Days Transcript Friday 7/26/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/26/19


Episode #13578 ~ A misguided Tripp tries to help Haley; Jack catches Eve committing an act of betrayal, and needing an ally, "Nicole" seeks out someone from the past.

Provided By Suzanne

Gabi: You can't be on suspension.

Stefan: Boa says otherwise.

Gabi: But it's your company!

Stefan: I'm being charged with kidnapping.

Gabi: But kate is lying. You have nothing to do with her and ted's kidnapping.

Stefan: Gabi, I have been on both sides of hostile takeovers before--this is what goes down. The key is not to panic.

Gabi: Okay, how do you manage that?

Stefan: While my power as ceo may have been curtailed, I still have the company charter by my side. If they decide to fire me, they have to find another dimera to replace me.

Kirsten as nicole: What if i told you I... could be a dimera.

Brady: How do you turn yourself into a dimera?

Kristen as nicole: Well... obviously, I wasn't born into the family, but there are other ways to become a dimera.

Brady: Like what?

Kristen as nicole: Well, for one thing, I know that an adopted dimera has all the same rights as a blood relative.

[Haley sobbing]

Tripp: Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, haley, will you please tell me what's going on?

Haley: I saw her, I saw her-- I can't--

Tripp: Who, who, who?

Haley: Claire! I saw her!

Tripp: No, no, look, claire's gone, okay? She's been committed.

Haley: No, no, I can still see her--I can still see her! She was back, and she wants to kill us.

[Whispers] She wants to kill us.

[Soft dinner music]

Julie: Dr. Shaw! Welcome. Gee, I haven't seen you in a long time. Not since, uh...

Henry: Last new year's eve. Jack deveraux showed up and, uh, that was that.

Julie: Yeah. You have a reservation?

Henry: Yes.

Julie: Someone has neglected to put your name in.

Henry: Oh, no, no, it's not under my name--it's under jennifer'S.

Julie: Oh, really?

Henry: Yeah. I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Julie: As far as I'm concerned, you are. Let me show you to your table.

Jennifer: Why shouldn't I go on a date with henry shaw? He is a great guy, jj.

Jj: This isn't about him. It's about dad.

Jennifer: And?

Jj: He took the drug after all. He might get his memory back.

[Tense music]

Eve: I--

Jack: Eve, what the hell are you doing?

Eve: Hey, it wasn't me, all right? I-I called maintenance guys, 'cause the air conditioning was messed up, and I--

Jack: Move!

Eve: I just--

Jack: Move!

Eve: Jack, come on! You're close to the fire-- don't touch it--you're gonna burn yourself!

Jack: Get back!

Eve: Jack--just--

Jack: Eve...this is rolf's diary! What are you telling me? There was no workmen! You set this fire! Why did you do this?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eve: Okay, yeah. I did it. It's the writings of an evil man. He hurt a lot of people, jack.

Jack: An evil man who brought me back to life!

Eve: Well, you don't need the diary anymore--you don't need dr. Rolf anymore. I mean, you took the serum. You're probably gonna get your memory back, and if not, you have the antidote...I mean, if there's a problem like will had, so...

Jack: But what if one dose doesn't work?

Eve: have twice as much. It's gonna be okay. And if you don't get your memory back, well...that's okay too. 'Cause we can focus on the future.

Brady: You wanna get adopted into the dimera family?

Kristen as nicole: [Scoffs]! Don't be ridiculous.

Brady: Yeah, it is ridiculous, so what did you mean?

Kristen as nicole: Well, for example, um... let's say you did wanna take over. Kristen carried tate, right? I mean, she's the one who delivered him. If you--if you say that kristen is his mother, then you can make a claim to the company through your son.

Brady: [Murmurs] Kristen is not tate's mother. She is not his biological mother. Kristen kidnapped theresa, remember? And then she stole the fetus that she was carrying. You do remember this, right?

Kristen as nicole: [Stammers] It was just--just an idea--

Brady: No, no, no, no. Theresa is on tate's birth certificate. She is his biological mother. Kristen has nothing to do with that, you understand?

Kristen as nicole: I understand.

Brady: Kristen and I, we tried to have-- she couldn't have children. We tried. We tried. We tried.

[Papers rustling]

Kristen as nicole: What are thinking?

[Papers slap down]

Brady: Just then, I was thinking, um... I remember the fact that I was so in love with kristen at one point in time that we... we were going to have a family. There was a time when I thought that was possible. Ha ha ha! I must have been out of my mind, right, I mean... the whole time, she was just trying to manipulate me so she could stick it to my father and marlena.

Kristen as nicole: I remember now.

Brady: Yeah, me too.

[Papers rustle] Um... about this whole revenge against stefan thing--I want you to know that revenge can make decent people do things that they regret. Okay? I know this. Kristen dimera never regretted a thing in her life, but luckily, you are not her.

Kristen as nicole: You're right. I am not like kristen.

Brady: [Sighs] Thank god. 'Cause I risked...everything to be with that woman. Everything. And it blew up in my face. I have not had a successful relationship with a woman since her--you realize that? Including you, nicole.

Kristen as nicole: I was a fool to love eric. I don't know what came over me, brady, and I would... I would do anything to make up for hurting you so badly.

Brady: Okay, hold--hold on, I--hey... I didn't mean to make you feel guilty or bad or... I'm finally--I am all over--I'm over that. But start talking about kristen, and I-I-I get fired up, I get thrown. I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to get past what happened with us.

Kristen as nicole: Well, brady... maybe she's just in your blood. Maybe you're not supposed to get over her.

Gabi: Is there anything you can do?

Stefan: There's still a faction of the board that's pretty loyal.

Gabi: How big a faction?

Stefan: Well, from what i hear, the vote to suspend was close.

Gabi: Okay, well, what if you just change the minds of a few board members?

Stefan: I might be able to force another vote.

Gabi: Well, then, you're in luck, because I know exactly what you have to do.

Haley: [Sighs] What is happening to me?

Tripp: You've been under a ton of stress for as long as I've known you. Here, sip this. You could be...

Haley: [Softly] Thanks.

Tripp: Really dehydrated. Sip it slowly.

Haley: I-I just don't get it, though. I-it's like you said--claire's finally getting help at the hospital, and...I'm finally on a path to citizenship.

Tripp: Well, maybe you're finally letting yourself feel all the sadness and fear you had to push down.

Haley: So, what, I have to keep being like this... for god knows how long because i have no other option?

Tripp: No...all right? No. You need help.

Haley: These are--these are tranquilizers. Where-- where'd you get these?

Tripp: Dr. Shaw. You know him, right? Don't worry. I said they were for me.

Jj: I wouldn't lie to you. I just saw dad, and he swears he took it.

Jennifer: Jj, I just saw your dad, too, and he didn't say a word about it. Don't you think that's important? I mean, something that affects us so profoundly? That doesn't even make sense.

Jj: It was something about you moving on, and he--he didn't want to get your hopes up.

Jennifer: My hopes up. He is so self-serving and so controlling. Don't you see? I can't do this. I can't take it. My heart cannot take this anymore.

Jj: Because your heart still belongs to him.

Jennifer: You know, he gave me back my press pass... and he wasn't even hostile to me. But that doesn't mean that he's changed, really, because he probably just wants "the spectator" to write something really positive about him.

Jj: I didn't believe him either...but then he told me the reason why he changed his mind.

Jennifer: Okay... I'm listening.

Jj: He said he would do anything to remember me and abigail. So as--as mad as I am at him for what he did to haley, I believed him.

Jack: This doesn't make any sense. Even if I had enough of the serum, why would you burn the diary?

Eve: Sounds like you're accusing me of something here.

Jack: It sounds like you're not telling me the truth.

Eve: What are you talking about? I supported you on this. You said you wanted the serum, I supported you. I even injected you with that stuff, for god's sake.

Jack: Then why would you burn the diary?

Eve: I don't know why I would do it! You know, it's just I'm sick and tired of it--that stinky old thing hanging around here, that's all! I should have burned it eight months ago.

Jack: Eight months ago?

Eve: Yeah, I mean, that's all anybody ever talks about--it's all anybody's talking about now, jack! God, why can't you just forget about this? It's not important!

Jack: Eight months ago. Eight months ago was november. That's when that diary mysteriously disappeared from the hospital, wasn't it? Oh, my god, it wasn't xander who stole the diary, was it? No. It was you.

[Dramatic music]

I wanted more from

Brady: Look, I know that you've been through hell... but I can't believe that you just made a suggestion that kristen and I were--were meant to be. Did you just say that?

Kristen as nicole: It's just... the way you talk about her. Sounds like there's still a place for her in your heart.

Brady: [Laughing] Are you kidding? Are you kidding me? Do you know what she's put me through? You remember the things that she did?

Kristen as nicole: Okay. I'm sorry. So... what were you getting at when you were talking about revenge?

Brady: [Stammers] Yeah, um, nic, [Stammers] I just wanna say this, that it seems that this idea of getting revenge against stefan and pushing him out of dimera, it feels very personal.

Kristen as nicole: Well... chloe and holly were living at that house because stefan said he would protect them, and then holly was kidnapped from that house.

Brady: And now stefan's been charged with kidnapping ted and kate, but he's claiming he was set up. Nicole, did you have something to do with that?

Kristen as nicole: Now, where would you get a crazy idea like that?

Brady: Gabi hernandez.

Abe: I got your message. What's going on?

Gabi: Stefan's being railroaded.

Stefan: These charges against me are ridiculous.

Gabi: And now the board's suspended him until things settle down. We need to convince them to reinstate stefan, and that means damage control. And you, as cco, we need you to issue a press release saying that stefan is innocent until proven guilty and that he's never been convicted of a crime.

Stefan: And the state's case rests almost entirely on the testimony of xander cook.

Gabi: A career criminal.

Stefan: Not to mention a kiriakis.

Gabi: Who just got this amazing job at titan industries.

Abe: God knows why.

Stefan: So dimera's chief rival is trying to frame me for a crime I didn't commit. If we go public with the facts, we might be able to convince enough of the members of the board that my suspension should be lifted.

Abe: Well, you make a lot of sense. I see no problem in putting out that statement.

Gabi: Great. Thank you very much.

Abe: But first, we have some old business to discuss.

Haley: You're really, really sweet to try and help me, but... honestly, I don't know how much good a mild sedative will do. I mean, I'M... I can't sleep, I-I'm seeing things that aren't even there.

Tripp: I still think you should talk to dr. Evans. If you do have post-traumatic stress disorder, she can at least diagnose it and treat it. I mean, don't--don't you want to feel better?

Haley: More than anything. I'll think about it, okay?

Tripp: Okay. Well,'ll think more clearly if you get some sleep, all right?

[Pills rattling] Here.

Haley: Sleep would be so amazing right now.

Jennifer: Jack would be a fool to throw away the chance to be a real father to you and abigail.

Jj: Is that all you have to say?

Jennifer: That's all I have time to say. I told you, I have a date.

Jj: Mom, you know how much i want you to be happy. Do you think it's a good idea to start something new when dad might get his memory back?

[Phone rings]

Jennifer: It's henry.


Jj: Catch you later.

Jennifer: Okay.


[Beep] Hi. Am I late?

Henry: No, I got to the restaurant early. Will you be here soon?

Eve: I did it.

[Softly] I stole the diary.

Jack: Y-you... you've had it all along.

Eve: No, I did not. Xander took it from me.

Jack: You kept all this to yourself.

[Sighs] Because... you had a vested interest in keeping me from remembering my past. So much for you and me against the world, huh?

Eve: Jack--

Jack: So much for... the two of us being... two of a kind. Ready to do whatever it took to get what we want. But when it comes to... being honest, having each other's backs, that was just talk, because you were conning me the whole time.

Eve: No, no, no, sweetheart-- I meant every word of that.

Jack: You brought me back to salem--you talked me into running for mayor, you married me, for god's sake, out of the blue, and all of it was part of this crusade...

Eve: No!

Jack: Just to hurt jennifer. You used me! You used me to get to jennifer. You didn't give a damn what that did to me!

Eve: Jack, wait, wait, no, no, no, no!

Jack: Gah--

Eve: Please, please, please, please. Please don't leave.

Jack: You--

Eve: Wait, jack, just let me say what I need to say, all right? Yes, I detest your ex-wife! I'll admit it! But, my god, I didn't do those things because I hate her. Sweetheart, I did 'em because i love... I love you.

[Intense music]

You try hard,

Abe: As I told you before, I took this job for one reason-- to look out for nicole. Now, as I understand it, you've requested her resignation. She hasn't written the letter.

Stefan: You're correct.

Abe: You still intend to press charges against her?

Gabi: Of course he does. A-are you kidding me? She lost it when he had to fire her. It was kind of like she was trying to kill him!

Stefan: Abe, I appreciate your concern for nicole, I do, and I understand that she was grieving. I also know that she was not herself when she came after me.

Kristen as nicole: Why in the hell would you believe anything gabriella hernandez says? She is nothing but an ambitious little slut who would do or say anything to keep stefan and that job.

Brady: I know this, but she did tell me--

Kristen as nicole: Okay, if i wanted to get even with people for what happened to holly, i would go after eric and chloe.

Brady: You just said that stefan promised to protect holly and he didn't, so--

Kristen as nicole: Okay, you know what, I have done some crazy things in my life... but kidnapping ted and kate? All by myself. Hiding them in some tunnels, hoping that they would be found and then blaming stefan for it? That's not just crazy--that's stupid! Could you at least give me some credit for having some brains?

[Intense music]

Jennifer: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

Henry: I'm sorry I called. I admit I was eager to see you. I hope I didn't seem pushy.

Jennifer: No, we both know this is more than you just being eager. I mean, you have very good reason to believe that I was gonna bail on this whole thing. Considering the last two times we had dinner...they were crashed by my exes. That's not gonna happen this time.

Henry: Look, I'm not asking you to make any promises, nor am I making any to you. I just want us to get to know each other better. I wanna see where it goes.

Jennifer: Yeah. That's really what I want, too. Thank you again for being so gracious about all of this.

Henry: So... maybe the third time really is a charm.

Eve: I didn't give a damn about you when I first worked out my plan to get you away from xander. I'll admit that. All I cared about was showing up here in salem, waltzing in with you on my arm and rubbing it in jennifer's nose. I rehearsed it over and over again in my mind.

Jack: So you admit it. You used me.

Eve: At first I did, absolutely.

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Eve: Jack, but-- but know, I came up with the idea that you could be mayor, and we started working together, and oh, my god! You changed, and I thought, you know what? I realized that I could actually... I could be good for this man. I could even be better than jennifer was because I saw how she talked about "your great love," how she treated you. She talked about you like you were nothing, like you weren't good enough, you weren't man enough. I saw the way that she treated you, jack--she broke your heart over and over again, and i hated how she treated you. So, yeah... I just don't-- I don't want you to remember how she treated you. So, yeah, I took the diary. I did all of it. I did it. Not because I hated jennifer. Because I wanted to protect you from jennifer. Because I had fallen in love with you--and I mean that. I had fallen... I'd fallen in love with you.

[Soft music]

Gabi: You're taking nicole's side?

Stefan: Let me just say one thing. I don't think nicole should be getting away with doing violent, hurtful things to people because she's grieving.

Abe: Okay, I hear you.

Stefan: Nor do I think that a public fight with her right now is very good for my image. So I've decided to deal with my issues with nicole after the current crisis has passed. Hopefully, we can resolve it amicably.

Abe: Well, I guess that's all I can hope for. I will get out the press release as soon as I can.

Stefan: Thank you, abe.

Gabi: I know you don't believe my theory that nicole's behind all these phony charges, but if you're telling yourself she's not a threat, you're making a big mistake.

Stefan: I'm not telling myself that at all. Nicole's made it very clear she wants me out of the way.

Kristen as nicole: Ughh!

Brady: Nicole, I admit that if you want to hurt stefan, there'S...many more direct ways of doing that than kidnapping kate and ted.

Kristen as nicole: Like my plan to push him out at dimera and take over.

Brady: Still doesn't change the fact that you have to be a dimera to be the ceo of the company. So unless you plan on having stefan adopt you before you boot him out, then...

Kristen as nicole: Okay. I wasn't serious about the adoption thing.

Brady: Mm.

Kristen as nicole: I was just trying to make a point that there are other ways to become a dimera.

Brady: Wow. Like what?

Kristen as nicole: Well, if adoption is off the table, there's always marriage.

Henry: Does your daughter like living in paris?

Jennifer: Oh, yes, yes, the whole family does, actually.

Henry: Mm-hmm. So I, uh, assume you'll be traveling there from time to time.

Jennifer: Yeah. I mean, it's been difficult to make time to do that right now, but they'll come here from time to time. They have an infant, so it's hard to travel.

Henry: Yeah. I'm sure. My favorite city...

Jennifer: Mm!

Henry: Paris.

Jennifer: Yes, me too! Especially now that I have family there. Abigail's oldest, thomas, he's so sweet. He's learning to speak french. And abigail said the other day she asked him if he wanted ice cream and he said, "mais oui, mama."

[Both chuckle]

Henry: You must miss them very much.

Jennifer: Yeah, I-I do. I with my family more than I can say.

Jack: Wasted a lot of time. I don't want to waste any more.

[Emotional music]

Jennifer: Is something wrong?

Henry: I asked you three times if you were ready to order. You didn't even know I was here.

Jennifer: Henry, I'm so sorry.

Henry: It's obvious you're distracted. And I'm guessing it's jack you're thinking about.

Eve: [Quietly] Jack. I just told you I loved you. Would you please say something?

Jack: When you gave me the drug...

Eve: Mm-hmm.

Jack: You told me about paige's tragic death and what her memory means to you. And then you said you wanted to give me the gift of remembering my own children.

Eve: Yes, and I meant that.

Jack: You had to say it.

Eve: I've always supported you on that--

Jack: You had to say it. You knew I was gonna take the drug whether you liked it or not--you had to say it. You say you love me.

Eve: I do love you--

Jack: You don't know the meaning of love--you don't know what love is! The daughter that you supposedly love so dearly--

Eve: I do love her! God, jack, how can you say that?

Jack: You have told me about her murder over and over again, and I'm telling you right now, I've realized that there's a rehearsed quality to it.

Eve: What?

Jack: You rehearsed it! You have used her as a sob story to get what you want!

Eve: No, jack, that is not true!

Jack: To get what you want when you're in trouble! Yes! Yes! She probably got used the same way when she was alive. She probably never felt loved by you, not once--

Eve: Oh, you're a son of a bitch--

Jack: She never did!

Eve: Stop it!

Jack: It's over, eve. It is over. I'm going to divorce you.

Eve: No, jack, come on--

Jack: Yeah, and if there's a god in heaven, he'll let me forget that I ever knew you.

Eve: No, don't say that--

Jack: You stopped me!

Eve: No, jack, come on!

Jack: You stole the diary to keep me from getting my memory back, to try to control me. Well, that is over now, because I'm gonna take that drug and take it and take it till I get my memory back for myself. And like you said, there's more than enough of it. So you and the diary can just burn in hell for all I care.

Eve: You know what, you just go--go, go, because I'm--

Jack: Yeah, I'm gonna go!

Eve: No, no, no! There's no chance that you're ever gonna remember that sad little life that you had before I made you.

Jack: That is not true.

Eve: Oh, yeah? It's not true? That syringe was full of sugar water, jack. Sugar. Water. I know because I switched it out myself. (Avo) do you push through migraine?

Haley: Oh... oh, sorry, I...fell asleep so fast, I totally zoned out on you.

Tripp: No, it's--it's fine. It's fine, um, I'll...I'll help you get to bed. Come on.

Haley: Yeah. One sec.

Tripp: Come on.

Haley: Wait a minute--I'm not--I'm not gonna go in that room, I-I can'T.

Tripp: Okay. Look, I told you before, all right? You can use mine. I'll get you settled up there and then stay until you go to sleep, okay?

Haley: You're the best.

Tripp: Come on.

[Door clicks]

Jennifer: Henry, I feel terrible.

Henry: It's all right.

Jennifer: No, it's not all right. I ran into my son jj on the way here, and he told me that jack changed his mind and that he wants to take that serum that will help him get his memory back.

Henry: So there's a chance he'll remember you and your life together.

Jennifer: Yeah. But...we didn't have a life together before jack had his accident. So th-that's why I'm good, I'm moving on. I-I am.

Henry: I'm sorry, jennifer, but I have to think of my own feelings. And frankly, I don't wanna get hurt again. I hope you can understand that.

Jennifer: Of course I can.

Henry: So I hope you won't mind if I cut this short.

Jennifer: Henry, I did this to you again, and I'm so sorry.

Henry: I hope jack remembers you... and makes you as happy as you deserve to be.

[Soft dinner music plays]

Jack: You're lying again.

Eve: You know I'm not.

Jack: You are lying. What are you gonna tell me? You poured it down the sink. You flushed it down the toilet!

Eve: No, no, jack.

Jack: Oh, yeah.

Eve: No, I didn'T.

Jack: Oh, yes, you--

Eve: Because it's right...

[Dramatic musical sting]


Brady: Stefan just fired you. I don't think you have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing that guy to marry you.

Kristen as nicole: [Laughs] Who said it had to be stefan?

Brady: What--another dimera? Who? Wait, let me guess, uh... ej?

[Laughing] You know sami's not gonna let you within 10 feet of him. And word on the street is he is not in very good shape.

Kristen as nicole: Right.

Brady: Right. And chad--chad is happily married to abigail. Stefano--no one has heard from him or seen him in ages. And...[Laughs] Tony and andre? They're both dead. So unless you plan on resurrecting them...

Kristen as nicole: Okay.

Brady: I don't think so.

Kristen as nicole: Okay. I get it. But I am not giving up. I will find a way around it for you. I have a foothold at dimera now, and I'm gonna use it to get you everything you want.

Brady: That's sweet of you. But don't go destroying dimera on my account, nicole, 'cause i have a feeling it'll probably implode all on its own.

Kristen as nicole: Well, since it's already in the cards, I'm sure you won't mind me helping it along.

[Softly] Excuse me.

[Lightly suspenseful music]

Abe: I just released the statement.

Stefan: Oh, good, maybe shin has seen it. I'm gonna call--

[Phone rings] That's him.



[Ahem] Mr. Shin, I was just about to ca-- oh, good, so you've seen the press release-- I don't understand. Maybe you didn't see all the weaknesses in the case agai-- I see.

[Beep] Press release didn't work. The support for my suspension has been consolidated. If we don't come up with something fast, they will terminate me.

Abe: Well, I don't believe another press release is going to do it.

Gabi: I don't want another press release, abe. I want you to marry us.

[Intense music]

-And...that's your basic three-point turn.

Jj: Hey, guys. Haley, you okay?

Haley: Hi, baby. I was just taking a nap on the couch and...I'm just about to go to the bedroom to take a nap.

Jj: Yeah?

Haley: Mm-hmm.

Jj: A nap sounds good to me right now too. Mm-hmm.

Tripp: Yeah, you two have a good snooze. I'm gonna go get these groceries.

Jj: All right.

Julie: Where's dr. Shaw?

Jennifer: Uh, he left.

Julie: He left? Why?

Jennifer: Because he doesn't wanna get hurt again.

Julie: And why does he think he would?

Jennifer: It's okay, really. I-I completely understand. I told him that jack was gonna take the serum.

Julie: The serum? That means--

Jennifer: That means that jack could be remembering everything right now.

Eve: No, jack, stay away! One step closer, and I swear to god, I will smash every one of these vials.

Jack: I can't believe you--

Eve: Watch me! Watch me.

Jack: [Emotionally] Eve... please. That's the only chance I have to remember my kids.

Eve: And jennifer.

Jack: They were my family!

Eve: You know what? You smashed what was left of my future. Now I'm gonna smash your past.

[Dark music]

Stefan: Have you lost your mind?

Gabi: No. I'm thinking very clearly. If we're gonna save this company, then I need to become mrs. Stefan dimera.

[Mysterious music]

[Eerie whispery chords]

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