Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/8/19
Episode #13587 ~ Kristen debates revealing her true identity to Brady; Rex lashes out at Eric and Sarah; Gabi refuses to believe Stefan committed murder; Hope makes a surprising discovery.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: Buenos dias, harold. Could I please have a coffee in the living room with low-fat milk and no sugar?[Foreboding music]
Gabi: There. That's more like it. Hello, abe. Please send the statement I'm about to dictate to all local and national news sources. I don't want to hear a word out of you. I am thrilled to announce my appointment as ceo of dimera enterprises. I plan on making sweeping changes that will take dimera to new heights of profitability. And, um, as for my predecessor, stefan dimera... I have cut ties with him permanently. And I solely will... I'm gonna be making the... [Stammers] Damn it! Ugh!
Rafe: Is it something I said?
Kayla: Hope.
Hope: Hey.
Kayla: I went by the house, but you weren't there.
Hope: I woke up early. And I don't have a job to go to or a child to get ready for school, so I just decided to come here.
Kayla: I figured. I mean, this place is the comfort zone for all of us with the name brady. Listen, I, um... I heard that ted laurent was murdered. I, I... I'm so sorry.
Rex: [Yawns]
Maggie: You reek of liquor, dr. Brady.
Rex: So I tied one on last night. Big deal. I was off duty. So I assume that you heard about the fight sarah and I had.
Maggie: I know you walked out on her.
Rex: Don't worry about her. She's not too broken up about the whole thing. Did she mention that she's in love with my brother?
[Chuckles] It's like... everyone in this entire town knew about this dirty little secret except for me.
[St. Hollywood's "you would be mine"]
Sarah: You look serious.
Eric: I was just thinking.
Sarah: About nicole? Are you already regretting last night?
Singer: And in time
you would be mine
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Maggie: I knew that sarah was fighting her feelings for eric. But I also knew she was determined to be faithful to you--and she was.
Rex: Unlike me. Is that what you're saying?
Maggie: Come on, rex. You conceived a child with mimi while you were still engaged to sarah.
Rex: You're loving every second of this, aren't you? See, you've hated the idea of sarah and me from day one.
Maggie: Okay. I was worried. I felt that sarah was forcing a relationship with you as a way to avoid her feelings for eric. Now, that wasn't fair to you, but... I was pretty sure it was gonna end badly.
Rex: Yeah. Well. Congratulations. You were right.
Maggie: Where are you going?
Rex: To see my wife.
Maggie: She's not here.
Rex: She's not due to be at the hospital for another couple hours; I checked. Where is she?
Maggie: After you left, she went to see eric.
Rex: That was last night. She never came home?!
Maggie: No.
Rex: [Scoffs]
Eric: I'm not having any regrets about nicole.
Sarah: I mean, she... you know, she was the love of your life.
Eric: Not anymore. She's married to a dimera.
Sarah: Which is still so bizarre. Tony. Dead tony.
Eric: [Murmuring] The woman that I loved... nicole, she's gone. She's not the same woman anymore.
[Foreboding music]
Kristen: [Whispering] Hi.
Brady: Hi.
Kristen: I have to say... you were worth the wait. I knew you'd notice me as soon as we made love. There's no other two people who have what we have. It's still there, baby. You know, I thought... I was afraid that if... if I took off the mask and you saw that it was me all along, that you would hate me.
Brady: I wanted to. I really wanted to, but I couldn'T. What matters is that... we're here together. Again.
Kristen: [Giggles]
[Soft dramatic music]
Mmm... last night was so close to being perfect. If only I could've shown you my face. If only you'd known it was me you were making love to. Soon, my love. Very soon.
[Tense music]
Limu emu & doug
Gabi: I'm sorry, okay? I did not see you standing there.
Rafe: Huh. I don't know, I-- I remember when you were pitching for the girls' softball team, you had quite an arm, and, um... I'm sure if you'd been aiming for me, you'd have taken my head off. Why'd you throw it?
Gabi: I was upset.
Rafe: Can you be more specific?
Gabi: [Sighs] I guess I just realized this morning that there's a lot to running dimera that I didn't really know, but I'm a quick study, so I will get there.
Rafe: Yeah, when I walked in, harold asked if I wanted to see mrs. Dimera, so... I guess you did it, huh? You-- you really married stefan.
Gabi: Yes, I guess I did it. I really did it. And then a few minutes later, I had his power of attorney, his fortune, his company, his house.
Rafe: Yeah, but y-- you said that you were marrying him so that you could hold his job for him--to make sure that no one got their hands on gabi chic.
Gabi: I know what I said.
Rafe: Yeah, well, you led me to believe that you two were doing this together.
Gabi: I kicked him out! I thought that's what you wanted!
Rafe: When?
Gabi: Last night.
Rafe: Okay. You have any idea where he went or what he did?
Gabi: [Sighs] No, I-- I haven't seen him. Why are you asking me all these questions?
Rafe: Why? Uh, well, because stefan was arrested.
Gabi: What for?
Rafe: For murder one. I figured you knew.
Gabi: Well you figured wrong. Wait, what happened?
Rafe: Well, he was found at ted laurent's apartment. Ted laurent was shot dead. Stefan was there. He was standing on--
Gabi: No, stefan did not kill ted, okay? Somebody framed him for the kidnapping. Somebody framed him for this. I know that that's what's happening.
Rafe: Well, you're pretty loyal to a guy you just fleeced. How come?
[Dramatic tone]
Kate: [Sighs]
[Gasps] Oh, my god!
Tony: W-what's wrong?
Kate: [Exhales sharply] I open my eyes, and I see the recently undead doppelganger of my still deceased husband sleeping near my bed, and you ask me what's wrong?
Tony: Well, you're the one who insisted me stay for the night.
Kate: I didn'T. What are you looking for?
Tony: I'm looking for a text from nicole to tell me I can go back to the room, but it's not here.
Kate: Well, I guess that means I should order coffee.
[Grunts] Oh my god, what's wrong with me? I can't even remember room service number.
Tony: Well, you were tossing and turning all night. You seem to be on edge.
Kate: Oh, really? Really, you're surprised by that, after hope tells me that ted is murdered?
Tony: This laurent-- he was an old flame of yours?
Kate: Mm.
Tony: Well, no wonder you're upset.
Kate: It's not just that. I'm afraid that I'm next.
Hope: Last night I discovered that ted, um... had been keeping things from me. So I confronted him. And when he wouldn't tell me the truth, I ended it.
Kayla: But the papers said that, uh, stefan dimera was being charged for ted's murder.
Hope: That's right. He denies he had anything to do with it. He's already pointed the finger at me.
Kayla: Why you?
Hope: Because he claims I was so angry at ted, I shot him. Can you imagine?
Kayla: Well...[Sighs] You know, he's--he's just trying to get himself off the hook.
Hope: If stefan's cleared, you're probably looking at the number one suspect.
Sarah: I know something's bothering you. So if it's not nicole, then... it must be rex.
Eric: Just thought he worked really hard to make up cheating on you. He wanted to be the best husband he could be.
Sarah: Oh, I know. Honestly, that's-- that's the part that kills me too. And I know that it kills you as well.
Eric: I was trying to do right by him. But I hurt him even more by living a lie.
Sarah: So did I. And it's really, really hard to own that.
[Soft dramatic music]
Look me in the eye... and tell me that this doesn't feel right.
Eric: I can'T.
Rex: So she's been with him all night, and now this morning they're probably in bed together. Wow, she didn't waste any time, did she?
Maggie: Well, you might be jumping to a lot of conclusions. I mean, there may not be--what-- what are you going to do?!
[Door slams] Ay-yi-yi, yi-yi-yi-yi, yi-yi-yi-yi. Oh...
[Evocative music]
Hi, it's mom. Um, rex was just here. Um, he knows you're with eric, and he's on his way over there. Honey, he's in a bad way. And I'm worried about what he-- he might do.
[Suspenseful music]
Feelin' like, oh
[Warm music]
Eric: You know, as much as i don't want this morning to end, there's something we should talk about, and that's what to do next.
Sarah: [Giggles]
Eric: I really don't want to sneak around. I don't want to keep rex from finding out.
Sarah: I don't--I don't either. And we will figure it out. Right now... I just want to have breakfast with you. I mean, I know I'm gonna do it for the rest of my life, but still.
Eric: I'm crazy about you.
[Door opens]
Eric: Rex, uh...
Rex: No, please, keep doing what you're doing. Forget I'm here.
Sarah: We were--we were just gonna come talk to you.
Rex: Well, I can see that I'm very high on your list of priorities.
[Scoffs] So... have a nice night last night, kids?
Rafe: So, you're saying that you had no idea that stefan had been arrested, nor do you have any idea of the case that we have against him, yet you are positive that he didn't kill ted?
Gabi: He's too smart to kill ted because he'd know he'd be the prime suspect.
Rafe: Oh, and he is. He kidnapped him, you know? Twice.
Gabi: I am telling you, it was not stefan that kidnapped ted and kate, okay? I already told you that. He--he sent nicole down to the wine cellar to get champagne. Why would he do that if he had two people prisoner?
Rafe: Okay, I'll admit that part bothers me.
Gabi: Right, and then she comes up. She has nothing, and she doesn't say one word about stumbling over hostages or anything like that. I am telling you, the person that killed ted is the person that had him kidnapped.
Rafe: Wow. Okay. Any idea who that person is?
Gabi: Rafe, I don't know. But you know what? I would start asking nicole some very pointed questions.
Brady: What? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, did I--did I hurt you?
Kristen as nicole: No, no, I... I'm just... self-conscious of my scars still, so...
Brady: Oh, hey. It's been a long time since we've been together, huh?
Kristen as nicole: It wasn't good for you, was it? Like it was for me.
Brady: Oh, god, no--oh, no. No, that's not true at all. No. It... it was--it was different. I don't--I don't think it has to do with scar tissue or anything like that.
Kristen as nicole: Oh. How was it different?
Brady: I don't know how to explain it, honestly.
Kristen as nicole: I think I can. And maybe it's time I did. This is hal.
Tony: You... you do seem genuinely afraid. What is it?
Kate: I'm stressed. It's stress.
Tony: And why do you think that is?
Kate: Before ted was murdered we were both held hostage in the dimera tunnels. We thought we were going to die there. I don't recommend it.
Tony: So who put you there?
Kate: It was stefan.
Tony: Why would he do that?
Kate: It's--it's complicated.
Tony: But he's in custody now. You should feel safer.
Kate: He's gonna get out! He's going to get out, and he's not the one that I'm most afraid of, okay?
Tony: Well, who would you be more afraid of than your kidnapper?
Kate: [Sighs heavily]
Tony: Tell me.
Kate: No. We were let go under threat of death if we told.
Tony: Told what? W-w-what is it?
Kate: Would you just stop pestering me?!
Tony: No, no! You told me you're gonna be the next one who's gonna be killed. If you tell me the truth, then maybe I can help you.
Kate: [Sighs] God. Maybe you are, maybe you are the one... who can help me. Tony, I was lying when I told you that stefan was the one who kidnapped us. You're going to find this hard to believe. But it was your sister. Kristen is alive.
[Ominous music]
Kristen as nicole: You knew part of my heart belonged to eric.
Brady: Yeah, I always knew.
Kristen as nicole: But not anymore. If things felt different with me it's--it's because now, I'm yours. All of me. My body... my mind... my soul.
[Tense music]
Hope: Honestly, I am at just a complete loss to explain what went on between ted and me. I can't even explain it to myself. Anyway, thank you so much for listening. I know need to get to the hospital.
Kayla: Yes, I do. I do, I do.
Hope: No, no, what are you doing--don't-- I know what you're doing.
Kayla: Excuse me, excuse me.
Hope: Hey. Keep your wallet in your purse.
Kayla: Okay.
Hope: This is on me, okay? Least I can do. I was just going on and on and on.
Kayla: No, forget it. But I'll tell you, I don't think that this place can cash 100 this early in the day.
Hope: Oh, my gosh, I totally forgot I even had that. With everything that's going on in the last 12 hours-- this hundred-dollar bill, it's not even mine.
Kayla: Whose is it?
Hope: Last night, I was at the park, and I saw this woman-- uh, her back was to me, kind of rummaging through the trash, and well, it appeared that she dropped this hundred-dollar bill. It was close by her. I picked it up, I yelled to her, "hey, got a hundred dollars. Turn around and take it." But she wouldn'T. She just took off.
Kayla: That's weird.
Hope: That's what I thought. The whole thing was weird, actually.
Rafe: See, I would take your theory a lot more seriously if you hadn't just gone head to head with nicole over control of dimera enterprises.
Gabi: I don't have any use for nicole, but I am telling you the truth. I think she went down there and she saw something, and she's keeping her mouth shut about it. I don't know why.
Rafe: Well, why did ted and kate both say that it was stefan?
Gabi: Well, maybe they're afraid of the person that did it because that's the person that killed ted!
Rafe: Ted... ted was lying there dead, and stefan was standing over his body. He was holding the gun that shot the bullet that killed him.
Gabi: Okay, I get it. Sounds bad.
Rafe: Yeah, it is bad. Why are y--why? Why are you doing this? Why are you going to the mat for a guy that you intended to destroy?
Gabi: Oh, I am going to destroy him, are you kidding me? I've been planning it for months. He destroyed my life.
Rafe: Did he?
Gabi: Yes.
Rafe: 'Cause your life really doesn't look that bad from where I'm standing. I mean, maybe-- maybe you've had a change of heart.
Gabi: Are you-- are you kidding me right now? All right, do you remember what papa says about people he really hates? 'Cause I do. I remember, but do you?
Rafe: That he hated them with the passion of a thousand burning suns, yes.
Gabi: Yes, exactly. That is how I feel toward stefan.
Rafe: Is it?
Gabi: Yeah.
Rafe: 'Cause I remember what he did to your life, but I-- I also recall how you just defended him, so, you know... you know what they say. There's a thin line between love and hate.
Gabi: Don't-- rafe, do not say that to me, because I am not in love with stefan. I cannot be. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Sarah: Rex, I am-- I am so sorry. I did not want you to find out like this.
Rex: Well, I did. You know, even after last night, all that garbage about wanting to make our marriage work...
Eric: Rex, have you been drinking?
Rex: Oh... sobriety police, that's-- that's just what I need this morning, man.
Eric: I'm not judging you.
Rex: I'm judging you, though. You know who my drinking buddy was last night? Xander. Turns out he and I have a lot in common. You see, we were both sacrificed at the altar of saint eric the divine. I know you're not a priest anymore, I get it. Maybe the cardinal sins don't matter to you, but adultery-- it's one of the big ones.
Eric: Rex, come on.
Rex: No, you knew when you were pronouncing us husband and wife that it was a joke. That our marriage was dead before it even began.
[Somber music]
Brady: What I--what I did to you... when I told you to leave town after you told me that you were in love with eric, I mean, that was unforgivable.
Kristen as nicole: Stop. Stop, that's in the past.
Brady: And now, but-- listen, but--my god, you survived that explosion. That was crazy; that was a miracle in itself, and... I was determined to make things right with you and eric. I really wanted to do that. I wanted to go down that path. I... [Sighs] Now here I am. I'm in bed with you. This is--this is crazy, nicole. I mean, my head is spinning about this whole thing. What is going on?
Kristen as nicole: I said stop. Stop fighting it. We both know we're right together.
Brady: My god, you're even married to another man now. I mean, it's nuts.
Kristen as nicole: Come on. Tony is under no illusions. He knows we're only married in name. Besides, we are gonna take back dimera and move forward with the next phase of our plan.
Brady: I would love to know what that is, by the way.
Kristen as nicole: And I'm gonna tell you soon enough.
Brady: Where did tony sleep last night?
Kristen as nicole: I may need tony to get back into dimera, but on a personal level, I could care less where tony is.
Tony: But kristen can't be alive. I saw her walk into the flames just before the warehouse exploded.
Kate: You lived to tell the tale. And so did xander and so did nicole. And you and I both know that kristen is more than capable of wanting you to believe that she's still dead.
Tony: But you weren't there to see what I saw.
Kate: I looked into kristen's face, and she threatened to kill ted and me. And now ted's dead. And because she forced me to name stefan as the kidnapper, he's after me too. Now, I have been really, really good at always getting myself out of my own jams. But now, I'm stymied. And I hope that you can help.
Gabi: How could I have a thing for stefan? Him and his hateful mother framed me for murder,
Rafe: Yeah, well, sometimes feelings don't make a lot of sense.
Gabi: No. No, no-- I have been planning on getting even with stefan for months, okay? There was nothing in my plan about falling for the guy.
Rafe: You just thought you could check your heart at the door while you had an affair with him.
Gabi: Uh, yeah!
Rafe: Are you--are you serious? The same girl who brought home stray cats, who rescued worms from puddles? Sis, come on. You are the sweetest, kindest, most caring person that I ever met, and it was terrible for me to watch you change after everything that you went through. Now... I hate that you are with stefan, much less married to the guy, but... I'm glad your heart's still working.
Gabi: What the--
Rafe: So, yeah, don't beat yourself up.
Gabi: Rafe, you're not understanding. This has absolutely nothing to do with my heart, okay? It's my brain telling me that stefan's not guilty.
Rafe: Hm. Well, the evidence against him is circumstantial. But there is a lot of it, and it is damning, and the da agrees.
Gabi: Okay, so what happens now?
Rafe: Well, last night he spent the night in a holding cell, and he will be arraigned this morning, although I don't know how he's gonna make bail, because the money's all tied up and he's only made enemies since he's come to town.
Gabi: So, what, he stays in jail?
Rafe: Well, let's hope so. For your sake.
Gabi: Why do you say that?
Rafe: Because he is a dangerous man. He gets even with people by killing them. Sis, you have taken everything from him--his job, his money. You made him look like a fool. Who do you think he's gonna come looking for when he gets out? -Guys, I want you to meet someone.
Rex: Well, look, I'm gonna go clear my stuff out of your mom's house. I assume you're moving in here.
Sarah: Look, no matter what, I... I would really like it if we could just figure out a way to work together and be civil.
Rex: Civil? Y-you expect us to be civil?
Sarah: Look, I don't want to come between you and eric.
Rex: A little late for that, don't you think?
Eric: This is not what i wanted to happen.
Rex: Just--you know what? Be happy. Just--just do your thing that-- in fact, don't give me another thought.
Sarah: Rex--
Eric: Please, don't leave like this.
Sarah: [Sighs]
Gabi: No matter what I did to stefan, he'd never hurt me.
Rafe: He'd better not. For his sake. I gotta go.
Gabi: Come on.
Rafe: Would you please take care of yourself, hm?
Gabi: Mm-hmm, yeah. Hey, wait, uh--ted laurent? He's really dead?
Rafe: Yeah. Well, no great loss to humanity.
Gabi: I know he was trying pretty hard to come between you and hope.
Rafe: Yeah, well, I won't say he got what he deserved, but... I'm glad he's out of hope's life. Permanently.
Kayla: So a woman walked away from a hundred bucks? That's totally weird.
Hope: Well, what I'm gonna tell you is gonna sound a little weird also. I thought maybe I'd kind of rummage through the trash a little, see if I could find something, but then my phone saved me. It was eli; he needed to see me at the station, so... thank you so much for coming to find me and listening. Thank you.
Kayla: Anytime. You know that. Love you.
Hope: Oh, I love you too.
Kayla: Okay.
[Reflective music] Just turn around. Take the money. I'm pretty sure you dropped it over here. What--miss! Mi--
Tony: How can I possibly help you?
Hope: Maybe I shouldn't have told you about kristen. You know, it's just that i haven't had anyone to talk to about it except for ted. And now ted's murdered, probably by her.
[Sighs] You know, you and I go back quite a ways, tony. But you and kristen go back even further. So I'm thinking if you locate her, then you can get her to leave me alone.
Tony: Well, I haven't the foggiest idea how to get in touch with her.
[Tense music]
Kate: You're lying, tony. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Sarah: The eggs were good. Thank you.
Eric: So when eli do you have to leave for work?
Sarah: Soon.
[Sighs] Oh, my god. I've never dreaded going to work as much as I do right now. Everybody there loves rex.
Eric: Yeah, they do.
Sarah: I'm getting what I've wanted for so long. I guess it's just... it's time to face the consequences.
Rex: Hi, kayla, I need to talk to you.
Kayla: Oh, hi. Uh, sure, do we-- do we need to go to my office?
Rex: No, no, this won't take long. I just want to let you know that I'm quitting.
Kayla: What?
Rex: Effective immediately.
Kayla: [Gasps]
[Foreboding music]
Rafe: Hope? What are you doing?
Gabi: I have cut ties with him permanently. And I solely will... I'm gonna be making the... damn it! Ugh!
[Tape rewinds] Okay. Although I have cut ties permanently with my husband, I have full power of attorney. I do not believe that these recent charges will be proven. I do believe he's innocent, and he will be exonerated. Oh, come on, don't look at me like that. Just because I have a heart doesn't mean that I've lost my killer instinct.
Stefan: Hm. Well... neither have I.
[Tense music]
Tony: I am certainly not lying.
Kate: Oh, come on.
Tony: How would I know where kristen is?
Kate: Well, I'll tell you what--you can start by going back to your devoted wife's room here.
Tony: What?
Kate: Yeah. Yeah, because I'm not the only one who saw kristen. Maggie swears she saw kristen open the door to nicole's room.
Tony: You're joking.
Kate: No, I'm not joking. I mean, she was drunk at the time, but still, it happened.
Tony: Well then...
Kate: Well then. If nicole and kristen are hanging out, there is no way that you wouldn't know about it. Especially after returning from ten years of playing dead to help nicole take over dimera, something you know that kristen would want to do. Maybe kristen and nicole teamed up in the warehouse. Huh? So you need to tell me the truth. Are you working with kristen?
Kristen as nicole: [Chuckles] I am gonna go take a shower.
Brady: I'll be right there.
Kristen as nicole: Oh?
Brady: Yeah.
[Water pouring]
[Dramatic music]
When did you get this?
Kristen: After my swan dive in italy. It's meant to signify my rebirth spiritually and physically.
Brady: Mm.
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