Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/1/19
Episode #13582 ~ Nicole drops a bomb on Stefan and Gabi; Sarah makes a monumental slip of the tongue; Eric is shocked when he learns Nicole got married; Hope makes a stunning discovery in Ted's apartment.
Provided By Suzanne
Eric: Uh, the session went great. We actually booked another one for next week.Sarah: That makes me so happy; I never know if a patient is gonna take a referral to the horton center, so thank you.
[Coffee pouring]
Eric: Of course. I'm happy to help. Listen, I better get going.
Sarah: Hey, um... do you have dinner plans?
Eric: No, I was, uh, you know, gonna stop by the pub. You know, since you and rex moved out, it's been kind of quiet. I was actually thinking about getting a dog.
Sarah: [Gasps]
Eric: [Laughs]
Sarah: I love dogs! Ooh! Especially the king charles spaniels.
Eric: Yeah, they're pretty cute.
Sarah: [Squeals] You should totally do it.
Eric: No, no.
Sarah: You sh--I'll dogsit!
Eric: No, no, I... why don't you and rex just get one of your own?
Sarah: Rex isn't really into dogs. I mean, I've wanted one forever. But I'm down for... walks; you know, vet visits or grooming--whatever you need.
Eric: Listen, I'M... blown away by your generosity, but haven't you been working for, like, 24 hours straight?
Sarah: [Chuckles]
Eric: I'm sure you're tired, so you should go home and get some rest rather than worrying about taking care of a dog that I might actually get someday.
Sarah: A girl can dream, can't she?
Eric: Yeah, there's nothing wrong with dreaming.
Sarah: True.
Eric: Hey, have a good night.
[Wistful music]
Sonny and will: Hey.
Sonny: I was just about to text you. What are you thinking for dinner tonight?
Will: I'm not. Sorry, I'm too focused on writing this piece about the stefan dimera case.
Sonny: Well, do you think ted laurent was involved... as more than just an innocent victim?
Will: [Sighs] Well, in his statement to the police, ted said that he was kidnapped from the docks by xander. But I checked the cctv footage from that day, and neither of them were on it. Something doesn't add up.
Sonny: Well, I wish you could've questioned ted when you were with hope earlier.
Will: He offered to give me an interview, but when I went to go for it, hope said she needed to talk to ted alone.
Sonny: Well, at least by telling her all this, you planted some doubt in her head about the guy.
Will: Yeah, but we both know ted laurent can lie his way out of anything.
[Tense music]
Ted: Stunning. I love you, hope brady. You don't have to say a word. This symbol of my love and commitment. That's all I care about. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I love you.
Gabi: Why hasn't shin called me back? I left him a message saying it was urgent I speak with him. I need to tell him that I'm mrs. Stefan dimera.
Stefan: I like the sound of that.
Gabi: [Sighs]
Kristen as nicole: Why haven't I heard from shin? I left him an urgent message saying I need to speak to him. I need to tell him I am mrs. Tony dimera.
Tony: Well, that calls for a toast.
Brady: Easy now. Remember, this is a marriage in name only.
Kristen as nicole: Ahem. Brady, would you mind bringing the car around? Tony's still unsteady on his feet.
Brady: Sure. You're sure about this?
Kristen as nicole: Yes. Brady, I'm--I'm doing this all for you.
[Mysterious music]
Tony: My, my, my. You really are in love with him, aren't you?
Kristen as nicole: And soon, brady will be in love with me and everything will work out as planned... and I, kristen dimera, will finally be on the verge of reclaiming my man...
[Inhales sharply] And my legacy.
[Squeals] At long, long last! Ooh! Hah!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Tense music]
Ted: We should celebrate.
Hope: What do you have in mind?
Ted: I wanna take you out to dinner. Someplace special.
Hope: "Someplace special."
Ted: I can take you anywhere. Just name it.
Hope: I think we should go to your place.
Rex: Hey. Was that... eric who I just saw leaving?
Sarah: Oh, yeah, we were talking about a patient.
Rex: It just looked kind of intimate, that's all.
Sarah: [Chuckling] No. What you saw was concern.
Rex: For the patient, or...
Sarah: No. For eric. Rex, I thought that you were worried about him too after we moved out so abruptly.
Rex: Yeah, that was your idea.
Sarah: Yeah. But he--
Rex: Okay, yeah... [Sighs] Sorry--I'm so sorry. Um... I'm grilling you right now, and I--and I don't wanna be grilling you. We-- we both worked a double shift, and I'm exhausted and you're exhausted and... can I start over?
Sarah: [Laughs] Sure.
Rex: Thanks. Hi.
Both: [Laugh] I'd love to take you home and draw you a nice, hot bath, if you're up for that.
Sarah: That sounds amazing.
Rex: Good, because... I just want you all alone, all to myself. Just--I don't wanna share you with colleagues or... patients or... anyone. Come here.
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] Why hasn't shin called?
Tony: Oh, kristen, calm down.
Kristen as nicole: Don't tell me to calm down, and don't you dare call me kristen.
Brady: Did I hear something about kristen?
Kristen as nicole: Tony was just saying he was sad that kristen died in the explosion.
Brady: Yeah, it is-- it is sad. Um... car's out front if you're ready.
[Cell phone rings]
Kristen as nicole: Oh. Hang on. Oh, it's shin's assistant.
[Cell phone beeps] Nicole walker. Thanks for letting me know.
[Cell phone beeps]
Brady: So?
Kristen as nicole: Shin's on his way to salem. We have to go--now.
[Exciting music]
Stefan: Are you still thinking about nicole?
Gabi: Well, how could I not? She may be nuts, but she knows that only a family member could be named ceo, so she's probably out there trying to marry a dimera.
Stefan: Okay, will you stop worrying about her, please? Look, we've already established there aren't any eligible dimeras out there. Our plan is going to work. Until these bogus charges are clear, shin just needs someone to step in and take my place. Who better than my wife?
Gabi: Unless the board doesn't want me because I am your wife. What if they boot us both?
Stefan: You were the one who convinced me the board was gonna love you. Why are you losing confidence all of a sudden?
Gabi: Well, you know why. Because of nicole.
Stefan: Even if she's trying to do what we did, that's just it: Trying is one thing. Succeeding is another. I promise you, we have nothing to worry about.
Gabi: I hope you're right. Because then it's gonna be a whole lot of trouble for nothing.
Stefan: Not nothing to me. When I... put this ring on your finger, I told you that I have some very real feelings. Remember that, right?
Gabi: Of course.
Stefan: And during the ceremony, those feelings became... much stronger... and more intense than I ever imagined they would be. I looked at you... and correct me if I'm wrong, but... you were feeling the same thing.
Gabi: Stefan, I--
Stefan: No, no, no. I... I--I just kind of... I--I can't believe it. We're married.
Gabi: [Exhales] Yeah.
Stefan: We're husband and wife. [Chuckles] We exchanged vows that bind us together. It's you and me. Till death do us part.
Since my dvt blood clot
Sonny: Hope is a very smart woman, but... she's involved with ted, so she could be protecting him.
Will: Hmm, from being charged with a felony?
Sonny: No, no, I don't think she would do that, and--and we're not there yet, you know? At this point, I think she's just trying to protect ted from a sharp, determined, and incredibly handsome reporter. She just doesn't want her boyfriend's face plastered on the front page of "the spectator."
Will: You know, now that I think about it, there might be another possibility. Hope might be suspicious of ted.
Sonny: What gave you that impression?
Will: I'm remembering the way she looked at me when she said she wanted to talk to ted alone. I know my aunt pretty well, and maybe she's doing a little detective work of her own.
Ted: [Sighs happily] Are you sure?
Hope: Yes, I am. I think it would make it much more special. And I've never been to your place.
Ted: Well... I would--would love to have a private celebration-- don't get me wrong. I need some time to prepare.
Hope: You?
Ted: Yeah.
Hope: [Chuckles] If anyone can throw a meal together on such short notice, it would be you. I remember that coq au vin you made at the cabin.
Ted: [Chuckles]
Hope: It was incredible.
Ted: Thank you. I-- I'm glad you liked it.
Hope: I love it.
Ted: Now it's summer, so maybe I can do a seafood salad with fresh tomato and basil? How about that?
Hope: Amazing. By suggesting your place, I... I hope I wasn't being too presumptuous.
Ted: No. Oh, my god, not at all. It would be my greatest pleasure to cook for you. We can go to the market and shop together. I usually don't show my cooking secrets. You need to know that.
Hope: But you'll make an exception for moi?
Ted: For toi, hope brady, you can know it all.
Hope: I'm so glad you trust me.
Stefan: Have you thought about it? What it means that we're married?
Gabi: I--I don't think right now is the time to get into any of that. I think we need to focus on protecting gabi chic and your family legacy and selling this marriage to shin. I mean, that prenup that you made me sign is gonna go a long way anyway, so...
Stefan: But we have talked about this: The prenup has nothing to do with trust. I simply did what anybody in my position would have done.
Gabi: Oh, no, I get it. I get it; there's a lot on the line, and we need people to buy our act.
Stefan: Okay, yes, we have a public relationship, but we have a private one too, and that... is not an act. You do look beautiful in these clothes right now, but I think you would look much better out of them.
Gabi: Mm. Well, undressing is not part of the mission at hand.
Stefan: Uh-huh. I strongly disagree, mrs. Dimera--in fact, I think it's essential. I think that we should consummate our marriage right now.
Gabi: [Chuckles]
Stefan: Hmm?
Tony: It's so strange to be back here in salem after all this time. Some things feel familiar, yet... look different.
Kristen as nicole: Yes, well, enough with the stroll down memory lane. We have business to take care of. We need to find out if shin checked in to the salem inn yet.
Brady: I'm--I'm on it.
Kristen as nicole: Thank you.
Tony: My, you have that man wrapped around your little finger. You say "jump" and brady says, "how high?" Ah. Glad to see your plan is working.
Kristen as nicole: Yeah, so far, so good.
Tony: Hmm. Just one problem.
Kristen as nicole: Hmm?
Tony: You have to remember, you are a married woman.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, tony. Details, details.
Tony: No, no.
Eric: Nicole? Andre dimera?
Tony: No, no, no. It's me. Tony.
Eric: I'm sorry, I-- I thought you died.
Tony: Well, no. I'm quite alive and well, thank you very much.
Eric: What brings you to salem?
Tony: Well, I'm a newlywed, and I'm here to celebrate.
Eric: You just got married? I--don't you mean you got remarried to anna?
Tony: Oh, no, no. No, it's just a different woman altogether.
Kristen as nicole: [Giggles] You can be the first to congratulate us. Tony and I just became husband and wife.
I wanted more from
Eric: You're--you're joking. You can't be...
Kristen as nicole: Married? Well, we can and we are. I know it seems a bit fast, but...
Eric: No. No. No. No way. I--I don't believe any of this.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, well, would you like to see pictures or--or perhaps speak with to the justice of the peace?
Eric: What the hell are you thinking?
Kristen as nicole: Oh, well, that's none of your business.
Tony: You know, I agree. Um, so either congratulate us or we'll be on our way. As a matter of fact, we're in a hurry. Excuse us.
Kristen as nicole: Yes, we are.
Eric: This makes no sense. Do you two even know each other?
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] Okay. Clearly, he won't stop interrogating us until we explain. So... tony was a "patient" of kristen's in that warehouse in nashville. And, as I'm sure you recall, I told you I had a very vague memory of someone coming towards me when I was trapped in the fire. And that someone was tony. He saved my life.
Eric: He what?
Kristen as nicole: And I also told you when I woke up in the hospital, I was in bad shape. Tony was the one who brought me there. And he was severely injured, as you can see. Tony and I went through months of rehab, and sharing that kind of intense experience, well... we bonded and... and we fell in love.
Eric: Stop. Just stop it. This is all a joke, right?
Kristen as nicole: Wait, I'm not finished. I'm not finished. What I'm telling you is the god's honest truth. Only I didn't remember until yesterday. It was a dream, but it was really a memory of the fire. It all just came flooding back to me, and, of course, when it did, I... I had to find tony.
Eric: And you married him?
Brady: He hasn'T... checked in yet.
Eric: Wait, you... you knew about this?
Gabi: Consummating our marriage is a good idea, from a practical standpoint.
Stefan: Practical?
Gabi: Mm-hmm. Yeah. If anybody asks if our marriage is legit, we can honestly say yes, unlike nicole and whatever sucker she tries to get down the aisle.
Stefan: Oh, forget her, will you?
Gabi: I am just saying that I know we rushed into things, but from here on out, we can make sure that every move we make is far more real than anything that blonde basket case ever does.
Stefan: It already is more real. And please, let's not waste our time talking about nicole or shin or why we did this in the first place. It's our wedding night.
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Stefan: I think we need to be in the moment, and I have not wanted you any more than I do right now.
[Sultry music]
[Doorbell rings] Ah. Ignore it.
Gabi: Well, maybe we shouldn't with everything going on.
[Tense music]
Stefan: Mr. Shin.
Shin: Greetings.
Eric: Do you see who this is? This is tony dimera. Not only has he risen from the dead, but nicole claims that they just got married.
Brady: Eric, they did. I was at the wedding, and I was their witness.
Eric: And this is okay?
Brady: It's what nicole wanted, so I--
Eric: Nicole just lost her child.
Brady: I supported her.
Eric: She's not in a place to start making her own decisions. And you shouldn't be encouraging her!
Kristen as nicole: Excuse me. I can take care of myself.
Eric: Yeah, well, clearly, you're not, and clearly, my brother does not care about you to protect you from rushing into a crazy marriage like this. How could you do this? How could you let nicole make such a terrible decision?
Brady: It was her decision to make.
Eric: So now you're letting nicole make her own choices?
Brady: Listen, I know this is hard for you, all right? I know that you're disappointed at the way in which--
Eric: "Disappointed"? I'm devastated! Not only have I been trying to accept that nicole and i don't have a future together, I'm trying to move forward. My very own brother and-- how could you do this to me?
Brady: Eric. I'm sorry, all right?
Eric: No, you're not. But you will be.
It's a brand new
morning for breakfast.
Eric: Are you too cool to fight me? Come on!
Kristen as nicole: Eric, stop!
Eric: Come on! You did this to hurt me!
Brady: I did not!
Eric: You're a liar!
Rex: Stop! Stop! What the hell is going on with you two? Stop.
Eric: Sick son of a bitch.
Kristen as nicole: Shut up. You just leave him alone.
Sarah: Eric, are you okay?
Eric: Yeah--no, I'm not okay! Brady stood by and did nothing while nicole married tony dimera!
Rex: Tony dimera is dead.
Tony: The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Rex: Wh--wha--wha-- what the hell is this?
Brady: Long story short, tony saved nicole in the warehouse fire. They are in love, and they got married.
Eric: And you stood by and did nothing! How could you let this happen?
Kristen as nicole: What is the matter with you?
Sarah: Hey, he has every right to be upset.
Kristen as nicole: Nobody asked you.
Eric: Oh, you stop.
Kristen as nicole: I am so tired of you acting like my knight in shining armor, okay? I don't need you for anything!
Eric: Only thing I've been doing is trying to help you.
Kristen as nicole: Yeah, well, stop helping me, 'cause the last time you helped, my daughter ended up dead.
Eric: Nicole, please, just... let's go somewhere P...
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs]
Eric: Let's go somewhere private and just--
Kristen as nicole: No! No! No! No! I am so frustrated with you! I don't even know what--okay, you know what? I'm gonna say one thing to you--one thing only. It was my decision to marry tony of my own free will. And now that I have, would you please... just leave me the hell alone? Come on, tony. Let's go.
Brady: Eric. I can explain everything that--
Eric: You stay the hell away from me!
Sarah: Listen, what nicole said to you--she shouldn't have been so cruel.
Rex: Yeah, man. Look, I-- I am so sorry. It--it's gotta be so hard to see her like that.
Eric: I know nicole hasn't been herself... since holly died. I just can't believe she did this, and I'm sorry that you had to come between brady and me like that.
Rex: [Stutters] Look, you-- you stopped me from killing xander, okay? So let's just call it even. Cool?
Eric: Thank you. I'm gonna get going. I'm gonna just go back to my place to crash.
Sarah: No, no, no, you-- you shouldn't be alone tonight. You have to come home with us.
Ted: Madame.
Hope: Thank you, monsieur. Wow. This is a great place, ted. Beautiful artwork.
Ted: What can I say? I'm french. I like to be surrounded by beauty. And with you here, now I am.
Hope: Well, um, I'm really looking forward to this meal.
Ted: Well, so am I. Are you gonna help me cook?
Hope: Oh, trust me, you don't want me to help you cook. I'm quite possibly the worst chef in salem--actually, make that the state.
Ted: Oh--
Hope: But that being said, I'm excellent at chopping.
Ted: You are?
Hope: Yes.
Ted: So you shall be my sous chef.
Hope: Great.
Ted: But we don't have to eat right away. You know that.
Hope: Actually, I... I'm starving. How about I start chopping up the tomatoes? What do you say?
Ted: Sure, but the most important ingredient is the basil.
Hope: Oh.
Ted: So do you have it in there?
Hope: Uh, no. I didn't unpack it. It wasn't in my bag. Check your bag again. Maybe you put it in the fridge and you didn't realize it.
Stefan: Mr. Shin, what a nice surprise.
Gabi: I assume you're here because you got my messages.
Shin: I got a lot of messages and didn't answer any of them. My priority was come straight to mr. Dimera, whom I'd like to with-- alone.
Stefan: Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of gabi.
Shin: Very well. I felt owed it to you to tell you this in person. The board met early today, and the decision was unanimous. You're fired.
Rex: Well, I--I thought you and I had plans tonight.
Sarah: Not really.
Eric: Listen, it's okay. You've hardly had a minute since you moved out, so I think you need-- you need an evening alone.
Sarah: No, not tonight we don'T. We are not gonna let you go back to an empty apartment after what you just went through. And besides, I happen to know that you have nothing in your fridge besides a bottle of ketchup, so...
Eric: I'm fine.
Sarah: And I'm not taking no for an answer.
Rex: Yeah, you know what? Eric, sarah's right about this. You're coming home with us. In fact, I insist.
Ted: I can't believe we forgot the basil.
Hope: Huh? Oh, don't worry. We can do without it.
Ted: Oh, no, no. Without the basil, the dish doesn't work at all. Let me run back to the market.
Hope: No, no, no. Ted, don't be silly. Why go to all that trouble?
Ted: What trouble? No trouble at all. I want this dish to be perfect for you. I'm gonna go... [Kisses] To the market quickly. You can chop the tomatoes.
Hope: Are you sure?
Ted: I'm sure.
[Suspenseful music]
Hope: This is my chance. Okay. Counselor, what are you hiding? Are you hiding anything?
Will: Hey. Still working. Just came down to grab...
[Gasps] Is that what I think it is?
Sonny: Well, if you're thinking szechuan beef and crispy prawns and shredded pork in garlic sauce, then yes.
Will: No, you didn'T. All my favorites? This--this is enough food to feed an army.
Sonny: Well, we usually have an army here, but tonight, brady's out of town on business and maggie and uncle vic have a dinner at the club. Sarah and rex are hung up at the hospital, so it's just us.
Will: Well, I am very happy to have a little bit of time alone with my husband.
Sonny: That makes two of us.
Rex: Oh, man, something smells amazing in here.
Sarah: And we are starving.
Rex: But if you two newlyweds want a nice, private, romantic dinner alone, then that's totally cool.
Both: Um...
Sonny: Well, actually, you know, the four of us are all newlyweds, so, um... join us.
Will: Yeah.
Eric: I think it'd be better if I go.
Sonny: Oh, eric, eric, you can't go. You know? You're a newlywed-in-law. Come on.
Will: Yeah, look at-- we have so much food here.
Sonny: And in this house, there's no such thing as a romantic evening alone, so everyone stays.
Rex: Absolutely. The more the merrier.
Will: [Chuckles]
Kristen as nicole: Brady. Are you okay?
Brady: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about my brother.
Kristen as nicole: Mm. I understand. That guy is really out of control.
Brady: You understand why he's acting out. You get that.
Kristen as nicole: Eric needs to get over himself.
Brady: A discussion for another time. Listen, find shin.
Kristen as nicole: Okay.
Brady: All right? I'm-- I'm gonna head home.
Kristen as nicole: Take care of yourself. I'll be in touch.
Brady: All right.
[Ominous music]
Tony: Gotta stop doing that.
Kristen as nicole: Doing what?
Tony: Fawning over brady. You're supposed to be a newlywed who's happily and madly in love with her husband.
Kristen as nicole: I told brady how I feel. But he wants to keep things strictly business because he doesn't want to hurt eric. I agree. But the connection between us is as stronger than ever. I feel it. And I know he feels it too.
Tony: So why don't you cut out all the theatrics and just tell him you're kristen?
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] I can'T. Not yet. Brady's angry with me, so I have to use nicole to reel him in. The more time we spend together taking control of dimera, the more he'll realize what an incredible team we are and the stronger his feelings will become. And once brady's fallen for me, I will reveal my true identity, and brady will realize I'm the one he's in love with. And he'll be mine forever.
Stefan: Mr. Shin, I strongly urge you--
Shin: It's done. I'd like to thank you for your service and let you know that we have already begun looking for a successor, though finding a dimera may prove difficult.
Gabi: Mr. Shin, you can call off your search. I can step in for stefan.
Shin: Pardon me?
Gabi: Not only am i a great businesswoman, I'm also a dimera.
Shin: What?
Gabi: Stefan and I, we just got married.
Shin: Is this true?
Stefan: Yes, sir.
Gabi: So there's no need for you to search for your next ceo. You're looking at her. Ugh, another delay...
Rex: [Exhales] Ow!
[Laughter] I have never been more full in my entire life.
Will: Well, you gotta have room for a fortune cookie.
Rex: [Sighs] Can you help me with this, please?
Sarah: [Laughs] Let's see, here.
[Clears throat] It says, "a smile is your passport into the heart of others."
Sonny: Aww. I like that.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Hey, will, open one for us.
Will: All right. Okay. "Eat more chinese food." No. I'm just kidding.
[Laughter] Um, all right, here it is for real: "Love conquers all."
Sonny: Ain't that the truth.
Sarah: All right. Eric, your turn.
Eric: "A new companion" is in my future.
Sarah: It's that king charles spaniel!
Rex: You're getting a dog?
Eric: No.
Sarah: Uh, yeah. The fortune cookie gods have spoken, so it's pretty much a done deal. And see? Smiling. So you're already excited about your adorable little companion.
Eric: No, I'm smiling because of the companions I have right here in this room. I really appreciate you all for including me-- it's turned my mood around, actually--and... giving me the chance to celebrate your marriages, which you all did for the right reason.
Will: Well, we are happy that you are here. And any time you wanna hang out or, you know, talk, we're here.
Eric: You know, honestly, I'm more worried about rex and sarah than I am about myself.
Sarah: Does anybody want some tea?
Rex: Hey-- [Stammers] Why are you worried about sarah and me?
Eric: Because you two moved out so you could spend more time alone together, and, like tonight, it was supposed to be about the two of you. And yet again, as much as I love you all for including me, y'all should leave. Or I should go.
Rex: No, no. You know what? When you're right, you're right. I'm gonna take my beautiful wife upstairs. Sorry. I know it's early, but we need to get some... rest.
Eric: Yeah, while you guys spend some time alone together, I'll clean up.
Will: No, no, no. Are you kidding? We'll all do it together.
Rex: Good night, guys. Thank you for this.
Will: Of course.
Sarah: [Mouths words]
[Mysterious music]
Hope: [Sighs]
Shin: Is this some kind of stunt?
Gabi: No. No. We've been together for quite some time now.
Stefan: We've been keeping it a secret to avoid any appearance of impropriety.
Gabi: Mm-hmm. Yeah, we were just tired of sneaking around, so we made it official.
Shin: And you knew you were probably going to be fired.
Stefan: Well, that's beside the point; the point is, you need a new ceo and I cannot think of anyone more qualified than gabi. She has incredible vision, drive, and ideas. Just look at the success she's had with gabi chic.
Gabi: Thank you. And no learning curve. See, I know dimera inside and out.
Stefan: So gabi will keep things running smoothly until these ridiculous charges are cleared, and when I'm back, together, we will take this company to the top.
Shin: This is a lot to take in. I'll have to speak with the board.
Gabi: I'm happy to answer any questions they have. But, given my record, I think that they will appoint me. See, I have all of the qualifications and I happen to be the only mrs. Dimera available.
Kristen as nicole: Ooh, not exactly. I'm mrs. Dimera too.
[Door clicks open]
Ted: It's me. Forgot my wallet. Can't go to the market without any money. Looks like you found some. Care to explain?
Rex: Sarah.
Sarah: Mm?
Rex: [Chuckles] I ran you a bath, just like I promised.
Sarah: Oh--oh, my god. You're the sweetest. Would you be so bummed if I skipped it? Because I am so tired. [Laughs]
Rex: [Laughing] No. Not at all.
Sarah: Oh, my gosh. Oh, that feels so good. Mm.
Rex: I love you so much, sarah.
Sarah: I love you too, eric.
[Tense music]
Rex: What did you just say?
Eric: Thank y'all for dinner tonight.
Will: Of course. Hey, it's still early. You wanna hang out a little bit?
Sonny: Yeah, we can watch, like, a movie or something.
Eric: I don't wanna be a third wheel.
Will: Would you stop that? You are welcome anytime.
Eric: I know. I'll take a raincheck. See you guys. Thanks again. Good night.
Will: All right, good night.
Brady: Can we talk?
Eric: I have nothing to say to you.
Kristen as nicole: So you see, mr. Shin, you do have another choice for ceo-- a better choice. Me.
Gabi: What are you talking about, nicole?
Stefan: Okay, this-- this is a stunt. She is desperate and unstable and completely out of her mind.
Kristen as nicole: It's not a stunt. I assure you it's the truth. I just came from my wedding.
Gabi: I knew it. See, I knew you were up to something, but this is over the top, even for you.
Stefan: No, and we all know there are no dimeras left to marry.
Kristen as nicole: [Chuckles] I beg to differ. Oh, hold, please. Darling?
Gabi: Andre?
Kristen as nicole: [Laughs] No, no. This is not andre.
Gabi: Well, then who the hell is this?
Kristen as nicole: Tony dimera. My new husband.
[Dramatic music]
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