Days Transcript Tuesday 08/13/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 08/13/19


Episode #13585 ~ Nicole loses her cool with Marlena; Hope asks John to help uncover Ted's killer; Anna goes in on Tony for marrying Nicole; Eric and Sarah make love.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: [Sighing] All the booze and ice cream and exercise in the world can't make me forget you. If only you felt the same.

Sarah: Ugh. Oh my god. What a day. The er was crazy-- what's all this?

Eric: It's flowers, candlelight, dinner in about 20.

Sarah: You did this for me?

Eric: Well, I figured a hard day saving lives... you might be hungry.

Sarah: Yeah, I'm starving. It smells amazing.

Eric: I'm looking at amazing.

Anna: Alive. And married. And hiding out from me. I--

Tony: Anna! My anna! At last--

[Phone beeps]

John: Hey, son. Chloe had to go pick up parker. She wanted me to say good-bye for her. So good-bye for her.

Brady: Thanks. Thanks. Actually, I--I'm on my way. Nicole wants to see me.


[Knock at door]

Kristen: Wow, brady. That was fast.

[Knocking continues]

Marlena: Nicole? Nicole, are you in there?

Kristen: Marlena? Are you kidding me?

Marlena: Nicole...? It's important.

Kristen: You want to play, dr. Evans? Let's play.

Marlena: Nicole? Are you there?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Tony: Anna! That hurt.

Anna: Good!

Tony: Anna!

Anna: And in case you didn't feel that one...

Tony: Ow! What the hell was that for?

Anna: The first one was for being alive all these years and not telling me! The second was for spending the night in kate's hotel room.

Tony: And the third?

Anna: The third is for marrying that money-grubbing tramp nicole walker!

John: [Grunts] Listen, before you head out, um...

Brady: Dad, dad. I heard you be careful where nicole is concerned. I promise you, I will be extra careful, okay?

John: You can't blame me for worrying when it comes to you and nicole, but that's not what I want to talk to you about. All right, now, here we go. Listen. I'm planning something for doc. And if everything goes according to plan, the love of my life is gonna get the surprise of her life.


Marlena: Kristen. You're alive.

Kristen: Mm-hmm. That's right, mar.

[Laughter] Just like daddy, I rose from the ashes... but you aren't gonna be so lucky.

Marlena: You don't want to kill me.

Kristen: Oh, yes, I do. Third time's the charm, right? Or second, or tenth, or whatever it is. But this time, finally, the odds are in my favor. No roman or anyone else... to bust in and ruin everything.

Marlena: Put down the gun. We can talk about--

Kristen: I am so sorry, but I am all talked out.


Marlena: [Gasps] I'm just a normal person

Sarah: I don't know if dinner is gonna be as good as that, amazing as it smells.

Eric: Mm. The sauce: I have to stir it.

Sarah: Are you making... amatriciana?

Eric: Yet again. In your honor... I've doubled the garlic.

Sarah: I knew I liked you.


Eric: I thought it was because I made you laugh.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. You know, last time, you spilt that sauce on your shirt.

Eric: Uh... hence apron. To prevent you from getting my clothes dirty and me getting you dirty.

Sarah: Yes, because I did not spill a drop on me. You wiped a spoon on me.

Eric: Are you sure about that?

Sarah: Mm-hmm. You looked me right in the eye... and you, pow! Let me have it.

Eric: I'm sorry about that.

Sarah: That's okay. To be honest, I didn't mind it that much. It kind of made up for the lack of garlic.

Eric: Hey. What is it?

Sarah: Uh... that was the, um... that was the night that rex showed up, determined to win me back. You know, if I'd just been honest with myself and everyone else, then I could have saved us all a lot of pain.

Xander: Sarah? Oh. It's you two.

Sonny: Sorry to disappoint you, cousin.

Xander: It wouldn't be the first time, cousin. If you'll excuse me, I have a shower to get to.

Will: Uh, actually, wait. I was hoping I'd get a comment from you for a story I'm writing for "the spectator."

Xander: About what?

Will: The murder of ted laurent.

Kristen: Hmm. Rest in peace, you nosy old witch.

[Knock at the door]

Marlena: Nicole? I know you're in there. Nicole, I think it's important that we speak.

Kristen as nicole: How can i help you, marlena?

Marlena: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come unannounced.

Kristen as nicole: But yet here you are.

Marlena: I--I hope you got my letter. I hope you know how heartbroken I am about holly.

Kristen as nicole: I did. Thank you.

Marlena: Um, you know, it's a funny thing about grief, because talking sometimes just makes it better. If you have a few minutes... thank you. You know, the thing is that the grief triggers so many other emotions. There's sadness, of course, and there's-- there's anger--

Kristen as nicole: Denial. Don't forget that one.

[Scoffs] Believe me, I am well-schooled in the stages of grief... thanks to your son not keeping his promise to protect holly.

Marlena: He loves you. He loved her. I think in your heart of hearts you know that he wasn't responsible for what happened to holly.

Kristen as nicole: I know you're the esteemed dr. Marlena evans, woman of science, but you don't know jack about my feelings!

Marlena: I know that you have friends that are very worried about you.

Kristen as nicole: Right. Right, and they all came running to you hoping that you could shrink my mind into the nicole they all remember? Well, that's not-- it's not gonna happen. Because I am fine just the way I am.

Marlena: Are you? You pushed eric away. You pushed chloe away. You've taken up with brady yet, and from your history, we both know that's not a very good idea.

Kristen as nicole: [Scoffs] I love brady.

Marlena: Then why did you marry tony?

Anna: Ten years, tony. Ten years. Nothing. Not a word. Not a peep. And now here you are married to nicole walker?

Tony: Yes, but I can explain.

Anna: How? What's to explain? You were alive, and you never came to me. Not even a call. All those years, tony. Man, I mourned you. I--I wept. I--oh, I tried to avenge your death. I even shot poor steve.

Tony: Oh, anna, please. Please, darling. I know this is difficult.

Anna: No, not as difficult for you, apparently. Not with all that wedded bliss.

Tony: Listen to me. When dr. Rolf's warehouse caught fire, I barely made it out alive, but eventually I was able to regain my strength and my health and my courage to contact you.

Anna: Courage? To make a phone call? Tony, I'm your wife!

Tony: No, no, widow. Remember, I was declared legally dead.

Anna: Don't give me all that legal mumbo jumbo.

[Scoffs] I'm talking about what's in here. What's in here. You and me forever. And you couldn't even be bothered to make a phone call.

Tony: Oh, anna, I wanted to see you. But the news about... coming back from the dead is not something I wanted to share with you on the phone. I wanted... to be there to touch you, to-- to hold you.

Anna: And instead you "touched" kate and "held" nicole, you bastard!

Tony: Oh, anna. I thought about you, about seeing you-- you're still as beautiful as ever, anna. I thought of nothing but coming back to you.

Anna: Oh, tony, then why the heck did you marry that tramp nicole walker? This is mia.

Anna: Well? I'm waiting, tony. Why would you marry nicole walker, of all people?

Tony: Because she needed my help to get a foothold in dimera enterprises--

Anna: Getting tangled up with dimera is what got you killed the last time!

Tony: That's not true.

Anna: Yes, it is! You died because of that stupid fuels project! And stefano drove that madness. I never forgave him for what he did to you. I looked all over the world hoping to look him in the eye and pull the trigger. Please, tony. Don't get sucked back in.

Tony: Listen. The company's legacy is at stake. Or what's left of it. And stefano's namesake has just made a total disaster of the company.

Anna: Well, then, you couldn't just take over the company yourself?

Tony: You know that's not where my heart is. But the legacy of this company needs to be saved.

Anna: And marrying nicole is the answer?

Tony: Yes, because she has the passion and the-- and the experience to do it.

Anna: And all she needed was the name, and you gave it to her? But why help nicole at all? You never could stand her.

Tony: I saved her life when the warehouse exploded. And when you save a life, you feel responsible for that person.

Anna: [Sighs] That sounds so like you. So compassionate, kind. And that is what I've always loved about you. But what I hate about you now.

Tony: Nicole nearly died. She lost her little girl. She had nothing left. I feel I could give us back some meaning and help rescue dimera enterprises.

Anna: What about me, tony? Hmm? I lost everything when I lost you.

Tony: Yes, but I promise you, my marriage to nicole is just one of convenience.

Anna: There's nothing convenient about it for me! The love of my life-- back from the dead-- is married. A married man, and married to trash. Honestly, I thought my heart could never break again, but I think it has.

Tony: [Gasps] When I really fought hard to come back to life, for all those years, I did it for one reason: You. Because I love you and only you, anna frederick brady dimera. And I've always wanted only you.

Anna: Oh, tony.

John: Okay, as you know, doc and my anniversary is the 22nd--

Brady: Hold on. No, your-- you weren't married on the 22nd.

John: It was the first time we walked down the aisle. And it would have been last year if kristen dimera hadn't rained hell on our wedding.

Brady: [Groans] Well, dad, technically, it was xander that was on the other end of that gun.

John: No, no, no, but it's because of kristen that doc almost died.

Brady: When did you get this?

Kristen: Mm. After my swan dive in italy. It's meant to signify my rebirth, spiritually and physically.

[Both moan]

John: Hey. You all right?

Brady: Yeah. Yeah, of course I'm all right. I'm all right. It's just that, you know, you bring up kristen. Uh, dad, I've been, uh... I've been thinking about her lately.

John: Why the hell would you be thinking about kristen?

Brady: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Hey, that--that doesn't matter. Let's not talk about kristen. Let's talk about this party of yours. I think it sounds like a great idea. Celebrate the anniversary. Anything I can do--anything, you let me know, all right?

John: That means a lot, kid. Thanks.

Brady: Of course. All right, I love you.

John: Oh, hey, kid.

Brady: Yeah, I know. Be careful.

Hope: Hi.

Brady: Hi.

Hope: Hi, how are you?

Brady: Good to see you.

Hope: Good to see you too. Just the man I was looking for.

John: Hey, hope. What's up?

Hope: I need your help.

Xander: Ted laurent is dead?

Will: You didn't know?

Xander: No, I've been-- I've been holed up here nursing a hangover all day. I only just went out for a run.

Will: You did admit to kidnapping the guy.

Xander: So now you're suggesting I killed him, too?

Will: I don't know, did you?

Xander: In case you're forgetting, I have immunity. How stupid would I be to kill ted laurent?

Sonny: Do you really want an answer to that question?

Will: All--[Clears throat] All I want--all I want is a comment from you on ted laurent's death.

Xander: Oh. So you can spin it into some tabloid story and make me look like the bad guy.

Sonny: You kind of are.

Xander: Here's a comment for you. I kept ted and kate alive. I helped the investigation. So go to hell!

Will: Okay. But before I do, I have one more question. If you didn't kill laurent, do you have any idea who did?

Kristen: Remember what happened to ted laurent.

Xander: Well, you still haven't told me. What did you decide to do with the former D.A.?

Kristen: No, there's nothing to decide. There's only one option. Ted laurent has to die.

Xander: [Chuckles] Come to think of it... I do have a suspect for you.

Kristen as nicole: I would rather not discuss my personal life with you, if you don't mind.

Marlena: Your personal life affects my son and my stepson. So I'm going to insist.

Kristen as nicole: Right. Okay. I married tony for brady.

Marlena: You married another man for brady? Well, see, that just doesn't make any sense.

Kristen as nicole: Of course. Because you've always been a sanctimonious know-it-all, never thinking outside the box.

Marlena: You broke brady's heart. You broke eric's heart. I can't let that happen again.

Kristen as nicole: Oh. So you're not here just as super shrink. It's just pure mama bear, huh? Well, why don't you get this through your head? Your little boys can take care of themselves.

Marlena: Brady wants to help you. Brady wants to save you. We both know that makes him vulnerable.

Kristen as nicole: [Scoffs] You think I'm gonna hurt him?

Marlena: I think-- I think you're all tied up in your own issues right now.

Kristen as nicole: Yes, grief; I got it. Thank you.

Marlena: So maybe you need some help. Maybe you need some clarity--

Kristen as nicole: Oh, marlena. I have all the "clarity" that I need. So you better stop trying to fix what doesn't need to be fixed.

Marlena: What? You'll call security?

Kristen as nicole: No. Something much, much worse.

Eric: You know what? It's not only on you. We did what we thought was right at the time. You know, what you had with rex was a connection. And I thought I still had something with nicole.

Sarah: Yeah, well, a lot of good that did. Now... rex hates us both and left town.

Eric: Listen. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt my brother. But it took a lot to own the truth and admit to rex that we have feelings for one another.

Sarah: You're the one who took the punch.

Eric: I have the girl.

Sarah: [Laughs] So now it's just you and me and amatriciana round two.

Eric: [Laughs] Well, I'd kind of like to think of it as a reboot, getting back to the night before it went off the rails. But this time, we're gonna get it right. What do you say?

Anna: Oh, my god. It really is you.


Tony: And in love with you more than ever.

Anna: Oh, maybe in my heart of hearts I always knew that you were still alive. And maybe that's why I've been so unsettled all these years, searching the world. Not to avenge your death, but to find you. And here you are...

Tony: Oh, anna. I'm so sorry.

Anna: Never apologize for being alive, tony. But if you're here, then who have I been talking to these last ten years?

Tony: Perhaps it's one of dr. Rolf's cats?


Anna: I don't care. I don't care. All I really care about is that we can be finally together again and... you just need to divorce that tramp.

Tony: Oh. About that...

[Sighs] I don't think we can.

John: So you think stefan dimera is innocent and that this-- this mystery woman who's out there dropping $100 bills around is responsible for ted laurent's murder?

Hope: Correct. I do.

John: But you don't have any proof on this.

Hope: The police have the necklace. Other than the $100 bill that woman dropped, I pretty much have nothing to go on. So I--I really need your help, john. I need your brain. I need your experience. I need that gut instinct of yours. I'm really hoping we can team up and find whoever killed ted.

John: All right. Well, since I'm all about putting a killer behind bars, yeah, let's do this. Now, if you're sure you don't have any other clues here, why don't we start with the angle that you're working on here. What are your speculations?

Hope: Well, I believe, as does stefan, the woman I saw could possibly be the same woman who could have killed ted and also engineered kate and ted's kidnapping, then framed stefan for it.

John: That's a lot to hang on one person. You got a suspect?

Hope: Nicole walker.

Kristen as nicole: Or I'll call the cops. And I will get a restraining order against you if you don't leave me the hell alone.

[Knock at the door]

Brady: Nicole!

Kristen as nicole: Lucky you. Saved by your stepson. Well, you're just in time.

Brady: Hi. I thought you were going to see a patient.

Marlena: Yeah, well, I thought nicole could use some help.

Kristen as nicole: And I guess she thought wrong.

Will: You have a suspect? Who? What's the motive? Where can I find them?

Xander: [Sighs] Intrepid boy reporter. So eager. But lucky for you, you're not gonna have to look far.

Will: Why?

Xander: Because I'm looking right at him.

Sonny: Will?

Xander: Or you. After all, ted did blackmail you two, didn't he?

Sonny: Because of leo starke. That's ancient history.

Xander: Just because you made your ex-husband disappear, doesn't mean your grudge against his attorney did.

Sonny: Trust me, we had nothing to do with ted's murder.

Xander: There's always kate.

Will: My grandmother? I don't think so.

Xander: Well, maybe she never forgave him for blackmailing her beloved grandson. Or maybe ted broke her heart when he moved on to that sassy hope brady.

Sonny: Okay, I think we're done here.

Xander: All I'm saying is, it could be anyone, but it sure as hell wasn't me. So if there's nothing else, gents...

Will: There is, actually. Ted said that you lured him to the docks and kidnapped him, unfortunately the cctv footage doesn't back that up. Want to tell me why?

John: Okay, so stefan dimera believes--and so do you, from what you're saying-- that nicole walker not only murdered ted laurent but she's also behind the kidnappings?

Hope: According to stefan, she wants revenge. She wants dimera enterprises, john. Okay, let's just say she teamed up with xander, kidnapped kate and ted, and then somehow convinced them to lie that it was stefan.

John: [Chuckles] All right, let me ask you this. Why the hell would kate and ted ever agree to a crazy lie like that?

Hope: Maybe they didn't have a choice. Maybe she had something over them. Or ted pushed back, she panicked and killed him.

John: Nah, nah. I don't see her killing anyone.

Hope: I don't know, john. Nicole hasn't seemed like herself lately.

John: Yeah, still, still... nicole walker, she's not capable of murder.

Brady: What's going on?

Kristen as nicole: Oh, um... dr. Evans was just leaving. Weren't you?

Marlena: I was. If you decide you want to talk, I will make time for you.

Kristen as nicole: Oh. She's such a pain in the ass!

Brady: Nic, she's-- she's just trying to help.

Kristen as nicole: Yeah. I have all the help I need. I don't need it from some nosy shrink. Look, I'm in the best place that I've been in in a long, long time. And it is all because of you.

Sarah: Did you mix the pasta in with the sauce?

Eric: Didn't we decide it would be better this way?

Sarah: No, we did not decide that. I told you that I prefer the pasta and sauce served separately.

Eric: Yeah, but then the pasta gets sticky.

Sarah: But if you put the pasta in with the sauce, then it gets soupy.

Eric: But the pasta absorbs the sauce. That's the point.

Sarah: Not unless one tends to over-sauce the pasta-- not that I'm mentioning any names.

Eric: Are you questioning the chef?

Sarah: That's exactly what I'm doing.

Eric: At least I don't leave the kitchen dirty.

Sarah: Uh-uh. I'm--I don't-- I'm not dirty; I just-- I'm creative.

Eric: By using every pot and pan and then using every square inch of the countertop, leaving jars, spoons, bowls, and so on and so forth.

Sarah: Yeah. You want messy?

Eric: What? I cannot believe you just did that.

Sarah: [Laughs]

Eric: Are you serious?

Sarah: See, that's messy. I think actually the better word is... is retaliation.

Eric: Retaliation?

Sarah: Is that it?

Eric: This is retaliation.


Sarah: That was uncalled for.

Eric: Oh, but you started it.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. And I'm gonna finish it.


Hope: There is so much about this case that makes no sense, which is why this mystery woman is so vital to the case.

John: Mm-hmm. All right, step one. Let's get our hands on the police report about that necklace; see if they lifted nicole's prints. At the very least, by process of elimination... we can determine who handled that necklace.

Hope: I'll talk to eli.

John: That sounds good.

Hope: Okay.

John: Uh, listen. Before you go... I'ma switch gears here for a second.

Hope: Okay.

John: I am planning a surprise anniversary party for marlena. You know, to celebrate the first time she walked down the aisle into my arm, and how love has grown greater and greater over the years.

Hope: You are such a romantic, john.

John: Well, I married a doc. What do you expect?

Hope: True. True. I would love to be a part of it.

John: Excellent. I will text you the details, okay?

Hope: Okay.

John: And, partner,

Hope: Yes, partner?

John: Not a word about this. Okay?

Hope: Oh, of course.

John: I don't want marlena to know anything that's going on.

Hope: Absolutely.

Anna: What do you mean we can't be together?

Tony: Unfortunately, I made a commitment to nicole to help her claim dimera.

Anna: That's more important than us?

Tony: I know this sounds crazy, but it's not gonna be for too long.

Anna: [Scoffs] One night and it's already been too long!

Tony: [Sighs] Anna, I thought this was going to be simple. I would marry nicole, she would be made ceo of dimera, and I would get on with my life. But gabriella hernandez was chosen by the board and threw a monkey wrench into the whole plan.

Anna: Well, you did your part. You gave it the good fight and nicole lost. So now divorce her and walk away.

Tony: I wish I could.

Anna: This isn't the time to be noble, tony! You and I have lost so much time already.

Tony: I'm sorry, anna, but I've got to see this right to the end.

Anna: And how long will that take: A week, months, years?

Tony: I'm not sure. But I have to make sure that nicole is crowned ceo of dimera, otherwise there's going to be serious repercussions.

Anna: Well, there will be severe repercussions I can promise you that-- for you and me!

Kristen as nicole: What? What is it?

Brady: I don't know. It's just the way you-- the way you kiss me; the way--the way you feel; the way you-- it's just--it's familiar, but it'S... different too. And I don't-- I don't-- I don't understand why. (Vo) when it comes to scent,

Sarah: Mm. Your pasta's getting cold. Shouldn't we eat it?

Eric: Let's just skip right to dessert.

Sarah: You read my mind.

Will: So if you did not kidnap ted from the docks, how did he end up in the dimera dungeon?

Xander: Sorry, mate, no comment. Wouldn't want to jeopardize my immunity deal.

Will: [Scoffs] Well, I mean, he's definitely hiding something, and I'm gonna find out what it is.

Sonny: I'm gonna help you.

Tony: Please try to understand--

Anna: I do understand! Nicole's big fat bid to take over dimera failed-- so there's no reason for you to stay in this marriage!

Tony: There are mitigating circumstances.

Anna: Well, then unmitigate them!

Tony: I wish it was that simple--

Anna: If you loved me and wanted to be with me, it would be!

Tony: Of course, it's that-- that's what I want. Anna, I want to ask you to be patient with me. Just give me some time, and I promise you, we will have our hearts' desire. But, please... just be patient.

Anna: Tony, I have already waited ten years. And I won't wait a day longer. So you better figure this out, love.

Tony: Anna!

[Groans] Damn you, kristen.

Kristen as nicole: [Chuckles] Familiar but different. Well, that doesn't sound like a compliment.

Brady: Hold on. No, no, no, hey. Hey, I didn't mean-- I didn't mean it the way that it came out. I just--it's just...

Kristen as nicole: Brady, brady, brady, brady. Maybe we're not the same people we were when we first fell in love. But our bond has gotten stronger. Unbreakable. So maybe we should stop over-analyzing and just enjoy this amazing ride.

Marlena: Hello.

John: Whoa. Sweetheart. I didn't know you were there.

Marlena: Uh-huh. Hi, hope.

Hope: Hi, marlena. Good to see you too.

Marlena: Thank you. Thank you. Okay, so what is it you don't want me to know anything about?

John: [Sighs] Yikes.

Hope: Gotta tell her.

John: Hope and I, we're working on a case together. And the subject material is a little bit sensitive.

Marlena: Enough said.

[Phone rings]

John: Uh, I gotta take this. Excuse me, please.

Marlena: Oh, sure. I'm glad we've got a moment here. I wanted to let you know that I'm planning an anniversary party for john that's gonna knock his socks off. Usually he's the one planning the great romantic occasions. But this time, I'll be the one doing it. Can't wait.

Hope: Sounds great.

Marlena: It will be great. And--and don't say a word. I--I want to surprise him.

Hope: Of course.

Marlena: Good.

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