Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/15/19
Episode #13587 ~ Ben and Ciara team up to find evidence against Nicole; John and Hope put the squeeze on Xander; Marlena reunites with Tony; Anna makes a shocking announcement.
Provided By Suzanne
Marlena: Oh, chloe, I'm glad I caught you.
Chloe: Hey, what's up?
Marlena: Uh, I--I finished my guest list for the surprise party so I'm going to email it to you right now.
Chloe: Great. I'll keep an eye out for it. Uh, is there any chance that you'd want to change the date?
Marlena: Uh, okay, there's not a problem, is there?
Chloe: Nope, no problem.
Marlena: Good. I want everything to be perfect.
Chloe: Then perfect it will be. Hey, listen, uh, I have to go, so I'll talk to you later.
[Cell phone beeps] Good morning.
John: Good morning. I'm glad I caught you. I finally finished my guest list for the surprise party.
Marlena: And send.
[Chuckles] Oh, john's gonna be so surprised. Oh, roman, I wanted to ask you about--
[Country music playing]
Roman: Here, sit down. I'll, uh, fix you something to eat.
Anna: Oh, I couldn't possibly eat anything.
Roman: How about some coffee? Okay?
Anna: Maybe a blueberry muffin.
Roman: All right, you got it.
Anna: Mmm, and--oh, and maybe some of those little, uh, homemade fries you make. With the crispy onions.
Roman: You got that, too.
Marlena: Looks like anna has spoken to tony.
Roman: I've let her stay here.
Marlena: Yeah.
Roman: Poor woman. She was up all night crying over tony.
[Dramatic music]
Anna: The love of my life back from the dead is married. A married man, and married to trash. Honestly, I thought my heart could never break again, but I think it has.
Tony: When I really fought hard to come back to life for all those years, I did it for one reason. You. Because I love you and only you, anna fredrick brady dimera.
And I've always wanted only you.
Anna: Oh, tony.
Kate: Have you talked to your wife, or is nicole still with her boy toy?
Brady: I noticed that nicole, she had scar tissue on the very same--very same area where kristen had her tattoo. At first I thought, "well, that's crazy. That's a weird coincidence." But I'm--I'm just wondering.
[Cell phone buzzes]
[Cell phone beeps] Oh, damn it. Hey.
Kristen as nicole: Brady? Who was that?
Xander: Really? Voicemail? Do you think you can just ignore me, nicole? Because that would not be a very good idea. People are asking about ted laurent's murder. So you better call me back soon, unless you want me to send them straight to you for the answers.
[Cell phone beeps]
Ciara: Baby? Why are you up so early?
Ben: I have got a mystery to solve, remember?
Ciara: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. That's right, yeah. The unidentified woman who dumped a crazy expensive necklace, left behind a $100 bill, and just maybe killed ted laurent. Yeah, and all you need to do is connect the dots. Yeah, that should be a piece of cake.
Ben: Mmm. I'm gonna find out whoever killed ted laurent. And then I'm gonna do whatever the hell it takes to clear stefan's name.
Ciara: Mmm.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Chloe: Well, it certainly looks like you worked very hard on this.
John, yep, I think i outdid myself. This is gonna be one anniversary doc's never gonna forget.
Hope: John, I--oh, sorry. I, um--I'm sor-- am I interrupting?
John: No, no, no, no. I think, um, we're done here.
Hope: Okay, can I talk to you for a second?
John: Yeah.
Hope: Got your message. You said you had a lead?
John: Yeah, you know the woman that dropped that $100 bill in the park by the square?
Hope: Yeah.
John: They lifted two sets of prints off it. One belonged to ted laurent.
Hope: And the other?
Anna: After all this time, marlena, after the grief and the loneliness, I was finally ready to let tony go. Let him rest in peace. I mean, that's why I came back to salem, to inter his ashes in the dimera crypt. But what do I find? Tony, alive and well and married to nicole walker.
Marlena: Yes, but--but you--
Anna: Could the cruel fates be any more unkind to me? The love of my life is married to a woman he couldn't even stand.
Marlena: You've spoken to tony. You know that this--this marriage to nicole is in name only.
Anna: Yeah, but that's what he says. But what if that wife doesn't feel the same?
Brady: Apparently xander wants to talk to you. Why is he calling you?
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] You know xander.
Brady: Well, I mean, is he still harassing you? Because I thought--I thought the guy got the message to leave you the hell alone after all that--that stupid mask business. What's going on?
Kristen as nicole: I don't wanna talk about that crazy lucha libre mask or xander. Look, I have a really big day ahead of me and I need to stay focused.
Brady: I know. Are you ready for your meeting with shin?
Kristen as nicole: Mm-hmm. And I'm gonna convince him that he made a big mistake when he chose gabi over me as ceo at dimera.
Brady: Well, if anybody can convince him, it's probably you.
Kristen as nicole: Mm-hmm. I also emailed him and I told him gabi's vendetta against stefan was her only motivation for wanting the job. Which puts her interests in obvious conflict with those of the company. Which means gabi could destroy dimera just because she wants to hurt stefan.
Brady: Oh, no.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, which means I get to run the company.
[Both laughing]
Brady: Gee, well, hey, if world domination is your plan, then I better let you get ready. Get to it.
Kristen as nicole: Uh-uh-uh. There's just one more thing I need to do.
Brady: Oh, man.
Kristen as nicole: [Laughs] Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Oh, the prime suspect. At least according to stefan. My mom, not so much.
Ben: Yeah, but he and your mom do think that I'm looking for a woman, so that's a start.
Ciara: Yeah, and stefan and my mom agreeing on anything, that says a lot.
Ben: Yeah. Look, whether nicole was the one who murdered ted or not, I can see why stefan thinks that she's mixed up in all this.
Ciara: Because when she was in the dimera tunnels, she must have seen ted and kate and never said a word.
Ben: Which means she's hiding something. I'm gonna figure out what it was.
Ciara: How are you gonna do that?
Ben: I'm gonna break into her room.
Ciara: What? Ben, you can't do that.
Marlena: Look, anna, I can assure you that--that nicole's feelings for tony are strictly platonic. And he only married her to help her take over dimera.
Anna: And she failed.
Marlena: Yes.
Anna: So there's no point to the marriage. They should get divorced.
Marlena: I'm sure he will divorce her and then come right back to you.
Anna: Well, one would think so. But apparently he has agreed to stand by her side until she is crowned the grand poobah of dimera.
Marlena: Well, that could take a while.
Anna: Yeah, forever. Exactly. Believe me, I gave him a piece of my mind about that.
Marlena: Well, good. And did he explain why he was willing to stay in the marriage?
Anna: No, and that's just it. He never gave a real explanation other than some drivel about, oh, saving her life and feeling responsible for her. Well, I'm not buying it.
Marlena: Yeah, well, that is curious.
Anna: No, it's wrong, is what it is. But, you know, you could fix it.
Marlena: Me? What could I do?
Anna: Oh, you could talk to her. She'd listen to you. Everybody listens to you. And you could convince her to r--release whatever hold she has on tony.
Marlena: Anna, I did talk to her. It--it didn't go--didn't go well.
Anna: Well, how not well?
Marlena: She was not receptive.
Anna: Damn it.
Marlena: Wait a minute. Maybe I could talk to tony.
Anna: Would you?
Marlena: I would. I would. Anything to make this situation better.
Anna: Oh, thank you.
Tony: I think it's rather rude of you to mock my cuckoldom.
Kate: [Scoffs] I didn't mean to be impolite, but I tend to forget my manners when I'm living under threat of death
Tony: Oh, don't be so dramatic.
Kate: Ted laurent is in the morgue. Kristen put him there.
Tony: You don't know that.
Kate: Well, I would know more if you would talk to your wife. Nicole and I are both pawns in some twisted game that your sister's playing, all right? But if we team up, maybe I won't end up on a slab next to ted.
Tony: I'm sorry, kate. I don't think it's wise to stir things up.
Kate: Are you serious? Are you serious? Kristen threatened to kill me. What if she made the same threat against your wife? Marriage of convenience or not, would that light a fire under your ass to get some information?
Tony: All this digging that you're doing is only going to make kristen more of a threat. Look, my suggestion to you is to stop asking questions.
Kate: Oh, really? So I can look over my shoulder for the rest of my life?
Tony: That's all I have to offer you.
Kate: When did you start playing it so safe, tony? So you won't talk to nicole? I will.
Kristen as nicole: Brady.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Kristen as nicole: Do you mind?
Brady: Happy to. Hey, um, about what happened with marlena. I'm really sorry she got to you, nicole, but I do believe that she's trying to help, okay?
Kristen as nicole: Mm-hmm. I'm sure marlena's heart is in the right place. I just don't like someone trying to put me in some kind of box I don't wanna be in. Look, I-- I know I've changed. And losing a child will do that to a person. But I'm getting stronger, brady, and I know what I want. And I have no problem doing what I need to do to get it.
Brady: I see that. Well, I'd wish you luck, but i think shin is gonna have a hell of a time saying no to you.
Kristen as nicole: You said no to me several times.
Brady: No, hey... I will never make that mistake again, ever. Let's go.
Kristen as nicole: Okay.
[Laughs softly]
Ben: I slip in and out. It's no big deal.
Ciara: It's a huge deal. Ben, you have a record. If you get caught breaking and entering nicole's room, you could be in big trouble.
Ben: Then I won't get caught.
Ciara: Stop that. This isn't funny. This isn't funny, ben.
Ben: Did anybody ever tell you how adorable you are when you're worrying?
Ciara: Stop trying to distract me. You can't do this.
Ben: Stefan was the only person who gave me a break when I needed it. He's had my back and I have his.
Ciara: That's really hard to do when you're sitting inside of a jail cell, don't you think?
Ben: I'll be back before you know it.
Ciara: I can't talk you out of this, can I?
Ben: I'll be careful. I promise, okay?
[Dramatic music]
Xander: Oh, you're making the right choice. Yes, titan can, uh, deliver what dimera can'T. Not when the acting ceo--stefan dimera's little woman--is in way over her head, and once stefan is sent to statesville for life, that will be that company's death sentence. It's a pleasure doing business with you.
[Cell phone beeps]
Hope: May we come in?
Xander: Not a great time. Business and all.
John: Oh, I don't know. Feels like a good time to me. Been a while.
Xander: Yes, it has, john. Did you miss me?
John: I think about you every day.
Xander: Whatever you want, make it quick.
Hope: We just wanna ask you some questions about ted laurent. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Xander: Yeah, poor ted. You know, he told me he was trying to be a better man for you, hope. Now he'll never have the chance.
Hope: Was that a chat you had when you held him and kate prisoner in the dimera tunnels?
Xander: When I brought them food and water and kept them alive.
Hope: Oh, please.
Xander: But you know all this because I'm cooperating with the police and will testify against stefan for ordering me to commit the crime.
John: Right, and for that cooperation, you got yourself full immunity.
Xander: I am a born dealmaker. And sincerely remorseful, of course.
Hope: Oh, yes, of course. But that immunity goes away if it turns out that your testimony against stefan proves to be false.
Xander: My story is 100% backed up by ted and kate's statements to the police. Stefan ordered the kidnapping and then apparently put a bullet in ted to keep him from testifying.
Hope: Stefan may have been charged with ted's murder, but the police now have another suspect, xander.
John: You see, they have evidence that places you in laurent's apartment, which makes you the last person that saw ted alive.
Brady: Good morning.
Chloe: Hey, how are you? You look happy. Do I wanna know?
Brady: I'll spare you the details, maybe.
Chloe: Yes. So, what is this? You and nicole two nights in a row? Sounds serious.
Brady: It is what it is.
Chloe: Something wrong?
Brady: No. No, no, no, nothing's wrong at all. I just--I just... I think nicole and I might have a chance to make this right this time. I know, but--but there's people out there that don't think that we should be rekindling this relationship at all.
Chloe: What, did you take a poll?
Brady: No. No, but the other night I went to her room and marlena was there, and apparently the two of them got into it.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, that's-- that's on me.
Brady: What do you mean, that's on you?
Chloe: I'm the one who sent marlena over there.
Xander: So you better call me back soon unless you want me to send them straight to you for the answers.
Kristen as nicole: Well, I'll give you an answer, you worm.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Cell phone trilling] You know I don't know anything about ted's death. But you already admitted that you kidnapped him and it's only a matter of time before the police figure out that stefan paid you to shoot that poor man in the chest.
[Cell phone beeps] Now to mr. Shin.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Tense music]
Anna: Well. If it isn't the woman who stole my husband.
[Dramatic music]
Marlena: Mind if an old friend joins you?
[Both laughing]
Tony: Marlena.
[Laughs] Ah, how wonderful to see you.
[Tense music]
Ben: What are you doing here?
Ciara: I convinced the maid that I was nicole's assistant and absolutely had to be let into her room to get some important documents or else nicole would fire me.
Ben: No, you need to leave right now.
Ciara: Ben, you know that thing you said about having stefan's back?
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: Well, I have yours.
Ben: Ciara, you need to go home. You need to let me do my job.
Ciara: Would you just listen to me, okay? If we get caught we can say it was all my idea.
Ben: No.
Ciara: Yes.
Ben: No, I'm not doing that.
Ciara: Yes, yes. You came to stop me, okay? That way I take all the heat.
Ben: No, no, I'm not letting you be a part of this.
Ciara: Well, I already am.
Ben: No, I'm not letting you--
Ciara: Ben, do you want to just stand around arguing until nicole comes back and finds us or do you wanna see if she's hiding something that can help prove she's guilty?
Ben: Let's do this.
[Tense music]
Brady: Why would you want marlena to talk to nicole?
Chloe: Well, come on, brady. You have to admit nicole's been acting a bit out of character lately. She pushes away eric and then she marries tony dimera out of nowhere and--
Brady: And now she's sleeping with me.
Ciara: I mean, it's none of my business. You two are two consenting adults, but come on. I don't want you or her to get hurt. She's lost a child. You've had a rough year.
Brady: No one's gonna get hurt. I just--really, I just want to give this relationship thing a shot. I want to--I want to try it with nicole.
Chloe: Really? Then why have you been thinking about kristen dimera?
[Tense music]
Ben: Anything?
Ciara: No, nothing.
Ciara: Shh. Did you hear something?
Xander: You're bluffing. What evidence could you possibly have?
John: We found a $100 note in ted's apartment with only two sets of prints on it. His, that's right, yours.
Xander: So I gave a c-note to ted. Big deal. We had a friendly wager on the european championship. Scotland versus france.
Hope: We also found the necklace that ted said he had given you.
Xander: Come on. That string of bling has been gifted and re-gifted so many times, first to you then back to ted, then to me, and then to sarah, rex to chloe, and then back to ted again. I mean, half of salem's had their mitts on that.
John: Well, that may be true but you see ted had that necklace spit-polished and the only prints the cops pulled off it were yours.
[Tense music]
Marlena: Tony.
[Laughing] It is so good to see you alive and well.
Tony: Well, a bit worse for wear, but happy to be among the living.
Marlena: Mmm. I do have to ask. You and nicole.
Tony: Oh, you've heard.
Marlena: Oh, yes.
Tony: Well, you know, strictly business arrangement.
Marlena: I--I thought that, yeah. I'm--I just assumed that, uh, you were having nicole take over as ceo of dimera. Well, then I heard that that failed, but now it means you don't have to stay in a loveless marriage. You're free to be with the woman you really love. And anna is desperate to be with you.
Tony: Well, there are several factors. I feel a certain responsibility to protect and defend the family legacy. As far as nicole is concerned, I saved her life. I feel protective towards her as well.
Marlena: Well, why are we talking about responsibilities? Why aren't we talking about-- about love? I--I mean, I'm assuming that you do still love anna, right?
Tony: With every fiber of my being.
Marlena: Then do something. If love conquers all, even your own death, you must do everything that you possibly can to be with anna.
[Tense music]
Kristen as nicole: Things always needed to be explained to you several times before they sank in, so listen up. Your marriage to tony ended when they declared him dead.
Anna: But now he's alive.
Kristen as nicole: Mm-hmm. And he's happily married to me.
Anna: He's miserable.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, well, maybe not if you get us a martini shaker as a wedding gift or perhaps a slightly used urn.
Anna: You know I love tony, and you know he loves me, too.
Kristen as nicole: Why do you need tony anyway when you can just go back to carrying around his charred remains? Or someone's charred remains. Anyway, here's a great idea. Why don't you hang onto them for a little while longer and then if and when I'm done with your husband, maybe--oh, maybe you can have him back.
Anna: You're done with him right now because I'm going to kill you, and I'm gonna make tony a widower.
Kristen as nicole: [Chuckles] (Avo) do you push through migraine?
Anna: I want tony back and you are gonna give him to me.
Roman: Hey, hey, hey, what the hell's going on here?
[Tense music]
Tony: Sorry, marlena. There's nothing I can do. I have to stay with nicole for now.
Marlena: Oh, but tony...
Tony: Please give anna a message for me, will you? Tell her I love her very much. But this is not the time for us to be together. Not yet.
Marlena: I don't understand this. Obviously there's--there's something keeping you from being able to--to be with anna. Look, if--if you want to me, I will do anything that I can to help.
[Dramatic music]
All right, I understand. I will give anna your message.
Anna: Let me go, roman.
Roman: You need to calm down.
Anna: No, I need to kill her.
Roman: And you need to make yourself scarce.
Kristen as nicole: Come on, roman, we were just starting to have fun.
Roman: Walk away right now.
Kristen as nicole: Please, just let the loony loose and then you can scrape her sorry self off the ground when I'm done with her.
Anna: Oh, I'd love to see you try it.
[Cell phone rings]
Kristen as nicole: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. Pity, party's over. At least for now.
Roman: Let's go back in the pub. Right now, go.
Kristen as nicole: Hmm. Bye!
[Whispered] Bitch.
[Cell phone beeps] What do you want?
Kate: You know, you really shouldn't leave your jewelry hanging around. Someone could pick it up.
Kristen as nicole: Are you in my room?
Kate: Well, the door was open, so I let myself in.
Kristen as nicole: Well, get out now!
Kate: I'm not going anywhere until we talk face to face.
Kristen as nicole: Ugh, fine. I'm on my way. Oh, damn it!
[Tense music]
Brady: Look, it's not odd to think about your past relationships when you're starting a new one. Chloe, I've been thinking a lot about my past and the mistakes I've made with women throughout the years. I mean, kristen included. Even you. I mean, I...
[Chuckles] I just don't want to make them anymore.
Chloe: Hmm, I guess we all just want our happily ever afters, right?
Brady: Yeah, like dad and marlena.
Chloe: Hmm.
Brady: Oh, is that the guest list for the anniversary party? I told my dad I would help out any way I could.
Chloe: Oh, well, good because there is a little bit of a complication in the surprise department.
Xander: I know a setup when I see one. It's not like you two have any authority. I mean, you're just a washed-up ex-police commissioner, and you, you're just a poor man's 007. So who the hell are you?
Hope: We are giving you an opportunity to get out in front of this. Take it before the police arrest you for murder one.
John: Yeah, kick us out or tell us what you know. It's your call.
Xander: That reminds me. I have to make a call, very important titan business, in private.
John: We'll wait.
Hope: Happy to.
[Tense music]
Humira patients, you inspire us.
Brady: So marlena wants to surprise dad, and dad wants to surprise marlena?
Chloe: On the same night.
Brady: It's kinda cute that they're in sync like that, isn't it?
Chloe: No, it's a nightmare. The logistics, his guest list, her guest list, all the arrangements that have to be made, not to mention keeping the guests from spilling the beans.
Brady: All right, leave the beans to me. Come here. I got this.
Anna: Marlena, did you talk to tony?
Marlena: Yes, yes, I did.
Anna: What did he say? What--were you able to get through to him?
Marlena: Uh, well, he wanted me to tell you that as much as he loves you, he--he feels that he has to see this thing through.
Anna: Oh, my god, nicole has gotten to him, hasn't she? She's gotten into his head. This is payback. That's what it is. I helped ej steal sydney, so she's gonna steal tony.
Marlena: Well, I don't know about all that, but, honey, I do know that he loves you, and he wants to be with you, and you must not give up hope.
Anna: Oh, what good is hope? Nicole walker is a vindictive bitch. And there's no way she's going to let my tony go.
[Pensive music]
Marlena: I mean, I'm assuming that you do still love anna, right? If love conquers all, even your own death, your must do everything that you possibly can to be with anna.
John: I think our bluff is working. He's a bit rattled.
Hope: Yeah, well, xander can talk all he wants about being a dealmaker. He's a coward. Let's hope he flips.
Kristen as nicole: It's only a matter of time before the police figure out that stefan paid you to shoot that poor man in the chest.
[Cell phone beeps]
Xander: Oh, no, you don't, kristen. There's no way you're throwing me under the bus. Please.
John: So you've made your decision?
Xander: As I said, I'm a born dealmaker. So let's make a deal.
[Door lock beeps]
Kristen as nicole: You've got a hell of a lot of nerve.
Kate: I told you, I didn't break in.
Kristen as nicole: You've done it before. Wait, what's going on in here? Look, this is a mess, huh? Hey, and that--that drawer was closed before, I'm sure of it.
Kate: Well, don't look at me 'cause I didn't touch a thing.
[Tense music]
Chloe: And here's marlena's guest list, so now you have them both.
Brady: Okay. I mean, her list is almost identical to dad'S.
Chloe: Yeah, oh, and look, uh, you're on there with a plus one, and, oh, there's tony dimera and nicole dimera. This should be interesting.
Brady: Hmm. No worries. I've got this handled. I can handle this and any other complication that arises.
Chloe: Hmm, you are a god.
Brady: I know.
Chloe: [Laughs]
Anna: Is it too early for a martini?
Roman: Better yet, cup of chowder.
Tony: Anna. There is something I have to say to you.
Anna: If you are here to beg me to take you back, you're too late. I'm marrying roman.
[Quirky dramatic music]
Kate: What are you so afraid that someone might find?
Kristen as nicole: I'm not hiding anything. And it doesn't seem like anything's been stolen. I think tony must have moved things around. Newlywed life, right? I guess I have to get used to sharing. So what do you want?
Kate: Well, let's start with the fact that it wasn't stefan who arranged for ted and me to be kidnapped.
[Tense music]
John: It's a smart move to cooperate.
Hope: Don't take the fall for something you didn't do.
Xander: Trust me, self-preservation is a priority. I'll tell you everything I know, including who put me up to all this.
[Tense music]
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