Days Transcript Friday 8/16/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/16/19


Episode #13588 ~ Gabi and Nicole have a major showdown; Xander agrees to a deal with John and Hope; Ben and Ciara catch Kate making a deal with the devil; Roman gets drawn into Anna's scheme.

Provided By Suzanne

Anna: If you are here to beg me to take you back, you're too late. I'm marrying roman.

Tony: This is not what you want. I don't believe this.

Anna: Believe this.

[Jazzy music]

[Telephone ringing]

Gabi: [Sighs] Rare, have you gotten anywhere with that new evidence for the ted laurent case, anything that could clear stefan?

Rafe: Can you stop, okay?

Gabi: What?

Rafe: Well, I told you that because you're my sister, okay? I cannot be--no, don'T. I cannot be disclosing evidence about an ongoing investigation, okay?

Gabi: Well, he's my husband. If he's innocent, I have the right to know.

Rafe: Listen, you only married him because you want to ruin his life.

Gabi: So.

Rafe: So. So you did it. You don't seem too thrilled about it. You having second thoughts?

[Telephone rings] Yeah, hernandez. Yeah, all right. I've got to get down to evidence. I'll be right back, okay?

[Suspenseful music]

Xander: I'll tell you everything I know, including who put me up to all this.

John: All right, if it wasn't stefan, then who are you working for?

Hope: Nothing you say can surprise us.

Xander: Trust me, you will be blown away when I tell you who's really running this show.

Nicole: So what's so important?

Kate: Well, why don't we start with the fact that stefan didn't order the kidnapping of ted and me?

Nicole: Kate, I don't know what you're talking about.

Kate: Okay, well, don't even bother to deny it, because i know for a fact that xander didn't drag ted down to the docks.

Kate: Oh, and how exactly do you know that?

Nicole: Because ted told me. He said that he was hit over the head with a poker and his unconscious body was dragged down to the dungeon and left there for dead. And you know who did that? You.

Kate: Ahh, mm.

[Suspenseful music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Nicole: Well, I don't know why ted would tell you that, but he was lying.

Kate: Well, my eyes weren't lying when I saw you open the door to the secret room. You saw ted and me, and you slammed the door shut.

Kate: Are you the one who hit me on the head in this room?

Nicole: Excuse me?

Kate: Well, you know, 'cause I've never figured that out, who hit me, because they came up behind me, so either it was you or the person who's threatening us both.

John: So go ahead, xander. Just blow us away.

Xander: Before I say anything, I'll need a new deal, same as before, full immunity.

Hope: Okay, so you're admitting that you lied when you said that stefan ordered ted in kate's abduction?

Xander: I'm not admitting anything. I'm just saying it's possible i was mistaken about stefan's involvement.

John: Clarify mistaken.

Xander: Perhaps someone was threatening me.

Hope: And who was that?

Xander: You give me a new deal, I'll give you a new name.

John: Oh, knock it off, man. You're really trying my patience now.

Xander: You're the ones who told me that my old deal would be invalid if the testimony against stefan proved to be false. I'm just protecting myself. I don't want to end up being charged with ted's murder.

Rafe: You're snooping around my desk.

Gabi: No, I--I was just collecting information.

Rafe: You know, I can't leave you alone for two minutes. Okay, you are jeopardizing my job and my investigation. And by the way, reading confidential police files is a crime, okay?

Gabi: Okay, well, you know what? Arrest me, then. I need to know who that woman is in that file.

Rafe: What? What are you talking about?

Gabi: Right here, okay?

Rafe: You know what? You--

Gabi: This mystery woman.

[Tense music]

Nicole: You are making a lot of assumptions, kate. None of them are correct.

Kate: Okay, listen, you don't have to pretend. I know you're as scared as I am.

Nicole: I want you to leave.

Kate: We need to do something about this, because right now, we're--we're prisoners in our own lives. We're afraid of what will happen if we cross this person. But if we team up, if we join forces, we can work against them.

[Telephone rings]

Nicole: I have to get this. Nicole dimera.

Shin: I do not like to be kept waiting.

Nicole: My apologies. I got caught up. I am on my way.

Shin: This meeting had better not be a waste of my time. Ms. Hernandez has proven herself to be very valuable to dimera, and I will support her as ceo unless you can make an extremely compelling argument as to why you should replace her. Get here fast, ms. Walker, or your window of opportunity will be closed.

Stefan: You can't seriously be thinking about putting nicole in charge of dimera. She is dangerous, erratic, and untrustworthy.

Shin: That's rich coming from a man who's just been charged with murder.

Stefan: I am not the criminal. Nicole is. Mr. Shin, please, you cannot give her any more power. Nicole will look at you and swear eternal loyalty, and as soon as you turn around, she will stab you in the back.

Nicole: I have to leave.

Kate: We're not finished.

[Tense music]

Anna: Oh, my--my sweet roman, such a gentleman. And I realize he--he doesn't want to embarrass you with our pda, but believe me, behind closed doors, he does not hold back.

Tony: This is not real. You love me, not him.

Anna: Well, I did love you, tony. I did. So much that I--I carried your ashes around with me for years. But then I realized that was a very unhealthy way to live. So I went and got therapy, and I got help, and I finally came to terms with the fact that you were gone.

Tony: But I'm not gone. I'm standing right here.

Anna: [Laughs] But I didn't realize you were alive when I came back to salem. My plan was to put your ashes in the dimera crypt and then move on with my life.

Tony: By getting engaged to roman?

Anna: Well, is that so hard to believe? We do share a daughter after all, and not so long ago roman called me and invited me here on a new year's eve when I was very lonely. Isn't that right, hon?

Roman: Uh, yeah, but--

Anna: And for what I thought was going to be just an old roll in the hay for old times' sake and "auld lang syne" and all of that turned into something a lot more real, because he defended me and stood by me when I was falsely accused of killing andre with your urn, no less. Isn't that right, hon?

Roman: Yeah, it is, but--

Anna: He's always been so loyal and so--so passionate and so protective of me. He even gave me an alibi, which I didn't need, of course. But anyway, once I was cleared, we started dating, and then it really got quite serious. Isn't that right, hon? Isn't that right, hon?

Roman: Uh...yeah, but, uh, but we, uh, we broke up.

Tony: What kind of game are you playing here?

Anna: Heh... great riches will find you when liberty mutual

Anna: I am not playing games.

Tony: So you and roman, you--you didn't break up?

Anna: Well, I mean, we did about a year ago, but that was only because at the time i wasn't entirely over you. And he deserves my whole heart, which I couldn't give to him then, but I can now.

Tony: But this doesn't make sense. I was with marlena earlier, and she told me that you were heartbroken this morning because you and I are gonna spend another day apart.

Anna: Well, she must be mistaken, because you are just a teeny, tiny speck in my rearview mirror.

Tony: Look at me. Look at me.

[Chuckling] I see it in your eyes. You love me just as much as i love you. We belong together.

Anna: Then why are you still married to nicole?

Tony: Because I already told you, to save the family legacy. And it's not going to be forever.

Anna: And what am I supposed to do in the meantime, tony, sit around and wait? You can forget that, tony. If holding on to some stupid company is more important than holding on to me...

Tony: Anna, please.

Anna: Then roman is the good choice. It's a fabulous choice. Because he and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together.

Tony: Is this true? Are you going to make anna your wife?

Gabi: So you don't know who that mystery woman is or why she was running away from hope when hope was trying to give her her money back.

Rafe: I cannot discuss this with you.

Gabi: Oh, come on. Look, I read enough in that file to know that before ted was killed hope gave him back that expensive necklace. And then all of a sudden, it ends up in a trash can. So I'm thinking that that woman was in ted's apartment, and she took it, and then she dumped it.

Rafe: Maybe.

Gabi: All right, listen, i know that hope, she brought that necklace here. Did you guys find anything on it, prints, anything that could find who this mystery woman is?

Rafe: Well, here's the thing about thieves, a lot of times they were gloves.

Gabi: Okay, I get it, but, i mean, if it was a robbery, then why would she throw the necklace away? You don't think it's a robbery. You think that person killed ted.

Rafe: Listen, all I can tell you is that I am asking the same questions that you are asking me, all right?

Gabi: All right.

Rafe: All right.

Gabi: You know, so maybe it's possible that she could have shot ted before stefan even got there.

Rafe: It is possible.

Gabi: Rafe, then you need to find her.

Rafe: What do you think I am trying to do, hmm?

[Tense music]

John: Well, xander, the fact is, neither one of us has the ability to grant you an immunity deal.

Xander: Not my problem.

Hope: Yeah, well, it is your problem, because there is a lot of pressure on the pd to solve this case.

Xander: Are you suggesting your former colleagues would pin a murder on an innocent man?

Hope: No, I'm just saying that the police will implicate someone, and it could very well be you, and once that happens, our hands are gonna be tied.

John: You know, but the thing is, if you tell us the truth right now, we can help you get out in front of all this and avoid a long stretch in prison.

Xander: But I'm not going to prison, 'cause I didn't kill ted, but I have a pretty good idea who did.

John: Well, it shouldn't be a problem, just give us a name.

Xander: We're just going around in circles, aren't we? I don't know about you, but i want to get off this wild ride, but when I go, I can go forth with a clear conscience, unlike you two, who will have blood on your hands.

Hope: For what?

Xander: Failure to act. There is a killer on the loose in salem. If you want them off the streets before someone else turns up dead, I suggest you help me give the da a new suspect.

Stefan: I did not kidnap or murder anyone. I'm being framed.

Shin: By ms. Hernandez? According to ms. Walker, ms. Hernandez only married you because she had some score to settle.

Stefan: Oh, yes, that is true. Gabi wants to destroy my life, but nicole is the one who is trying to frame me.

Shin: Another personal vendetta?

Stefan: I don't know what her motivation is, but I know she won't back off. I mean, it was bad enough that she convinced ted and kate to say that I kidnapped them. But I think nicole killed ted to put the final nail in my coffin.

Shin: That's a serious charge you make without evidence to back it up.

Stefan: Well, I--I'm working on it. I have someone investigating as we speak.

Kate: Don't you realize we could both end up like ted?

Nicole: Mm...not me. Because I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Now, you on the other hand made a big mistake coming here trying to get me to team up with you.

Kate: You wouldn't do that. Nicole, you cannot tell anyone.

Nicole: Oh, I'm sorry, kate. But unlike you, I know where my loyalties belong.

Kate: Oh, my god. What the hell have I done? Who's gonna help me now?

Ben: How about us?

[Dramatic music]

-Guys, I want you to meet someone.

Kate: What the hell are you doing here?

Ben: I'm here on assignment for stefan dimera.

Kate: Oh, stefan assigned you and your girlfriend to be underneath nicole's bed?

Ben: Mr. Dimera believes that nicole is setting him up for your kidnapping and ted's murder. We came here to find proof.

Ciara: And based off of what we just heard, nicole isn't the only person involved.

Ben: And it sounds like somebody is pulling both your strings, kate. Who is it?

Kate: You have no idea of what you've gotten yourself into. You need to get the hell out of here and forget about everything you heard.

Ben: Oh, what I heard is that stefan didn't kidnap you. But you told the cops that he did.

Kate: Because I had no choice, because my family was threatened.

Ben: Okay, hey, I get it. You're a victim in all this. You're scared. I get it. But stefan's a victim too. That's why if you're gonna team up with anybody, it should be him, then you guys can join forces, and you can fight back together.

Kate: Yeah, well, it's too late for that, way too late, because nicole's already out there reporting what I wanted to do, all right? Right now, I'm as good as dead.

Ciara: Reporting to who?

Kate: Get out.

Ben: Let us help you.

Kate: Get out! Because if you don't, I call security, and you'll be arrested.

[Tense music]

Tony: Do you really want to marry my anna?

Roman: Uh... you know what, tony? We didn't get it right the first time, and I am a big believer in second chances.

Anna: Do you see? You see? Roman and I have rekindled our romance. My love for him is stronger than ever.

Tony: But not stronger than your love for me.

Anna: [Scoffs] The ego on you.

Tony: This is not about ego. It's the truth. When I battled back from the brink of death twice sometimes the pain was so excruciating that I wanted to give up, but I didn'T. Do you know why? Because of you. Because in my darkest hour, i could feel your love pulling me through so I could be strong again, so we could come back together, and I am not about to give you up for another man.

Anna: So does this mean you want to fight for me, tony?

Tony: Yes.

Anna: Oh, tony. There's only one way you can stop me from marrying roman.

Tony: Well, what is it? Tell me. What?

Anna: You have to divorce nicole.

[Tense music]

Nicole: [Scoffs] Where the hell is shin?

Stefan: Sorry for rushing you out of there like that. I thought we should have this conversation in private.

Shin: Wouldn't want anyone to overhear the accusations you're making against ms. Walker, especially if they're untrue.

Stefan: I'm really confident I'm right about nicole. You should get rid of her.

Shin: I appreciate your passion, mr. Dimera, but without any proof of wrongdoing, I'm reluctant to take any action.

[Cell phone ringing] It's ms. Walker.

Don't--don't--don't answer it. Just give me a little bit more time, and I will get you the proof that you need to show you that I'm being set up, then i can have my job back.

[Phone beeps]

Shin: I will put ms. Walker off for now. As far as your future with dimera, I'm not making any promises.

Stefan: It's my father's company.

Shin: Your wife is well on her way to taking it down. She fooled you into backing her as ceo, and we could all end up paying the price.

Stefan: I knew that sham of a marriage was a mistake.

Nicole: Mr. Shin, once again I am sorry for being late, but I'm here now in the square ready to discuss how to remove gabi hernandez from dimera before she can do any more damage.

Gabi: Okay, listen, this is huge, because if stefan didn't kill ted, then he's not gonna go to prison. This changes everything.

Rafe: Hmm. See, I still don't get why you care, but if you hate stefan, then why are you worried about what happens to him?

Gabi: Well, if stefan gets cleared, then he could come after me. I mean, you're the one that mentioned that in the first place.

Rafe: How the hell does that even make sense, hmm? You want him to be cleared on one hand, yet the other you're worried if he is cleared that he's gonna come after you?

Gabi: I--yes, I--I want justice to be served if stefan is innocent, but I am worried that he could be a maniac.

Rafe: Sis, hello, it's me you're talking to here, okay? So despite what you say about being scared of him, I think it's something else. In fact, I think you're in love with him.

[Tense music]

Gabi: Rafe, come on. How could I possibly love a man that framed me for a murder that I did not commit? My--my daughter thought i abandoned her. I could never carry another child to term because of him.

Rafe: Gabi, I know how much you've suffered, okay? I do. And revenge will feel good in the moment, but it's just gonna leave you feeling cold.

Gabi: So you don't think that he should pay for what he did to me?

Rafe: Of course I do. The question is, do you?

Gabi: Oh, come on. You know the answer to that. And why are you interrogating me?

No, no, no. I am not--I just want you to be honest with yourself. You're telling me that you hate stefan, you despite him, you want to see him punished, yet when he was brought up on kidnapping charges, you went to the mat for him.

Gabi: Because I thought he was innocent.

Rafe: Mm-hmm, and now you hope he didn't kill ted.

Gabi: I never said that.

Rafe: You didn't have to. I can see it, okay? Now, look, I already told you before, stefan is like the last person on earth that I want you to be with, but I've also learned you're gonna do whatever you want despite how I feel. So there's nothing I can do to stop you from being with him. And with that said, I hope he is innocent and it all works out.

[Ominous music]

Stefan: Oh, I got your text. You have news?

Ben: We went over to nicole's room, and--

Ben: "We." You both went.

Ciara: Yeah, ben has a record. If he got caught breaking and entering, he could be in big trouble, so I broke in before he got there.

Ben: We started searching the room. Before we found anything, kate walked in.

Stefan: That makes sense. Kate and ted were working with nicole to frame me.

Ben: No, not exactly.

Stefan: What, you don't think nicole's involved in this?

Ben: No, no, she's definitely involved. She's smack in the middle of the whole thing.

Nicole: What the hell is taking so long?

[Scoffs] Shin stood me up. And I bet that little slut gabi hernandez got to him and is filling his head with lies so he'll keep her on as ceo.

[Chuckles] Nice try, bitch. You're going down.

Tony: Oh, now I understand what's going on. You're using roman to try to force my hand.

Anna: That is totally untrue.

Tony: Well, if you loved him, you would have married him and not worried whether I'm going to end it with nicole or not.

Anna: All I know is I want a husband who truly loves me. Might be roman, might be you. May the best man win.

Mm. Ahh, looks like I've got a lot to think about.

Anna: Well, don't think too long, darling, 'cause roman and I, we might elope at a moment's notice.

Tony: Oh, okay. Bye. Roman.

Roman: Tony.

Anna: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Ohh, it worked like a charm. Ohh.

Hope: Xander's not budging on this.

John: Oh, I can keep on pushing him.

Hope: You think he's playing us?

John: Well, a snake like him, anything's possible, but my gut is telling me that he's got the goods on someone. Think rafe can help us out here, maybe encourage the da to give xander a new immunity deal?

Hope: Well, it's worth a try.

Xander: Have we made a decision?

Hope: Yes, we have. Let's head down to the station and see what we can do for you. Discover your skin's potential:

Kate: [Sighs]

Tony: What are you doing here?

Kate: [Sighs] I was trying to convince your wife to help me fight back against kristen, but she refused, and she left. She's totally under kristen's control.

Ahh, well, I don't know anything about that.

Kate: Yeah, so you say. You deny working with kristen. You deny knowing where she is. I really hope you're telling me the truth, because it's my life on the line.

Tony: Listen, I have my own problems. Anna just--well, she's so upset that I married nicole, so she's threatened me. She's given me an ultimatum. Either I divorce her or she marries roman.

Kate: Oh, my god. That will never happen. Roman wouldn't marry anna.

Tony: Well, apparently he's anna's knight in shining armor every since she was accused of killing andre.

Kate: Well, then maybe it's for the best. I mean, do you really want to be involved with someone that unstable?

Tony: You're talking about the woman I love.

Kate: The woman who carried around your charred remains in her purse for a decade?

Tony: Oh, but isn't it lovely? I couldn't think of a more ardent display of devotion.

Kate: Really? We'll see what happens when she starts displaying her craziness. Remember I warned you.

[Ominous music]

Anna: You did great. Tony bought that hook, line, and sinker. Oh, thank you for playing along.

Hey, hey. Tony's gone; show's over.

Anna: Jeez, I don't have cooties.

Roman: And I don't appreciate being blindsided. I don't appreciate it, all right? I know you were trying to make tony jealous and all that.

Anna: Exactly, and it worked. I mean, now that tony finally understands he could lose me, he's going to come to his senses and divorce nicole.

Roman: What if he doesn't?

Anna: [Scoffs]

[Telephone rings]

Rafe: He wants what?

Hope: A new immunity deal.

John: Yep, so that's the only way he'll give up what he knows about who really kidnapped ted and kate.

Hope: And who may have killed ted.

[Tense music]

Rafe: So stefan's not involved, hmm? You lied?

Xander: I was in fear for my life.

Rafe: Mm, right, so you, uh, screwed over an innocent man.

Xander: Stefan dimera is hardly an innocent man.

Stefan: So gabi and I were right about nicole. She did try to frame me.

Ben: Well, it's a little bit more complicated than that. From what we heard, it sounds like there's somebody else involved, somebody who has leverage over kate and nicole.

Stefan: Who?

Ciara: We don't know. Kate never said the person's name, but she was basically begging nicole to break ranks and her fight out against whoever it is.

Ben: Yeah, nicole wasn't having it. She told kate she made it was a big mistake by even asking.

Ciara: Yeah, and now kate is terrified that nicole will out her as a traitor.

Ben: I mean, who knows if she really will, but it definitely seems like nicole is much more in sync with this other person.

Stefan: So we need to get kate alone.

Ben: No, listen. I--I tried to convince her, team up with you, you know, tell us what she knows, but she told us to forget everything that we heard.

Stefan: Okay, well, if kate won't play ball, then I'll go to nicole, and one way or another, I will get the truth out of her.

[Phone beeps]

Ben: Okay.

Stefan: It's rafe. He wants to discuss the case. Good job, both of you, really. I'll keep you posted.

[Tense music]

Gabi: [Sighs]

[Tense music]

Rafe: Now, look, I already told you before, stefan is like the last person on earth that I want you to be with, but I've also learned you're gonna do whatever you want despite how I feel. So there's nothing I can do to stop you from being with him. And with that said, I hope he is innocent and it all works out.

[Suspenseful music]

Nicole: Where is shin? And what kind of bull have you been feeding him?

Kate: [Exhales] Damn voice mail. Xander, I need to talk to kristen. It's urgent, and you need to set it up immediately, and I don't want to hear no. This needs to be over.

[Phone beeps]


[Telephone rings]

Hope: Where's xander?

Rafe: Talking to trask.

John: Well, they strike a deal?

Rafe: Well, they're working on it, but given that xander's a liar, the value of his testimony is obviously up for debate.

John: Mm.

Hope: Thanks for helping us out.

Rafe: Yeah. Well, whoever this mystery woman is, we need to catch her before she hurts someone else.

Gabi: How did you get in the gate?

Nicole: Answer me. Where is shin?

Gabi: How should I know?

Nicole: Oh, as if you haven't been doing damage control to save your own skin.

Gabi: Nicole, what are you talking about?

Nicole: Don't play innocent with me. I was supposed to meet shin, and he never showed up, because you stopped him.

Gabi: You're sounding paranoid.

Nicole: Oh, knock it off, gabi.


Nicole: Game over, okay? Hey.

Gabi: What...

Nicole: I already told shin that you only married stefan to destroy him and that dimera could end up collateral damage. He knows that you're a scheming little bitch, and he's going to fire your ass and make me ceo.

Gabi: Oh, I'm the scheming bitch?

Nicole: Yeah.

Gabi: Okay, you're the one that kidnapped ted and kate and then tried to pin it on stefan.

Nicole: Oh, that's absurd.

Gabi: I don't think so. And the cops don't think so either. They're actually thinking that stefan was set up, and they're starting an investigation. I happen to know it's about some mystery woman. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. You didn't just frame stefan for kidnapping. You framed him for murder. Wait a minute. It was... it was you. You killed ted laurent.

[Dramatic music]

I'm just a normal person

[Light tense music]

Kristen: I'm your wife in public. Anna is your wife in the bedroom. I don't see what the problem is.

Tony: The problem is that anna would rather die than share me with someone else.

Kristen: Well, it's up to you.

Tony: This is not a joke. Anna would not go along with this. She's far too principled.

Kristen: Oh, you mean obsessed. I heard she lugs around your ashes everywhere she goes droning on and on to anyone who will listen that you two are soul mates.

Tony: Mm. We are soul mates.

Kristen: You know what? On second thought, the sharing option is off the table. Uh-uh, I can't trust anna to keep her big mouth shut. And if I want to keep my secret safe, that means that you'll have to stay away from anna entirely. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to eliminate her.

Tony: You really are serious that you would murder the woman that I love.

Kristen: Well, I don't want to. But unless you swear to steer clear of anna, I'm not gonna have a choice.

Tony: You are so evil. Oh, anna. What am I gonna do?

[Inhales and exhales] I don't want to lose you.

Anna: Tony may have played it cool there at the end, but believe me, I could tell, his insides were boiling with jealousy.

Roman: His insides.

Anna: Yes, oh, yes, just the idea of you and me walking down the aisle together is driving him nuts. There's no question he will divorce nicole now.

Roman: I repeat, what if doesn't? What if you're wrong about that?

Anna: Well, we'll just cross the bridge when we come to it.

[Jazzy music]

Shin: Isn't it a little early for martinis?

Kate: It's never too early for martinis.

Shin: I could use a drink myself.

Kate: Oh, hard time at the office?

Shin: I'm sure you've been following the news. Ever since stefan was arrested for murder, the two mrs. Dimeras have been vying to run the company, but frankly, neither inspires much confidence.

Kate: Well, you're not going to get an argument from me about that.

Shin: There is another mrs. Dimera I could consider.

Kate: I hardly think abigail is up to the job.

Shin: I was talking about you.

Nicole: I had absolutely nothing to do with ted's murder. Stefan whacked him, because he didn't want to testify against him in the kidnapping case.

Gabi: I don't think so. No, no, no, no, I think you were afraid that ted would talk, yeah, that he would tell the police that you were involved in the kidnapping, so you decided to kill two birds with one bullet. You shot ted, and you were hoping that stefan would take the blame.

Nicole: That's absurd.

Gabi: No, and I think that you were the woman that hope saw throw away that necklace, the one you took from ted's apartment to make it look like a robbery.

Nicole: Wow, you are really losing it.

Gabi: No, I'm not, okay? I saw the report. I'm pretty sure that hope could pick you out of a lineup before you could even say "life in prison." Mm-hmm.

Hope: That wasn't a total loss.

John: Nope. Hopefully, they'll cut him a deal and xander will start talking.

Hope: Yeah, well, we both know that we can't rely on him. I wish we had more to go on so we could identify that mystery woman who may have killed ted and framed...


Ciara: Actually, we have some new leads.

[Ominous music]

Stefan: You have an update on my case?

Rafe: Yeah, actually, xander appears to be backing off his claim that you were behind the kidnapping. Looks like he's gonna point the finger at someone else.

Stefan: I told you I was innocent. I can't wait to tell your sister I'm taking my company back the moment I'm cleared.

Rafe: Yeah, for the record, I just spoke with my sister, actually, and as much as she wants revenge, I actually think she regrets what she did to you. Now, if it were up to me, I'd never let you anywhere near my sister again, but for some reason, she seems to have feelings for you, and, well, i think you feel the same way about her, so why don't the two of you just grow up, be honest with each other, and put this behind you?

[Tense music]

Nicole: You don't know what you're talking about.

Gabi: Look, I get it. I know you want to get revenge, but you have taken this way to far, nicole, okay? I am not gonna let you steal dimera, and I'm not gonna let you frame stefan for a crime he didn't commit.

Nicole: And I'm not gonna let you ruin this for me.

Gabi: Let...let go. Nicole, what are you--are you crazy? Oh. Oh, my god! Ohh! Ohh! No! Ugh! What? What is this, a wig? What?

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: Oh, my god. Kristen?

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