Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 07/23/19
Episode #13575 ~ Ted gets questioned about his statements' inconsistencies; Stefan tries to get Kate to bargain; Xander and Kristen's association.
Provided By Suzanne
Eric: So what did kate say that upset you?
Sarah: Ugh, let's just say that she added insult to injury.
Eric: It must be pretty bad if it's bothering you that much.
Sarah: She implied that us three, you, me, and your brother, living together is... incestuous.
Rex: Well, leave it to my mom to call it like she sees it.
Sarah: Rex, I--I can explain.
Rex: No, there's no need to. I know exactly what's going on here. I just can't believe I didn't see it sooner.
[Dramatic sting]
Kate: [Gasps] I thought you were in jail.
Stefan: I made bail. And we both know I didn't deserve to be locked up. I didn't kidnap you and ted.
Kate: Okay, I don't have anything to say to you. Please go.
Stefan: I'm not going anywhere until you admit that you're lying.
[Tense music]
Ted: Kate, I just heard your message about detective price poking holes in our story.
[Sighs] I just need to know what you told, to make sure our statement will match. Please, kate, call me back.
[Phone beeps] Hi.
Xander: [Sighs] You are a lifesaver, mate.
Brady: No, hold on. Xander, if you want this back, you're gonna have to show me what's inside it.
Xander: I don't have to show you anything. I don't have anything to hide in my briefcase or anywhere else.
Brady: Oh, good for you. Then you shouldn't have a problem popping the lock.
[Dramatic music]
Susan: I'm sorry. I--I used to live-- oh. Oh, my god. You're me. But--how is this possible?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Suspenseful music]
Susan: This is-- this is just a vision. 'Cause--because there can't be two of us. I'm me. And you are not... real.
[Soft squeal] Oh, sweet lord in heaven, you are real.
[Shudders] Who are you? Why are you dressed like me? Okay, something is so wrong, and I can just feel it in my bones.
Kristen as susan: Calm down, okay? Now, I can explain.
Susan: This is wrong. This is all wrong.
[Stammers] Feeling bad!
Kristen as susan: Susan, now, stop! Now, pull yourself together, come on.
Susan: [Hyperventilating] Oh!
Kristen as susan: [Sighs]
Susan: [Groans]
Kristen as susan: I am sorry, I am. But you can't keep carrying on like this.
Susan: [Groans] I don't understand any of this!
[Exhales] Oh, wait a minute. I know exactly who you are. You are that mean, mean, mean kristen dimera. Oh...
Xander: And why would you believe a word gabi says? She works for--and is sleeping with our main rival.
Brady: Xander, gabi would've never swiped this briefcase from you if she wasn't sure that it contained evidence that would exonerate stefan.
Xander: If she was so damn sure, why didn't she open it herself?
Brady: Because her brother convinced her that whatever she found would be inadmissible in court because she obtained it illegally.
Xander: For such a terrible cop, rafe offered remarkably good advice.
[Dramatic sting] If you don't mind--
Brady: I do mind. Like you said, stefan's our biggest rival. So if you value your job, you're gonna open this briefcase, you're gonna show me what's inside it. It's time for you to show me that you're a true kiriakis.
Lani: Mr. Laurent. Did you get my messages?
Ted: Yes. Yes, I was--I was going to come by the station, so-- so we could talk in person.
Lani: Here's fine. I'd like to discuss the statement you gave about your kidnapping. Are you sure you didn't leave anything out?
Ted: Oh, very likely. I'm a lawyer. I pay close attention to details.
Lani: Mm, and you also know that hearsay is inadmissible in court.
Ted: Of course.
Lani: We need more than xander's word that stefan was behind your kidnapping.
Ted: Okay, well, I'm sorry, I don't know what else I can give you.
Lani: Kate provided some information she left out of her original statement. I need to corroborate it.
[Suspenseful music]
Kate: If you think you can strong-arm me into keeping silent about your crime, then you're greatly mistaken.
Stefan: No, you're the criminal here. You and ted made this whole thing up. And I'm gonna prove it.
Kate: Okay, that's it. I have had it. I'm gonna call the police.
Stefan: You're working with nicole. I don't know what your plan is, but you're not gonna get away with it.
Eric: Kate didn't mean it literally, it's just her way of pointing out two brothers living under the same roof is a little...
Rex: Yeah, yeah, yeah. My wife. I get it. I just didn't want to believe it was true, but all the signs were there, I just chose to ignore them.
Sarah: Rex, there's nothing going on between eric and me.
Eric: Yeah.
Rex: I know that.
[Soft chuckle] Why did you think you had to tell me that?
Rex: Why would you feel the need to reassure me that there's nothing going on with you and eric?
Sarah: It--just--it sounded to me like you believed your mother's implication that there is.
Rex: Yeah, it's kind of an odd thing to--to jump to.
[Soft chuckle]
Eric: Well, you said there were signs, like, signs of what?
Rex: That my mom was gonna start playing mind games with my wife. You know she can't help herself. She always gets in the middle of her kids' marriages.
Sarah: Well, you know what they say. A daughter is a daughter for life, but a son's a son until he takes a wife. So, okay, maybe kate is a little bit jealous. But I shouldn't have let it bother me so much.
Rex: Come here.
[Kisses] Do you have any idea how lucky I am to have a wife that is so understanding?
Xander: [Sighs]
[Soft sinister music]
Brady: What's this?
Xander: Intel on businesses dimera is considering acquiring. So obviously I didn't want gabi seeing what I had. I'm being proactive in my new job.
Brady: The question is why am I just seeing this now?
Xander: As opposed to when?
Brady: As opposed to when i threatened to fire you. Now, why would you try to argue the finer points of your contract and--and just crow on about your double-dealing with stefan when you could have just shown me this intel?
Susan: Everyone thinks you died in the fire. But you, you are alive as alive can be.
Kristen: Susan, I can explain, okay?
Susan: I am a smart cookie. You disguised yourself as me once before, so that you could slither your way through salem, so no one would know it was you. And you put me in a freezer! You locked up me there, and you took my place at dr. Marlena evans's wedding. And you tried to kill her. Oh... you're here to-- to finish the job, aren't you?
Kristen: I need you to listen to me.
Susan: I'm not afraid of you. I'm not. Okay, maybe just a little bit. But I will not let you hurt my best friend.
Kristen: Susan, I am not going to hurt your best friend.
Susan: You are darn right you're not!
Kristen: [Gasps]
[Dramatic music]
Kristen: All right. Susie, come on now. Put the gun down. If you pull the trigger, it will go off.
Susan: I know how to use a gun. I have my permit, and I have a very good aim. And I'm not mean like you. I just want you to go to jail so that you don't hurt anybody. Police! Police, help! Help! There's a dangerous woman and she dressed like me! Her real name's kristen dimera--
Kristen: Susan, I just--wait.
Susan: Help!
Kristen: Wait just a minute. I--I'm not--I'm not-- I'm not kristen. Come on. Don't you recognize me? Huh?
[Tense music]
Xander: I didn't show you the intel yet, because I hadn't quite finished vetting it. And I wanted to make sure I had before I handed it over. I'm a very thorough guy.
Brady: [Sighs] You're thorough, you're also a very secretive guy, which doesn't work well in our business relationship, xander. I can't have you running around, making-- making deals with stefan dimera that involve kidnapping.
Xander: This is the thanks I get for getting kate out of your hair.
Brady: And I told you, I can handle kate just fine on my own.
Xander: I did you a favor.
Brady: A favor that could've blown up in my face, xander, in case somebody suspected that I just wanted to get rid of the competition out there.
Xander: But no one does.
Brady: Here's the bottom line. You work for me. I can't have you out there going rogue whenever you want to.
Xander: Shall I take a blood oath? Swear on a stack of bibles?
Brady: No, no, that's-- that's not necessary. But I am gonna need to see what else is in that briefcase.
Rex: [Kisses] You making your famous corn chowder for dinner?
Sarah: No, it's for the bump on the back of my head where your mother whacked me with an ice bucket.
Rex: What? What, it's not enough she's insulting you, she's physically attacking you now?
Sarah: No, no, not-- not on purpose. I went to go check on her, and she thought I was somebody sent by stefan.
Rex: No, look, I'm gonna have a little chat with my mom and tell her to respect my wife and my marriage.
Eric: Well, it's clear that she's still on edge since the kidnapping.
Rex: Well, yeah, I'm gonna reiterate that to her. Excuse me.
Sarah: I already--
Rex: Look--can you just keep sarah company, please? Thanks.
[Soft dramatic music]
Ted: [Sighs] I don't-- I'm sorry, detective price, but I'm pretty sure I have already told you everything.
Lani: I thought so too. But when I followed up with kate, turns out she had more to say.
Ted: Well, as you know, when we gave our statements, we were in pretty bad shape. It's completely normal that that sometime we omit some minor details.
Lani: This is a very significant detail.
Ted: I see. Is it possible for me to review my statements? We should go to the police station right now, it's okay.
Lani: Actually, I have a copy of it right here.
[Suspenseful music]
Kate: You can make all the threats you want, but you're going down.
Stefan: [Soft chuckle] I know you despise me, kate. You've made that very clear. You have for months. But why now? Why come after me now? Does nicole have something on you?
Kate: Oh, please.
Stefan: All right, so it's not blackmail, maybe she made you a deal, offered you something pretty substantial to get me out of the way. Maybe a job at dimera like the one I took from you.
Kate: Enough.
Stefan: Whatever she offered you, I'll beat it. All you gotta do is tell the cops that I'm innocent and she's behind the whole thing.
Kate: Really?
Stefan: Uh-huh.
Kate: Too late for that.
Stefan: No, it's not. You don't owe her a damn thing. I'll give you whatever you want. All you need to do is explain why you're doing this.
Kate: I had no choice.
[Tense music]
Brady: What are you waiting for? You have nothing to hide, xander, right? So just show me what's in the briefcase, please.
Maggie: Um, sorry to interrupt. Um...
Brady: No.
Maggie: I just--i had a moment of weakness.
Brady: Okay, okay. Did you, uh, did you have a drink?
Maggie: Uh, no.
[Soft chuckle] Uh-uh. Um, it's, um, it's victor. He's--he can't stop complaining about susan banks being here.
Brady: I know.
Maggie: And my nerves are shot.
Brady: Okay. I've got you. Let's, uh, let's go to a meeting right?
Maggie: Okay.
Brady: I'll find one right now.
Maggie: Okay. Okay.
Xander: You hang in there, maggie. You're a strong woman. You can beat this. I'm behind you all the way.
[Suspenseful music]
Maggie: Sure. Sure you are
Xander: What does that mean?
Maggie: You said that you wanted to become a better person. And I was willing to give you a second chance. And then we find out that you're involved in a kidnapping. Now I'm just not sure that I can trust you. I'm kind of afraid of what you're gonna do next.
Brady: Don't be afraid. I have a close eye on this one. Let's go, okay?
[Door shuts]
Xander: Brady might be watching me, but he didn't get a look at you, did he? Come on, nicole. Let's have some fun.
Susan: Of course I know who you are. You're kristen pretending to be me.
Kristen: No. No, no, no, honey. I'm your sister.
Susan: Uh-huh, you're lying. Uh-uh. My sister penelope died.
Kristen: Uh--I'm your other sister. Uh, sister mary moira.
Susan: What? Why are you dressed like me? Hmm? Why aren't you in a nun's habit?
Stefan: So nicole does have something on you?
Kate: I never said that.
Stefan: But you did say you don't have a choice. Why is that? How did she get you to go along with her plan?
Kate: It's time for you to leave.
Stefan: Why, kate? You afraid nicole's gonna see us together?
Kate: [Sighs] Oh, god.
Stefan: Hey. Look at me. If you feel threatened by her, I can help.
Kate: I don't need your help.
Stefan: But I need yours, okay? Look, you know I hate you. But I'm not afraid to admit that. You have me right where you want me, though. Name your price.
Kate: It's not about the money, you idiot.
Stefan: I don't know why you're cooperating with her, but I can see that you're scared. It doesn't have to be that way, kate. If we joined forces, we will destroy her. You'll be safe. I'll be free. We both win. All you have to do is tell me what's really going on.
Sarah: [Sighs] Well, I hope rex isn't too hard on kate, 'cause she was trying to be protective of her son, and I respect that. And honestly, if anyone's been the mother-in-law from hell, it's been my mom. She's not the biggest fan of rex.
Eric: Yeah, well, given his history, you can't really blame her.
Sarah: Yeah, but what about my history?
Eric: Well--
Sarah: I strayed, too. I mean, every time someone comes down on rex for cheating, all I can think is I'm a hypocrite.
Eric: Yeah, yeah, yeah, well you and xander, it was a one-time thing.
Sarah: I meant, in my heart. With you.
[Tender music]
Eric: Sarah, that's all behind us.
Sarah: I know. But there's this part of me that thinks that maybe kate kind of has a point, you know? Like, we keep saying that we don't want to hurt rex, but we keep choosing to just stay in the same place. We keep choosing to put ourselves in a situation where we're around each other all the time. I mean, if we keep going the way that we are, aren't we just tempting fate?
Stefan: We've worked together before, we can do it again. All you have to do is tell me the truth, and I promise you we will come out on top.
Kate: Right. Why would I ever trust you? You just told me that you hated me.
Stefan: I did. But I hate prison even more.
Kate: [Sighs]
Stefan: And you know I don't like being under anyone's thumb. Kate, we can protect each other.
Rex: What the hell is going on here?
Stefan: Your mother was just about to tell me why she's trying to frame me for kidnapping.
[Suspenseful music]
Kristen: I want you to go to the police and tell them the person who kept you hostage in here was stefan dimera.
Kate: Okay. Okay! But what if the police don't believe our story?
Kristen: Oh, you better make them believe it. Because I have people everywhere. And I'll have no choice but to send one to kill you both. Better yet, I'll just take out one of your precious children, kate.
[Dramatic whoosh]
Kate: He's lying. He's trying to harass me. He refused to leave.
Stefan: Kate, please.
Kate: Go! Just leave! Leave!
Stefan: I'm begging you--
Rex: Back off. Enough.
Stefan: [Scoffs] This isn't over.
Kate: [Sighs]
Rex: The hell is this? I thought he was locked up.
Kate: Well, he made bail. And then he came over here to-- to intimidate me so I wouldn't testify against him.
Rex: Well, that's a crime. So I'm calling the cops.
Ted: I'm sorry, detective price, but, uh, my statement seems to be complete.
Lani: So during your kidnapping ordeal, you never saw stefan, correct? You only dealt with xander.
Ted: I'm not really sure what you're trying--getting at.
[Phone rings]
[Phone beeps]
Lani: Detective price. Salem inn, room 2119? I'll be right there.
Ted: Wait, that's kate roberts' room.
Lani: Apparently stefan dimera paid her a visit.
Ted: Is she all right?
Lani: Her son called it in. Apparently stefan verbally harassed her. We'll finish this conversation another time.
Ted: No, I'm coming with you.
Lani: This is a police matter. You are a witness. Better if you stay away.
Ted: The hell I will.
Kristen: Well-- I gave up my habit.
Susan: How come?
Kristen: Because I fell in love.
Susan: [Laughs] Nuns aren't supposed to fall in love.
Kristen: I have spent many years committed to god, obeying my vows and poverty and... all the other stuff. And--anyway, there was a gardener at the convent. And I fought the attraction. So, so long I fought that attraction. [Soft laugh] I mean, I prayed every day and every night. Oh, but then eventually, love just won out. It did. And hank and I want to spend our life together.
Susan: Oh, is that his name? Hank?
Kristen: Yeah. [Laughs] My heart just, like, boom, pops when I say it.
Susan: This is-- it reminds me of roger. You know, the first time I met him, he had his hair all greased up, and he had these real sexy leather pants on.
[Laughs] I was just a goner.
[Inhales] Oh, but that's just how love is sometimes, you know? It just happens.
Kristen: [Soft laugh] Oh--oh, you're just are the sweetest, nicest person. I knew you'd understand that.
Susan: I think I do. I think I do. Just what-- why are you here in salem?
Kristen: Well, because. You're my sister and I wanted to share how-- how happy I am, uh... about our relationship, you know, with hank, before we go on this, um, this cruise around the world. Yep. [Soft laugh]
Susan: A cruise?
Kristen: Yeah.
Susan: [Laughs] Ooh. So where you gonna go?
Kristen: Well. [Soft laugh] It is best that I don't tell you that, susan. Just in case the nuns come calling, okay? Now, susan, I want you to promise me that you're not gonna say anything to anyone, that you saw me, all right? In case that the convent, you know, tracks me down, the sisters track me down, and wants to pressure me to come back now. And I just-- I may lose hank if I do that.
Susan: Oh, oh, oh, I promise you, I promise you, I promise I will not-- I won't say a word, no. But guess what? You have to promise me that when you get back in town, that you and your honey bunch come visit roger and i in memphis. We'll go on one of those little double dates.
Kristen: Oh! Yeah! I'd love that! That'd be so great! Oh, god, you know, I-- we may not be close, but you are a-- I really, really am glad you are my sister.
Susan: Me too. Me too--oh, and I am so sorry I pulled this gun on you and mistaken you for that awful kristen dimera. Oh. I just want you to have a fabulous trip.
Kristen: [Soft laugh]
Susan: Oh.
Both: [Soft laugh]
Kristen: Okay.
Susan: [Laughs]
[Dramatic music]
Kristen: [Groans] Oh, now sister mary moira is sailing off into the sea.
[Soft chuckle] Or the sunset, wherever the heck she's going. Now, where are you, xander, with my mask?
Eric: I'm not gonna lie, as much as I love being near you, kate isn't the only one who's concerned. It, uh--you know, my parents, they're worried, too.
Sarah: Are you worried?
Eric: To be honest, you know, um, as great as it is, sharing a meal with you and rex or watching a movie, when I see his arms around you, yeah. It hurts.
Sarah: That's the last thing that I would want and-- when I said yes to rex's proposal, it's because I thought that you and nicole were gonna be together. I thought--I mean, if I would've known that we had a chance, I--
Eric: Sarah, don'T. Don'T. Listen, you're married to my brother. He loves you as much as you love him.
Sarah: But I hate that this is hard on you.
Eric: If you want to make this easier, just be the best wife you can be to rex.
Rex: So I threw stefan out and called the police.
Kate: I mean, honestly, I don't even know how that animal got bail. I mean, it's ridiculous. Am I going to need a restraining order or something?
Lani: I hope that won't be necessary. I'm sure the D.A.'S office will contact stefan's attorney and put them on notice. We'll be in touch.
Rex: Thank you.
[Soft dramatic music]
Kate: I am so glad that you showed up when you did.
Rex: Are you okay?
Kate: [Sighs] Yeah, I'm--I'm fine. Why did you come over anyway?
Rex: Oh, please, mom, don't even worry about it. We'll talk about it some other time.
Kate: What? What is it? Rex?
Rex: Okay. You upset my wife.
Kate: Oh...
Rex: Look, sarah wasn't exactly thrilled with you calling us living with eric incestuous-- "incestuous," by the way? Come on. All right, I will spare you the lecture, given the recent circumstances. Are you sure you're okay? You seem very shaken.
Kate: Well, I mean, I could use a little water.
Rex: Okay, okay, definitely. Is this the ice bucket you hit sarah over the head with?
Kate: Okay! I am sorry that I hit her over the head, okay? I mean, I--I really thought that she was someone that stefan had sent over. And then, you know, stefan did show up, so it kind of proves my point.
Rex: I just--I get it. I understand, that's okay.
Kate: Look, and I understand that--that-- well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that she was offended by the comments that I made, but actually, honey, it struck a nerve. And I have to wonder why.
Rex: Just--we're over it. But she's my wife. And I love her. So it would be great if you two could just get along.
Kate: I know. Okay, I'm gonna-- I'm gonna do my part, I am.
Rex: Thank you. Means a lot to me.
Kate: Mm.
Rex: Now, if you're sure you're okay, I'm gonna leave on a high note, all right?
Kate: Oh, sure. You know, it's just-- the thing is, though, well, I--I'm not the only mother-in-law involved, you know?
Rex: And there goes the high note.
Kate: Well, I'm saying, in all fairness and equity, sarah should really talk to maggie, because maggie should be treating you nicer as well.
Maggie: Thank you for coming with me.
Brady: My pleasure. I'm always up for a meeting. You know that.
Maggie: [Soft laugh] I did get the feeling, though, that it wasn't the best timing? I mean, were you and xander arguing about something?
Brady: Well--yeah--mm. Long story short, I promised gabi that I would return xander's briefcase to him. But when I did, he wasn't exactly grateful. He acted very... squirrelly. It concerned me. I didn't like that.
Maggie: Mm, I can see what you mean. You know, [Clears throat] Xander had me convinced that he had turned over a new leaf. But, uh, I'm having my doubts about that.
Brady: Don't worry about him. If he tries to betray our family or the company, he will be toast.
Kristen: What took you so long?
Xander: I enjoy making you suffer.
Kristen: Well, you will suffer if you cross me.
Xander: I thought we established that I hold the power now? Which means I'm not scared of you. But... I've had my fun. So your days masquerading as susan banks are over.
Kristen: And not a moment too soon. I came face to face with the real susan banks, and she held a gun on me.
Xander: [Soft chuckle] Sorry I missed that. But you're not dead, so you must have talked her down.
Kristen: Yeah, I did. I made up a story that I was her sister, the nun, and she bought it. Now, give me back the mask. You know I-- if I'm not disguised as nicole, I can't get near brady.
Xander: Well, I ran into your lover boy back at the manse. He almost got a look inside my briefcase. Well, did he see it?
Xander: No. But it was close. If he got a look at this, all your plans would blow up in your face. Well, this face.
Kristen: [Sighs] Damn you for messing with me.
Xander: Well, you should know by now that messing with me can be deadly. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Susan: Oh, maggie, hi! Brady.
Maggie: Hi!
Susan: I just wanted to say hello and goodbye. I gotta go.
Maggie: So soon?
Susan: Yeah. Yeah, I had such a wonderful time visiting all my friends, will, and especially dr. Marlena evans. But I do--I do have to get back to roger.
Maggie: Well, I'm sure he misses you.
Susan: Oh, he does. And he always says that strange things happen here in salem.
Brady: Mm, strange? Strange how?
Susan: Well, do you remember that movie "sister act"?
Brady: Vaguely, yeah.
Susan: Never mind.
Brady: Oh, okay.
Susan: [Laughs] You know, I know that you had a crush on yours truly, and I apologize that I-- I can't return the feeling. But you know what, brady?
Brady: What?
Susan: I know that you are gonna find real love, even if it's not with me.
[Soft laugh]
Brady: Hope so.
Susan: All right.
Brady: Okay.
Susan: Maggie, brady, okay, mwuah. Bye.
Brady: Mwuah.
Maggie: Bye. You and susan?
Brady: I will explain to you on the way home, all right? Speaking of which, let's get back and make sure xander's behaving himself.
Kristen: That is it. I'm done working with you.
Xander: Mm, darling, you need me.
Kristen: Wrong.
[Soft laugh] See, ted and kate are terrified at what I'll do. And I am sure that they will tell the story about stefan kidnapping them. And now that, uh, my little brother is out of the picture, no one will stop me or nicole from taking over dimera enterprises.
Xander: Aren't you forgetting gabi hernandez?
Kristen: Oh, please. I could crush her like the little cucaracha she is.
Xander: Okay. Just remember, I know who you really are. And if you get in my way, I'll blow you and all your big plans right out the water.
[Dramatic music]
Kate: [Sighs]
[Knocking on door] Who is it?
Ted: Kate, it's ted. Please open up. Are you all right? I heard stefan was threatening you.
Kate: I'm fine, thanks to rex's timing.
Ted: Well, I was with lani when you called. So I followed her here, and then I saw stefan storming off. What did he tell you?
Kate: Well, he wanted to know why we're lying about the kidnapping. And honestly, I was tempted to tell him the truth, tell him about kristen's threats.
Ted: Why didn't you?
Kate: Because I do not think that stefan is a match for kristen, okay? So--what about lani? Did she question you about your statement?
Ted: Unfortunately, of course she did. So I stalled. And then she got a call about stefan and had to go. Please, tell me what did you tell her?
Kate: Well, I lied to her. I told her that xander and stefan were talking right outside the room, where we were being held captive. So it no longer is hearsay that stefan is behind the abduction.
Ted: Okay, so you couldn't tell me that in your message? Come on, kate.
Kate: No, we have to be careful, you know? Anyone could be listening, anyone.
Ted: What, like kristen?
Kate: [Exhales] Look, once stefan is convicted, hopefully kristen will no longer be a problem, okay?
Lani: How stupid are you?
Stefan: Oh, hello to you too.
Lani: I just came from taking kate's statement. A judge could have your bail revoked for trying to threaten a witness.
Stefan: And a judge should prosecute kate for perjury. She and that weasel laurent are lying. I just want to find out why.
Lani: I strongly advise you to leave the interrogations to your lawyer. But if you threaten anyone in this case again, you can kiss your freedom goodbye.
Stefan: [Kisses]
Rex: My mom was really shaken up, so I went easy on her about the incest comment.
Sarah: Actually, um, eric and I've been talking and maybe kate kind of has a point.
Rex: What do you mean?
[Tender music]
Sarah: Rex, we need to move out.
Rex: [Soft chuckle] What, 'cause of some dumb comment my mother made?
Sarah: No, because it's time.
Rex: I thought you loved living here.
Sarah: I do, I-- I have. I--it's just--
Eric: I think what she's trying to say is she's ready for an upgrade from, you know, the man cave.
Rex: [Soft chuckle] Yeah.
Eric: The whole dirty socks and, uh, you know, dishes.
Sarah: Your brother's being polite. He's using humor to avoid the truth. Which is... we're imposing. Eric needs his space, and--and we need ours. And it's not like we're not gonna see him. We'll have him over for dinners and movie nights and...
Rex: Yeah. Yeah, and he--he doesn't have to watch us make out on the couch.
Eric: Yeah, and as much as I'll miss you guys, I'm gonna not miss any of sarah's makeup all over my bathroom counter.
Rex: Yeah, but she doesn't need any of that, I mean, you're such a natural beauty.
Eric: That she is.
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