Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/25/19
Episode #13577 ~ Stefan and Gabi strategize on how to deal with Nicole. Jack shares surprising news with JJ. Eve takes drastic measures to stop Jack from regaining his memory. "Nicole" shares her plans for DiMera with Brady.
Provided By Suzanne
[Somber music]
[Knock on door]
Eve: Ah... what are you doing here?
Xander: Just came to see if everything went as planned.
Eve: Well, you shouldn't be here.
Xander: Relax! I did my part and switched the vials. So tell me... did your husband take the fake seruyet?
Eve: Your part in this is over, so buh-bye.
Xander: You did, didn't you?
Eve: Xander!
Xander: You did it, didn't you? You really pulled a fast one on old jack.
Jack: Oh, jennifer, I am so glad that I ran into you.
Jennifer: No, excuse me. I really have some important errands to run.
Jack: Stop! I'm--please, I, um--there's something I want to tell you, and it's really important.
Jennifer: Well, what do you wanna tell me--you wanna tell me again that I'm a self-righteous blowhard? Is that it?
Jack: No.
Jennifer: Then what? What do you wanna tell me that is so important?
Jack: I've just been thinking about that serum-- the risks, the unknowns, the drawbacks.
Eve: Well, sounds to me like you're not gonna take it.
Jack: On the contrary. I wanna remember my past. What I want to tell you is--
Jennifer: No, wait. Before you say anything, there's something that I have to tell you first.
Haley: [Sighs] Oh, please just let me get some sleep tonight.
[Loud clomping footsteps]
Claire: If you think for a split second that I'm gonna let you sleep in my boyfriend's bed, you are crazier than I am.
Haley: Get away from me.
Claire: Oh, they're gonna lock you up at bayview, haley, right next to me. And then I'm gonna finish you off.
Haley: No, you won't!
[Intense music]
Jj: Haley, what's wrong?
Haley: Jj, hi, hi. I was, uh, just--I was just about to go out.
Jj: Barefoot, in your jammies?
Haley: Yeah, you know, I just wanted to catch up on the news and grab a paper from the lobby.
Jj: You read the news on your tablet every morning. You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Kayla: Hey, you!
Tripp: Hey.
Kayla: What are you doing here?
Tripp: I'm just waiting for a prescription that dr. Shaw called in for me.
Kayla: Are you sick?
Tripp: Before we jump to any conclusions, we should probably take you to the hospital and get you a real diagnosis--
Haley: No, no, no, jj's working there today, and he can't know about this. He can't know anything about this.
Tripp: W-why not, huh?
Haley: Well, because he's already done too much for me, and I don't want him to worry. That's the last thing I need right now. I can't tell him, okay?
Tripp: Okay, well...well, you need to talk to someone, all right? Maybe kayla--maybe she can write you a prescription for a mild sedative--
Haley: Kayla. After my suicide attempt? Do you know how many red flags that'll raise?
Tripp: Uh, no, no, I'm good. Uh, just...ever since the fire at the cabin, I've been kinda stressed, not sleeping very well. I just asked dr. Shaw for a mild sedative.
Kayla: Why wouldn't you ask me?
Stefan: [Exhales]
Gabi: What the hell's wrong with you?
Kristen as nicole: Perfect, if I do say so myself. No thanks to that jackass xander. But at least I got my mask back. Which means nicole is back. And so is my plan.
[Click] Brady called, and that's a good sign. Mm. Ready or not, brady... here I come.
[Doorbell rings] Hi.
Brady: Hey.
Kirsten as nicole: I got your call. You wanted to see me?
Brady: We need to talk... about your mask.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jack: Okay, please, say what's on your mind.
Jennifer: Why are you looking at me like that?
Jack: Like what?
Jennifer: Like that. Never mind, jack. I just wanted to tell you that I came from the hospital.
Jack: Are you okay?
Jennifer: Yes, I'm okay! Don't I look okay?
Jack: You look...fine.
Jennifer: Because I am fine. In fact, I'm better than fine.
Jack: Except you came from the hospital.
Jennifer: Right, because i made a date.
Jack: For what?
Jennifer: I made a date. A date date.
Jack: Oh, a date date.
Jennifer: Yes.
Jack: Really?
Jennifer: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Great!
Jennifer: Yep. I'm tearing a page out of your book, jack. I'm moving on, and I'm not looking back.
Eve: We have nothing to talk about. Xander!
Xander: Oh, but we do.
Eve: [Huffs]
Xander: I have to say, last night... all that...desperation? Very sexy.
Eve: Good. You're here.
Xander: You don't look very happy to see me.
Eve: Look, jack has decided to take the serum, and there was nothing that I could do to stop him.
Xander: Hmm. That's a pity. I guess. What's it got to do with me?
Eve: Everything, xander. You're a free man, thanks to me, because I jumped through hoops to get the assistant D.A. To give you full immunity.
Xander: And I thanked you for that.
Eve: And you know what? You're gonna thank me a little bit more.
Xander: Oh... well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I have plans.
Eve: You know what? I have plans too. I want you to break into the lab, switch out the serum for a placebo.
Xander: We're even. Your words, as I recall, so you're gonna have to find someone else.
Eve: I can unjump through those hoops just like that and land you in a cell. Is that what you'd like? No, I don't think so. You do this... and then we really will be even.
Xander: For you.
Eve: What is it?
Xander: Something I think you'll like. The real serum. I thought you might want to hold on to it in case you had a change of heart.
[Dramatic music]
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Tripp: I-I didn't wanna worry you--I just thought it'd be easier to go through dr. Shaw.
Kayla: But I'm your stepmom, and worrying is part of my job. A job that I love, by the way. You wanna maybe just tell me what's going on with you?
Tripp: I said, I haven't been sleeping that well. I keep having dreams about the fire, claire, crazy dreams, and...I was afraid to fall asleep. Ha. And there's my guilt.
Kayla: Guilt? About what?
Tripp: I'M...part of the reason claire spun out of control. I mean, my fake marriage to haley is what caused her to snap.
Kayla: Tripp, you cannot take that on yourself. There were so many contributing factors to claire's mental illness.
Tripp: [Sighs] Yeah. Have you heard how she's doing at bayview?
Kayla: She seems to be settling in. I know that she's determined to get better.
Tripp: Glad to hear that.
Kayla: What about haley? Have you seen her? How's she doing?
Tripp: Uh, yeah, she actually moved back in the loft.
Kayla: She did?
Tripp: Mm-hmm.
Kayla: I thought that your marriage was annulled.
Tripp: It was, it was. Uh, she's with jj now. They both moved into claire's old room.
Kayla: You think that's a good idea?
Haley: Ghosts? Uh, no. No ghosts, um... I must look like one, though. I didn't really sleep that well last night.
Jj: I think you look as beautiful as ever. were tossing and turning. You sure everything is okay?
Haley: Huh? Yeah, no, I just--new place, new sounds, you know? So, um... how was your shift?
Jj: It's over. Ha. So how 'bout I, uh... make you some breakfast?
Haley: You're so sweet. But I just, uh, I'm not really hungry right now.
Jj: Okay. Then, uh...why don't you, uh... just go back to our room, get some rest.
[Dramatic musical sting]
Haley: No. No, I can't!
Jack: So who's the lucky guy? Did you meet online, you swipe left or right or whatever you do?
Jennifer: No, jack. He's a doctor. His name is henry shaw. He was my date at the new years eve party when you came back from the dead and turned my life completely upside down, which was really fine before you showed up.
Jack: Henry shaw--I remember. Nice name, nice fella.
Jennifer: Very nice fellow. He's very kind, he's very honest, he's very smart.
Jack: Whole package--really? A triple threat? You picking up where you left off?
Jennifer: Why wouldn't I? I mean, you refused to take the serum. You don't really care about who you were or the family that you had, and I'm tired of convincing you. So you can just stay in wedded misery with eve, and I'm gonna move on with my life--a life that was very fulfilling until--
Jack: Until I came along in town. You already said that.
Jennifer: Right. But it's all true. So...what is it you wanted to tell me?
Stefan: Ahh. Join me?
Gabi: You know what time it is?
Stefan: It's whisky o'clock. It's been a tough day.
Gabi: Yeah, well, at least you're not in jail, so...
Stefan: A little thing called bail, remember?
Gabi: I know, I was at the police station. I offered you a ride, but instead you wanted to go harass kate.
Stefan: I told you that's where I was going--to get the truth out of her; you didn't have a problem with it at the time.
Gabi: You almost got your bail revoked.
Stefan: You heard about that?
Gabi: Yep. That's what happens when your brother works for the P.D. Please tell me that kate copped to something.
Stefan: Nothing. She seemed scared, and I called her out on it, but... I don't know. Right when I thought she was gonna talk, she denied everything.
Gabi: She's never gonna admit to lying about you, and neither is ted laurent. We need a new plan.
Stefan: My favorite part about that sentence... "we." As in you and me. Feels good that someone finally has my back.
Gabi: Yeah, well, your back is gonna be behind bars if we don't get the truth, 'k? So let's skip the annoying, lying jerks in the middle and go straight for the jugular of the person that's behind this all.
Kristen as nicole: I don't understand what you mean. What mask?
Brady: The lucha libre mask.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, that.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Kristen as nicole: Well... word gets around.
Brady: Yes, it does. Ran into gabi. Nicole, she said you answered the door wearing this mexican wrestling mask, um... I don't know why you would do something like that. What's going on?
Kristen as nicole: Well, you know, maybe poor, sweet little gabriella hernandez shouldn't be pounding on people's doors screaming and shouting and harassing them.
Brady: Well, she was slightly offended by the whole thing, but I don't want to talk about gabi. I want to talk about you. I'M... I--I'm concerned, nic. I mean, your behavior, it's completely unhinged. It's not like you. I'm a little worried. Why would you answer the door like that, nic? I didn't have to shout out for help.
Gabi: The only thing that makes sense is that nicole knew ted and kate were locked in the dungeon because she put them there.
Stefan: You keep saying that, but how did she get them to lie and accuse me? Either she has something on them, or--
Gabi: She's making it worth their while--is this single malt?
Stefan: Course.
Gabi: Yeah. It's not that they need much motivation, but...okay, kate resents you for firing her, and she's worried that you're gonna come after her for shooting vivian. And ted, you kidnapped him and you stashed him on a remote island.
Stefan: And I did that at kate's request, if you remember.
Gabi: I get it. The point is, they have motivation to lie.
Stefan: I understand, but something doesn't add up.
Kristen as nicole: Stefan tried to fire me. Gabi was cheering him on, and i held it together until I got back to my room, and... brady, I've just been so emotional lately, since... losing holly, and--
Brady: O-of course. I understand that, nicole.
Kristen as nicole: I was just having a good, old-fashioned cry. And then all of a sudden, that witch started pounding on my door and demanding that I open it. But I was all puffy and red-eyed, and I-I just-- I didn't want her to see me like that. I didn'T...want her to see that she had won. So I saw the mask, and I put it on...and opened the door hoping that I'd scare her away.
Brady: It definitely worked.
Kristen as nicole: Brady, i know it wasn't the smart thing to do or the sane thing to do, but... I did it, and I-I-- I hope you can understand.
Brady: I-I-I guess so. The real question is where did you get the mask in the first place?
Kristen as nicole: It came from xander.
Eve: I guarantee you I'm not gonna change my mind about this real serum here, so you can take this package and you can get the hell outta here, okay? And consider this association permanently over.
Xander: That's a rather rash decision, given what a great team we are-- my batman to your commissioner gordon.
Eve: Why don't you crawl back into that batcave you came out of? Because the only person that this commissioner cares about right now is her husband, the mayor.
Xander: Who will never remember anything because of yours truly and some excellent sugar water.
Eve: Well, I hope that after jack tries a couple of doses of the fake serum and he realizes that it's not working, he'll stop trying to get his memory back. And then we can go back to living happily ever after once and for all.
Jack: Just right--well-- right this... right--there you go. I...I want you to know that I have been thinking a lot about what you said the other day.
Jennifer: I said a lot of things, and you didn't like any of them, jack.
Jack: You're convinced that when I lost my memory, I lost my--
Jennifer: Compassion, scruples, basic humanity?
Jack: That about covers it. Which is why I've decided...
Jennifer: Decided what, jack? I have a date that I'm going on. I have a date.
Jack: I decided to--to-- I decided to restore your press credentials.
Jennifer: That is almost decent of you, jack.
Jack: I'm not the monster you make me out to be. I do care about you and our children.
Jennifer: I really wish i could believe that.
Jack: You know, I may not know or remember you or jj--
Jennifer: Oh, stop, stop! You have had every opportunity to remember, and you won't take it, so have a good life, jack.
Jack: Have a good date!
Jennifer: I will!
Tripp: But, you know, when i heard jj and haley needed a place to stay, I thought it was perfect, you know, since ciara and I need to cover the rent now that claire's gone.
Kayla: You know, I understand that it might make sense financially, you think it's really a good idea for you and haley to be living together in such close quarters?
Tripp: What do you mean?
Kayla: I just, you know, before you with you and claire and ciara and theo--it just, you know, it kinda got complicated.
Tripp: Mm-hmm.
Kayla: And if there's any feelings whatsoever between you and haley, it could get complicated again.
Tripp: Look, all right, haley might be my ex-wife, but...
Kayla: Yeah...
Tripp: The marriage was fake, okay? We're friends, that's it. She's with jj now, and I'm happy for them.
[Beep beep] Oh, my prescription's ready at the pharmacy.
Kayla: Uh, listen, uh, tripp. Let me know how that medication works, okay, and, uh... I mean, if it doesn't work, make sure you talk to somebody. Or me, maybe.
Tripp: It's all good, okay? I love you.
Kayla: I love you too.
Jj: What do you mean, you can't? What's going on?
[Tense music]
Haley: [Groans/sighs] How can I sleep if you haven't even eaten? Saving all those lives--you must be so starving.
Jj: Well, I--I've got errands to run. I was gonna grab something while I was out.
Haley: What kind of girlfriend would I be if I-- if I can't make my man an amazing breakfast? Um, let's see, uh... what about some fabulous, fancy, totally gourmet cereal and milk?
Jj: Just like I like it. But I like you... a little better.
[Knocking on door]
Haley: I got it. I got it.
Jack: Oh, hi, uh... hi, um...
Jj: Her name is haley, dad.
Jack: Uh, right. Uh, haley, haley, hi. It's,'s nice to see you.
Jj: How did you know I was here?
Jack: Your mother. Your mother told me what happened.
Jj: That a racist jack deveraux supporter threw us out of my apartment? Thank you. Is there anything else?
Jack: Um... yes, actually. I would like to talk to you alone, if... if you don't mind, uh, haley.
Jj: Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it in front of my girlfriend.
Jack: Right. Uh, well, this is it, um...wanted you to know that I had the serum made up, and I took the first dose.
Jj: You're lying.
Gabi: What doesn't add up?
Stefan: Nicole's motive. It's thin.
Gabi: No, I get it, it's about holly. She's upset that because of you, the cartel was able to get to her little girl.
Stefan: Right, but she also blames eric and chloe and even maggie. She has insulted them, screamed at them, but she's not trying to destroy their lives.
Gabi: All right, let's look at this a different way. She wants you out of the picture--why? What does getting you out of the way accomplish? Dimera.
Stefan: Oh, please, she couldn't even handle a couple of days running basic black.
Gabi: Well, I never said she was competent--I said she's ambitious, okay? The point is, she's run major corporations. Maybe she sees eliminating you as a major opportunity to move up in dimera.
Stefan: You have a good point, which means I need to do what I started doing before i was arrested and fire her ass.
Gabi: I'm not sure that's a good idea.
Brady: Xander gave you the lucha libre mask. W-when? Or more importantly, uh, why?
Kristen as nicole: Xander came by my hotel room a while ago... begging for me to take him back. The mask...was a gift.
Brady: That's an extremely weird gift.
Kristen as nicole: Yeah, well, xander is an extremely weird guy. He is also a huge mexican wrestling fan.
Brady: W--
Kristen as nicole: He forced me to watch it with him when we were in nashville. He even wore the mask.
Brady: O-okay. That's too much information. I don't need to know that.
Kristen as nicole: Just thinking about it... I wasn't his wife. I was his prisoner. I mean, that's why I was pretending to enjoy it, but really, I was in agony. I had to!
Brady: I know--you were in that situation because of me.
Kristen as nicole: No.
Brady: And I am always going to be sorry for that.
Kristen as nicole: No, brady, I am free because of you. I owe you everything.
Brady: No, you don't--you don't owe me anything. Not a thing, especially because of what you had to go through.
Kristen as nicole: I do. And I know exactly how I'm going to repay you.
Brady: We've talked about this.
Kristen as nicole: I know. I understand. You don't wanna hurt eric. I get it. So...maybe I can show you another way how grateful I am by helping you... by helping you take over dimera. I've always been excited for what's next.
Jennifer: Yeah, I'd like to make a reservation, uh, for two at 7:00? Yeah, thanks, julie. Bye-bye. Hey!
Kayla: Hey! Table for two? Sounds like a date.
Jennifer: Yeah, it is.
Kayla: Dare I ask? Is it with jack?
Jennifer: No. Dr. Shaw!
Kayla: Oh.
Jennifer: Yeah. I realized that I have wasted a lot of time waiting for my ex-husband to have this epiphany that is never going to happen, so I'm free. Because jack has decided that he is never going to take that serum.
Jack: I'm not lying. I took my first dose of the serum this morning.
Jj: Mom told me you decided not to take it.
Jack: I changed my mind.
Jj: Why?
Jack: I wanna remember my family, jj... my life. I thought maybe--maybe seeing you would trigger something.
Jj: So you really did it?
Jack: I did it.
Jj: You know what happened to will. Isn't it risky for you to take that stuff?
Jack: Well, I made up the antidote, so I'm ready at the first sign of trouble.
Jj: That's no guarantee.
Jack: Doesn't matter. Remembering my life, my family-- that's worth the risk.
Jj: What about your new family?
Jack: Well... eve has been incredibly supportive. She was actually the one who administered the serum.
Jj: Even though you with your memory is the last thing eve wants.
Jack: You may think what you want about eve, jj, but, uh, she buried her daughter. Memories are all she has, and she would never deny me the chance to look in my son's eyes and remember the first time i held him.
Jj: Do you feel the same way about remembering mom?
Xander: Eve donovan... dreaming of hearts and flowers and picket fences. Must be love.
Eve: It's eve deveraux, and, yes, it's love, xander. Jack is the best thing that ever happened to me. That's why there's no way in hell I want him to get ahold of some serum that's gonna possibly give him his memories back of that dried up old twig jennifer and have it seep right down into his brain.
Xander: Come on. You're sexy as hell. Bit of a handful, but jack seems to enjoy that. Do you really think if he recovered his memory, he'd dump you and go running back to a mouse like jennifer?
Eve: That mouse, with all those memories she whines on and on about, gives her too much power over jack, and I can't risk that. So the last thing I want is for jack to get his hands on the serum or rolf's diary ever again.
Xander: I wish there was a serum I could give sarah horton so she'd forget about rex. But it's too late now. They're already married. There's not much I can do short of kidnapping.
Eve: Uh, okay, all right, you know what--that's it. Get outta here! Get outta here, and you stay out of trouble, all right? And listen to me. You've gotten your last "get out of jail card" from me-- the last one, xander.
Xander: We'll see.
Eve: [Scoffs] This is hal.
Stefan: Of course firing nicole was a good idea. And if I hadn't listened to abe's kinder, gentler plan of letting her resign, she'd already be gone.
Gabi: Wait a second--
Stefan: No, no, no, I've got to get this crazy woman out of dimera before she buries me.
Gabi: What's the old man always say--oh, yeah. "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer."
Stefan: I can guarantee you he wasn't dealing with a woman who wanted his head.
Gabi: I'm just saying we give nicole a little space, okay? She's bound to slip up. She's really not that smart. So we nail her, expose her, and clear you.
Stefan: That's a good idea, but I can't have that parasite roaming the halls of dimera causing more damage.
[Phone beeps] Nicole walker's about to be eliminated.
[Line ringing]
Brady: You want us to take over dimera.
Kristen as nicole: Yeah. Why not? Stefan's on his way out. Andre's dead. Ej's in no condition to run anything, and chad doesn't want the job, so it's ours for the taking, brady. I'd still run basic black, despite stefan's efforts. So maybe I can just convince the board to let me run the entire company. At least for a little while. And then I can easily help you mount... a takeover. So... what do you say?
Brady: I say your plan has, big problem attached to it.
Kristen as nicole: Okay, whatever it is, I'll make it go away.
Brady: No, this--you can'T. The dimera corporate charter dictates that the ceo has to be family. are not a dimera.
[Intense music]
Jennifer: When I think of all the time that I have wasted pining away for the jack that i love to return, it makes me so angry, kayla.
Kayla: You know, I-I... I understand, I do. I just, you know, just hold out hope for you and jack. Just like I've been holding on to hope for me and steve. But listen, if it's not going to happen, I'm proud of you for taking care of yourself and doing what's best. And listen, hey, henry is a great place to start. He's a good guy. So go for it.
Jennifer: Yeah, that's exactly what I plan to do.
Jack: I ran into your mother. I didn't tell her I took the serum.
Jj: Why not?
Jack: She was going on a date. She was very excited. Not just about the date, but about the prospect of moving on from any hope about the two of us. I-- I didn't wanna confuse her, give her any sort of... false hope. So, if I could ask you and you, haley, please, could we--could we just keep this between us? I really, really--I don't want your mother to know that I took the serum.
Jj: We've got some things to do this morning. So there's nothing else? Hey, dad. Good luck.
[Emotional music]
Haley: You okay?
Jj: Yeah. I think that was my dad actually trying to do something right.
Haley: Want me to, uh, finish making you--finish making you breakfast?
Jj: No, it's okay. I'm gonna run those errands. And I want you...[Sniffles] To go to our bed and get some rest.
Haley: Jj's right, I just, um... just need some rest, and then everything will be just--just fine.
[Ominous chords]
Claire: Way to lie to jj and just pretend like everything is totally fine. Well, you know, you are totally stupid if you think that my boyfriend tripp can just make me go away with a couple of pills.
[Laughing] Oh, haley, I am not going anywhere. Humira patients, you inspire us.
Haley: You're not real. You're not real, you're not... you're not real, you're not real [Whispers] You're not real, you're not real.
[Eerie, off-key notes]
Oh, my god! Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god!
Tripp: Hey what's going on? What's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong?
Haley: I can'T...
Tripp: What's wrong?
Haley: I can'T...
Gabi: What happened?
Stefan: I've been suspended as ceo of dimera enterprises.
Gabi: They can't do that! How can they do that?
Stefan: According to my lawyer, it's because I'm allegedly under investigation for kidnapping kate and ted.
Gabi: Well, what does suspension mean, exactly?
Stefan: It means I'm a lame duck. That while I may retain the title of ceo, I have absolutely no power, so I cannot fire nicole.
Gabi: Oh, we need to find a way to expose her.
Stefan: Well, we better think of something fast, because from the sound of it, shin and the board are already looking for my replacement.
Brady: Now, I know you were a dimera when you were married to ej, but...that doesn't count. So, you know, kudos for your enthusiasm but, nicole, your plan is not gonna work.
Kristen as nicole: What if i told you I a dimera?
[Ominous music]
Jennifer: Hi, sweetie!
Jj: Hey.
Jennifer: Hey.
Jj: You--you look awfully happy.
Jennifer: Thank you. I am happy. It seems that moving on isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I have a date with dr. Shaw tonight.
Jj: Yeah, he's a great guy. But, uh...
Jennifer: But what?
Jj: Maybe you shouldn't go on that date.
Jennifer: Why not?
Eve: [Grunts] Ah...
[Intense percussive music]
Ashes to ashes... dust to dust.
[Intense music]
Jack: Eve, what the hell are you doing?
Eve: Uh--
[Intense, dramatic music]
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