Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 08/5/19
Episode #13584 ~ Gabi drops a bomb on Stefan; Rex rips into Eric over his feelings for Sarah; tragedy strikes when Ted confronts Tony and Kristen; Hope grills Kate about her kidnapping.
Provided By Suzanne
Xander: Rex cheated on you again, didn't he? I told you he wasn't worthy. Where is he? I'll make him pay for hurting you.Sarah: It's not what he did to me, it's what I did to him.
Xander: What you did?
Sarah: I just told my husband that I'm in love with someone else, so--
Xander: Oh. I've been waiting for you to finally realize that we're supposed to be together.
Sarah: I'm not in love with you, you idiot. I was talking about eric.
[Gentle music]
Eric: Rex, what are-- what are you doing here?
Rex: Just wanted to thank you for destroying my marriage, brother.
Eric: I don't understand. Earlier when we were having dinner, you and sarah seemed so happy.
Rex: Yeah, thought so too. But then she insisted that you join us, and now I know why. My wife is in love with you.
Ted: Everything just fell apart with hope. You have to help me.
Kate: Well, hope brady is not my problem.
Hope: Hi, kate.
Kate: I'm afraid I'm gonna cut this call short.
Ted: No, don't hang up--
Kristen as nicole: Gabi hernandez has proved to be a bigger problem than i imagined.
Tony: What are you planning to do?
Kristen as nicole: I'm done playing games with that silly girl.
Tony: Are you going to murder her?
Kristen as nicole: She's left me no alternative, now has she? She's the only thing standing between me and getting dimera back. She's gotta go.
[Tense music]
Stefan: What do you say we take this celebration upstairs?
Gabi: Well, I have a better idea. Why don't you pack your bags and get out of my house?
Stefan: [Chuckles] What? I don't--I don't understand.
Gabi: You don't understand "get out"?
Stefan: I know shin said that in order for you to be the new head of dimera you needed to distance me from the company, but, gabi, he didn't mean we actually had to separate.
Gabi: Stefan, this has nothing to do with the board or shin.
Stefan: Then what are you doing?
Gabi: Something that I've been wanting to do since the moment you framed me for andre's murder.
Stefan: What?
Gabi: I've got my revenge, stef. So everything that was yours, it's now mine.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Tony: I know how important the family legacy is to you, kristen, but to kill gabi in cold blood?
Kristen as nicole: I am so tired of people taking what is mine, and that little twit is a conniving troublemaker.
Tony: Well, our brother stefan didn't seem to think so.
Kristen as nicole: Well, then I guess he has to go too. I mean, how could he be so stupid to be with a little girl like that?
Tony: Well, perhaps he cares about her.
Kristen as nicole: Well, that's what makes him more pathetic. Tony, that is why I brought you home, to fight for what is rightfully ours.
Tony: Listen, I'm all for you getting exactly what you deserve, but I never saw you as a murderer.
Kristen as nicole: Things have changed.
Gabi: Because of you, I was ripped away from my daughter. Because of you, I was beat so badly, I almost died. I--I won't even have the opportunity to have another child.
Stefan: I thought you'd gotten past that.
Gabi: Oh, gotten past that. I will have to live with that for the rest of my life. That's why I switched the paternity results to make it look like you were charlotte's father, to break your little heart like you broke mine, but the pain was not enough.
Stefan: I loved charlotte.
Gabi: I know, I know, and you hated me for everything I was doing, so that made my plan even more challenging. I know that there's a fine line between love and hate.
Stefan: I don't believe you.
Gabi: All right, well, you can believe whatever you want to believe. I knew that to truly to make you hurt, I had to take away the one thing that you really wanted, the dimera legacy. This house, your money, your power. Stefan, I set out to get it, and now it's all mine.
Ted: Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up.
Kate: This is kate dimera. Leave a message.
[Beep] I will not lose you, hope. I will not lose you, hope.
Hope: That was, uh--that was ted you were talking to, wasn't it?
Kate: Well, I don't see how that's any of your business.
Hope: I was just with him. He was planning to cook us this really wonderful meal. Well, that is until I confronted him about some money I found at his apartment. Do you know anything about that?
Kate: Okay, look, hope, I'm sorry that your wonderful dinner didn't work out.
Hope: No, no, no, no, don'T. You don't have to apologize. It was just an excuse to snoop around his place.
Kate: Why would you want to do that?
Hope: Because I don't think he was telling the truth. About what happened when you two were kidnapped.
Kate: Okay, well, the two of us were kidnapped by xander and dropped in that room just like we said.
Hope: Okay, and what else, hmm?
Xander: I can't believe you're still pining over that bore, eric. I mean, what can he give you that I can't?
Sarah: God, you are really an idiot.
Xander: And it doesn't make any sense. Whatever nicole did to that poor sap, he's never getting over it. He will always be in love with nicole.
Sarah: Will you just shut up? Please, just go away. I don't even want to be in the same room as you.
Xander: Sarah.
Sarah: Please, just go.
Maggie: My daughter asked you to leave.
Xander: I'm just trying to show her that she's wasting her time loving someone she can never have. One day you will see it, sarah. And I'll be here for you.
Maggie: What happened?
Sarah: I did it again, mom. I ruined everything.
Maggie: Ohh.
Rex: You see, I was lying there in bed with my wife, about to make love, and she said your name. It was in that moment that I saw what I should have seen months ago, long before she and i got married. She wants you.
Eric: That's not true.
Rex: Not me. Sh--shut up. She told me everything. She admitted everything to me.
Eric: What did she say?
Rex: The only reason why you and her are not together is because nicole showed up alive, and she didn't stand a chance in hell with you as long as nicole was around.
Eric: I never wanted to hurt you.
Rex: Yeah, of course not. 'Cause you're so virtuous. I was there for you, man, when nicole was treating you like crap and rejecting you. I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to be in love like I was with sarah.
Eric: I wanted you to be happy, too.
Rex: Well, I thought I was, man, I thought I was. It was all an illusion, wasn't it? Look at this freaking photo. Three musketeers. There for each other in the good times and the bad. It was all--it was all a lie, wasn't it? It was all a lie!
[Glass shatters]
[Tense music]
[Tense music]
Eric: I never meant for any feelings to develop. Sarah was there for me. After I thought nicole died, we became friends.
Rex: And you were the shoulder that she needed to cry on after I cheated on her?
Eric: I comforted her, but don't forget that I also helped the two of you get back together.
Rex: [Laughs] Sure you did.
Eric: Rex, I married you.
Rex: That's right, you married us. How ridiculously funny is that?
Eric: Rex, I thought after doing so, this would bring closure for all of us.
Rex: Just shut up! Cut the crap. Be honest with me. When you were pronouncing us husband and wife, were you thinking of sleeping with my wife?
Hope: According to ted, xander kidnapped him on the docks after luring him there with the promise that holly was alive except the cctv footage doesn't back up his story.
Kate: Well, hope, I warned you that ted wasn't trustworthy.
Hope: Yeah, well, which is why I am really hoping that you can tell me why he was lying about how he ended up in the tunnels under the dimera mansion.
Kate: I don't know. But I do know that I told you to keep your distance from him. If I were you, I would just leave it alone, walk away. Hope, what are you doing?
Hope: I want to know why he's lying to me, kate.
Tony: Your determination to get dimera back is clouding your judgment.
Kristen as nicole: Hmm, no. My mind is very clear.
Tony: But everybody knows that you--I mean, nicole and gabi are enemies, and you've been trying to control-- get control of the company, have you not?
Kristen as nicole: So?
Tony: So if she winds up dead, you're gonna be the prime suspect.
Kristen as nicole: Well, I'm not stupid. I'm gonna make sure it looks like an accident.
Tony: But you're holding the gun. What kind of accident are we talking about? An accident where she falls on the bullets? No, no, no. We're gonna need a better plan. Listen, kristen, listen to me, you have to be patient.
Kristen as nicole: I've been patient, I want gabi gone.
Tony: There's a better way. You just have to trust me. You do trust me, don't you?
Kristen as nicole: Yes.
Tony: I know you've been alone for a long time, and so have I, but I'm here. I'm here to help you. Hand me the gun.
[Dramatic music]
Thank you. 'Cause you have to know, if you kill gabi, it's only gonna be a matter of time before someone comes knocking on your door.
[Knocking on door]
Ted: Nicole, open up. It's ted laurent. We need to talk.
[Pounding on door]
Stefan: How long were you planning to destroy me?
Gabi: Since I set foot back into the house.
Stefan: You lobbied hard to get me to hire you back to run gabi chic.
Gabi: Well, I knew you that you valued what I brought to the table, and that it wasn't just my head for business.
Stefan: Yeah, all this time you showed up here in revealing outfits trying to get close to me.
Gabi: I saw the way you looked at my body. Even when you despised me, you couldn't help yourself, you couldn't help the attraction.
Stefan: And you used it.
Gabi: Yep, every single moment I could, I tried to flaunt it in front of you, and I--I had you until chloe came into the picture.
Stefan: She needed my help.
Gabi: That's when you wanted to play hero, trying to protect her from the big, bad drug lords.
Stefan: You set that whole thing up. You lured me into bed so that she would find us together.
Gabi: I did feel a little bad about using parker as an excuse, but all's fair, right? She wasn't willing to go the distance with you, and I was.
Stefan: How did I not see it?
Gabi: Because all you could see was how much you wanted me. Even when you were telling chloe how much you cared, you couldn't keep your hands off of me.
Stefan: You bitch! You manipulative bitch. You're not gonna get away with this.
Gabi: Stefan, I already have.
[Knocking at door]
Ted: Nicole, open up. I need to talk to you. Open up.
Kristen as nicole: Go away, ted!
Tony: Is this the guy you locked up in the tunnel?
Kristen as nicole: I threatened to kill him and anyone he loved if he and kate didn't implicate stefan for their abduction.
Tony: But which you threatened him, nicole or kristen?
Kristen as nicole: Kristen. He doesn't know it's me behind the mask.
[Pounding on door]
Ted: I'm not leaving until I talk to you.
Kristen as nicole: Just play along. Hmm, make it quick. You're interrupting my wedding night.
Ted: You got married?
Kristen as nicole: Mm. Ted laurent, this is my husband, tony dimera.
Tony: Pleasure.
Ted: Tony dimera, I'm sorry but aren't you supposed to be dead?
Tony: Just another miracle. Something my wife and I have in common.
Ted: Oh, nicole, did you marry kristen's brother because you want some kind of leverage over her because she was forcing you to help her?
Kristen as nicole: Why i married tony is none of your concern. Okay, what do you want?
Ted: You knocked me out and locked me up in the dimera tunnel. I'm willing to look past that because I know you're kristen's victim as much as I am.
Kristen as nicole: Hmm. Get to the point.
Ted: The point. We are about to get in big trouble with kristen. Hope brady is starting to figure out that stefan dimera is innocent.
Stefan: Chloe made me happy.
Gabi: Oh, well, that's just the thing, you don't get to be happy, not after what you did to me.
Stefan: You destroyed the life we coulda had together.
Gabi: Oh. Oh, wow, you lost something. How sad. What about all the time that I lost with my daughter while I was in prison?
Stefan: I should have walked away.
Gabi: You had your chance. By then we'd slept together long enough that I had my hooks in you and you couldn't say no.
Stefan: Neither could you.
Gabi: It was an act, stefan.
Stefan: No, you're really gonna stand there and tell me that you didn't want it too?
Gabi: I wanted it so that we could arrive at this precise moment. You're so easy. You wanted so desperately for someone to want you. All I had to do was a little flirting, and you were mine.
Stefan: You did a hell of a lot more than just flirt, which is how I know that it wasn't all an act. You're lying.
Sarah: I don't know how it happened, saying eric's name while I was in bed with rex, but it just--it slipped out.
Maggie: Well, what did you say after hit happened?
Sarah: I told him the truth. That I had feelings for eric and that I never stopped having feelings for him.
Maggie: How did he take it?
Sarah: He's hurt and angry. I can't blame him, I-- I may have not only destroyed my marriage but his relationship with his brother.
Eric: You have to believe when I tell you this, that I never would have agreed to perform that wedding ceremony if I didn't believe that you and sarah belonged together.
Rex: But you had feelings for her, eric.
Eric: Feelings that I never acted on while she was with you.
Rex: While she was with me. That's a loaded statement.
Eric: Rex, I wanted you to have a great life together. I wanted you to be happy.
Rex: You knew--you-- you knew that her vows to me were lies.
Eric: Rex, she loves you.
Rex: She loves you more apparently.
Eric: I don't know that.
Rex: Oh, shut up. Yes, you do. Sarah told you as much the night that nicole came back to salem.
Eric: Rex, I did everything--
Rex: So what, you did everything? You want me to thank you? You want me to thank you for not sleeping with my wife?
Eric: Of course not.
Rex: Actually, as a matter of fact, I should be thanking you. Thanks for lying to me. Thanks for making my marriage look like a joke. In fact, I do owe you something.
[Dramatic music]
Rex: Come on. Hit me back. Hit me! Ah, this is what you do. You just turn the other cheek, especially when all the damage has already been done.
Eric: I'm just trying to do the right thing.
Rex: Just shut the hell up. This is what you do. This is an act. You walk around like some virtuous guy, but it's an act. That's all it is.
Eric: It's not what you think.
Rex: What about brady?
Eric: That was different.
Rex: Was it? Was it? You know what's the same? You. You screwed over brady. You screwed over me. You walk around like some caring, thoughtful human being, but you destroy the lives of people around you.
Sarah: Well, it looks like you got your wish. You never wanted me to be with rex.
Maggie: Sarah, I only wanted you to be happy, sweetheart. It killed me to see the way he hurt you.
Sarah: But I forgave rex when he cheated on me.
Maggie: Hmm, well, maybe he'll be able to forgive you.
Sarah: Oh, you don't believe that.
Maggie: Honestly, the bigger question here is, do you want to save this marriage?
Sarah: I would have never married rex if I thought that eric and I had a chance, but that was impossible the moment that nicole turned up alive.
Maggie: Yes, but eric and nicole aren't together. I never could have imagined that she would turn against eric over what happened to holly. But she is never going to forgive him.
Sarah: And I hate to see him suffering like that.
Maggie: Well, so do I, but that might not be such a terrible thing for you. I mean, if there is no future for eric and nicole, then maybe the two of you can be together.
Kristen as nicole: Well, that's your problem. I don't want to get stuck in the middle.
Ted: No, I'm telling you, when hope is gonna find out kristen was responsible, kristen's gonna kill me and kate.
Tony: So sorry that my sister's causing so much trouble again in salem.
Ted: We've gotta find a way to stop her.
Tony: Well, that's easier said than done. She's a lot cleverer than you can ever imagine.
Kristen as nicole: And dangerous.
Ted: That's why we have to work together. I know she's controlling you. She has your child for god's sake.
Kristen as nicole: My child, what?
Ted: Look, that is why you attacked me, right? When I told you holly was alive, you already knew.
Kristen as nicole: Yes. And that's exactly why I don't want to risk making kristen angry.
Ted: That is why we need to work together and find a way to stop her. That way you can get your child back, and I cannot fear for my life every day like that.
Stefan: Of course I wondered if you were playing me. People told me not to trust you. Just today ben questioned me as to why I was marrying you.
Gabi: So I'm guessing that our time between the sheets removed all doubts from your brain?
Stefan: No, I didn't listen because I knew in my heart that we shared something genuine, that we had a connection.
Gabi: Your heart's an idiot.
Stefan: I know I didn't imagine it. That connection was real.
Gabi: Or maybe I'm a great actress.
Stefan: No, no one's that good, and what we shared in bed was a whole hell of a lot more than just good sex.
Gabi: For you maybe.
Stefan: Uh-uh, not just for me. When I was arrested for kidnapping ted and kate, I saw how upset you were. You stood by me when nobody else would.
Gabi: I had to keep up the act.
Stefan: No, it's not an act. If all you wanted was revenge, you would have left me to rot in jail. Why did you fight so hard to get me out?
You wouldn't accept
an incomplete job
Eric: I swore after what happened with brady that I would never hurt anybody in my family again.
Rex: Well, that didn't last very long, now did it?
Eric: And I never meant to hurt you.
Rex: You can add me to the list of carnage that you leave in your wake. Look at nicole. Jennifer. Brady. And now me. Everywhere you go pain and loss follows. And now that nicole has rejected you, you know exactly how I'm feeling right now. The agony of losing the love of your life.
[Door opens, slams closed]
Kate: If you play with a scorpion, you can't complain if you get stung.
Hope: You and ted were locked in that room together. If I hadn't found you, you both would have died.
Kate: And I thanked you appropriately.
Hope: Just tell me the truth, please.
Kate: I can'T.
Hope: Why not?
Kate: Just can'T.
Hope: My god, what is going on? What are you so afraid of, kate?
Kristen as nicole: Trust me. Double-crossing kristen dimera would be a terrible mistake.
Tony: You know my wife is right, this is not the time to be taking chances.
Ted: Okay, but surely you know that she really wants to be reunited with her daughter.
Tony: Her daughter. Oh, of course.
Ted: I mean, that is why you are together. Didn't nicole ask you to help her get holly away from kristen?
Tony: My wife wants to get back what is hers, and I'm here to help her.
[Intense music]
Stefan: You tried to help prove that nicole was the one framing me. You were by my side. On my side.
Gabi: Once again, acting.
Stefan: Uh-uh. If you hated me so much, why would you even lift a finger to help me?
Gabi: 'Cause it wasn't enough to send you to prison. Crushing you was only half my plan. I needed to make sure that no one ever put me in a position where I would be a victim.
Stefan: You wanted dimera all for yourself.
Gabi: Damn right, I did. I started a company with my own hands, and you, you decided that you just--you wanted to take it. Why? It wasn't because you were smarter and it wasn't because you worked hard. It was because you had money and because you had power. Okay, well, you know what, now I have the money and now I have the power.
Stefan: You couldn't have known nicole was going to push me out.
Gabi: It was lucky coincidence.
Stefan: You haven't forgotten about that prenup you signed, have you? I may have given you power of attorney, but once I divorce you, you get nothing.
Gabi: Okay, go ahead. You try to do that, and I will drag out this divorce until we are old and grey. It'll take years for this to go to court, and in the meantime, I control everything that belonged to you, including this house, and I want you out now.
Plaque psoriasis can
be relentless.
Sarah: I really thought that I could make the marriage work.
Maggie: Even with eric in your head?
Sarah: I tried everything to get him out of it. I--I married rex. I even had eric perform the ceremony.
Maggie: Honey, can't you see how misguided that was? Really, you can't force yourself to love someone.
Sarah: I do love rex.
Maggie: But you love eric more.
Sarah: I don't know. I don't know.
Maggie: Honey, you're gonna have to look into your heart and decide who you want to be with, and don't stay with rex out of some kind of obligation, because you're gonna end up hurting the two of you even more in the end.
Eric: Ah.
[Somber music]
Gabi: You know, I give nicole props for digging up a dimera of her own to marry. But thankfully I've convinced shin that I'm the perfect person to run dimera.
Stefan: You fooled him too.
Gabi: Hardly. He and the board are gonna be very pleased with the direction I'm taking my company.
> Stefan: No, no, no, it will never be your company. I will fight you to get it back.
Gabi: Good luck with that. All right, you know what, you're gonna have to leave willingly, or I'm gonna call security and have ben haul you out of here, because he works for me now.
Kate: I'm not afraid.
Hope: Yes, you are. I can see it in your eyes.
Kate: Well, I guess when your enemy is a dimera, you never feel totally safe.
Hope: So it's stefan you're afraid of?
Kate: Okay, look, hope, you said that I owed you for rescuing me. Okay, fine, I'll give you some advice. You need to stop asking questions, you need to walk away from ted and not look back for your own good.
Kristen as nicole: Hmm. Gosh, I would love to help, but I'm so sorry, my hands are tied.
Ted: Don't you want to have your child back?
Kristen as nicole: Of course. And with tony's help, I will get back what is rightfully mine.
Ted: Then why aren't you fighting for it?
Kristen as nicole: Because I'm as afraid of kristen as you are. Ah. Ted, ted, ted, ted, ted, ted. Mm. You need to stick to the story that stefan is behind all of this. If you value your life and hope's, you will not double-cross kristen dimera.
Ted: I cannot live like this, wondering every day if kristen's gonna have one of her goons put a bullet in my head or worse, hurt hope.
Kristen as nicole: Well, you have to live like this.
Ted: Well, if you won't help me, I will have to go to the police.
Kristen as nicole: Yeah? What are you gonna tell them?
Ted: I will tell them everything, that kristen is behind the kidnapping, that she was threatening us and you.
Kristen as nicole: You can't do that, do you understand me? You will ruin everything.
Tony: Take it easy, nicole.
Kristen as nicole: He needs to know how dangerous kristen dimera is.
Ted: I haven't seen her in weeks, maybe now she's bluffing, or she got out because it got too hot.
Kristen as nicole: Or maybe she's close and she's waiting for you to screw up.
Ted: I will have to take-- I will have to take a chance with that lunatic.
Kristen as nicole: Oh.
Kristen: I can assure you, ted, kristen has not disappeared.
[Dramatic music]
Great riches will find you when liberty mutual
Xander: Barkeep, another round for my friend and a shot of whiskey for me.
Rex: I don't want anything from you.
Xander: A free drink is a free drink, sport.
Rex: Not when it's coming from a man who wants my wife.
Xander: Well, it doesn't matter what I want, since she wants your brother. Guess we both lost her, mate.
Rex: [Sighs]
Sarah: Xander was right about one thing.
Maggie: What was that?
Sarah: Even though nicole keeps pushing eric away, she's still the love of his life. He's never gonna get over her.
Maggie: You don't know that.
Sarah: Let's just say I do want to be with eric.
Maggie: Mm-hmm.
Sarah: There is no guarantee that he is going to love me as much as he loves nicole.
Maggie: There's never any guarantees in love. Come on, you know that. Every time you open up your heart, you're risking getting hurt.
Sarah: I am tired of being hurt.
Maggie: Yeah, I know you are. Hmm, but isn't it worth the risk for the chance of meeting somebody truly amazing? I mean, otherwise you're gonna spend the rest of your life wondering what might have been.
Eric: [Groans]
[Gentle music]
Stefan: Don't bother calling ben, I'm leaving. Once I'm cleared of these phony charges, I will be back.
Gabi: I'll save you a seat at the table.
Stefan: You know, you may claim that our relationship was one big lie for you to get revenge on me, but that's not the truth.
Gabi: It's not?
Stefan: No, I held you in my arms, I looked into your eyes, and I know it was real. I know the truth.
Gabi: And what truth is that?
Stefan: You still want me. Hell, you might even love me. And when I come back here to throw you out on your ass, you will know the pain of rejection.
Hope: Please. Tell me what you know about ted and how the both of you ended up in the tunnels.
> Kate: God, you need to stop--
Hope: I'm not letting this go--no, I'm not.
Kate: You need to let this go! If you value your life, if you value your family's life, you will drop this for good.
[Ominous music]
Ted: It's you.
Kristen: Surprise.
Ted: Nicole was never your pawn. You just assumed her identity.
Kristen: Oh, you figured that out all by yourself, did you?
Ted: And you, you married your sister?
Tony: She warned you not to cross kristen.
Kristen: You wouldn't listen, ted, so now you and your precious hope are gonna have to pay the price.
Ted: What are you talking about?
Kristen: Well, you discovered my secret, and I can't have you walking around town telling people.
[Suspenseful music]
Tony: I don't think so.
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