Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 07/22/19
Episode #13574 ~ Susan is shocked when she encounters a familiar face; Kate accidentally attacks Sarah; Gabi gives Stefan disappointing news, and Xander makes Kristen grovel.
Provided By Suzanne
[Soft dramatic music]Eric: Hey.
Sarah: Eric, I thought we agreed that you weren't gonna leave salem?
Eric: [Sighs] I can explain--
Sarah: No, no need, I get it. You were just shining me on so you can make a quick escape and leave town without saying goodbye to me.
Stefan: Where the hell is my lawyer?
Lani: I would guess he's still trying to negotiate your bail. But if you'd rather wait for him in your cell, it's your call.
Stefan: This is a witch hunt. I had nothing to do with kidnapping ted and kate.
Lani: They say otherwise.
Stefan: You know, this salem pd is gonna look-- and not for the first time-- completely ridiculous. You're sitting here, on your tablet, while gabi's out there doing your job for you, looking for proof that I'm innocent.
Brady: Hey.
Gabi: Ooh--what--
Brady: Sorry--sorry. You looking for someone?
Gabi: Yes, yes, I'm looking for your cousin xander.
Brady: Xander? Well, he was home earlier, but I haven't seen him since--why?
Gabi: Okay, well, when you see him, will you give him this, please? It'll save me a trip.
Brady: Sure... do I even have to ask?
Gabi: No, don't ask.
Brady: Well, gabi, for my own protection, why don't you tell me how you got this from xander?
Gabi: I stole it.
Brady: Wow. Okay. Well, you ask a question, you get an answer.
Gabi: I just thought there would be something in there that can link xander and nicole to ted and kate's kidnapping, so I could clear stefan's name, but--
Brady: But--but what?
Gabi: It was just a mistake.
Kristen as susan: You son of a bitch, where is that mask? And I don't mean the mexican fighting mask.
Xander: Oh, you must mean the mask that makes kristen dimera look exactly like nicole walke--
Kristen as susan: Shut up. Now, I need the mask.
Xander: [Laughing]
Kristen as susan: It's not funny.
Xander: Oh, it kind of is. You see, if I feel like it, I can make sure you're trapped as susan banks for the rest of your life.
Sonny: Should we be doing this here?
Will: Well, I mean, with the way we keep getting interrupted, it seems as good a place as any.
[Doorbell chimes]
Sonny: You were saying?
Will: Now what?
Susan: Surprise!
Will: Surprise-- it is a surprise. We didn't expect you back so soon.
Susan: Guess what? [Laughs] Well, it's just hard for me to stay away from you. I am just so happy that you didn't die.
Sonny: Yeah, you're not alone in that.
Susan: Did you get my card? Yeah? I--I was real worried about you.
Will: Yes, yes, so you said.
Susan: Yeah. I mean, it--it was so hard to pick the exact right one.
Will: Susan, um, did you-- is this a new outfit?
Susan: [Laughs] I just bought it. Thank you so much for noticing. You always did say I had my own special style.
[Laughs] Okay.
[Uneasy jazz music]
Sonny: Do you thinks she got even battier in the two minutes she was gone?
Will: Yes.
Susan: [Imitates duck quacks]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Soft uneasy music]
Sonny: Or maybe she's not as crazy as we think, and maybe she came back thinking we weren't gonna be here so she could get her hands on the gun?
Will: Well, there's only one way to find out.
[Clears throat] Susan?
Susan: Ooh?
Will: Hey, can we get you anything?
Susan: Where's victor? I--I just--I can't wait to see his face when he sees me again.
Sonny: He's on--he's--he's on a phone call right now in the study, but he'll-- he'll be out eventually.
Susan: That man is such a tease. He always pretends he doesn't like me.
Will: Yeah, um, susan, uh, were you able to find that gun permit?
Susan: Find it? Do you think I would lose something that important, huh?
Sonny: Is that a new purse?
Susan: [Soft gasp] I just got it. It was the most expensive item in the shop. [Soft laugh] But I couldn't resist. Don't you dare tell roger. Okay, here it is. Right here. Right, see.
Will: Uh, well, it's real.
Susan: Yeah. Yeah, of course it is. Yeah, I'm a law-abiding citizen and I respect the second amendment. I have the right to bear arm and no one should deny me it.
Sonny: I can't argue with you on that.
Susan: Mm-hmm.
[Dial clicking]
Sonny: Here you go.
Susan: [Soft laugh]
[Squeals] For me?
Sonny: Yeah, you--you do have a permit, so.
Susan: Oh, you boys! This is just like christmas in july! Oh, my goodness!
[Laughs] Oh, thank you so much.
Eric: Could you let me finish? I'm not leaving town. I just packed up a few of my winter things to store at my dad's, so you and rex could have more closet space.
Sarah: Oh. Sorry. And you don't have to do that. I mean, this is your place, so.
Eric: Well, you're both welcome to stay here until you find a place of your own.
Sarah: So you want us to leave?
Eric: I didn't say that. I just thought being newlyweds and all, you'd want more privacy. But, hey, listen, if you're free this afternoon, I can help you, you know, look around or, you know, show you the neighborhood.
Sarah: Oh, no--no, I can'T. I promised rex that I would go check on kate. She's still pretty shaken up.
Eric: Yeah, why wouldn't she be after being kidnapped by stefan and xander?
Sarah: It must have been terrifying.
[Brooding music]
Kate: [Sighs]
Kristin: I have people everywhere. And I'll have no choice but to send one to kill you both. Better yet, I'll just take out one of your precious children, kate.
Kate: [Sighs]
[Groans] Really?
[Sighs] Well, I can't stay in this room forever.
Stefan: [Clears throat] Why is it that you believe that I'm the one who wants revenge against kate, and not the other way around?
Lani: Maybe because ted and kate were found nearly starved to death in the tunnels under your house.
Stefan: Everybody in this town knows about those tunnels. Hell, I could charge admission. But no, you're gonna take her word over mine. You know, gabi has a theory that nicole walker set me up!
Lani: That's an alternative theory of the crime, with not a shred of evidence to back it up.
Gabi: Rafe made me see that it'd be a mistake to open that briefcase. If there is evidence in there that could exonerate stefan, they could never use it in court because of the way I obtained it illegally.
Brady: But you think that this could be evidence that would implicate xander?
Gabi: He's got immunity. I don't know what else him and nicole could be up to.
Brady: Well, you know I don't think nicole has anything to do with it, but I could use some leverage over xander.
Gabi: Well, as long as it doesn't stop my plan to clear stefan's name, go ahead.
Brady: Wow, you do have it bad for him, don't you?
Gabi: Brady, what are you talking about? I've explained it to you so ma--
Brady: S--stop, come on. Think about it. You just--you just agreed to break the law to help him out, didn't you?
Gabi: Uh-huh. Yeah, well, if stefan goes to prison before I marry him, I've lost, right?
Brady: If that's still your endgame, gabi.
Gabi: It is my endgame. It's always gonna be my endgame.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Gabi: So you keep me posted. And just be careful, because xander was very upset I took his briefcase, so there must be something in here that is very important.
Brady: Smoking gun, perhaps.
Gabi: Hm. Hopefully something worse.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
[Suspenseful music]
Kristen as susan: You are making a terrible mistake crossing me.
Xander: What are you gonna do, shoot me?
Kristen as susan: God, i would love to. But the choir boy will took away my gun.
Xander: You pulled a gun on him?
Kristen as susan: No! I-- he found it in my purse and he locked it away in that stupid safe.
[Sighs] He thought it was too dangerous for susan to be packing without a permit.
Xander: So now you're unarmed dowdy and bucktoothed? Maybe you're, uh, regretting re-gifting me that mexican fighting mask now?
[Dramatic music]
Kristen as susan: People who laugh at me end up with very unhappy lives. And when one's last name is dimera, it's not a problem for me to get my hands on a gun. So, my friend, bottom line? You give me that mask, or I will kill you. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Susan: You see these figurines on the mantle? They remind me of the tin cans on my back fence. That is exactly how I learned how to shoot.
Sonny: How happy I am to report that that gun is not loaded.
Will: We are not comfortable with loaded guns in this house when ari lives here.
Susan: Well, I--I would never want to make anyone uncomfortable, no.
Sonny: And there's the segue. Susan, I would like to talk to to you, if you want to just come take a seat...
Susan: Okay.
Sonny: About what happened with brady. You--you kind of made him feel just a little uncomfortable.
Susan: John black's son? How could I make him uncomfortable?
Will: By throwing yourself at him.
Susan: That's just slander! Or it's a libel--but that doesn't matter. That's just not true.
Brady: I'm afraid it is.
Susan: Wha-- that is just crazy talk. You--you know I would not betray roger.
Brady: I thought you said you had an open relationship?
Susan: Well, you thought wrong.
[Uneasy jazz music]
Stefan: And if I had wanted to get revenge against kate for killing my mother? Oh, [Chuckles] I'd have taken her out months ago.
Lani: Right.
Stefan: But you've already made up your mind that I'm guilty, with no evidence.
Lani: That's not true. I will investigate ted and kate's statements as thoroughly as I will yours. So why don't you shut your mouth and let me do my job?
Stefan: You're going over their statements now, aren't you? Something's bothering you about them, isn't there? Come on. Something doesn't add up.
[Soft dramatic music]
[Knocking on door]
Sarah: Kate? Are you in here?
Susan: An open relationship is like an oxenmoron.
Will: I think you mean "oxymoron."
Susan: Okay, I know what it is. It--it's when two things don't belong together. And everyone knows that an oxen is very smart. Brady...
Brady: Yeah?
Susan: See, a relationship is about commitment, not openness.
Brady: Right. Well, you--'cause you seemed, uh, to be very willing to be open, uh, upstairs a little while ago, when you said I reminded you of elvis. Remember, you said, uh-- you don't remember that? You don't remember that?
Susan: Do--okay. Do you know what "delusional" means?
Brady: Yes.
Susan: The king... was a man. You're... you. I gotta go to the can.
Will: Don't get lost again.
Susan: Well, I won't do that 'cause I know this place like the back of my own hands!
[Soft laugh] Oh, okay...
Brady: Um, that woman has severe memory loss because she was tugging at my towel 20 minutes ago.
Will: I think I know what's going on.
Sonny: She's bats?
Will: Well, she's in denial. She was so embarrassed earlier when you shot her down, that her subconscious is telling her that never happened.
Brady: Hm.
Sonny: Well, did her subconscious also change her outfit? Wait, brady, isn't that xander's briefcase? What are you doing with it?
Xander: Well, you're in a bit of catch-22, aren't you? Because if you kill me, there's no way you're getting that mask back. God, I just love having the upper hand.
[Phone beeps] And more good news-- for me, not you, because... if you want that mask back now, you're gonna have to get on your knees.
[Dramatic music]
Lani: He's a real charmer, isn't he?
[Door shuts]
Stefan: You find anything?
Gabi: No. No, I wanted to get through to kate, but she's sticking to her story.
Stefan: She's lying. I had nothing to do with kidnapping her.
Gabi: I know, okay? I know. And I'm sorry. I--I just feel like I let you down.
Stefan: No, don't say that. Come on. You have no idea what it means to me that you're helping me out like this. And all is not lost. 'Cause just now, lani almost admitted that something's wrong with their statements. She's following up.
Gabi: Good. 'Cause I have a real feeling kate is hiding something.
Kate: I'm so sorry. I actually thought you were someone that stefan sent by, so.
Sarah: Isn't he still locked up?
Kate: Well, obviously you don't know the dimeras the way I do, because if they want someone dead, they're not going to let a little thing like incarceration stop them. So what brought you by, anyway?
Sarah: I was bringing you this.
Kate: This is for the elderly and the sick.
Sarah: It's for people who need nutrition, and seeing as you almost starved to death, that's you.
Kate: Well, that is so thoughtful of you, and not as personal as a wedding invitation, I'll give you that.
Sarah: As we have said before we basically eloped.
Kate: Mm-hmm. Well, kayla was there, wasn't she?
Sarah: Oh--as a witness! And it's fine, by the way, that you clocked me over the head with an ice bucket. But, please, let's continue to talk about all the things that I've done wrong.
Kate: Well, I am so sorry that I was so edgy. You know, it gets that way when people try to kill me.
[Sighs] So how's married life, she says, trying to change the subject.
Sarah: I mean, it-- I don't know. It's pretty much the same as it was before.
Kate: Really? Does that mean you're still living with eric? Because that should really change as soon as possible.
Sarah: We've been too busy to look for another place.
Kate: Well, honestly, you need to make some time. Because eric and rex, they're brothers. I mean, the whole thing is incestuous.
Sarah: There is nothing incestuous about it, and I would thank you to keep your opinions to yourself.
Kate: Wow. Looks like I hit a nerve.
Roman: I've been hoping that he and nicole get past what happened, but it doesn't look like that's gonna pan out.
Marlena: She still blames him for her daughter's death.
Roman: Yeah, and I'm worried. 'Cause ever since daniel, it seems like eric's willing to take the blame for anything and everything, so I admit it: I'm worried. The guy is back to nothing in his life.
Marlena: I'm not so sure that's true.
Roman: Well, if you're saying what I think you're saying, let me point out that sarah is married to his brother.
Marlena: Yes, but see I think they rushed into that marriage.
Roman: Their choice. They're adults. They know their feelings.
Marlena: I don't think she knows her-- I think she has very strong feelings for eric. And so if that's the case, I just think that's not really fair to rex.
Roman: So it's rex you're worried about here?
Marlena: Well, no, I just-- I just want them both to be happy, okay?
Eric: And who would them be?
Unpredictable crohn's
symptoms following you?
Roman: Okay, uh, what's with the luggage?
Marlena: You're not leaving town, are you?
Eric: No, I was just cleaning out some closet space to make room for sarah.
Roman: You know, I-- just a thought here, uh. If rex and sarah got their own place, they'd have plenty of closet space for themselves.
Eric: That's correct. And they're working on it. But I noticed that you're not answering my question.
Marlena: Okay. We were talking about the three of you. Look, it just-- it can't be easy for you to be living with rex and sarah.
Eric: Well, it won't be forever. I'll manage.
Marlena: I--you know what? You shouldn't have to just manage. I mean, you have as much right to be happy as anyone does.
Sarah: You didn't strike a nerve, you're just butting into my life, and I don't like it.
Kate: Okay, you're married to my son. I am not passive about my children.
Sarah: Oh, not passive? That's a nice way to put it.
[Knocking on door]
Kate: Who is it?
Lani: Salem pd. Detective price.
Kate: Well, I hope you're going to tell me that the judge is throwing the book at stefan.
Lani: No, I'm here because we have a problem. You and mr. Laurent both said in your statements that xander kidnapped you at stefan dimera's behest.
Kate: Yes, that's true.
Lani: How can you be so sure that it was stefan?
Lani: Are you calling me a liar?
Lani: I'm telling you the problem. You only have xander's word that stefan was behind your kidnapping. In court, that's hearsay, and deemed inadmissible.
Kate: Would it be considered hearsay if I heard stefan talking to xander outside the door? Because I did. And I would swear to it.
Lani: Well then, why didn't you put that in your statement?
Kate: Well, gee I don't know. Maybe it's because I had been thrown into a--a dungeon, and I thought I was going to die. I wasn't really feeling like myself, you know what I mean? Exactly like how I feel right now. So if you don't mind leaving, the two of you, I'd like to get some rest.
Lani: To rest? Or to line up your story with ted laurent?
Gabi: So after I spoke with kate, I went to see nicole.
Stefan: Gabi, no--what-- you need to steer clear of her.
Gabi: I'm not afraid of her.
Stefan: You should be.
Gabi: I am freaked out by her. I went to go see her, and she said she wasn't going to let me in. So I told her, fine, but I also said that I wasn't gonna leave. And then you know what she did? She opened the door, and she was wearing a weird mexican wrestling mask.
Stefan: You're joking.
Gabi: No, I'm not. I mean, she's taken mad with grief and run with it.
Stefan: Did she offer any sort of explanation? Was she in the middle of a match?
Gabi: [Soft chuckle] No. She told me to go away, and she slammed the door in my face.
Stefan: Mm, maybe she was having a bad face day. Or maybe this is all much weirder than we originally thought.
Kristen as susan: Kill me. I'd rather die than service you.
Xander: [Scoffs] I don't want you to service me. I want you to bend your knee to me. You sneered that I wasn't a man because I wouldn't kill at your command. Well, now I command you to kneel and ask me--no-- beg me for that mask.
[Soft dramatic music]
Kristen as susan: I am begging you to give me the mask.
Xander: Sorry, not feeling it sue.
Kristen as susan: Xander.
[Sighs] I am begging you to give me the mask back.
Xander: Okay.
Kristen as susan: You little-
Xander: Oh? By george, I think she's got it. Because you have to be nice, 'cause there's no way you're taking over dimera enterprises with that face. And even more than that, you won't get brady back. Kristen dimera will never get brady into her bed. And susan banks has even less of a chance. Only nicole has a chance at that consummation so devoutly wished. And that's what you want, isn't it? Him in your bed. Don't you? Don't you?
Kristen as susan: Yes.
Xander: And that all depends on me. So, repeat after me. You have power over me.
Kristen as susan: You have power over me.
Xander: I was stupid to underestimate you.
Kristen as susan: I was stupid to underestimate you.
Xander: Now, you're so lucky I'm a romantic at heart. I could never stand in the way of true lust.
Kristen as susan: You'll give me the mask?
Xander: Well, I don't have it on me, but I'll go get it and bring it back.
Kristen as susan: Well hurry.
Xander: Oh, dear. That sounded like you were talking to an errand boy, like a lackey. Do you think I'm your lackey?
Kristen as susan: No. Hurry, please.
Xander: There's the magic word.
Kristen as susan: [Sighs]
Sonny: So gabi stole the briefcase to try and clear stefan?
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Will: I sure love hearing about how the mother of my child is covering up for a guy who kidnapped my grandmother.
Sonny: What a surprise, gabi doing something stupid over a man. And why are you giving it back to xander?
Will: Can you give it to hope? Or lani?
Brady: I'm hoping that whatever's in here will finally give me the leverage to get rid of xander, once and for all.
Marlena: It's true, we were talking about you and rex and sarah.
Eric: Well, I really wish that you would stop worrying about me.
Marlena: Look, I have a world of faith in you, but the things that nicole has said and done could be anybody over the--
Eric: Over the edge.
Marlena: Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Eric: Listen, I know because of my past, you have a lot of reasons to worry. I think you both deserve to know that I'm keeping up with my meetings. And as stressful as it may seem, because of rex and sarah, I'm taking care of myself. I am okay. It's good to know that I have two parents who love me both very much.
Marlena: [Soft laugh] This is his adorable way of telling us to step back.
Eric: That's right. I love you!
Roman: [Laughs]
Marlena: Mm.
Eric: [Laughs]
Susan: Whoo! Oh, [Blows raspberry] All right, so, I'm off.
Brady: That's an understatement.
Will: Where to?
Susan: Oh, well now that I know that you are all right, I'm gonna go see dr. Marlena evans.
Brady: She's gonna have her work cut out for her.
Will: Well, um, give her my love, please.
Susan: Oh, I will do. I will do.
Will: [Soft groan]
Susan: Oh! Okay, um...
[Whispering] Um, you know, you need to keep an eye on brady. You know, the elvis, you know, delusion, I--I think--I think it's, um, could be a symptom of a deeper problem, all right?
Will: I'm on it.
Susan: Yeah, yeah. Of course, he might just be trying to impress me. I think he has an ush-cray on me.
[Laughs] Okay! Bye! Bye.
Will: Bye.
Brady: Well, you can't say she's predictable, can you?
Will: Um, so anyway. Xander is on his way over here to get the briefcase?
Brady: Yeah, he is.
Will: Okay, suddenly I want to get the hell out of here.
Sonny: Let me join you.
Will: I wish the guy who saved my life wasn't a disgusting creep.
Sonny: Yeah, it's, uh, awkward.
Brady: Yeah, I wonder what that disgusting creep actually has in here.
Gabi: So it was really spur of the moment, but xander was acting so weird about that briefcase, I kind of kneed him where it hurts and ran off.
Stefan: Oh, I like a woman who knows how to play dirty.
Gabi: Yeah, but then I ran into rafe--and I'm glad I did, because he--he's right. Although there could be damning evidence in that briefcase, I-- I could never use it in court 'cause I stole it. So I had, um, brady just give it back to xander. I'm really sorry. Are you mad at me?
Stefan: Come on. How could be so mad at somebody who has gone above and beyond for me?
[Phone line trilling]
Kate: Ted. It's kate. Call me as soon as you get this message. Lani was here, and she's questioning our statements. We could have trouble.
Susan: Oh, oh! Dr. Marlena evans! I was just on my way...
Marlena: Oh, jeez.
Susan: To see you.
Marlena: Susan, hi. I--I didn't know that you were in town.
Susan: Oh, I wanted to see will with my own two eyes since he nearly died.
Marlena: Right. Right.
Susan: Yeah. I just love that great son of yours. He is so sweet. He and sonny gave me a gun.
Marlena: What?
Susan: No, no, no, it's okay. I have a permit.
Marlena: Oh.
Susan: It was so sweet of them. But you know what? Brady black was there, you know, john's son?
Marlena: I know.
Susan: [Sighs] And I'm sorry to say, that was not sweet.
[Scoffs] You need to check in on him.
[Whispers] One thing, he thinks he's elvis.
Marlena: What?
Susan: Yeah. In--in my world, that's--that's no so unusual. But he did say that I came onto him.
Marlena: What?
Susan: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I mean, he just went on and on and on. I am afraid he is a taco shy of a combination platter. You really need to keep an eye on him.
Marlena: I will. How long are you in town?
Susan: Oh, not long. Not long, I just-- I really wanted to see you, 'cause we're so close.
[Laughs] Okay, I want you to come sit down with me right now. And I want you to tell me everything that happened since the last time I saw you, okay?
[Soft laugh] Oh, this is gonna be so much fun.
Eric: Hey. I thought you went to see kate.
Sarah: Oh, I did. But I didn't stay very long. I kind of got the feeling I wasn't welcome, you know, when she clocked me over the head with an ice bucket.
Eric: What--seriously?
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Eric: Let me see.
Sarah: Mm.
Eric: Wow. Ooh--
Sarah: Ow! Ow! Okay. Ugh. She said that she thought I was one of the dimera henchmen coming to kill her.
Eric: What--
Sarah: But freud said there's no such thing as accidents, and I just get the feeling that she doesn't like me.
Eric: I think you're being overly sensitive. I mean, kate, she's usually sweet to all of the women who marry her sons.
Sarah: [Soft laugh]
Eric: You should talk to chloe some time.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Eric: Come on, let me look at it. Oh, yeah, well, the skin's not broken, but it's one hell of a bump. You want some aspirin or something?
Sarah: No, I already took some. Oh, and then things got even stranger.
Eric: Like, stranger than assault and battery?
Sarah: [Soft laugh] Yeah, like, lani showed up. And she made it really obvious that she had some issues with kate's statement-- and ted's, too. She said that it was just xander's word that stefan was behind the kidnapping. And then out of nowhere, kate said that she and ted heard xander talking to stefan from the other side of the door.
Eric: You think it slipped her mind?
Sarah: And ted's? I mean, neither of them said anything about it in their statements.
Eric: You think she's trying to set stefan up?
Sarah: I think that she's trying to keep him behind bars. I know that I make a lot of jokes about her, but I-- I think she's really, really scared.
[Suspenseful music]
Gabi: Stefan, listen, I am not gonna give up, okay? I'm gonna find a way to fix this.
Stefan: Thank you.
Lani: Just got word from you lawyer. Your bail's been posted. You're free to go.
Gabi: Great. Okay, is--I'll drive you home?
Stefan: No, thank you. Now it's my turn to talk to kate. I'm gonna find out why she's screwing me over. And she's gonna learn you don't mess with a dimera and get away with it.
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[Soft dramatic music]
Sarah: Oh, you get a snack?
Eric: Yeah, a ready-made ice pack.
Sarah: Oh! It's cold.
Eric: Really? It's cold? Well, I'll get you a warm ice-pack next time.
Sarah: [Soft laugh] Sorry.
Eric: It's all right. Everybody deserves to be cranky when their mother-in-law hits them over the head with an ice bucket.
Sarah: Yeah, it's not even the ice bucket. She just said something that really annoyed me.
Eric: You want to tell me about it?
Susan: Oh, and this, this was my seatmate on the bus. I--I gave her your number. I told her you would help her with her fear of failure.
Marlena: All right.
Susan: Yeah. Oh, this was so wonderful. I just love having talks like this with you. You know, you can call me any time. You know what a good listener I am.
Marlena: I do. I do.
Susan: [Laughs] Well. I do have to run. I want to get roger a, uh, "when my soulmate came to salem, all I got was this crummy t-shirt" t-shirt. I just love making him laugh.
[Laughs] Oh! Can I hug you again?
Marlena: Of course.
Susan: I'm gonna miss you.
[Soft laugh] Bye.
Will: Hello.
Marlena: Hello.
Will: You have the "I just talked to susan banks" look on your face.
Marlena: Oh, I do?
Will: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: It's scary, because then you start to actually understand her.
Will: Yeah, I--I'm sorry. I should have warned you that she was looking for you.
Marlena: No, no, there's no way to prepare yourself for running into susan. But I should tell you that she's very concerned about-- about hurting brady's feelings. She doesn't want to let him down.
Sonny: That--it is a concern.
Will: Well, I'm sure you figured out that it is actually the other way around, and that she threw herself at brady?
Marlena: Well, you know, she, um, she can be odd. But I--I just think that her heart's in the right place. Most of the time.
Susan: I'm sorry. I used to live around here, but uh, I'm just all turned around. And I wonder if you could point me towards oak street?
[Dramatic sting]
[Suspenseful music]
Xander: You are a lifesaver, mate.
Brady: Hold on. If you want this back, xander, you're going to have to open it up, show me what's inside, okay?
Lani: I have some questions for you, mr. Laurent. Get back to me.
Gabi: It's about time you did your job. Xander, ted, and kate are lying about stefan. And you need to find out why.
Kate: Damn it, ted, where are you? Okay, oh-- I don't have a choice. I have to find you.
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