Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 07/29/19
Episode #13579 ~ Kristen proposes marriage; Gabi urges Stefan to marry her in order to save DiMera Enterprises; Jack demands a divorce from Eve; Jennifer receives upsetting news.
Provided By Suzanne
[Dramatic music]
Tony: Nicole walker. What the hell are you doing here?
Xander: Oh, looks like someone's long sad drought with women is finally over.
Brady: Grow up, xander.
Xander: Wonder if I know the lucky lady. Oh, wait. I think I know her very well.
[Elevator bell dings]
Jennifer: Oh, kayla. Hey.
Kayla: Hey. Hi.
Jennifer: Have you seen dr. Shah?
Kayla: I thought he was on a date with you.
Jennifer: Well, we were. And it ended abruptly and he left his phone on the table. Do you think that you could give this to him. 'Cause I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to see me right now.
Kayla: Wow. That bad, huh?
Jennifer: I wanted to go on a date with him because jack made it perfectly clear that he was not interested in getting his memory back.
Kayla: Okay.
Jennifer: But then I ran into jj before the date and he told me that jack changed his mind.
Kayla: That he took the serum?
Jennifer: Yeah, I mean, he could be remembering everything as we speak.
Jack: Give it to me!
Eve: Wait, no!
Jack: Eve, no! No, eve! Eve, stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Please. Please. I didn't mean to hurt you.
Eve: You told me I didn't love my daughter, jack, my dead daughter. Of course you meant to hurt me.
Jack: I know, I know. I know. I know you loved her, but you say you love me too.
Eve: I do love you, jack. I love you.
Jack: Then why? Why are you doing this?
Eve: Because I want to hold on to us.
Jack: Don't ruin it.
Eve: Jack, it'S... it's too late.
Jack: No, no, no. It's not too late.
Eve: Yes.
Jack: No. No, you are my wife. I love you. You don't have to destroy the serum.
Gabi: If we're gonna hold on to this company, then I need to be mrs. Stefan dimera.
Stefan: Mrs. Stefan dimera.
Gabi: Yeah, the board says a family member needs to be in charge, right?
Abe: It's in the company by-laws.
Gabi: Okay, they've-- they've frozen you out while we're fighting these phony kidnapping charges. I can stand in as temporary placeholder.
Stefan: You want to marry me.
Gabi: Okay, I know that it's drastic, but if you don't do something about this right now, somebody could come in, take your company, and you could never get it back.
Tony: Ah, just stand back.
Nicole: Okay, easy. Let's not go hitting people with canes or anything.
Tony: How did you get in here?
Nicole: I had a key.
Tony: There are only two keys to this apartment. One that I have and the other one is kept by...
Nicole: [Gasps] Tony. Don't you recognize your very own sister? Oh. [Sighs]
Tony: Kristen.
Kristen: Hello, brother. Long time no see.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Stefan: Shin and his cronies would never make you ceo of dimera, even if you were my...wife.
Gabi: Uh, why not? Gabi chic is the best-performing company under the dimera banner. The board loves me.
Abe: She's right about that.
Gabi: We need to do something about this right now. Because when they officially remove you from power, they're gonna install somebody else, and that's when it's gonna be too late to do anything about this.
Tony: That's quite a convincing mask you have there. I presume it's the work of dr. Rolf?
Kristen: Mm-hmm. He was a wonder.
Tony: But why are you passing yourself off as nicole, of all people?
Kristen: When kristen dimera died, she was at the top of salem's most wanted list. And I had to assume another identity so that I could walk around freely.
Tony: So nicole was just a convenient choice?
Kristen: Seeing as she didn't survive the warehouse explosion, I figured she wouldn't be needing her face any time soon.
Tony: Why are you here?
Kristen: [Chuckles] I wanted to check on your progress. How are you doing?
Tony: About the same.
Kristen: Well, you seem much improved to me, considering how devastating your injuries were. I mean, if it weren't for dr. Rolf, I mean, you wouldn't be here at all.
Tony: Yeah, I'm just glad to be out of that room in nashville.
Kristen: Antony dimera. Mm. I always thought that had a lovely ring to it.
Tony: Too formal for me. I least like calling me antony. But with many lives as I've had, I just like simply tony.
Kristen: [Chuckles] Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Kristen: I can see the changes in you, tony.
Tony: Well, I'm not gonna be happy until I'm 100%.
Kristen: You were almost there before the warehouse caught fire.
Andre: Yeah. If you hadn't pulled me out of that fire...
Kristen: I know. We're family. And that's what we do for each other. That's why I set you up here. To get back to 100%. And return to anna like you always wanted.
Tony: Mm. I think staying away from her was the hardest thing I've ever done.
Kristen: You don't have to wait any long. It's time you return to the land of the living.
Abe: Shin likes gabi. He trusts her.
Gabi: Mm-hmm. Yeah, what about you, stefan? Do you like me? Do you trust me?
Stefan: Most of the time.
Gabi: Most of the time. Come on. Would being married to me be such a hardship?
Stefan: What about you?
Gabi: What about me?
Stefan: You're okay marrying me given all of our history?
Abe: You know this... idea, there's--there's merit behind it. But I think we should all probably just take a minute and think it through.
Gabi: We don't have a minute to think this through.
Stefan: Hey, gabi, no, abe's right. What if this whole thing backfire? What if the board not only wants me out but they want my wife out? Then you lose gabi chic. You lose everything.
Xander: I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that my erstwhile ex-wife was throwing herself at you.
Brady: I don't know what you're talking about.
Xander: Nicole. Lipstick. Ring a bell?
Brady: Why do you think it was nicole?
Xander: Why come back as nicole walker? You could have come back as anybody you wanted.
Kristen: She gives me the in I need to get what I really, really want.
Xander: Brady black.
Kristen: [Chuckles] Oh, I love hearing that name.
Xander: That lipstick I saw you wiping off. Who else but nicole would wear that shade?
Brady: You recognize the lipstick?
Xander: It made its way onto my person more than once.
Brady: She was disgusted by you, by the way.
Xander: Well, I'm no fan of hers either these days. But, uh... ever since she made her divorce me, she's been very smitten with you and I say go for it.
Tony: I'm not ready to go back.
Kristen: Oh, I know you have your doubts. It's been a long time. But I can see how strong you are now.
Tony: Yeah, but I've got a ways to go.
Kristen: [Stammers] Here. Take the first step and get up out of that chair.
Tony: What's the rush?
Kristen: Stefan o dimera is the rush
Tony: Father's son with vivian alamain.
Kristen: His bastard son. The interloper at dimera. He's on the verge of being kicked out of power.
Tony: So you feel you're in the position to take the company back from him.
Kristen: Yes, I deserve it. I do, but the only problem is, I can't reveal my true self without being arrested. And sure, as you remember, the board stipulates that only a dimera can be ceo.
Tony: So you've come here for my help.
Kristen: You can do this, tony. We can do this together. Come on.
Tony: Oh, kristen. I'm sorry. But if you want me to take that job, my answer is no.
Kayla: So did henry pull the plug or did you?
Jennifer: He did. And rightly so. I shouldn't even have gone out on a date with him. I thought that I was ready to move on and obviously, I'm not.
Kayla: Well, you wouldn't know unless you tried.
Jennifer: Well, uh... I have tried. I know that jack is my one true love.
Kayla: And you were his too. I really believe that.
Jennifer: No. Kayla, he's got eve now.
Kayla: He only has eve because he doesn't remember who he is. But if he gets his memory back, all bets are off.
Jennifer: Yeah, but that's what's so scary.
Kayla: What, that he would get his memory back?
Jennifer: The only thing worse than jack not getting his memory back is what if he remembers and he doesn't want to come back to me?
Eve: Do you still love me jack?
Jack: I do. I'm mad as hell at you, but I do.
Eve: Then why do you want to remember your past?
Jack: Because it's mine. Because everybody in this town knows me better than I do. Because I got kids.
Eve: But your children--
Jack: Kids I don't even know.
Eve: Jack, jack, jack, your children are here. You can reestablish a relationship with them, build memories, even stronger ones than you have now.
Jack: There are so many memories, eve, so many memories I don't have.
Eve: You would be risking your own life. I mean, you know what happened to will; he almost died.
Jack: There's an antidote now. Will has been saved.
Eve: Yes, yes, but what if it doesn't work? What if you get sick? Jack, think about that.
Jack: Eve, I don't know. I don't know.
Eve: Well, "I don't know" doesn't work for me. I don't want to lose you. Jack, please. Can't you hear that?
Jack you never will. You never will.
Eve: [Exhales]
Jack: You just... just please. Don't smash the vial. Don't break the serum. Please.
Eve: [Exhales]
Jack: [Sighs] I didn't have to shout out for help.
Eve: [Moaning]
Jack: [Moans]
[Exhales] What? Eve. What is it? We got everything we want. Money, power, everything. We got our whole future together I don't want that to change.
Eve: Neither do I.
Jack: No! No, eve! You bitch. How could you do this to me?
Eve: [Sighs] Bitch. Bitch? There it is. There's how you really feel about me. It was all a lie, wasn't it, jack? You... you didn't love me. Well, you know what? If I can't have you, neither can jennifer.
Jennifer: Jack didn't even want me to know that he was taking the serum. He told jj not to tell me.
Kayla: Well, maybe he didn't want you to worry.
Jennifer: Right, and that's what jj said. But you know what? I don't think jack cares. I don't think he cares about my hopes. I mean, since he's been back, he's been so hostile. I really don't believe he would want to be with me. I don't even thinks he likes me, kayla.
Gabi: Why are you fighting this, stefan? We can do this together, I know we can!
Stefan: You really want to marry me. Right now.
Gabi: Abe can do it. Right now. I mean, unless you think that's crossing the line.
Abe: Ah, well... after marrying john and hattie adams, I can't argue that it is.
Stefan: You're not mayor anymore.
Abe: Well, I do still have a license to officiate. I'm willing to perform the ceremony if you both wanna do it, so just give me the word.
Xander: So, uh... can we expect a wedding in the near future?
Brady: Me and nicole? Absolutely not.
Xander: Why not? You make such an adorable couple.
Brady: Xander, why are you all up in nicole's business anyway? She says that you are harassing her.
Xander: She told you that?
Brady: She did. It's gotta stop, okay?
Xander: What exactly did she say I was doing to bother her?
Brady: Why don't we start with the bizarre gift that you gave her, the wrestling mask?
Xander: Oh. Lucha libre. Well, I hope I didn't offend her. The nights that we spent in nashville were long. And we had to keep them... interesting.
Brady: I don't need to know about that.
Xander: Well, it's yours if you want it. I called myself el erotico. She seemed to dig it, but you can make up your own gimmick if you want.
Brady: There's a lot wrong with you. Don't know what you're missing, mate. El erotico vanquishes the men and seduces the women!
Brady: Wow.
Xander: Doesn't anybody here know how to have fun?
Sonny: [Yelps] Xander?
Xander: Oh, it's you. I was hoping it'd be victor and I'd give him a heart attack.
Sonny: What the hell are you doing?
Xander: Oh, you know, just hanging out.
Sonny: Isn't that the mask that susan gave you?
Xander: Susan? Oh, yeah. Why?
Sonny: Well, she said she was gonna ask you to give it back to her, so why do you still have it?
Tony: Listen. You saved my life and I shall be eternally grateful. But I have no interest in subjecting myself to the stress of dimera enterprises.
Kristen: [Laughs] Okay, hang on. Hang on there. You know, I think I need to clear something up. I'm not asking you to take over the company.
Tony: You're not?
Kristen: No. No, I knew you wouldn't be interested in that. And besides, I've worked way too hard to be someone else's sidekick.
Tony: And what is it you want?
Kristen: What I need you to do is marry me.
Xander: Come on, everybody likes a bit of roleplay now and then. You and will should try it, spice things up a bit.
Sonny: I'm just gonna return it to susan actually.
Xander: Thanks. I'll be happy to never see it or her ever again. I'm going for a jog. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Brady: Oh, god. What are you doing with that thing?
Sonny: Oh, xander gave it to me. I think I'm just gonna send it to susan.
Brady: Why would you do that?
Jack: I loved you. I trusted you. And you used me.
Eve: Didn't you-- you didn't use me? I made you the mayor, jack. I gave you a life when you had absolutely nothing. All I asked-- all I asked was for you to put me first.
Jack: [Sighs] I tried. I really tried.
Eve: You didn't try hard enough.
Jack: [Groans]
Eve: I'm here, jack, and I love you. I love you. And we can still have an amazing life together. I'm not gonna give up on you. Do you hear me? I'm not gonna give up on you.
Jack: You don't know. Oh, my god. You don't know. You don't know what you did.
Eve: Jack.
Jack: What did you do? You destroyed these vials. And you destroyed us. You destroyed us. Our marriage is over. I want a divorce.
Eve: Jack.
Jack: I want a divorce.
Eve: Jack.
Jack: No. No.
Eve: Jack. Jack.
Stefan: Okay, gabi, you do make a compelling case for a marriage of convenience.
Gabi: But it's more than that, isn't it?
Stefan: Gabi, we both know why we'd be doing this.
Gabi: All I'm saying is that we-- we've gotten close recently. And you can't deny that we enjoy spending time together. I do care about you and I know that you care about me.
Stefan: I do. But of course, there'd have to be a prenup.
Gabi: A prenup? Why?
Abe: Well, it's the smart thing to do.
Gabi: [Scoffs]
Abe: Protects you both.
Gabi: Uh, whose side are you on?
Stefan: I'm sorry, gabi, I thought we were all on the same side.
Gabi: We are all on the same side. We just don't have a lot of time here.
Stefan: Great. I'll have my lawyer draw up the papers this afternoon.
Gabi: Your lawyer.
Stefan: Yes.
Gabi: Okay, so then do I even get to look at this?
Stefan: Gabi, this is the way it's gonna be. Are we gonna have a problem with that?
Tony: You want to marry me?
Kristen: Yes. So that I can be officially a dimera in the eyes of the board.
Tony: Wow.
Kristen: As a dimera, I can take over as ceo. You can be involved as much or as little as you'd like.
Tony: May I remind you that stefano, all those years ago, groomed us to be husband and wife?
Kristen: Mm-hmm. I remember.
Tony: And although we are not blood related, the incestuous implications were rather troubling.
Kristen: Yeah, but obviously, we'd be married in name only. As far as the world's concerned, you'd be married to nicole walker.
Tony: That's even worse. Do you realize that it was her face that I last saw on the docks before I was impaled?
Kristen: Okay, so when we're alone together, I'll make sure I take off the mask.
Tony: Oh. That's so considerate of you.
Kristen: Tony. Stefan is ruining our legacy. He's not one of us.
Tony: Kristen.
Kristen: Hm?
Tony: I'm sorry. I find your plan is commendable. But you'll just have to find another dimera to help you execute it. I will not marry you.
Sonny: Look, it belongs to susan, so I'm just gonna send it to her.
Brady: [Stammers] I don't want to mention susan anymore. Let's not talk about susan after the way she threw herself at me in my own bedroom. That was weird. Let's talk about something else. Shall we?
Sonny: Gladly. Look, um... I don't want to get into the whole titan business, but i understand that stefan's being shoved out at dimera.
Brady: That's the word, yes.
Sonny: Well, I hope you're planning on taking advantage of the situation.
Brady: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I think now is the time when titan will finally put its foot on dimera's throat.
Gabi: I don't-- I don't have a problem with a prenup.
Stefan: That's not how you're acting.
Gabi: No, I know, I'm just-- you know, I'm trying to save your ass and your company, and it really feels like you don't trust me.
Abe: [Chuckles] It's pretty standard, gabi.
Stefan: Gabi, this isn't about you and me. This is business.
Gabi: Oh. Okay, so this whole time when-- when you've been set up for this kidnapping thing, I've stood by you. Was that business?
Stefan: No. And I've made it abundantly clear how much your support means to me.
Gabi: You also told me that since your mom died, no one's believed in you. Until me. You know, we've got kate and ted swearing that you're the one behind the kidnapping. I stood by you. I trusted you. It doesn't feel like you could do the same for me.
Kristen: [Groans] What do you mean, you won't marry me?
Tony: Because I already have a wife--that's what I mean.
Kristen: Tony--
Tony: I'm married to anna.
Kristen: Yeah, but you were declared dead. Legally dead. Which means your marriage is legally dead. Which means you are not married to anna or anyone else.
Tony: All right, so in the eyes of the law... I'm single. But my heart belongs to anna.
Kristen: [Scoffs] Oh, my god. Why are you being so difficult? You owe me. I saved your life.
Tony: And for that, I shall be forever grateful. Do you know how long I've been waiting, thinking when I was gonna come back out and find my anna? Mm. She's all I ever thought about when I was hidden away.
[Sighs] What happens when I come back to salem with a young wife in my arms? She'll be devastated. And I can't do that to her. And I won'T.
Xander: Boo!
Eve: [Yelps] What the hell, xander? Get away from me, you're-- you're all sweaty and gross.
Xander: Just the way--
Eve: Stay away.
Xander: Just the way you like me.
Eve: [Groans]
Xander: So how'd it go with jack and the fake serum?
Eve: It went to hell.
Xander: What do you mean?
Eve: He caught me burning rolf's diary.
Xander: Oh, no.
Eve: Oh, yeah, and it got worse from there. It's over. He wants... he wants a divorce.
Xander: Mm. That's a bummer.
Eve: Oh, don't act like you care.
Xander: You're really upset.
Eve: Of course I'm upset. My marriage just ended, you stooge.
Xander: I thought... you didn't really love him, did you? This was all about making jennifer pay, right?
Eve: Oh, she's gonna pay all right. Because he's never gonna get his memory back. Because I destroyed the serum and the formula.
Xander: Are you sure? There is still one loose end.
Jennifer: Kayla, there is no guarantee that the serum will work, and what about all the side effects that he could have?
Kayla, well, you know what, we learned a lot from will's case and I know that you are scared. Listen to me. If jack does get his memory back, it's gonna be a lot to deal with. He's going to need your help.
Jennifer: No, you're right. Okay, it's okay if I have a little hope then.
Kayla: Yeah.
Jennifer: [Laughs]
Feelin' like, oh
Stefan: Gabi, this not a matter of trust. I would be an idiot not to sign a prenup.
Gabi: Fine. Fine. I will-- I will do whatever it takes to keep gabi chic in the family legacy. I'll sign what you want.
Stefan: Thank you.
Abe: You've made the right decision.
Gabi: We'll see. So before brady or nicole or anybody else shows up, will you please give me my answer? Stefan dimera, will you marry me?
Brady: Nicole and I were actually talking about ways in which to exert our power over dimera and she pitched me the idea of going after the position of ceo. Yeah, thereby playing mole for titan.
Sonny: Yeah, but doesn't the ceo of dimera have to be a member of the family?
Brady: Mm-hmm. She seems to think that there'd be a way around that. She referenced marrying a dimera. The problem is, there's no eligible dimeras out there.
Kristen: You and I... this is not a love match. This is a business deal between family members. I just need the dimera name so I can get my foot in the door.
Tony: And what will that mean? That you'll be nicole walker dimera forever?
Kristen: No, of course not. Of course not. No, when I get into place, I'll work my way out of legal jeopardy.
Tony: Didn't you try to murder marlena?
Kristen, all right, let's just stay on topic. This is temporary. Okay?
[Laughs] And once I'm cleared, I can reveal to the world who I really am. And we can end this marriage and you can run straight back into the arms of anna.
Tony: And what if it's too late?
Kristen: Oh! Doesn't it beat the alternative of sitting around here staring at these four walls? Assuming you still have that.
Tony: What is that supposed to mean?
Kristen: It means, dear brother, that if you continue to be unreasonable, I may just decide to take away my protection and this apartment. Which means you will be out on the street. Just you and your little cane. Mm. So what's it gonna be? Will you marry me?
Jack: I thought you had a date with henry the handsome doctor guy.
Jennifer: It didn't end well.
Jack: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Um, what happened? Was he inappropriate?
Jennifer: No, no, not at all. Jj told me that you decided to take the serum, so it kinda wrecked the whole date game.
Jack: [Stammers] Yeah, I asked him not to say anything.
Jennifer: Yeah, but... you really didn't expect him not to tell me, right?
Jack: No, I guess not.
Jennifer: So, uh... have you remembered anything?
Jack: No. No. Eve... eve injected me with a placebo and she destroyed the original serum.
Jennifer: What?
Jack. Mm-hmm. Then... she admitted that she took rolf's diary from seth burns' office all those months ago and she... she held on to it for months without telling me and then she burned it.
Jennifer: I know that that woman is cruel, but that is--
Jack: No, no, she--she... she was afraid. That's all she was. She was just afraid that I was gonna leave her if I got my memory back.
Kayla: I do not believe this.
Jack: I didn't believe it either. And then it happened. And now I can't forgive her. It's over.
Jennifer: You mean you're divorcing her?
Jack: As soon as i possibly can.
Kayla: What are you doing here, jack?
Jack: Uh... I... I thought--I hoped... you made the original serum here in the hospital at your lab. I was--I was hoping. I was hoping, I was praying that maybe you might have some notes left from that original serum.
Kayla: I'm sorry--[Stammers] I gave the formula back to will and we were only authorized to make one dose and an antidote. And then rest was destroyed.
Jack: So it's gone. It's gone, it's gone. Gone forever.
Kayla: You know, maybe-- maybe there's one thing.
Jennifer: What? What do you mean?
Kayla: The private lab that manufactured the serum may be able to help you.
Jack: The lab! Of course, of course! Thank you, thank you.
[Stammering] I'm gonna call them right now. Thank you. Hello, hello. This is mayor jack deveraux. I'd like to talk to the supervisor there at the lab.
[Stutters] He...
[Sighs] No.
[Sighs] Thank you, thank you. Thank you.
Jennifer: Jack, what-- what is it?
Kayla: What's wrong?
Jack: It's over. I'm never gonna get my memory back.
Eve: Well, well, well. Not surprised. The two of you together.
Jennifer: What is wrong with you?
Eve: I'm sure you're gonna tell me, jennifer.
Eve: Withholding medical treatment from jack?
Eve: Oh, are you talking about the brain tumor inducing drug that almost killed will? Uh, how dare I?
Jennifer: Don't you even act like you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart because you don't have one.
Jack: You shut down the lab that made the serum. Your people seized the notes so they can't make it again.
Eve: Well, jack, I heard a rumor that, um, that lab was manufacturing drugs that aren't, you know, approved by the fda so I was just... public hazard here.
Jack: What did you do with the formula?
Jennifer: You shredded it?
Eve: Just doing my sworn duties protecting the public.
Jack: I'm relieving you of your duties as police commissioner. You're fired.
Gabi: All right, you know what? If you gotta think about marrying me this long, I--forget it. Forget I brought it up.
Stefan: No, gabi. Wait. I am grateful for you and all the support that you've shown me, everything you've brought into my life and the company. You're brilliant and creative and I... yes. I will marry you, let's do it.
Gabi: [Sighs]
Tony: You wouldn't throw me out on the street, would you? I know you're not that cold-hearted.
Kristen: Just as I know that you are not cold-hearted to deny me my dreams.
Tony: Dimera enterprises is that important to you, is it?
Kristen: It's father's legacy. And you can't tell me that you're okay with it being run into the ground by someone like stefan dimera.
Tony: [Sighs] All right. All right, I'll marry you.
Kristen: You won't regret it.
Tony: I'm not quite sure about that, but let me ask you a question.
Kristen: Okay, what is it?
Tony: How in the world are you going to explain as nicole walker that you crossed paths with a dead man and wound up married to him?
Kristen: Oh, don't you worry, dear brother. I have it all figured out.
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