Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/31/19
Episode #13581 ~ Nicole is furious when Tony pulls a disappearing act; Stefan and Gabi wonder who Nicole plans to marry; Will shares with Hope a curious discrepancy about Ted's story; Lani and Eli celebrate his unexpected good news.
Provided By Suzanne
[Mellow background music]
Chloe: Oh, bonjour. What can I get you?
Ted: That necklace.
Chloe: Excuse me?
Ted: Hand it over. Right now.
Hope: I'm so glad to hear from you--it's been a while since we got together.
Will: Yes, um... I have to admit, I have an ulterior motive. I'm hoping that you'll consent to an interview for a piece I'm doing in "the spectator."
Hope: Oh, what's it about?
Will: The stefan dimera case.
Abe: Well, I am here.
Stefan: Thanks for doing this.
Abe: Might not be my only wedding of the day. I was offered another gig on my way here.
Ciara: Who's the happy couple?
Abe: I don't know who the groom is, but the bride's nicole.
Stefan: Nicole's getting married.
Abe: It's possible.
Gabi: What the hell is she up to?
Stefan: [Quietly] And who the hell is she marrying?
Gabi: I think I have a pretty good idea.
[Suspenseful music]
Brady: Ho-hold it--
Kristen as nicole: What?
Brady: Whether it's tony or andre on the other side of that door, nicole, it's a dimera. You gotta be ready for anything, right?
Kristen as nicole: Right.
[Tense music]
Hello? Is anyone there?
Brady: No one's there, let's just--we'll leave. We'll get coffee and we'll come back.
Kristen as nicole: No, no, we can't waste time. We don't know what stefan's up to. It's unlocked.
Brady: Ah--uh-- let me go first, all right? Just...
Kristen as nicole: Okay.
[Suspenseful music continues]
[Softly] Where the hell is he?
Brady: I don't know where he is... but I'm pretty sure I know what dimera we're dealing with now. Look at this. Tony and anna's wedding. Looks like tony was the one who rescued you from the fire.
Kristen as nicole: Right. So where the hell is he now?
[Intense music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lani: Police commissioner grant. It has A...nice ring to it.
Eli: From now on, I expect you to use my full title when you're addressing me.
Lani: Mm. Don't push it.
[Both chuckle] You know, I was...kinda surprised to hear you tell rafe you were taking the job. You told jack that you wanted to think about it.
Eli: Well, I...I thought about what you said about my qualifications and... I realized you were right.
Lani: You know, from now on you could save time if you just listen to what I say.
Eli: [Small laugh]
Lani: You're gonna do great, babe.
[Gasps] Oh, I mean... police commissioner grant.
Eli: That's right.
[Both laugh] Besides...eve isn't exactly a hard act to follow.
Lani: You got that right. What?
Eli: Did you notice that rafe didn't seem exactly thrilled when I told him the news?
Lani: Yeah, I think he was just...caught off guard. You wouldn't be at the top of your game, either, if your sister was about to marry stefan dimera.
Gabi: It must be brady. He told me nicole's been trying to get him back since she got to salem.
Stefan: When did he tell you that?
Gabi: I...don't remember. It must have been at the kiriakis house. I spent a lot of time there with arianna--it must have been in passing.
Abe: Hmm. She's not marrying brady.
Gabi: How do you know that?
Abe: He was with nicole when she told me that she might get married today. I-I just assumed it was brady, but he told me I was wrong.
Stefan: Then who is it?
Abe: I don't know. She and brady just took off. Th--they were in a hurry to get somewhere.
Gabi: Did they say where they were going?
Abe: Not a word.
[Uneasy music]
[Phone rings]
Tony: Kristen?
Kristen as nicole: Hi. This is nicole walker. I was a patient at your hospital for several months.
Tony: Oh, is this part of your master plan?
Kristen as nicole: That's right. I'm so glad you still have my records. Um, I have a question for you.
Tony: Why are you doing this? Is someone there with you?
Nicole: Would you happen to know the name of the person who brought me to the hospital? Maybe he was a patient there too?
Tony: Oh, yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Oh, he was a charming fellow-- witty, urbane, and devilishly handsome.
Kristen as nicole: I understand...that you can't give out this kind of information, but I was hoping that you could tell me how I could contact him. I mean, he did save my life, and I would like to thank him in person.
Brady: Nicole, give me the phone--I'll talk them into it.
Tony: Is that brady? Put him on. I do accents very well. He won't even know it's me.
Kristen as nicole: Thank you so much.
Tony: Are you sounding off? Because if you are, there's something you need to know. I am having grave concerns about this whole scheme of yours.
Kristen as nicole: Hmm. Yes, um, I-I realize that you're risking a lot by--by helping me, and I can't tell you how much i appreciate it. Good-bye.
[Beep] So where did you go, tony?
Brady: Who knows? It's not like he knew we were coming.
Kristen as nicole: Right.
Brady: Who're you calling?
Kristen as nicole: The cops.
Brady: The cops? Why?
Kristen as nicole: Well, the door was unlocked, you know? Something could have happened to him.
Brady: Maybe--I mean, maybe, but...there was no sign of forced entry, nicole. It's not like this place is tossed or anything.
Kristen as nicole: But still, something seems off. Could you just do me a favor? Could you just...go outside and look around while I call the police?
Brady: All right. Think you're overreacting, okay?
[Line ringing]
[Huffs] Ohh...'s kristen. Where the hell are you? I swear to god, if you double-crossed me to go be with anna, I will kill you myself! And I promise no one's gonna bring you back.
Hope: I'd love to help, but i can'T. You know I'm not on the force anymore.
Will: I mean, you are the one who rescued grandma and ted from the dimera tunnels.
Hope: And I gave my statement to the police.
Will: I read that. Um, I-I would like to focus on one particular aspect of the case, namely...ted laurent. I-I know you have A... personal relationship with him.
Hope: And I know you don't approve.
Will: I have, uh--I'm sorry for blowing up on you that day.
Hope: It's okay, I know. Will, it's okay--I know it wasn't you. It was the tumor.
Will: Maybe. Um...but honestly, my opinion of him has not changed. He is still a blackmailer, and that is a really crappy thing to be.
Hope: I'm not defending him. But I am not gonna debate his character with you for a newspaper article.
Will: Right. I--[Sighs] I'm sorry. Um...I did not mean to make this personal. H-here's my question regarding this whole kidnapping thing. Are you absolutely sure that ted was just an innocent victim?
Chloe: [Laughs] What is this, a--a stickup?
Ted: I'm telling you, this necklace belongs to me.
Chloe: Okay, and I'm supposed to just take your word for it?
Ted: Where'd you get it?
Chloe: It's none of your business.
Ted: I'm telling you, this is my necklace.
Chloe: And I'm sure with your eyes, you look smashing in it, but it's not, so you can go now.
Ted: Okay, look, okay, wait, wait, wait. I was too abrupt, and I'm sorry. But it's very important that you tell me where you got that necklace. For one could be, uh, you could be in possession of a stolen property. For another, this could be evidence in a criminal trial.
Chloe: How's that possible? Rex brady gave me this.
Ted: What?
Chloe: Yeah, xander cook gave this to his wife as a wedding present.
Ted: Oh, yeah?
Chloe: Yeah, and the idea of her wearing something that that creep gave her just didn't sit well with rex, so he gave it to me.
Ted: Cook had no business giving that to sarah. He got it from me.
Chloe: Wait--so you gave him jewelry?
Ted: No! What? No. I was trying to bribe my kidnapper into letting me go. Kate roberts, too, by the way. From what I heard, you two don't have the warmest friendship.
Chloe: Yeah, you might say that.
Ted: So...keeping that necklace actually makes you an accessory of our kidnapping. I'm not sure how kate roberts will react to that when she hears it.
Chloe: You're gonna have to help me with the clasp.
Stefan: You're really upset.
Gabi: I have a very bad feeling that she's up to something.
Ben: Maybe she's up to the same thing you're up to. I'm sorry, was I not supposed to mention that this wedding is basically a corporate maneuver?
Ciara: Well, I think that ben is right. Nicole could be out looking for a dimera of her very own.
Gabi: Meaning?
Ben: Are you sure she wants to get married today?
Abe: Yes. And I'm beginning to wish I hadn't brought it up.
Ben: Okay, then why else would she be in such a hurry to get married? You just said it wasn't brady. As far as I know, she's not head over heels in love with anybody else...right?
[Uneasy music]
Brady: No sign of tony anywhere. What'd the cops say?
Kristen as nicole: I-i decided you were right. It's too soon to bother them.
Tony: Oh! My, my... look who's come to call. Nicole. I assume you're brady black?
Brady: Tony...dimera, i presume.
Tony: That's right.
Brady: You really are alive.
Tony: Well, that's what they tell me.
Kristen as nicole: So, where have you been...tony?
[Dramatic music]
I'm phil mickelson.
Lani: I still don't get why gabi wants to marry stefan.
Eli: He's loaded and she's money hungry?
Lani: The man is out on bail for kidnapping.
Eli: Nothing gabi does surprises me anymore.
Lani: Well, maybe they can honeymoon in the prison conjugal trailer.
Eli: [Laughs] You know, how 'bout--how 'bout we stop talking about them? Because today is a big day for your man.
[Both laugh]
Lani: And I wanna take my new boss out to celebrate his new promotion.
Eli: What--I mean, wh-- that's a little premature. I mean, I haven't even told jack that I'm gonna accept the position yet.
Lani: Yeah, but I was here when he told you the job was yours if you wanted it. So how 'bout doug's place? We can celebrate, tell julie at the same time. She's gonna be really proud of you.
Eli: Yeah, I guess.
Lani: You guess?
Eli: Hope should have never lost that job. And we both know how my grandma is when someone she loves gets a raw deal.
Lani: Yeah. I guess there is a downside to this promotion after all.
Hope: You're implying that ted was involved in his own kidnapping.
Will: I read ted's statement too. In it, he claims he was lured to the docks by xander and then kidnapped from there. But...I checked the cctv footage from the dock that day. There was no sign of xander or ted.
Hope: You're sure.
Will: I'm sorry. I think ted's lying to you.
[Dark music]
Gabi: Ben's right. Why else would she want to be getting married, huh? She knows very well, like we do, that to get her claws into this company, she needs a dimera of her own--damn it! She's trying to beat us at our own game!
Stefan: Okay, could you give us a minute, please?
Ciara: [Whispers] Yeah, yeah.
Ben: Sure.
Stefan: I think you should calm down.
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Stefan: Even if ben is right, who could nicole possibly marry?
Abe: It would have to be a dimera by blood.
Gabi: Right. A dimera. When was the last time you spoke to theo?
Tony: I actually went for a walk. Doctor says I need the exercise to build up my strength. I'm just not 100% since I came back from nashville.
Brady: You--you really were in the warehouse with the others?
Tony: Yes, I was one of dr. Rolf's patients being brought back from the dead. And bouncing back from the dead, you can imagine, is no easy task. Takes time. And just when I thought I was strong enough to leave... there was the explosion and... I have to say, it was quite the setback, to put it mildly. Mm.
Kristen as nicole: So... you did save me from the fire. Is that right?
Tony: Yes, I did. Yes, I saw you as I was trying to find my way out of the building.
Brady: How did you get her free? I was there--she was--she was trapped.
Tony: I think it was just a burst of adrenaline and... I saw nicole there. I picked her up and... took her out of the building, and then the next thing I know, we went to the hospital, and then I passed out. And then... when I woke up, I realized where I was and what had taken place and... you were gone.
Kristen as nicole: And i hadn't said thank you.
Tony: Right. Well, it was, uh, another long recovery, to put it mildly. And then when I was able to get discharged, um...I found my way here. Quite palatial, isn't it? But I'M...glad that you made your way out safely.
Kristen as nicole: I did. Thank you. Thank you.
Tony: Mm. Yes.
Brady: Hold on, hold on. Wait a minute, wait a minute. So we know that you and nicole and xander all made it out safely. I guess my question is... was there anyone else?
Tony: Like who?
Brady: Kristen's name comes to mind. Have you had contact with her?
Tony: Actually... I have.
[Intense music]
Humira patients, you inspire us.
Ted: You two look pretty serious--what's up?
Hope: Will's working on an article. He was asking me about rescuing you and kate.
Ted: Well, be more than happy to speak on the record about that. I will say things like, "without our former police commissioner, I'd be dead."
Will: Um, you know, I do have some questions for you.
Hope: Maybe another time. I need to talk to ted.
Will: Okay. Um, well, then I will be in touch later with both of you.
Hope: Great.
Ted: Okay.
Hope: Bye, will.
Will: Bye.
Hope: Good to see you, honey.
Ted: So...
Hope: Yeah.
Ted: He said he wants to interview you about an article.
Hope: Well, he said he just wanted to get together. When I got here is when he told me about the article he was writing.
Ted: Mm. And you're sure that's all he was keeping from you?
Brady: So kristen-- she--she's alive?
Tony: No. I doubt that very much.
Brady: You just said that you had contact with her.
Tony: I did, but that was before the warehouse collapsed. It was when I was carrying nicole out of the building that I saw kristen in the distance. I called out to her. She just turned away and walked into the flames. I cannot see how anyone could have survived that. Not even a dimera.
Brady: Hmm. Then--then--then she's gone.
Kristen as nicole: I'm so sorry. You were holding out for hope, weren't you?
Brady: No. No! No, I was--I was just--I was curious, that's all.
Tony: Do you have any other questions?
Kristen as nicole: No. You've answered them all. But it's not the only reason we're here. We need your help, tony.
Tony: Oh. And what help could I possibly give you now?
Kristen as nicole: The dimera legacy is in trouble. We have to save the company from vivian alamain's bastard son.
Abe: [Laughs] That's-- that's crazy! Nicole would never go after theo.
Gabi: Not the nicole we knew. But ever since she lost holly, she's been more unpredictable.
Stefan: Is it possible she could convince theo to help her?
Abe: You know, even if this far out theory of yours were true--which is isn't-- I don't think nicole would ask me to marry her if the groom was my son.
Gabi: You got a point.
Abe: Uh-- just so you know... I spoke to theo a few days ago and to brandon yesterday. Now, if something was going on between nicole and theo, brandon would know.
Stefan: All right, so if it's not theo, then who is it? Chad'S...married. Ej's with sami. The rest are dead.
Abe: Well... there is one more.
Brady: You kinda sprang that on him, didn't you?
Tony: So... vivian spawned with a dimera. So who was the lucky fellow?
Brady: Well, brace yourself. Your father.
Tony: Well, that must have taken an ocean of strega. So this union spawned a son.
Kristen as nicole: Stefan.
Brady: Stefan O. Dimera. It's cute, isn't it?
Kristen as nicole: Mm-hmm. He's in charge of dimera enterprises now.
Tony: And how's that working out?
Kristen as nicole: He's driving it into the ground. But fortunately, he's facing prison time, and the board has decided to take away his power to do much of anything. This is the perfect opportunity for the right person to swoop in and take the reins, and that right person I can save the company for you, tony.
Tony: But you're not even a dimera. What do you care?
Kristen as nicole: When my daughter died, I lost everything. And I'm just trying to build a new life.
Brady: I asked her to come work for me at titan. She refused.
Kristen as nicole: And I'd love nothing more than to be partners with you, but he couldn't commit to what I had in mind.
Tony: And what was that?
Kristen as nicole: It's too complicated to explain, and that ship has sailed. So I decided to take control over dimera. But the only way I can do that is if I marry into the family.
Tony: I assume that ej is no longer an option.
Kristen as nicole: For many reasons. So it's just you. I need you to marry me. So what do you say? Jardiance asks:
Eli: Hey, chloe. Is my grandma here?
Chloe: Hey, guys, uh, no, she's not here today.
Lani: That's too bad. We have some good news to share.
Chloe: Oh! We could all use some of that.
Lani: Jack deveraux fired eve and eli is gonna be the new commissioner.
Chloe: That's great! I mean, I'm one of the few people who actually likes eve, but even I knew that she wasn't cut out for that job.
Lani: Yeah, well, I think this guy is the perfect choice.
Chloe: Uh, and what--what is that? Is that an engagement ring? Ah! You guys! I'm guessing the promotion wasn't the only good news.
Eli: Yeah, we got engaged on the fourth of july.
Chloe: Oh, congratulations.
Eli: Thank you.
Chloe: Looks like salem's having another wedding.
Ciara: Thank you. You know, it is so nice that the dimeras have their own greenhouse. It is such a hassle to call the florist.
Ben: [Light laugh] What are you doing?
Ciara: I am making gabi a bouquet for the wedding. I bet you she never even thought about that.
Ben: Maybe you should use fake flowers. I mean, it's a fake wedding.
Ciara: I don't think I buy that.
Ben: Yeah?
Ciara: Yeah, I mean, did you catch the vibe between those two? The way that gabi was sticking up for stefan, the way that they work so well together? You know, I'm starting to think that there might be something really real between those two.
Ben: Well, this morning you said you couldn't stand gabi.
Ciara: [Laughs] I can'T. That doesn't mean that horrible people can't fall in love sometimes.
Ben: You are such a romantic.
Ciara: Mm.
Ben: What?
Ciara: I do know that. Oh...okay, what are you doing?
Ben: If you don't know, then I'm not doing it right.
Ciara: No, you're doing it fine. You're doing it really, really, really well, but come on. We were just supposed to go on a little walk. We need to get back for the wedding, ben.
Ben: Ohh... rain check?
Ciara: Absolutely.
[Both laughing]
Abe: Well... there is your father. For all we know, he's still out there somewhere.
Gabi: That's pretty farfetched, don't you think?
Stefan: Even if he were alive, he would take the power for himself, not help nicole get it.
Abe: That's true.
Gabi: You're thinking there's somebody else?
Abe: Well, kristen has a brother peter, but... he disappeared after he got out of prison, and I don't think nicole would be able to track him down.
Gabi: Really? I wouldn't put anything past her. If there's a dimera out there, she will find him.
Brady: Maybe you should have gotten down on one knee before you popped the question.
Tony: [Chuckles] You know... I can't marry you. Anna is the love of my life.
Kristen as nicole: [Mutters] Even if you do find her, huh, what do you have to offer her, hmm--this dump? Do it for her. Marry me long enough to make sure I'm in charge of dimera and then you can reunite with anna a rich and powerful man, and I can give you back the legacy that was stolen from you.
[Uneasy music]
Tony: All right. I'll do it.
Brady: Okay. I guess I'm gonna make a call to abe.
Kristen as nicole: No, no, no, no, no. Actually, we don't have time for that. The board is making decisions about dimera as we speak, and we have to get married now before we go back to salem.
Brady: Okay. Getting more romantic by the minute. Um...I guess I'll go find who i have to pay off in order to get this thing done.
Kristen as nicole: Brady, thank you. For everything. Just what the hell are you trying to pull?
[Intense music]
Tech: At safelite autoglass,
[Phone rings]
Will: Hey. Yeah, I talked to her. Told her about xander and ted not being on the cctv footage. No, the timing sucked. Ted himself showed up just as i was telling her he's lying to her. Hope shut down the conversation. Uh...I don't know. I mean, she's hard to read. The best I can hope for is i planted some doubt in her mind. More than anyone, she can expose him for the liar he is.
Hope: I think will was... really just looking for an angle for a story.
Ted: Well, I think an "angle" of his story is a way to stick it to me.
Hope: Ted... you can't really blame him, can you? After what you did to him and sonny?
Ted: Well, I will regret that for the rest of my life. It was a stupid thing to do. It was a huge lapse in judgment. I'm sorry.
Hope: Just be open and honest with me, okay? About everything.
Ted: Okay. Thank you for saying that. Look, hope, I...
[Inhales, exhales] I honestly, honestly want you to have this.
Hope: [Small laugh] You got it back.
Ted: Yeah. Well, apparently it went from xander cook to sarah horton to rex brady and finally chloe lane. Hope, it would mean the world to me if you finally had it.
Kristen as nicole: That was brady saying he'll be back soon, so when we walks through that door, I want you to be on your best behavior!
Tony: What about you, kristen? It would have been nice to hear "thank you, tony, for covering for me." And why in god's name did you have to bring brady here? Isn't your plan--your little plan--complicated enough without an audience? And do you know how difficult it was for me to figure out what I did and what I did not know?
Kristen as nicole: He insisted on coming, thank you very much, and you better get used to an audience. I swear, if you blow this for me, tony--
Tony: Hey! You're in no position to threaten me. I told you on the phone I wasn't sure about your plan.
[Sighs] Then I thought to myself, "wait a minute. This is up to me... my full cooperation." And then I realized that I have enough information on you to blow you out of the water. So you watch that tone with me!
Kristen as nicole: I'm sorry. I was just upset when you weren't here.
Tony: Yeah. And I went for a walk to clear my head.
Kristen as nicole: [Exhales] And... are you still on board?
Tony: What you're asking is a lot. What you're asking for me to do is bizarre and disgusting.
Kristen as nicole: This is for our family! We cannot let that little bastard take what's ours.
Tony: Listen, kristen, this is me, tony. You can use "family" and "legacy" all you want. But I know this is all about kristen and what kristen wants-- as always.
Kristen as nicole: [Softly] Tony... this is for you too. I can help you get back with anna. We can help each other. Please.
Tony: I know this was difficult for you. So I'll go along with your cover story.
Brady: What cover story?
Tony: Well, nicole, why don't you explain it to brady, being that it's your story?
Kristen as nicole: Tony and I were...talking about how we have to make sure this-- this wedding seems real, this marriage, because no one is really gonna believe that I just suddenly married tony dimera.
Tony: Animal magnetism?
Kristen as nicole: Ha. So... we came up with a story that we got close when we were in the hospital.
Tony: That's a "farewell to arms" sort story.
Kristen as nicole: And what about you, brady? How are things on your end? We don't have a lot of time.
Brady: No worries, I... I have a justice of the peace who's on his way. You two will be married in no time.
Kristen as nicole: [Exhales]
Gabi: We may not know what she's doing, but we know that she's up to something, okay? We need to get married immediately.
Ciara: Here. A prop to make it all look a little more real, take pictures and send it to that shin guy.
Gabi: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much. You're very sweet.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that--that's me.
Stefan: All right, we got abe, we got our witnesses. Let's do this. I wanted more from
Chloe: Mm. Well, eli, I do have to say you have great taste in women and jewelry.
[Both chuckle] I think I should take you shopping with me. I'm suddenly feeling like I need a new necklace.
Ted: Well, thanks to you, I'm still alive. That means that I have another chance to prove myself to you and to be the man you always want me to be. This could be a new start for me. For us.
Will: I checked the cctv footage from the docks that day. There was no sign of xander or ted.
Ted: Well? Will you take it now?
Hope: Yes.
Ted: You have made me so happy.
[Uneasy music]
We are gathered here today to join this man...
Abe: And this woman together in life.
If there's any reason these two should not be--
Kristen as nicole: Skip that part.
Abe: Do you, gabi hernandez, take stefan dimera to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Gabi: Yes, I do.
Do you, antony dimera, take nicole walker to be your lawfully wedded wife?
[Suspenseful music]
Kristen as nicole: It's your line.
Tony: Hmm? Oh. I do.
Abe: By the power vested in me by the great state of...
Illinois, I now pronounce you husband...
Abe: And wife. You may kiss...
The bride.
[Dramatic music]
[Intense music]
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