Days Transcript Friday 8/9/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/9/19


Episode #13588 ~ Tony declares to Kristen he wants to end their marriage; Anna returns to Salem; Gabi is torn between her love and hatred for Stefan; Eric and Sarah commit to each other; Rex decides to leave Salem.

Provided By Suzanne

Gabi: Stop looking at me like that. Just because... unlike you... I have a heart, doesn't mean I've lost my killer instinct.

Stefan: Well, neither have I.

Gabi: What are you doing here?

Stefan: Lovely to see you, too, mrs. Dimera. Oh, you're not afraid of me, are you?

Gabi: No. I'm not.

Stefan: Hmm. You know, marriage vows, they're a funny thing. I was just arrested on first degree murder, and the first person--well, the only person that I wanted to see as soon as I made bail was my sweet, pretty little bride... who stabbed me in the back and smiled about it.

Eric: Want to talk about it?

Sarah: What is there to say?

Eric: Sarah, we're in this together, just-- why don't you talk to me?

Sarah: Okay, I'll talk. I want to be with you more than anything. And I want to stay with you.

Eric: "But"?

Sarah: No. No "but." We're meant to be together, we both know that. It's just that as bad as it was having rex show up here this morning, it's-- it's gonna be so much worse at work, just having to watch him pretend like he doesn't hate me and--

Eric: Come on, don't go there.

Sarah: Oh, my god.

Eric: What?

Sarah: I forgot to take off my rings. And rex came here and he saw me in your shirt and not much else--and I forgot to take off his ring.

Eric: It's okay. You know what? I want you to just take the day off. Take the day off. We can go to chicago, just-- we can be alone together... just give rex some time to adjust.

Sarah: [Laughs] "Adjust." "Adjust" to his wife sleeping with his brother? I don't think I-- I can'T. I can't run away. I can'T. I have to go to work and face him.

[Phone beeps]

Chloe: Hey, rex.

Rex: Chloe, hi. How's it going?

Chloe: Uh, um, I'm okay.

Rex: Are you sure about that?

Chloe: No, I guess I'm still kind of in shock. Did you hear what happened to ted laurent?

Rex: No, what happened?

Chloe: He was murdered last night.

Rex: What? He was murdered?

Chloe: Yeah, it's so creepy, I mean, I just saw the guy. He came asking for that necklace that you gave me, and acted like getting it back was the most important thing in the world.

Hope: Rafe.

Rafe: Hey. I heard about ted. I'm sorry.

Rafe: So you--you finally took the necklace?

Hope: It's a little more complicated than that.

Kate: Ted laurent is dead and, as I told you-- I will probably be next. So if you don't want my blood on your hands, you need to tell me the truth. Are you working with kristen?

[Water spraying]

Brady: When did you get this?

Kristen: Mm. After my swan dive in italy. It's meant to signify my rebirth, spiritually and physically.

[Both moan]

Kristen as nicole: What is it, brady? You look upset... is something wrong?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gabi: You shouldn't be here.

Stefan: I think it's exactly where I should be.

Gabi: I told security to keep you out.

Stefan: I'm a dimera. This is the dimera mansion. Nobody's going to keep me out of my own home, especially not a conniving little bitch such as yourself.

Rafe: So you got the necklace back. But--

Hope: But--

[Scoffs] But like a lot of things in my life, it's complicated. See, uh... will had tracked me down, to share the fact that neither ted nor xander were in the cctv footage from the docks on the day that ted had said-- in his sworn statement-- that xander kidnapped him from the docks.

Rafe: Oh. So ted's statement had a hole in it.

Hope: Or the whole thing was a lie. Anyway, I was in the middle of that conversation with will when ted showed up-- once again-- with the famous necklace. Only this time I took it. Then I gave it right back after--

Rafe: After what?

Hope: After everything went horribly wrong.

Rafe: "Went horribly wrong"? Why would you say that?

Tony: I told you, kristen died in that fire. And that precludes me from working with her.

Kate: And I saw kristen with my own eyes, and I know she's after dimera. So the more logical conclusion would be that the two of you cooked up a scheme for you to marry nicole, put her on the throne, and then you and kristen will rule everything from behind the scenes. It reeks of dimera.

Brady: No, no. I'm not upset. I'm not upset, just, um... I'm a little distracted right now. I have a lot of titan stuff to do today.

Kristen as nicole: Oh, well, that's flattering. We make love for the first time in how long, and you're thinking about titan stuff"? Brady. Now is not a good time to lie.

Brady: You think I'm lying?

Kristen as nicole: Okay. Let--let me put it this way. I think we both need to be completely honest with each other.

Brady: Okay. You first.

Eric: Sarah, I would be happy to go with you to work.

Sarah: I know. That's very gallant of you, but...

[Sighs] I married rex. So I have to face the fallout. From him and... friends and family.

Rafe: I gotta ask you a question. Listen, it is not as detective, but as a friend, and... if you gave the necklace back to ted, then how is it that you have it in your possession?

Hope: Well, I just found it just now, in that trash can.

Rafe: Oh.

Hope: And I'm sure your next question will be what was I doing digging in the trash can?

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: Rafe, last night there was this woman. Her back was to me. She was standing right over there, and she was rummaging through the trash. Oh, and... I thought that she had dropped this $100 bill. I yelled out to her to turn around and take it, but then she just took off.

Rafe: Well, did you get a look at her?

Hope: No. She left before I could. Like I said, her back was to me. You know, it was almost as if it was worth $100 to her that I didn't see her face.

Brady: No. [Stammers] That's not fair. I'll go first. I'll go first. Look, you--you know that I would never-- I would never do anything to hurt you-- not intentionally. You know that, right?

Kristen as nicole: Yes. Brady, look, the only way you could hurt me is by hiding your feelings from me. You are the one person who was there for me through the toughest time of my life. So I'm here to tell you, whatever you have to say, I'm not going anywhere. 'Cause I know my place is right here, with you.

Brady: Okay. Good. Um, then... full disclosure. Being with you again has been amazing. It's been--it's been amazing, truly.

[Sighs] But if I'm being honest with you, as soon as you got up and left the bed, I started thinking about another, um... another woman.

Kristen as nicole: Oh. Who?

Brady: Kristen.

Stefan: You don't need that poker. I didn't kill ted, and I'm not gonna kill you. No, that'd be too easy. You know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna make you suffer for what you did to me-- and suffer you will, for a long, long time.

Gabi: Hmm. You know, you can tell me that you didn't kill ted, but I don't think a judge and a jury are just gonna take your word like that.

Stefan: Hmm.

Gabi: See, the very serious charges against you are mounting: Kidnapping, murder. I don't even know what tomorrow's gonna bring. But I think I'm the least of your worries.

Stefan: Hmm. [Chuckles] I'll decide that.

Gabi: Stefan, ted was accusing you of kidnapping, and then you end up standing over his dead body holding the murder weapon. I think you need to take this seriously. You need to protect yourself.

Stefan: Wow. See, it almost sounds like you care about me, mrs. Dimera. Almost. What you need to understand is that if you think I'm going to prison for the rest of my life and you're getting rid of me, you're dead wrong.

Rex: And then this is the part where I guess I'm supposed to say that I hope they end up happy together. I guess?

Chloe: But you really want them to get hit by a train.

Rex: [Laughs]

Chloe: I'm sorry.

Rex: No, no, it's-- no, don't apologize. I like that you're on my side, and I love that you give energy to my darker thoughts.


Chloe: Are you sure that you have to leave salem?

Rex: I am, yeah. I don't want to work in the same place as sarah, and I don't want to be in the same town as my brother.

Chloe: Mm. I get that. I'm gonna miss you, though.

Rex: I know that you and i we didn't get a chance to spend a lot of time together. It's 'cause I was too busy being idiot husband, but... I'm gonna miss you, too. Come here. Thank you. Thanks for listening. Thanks for just being you.

Roman: So, it looks like you two have set up housekeeping.

Eric: Dad.

Sarah: No. Eric, he gets to be upset. I am I am so very sorry for hurting rex.

Roman: Look, I really didn't come by to pass judgment--

Eric: Well, it seems like you just did.

Roman: Look. I'm worried about rex, okay? He was in bad shape last night. I'm just hoping that maybe you two can maintain some distance for a while; let him get used to the idea.

Eric: It's a little too late for that. Rex was here this morning. He knows sarah spent the night.

Roman: [Sighs] Well, that's great.

Sarah: No, it's not. Roman, it's hell. Look, I have to get to work. But I-- I will do anything I can to make it easier on rex. And for what it's worth, I-- I'm really glad that he has you and kate.

Roman: I am having... a very hard time imagining what sarah could possibly do to make things easier for rex.

Eric: You're right, dad. We're horrible people,

Roman: Eric, what the hell are you doing? Okay, so nicole flipped out, pushed you away. She's grieving. So you wait. You wait for the woman you really love to come to her senses.

Eric: So you're saying I should wait for the woman that just married tony dimera?

Tony: Have you changed, kate? You used to be a pretty logical woman--

Kate: [Scoffs] What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Tony: Well, logically, if I was in league with kristen, I would have gone after the job myself, the ceo. And then I wouldn't have needed nicole.

Kate: Kristen is out there, and she's closer than you think. And your beloved kristen is never gonna tolerate you being married to nicole. And we all know how she handles things that she can't tolerate. So you see, whether you're working with her or not, you're smack in the middle of it.

Roman: I can't believe tony married nicole-- married anybody but anna. He loves anna like nicole loves you.

Eric: Dad, getting married means that she's moved on, and I'm doing the same.

Roman: Eric. Eric. Let me ask you this. What about sarah? Does she know that you're with her because you can't have nicole?

Eric: Dad, nicole made her choice, and I'm making mine.

Roman: Okay.

Brady: I don't know why I'm thinking about kristen, of all people. I mean, I don't even know why I told you this just now, because you-- I'm sorry, nic. You must feel awful that I've said this to you, right?

Kristen as nicole: No, no.

Brady: I just wanted to be honest with you.

Kristen as nicole: Brady. Wait. Listen. You-- I think you're the one that feels awful, right? Because you must still be asking yourself that maybe you have feelings for her.

Brady: [Groans] Feel-- I mean, I'll always-- with your exes, you always have feelings of some kind, but I mean, with her, it was so complicated, because I mean, she-- try making wedding plans with a woman whose hobby it is to destroy other people. You understand?

Kristen as nicole: No, but you loved her, right? And when you loved a person as much as you loved her, no matter how much you hurt each other, you always--you always want a chance to get it right. Right?

Brady: I don't know. Maybe.

Kristen as nicole: Yes. Brady, brady, thank you so much for telling me the truth, because-- 'cause I think it's time I do the same thing.

Rafe: We both know that necklace is worth a hell of a lot more than a $100.

Hope: That's right. And why would someone throw it away?

Rafe: Well, they would if it was evidence that linked them to a crime.

Hope: That's right.

Rafe: Now, if you left the necklace with ted at his apartment--

Hope: Which I did.

Rafe: Okay. Well, then it stands to reason that whoever dumped it here is the same person who killed him.

Hope: Or who knows who did. Discover your skin's potential:

Stefan: You know, I did learn--or re-learn something from you. I don't need anyone. You were a distraction, and you may have won a pyrrhic victory, but now that my eyes are reopened, I will totally and on my own take back everything that was stolen from me, and then I will grind you to dust. You know what I can't believe? That even for a second I thought that we... never mind.

Roman: Hey.

Rex: Hi, pop.

Roman: I, uh... just talked to eric and sarah.

Rex: Wow, they've had a busy morning. I was over there too.

Roman: I know. So you don't have to tell me what happened.

Rex: Oh, come on. But I was so looking forward to that.

Roman: I do have to tell you, though, you did show remarkable maturity and self-restraint not punching your brother out.

Rex: He's your son.

Roman: Yes, he is my son, and I love him. But I also know what you're going through, and I clearly remember how hard it is.

Rex: Yeah. I mean, it really sucks.

Roman: Yes, it does.

Kate: Hey. What does?

Rafe: Well, I hate to say it, hope, but you're gonna have to hand over that necklace... or at least tell eli. It's evidence.

Hope: Mm. Remember when we were partners?

Rafe: Yeah. I remember.

Hope: We were pretty good together.

Rafe: [Laughs] Yeah.

Hope: Weren't we?

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: You're the cop I want to tell this to. I guess this is your "I told you so" moment, huh?

Rafe: [Chuckles] No. No, see, cops, they-- they don't do "I told you so," because that would be unprofessional.

Hope: And we are two professionals.

Rafe: Yeah.

[Chuckles] We know how to compartmentalize.

Hope: Or pretend to. Anyway, here goes. I told ted I wanted to be with him... just the two of us.

Rafe: Hmm.

Hope: So I suggested that we go back to his place and... then I tricked him into leaving me alone there. And when he came back, he caught me searching his apartment.

Rafe: And what did he do?

Hope: Well, it's what I did. I questioned him-- why he had stacks of unmarked 20s in rubber bands and some loose 100s. He gave me some song and dance about how some of his clients pay him in cash.

Rafe: Huh.

Hope: So anyways, I have to ask you, do you think it's just some wild coincidence that I found the $100 bill and the necklace in the same general vicinity?

Rafe: What, you don't think it's a coincidence?

Hope: Nope. No, I do not. I think that woman disposed of the evidence in that trash can that she took from ted's apartment.

Rafe: Any idea who it is?

Kristen as nicole: I... I just want to tell you everything. I--

[Knock at door] Go away.

Tony: Not going to happen.

[Knocks, keys jingle]

Kristen as nicole: Tony.

Tony: Oh. My, my, my. What is going on here? Rhetorical question. So, if you're finished with her now, do you mind if I have my wife to myself?

Hope: Dammit, I just wish I-- I could have gotten a positive id of that woman.

Rafe: Well, it wouldn't be the first time a dimera used a woman to do their dirty work. Wait a minute. You don't think it's gabi, do you?

Gabi: What were you gonna say?

Stefan: Nothing.

Gabi: No, you said you actually believed we-- and then you stopped. Believed we what?

Stefan: It doesn't matter, gabi, what I believed then. What matters is what I'm gonna do now.

Gabi: I'm not afraid of you.

Stefan: Yes, gabi, you are. You see, you played your trump card. Big mistake. The hand is far, far from over. You see, you've lost your control over me, but I haven't lost mine over you.

Hope: What are you thinking?

Rafe: Well, my sister swears up and down that stefan did not kidnap ted or kate. But if she married stefan for vengeance, she takes the guy's company and she still defends him. Oh, yeah. Never a dull moment with that one.

Hope: I hope it all works out for her.

Rafe: [Chuckles] Me, too... though it usually doesn't, especially when a dimera's involved. What are you thinking?

Hope: I'm thinking that gabi may be right that stefan had nothing to do with the kidnapping, and I don't think he killed ted. I don'T.

Rafe: So then, whoever did is still out there.

Tony: So, you spent the night in the arms of your soul mate.

Kristen as nicole: Watch it.

Tony: I wonder how brady would feel if he found out that you had withheld critical information like the actual identity of the woman--

Kristen as nicole: Shut up!

Brady: Listen. I'll call you later, okay?

Kristen as nicole: Um, wait. We were talking, brady, there's something I need to tell you.

Brady: That's gonna have to wait, 'cause I have titan business I have to see to, okay?

Tony: Well, at least he's sensitive enough to know that the newlyweds need some time alone.

Kristen as nicole: Can it, would you?

Brady: I don't think you can play the injured party here-- mrs. Dimera.

Kristen as nicole: Oh! Do you have any idea what you've just done? I was gonna tell brady who I really am.

Tony: What, are you out of your freakin' mind?

Rex: Well, the upshot is that I told kayla that I'm quitting.

Kate: No! All right, look. You married a conniving little beast, right? But that doesn't mean that you wreck your career over that. Rex, really? She should be the one who quits her job. Okay, as a matter of fact, I'm gonna go over there and I'm gonna talk to her right now.

Roman: I thought you already did that.

Kate: Well, I was going there, but I was detained. Guess who's the latest salemite to return from the dead is?

Roman: Tony.

Kate: Yes. How did you know that? Oh, god, it doesn't-- it doesn't even matter. All right, I'm going to go over there; I'm going to give her a preview of what she's going to have to deal with if she messes with my children, all right? And now you need to call kayla and let her know that you've changed your mind about your job.

Rex: Yeah, but I haven'T.

Kate: Rex, even if you quit your job, this is a small town. You are going to run into sarah.

Rex: I know that. That's why I'm leaving salem.

Kate: I just can't do it. I can't let sarah run you out of town.

Rex: I'm not being run out of town, mom. I'm leaving on my own accord. I'm going to chicago to be with emily. You can come see me there.

Roman: Look. Dammit. I'm really sorry to hear this, but, uh... I do understand.

Kate: Well, I'm sorry too, but I don't understand. Rex, we just got you back.

Rex: I--can we not can we not make a big deal out of this? All right, I've already had enough scenes for today.

Roman: [Sighs]

Rex: I love you both so much, and we're gonna see a lot of each other, I promise. I just-- I need to get out of here.

Roman: Okay, listen. I'll tell you what. Pittsburg plays the cubs next week. Why don't we meet you at the park?

Rex: You know what? Yes. Mom?

Kate: Yeah, I can't wait.

Rex: You're such a liar.

[Laughs] And a bad one at that. You hate baseball.

Kate: Yes, but I love you.

Rex: Oh, god. I know. I know. Come here. See you guys.

Roman: Yeah.

[Sighs] You okay?

Kate: No, I'm not okay.

Stefan: [Chuckles] You got it bad, girl, and that ain't good.

Gabi: The only thing I got for you is contempt.

Stefan: Mm-hmm. Keep telling yourself that.

Gabi: I will-- I will, when you're serving time for first degree murder. Oh, the state could have you locked up until death do us part. That leaves me with your house, your fortune, and of course the satisfaction of knowing that I paid you back for what you did to me. By the way, I'm gonna be upping the security around here. So the next time you try to sneak in, you might find yourself at the other end of a bullet, like poor ted laurent. You know the way out, right?

Rafe: Stefan was telling the truth. He was being set up for the kidnapping.

Rafe: Yeah. After what will said about the cctv, it looks like ted was lying. One of his many lies. Well, he was definitely into something.

Hope: Something very serious. But... I really do think that he thought he was protecting me by not telling me the truth.

Rafe: Wow. How chivalrous of him.

Hope: And that woman who ditched the necklace in that trash can, she went to ted's apartment between the time that I left it there and stefan arrived.

Rafe: So either she either killed ted or knows who did.

Chloe: Hey.

Brady: Hey.

Chloe: What's got you so freaked out?

Brady: Um... I slept with nicole last night.

Kristen: Mm. I know when we made love, a part of brady knew it was me.

Tony: Yes, I can imagine which part.

Kristen: Damn you. You watch yourself. This is not funny.

Tony: No, it's not funny. It's terrifying that you could risk everything because you wanted a roll in the hay with your stud muffin. Do you know where I was while you were playing mattress tag? Kate. You know what she told me? She said that she knew you were alive, that maggie saw you, and now you're about to reveal the secret to brady. What's next, an email blast? A press conference?

Kristen: Mm. She said I was alive? She told you?

Tony: Yes. She told me. She also accused me of working with you. Getting a little too close to the bone, don't you think?

Kristen: You didn't say anything, did you?

Tony: No, because I'm not stupid like you. I came straight here to tell you...

[Sighs] That things are closing in on us. It's only a matter of time before kate decides to tell somebody else or that brady finds out that you-- well, who you really are. Now the walls are closing in, but I have an exit strategy. And this is our plan: Shin chose gabi. We tell everybody that our marriage was a sham. We get a divorce. You go off in the sunset with brady, and I go back to anna. And we live happily ever after.

Kristen: No. No, that is not going to happen.

Eric: Sarah. Hey, I got your text. Is something wrong?

Sarah: I just talked to kayla. Rex quit.

Eric: What? I thought that--

Rex: [Sighs] Well, this is awkward,

Sarah: Rex, I just--

Rex: No, it's okay, though. Because it's not gonna happen again. I'm leaving town.

Sarah: You don't need to do that, and we need to talk...

Rex: No, sarah, all due respect, you need to listen. I know I made a lot of mistakes, and I know I've hurt you. But I still love you enough to hope he does not break your heart.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone rings]

Gabi: [Sighs] Rafe?

Rafe: Hey, sis. Listen. I can't give you any details yet, but there is some new evidence in the laurent case that looks like it might not be stefan. In fact, it looks like he might be telling the truth after all.

Hope: Yeah, you choose a place. Okay, love you, too, cuz. Bye.

[Phone beeps] Stefan.

Stefan: Hope. I'm out on bail-- so it's just the two of us. How about you tell me that you're the one who killed ted.

Hope: I'm not telling you anything, because I did not kill ted. But I might have an idea who might have.

Kristen: You are not calling the shots here, brother. I am. And we are close to getting everything we want.

Tony: All I want is anna.

Kristen: Yes, I know, and you'll have her, just not yet. Ugh! Brady told me that gabi married stefan to get revenge on him. And she's gonna screw up. And when she does, nicole will step up to the plate and re-pitch herself as ceo. So she still needs to be married to you.

Tony: I didn't come back from the dead to be nicole's pet husband.

Kristen: I'm sorry, tony. [Chuckles] You will have to get used to the idea that you're not gonna see anna anytime soon.

Roman: Anna?

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