so you concocted this scheme to bring back the dearly departed nicole walker. Now she's alive and well and aching to be under the covers with brady black.
Kristen: Pretty ingenious if you ask me.
Gabi: [Chuckles] I think the word is "deranged." See? And as a wig expert, it's pretty good. The mask, perfect. But kristen marrying your brother, that was just revolting, disgusting, okay? Even for you, that is pretty low. I mean, who cares? The jig is up, right? Although I think you should spend your entire time in a straitjacket, you're gonna be going to jail. And I wish I could tell you it's not gonna be bad, but it's gonna be hell.
Kristen: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Victor: Oh, there you are.
Maggie: Victor.
Victor: Maggie, I know things have been tense between us lately. Would you look at me, please? I have something for you. It's an anniversary present.
Maggie: But it's not our anniversary.
Victor: Not ours, yours.
Maggie: I don't understand.
Victor: Open it.
[Gentle piano music]
Maggie: A chip.
Victor: You've been sober for ten weeks today.
Maggie: Yes, I know that. I just didn't think that you did.
[Light piano music]
Shin: Kate, we've known each other for a very long time. And I know you can't give me one good reason to let me down.
Kate: No, I can give you two, victor kiriakis and titan.
Shin: You're not serious, are you? Ahh, I realize you are married to the man, but he's hardly the powerhouse he used to be.
Kate: Well, he was smart enough to hire me, wasn't he?
Shin: Which you used to get your foot back in the door so that you can look for an opening to make your move. It's a great strategy. Unfortunately, it's never going to happen as long as victor's grandson is around.
Eric: You and nicole are together?
Brady: Yeah, I wanted to tell you. I didn't want you hearing it from somebody else.
Eric: So she and tony are--
Brady: They're--they're-- they're a marriage in name only. It's only temporary till she can take control of dimera.
Eric: Are you two sleeping together?
Brady: Yes.
Eric: Sorry, I'm just a little lost for words, a bit mind-boggling.
Brady: Eric...eric--
Eric: The fact that you could stand by and watch nicole marry tony and then seduce her.
[Scoffs] I mean, you knew how vulnerable she was. She was--she just lost her daughter, but you were the only one she didn't blame, and you took full advantage it.
Brady: Whoa, hold on. I didn't take advantage of anything. She actually went after me, eric.
Eric: And so that makes it okay? You knew she wasn't in her right mind, she wasn't in the right space. We all stepped back. That's what you should have done. You should have had the decency to do the same thing as we all did, but you saw the weakness, and you took advantage of her.
Brady: Listen, I--
Eric: I mean, I can't believe you--
Brady: I didn't do what you're saying I did. She actually came after me, eric. I told her I didn't want to do it. I told her I didn't want to hurt you the way that you hurt me. She didn't seem to care.
Eric: Oh, so that's okay. She didn't care; you didn't care. The hell with it. You protested for what, ten seconds, so if my brother doesn't care, then the hell with them, huh?
Brady: Eric, eric--
Eric: You're such a son of a bitch, you know that?
Brady: Calm down.
Eric: No, there's no reason to calm down.
Sarah: Hey, hey, stop, eric.
Brady: Watch it!
Sarah: What the hell is going on?
[Dramatic music]
Sonny: Okay, matt, thank you so much. I'll call you if I need anything else. Okay, bye.
You're I.T. Guy come through?
Sonny: You could say that. He just gave me xander's account number in the caymans.
Will: Okay, don't keep me in suspense.
Sonny: You ready?
Will: Yeah.
Sonny: Okay, it's 92632442428.
[Computer beeps]
Will: We're in.
Sonny: Okay good. All right, "recent account activity..." what's--oh, whoa. Xander is pretty loaded.
Will: Yeah, apparently selling blood diamonds is fairly lucrative from what I've heard.
Sonny: You see--look at this. Look at these repeated transfers from an italian bank. Isn't that crazy? They were dated back, like, a year ago.
Will: Yeah, but there's no name. It's just an account number. Is there any way to find out if this belongs to stefan or if stefan and xander have been working together all that time?
Sonny: I don't know. Let me find out.
[Tense music]
[Phone beeps]
Gabi: Get off of me!
Kristen: Oh. You are not gonna take this away from me.
Gabi: Oh!
Kristen: I have worked too hard to get dimera and brady.
Gabi: Kristen, I'm calling the cops!
Kristen: Oh!
Gabi: [Gasps]
Kristen: Ugh! You are not gonna stop me.
Gabi: That's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Gabi: Oh! Ugh!
[Dramatic music]
This is hal.
Sarah: Will somebody please just tell me what the hell is going on?
Eric: Yeah, ask brady.
Brady: Sure. Sarah--sarah, um, I'll explain. Eric's upset, because I told him that I'm sleeping with nicole, which I find really ironic, actually, since chloe just told me that the two of you are together. I mean, once again eric steals his brother's woman.
Sarah: Excuse me?
Brady: You know what I mean.
Sarah: Steals his brother's woman?
Eric: You know what I mean.
Sarah: I know exactly what you meant, brady, and maybe you're the type of guy that thinks that women are possessions that can be stolen, which is probably why you have such a tough time holding on to one, but your brother, on the other hand, sees me for exactly who I am, a reasonably intelligent, capable human being who can her own decisions, and my decision was to be with eric.
Brady: Sarah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, honestly, and I don't feel that way about women. My point was is that I was keeping nicole at an arm's length for my brother, because i didn't want to hurt him the way that he had hurt me.
Eric: Oh, how noble. What, at least until you change your mind?
Brady: You know what, man? I came over here to be civil with you. I wanted to be reasonable with you, but I'm a little tired of that right now. 'Cause here's the problem, what is your problem with this whole thing? You're with her right now, right? Nicole doesn't want to be with you, so the real question is, why do you care?
[Tense music]
Shin: Come now, kate, you can't honestly be happy with victor's grandson telling you what to do.
Kate: [Exhales] Well, no. Brady black is not my dream boss, but if it comes down to that, I'll just deal with it, because I enjoy my job. I'm well-respected.
Shin: And as lovely as that sounds, it's never gonna be enough for you. I don't think that's true. The kiriakises have made this big show offering you this job, but they never see you as one of their own. They're not your family. But the dimeras, now that's where you belong.
Kate: [Chuckles] Well, it's very touching that you care about me so deeply and where I belong.
Shin: I happily admit I'm looking out for myself and the company as well. And I'm betting that you can offer us some very interesting insights into titan.
[Light piano music]
Victor: I know you must think the only think I keep track of is the titan stock prices, but I happen to remember that today is an important milestone for you. You like it?
Maggie: Ahh, I do. I love it.
Victor: I know how hard you've worked, maggie. And I wish that I'd been more sensitive to what you were going through, losing holly and... didn't help any my having kate around.
Maggie: I appreciate you saying that. I need to make an apology too. I overreacted where kate was concerned. It's just that that woman, she just knows how to push my buttons. And because I had been drinking, I--I didn't have any control over it.
Victor: I understand. But you have to know that she is merely an employee of mine. You're my wife. And that makes me the luckiest man in the world.
Maggie: I'm lucky too.
Victor: And now I would like to take my wife to lunch, celebrate her strength, her kindness, and her huge and forgiving heart.
Maggie: Well, I'll just have to change all my plans.
Victor: [Chuckles] I love you, maggie.
Maggie: I love you too, victor. Oh, I love you too, victor. Ohh.
Will: All right, what about this transaction on the 31st?
Sonny: No, that's a different--that's a different number.
[Phone beeps]
Will: Ahh.
Sonny: One second. Matt just texted me.
Will: Your I.T. Guy?
Sonny: Yeah.
Will: Did he find something?
Sonny: Apparently, the account paying xander belongs to a foreign shell company.
Will: One that was set up by stefan?
Sonny: No, by another dimera. Kristen.
Kristen: Well, you're alive. I can fix that. Ahh, there's always a first for everything.
[Chuckles] Ohh!
Unpredictable crohn's
symptoms following you?
Kristen: [Grunts]
Stefan: Kristen, what the hell? You're alive.
Kristen: Yeah, that's right, brother.
Stefan: What the hell did you do to her?
Kristen: Oh...
Stefan: Are you insane?
Kristen: Insane? No, I'm simply doing what you should have done the second she stole the company from you. And now I'm just finishing the job.
Stefan: [Grunts]
Kristen: Augh!
Stefan: Gabi. Gabi. Gabi. Gabi, can you hear me? Gabi.
Eric: You know what? I'm done with this conversation.
Brady: Yeah, me too. I just--I was just hoping we could be civil, that's all, if--if for no other reason than for dad and marlena, especially now.
Eric: What is that supposed to mean?
Brady: It's why I came over here, eric. There's surprise party for dad and marlena, and you two are cordially invited.
Sarah: But john and marlena don't know about it?
Brady: Well, technically, they do, because they're actually surprising each other, so if you see them, please don't say anything.
Sarah: Yeah, we won't say anything.
Brady: Thank you. And I also want to give you a heads-up, eric. Listen, eric, nicole will be there. She'll either be with tony or with me.
Eric: Is that all?
Brady: That's it. See you at the party.
[Tense music]
Will: Wait a second, so you're telling me the account making payments to xander's account belongs to kristen.
Sonny: That's what I'm telling you, yeah.
Will: Okay, I mean, I guess that makes sense. He--he worked for her down in nashville.
Sonny: Yeah, but that was a while ago. Some of those transfers are more recent.
Will: Yeah, how can that be? Kristen's dead. I mean, isn't she?
Sonny: Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Just because this is kristen's account doesn't mean that she's still alive. For all we know, xander could just be helping himself, 'cause there's no one to stop him.
Will: Yeah, I guess that's possible.
Sonny: You know, this lead may have nothing to do with the kidnapping. Unless...
Will: What?
Sonny: Stefan got control of his sister's account and he's using that account to pay xander.
[Phone beeps]
Will: What, matt again?
Sonny: No, this is ari's day camp. She forgot her bathing suit at gabi's, but they can't get ahold of gabi.
Will: Oh--
Sonny: Do we--do we have another bathing suit here?
Will: We had two, but I took them to gabi's when ari started camp. I can go get them.
Sonny: No, no, no, you--you stay here, work on this, and I'll stop by gabi'S. Just let me know if you find anything, okay?
Will: You got it.
Sonny: Okay.
[Tense music]
Stefan: Gabi. Gabi, can you hear me? Gabi, are you all right? Gabi. Gabi, wake up. Ugh!
[Eerie music]
Limu emu & doug
Kate: It's a very generous offer, but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
Shin: Why don't we just leave it with you'll think about it? And when you change your mind, you know where to find me. Mr. Kiriakis, mrs. Kiriakis.
Victor: Mr. Shin, well, i suppose the rumors are true, then.
Shin: What rumors?
Victor: Well, for you to come all the way from hong kong, dimera must be in big trouble. Not that I'm surprised. I mean, what were you thinking putting gabi hernandez in charge?
Maggie: Victor.
Victor: Victor what? You may have a knack for getting people to dress like prostitutes, but running a corporation? Stefano would turn over in his grave.
Shin: If he were alive, he'd point out that dimera's choice makes as much sense as you allowing your playboy grandson to run your shriveling business into the ground.
[Tense music]
Kristen: Ugh. Mm. Ahh, looks like I'm gonna have to kill two birds with one stone. What? Oh, don't tell me you actually care about vivian's bastard. You didn't even know him. I know. I know. What you care most in this world is your family.
[Sighs] I can't just leave them here.
[Exhales] Better start with the big one. Ugh. Here we go, brother.
[Line trilling]
Brady: Hey, nicole, it's me. I went to the room, and you weren't there. Anyway, listen, I want to let you know, it's not urgent or anything, but I did tell eric about us, and he was not thrilled to say the least.
Eric: Thanks. Hey, I'm sorry that you walked in on brady and me like that.
Sarah: I'm just glad I showed up when I did. So that really upset you, finding out about brady and nicole?
Eric: It's not what you think.
Sarah: What do I think, that you're jealous?
Eric: I'm not jealous. I'm concerned. I'm concerned for the choices that she's making. It's like she's acting out of grief, you know?
Sarah: It sounded like her marriage to tony was just business.
Eric: Sarah, it just doesn't make any sense, I mean, why all of a sudden she cares about being the ceo of dimera enterprises. I mean, is she really hoping that this is gonna help take her mind off her losing holly? I don't know. I just don't know, and now she and brady? Nicole, she's just not the same person that I... she's a different person now. I'm sorry, I know how this all sounds, but I'm--
Sarah: No, I-- I know that you're hurting. And look, I--we've both been in that position before where you are in love with two people, and you don't know what to do. But, eric, I--as far from perfect as it was, I ended my marriage to be with you.
Eric: Sarah--
Sarah: No, just--please just listen. I know that you said that you are done with nicole, but if she's still in your heart, then, eric, please, you have to tell me.
Eric: I know I shouldn't care what nicole does in her life, but the fact that she's back with brady after everything that he did to her... what?
Sarah: I'm gonna go.
Eric: What? Why?
Sarah: Because you need time to think. Figure out what's in your heart.
[Somber music]
[Light jazzy music]
Victor: Kate.
Maggie: Uh, well, maybe she just stopped in for lunch.
Victor: Yes, and maybe I'm the queen of sheba. I don't like the looks of this, maggie. Do we have a traitor in our midst? I think I'd best have a little chat with my employee.
Maggie: Um, well, why don't i get us a table?
Victor: Mm.
Kate: Oh.
Victor: Kate.
Kate: Hi.
Victor: Just ran into mr. Shin outside. I assume you saw him too?
Kate: Yes, I did. He gave me such an earful. He's such a pushy man.
Victor: And foolish putting gabi hernandez in charge of the company.
Kate: Yeah, well, it'S...
[Phone beeps] Gabi dimera now. She certainly wouldn't have been my first choice. Ahh, I have to get to this meeting. I will talk to you soon.
Will: Hey, you're back. I was hoping I could get a chance to speak with you.
Brady: [Exhales] Why? What's going on?
Will: Sonny and I did some digging into my grandma's kidnapping, and we discovered something pretty interesting.
Brady: Is this about xander?
Will: No, it's about kristen.
[Dramatic music]
Kristen: [Breathing deeply] Ohh. Oh, my god, he was heavy. But I did enjoy letting his head hit the stairs all the way down. Are you happy, daddy? I didn't kill your bastard. Well, at least for now. Oh, now to get rid of the pesky little slut before she wakes up, hmm?
[Doorbell rings]
[Knock at door]
[Tense music]
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