Days Transcript Wednesday 8/7/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 8/7/19


Episode #13586 ~ Sarah and Eric declare their love for one another; Stefan is arrested for murder; Brady finally gives in to Nicole's advances; Kate faints when she sees a familiar face.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: Barkeep. Another round for my friend and a shot of whisky for me.

Rex: I don't want anything from you.

Xander: A free drink is a free drink, sport.

Rex: Not when it's coming from a man who wants my wife.

Xander: Well, it doesn't matter what I want... since she wants your brother. Guess we both lost her, mate.

Rex: [Sighs] Wait, wait, wait. I just realized something. I can't go home.

Xander: Why not?

Rex: Because my wife is there. And she's in love with my brother.

Xander: [Snorts]


[Uneasy music]

[Longing music]

Stefan: I didn't kill ted.

Eli: You were standing over his body with a gun in your hand.

Stefan: Look, laurent was dead when I got there. Which means somebody else shot him. It wasn't me. You better find out who the hell it was.

Tony: Brady.

Brady: Hi. Where's nicole?

Tony: Um... she's not here, but I'm glad you are. Uh, I'd like to ask you what your intentions are with my wife.

Brady: You're kidding me, right?

Tony: Why would I be?

Brady: Because we both know that this marriage is in name only. Why are you suddenly acting like you care about her?

Hope: Miss? I think you must've dropped this. It's a hundred dollar bill. Miss?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Hope: I'm pretty sure you dropped it over here. What--miss? Mi--w--

[Footsteps receding]

Tony: Well, I have to admit that nicole and I are not passionately in love, but I am her husband. And I did save her life, pulling her out of that fire. And you know what they say: When you save a life, then you're responsible for that life forever.

Brady: You keep saying that. I can assure you I have, uh, no intentions of hurting nicole.

Tony: Ah, I'm so happy to hear that.

Brady: I've caused her enough pain, tony. I made her leave town. I made her leave eric. I mean, I regret all of it.

Tony: Yes, I noticed when you had that altercation with eric earlier that there's still a deep resentment with your brother.

Brady: It's very hard to get past your brother stealing the woman that you love.

Rex: I guess I could walk to the hospital and sleep in the on-call room.

Xander: You're gonna show up to your workplace drunk as a skunk?

Rex: No, I'm not that drunk. I can totally play it off! Oh.

Xander: I don't think you can, mate--

Kate: Hey! Get your hands off my son. Get--

Rex: No, no, no, no, no, no. It's fine. He's just been providing me with a little support.

Kate: What are you--support? This is the guy who kidnapped me, rex. He locked me in a room to die.

Rex: I know, and I'm still totally mad about that.

Kate: Oh, my...

Rex: Like, really mad. But he's also a dreat-- great drinking companion.

Xander: Aww, rex. Thanks, mate. You as well.

Kate: Okay, so the two of you got drunk together?

Xander: Drowning our mutual sorrows, you could say.

Rex: We both got dumped by sarah.

Kate: What?

Xander: It's a sad story. Tragic, really.

Kate: Okay, look, hey, I'm gonna take care of my son now, okay? You can just move along. And don't drink and drive.

Xander: Course not. It's a lovely night for a walk. Rex. You hang in there, mate.

Rex: Thank you.

Kate: What the hell were you doing with that guy, I don't know. Rex. What happened?

Rex: Sarah's in love with eric.

Kate: What are you talking about?

Rex: She said his name. In bed.

Kate: Oh, my god, I-- I am so sorry.

Rex: How could I have been so stupid? I moved into an apartment with my wife and the man that she really loves.

Sarah: Did rex do that to you?

Eric: Yeah. But I don't blame him.

Sarah: Does it hurt?

Eric: I'm fine.

Sarah: This is all my fault. I shouldn't have invited you for dinner. Rex made it clear that he wanted to spend the evening alone, and I just--

Eric: This wasn't about dinner.

Sarah: Rex told you what happened when we were in bed together.

Eric: Yeah. He also told me what you said after it happened.

Sarah: About my feelings for you?

[Tender music]

Sarah: I'm sorry that I hurt rex. But I can't say that I'm sorry that it's finally out in the open. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,

Brady: That must be nicole.

Kristen as nicole: Oh. Uh, hi.

Brady: Hi.

Kristen as nicole: Sorry, i was just, um, I was out for a walk. I was trying to clear my mind.

Tony: Is everything all right, darling?

Kristen as nicole: Uh, yeah. Everything's fine. I was just trying to figure out a way to take dimera back from stefan and gabi.

Brady: Yeah, I saw gabi earlier. Um, the board named her ceo.

Kristen as nicole: Yes, i know that. Really like to know what else she had to say. Tony. Um, would you--would you mind?

Tony: Oh. Of course not.

Kristen as nicole: Brady, would you mind pouring me a glass of wine while I walk my husband out?

Brady: Happy to.

Tony: So how did you dispose of the body?

Kristen as nicole: Well, i left it in the apartment and set it up to look like a robbery. Yeah, yeah.

Tony: Did anybody see you?

Kristen as nicole: Well, i had a close call with hope.

Tony: How close?

Kristen as nicole: Close enough, but I managed to dodge a bullet.

Tony: It's a shame that ted wasn't so fortunate.

Kristen as nicole: Yeah.

Stefan: Is this a setup?

Eli: Setup?

Stefan: Yes! Just like the abduction. Just like gabi stealing my company.

Eli: You were holding the murder weapon, stefan! All right, and as far as motive goes, you just accused a guy of framing you for kidnapping.

Stefan: He did. He and kate both did.

Eli: Sounds like you're ready to give a statement.

Stefan: Oh, what's the point? You've already convicted me. You're as biased as hope brady.

[Tense music]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone trilling]

Hope: Hey, eli.

Eli: Hey, hope, um... yeah, I got some news for you. Can you come down to the station right now?

Hope: Well, can't you just tell me over the phone?

Eli: Nah, I'd rather do it in person.

Hope: Okay, um, I'll be right there. Bye.

[Phone beeps]

[Door slams]

Xander: Mags! You're up!

Maggie: [Laughs] I am.

Xander: Oh, I thought everybody would be asleep by now, but you're not. You're here.

Maggie: And you're drunk.

Xander: Am I? No.

[Laughs] Okay, yes, I am.

Maggie: [Laughs] Lovely.

Xander: Well, in my defense, I was just helping your son-in-law numb the pain after your daughter broke his little heart.

Sarah: Here. Put this on your face. But honestly, at this point, we should really just throw away this.

Eric: I really don't need frozen corn.

Sarah: Yes, you do.

Eric: You know, I guess kate's little comment about the three of us living together hit closer to home than we wanted to admit.

Sarah: And I just sat there and let rex chew her out for it.

Eric: Yeah, well, you were trying to protect rex and save your marriage.

Sarah: Lot of good that did.

Eric: If you still love each other, doesn't mean it's over.

Sarah: You know, I asked my mom if she thought I could save my marriage.

Eric: What did she say?

Sarah: She said that a marriage based on a lie can never survive. And she said the better question was if I even wanted it to.

Eric: And?

Sarah: My marriage to rex is over, eric. That much I know. What I don't know is... where you and I go from here. Is there a chance for us?

Maggie: Here. Drink this down. It'll help with your hangover.

Xander: You are too kind.

Maggie: Let's just say I know what it's like to drink more than I should.

Xander: Rex is the one who needed a drink. He had quite an evening.

Maggie: Yeah. So I heard.

Xander: You know what happened with him and sarah?

Maggie: Mm-hmm. She told me.

Xander: You know, he was never right for her.

Maggie: And you are?

Xander: Come on, mags. We both know you didn't like dr. Rex. But you do like me. If you put in a good word for me with sarah...

Maggie: You know what? Even if I thought you were right for her, it doesn't matter what I say. Her heart belongs to someone else.

[Tender music]

Sarah: I shouldn't have put you on the spot. Maybe it was a mistake to even come here tonight at all.

Eric: It's just... it's a lot to think about.

Sarah: And you're still in love with nicole and you probably always will be.

Eric: Nicole won't even talk to me anymore. She's married to tony dimera.

Sarah: You said it wasn't a real marriage.

Eric: She claims they fell in love while recovering from the fire.

Sarah: Do you believe her?

Eric: Honestly, I don't even know what to believe anymore when it comes to nicole. I don't even know who she is anymore. You didn't come here to talk about nicole. You came to find out if you and I... we... could be together now.

[Door handle shuffles]

Brady: [Clears throat]

Kristen as nicole: Oh. Thank you.

Brady: You're welcome. You know, tony is, uh, he's very protective of you. He said that because he saved your life, he feels responsible for it.

Kristen as nicole: That's very sweet of him.

Brady: I'm glad he was there, though, to save you, when eric and I couldn'T.

Kristen as nicole: You mean that?

Brady: Yeah. Of course I do.

Kristen as nicole: Thank you. Unfortunately, our plan to take over dimera didn't have the happily-ever-after that I was hoping for.

Brady: Stefan's still out at dimera.

Kristen as nicole: Well, yes, I know, because he signed power of attorney over to gabi, but temporarily. I mean, if he is cleared of the kidnapping charges, then she's just gonna welcome him with open arms.

Brady: [Chuckles] No, she won'T.

Kristen as nicole: She won't? What do you mean?

Brady: What do I mean? All this time, gabi's been plotting revenge against stefan for putting her in prison.

Kristen as nicole: What sort of revenge?

Brady: Oh, you know, the typical revenge-- you know, seducing him, convincing him to marry her, and then taking him for everything he's worth, his money, his company, everything he loves-- that kind of revenge.

Kristen as nicole: You can't be serious. How do you know this?

Brady: Because I was the one that came up with the plan in the first place.

[Seductive music]

Kate: [Gasps] Oh!

Tony: Oh!

[Dramatic music]

Hope: Hey. Hi. I just got a news alert you're the new police commissioner.

Eli: Yeah.

Hope: Wow.

Eli: Yeah, it was unexpected.

Hope: So that's the news? That's the news you wanted to tell me? Not bad at all. Congratulations, eli. Thrilled for you. It's okay, I understand, I understand why you would feel awkward about this, but it's okay. Don'T. Salem's lucky to have you. Especially after eve's reign.

Eli: Thanks. I appreciate you saying that, but... I'm afraid that's not the news that I have to share.

Hope: What is it?

Eli: Hope, I'm sorry to tell you this, but ted laurent's been murdered.

I'm jimmy dean and uh,

Hope: Ted is dead?

Eli: He was shot. Jack and I were headed over to ted's place to talk to him about taking over the new da job, and when we got there, stefan dimera was standing over him.

Hope: Stefan.


Eli: You don't look surprised.

Hope: Yeah, because I saw him earlier and he was on his way to see ted.

Eli: For what?

Hope: He was determined to get him to admit he was lying about the kidnapping.

Stefan: He was lying. I didn't kidnap him.

Hope: You tried to get ted to change his story, and when he wouldn't, you killed him. You did this!

Tony: Hey. A-are you all right?

Kate: I just-- I-I don't understand. Andre?

Tony: No, no. No, no, I can assure you. I am not the ghost of your dead husband. It's me, tony.

Kate: How are you alive?

Tony: Well, I was one of the first recipients of dr. Rolf's miraculous serum.

Kate: Oh. Of course, yes, that makes sense. Well, for what it's worth, I'm-- I'm happy to see you.

Tony: Yes. I'm happy to see you too.

Kate: What took you so long to come back?

Tony: You know, it was such an arduous journey. I just wanted to make sure that I felt complete as a man before I went searching for my beloved anna.

Kate: If only your brother had cared about me the way you care about anna.

Tony: You know what i couldn't understand... is why such a-a beautiful, intelligent, successful woman like you would've married a snake like andre.

Kate: Well, I married him because I needed to be a dimera to be ceo of the company.

Tony: That's funny. That's the same reason why nicole walker married me.

Kate: What?

Xander: Why does sarah keep pining for eric when he's so clearly in love with nicole?

Maggie: Nicole doesn't want to be with eric.

Xander: It's irrelevant. I would always put sarah first. But eric, no. He just keeps trying, trying to win nicole back.

Maggie: Well, I think he's finally given up. Even he has to admit that they have no future. Nicole keeps pushing him away.

Xander: But that's not really nicole!

Maggie: What?

Brady: I wanted chloe back, and stefan was in my way. So I plotted with gabi to get rid of him.

Kristen as nicole: Hmm.

Brady: Hmm. But when it became clear to me that chloe wasn't interested, I bailed on the plan.

Kristen as nicole: But gabi kept going.

Brady: Gabi kept going. She hated stefan for what he did to her. He sent her to prison, and it almost cost her her life, so she waited for the right time to make her move, and it worked. So you're not gonna have to worry about stefan anymore.

Kristen as nicole: Mm... until he divorces gabi and tries to take his company back.

Brady: That's gonna be a while. Right now, you have an opening. You have an opportunity. It's a good one.

Kristen as nicole: Thank you for sharing that with me, brady. Oh. You're brilliant. You truly are.

Brady: I just wanted to help you. That's all.

Kristen as nicole: That's why I know, in my heart, you're right for me. Brady, when you and i join forces, there's nothing we can't do. We could rule salem and prove to everyone what we're capable of. Don't you want that too?

Sarah: You said it's over between you and nicole.

Eric: It is.

Sarah: Then what's standing in our way?

Eric: Do you really think we could be happy? After we hurt rex?

Sarah: I think that we tied ourselves in knots trying not to hurt your brother, and that was our biggest mistake.

Eric: We made a lot of mistakes.

Sarah: Yeah, we have. And most of them were because we weren't being honest.

Eric: Yeah, with rex or with each other?

Sarah: Both. And ourselves too. I thought that you could never love me as much as you love nicole. So I married a man that I didn't love with my whole heart. And I tried to convince myself that I wasn't falling for you. But I am done lying. I am done stuffing my feelings down and pretending like they don't exist.

[Tender music]

For the first time ever, I am being completely honest about what's in my heart. I love you, eric. I've always loved you.

Stefan: I didn't kill ted. He was dead when I got there.

Hope: What was the last thing you said to me? Earlier. That you were gonna get ted to talk to you if it was the last thing he did.

Stefan: Oh, that's a figure of speech. And what was it you said to me? That you suspected he and kate weren't being truthful about the kidnapping. Seemed to make you pretty upset.

Hope: Not that upset.

Stefan: Uh-huh.

Hope: Oh, no, no, no, no. You're suggesting that I killed ted? Don't you dare.

Eli: All right, that's enough. Hope, I need to talk to you outside.

[Tense music]

Maggie: What do you mean, it's not nicole? Of course it's nicole. Who else would it be?

Xander: What I meant was, um, she's not been acting like nicole, has she? I mean, you've seen it. She's, uh, been a coldhearted bitch since she lost holly.

Maggie: Yeah, but she's a mother grieving for her child.

Xander: All I know is the real nicole loves eric, and if she ever returns, sarah will be left out in the cold.

Eric: Sarah.

Sarah: Please, I have to say this. I am--I am dying to say this.

[Stirring music]

I love you, eric. I love the way that your smile starts in your eyes and it makes everything feel better. And I love the way that you look at me. It makes me feel like there's no one else in the room. And I know that you are always thinking about what's best for everyone else and always putting your needs last, and I-- and I love that about you too. But please, I am begging you. No more sacrificing your happiness. Please, just for once, stop thinking about your brother's feelings and just think about your own. Because if you think that-- that we could be happy together, then--then you need to reach out and you need to grab that happiness and never look back.

[Tender music]

Kate: You married nicole so she could be ceo of dimera?

Tony: Well, it's a marriage in name only.

Kate: Yes, but, I mean, how did you even...

Tony: Well, I rescued her from that warehouse fire. And we just bonded, and then of course she asked me for help, and... I didn't have much choice, really.

Kate: Hmm. Nicole didn't have a choice either.

Tony: I'm sorry? What was that?

[Mysterious music]

Kristen as nicole: Tonight is supposed to be my honeymoon. And there's no place I'd rather be than right here with you. Brady, I'm a woman, with needs, and I want you. And there's no one here, and no one has to know, so why can't we be together?

[Seductive music]

Eli: I'm sorry, but I gotta ask you. When was the last time you saw ted?

Hope: I'm a suspect?

Eli: I'm just covering all my bases.

Hope: No, no, of course, eli, I'm sorry. You're just doing your job. I understand, I have nothing to hide. Tonight. It was tonight. Will had told me that there was no-- there was no video footage to back ted's claim that he was kidnapped by xander on the docks. So I decided to do my own investigation.

Eli: Well, how'd you go about that?

Hope: I suggested that he make us dinner back at his place. When he went to the store, it gave me the opportunity to search his apartment.

Eli: Did you find anything of interest?

Hope: Yes. I found stacks of unmarked 20s in rubber bands. When he got back, I questioned him about it, of course, and... he said clients pay him in cash sometimes. It was obvious he was lying to me. I gave him back the necklace, and I ended things.

Eli: I'm glad you told me. It's obvious that your fingerprints are gonna turn up at ted's apartment.

Hope: And the necklace. Ted didn't deserve to be murdered. He didn'T.

[Sultry music]

[Both moan]

Kristen as nicole: Oh. You want me. I can feel it.

Brady: I can't do it.

Kristen as nicole: Yes. Yes, you can. Stop fighting what's meant to be. Stop.

Brady: No, listen, I want you, I do. Tony--tony's gonna be back any minute. What are we doing?

Kristen as nicole: Okay.

[Phone beeps] There. I just told him to stay away until I say otherwise, so we have this whole room to ourselves.

Lay down.

Tony: What did you mean when you said that nicole had no choice?

Kate: Well, I was just simply suggesting that, uh...

[Phone beeps] Perhaps...

[Phone beeps]

Tony: Well. Would you look at that.

Kate: What is it?

Tony: I've been sexiled on my honeymoon night.

Kate: [Scoffs] Nicole is with someone else?

Tony: Well, I said it was a marriage in name only. You know, I don't really have anywhere to go. Can I buy you a drink?

Kate: I would love that.

Maggie: Well, I hope someday, nicole gets past her grief over holly and becomes the woman that we all used to know. My only interest, though, is in my daughter's well-being.

Xander: You don't want sarah to get hurt. I don't either.

Maggie: I want her to follow her heart and make the right choice.

[Tender music]

Eric: You know, after nicole died, I... never imagined I could fall in love again. And then you came to town.

Sarah: With about two tons of baggage.

Eric: You helped me. You helped me deal with holly. I was able to wake up and face challenges every single day. I don't think I've ever met anyone like you.

Sarah: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Eric: No. Don't you say you're sorry. You made me laugh when I didn't think it was possible.

I am sorry that we hurt my brother. I think, for the first time... I've been able to see how much time can be wasted feeling guilty. And that guilt... can keep you from seeing what's right in front of you. I love you. I love you, sarah.

Plaque psoriasis can

be relentless.

[Contemplative music]

Maggie: Hello?

Xander: Is the ice cream a consolation prize for losing your daughter?

Maggie: Mm... better than a stick in the eye.

Xander: Most people in this town think I'm a terrible person.

Maggie: Xander, you've done some terrible things. But I think there's some good in you. And I'm so sorry that my daughter hasn't returned your feelings for her.

Xander: Thank you.

Maggie: Someday, you're gonna find a woman who is right for you.

[Chuckles] Okay. And until then... cookies and cream?


Xander: I'll have all of this.

Maggie: Oh, my goodness.

Xander: Mmm.

Maggie: Okay.

Kate: This was my drink with andre.

Tony: Well, perhaps you should consider a new drink.

Kate: Perhaps I will.

Tony: Mm.

Hope: Tony? Tony.

Tony: Oh. Hope!

Hope: Stefan told me.

Tony: Good to see you.

Hope: Oh, my-- it's so good to see you.

Tony: Oh, please, why don't you join us?

Hope: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Tony: No, not at all.

Hope: I just--I have to tell kate something.

Kate: Okay.

Hope: Ted, he's dead.

Kate: What?

Hope: He was shot, apparently by stefan. He's in police custody.

Tony: Oh. How fortunate that we don't have a murderer roaming the streets.

Hope: Kate? Are you all right?

Kate: Yeah, no, I'm-- I'm fine. Poor ted.

[Somber music]

Stefan: I understand that hope is your cousin, that she used to be your boss, but hey, don't let that cloud your judgment.

Eli: My judgment's fine.

Stefan: I arrived at the wrong time. I'm being framed again.

Eli: Again.

Stefan: Yes.

Eli: Yeah, again.

Stefan: Yes, again! Gabi stole my company. Ted and kate are lying about this kidnapping. I don't know what the hell's going on, but I have a pretty strong feeling nicole walker's in the middle of it.

[Both moan]

Kristen as nicole: Mm. Hey. Wait, wait, wait.

Brady: What is it? What's wrong? What is it?

Kristen as nicole: Fire... the burns-- there's--there's scars.

Brady: Hey, hey, it'S... I understand.

Yeah, yeah

Brady: Come here.

Oh yeah in my heart of hearts I always knew you were the one for me and I for you I always knew in time you would be mine I always knew that I'd be with you and in time you would be mine oh oh oh you would be mine oh mm

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