Days Transcript Tuesday 07/30/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 07/30/19


Episode #13580 ~ Stefan and Gabi prepare for their wedding day; Nicole ropes an unwitting Brady into her plan; Jennifer and Eve have a heated exchange about Eve's deception; Jack offers Eli a new job.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Excuse me, you two. I'd like to run something by you if I could.

Eli: Yeah, what's up?

Jack: A job's opened up around here, and I'd like your input about possible candidates.

Lani: What's the job?

Jack: Police commissioner.

Eli: What happened to eve?

Jack: I fired her.

Eve: Oh. [Scoffs]


Jennifer: Are you moving? Please tell me yes.

Eve: I just cleaned out my office, jennifer. You've now cost me my job and my marriage, so I know you're all in your glory--

Jennifer: No, you knew that you could get the drug for jack that would get his memory back. This is all you. You did it to yourself.

Eve: You know, maybe you're okay with jack taking that drug that would give him a brain tumor like will got after taking the drug, but you know what, I'm not, okay?

Jennifer: You are not protecting him. You just don't want him to remember how much he hated you, eve.

Eve: Well, guess what. He's never gonna remember you or those bratty two kids of yours because I made sure there was nothing left of those drugs.

Jennifer: That's okay. He may never get his memory back, but at least he will see what a vindictive, evil woman you really are.

Ciara: [Groans softly]

[Sighs] Hey.

Ben: Hey. Good morning.

Ciara: Mmm. Good morning. Whatcha reading?

Ben: Uh, a bunch of these news stories about my boss.

Ciara: Oh, god, what did stefan do now?

Ben: No, it's what the board's doing to him. According to this stuff, stefan's about to be kicked out of dimera enterprises.

Stefan: Just want you to know I got our marriage license. I had to grease a lot of civil servants.

Gabi: Yeah, but you're gonna make the wedding happen today, right, because we need to get married before the board fires you.

Stefan: Yes, gabi, I know. You've mentioned that about a million times.

Gabi: Only because it's very important, stefan, okay? And don't you want me to protect your interests?

Stefan: You do realize what a big step you're taking, right?

Gabi: This is what we need to do--this is what I want. For our present, for our future. And I can't wait.

Stefan: You gonna take my name?

Gabi: Of course I'm gonna take your name, my hubby-to-be. By the end of this day I will be mrs. Stefan dimera and proud of it. Talk to you later, groom.

Rafe: You gotta be freakin' kidding me.

[Phone ringing]

Kristen as nicole: [Chuckles] Good morning, antony. Are you ready to make your triumphant return to the land of the living?

Tony: To be honest, I'm not sure I am.

Kristen as nicole: What? I thought we agreed. Tony, please. I need you to do this.

Tony: You know what annoys me? Is when people use the word "need" when they want to use the word "want."

Kristen as nicole: Oh, need, want, what the hell's the difference, okay? Bottom line is, the only way nicole walker can become ceo of dimera is if she marries you.

Tony: Kristen, you haven't even told me yet how you can explain my resurrection.

[Knocking at door]

Kristen as nicole: Oh. Gotta go. Time to put my plan in motion.

Tony: Kristen.

[Phone disconnects]

Kristen as nicole: Brady, thank god you're here.

Brady: You said it was urgent. What's going on? Are you all right?

Kristen as nicole: I had a disturbing dream.

Brady: [Laughs] Had me come over here because you had a bad dream?

Kristen as nicole: It was about the fire. Brady, I... I think I know what happened.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: Sit down.

Kristen as nicole: It was so real. I was back in the warehouse, and there was so much smoke. I could barely breathe. And I thought I was gonna die.

Brady: Okay, well you're fine. You're fine. You're obviously well, so...

Kristen as nicole: Okay but do you remember I told you that someone did pull me out of the fire and all I could remember was that it was a man?

Brady: Yeah, no, you thought it may have been a firefighter.

Kristen as nicole: But it wasn'T. I saw his face in my dream and i recognized him.

Brady: Oh, my god. Who was it?

Kristen as nicole: That's the thing. I--I don't know.

Ben: According to what i read, the board fixed it so that stefan has no power.

Ciara: Wow. Like no power at all?

Ben: They might want to replace him today.

Ciara: Because he's accused of kidnapping ted and kate.

Ben: Yep.

Ciara: Do you really think he did it?

Ben: I don't know what he would have got out of doing it. I mean, even if he did want it done, he would, for whatever reason, would have come to me first.

Ciara: Because he trusts you.

Ben: Yeah, I guess. I mean, he wouldn't job it out to some goon like xander cook, I'll tell you that.

Ciara: You're pretty sure he didn't do it... kidnapping ted and kate.

Ben: Yeah. I am. Maybe I can help him prove it.

Ciara: You are so loyal to him.

Ben: Guy's been good to me. I'm also thinking about myself. If stefan gets fired, I could be out of a job. Might have to move out of this place.

Ciara: And I love being alone here with you.

Ben: You love it? I love it. I really love it.

[Knocking at door]

Stefan: Ben, it's me.

[Knocking] Ben, open up!

Ciara: [Clears throat]

Gabi: Rafe, I cannot believe that you were just eavesdropping on my conversation. That is such an invasion of privacy!

Rafe: No, no, no, that's not-- this, this is the kitchen, okay? This is where I come to get things like coffee. I don't need to walk in here and overhear you saying things like you were gonna be the future mrs. Stefan dimera. No. Please tell me that there has been a huge misunderstanding. Please.

Gabi: There's been a huge misunderstanding.

Rafe: Gabriella josephina hernandez.

Gabi: Okay, fine, rafe. Yes, okay? Stefan and I are getting married, mm-hmm.

Rafe: Mm-mm. Over my dead body. What patients don't realize is

Lani: So what made you decide to fire eve?

Jack: I don't want to talk about it.

Eli: Won't hear any arguments from me.

Lani: Me neither.

Jack: So what about a replacement?

Eli: As far as I'm concerned, the job is still hope'S.

Jack: Hope made it pretty clear that she didn't want to work with me.

Eli: Well then what about rafe? He was abe's second choice.

Jack: Rafe turned me down as well. I don't see that working out either.

Eli: Well, I can't think of anybody who would be qualified for the position--

Jack: How about yourself? Are you interested in the job?

Eve: You better watch your mouth, jennifer. 'Cause I'm just itchin' to knock that smug look off your face.

Jennifer: Hmm. Are you threatening me, eve?

Eve: You afraid of a little cat fight here, jennifer?

Jennifer: [Chuckles] No, I'm not. But I'm choosing dignity. You should try it some time.

Eve: [Scoffs] Screw dignity. I'm gonna rip your face off.


Stefan: Ben!

Ben: You good?

Ciara: Yeah.

Stefan: Sorry to interrupt. It's important.

Ciara: I can go take a walk or something if you need me to--

Stefan: No, it's not exactly a secret. It's about my job status.

Ben: Did they fire you already?

Stefan: Not yet, but it's not looking good.

Ben: They can't do this to you, man. It's not fair.

Stefan: It's not, but I'm not going down without putting up a fight.

Ben: Good. Is there anything I can do to help?

Stefan: That's why I'm here.

Gabi: You know what, spare me the older brother routine. I'm a grown woman and I can do whatever I want.

Rafe: Oh, that's very mature.

Gabi: Well, it's the truth. I get to do whatever I want in my life.

Rafe: Uh-huh, right. And then whatever you're doing is gonna blow up in your face again, and then you're gonna come running to me again.

Gabi: Rafe, it's not gonna blow up in my face.

Rafe: Oh, no, no, no. Of course it's not. You're going to be marrying the scum of the earth. Why would that possibly blow up in your face? I'm sure the two of you are gonna spend the rest of your lives in matrimonial bliss.

Gabi: Yeah, maybe we are to spite you!

Rafe: Oh, to spite me, really? Do you not even see what you're doing? By marrying him you are spiting yourself.

Gabi: Will you just let me explain, please?

Rafe: Explain?

Gabi: Yes.

Rafe: What are you gonna explain? You're gonna tell me that you are stefan, you're just business associates? 'Cause that's what you told me before. Obviously you were lying.

Gabi: No, I'm not lying, okay? This is business. We are getting married to protect his job. The board wants to fire him because--

Rafe: Because he kidnapped two people whom he had locked in his basement. Your future husband.

Gabi: This case hangs on xander cook's word. Those charges are not gonna stick. Once I become a dimera by marriage, then I can be ceo and take over stefan's job until his name is cleared.

Rafe: Oh, ceo. Why--why are you upending your life for him? Hm? Has it slipped your mind that he tried to frame you for andre's murder?

Gabi: Trust me, it is has not slipped my mind. What?

Rafe: Are you falling for him?

Gabi: What--no! I hate his guts.

Rafe: Right, but you're willing to throw your life away so that you can save his job. It does not compute.

Gabi: Well, it does to me.

Rafe: Right, it does to you. Which means you are either going insane or you are not giving me the entire story and I'm gonna go with the latter. So you are not leaving here until you come clean with me.

Brady: I'm confused. You said you recognized the man in your dream, but now you're telling me that you don't know who he is so...

Kristen as nicole: Hang on. Hang on. I... okay. This is the face I saw.

Brady: This is either andre or tony dimera.

Kristen as nicole: That's why I said I didn't know.

Brady: Well, both of these guys died in the dimera house. Nicole, andre--he's in the dimera mausoleum and tony is enjoying the afterlife in anna's pocketbook.

Kristen as nicole: Ugh. Come on, brady. Everyone thought that rolf and jack and ej were dead, but they were in that place of kristen's, just like I was. And there were initials on the doors and I think--I think one of the letters were A.D.

Brady: Tony's given name is antony, isn't that right?

Kristen as nicole: So then it was either him or andre.

Brady: Nicole, look, are you sure this dream wasn't just a dream? Or was it a memory?

Kristen as nicole: I hope it was a memory. Because that means a dimera heir is alive.

Brady: [Scoffs] God help us.

Kristen as nicole: Oh, my god, you're kidding. Because if I can track him down and get him to marry me, I will become a member of the family. I wanted more from

Eli: Why would you want me as commissioner?

Jack: I've looked at your file. You're a detective with fbi experience. Seems like a pretty good fit to me.

Lani: He's right, eli.

Eli: Listen, jack. I don't know. I mean--

Jack: Think about it, all right? Maybe you should just try it out. If it doesn't work out, you could always go back to being a detective. No harm no foul. But... if you want the job, it's yours.

Abe: Eve! Eve!

Eve: You ruined my life, jennifer!

Abe: Leave her alone!

Eve: I'm gonna make her pay!

Abe: Leave her. Stop it. Now what's going on?

Eve: Oh, abe, I'm sure jennifer is just dying to tell you.

Ben: You're really marrying gabi? Gabi hernandez?

Stefan: Yes. Abe's on his way to officiate. I'd like for you to be a witness. You can come too, if you want.

Ben: Why are you doing this?

Stefan: To make her a dimera.

Ben: That doesn't answer my question.

Stefan: Right, okay. The ceo of dimera enterprises has to have the family name. If the board decides to give me the boot, gabi will protect my position until my lawyer gets these bogus charges cleared.

Ciara: Okay, well, if it has to be a dimera, then why can't it be chad?

Stefan: Because if I give the job to chad, I'll never get it back. Gabi's just gonna be a temporary placeholder until my name is cleared.

Ben: And you really think that the board will hire gabi?

Stefan: Pretty confident, yeah. I mean, she took a company from nothing and made it a huge success. I think she'll make a strong case for herself.

Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, if gabi's good at anything, it's manipulating people. Like my cousin abigail for instance.

Ben: And you, stefan. Hey, think about it, man. She hated you not that long ago, and now all the sudden you're counting on her to hold your job for you by making her your wife? How is that a good idea?

Gabi: Look I never said that I was stefan's biggest fan. But I do know that he's being railroaded, and I have been there. If he loses his job, I have no idea what happens to me.

Rafe: Well, marrying stefan or anybody named dimera for that matter, is trouble, sis. It's trouble, okay?

Gabi: All right, well, I've dealt with a lot in my life so i can handle this.

Rafe: Oh? Since when?

Gabi: Oh, you're really judging me now?

Rafe: What, I just-- I don't think that you've thought this whole marriage thing through. At all really--I mean, what about arianna? What happens with her? You really ready for stefan dimera to be her stepfather?

Gabi: Everything that I do I do for her.

Rafe: Really? How do you figure?

Gabi: I want arianna to have an amazing life. I want her to have dance lessons and music lessons. I want her to have a college education, no loans, okay? I want her to have the financial stability that you and I never had. My company... is part of dimera. And if some crazy person takes over for stefan, I could lose everything and so could ari. I really don't have time to argue with you because I have to get to a wedding actually.

Rafe: Hey, listen to me. Just listen. Okay? You're right. You're right. You're an adult. I cannot make you do something that you don't want to do, but i am telling you this right now: This marriage will be a huge mistake.

[Solemn, contemplative music]

Brady: All right, sit down. Sit down.

Kristen as nicole: What? Oh.

Brady: I'm trying to understand this. All right, let's say--let's say tony or andre is really alive. How do you convince either one of them to marry you? I can't believe I just said that.

Kristen as nicole: Come on, brady. You know better than anyone i can be very persuasive when i wanna be.

Brady: Nicole. You don't have to take over dimera enterprises for my sake, okay?

Kristen as nicole: But it's what I want. Okay, it gives me a reason to wake up in the morning. I--running dimera is all I can think about. You know, maybe that's what triggered the memories.

Brady: It was a dream. I mean, it might just be wishful thinking.

Kristen as nicole: I know what I saw. It was either tony or andre. But whoever it was, he saved my life, and I want to find him. I want to find him no matter what.

Brady: Okay, oh-- all right, how do we do that?

Kristen as nicole: Well... what about the hospital I was taken to after the explosion? I mean, they must know the name of the person who brought me in there. Maybe it was him. There are women who know when little leaks show up,

Ciara: I agree with ben. See, you may know a lot about big business, but I know way more than you do about women like gabi. Abigail was her best friend, and she backstabbed her. So do you really think that she won't do the same thing to you, stefan?

Stefan: Ciara, I am not a moron.

Ben: And she didn't say that.

Stefan: Gabi and I have been seeing each other for a few months now and we've developed sort of a bond.

Ciara: Are you sure that bond goes both ways?

Stefan: It took me by surprise too, but you know what, since I was arrested, she has been by my side. She hasn't questioned my innocence once.

Ben: So maybe this marriage is more than a business deal.

Stefan: Look, man, you work for me, okay? I don't need to you questioning my personal life.

Ciara: He was just trying to look out for you, stefan.

Stefan: You don't want to be my witness, just say the word.

Ben: Hey. I'll be there.

Stefan: All right.

Ben: All right?

Stefan: See you up at the house in a bit.

Ciara: Bye.

[Door closes] Wow. He is so gonna regret doing this.

Ben: Yeah, I don't trust gabi either. I think he's falling for her.

Ciara: [Scoffs] Asking her to protect his job title is like asking a fox to protect a chicken coop.

Ben: Yeah, but it seems like he doesn't have any other options.

Ciara: You really think so?

Ben: I told him what I think. Now... I just have to shut up.

Ciara: Hmm.

Ben: Hey, you don't have to come with me to this thing, the wedding.

Ciara: You mean the train wreck? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not missing this at all. I'm not missing it. I'm just gonna go put some clothes on real quick, and then I'll be ready--

Ben: Whoa, before you do that...

Ciara: Huh?

Jennifer: I'm glad you showed up when you did 'cause she was really gonna scratch my eyes out I think.

Abe: What happened?

Jennifer: Just eve. We were fighting about jack.

Jack: Who's fighting about jack?

Abe: Look, I don't have time for this. I have an appointment I have to keep. Are you okay?

Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Thank you so much, abe.

Jack: So?

Jennifer: So I ran into eve after she cleared out her office and it just got real ugly.

Jack: I am sorry about that. I--I had to go to the squad room, and she had just left. Thank god.

Jennifer: You've had a lot of changes in your life today. How you doing?

Jack: I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact that there wasn't one honest minute between eve and me.

Jennifer: You were at a real disadvantage. She's a pro, jack.

Jack: Because of her, I may not remember most of my life. You were right. You were right about her. I just couldn't see it.

Jennifer: You know, she was the only person that you had any connection with since your accident, jack.

Jack: And now it's over. I feel like such a fool.

[Phone ringing]


Tony: Kristen?

Kristen as nicole: Hi, uh, this is nicole walker. I was a patient at your hospital for several months.

Tony: Oh, is this part of your master plan?

Kristen as nicole: That's right. I'm so glad you still have my records. I have a question for you.

Tony: Why are you doing this? Is there someone there with you?

Kristen as nicole: Would you happen to know the name of the person who brought me to the hospital and maybe he was a patient there too?

Tony: Oh, yes, as a matter of fact I do. He was a charming fellow, witty, urbane, and devilishly handsome.

Kristen as nicole: I understand that you can't give out this information, but I was hoping that you could tell me how I could contact him. I mean, he did save my life, and I would like to thank him in person.

Brady: Nicole, give me the phone. I'll talk 'em into it.

Tony: Is that brady? Put him on. I do accents very well. He won't even know it's me.

Kristen as nicole: Thank you so much.

Tony: Are you signing off? Because if you are, there's something you need to know. I am having grave concerns about this whole scheme of yours.

Kristen as nicole: Hm, yes, um, I--I realize that you're risking a lot by helping me and I can't tell you how much i appreciate it. Okay, good-bye. I got an address out of her, and it's in chicago.

Brady: [Laughs] Well, this I got to see for myself. Let's go.

Kristen as nicole: No, brady, you don't have--

Brady: No, I'M... I'm going. Let's go.

Jennifer: Please don't feel like a fool, jack. You were in the hands of a master manipulator.

Jack: I should have seen through it.

Jennifer: But you were vulnerable, and you were looking for some kind of a connection. And eve got to you before anyone else could, before i could, before our kids could.

Jack: Yeah.

Jennifer: And I can't even imagine how you must feel not having any memories from your past. And then in comes eve and she convinces you that she has all the answers and that she can give meaning to your life, jack. I mean, she is assertive and so persuasive.

Jack: You're being kind.

Jennifer: No, I'm not. And I swear, jack, even as angry as I was at you sometimes and as much as I couldn't even look at your face... I felt so bad for what you were going through and for what you lost.

Jack: You're very compassionate.

Jennifer: Sometimes. And I can be really unforgiving and judgmental sometimes.

Jack: Well, I'm through being eve's puppet.

Jennifer: I'm glad to hear that.

Jack: Kind of strange though. Being on my own.

Jennifer: It's all right. You just follow your instincts, jack.

Jack: Right.

Jennifer: They'll lead you where you need to go.

Jack: Mm-hmm, I know.

Jennifer: But do you wanna know what killed me? It killed me to see the jack that I knew turned into some slimy, corrupt, political hack.

Jack: Excuse me?

Eli: I can't believe that just happened.

Lani: What a difference a day makes. You can do that job, you know? Everyone in this department respects you. And you deserve it.

Eli: Sounds like you really believe in me.

Lani: Of course I do. Besides, I am going to like being mrs. Commissioner.

Eli: [Laughs] Yeah, I guess the extra money could come in handy with a wedding to pay for and a bunch of kids to put through college--

Lani: Whoa, whoa. Slow down. We haven't even set a date yet.

Eli: Eh, the sooner the better. I mean, now that I's been offered this brand new position.

Lani: [Laughs] Guess we better start looking for a venue then. All of the sudden, it seems to be wedding season.

Gabi: Here comes the bride. What, wrong outfit? I didn't, um--I didn't want to wear white, sorry.

Stefan: No, uh... no, right outfit. Perfect. You look perfect. Radiant, even.

Gabi: Well, you clean up pretty nice yourself. Is everything set?

Stefan: Yes, abe is on his way, I arranged for a witness, and I managed to pick up rings on the way back from the courthouse.

Gabi: Oh, good, yeah. I forgot about all that.

[Both chuckle] Ooh, what's that?

Stefan: I know we didn't have an actual engagement, so, um-- well, I want you to have this.

Gabi: Okay. This is, uh... stunning.

Stefan: Yeah, it was my mother'S. I hope that doesn't bother you.

Gabi: I gotta give vivian, you know, credit for good taste. It's beautiful.

Stefan: [Chuckles] Here, allow me.

Gabi: Okay.

[Soft, romantic music]

Look, I, uh--

Stefan: I--

Gabi: You go first. That's okay.

Stefan: All right. I know this is all happening very fast and that this is a marriage of convenience, but it's more than that. For me at least. I've developed real feelings for you and, um... having said that, under normal circumstances, we would not be getting married like this.

Gabi: I know.

Stefan: But if I have to be in a fake marriage with someone, there is nobody I'd rather be in it with. So, what were you gonna say?

Gabi: I feel exactly the same way.

Abe: Hey, nicole, brady.

Kristen as nicole: Abe.

Brady: Hi.

Abe: I gotta tell you. I'm so glad I ran into you. I've been worried about you.

Kristen as nicole: Oh, uh, that's very sweet, but I'm feeling much better now, right?

Brady: Right.

Abe: Well, if you need me, I'm here.

Kristen as nicole: I hope you mean that. Actually, I have a favor.

Abe: Name it.

Kristen as nicole: I know you're not mayor anymore, but do you still marry people?

Abe: Well, I'm on my way to wedding right now.

Kristen as nicole: Oh! Ha. Well, don't get too drunk at the reception because I might need your services later this afternoon.

Abe: Really? You're getting married? So who's the lucky guy? Brady? This is--

Brady: No, um--[Laughs] Abe, no. It's not me.

Kristen as nicole: I don't have time to explain, but I'll definitely be in touch. Come on.

Ciara: Oh, hey, um, would you mind clipping this necklace on me real quick?

Ben: Would I mind? Mm. Let me... here we are.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Right somewhere over here?

Ciara: Yeah, like that.

Ben: Somewhere right--

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: But let me--hang on. I can't really see. Let me--

Ciara: [Moans] Mm, okay. You keep doing this and we're never going to make it to this wedding, ben.

Ben: I'm beginning to really, really wish that I had turned stefan down. I would much rather spend the entire afternoon in bed with you all day.

Ciara: Oh, me too, me too, but you were the one who said that you did not want to lose this job, that's you.

Ben: [Groaning] I know.

Ciara: That's you. How do I look? I look okay for a wedding?

Ben: Oh, my god, you look... beautiful. I... I truly don't deserve you.

Ciara: Hmm. All this wedding talk has put you in quite the romantic mood.

Ben: Oh, it's not the wedding talk. It's you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Lani: I told my mom about us last night. She's thrilled.

Eli: Really? But she's never even met me.

Lani: Trust me, she knows everything about you. Did you tell valerie?

Eli: Yeah... she said she couldn't be happier.

[Both laugh]

Lani: Even if things didn't work out with her and my dad?

Eli: If she didn't hold it against abe, she's definitely not gonna hold it against you.

Lani: Good because I don't want anything to be awkward on our big day.

Eli: We are gonna have the perfect wedding.

Lani: [Laughing]

Rafe: Hey, hey. Let's get to work here, people.

Eli: Hey.

Rafe: Well, I just heard a rumor that eve got fired.

Lani: It's true. Jack was just here looking for her replacement.

Rafe: Oh, yeah? Did he suggest anyone? Oh, what--what are you not saying?

Gabi: Finally I just told him, "rafe, I don't want to argue."

Stefan: What'd he say?

Gabi: Well, he told me what he's told me my entire life about every decision I've made, that it's a huge mistake.

Stefan: Ah-ah. Didn't change your mind?

Gabi: Of course not. You don't know me? The only person that can change my mind is me. I have what you say, um, courage of my convictions, always.

Stefan: I like that about you.

Gabi: I like that about me too.

Stefan: Man, I bet rafe is regretting taking that bullet for me. I'll be sure to steer clear of him for a while.

Gabi: That's probably a good idea.

Stefan: Mm-hmm. So I've got the rings. I've got the license. There'S... right, one more thing.

Gabi: What's that?

Stefan: Pre-nup. It's all ready to sign.

Gabi: Yeah, you got that together pretty fast.

Stefan: What, you're still having a hard time with it?

Gabi: Just makes me a little sad.

Stefan: Sad? Why? Gabi, come on, even abe said it was a good idea.

Gabi: For you.

Stefan: What difference does it make?

Gabi: Well, I don't know. I just thought that... I thought you trusted me. And, you know, I'm making this huge sacrifice here. So...

Stefan: Really?

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

Stefan: Moving into a mansion, taking over a multi-national corporation as ceo, girl, I feel for you.

Gabi: Would you please stop with the sarcasm because you know I'm saving your ass, your job, kay? You know it.

Stefan: You know I could always find somebody else.

Gabi: No one can stand you.

Stefan: I don't know. I have caught julie williams giving me the eye once or twice when she caught us having sex on her desk.

Gabi: Give me--just forget it. I'm gonna sign this.

Stefan: Yep.

Gabi: Wow. All right, signed, you jerk. Done, kay?

Ben: [Clears throat] Well, if it isn't the happy couple.

Lani: Jack made someone an offer but that someone hasn't decided yet.

Eli: Actually, he has.

Rafe: Oh, has he?

Eli: Hey, look, man. You're gonna have to find a new partner. You're looking at your new boss.

Rafe: Come on. Really? Damn. All right.

Jennifer: Well, wait. Wait a minute. Are you offended?

Jack: Right, I love it when people call me slimy, corrupt, and a hack.

Jennifer: No, I was trying to say that it wasn't like you to be that way.

Jack: Oh. Well, in the future let's keep our opinions to ourselves, shall we?

Jennifer: You said you felt like a fool. You said that you were coming to your senses.

Jack: About eve, yes. But I'm rather proud of my accomplishments as mayor.

Jennifer: Really?

Jack: Really. Look, I don't have time for this. I have a city to run.

Ben: So? Still gonna be a wedding?

Gabi: I guess.

Stefan: As soon as abe gets here.

Abe: Well, I am here.

Stefan: Thanks for doing this.

Abe: Might not be my only wedding of the day. I was offered another gig on my way here.

Ciara: Who's the happy couple?

Abe: Well, the groom--I don't know who that is, but nicole is the bride.

Stefan: Nicole? She's getting married today?

Abe: It's possible.

Gabi: What the hell is she up to now?

Brady: Hold on, hold on.

Kristen as nicole: What?

Brady: Whether it's tony or andre on the other side of that door, nicole, it's a dimera. You gotta be ready for anything, right?

Kristen as nicole: Right. Hello? Is anyone there?

Brady: No one's there. Let's just... we'll leave. We'll get coffee. We'll come back here.

Kristen as nicole: No, no. We can't waste time. We don't know what stefan's up to. It's unlocked.

Brady: Let me go first, all right? Just...

Kristen as nicole: Okay.

[Suspenseful music]

[Quietly] Where is he?

Brady: I don't know where he is. But I'm pretty sure I know what dimera we're dealing with now. Look at this.

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