Days Transcript Friday 7/19/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/19/19


Episode #13573 ~ Brady is thrown when "Susan" hits on him. Will and Sonny experience déjà vu when the real Susan arrives. Gabi has a showdown with Xander. Ciara is thrown to find her mother kissing Ted.

Provided By Suzanne

Ted: Is this seat taken?

Hope: Ted. Hi. Please, sit down. You're out of the hospital.

Ted: Yeah.

Hope: How are you feeling?

Ted: Well, much better now that I'm looking at your beautiful face-- hi.

Hope: Hi.

Ted: Hi.

Ciara: [Clears throat] Hi, mom.

Ted: Hi.

Hope: Uh... hi, honey.

Rafe: [Sighs] Bill. Bill. Junk.

[Sighs] Executed divorce agreement.

[Knock at the door]

Ben: Hey.

Rafe: Ben. What can I do for you?

Ben: Um, well, I'm-- I'm sorry to bother you at home. I was waiting to hear from you, for a few weeks now. You were supposed to talk to my sister about letting me see my little nephew?

Rafe: Hmm. Yeah, I didn't forget. I talked to her.

Ben: And? What'd she say?

Rafe: She said the same thing she said last time I spoke to her, which was, she's worried about david's safety and she's adamant you not be near him.

Xander: You little thief!

Gabi: No.

Xander: Give that back.

Gabi: Like hell I will. I saw the way you shut that when I walked in. Obviously there's something in here you don't want me to see. Oh! Oh! Oh, and now I know there is!

Xander: Stop being so dramatic. I just need my papers. My entire life is in that briefcase.

Gabi: Really. Is there proof in here as well that you and nicole are trying to frame stefan for kidnapping, huh? Is there?

Xander: Give it back. Now.

Gabi: I'm not afraid of you. Oh!

Xander: You should be.

Sonny: What the hell is susan doing with a gun?

Kristen as susan: Dammit, xander, where did you put that mask?

Brady: Susan?

Kristen as susan: Brady!

[Sputters] What the hell are you doing in here?

Brady: What the-- this is my room.

Kristen as susan: Oh. Oh. So it is.

Brady: I have a better question for you. What--what are you doing in my room?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sonny: Susan banks with a gun? That's about as frightening as susan banks with a child.

Will: Thanks.

Sonny: No. I didn't mean you. And she's not your real mother.

Will: Well, I-- I believed she was, for a while. What does that say about me?

Sonny: You had amnesia, okay? You weren't in your right mind. And wasn't susan in a mental institution? Isn't it illegal for her to have a gun?

Will: Well...

[Sighs] Yes, but "illegal" really never stopped susan. Although it might not be hers. Roger had a extensive collection.

Sonny: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I remember. He actually pulled a gun on me when I came looking for you in memphis. How did you ever, like, sleep there?

Will: I don't know. It was mostly for atmosphere. You know, part of, like, the-- the elvis schtick. But, yeah, susan definitely borrowed them from time to time.

Sonny: May I? It's loaded. This is definitely the real deal. What is she doing with a gun in salem?

Will: Well, there's only one way for us to find out.

Kristen as susan: [Sighs] What? I'm--I'm sorry. I was just looking for the little girls' room, and I got all turned around.

[Both laugh] I never got the lay of the land here, you know. This place is much bigger than graceland.

Both: Yeah.

Brady: Yeah, well, you know that the bathroom is right down that hall to the right, okay?

Kristen as susan: Yeah. Down that hall to the right. I gotcha.

Brady: Down the hall. I'm gonna get dressed, so...

Kristen as susan: Sure.

Brady: Thank you.

Kristen as susan: There's just one little thing I want to do before I go.

Brady: Okay. What's that?

Kristen as susan: This. I'm just a normal person

Ciara: Well, it, uh... it looks like I'm interrupting. I'm sorry.

Hope: I, um... I didn't see you come in.

Ciara: No, clearly.

Hope: [Stammers] Just for the record, I... officially divorced from rafe. And these are my-- I got the final papers today.

Ciara: Mom, you really--you really don't owe me any kind of explanation. It's okay. I, uh... I assume my mother wouldn't be with you if she didn't truly believe that you've changed. I mean, yes, it's hard for me to get past what you did, blackmailing my cousin will. But, for the record, I am truly a believer of love turning someone's life around. So... I really hope things work out for you guys.

Hope: Thank you. Thank you.

Ciara: Mama, I will support you and love you no matter what.

Hope: [Laughs] No matter what.

Ciara: Yes.


Rafe: Yeah. Sorry about that. I tried to get jordan to understand that chances are, you're probably not a danger to anyone, but she was not having it...

[Chuckles] Not at all. And I was not gonna push. She's not in a good place right now. She's fragile. And, um... and, honestly, I think that she has given up all hope that she's gonna be released or ever be able to raise her son.

Ben: [Sighs] So what happens now?

Rafe: Jordan wants me to care for david. So I've begun the process of petitioning for legal guardianship.

Ben: So you're gonna be raising david? Permanently or--

Rafe: If the application gets approved, yeah. Or at least till jordan's capable of looking after him herself.

Ben: Right. No, of course.

Rafe: Yeah. Listen. You know, right now while everything's still up in the air, I don't want to do anything that could potentially jeopardize that guardianship. You know, like going against jordan's wishes.

Ben: Right. Like letting me see david.

Rafe: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But listen. Once I nail this guardianship thing down, we can revisit this, okay? We can talk about you potentially spending some time with your nephew.

Ben: All right. Thank you, man.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ben: I really appreciate it.

Rafe: Yeah, yeah.

Ben: How's the little guy doing?

Rafe: How's he doing?

Ben: Yeah.

Rafe: Oh, he's-- man, he's doing great, actually.

Ben: Is he?

Rafe: I took him to the park yesterday. You know, he saw this fountain, you know, the one that's in the park? And, uh, oh, my god. It was, like, better than fireworks for him. It completely...

Ben: Oh, man.

Rafe: Yeah, blew his mind.

[Baby crying]

Ben: Nice.

[Louder crying]

Rafe: Oh, that's, uh...

[Crying continues] Yep. Looks like he's up from his nap.

Ben: Yeah, right?

Rafe: Yeah.

Ben: Is there any way I could even just, like, peek on him? Just for a second. Nobody would have to know or anything.

[Crying continues]

Rafe: Yeah, I don't, uh... it's-- you know, it's not a good idea, so-- but like I said, I'll be in touch.

Ben: Sure.

Rafe: Okay?

Ben: Thanks, man.

Rafe: Yeah.

[Crying continues]

Gabi: Let--oh! Let go of me! Let go, or I'll call "rape"!

Xander: Theresa tried that once. Didn't turn out so well for her.

Gabi: You need consent to touch me!

Xander: You need consent to touch my belongings.

Gabi: How about I put another body part on your "belongings"?

[Both grunt]

Gabi: [Huffs]

Xander: [Groans]

Brady: Susan? Hey, what are you doing?

Kristen as susan: I'm just trying to kiss you.

Brady: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Kristen as susan: What?

Brady: You have a-- you have a boyfriend. Hey. You have a boyfriend. Uh, roy--roger. Roger the elvis impersonator.

Kristen as susan: Roger, yes.

Brady: You can't be doing that.

Kristen as susan: Yeah, I do. And, uh...

[Laughs] Well, we... we have A... what do you call it? One of those...

Brady: What?

Kristen as susan: "Open" relationships.


Brady: You gotta be kidding. Really? You do?

Kristen as susan: Yeah! We do. See, seeing that roger's all out of town so much, we came to an understanding. You know?

Brady: Wow.

Kristen as susan: Yeah, see, whenever roger does is his own business, and whatever I do is mine.

Brady: Okay.

Kristen as susan: And you're not in a serious relationship, are you?

Brady: Um... uh, no. No, I'm not. I'm not.

Kristen as susan: No?

[Laughter] Then we're perfect.

Brady: No, no, no. I don't think so. No, no, no, susan. We're not perfect 'cause I--you know, I don't-- I don't know if we're a match. I don't think we're a match.

Kristen as susan: Oh, don't be so sure. No, don't be so sure about that. I mean, you--you may be a buttoned-up corporate type, but...

[Sighs, groans] You definitely have a little elvis around the edges. I mean, when you get-- yeah, that little lip, you know? That little cute little sneer? Know what I mean?

Brady: No, I don't--

Kristen as susan: Oh, yes!

Brady: I don't do that.

Kristen as susan: You're doing it right now!

Brady: Okay.

Kristen as susan: [Squeals]

Brady: Susan, susan, susan. Look at me. Look at me.

Kristen as susan: We're perfect. We definitely match.

Brady: I'm flattered. I'm totally flattered. Really, it's great. It's lovely, but, sweetheart, you're just not my type. All right? I'm sorry.

Kristen as susan: Baby, don't knock it till you try it.

Brady: What are you talking about?

Kristen as susan: Whoo!

Brady: Susan, stop. Come on. Please.

Kristen as susan: [Laughs]

Brady: No, no, no. Come on.

Kristen as susan: Oh!

Brady: Stop, susan. Susan! Oh, god!

Kristen as susan: Ooh-ooh!

Brady: Um...

Kristen as susan: [Laughs] I wanted more from

Ciara: Well, I'll leave you two to, uh... whatever.

[Laughs] Um... I just--I stopped by to give this to grandma julie. It's just some stuff that claire borrowed from her. And we found it when we were cleaning out her room.

Hope: Well, grandma julie isn't here, but I'll make sure she gets it, honey.

Ciara: Okay, thank you, mom.

Hope: Of course.

Ciara: Um, also do you know if claire is allowed any visitors yet?

Hope: Unfortunately, not yet.

Ciara: Okay. All right, well, will you let me know as soon as she is?

Hope: Of course I will, honey.

Ciara: Thank you, mom. I love you.

Hope: Oh, baby. I love you so much. Thank you.

Ciara: Thank you. Bye, ted.

Ted: Bye, ciara. Nice to see you.

Ciara: Nice to see you too.

Ted: You have--

[Both laugh] You have a lovely daughter.

Hope: Thank you. I'm gonna bring this to the office for julie, okay?

Ted: Now... wait, hup, hup, hup. Wait a minute. Where were we a minute ago?

Xander: [Chuckles] Excuse me.

Gabi: Okay. All right, xander, let's see what you're hiding.

[Sighs] Okay. If at first you don't succeed... try again.

Brady: Hi, guys. How you doing?

Will: Hi.

Sonny: Are we, uh... interrupting something?

Kristen as susan: Yes.

Brady: No.

Will: Um, well, susan, we have something that we need to talk to you about, and, unfortunately, it can't wait.

Brady: [Mouths words]

Kristen as susan: All right. All right, sugar plum. What is it?

Will: Well, we were just wondering what you were planning on doing with this?

Kristen as susan: Uh... what do you think I'm planning on doing with it? Huh? What?

Brady: Susan, what the hell are you doing with that?

Ben: So rafe said that once all the legal issues are settled and he's officially david's guardian, he'll revisit the idea of letting me see him.

Ciara: Well, if that's what he said, then he probably meant it.

Ben: I hope you're right. I've never really been one to melt over a little kid, but... david's different. You know? Maybe because he's the only family I got... or maybe I'm just in a different stage of my life, thinking about the future... and maybe someday have a family of my own.

Roman: So, uh... can I get you anything else?

Ciara: Uh... no, uncle roman, actually, I think we're good. Just the check, please.

Roman: No check. On the house.

Ciara: What?

Both: No.

Ben: No, we can't let you do that.

Ciara: No, no, yeah. Especially since I've been such a lousy employee lately. I am really, really sorry about missing my shifts last week.

Roman: Last week? Ciara, I hired you six months ago. I can probably count on one hand the number of times you've signed up for a work shift and actually worked. We both know your heart's not in this job.

Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, you know what? You're probably right about that, uncle roman.

Roman: You know, I love you to death. You know that, okay? I hate to do this. I'm gonna have to let you go.

Gabi: Come on. Come--


Rafe: Oh, hey, sis. I didn't hear you come in. What are you doing?

Gabi: Well, what it looks like I'm doing. I am trying to open my briefcase.

Rafe: Oh. With a butter knife?

Gabi: Yeah, yeah, I, uh... I forgot the combination.

Rafe: I've never seen this briefcase before.

Gabi: Well, it's new. That's why I forgot the combination. You're pretty good at, uh, picking locks, right?

Rafe: Ooh, I am. Yeah. No. No, the answer's no.

Gabi: Rafe, wh--

Rafe: No, no, no, no. Don't--don't "rafe" me. Okay? Why don't you tell me whose briefcase this is? Really?

Gabi: I told you.

Rafe: Oh, it's new? Is it really? Is it new? You wouldn't be caught dead with something that looks like this. I know that, okay? So why don't we cut the charade, and you can tell me who this really belongs to.

Gabi: Fine. It's xander'S.

Xander: Hello, mate. Good to see you, uh, out and about again.

Ted: I'm sorry, but I wish I could say the same.

Xander: Uh, I realize this is awkward, but you understand my position. We were both victims in that whole kidnapping business.

Ted: I'd say one more than the other, xander.

Xander: Well, things are looking up now. You're free, I'm free, and I'm gonna testify against stefan and make sure he never hurts you or anyone else again.

Hope: Out of the goodness of his heart. Couldn't possibly be because you were offered an immunity deal.

Xander: Does the why really make that much difference?

Ted: Well, I have to say, if you would have pointed a finger at stefan a little earlier, especially when kate and i were still being held hostage. Anyway, I just thank god that hope found us when she did.

Xander: Yes, thank god. I vehemently agree on that point.

Hope: Hmm. No, this story doesn't add up. You can drop the act, xander.

Kristen as susan: Well, I don't know what the fuss is all about. I'm just exercising my-- my second amendment right to defend myself.

Brady: Okay, can you-- can you point that down? Just point it down? I've been shot before. I don't want to relive the experience.

Kristen as susan: Oh!

Brady: Point it down. Thank you.

Kristen as susan: Of course. All you had to do was ask.

[Laughter] Okay, what are you boys doing in my things?

Will: Susan... [Stammers]

[Clears throat] We're sorry. We know we shouldn't have. But we were very worried about you, because you were acting... stranger than usual. Do you--do you even know how to use this thing?

Kristen as susan: Oh, you betcha I do. I do. You know what? When your mama broke into my house, you can be sure I was locked and loaded. See, you just, like--

All: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Kristen as susan: Whoo!

Brady: Stop it.

Kristen as susan: What? Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I just, I-- I mean, I think this town would be better off if we all invested in a little self-protection. I mean, the last time I was here, dr. Marlena evans, she got shot at her very own wedding by that mean, mean xander. And of course, I-- I missed the whole thing. I did. 'Cause I was locked in that freezer by the doubly mean kristen dimera. And that is a mean-- she's mean, mean, mean--

Brady: She's mean. Yeah, we get the picture. She's mean.

Kristen as susan: Yeah, I mean, xander is not all mean. I mean, he did save will. And I am--I'm grateful for that. I am.

Brady: That's nice. He didn't exactly save my life.

Will: Um... susan, you're not planning on using that on xander, are you?

Kristen as susan: What?

[Laughs] Me? Little old me shoot somebody? I mean... besides, if I wanted to, I would've done it earlier, you know, when I had the chance. Right?

Will: Hey, fair enough. Um, but you know what? Can I-- can I have that?

Kristen as susan: No! No, it's mine! It's mine.

Will: Yes, well, trust me. I don't want to take it from you, susan, but, um... but my-- but my daughter lives here.

Sonny: Yeah, so if you want to keep the gun, we have to lock it up.

Kristen as susan: Oh. Lock it up? No, no, no, no, no.

[Stammers] I need this for my protection when I go around town. You just never know who's lurking around those corners.

Will: Oh. Okay, but you know what, susan. If you want to carry a gun in salem, you need a concealed carry permit.

Kristen as susan: I-- I have one.

Sonny: Yeah?

Kristen as susan: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: Well, can we see it?

Ciara: So... you're firing me?

Roman: Yeah, I am. I've got a lot on my plate. I mean, with this place and closing down ma's estate in california, I need somebody here I can count on.

Ciara: I get it. I get it, uncle roman. I, uh... I probably should've known from my first day here when I dropped that hot tea in the customer's lap that, uh, waitressing probably isn't my thing.

Ben: Hey, you have plenty of other talents.

Roman: That's right. And who knows, maybe I'll get to see a lot more of you now that you're no longer an "employee."

Gabi: All right, so I think that xander and nicole are trying to frame stefan for kidnapping kate and ted. So I ran into xander. He was acting so weird. It was so clear that there was something in here that he does not want me to see.

Rafe: Hmm. So what, you stole it from him?

Gabi: That's one way to put it.

Rafe: Why would you do that? Why?

Gabi: I just explained it to you. There--there could be something in here that could help exonerate stefan.

Rafe: You don't need to be involved in this, gabi.

Gabi: Well, it's too late for that.

Rafe: Yes, you're right. Do you have any idea how dangerous xander is?

Gabi: Does he have any idea how dangerous I am?

Rafe: Or stupid, reckless--

Gabi: Okay, you know what? I'm not gonna sit here and have you insult me.

Rafe: I'm worried about you, gabi.

Gabi: I know you're worried, but I can take care of myself. And look. I know you're a cop and you have to abide by the law, but we all know that as soon as eve deveraux became commissioner, the police department is a joke.

Rafe: Yeah, okay, well, fine. Be that as it may, that does not mean that I condone stealing evidence from criminals!

Gabi: Well, even if there could be evidence in here? Evidence that could put said criminal back into prison? Please, just help me. Please, help me.

Rafe: No. No, no, I am not gonna help you. No. And in fact, if there is evidence in here and you find it or if I help you open it, that evidence is inadmissible. Okay, we cannot use it, okay? Fruit of the poisonous tree. Look it up.

Gabi: I know what that is. I've been to prison twice for murder. All right, you know what? I'm gonna-- I'm gonna figure out a way to do this on my own.

Rafe: Yeah, there is a way to do it on your own. You take this back to xander, and you give it to him.

Xander: Well, I would love to just stay and chat all day, but I'm actually looking for gabi hernandez. Have you two seen her at all?

Hope: No.

Ted: No.

Xander: Figured as much. Well, take care, you two.

Hope: Xander, wait. Why are you looking for gabi?

Xander: Oh, just because... I know she's suddenly very impassioned about defending stefan from these kidnapping charges. I'm just worried about her. Poor girl is in way over her head.

Hope: You're concerned about gabi. Do you know her?

Xander: Not well. But, as ted is aware, I'm trying very hard to be a better person. Carry on.

Hope: What in the world was that all about?

Ted: I have no idea.

Kristen as susan: I know I had that pesky permit when I left memphis. Um, maybe it just got lost along the way.

Sonny: So the state of tennessee actually issued you a license to carry a gun? I'm just saying, I just figured there'd be a little red tape, given your... you know, your, uh... your history.

Kristen as susan: Are you calling me a liar?

Will: No. Susan, no. Of course--of course he's not. We all, you know, totally believe that you had your permit when you left memphis. But since you can't find it now, you're gonna have to give us the gun. And it's for your own good, because if you're walking around salem and you get caught with that thing and you don't have a permit, you can get in a lot of trouble.

Sonny: You may go to jail.

Kristen as susan: Well, I-- I don't believe I came all this way to see my sweet will, and I mean, you all are just treating me like a common criminal.

Will: No, no, no, no. No, susan, no. No. You know what? As soon as you find that permit, we will give you the gun back. Okay? How's that?

Kristen as susan: You will?

Will: Mm-hmm.

Kristen as susan: All right. Okay. Oh, no. I'll ta--here. I'm gonna give it to you. Now, you take care of it. Really good care of it, okay?

Will: Okay, I will. You know, we can all go put it in the safe together. How about that?

Kristen as susan: Mm-hmm. No, I mean--

[Scoffs] Doesn't matter. You don't have-- doesn't need to be in the safe. But whatever you guys want to do. Just, yeah, go ahead and do that.

Sonny: All right, well, do you want to come with us?

Kristen as susan: [Stammers] No, you boys just go lock it up yourselves. I just, um... I want to have a few words with brady.

[Laughs] So just--

Will: Um... wha--okay. Well, okay. We'll see you later.

Kristen as susan: Mm-hmm. Bye-bye. Whoo!

[Laughs] So where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?

Brady: Susan, you were going to the bathroom. I was gonna get dressed. Okay, that's what we--

Kristen as susan: I think we were right about here.

Brady: Okay, okay. Let's--listen to me. Look at me. Look at me. I'm flattered. I really am. But I'm gonna be honest with you right now. Nothing romantic is gonna happen between us at all.

Kristen as susan: Oh. Oh, my god. It's my teeth, isn't it? It's my teeth.

Brady: What? No, it's not your teeth. I mean--no. I mean, it's not your teeth. It's me. I made a choice. I'm just--I'm swearing off women right now. I made some bad-- bad run-ins. So I'm just taking a break.

[Laughter] It's not your teeth.

Kristen as susan: You're becoming a monk? Oh, boy. I thought your brother was the religious one.

Brady: Susan, I'm not becoming a monk. I'm just making a choice right now. It's just a personal choice.

Kristen as susan: Huh.

Brady: Yeah, but thank you. And I'll see you around. All right? I'm gonna get dressed, if you'll excuse me, please. Please?

Kristen as susan: [Sighs] Of course.

Kristen: One day soon, brady black, I swear you'll be mine. I've always been excited for what's next.

Will: There we go. I think we'll all sleep a little easier knowing that thing is locked up.

Sonny: Do you really think she has a permit for that thing?

Will: Well, I would say it's not like susan to lie, but she did lie to me about being a dead guy named ej dimera for two years, so... there's that.

Sonny: Yeah, there is that.

Will: You know, I'm starting to think that maybe she's not as harmless as she seems.

Kristen as susan: Dammit, xander. I am going to find you, and I'm gonna get my mask back.

Will: Susan?

Kristen as susan: Ooh!

Will: Hey. Were you saying something about xander and your mask?

Kristen as susan: [Squeaks] Yeah, that's right. That's right. You know, I realized he doesn't deserve such a generous gift. I mean, all that-- that stuff you had to go through because of him. That's very good.

Will: Yeah. Well, I mean, are you sure you even want that ugly wrestling mask back? I mean--

Kristen as susan: Of course. I mean, you might think it's ugly... but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Sonny: I don't know about you, but I think it's lucky for xander that susan does not have that gun.

Will: I think it's lucky for everyone that she doesn't have that gun.

[Line trills]

Kristen as susan: Dammit, xander, where the hell are you? Have you forgotten who works for whom? Meet me at the park off the square. And bring that mask... or you will incur the full wrath of kristen dimera.

Brady: [Sighs]

Both: Hey.

Sonny: If you're looking for your girlfriend, she left.

Brady: That's funny. That's funny. Thank you for trying to rescue me from that situation.

Will: Yeah, I can't believe that susan came on to you like that. She--she really I mean, I thought she was crazy in love with roger.

Brady: Well, I tried to make her recall that, but she told me she and roger have an open relationship.

Will: Mm. Well, that's news to me. I mean, I know susan can be unpredictable, but this seems weird, even for her. Every time she comes to town, chaos seems to follow.

Gabi: Okay. You want me to give xander his briefcase back right now?

Rafe: Yes. Yes. I want to give this back to him right now. And I don't want you to fight me on this.

Gabi: It's not that simple, rafe, okay? It could make things worse.

Rafe: No, the only thing that's gonna make it worse is if you have this in your possession.

Gabi: That could be tricky. Okay? Wh--what am I gonna even say to him? "I'm sorry for kneeing you in the groin; here, have your briefcase back"?

Rafe: That sounds like a good place to start.

Gabi: Of course it does to you because you're not the one that has to deal with that creep, okay? He's dangerous. What if he does something worse when I give him his briefcase?

Rafe: Well, I'm sure he won'T. Why not--you know what? Just tell him that you had an act of conscience, and here, here is your briefcase back.

Gabi: Oh, yeah. I'm sure he'll buy that.

Rafe: Of course he will. Need I remind you that you are the one person who can get people to believe things that aren't even remotely true?

Gabi: [Scoffs] Okay, now you're just being mean.

Rafe: No, I'm not. I'm totally being serious, by the way. You have this--this crazy special power. You're like a jedi. You are a master of getting yourself out of a sticky situation. Why are you even in this situation, by the way? Why are you putting yourself in harm's way to exonerate stefan? I thought you hated the guy.

Gabi: It's strictly business.

Rafe: I'll bet it is.

Gabi: It is, okay? Stop looking at me like that.

Rafe: You do realize this is me that you're talking to. Your brother. The person who knows you very, very well.

Gabi: Yeah. So you know when I'm telling the truth, right? You know me. Look, our lives are gonna be intertwined, stefan's and mine.

Rafe: Intertwined, huh?

Gabi: Yes, in business.

Rafe: Oh.

Gabi: If his company goes down, I don't know what happens to mine.

Rafe: Oh, okay. Wow. So you're not getting cozy with him?

Gabi: I'm sorry. "Cozy"?

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Gabi: Did you just--

Rafe: Yeah.

Gabi: Rafe, do I really need to remind you that I hate stefan dimera? That his name makes my skin crawl? You know what? I find-- I have pride, rafe. I don't ever want you to ask me that question again.

Rafe: Fine.

Gabi: And you know what? I will do whatever you want me to do. I'll give xander his little briefcase back.

Rafe: You know what? Actually, I'm gonna give it back to xander.

Gabi: What? No, no, no, no. That's okay.

Rafe: You were right. You said that he is dangerous. So I'm gonna take it to him.

Gabi: Yes, that was my initial reaction, but then I thought about it. Actually, you were the one that reminded me I'm very good at handling those kind of things, so I'm gonna deal with this myself.

Rafe: Okay. -Their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town.

Hope: Do you think xander really held you and kate in the tunnel against his will?

Ted: I don't know. Well, he did his best to make sure we were fed, tried to keep us alive. I'm inclined to--to believe him.

Hope: Is there anything else you can think of you haven't told the police?

Ted: Hope, no, I'm sorry.

Hope: Ted, I'm sorry. No, no. I don't mean to keep going on and on about the case. I'm-- I just feel awful this happened to you. And I'm really glad you're okay.

Ted: Thank you. Look, um, ciara thought that we were on a date. Would you like to be?

Hope: Yes. Yes, I would.

Ben: I'm sorry about your job.

Ciara: Thank you. But, you know, honestly, I think uncle roman did me a favor. After everything that's happened in the past couple of weeks, I, uh... I sure could use some time to decompress before I figure out what I'm doing with my life, of course.

Ben: Yeah, well, that makes two of us. Now that stefan's facing kidnapping charges... I don't know where the hell my job stands, either.

Ciara: Mm. Well, the good news is, now we have more time to spend with each other. And that is the best gift I could ask for.

Ben: What a coincidence. I happen to feel exactly...

Both: The same way.

Gabi: [Sighs]

Brady: Hey. You looking for--sorry. You looking for someone?

Gabi: Yes, actually. I'm looking for your cousin xander.

Brady: Um... he was at home earlier, but I haven't seen him since.

Gabi: Okay, well, when you see him, can you please just give him this? It'll save me a trip.

Brady: Do I even need to ask about--

Gabi: Definitely don't ask.

Kristen as susan: It is about time. Give me back my mask, now. Now.

Sonny: Should we be doing this here?

Will: Well, I mean, with the way we keep getting interrupted? Seems as good a place as any.

[Doorbell rings]

Sonny: You were saying?

Will: Now what?

Kristen as susan: Surprise!

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