Days Transcript Thursday 7/18/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/18/19


Episode #13572 ~ Hope and Ted kiss. Xander and Kristen play a game of cat and mouse. Will makes an unsettling discovery. Jennifer decides it's time to move on from Jack.

Provided By Suzanne

Eve: You decided to take the serum? I mean, I thought you ruled that out.

Jack: I had.

Eve: Well, what made you change your mind?

Jennifer: Ugh! I'm so glad you're here, because I really just need to vent. You know, I just need a glass of wine first. Wait a minute, what time is it? It's too early. Hi.

Hope: Um, hi.

Jennifer: Maybe I'll have, um, a mimosa. That's good. Wait, what are you having? Tea. I'll have tea. Hey. Are you okay?

[Contemplative music]

Hope: My marriage to rafe. Officially over.

Jennifer: I'm sorry.

Brady: Yeah, look, I know nicole has not been herself. But I think she's truly remorseful about the way in which she attacked stefan when he fired her.

Gabi: I'm not talking about that. Stefan is being set up for kidnapping kate and ted. And I think nicole's the one behind it.

Kate: Nicole!

Ted: Open up, please.

Kate: Nicole! Oh, god, this is futile. Seriously, either she's not there or she doesn't want to talk to us. It's just a waste of time.

Ted: You okay? Maybe you left the hospital a little too soon.

Kate: No, I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just that the only thing I give a damn about right now is getting rid of kristen dimera once and for all.

Xander: Sorry, kristen. Given your behavior, I had no choice but to strip you of your credentials. Your doppelganger days as nicole are over.

Sonny: I'll just grab my wallet and we can go.

Will: Cool.

[Knocking on door] Susan?

Kristen as susan: Surprise!


Will: Oh, susan! Ow. What're you doing here?

Sonny: Yeah, we didn't know you were planning on visiting.

Kristen as susan: Oh!

Kristen: It's definitely tricky. But it might just work.

Kristen as susan: Well, I was feelin', you know, all cooped up, and, uh, I just, um, I needed to get out of the house. Yeah. And so this was my first place that I thought about comin'.

Will: Hmm.

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: Stefan fired nicole. Now you're accusing nicole of-- of--of kidnapping ted and kate and then framing stefan. You know, that poor woman has been through a lot. You might want to ease off on your accusations about nicole a little bit.

Gabi: That poor woman that you're talking about is up to her neck in whatever this is.

Brady: Okay, gabi. Do you have any proof of anything?

Gabi: Yes, I do. I was at stefan's house when nicole went down into the tunnels to get champagne. She came up without it.

Brady: Oh, no. I mean, that's a smoking gun. Actually, you should probably call that, like, a popping cork or something.

Gabi: Ha, ha. Okay. The point is, I tried to go down there. She stopped me. And it didn't register at first, because I was just thinking about how she wanted to leave immediately, but it's because she knew that kate and ted were down there. She knew that because she's the one that put them there in the first place.

Brady: Yeah, but no. No. There's a giant hole in your theory, gabi. Actually, there's-- there's two holes.

Kate: Oh, I hate pinning all of our hopes on exposing kristen dimera on a flake like nicole, I really do, but we have no choice.

Ted: How about xander? I know he worked out a deal with the cops, but I'm sure we can get him to turn over kristen.

Kate: Xander is not going to risk his immunity. He's just not gonna do that. He already worked out his deal with the police. He has no incentive to help us.

Ted: What if we make it worth it for him?

Kate: Oh, how are we gonna do that? Are we gonna ask him to help us and then he'll get a big fat target on his back? 'Cause that's exactly what will happen when kristen finds out, and kristen will find out.

Ted: But if we work together, kate--

Kate: This is kristen dimera that we're talking about. Even someone as dumb as xander knows that you don't double-cross her.

Ted: Isn't that what we're doing?

Kate: No, no. It's not.

Ted: You okay? Kate, you okay?

Kate: I am.

Ted: Hey.

Kate: I'm okay.

Ted: Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Kristen as susan: You're happy to see me, right?

Will: Yes! Yeah, of course. Um, a little surprised, but yeah, very. Very happy.

Kristen as susan: Good! Happy enough to let me in? I-I'm really wiltin' out here.

Will: Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. Please, yeah, come on in.

Kristen as susan: [Giggles] Whoo-hoo! This is some serious ac. Cools the yips right out of me.

[Laughs] Now, you don't suppose you have a glass of water nearby? Hmm?

Sonny: Oh, yeah, yeah. Uh, coming right up.

Kristen as susan: Oh, and those little round ice cubes if you have them.

[Sighs contentedly] I sure could stand to get off my feet.

[Laughs] You get it? Stand to get off my feet? Yeah, and I know there's a cozy couch in there.

Sonny: Okay, well, let's get you off your feet, susan.

Kristen as susan: Thank you! Oh!

[Giggles] Well, my stars and garters. Who is this big ol' hunk of burnin' love?

[Dramatic music]

Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Hope: My marriage is done. It's over. Time for me to acknowledge that this chapter in my life... a chapter I had a lot of hope for... is done. Closed.

Jennifer: Yeah. I know exactly how you feel.

Hope: Oh, cuz. Honey. Of course you do.

Jennifer: It's so crazy, isn't it? I mean, here... here, we think we're gonna spend our future... with the men of our dreams, and then everything goes horribly wrong. And you know jack made it very clear to me for the millionth time that I am the last person that he wants to spend any time with. With or without his memory.

Jack: Eve. We've talked about this. I want to have a relationship with abigail and jj. A shared history. Taking that serum will give me that.

Eve: Yeah, I know, we talked about that, but we also talked about the side effects, jack. You can't ignore them.

Jack: Look, I've been following will's progress. He's doing great. Hundred percent recovery. No side effects from the antidote. He's got his memories. All of them. It seems like a win-win to me.

Eve: Yeah, for jennifer.

Jack: What?

Eve: I said for jennifer.

Jack: Eve.

Eve: No, no, don't "eve" me. Why don't you just go on and admit it, this sudden desire to take that serum isn't about your kids. No, it's all about jennifer rose horton.

Xander: And... who might this lovely lady be?

Will: Uh, susan banks. Susan, this is xander cook, uh, kiriakis. He is--

Sonny: My cousin.

Kristen as susan: Huh. I know exactly who you are.

Xander: You do?

Kristen as susan: Mm-hmm. You're the no-good, low-belly scoundrel that shot my best, best friend in the whole wide world, and I'm gonna show you exactly what I think of you--

Will: No, no, no!

Kristen as susan: What?

Will: Back. Back. He's--he's not all bad.

Kristen as susan: The heck he isn't!

Sonny: He saved will's life. He's the one that turned over rolf's missing diary.

Will: And the formula for the serum they used to make an antidote. And here I am.

Kristen as susan: Well, how about that. I guess we owe you a debit of gratitude.

Xander: Oh, I'm just happy that I could contribute in some small way to will's return to the living.

Kristen as susan: Pretty words. Mm-hmm. But that diary didn't belong to you, now, did it?

Xander: Excuse me?

Kristen as susan: Didn't anybody ever tell you that it's not nice to take things that don't belong to you?

Why lenscrafters?

Jack: Eve, you're wrong. You're wrong, this is not about jennifer.

Eve: Please, jack. I know how the inhabitants of this hallowed hamlet keep telling you about your epic romance with jennifer rose. How you're the super-duper super couple. You know, throw in a couple kids, picket fence around the horton house, and you're living the american dream. Now, come on! You expect me to believe that you don't want that back?

Jack: Mm, I wouldn't have you. I wouldn't have you, and I love you. I love you. I'm married to you.

Eve: The last time we married all those years ago, we married for that inheritance. Well, maybe this time, you married me just for convenience.

Jack: Eve. Think about it.

Eve: What?

Jack: Why would I want to reclaim my past with jennifer? You read that op-ed. She hates me. She can't stand me. Every time I see her, she attacks me. And you know what, I throw it right back at her. I can't stand being in the same town with her, let alone the same room. We can't--

Eve: Jack. Don't you understand that's who you are? That's who you were. You, like, had these fireworks. You're on again, off again. You love each other, you hate each other, and then know what you do? You do it all over again. Jack, and... when you died, you loved her.

Jack: Well, maybe I did. But eve, that's history. Ancient history.

Eve: Until you take that serum. Then all those memories come flooding back.

Jennifer: I just thought if jack could read an article that he wrote and the power of his words and his dedication to doing good, that he could just see how much he has to offer the world.

Hope: And his family.

Jennifer: Yeah. But he does not want to take that serum. He is not interested in regaining his memory. He's happy being a self-serving coward married to a self-serving woman.

Hope: I'm so sorry. Truly.

Jennifer: But maybe this is what I needed. Maybe--maybe I really needed the truth to just kick me in the face. To make me see what jack and i had is really lost forever.

Ted: Kate? Kate? Hey. Good. You scared me. Again.

Kate: Well, at least you didn't try to drown me in champagne this time.

Ted: Well... here, this should help. Maybe I should call an ambulance. You need to go back to the hospital.

Kate: I'm fine.

Ted: You're fine? That's exactly what you told me right before you fainted.

Kate: Look, I just got a little dizzy, okay?

Ted: Low blood sugar. I know exactly the thing.

Kate: No, really. You don't have to do that. Ted.

Ted: Here. Just one bite, please. I'm tired of you passing out on me.

Kate: No.

Ted: Please. Please.

Kate: Oh, my... fine. Fine.

[Sensual music]

[Dramatic whooshing]

Brady: Gabi, kate and ted, they identified stefan as the man who had them kidnapped. Which means nicole would've had to have convinced them to lie. I don't know about this ted laurent, but I know that kate and nicole are not the best of friends. How is nicole supposed to pull something like that off?

Gabi: I don't know. Okay, I am still working on the details, but kate is not cooperating.

Brady: What do you mean she's not cooperating?

Gabi: Well, I went to the hospital to try to get the truth out, and she's sticking to her story.

Brady: Well, maybe her story is the truth.

Gabi: No. It's not. Okay, I know it because... I believe stefan, it's not.

Brady: You--you believe st-- because he's such a paragon of virtue, or...

Gabi: Because he told me.

Brady: And you believe every word that comes out of that man's mouth?

Gabi: I believe this.

Brady: So kate's lying?

Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, she is, so I had to go around her and go straight to the source.

Brady: What source? What do you mean? Who's the source, I don't--

Gabi: Are you kidding me? It's nicole. Are you not listening? Although it was a waste of time.

Brady: Why, because nicole denied it and blew your whole theory to hell?

Gabi: No. No, it's because that loca bitch, she had a kooky mask on, and she slammed the door in my face.

Xander: I have a lot of work to do, so I'm just gonna let you guys, you know, catch up.

Kristen as susan: Hold it right there, mister. You saved will's life, and that practically makes you family.

[Giggles] So I just want to thank you properly for what you done! Yeah!

Xander: All good. No thanks necessary.

Kristen as susan: Oh!

Sonny: Yeah, he was angling for a car.

Kristen as susan: Well, i won't take no for an answer. You heard that. I won't take no for an answer. Huh? So sit your keister down right now. Come on.

Xander: I really do have a great deal of work.

Kristen as susan: Sit your keister down. Do what I say. Sit. Sit. Sit.

Will: It's, uh, yeah. It's easier if you do what she says.

Kristen as susan: Sit. Okay.

[Laughs] I didn't expect to run into will's savior. But I am a giver. And I like to try and have things to give to people who, uh, you know, are extra special. And you deserve something extra, extra special. Mmm. Whoo! So, I want you to just close your eyes.

Xander: Oh, I'm good.

Kristen as susan: No, I want you to close your eyes. Close 'em. Close 'em. Close 'em! That's right.

[Chuckles] I want you to do it a little tighter, though. Scrinch 'em. Just tighter! Okay. That's good. That's good. No peeking!

[Sighs] Well, I sure do like surprises. Surprises are what makes the world go around. That's what I always say, huh? Oh! Here it is. Okay. You can open your peepers. Didn't I say you deserve something extra, extra special?

[Dramatic music]

Chugga-chugga, charles! My man!

Brady: Nicole was wearing a mask?

Gabi: Yeah. Hand to god. It was a lucha libre mask.

Brady: A lucha libre-- that's a mexican wrestling mask, right? Why?

Gabi: I don't know. A twisted cultural slur? I don't know if she was trying to be funny or she really has lost her mind, but she totally freaked me out. And by the way, she's been doing a lot of that lately.

Brady: Yeah. Well... holly's death has taken a toll on her, gabi. I hope you understand that.

Gabi: Oh, I get that. And I feel very bad for her. But she tried to strangle stefan. She attacked me. Okay, I have never thought of nicole as a violent person, but this craziness? That woman is unhinged.

Brady: Yeah. She's, uh, she hasn't been acting herself lately, that's for sure.

Gabi: You know her better than anybody. Maybe you can, I don't know, talk to her, learn something.

Brady: No. No, no, I don't think that would be-- that's not the best idea.

Gabi: Can't you just try, brady?

Brady: What's with all this concern all of a sudden that you have for stefan? I mean, you-- you hate the guy, right? So, I mean, has that changed or something?

Gabi: No, what? Absolutely not. I despise that cabron.

Brady: Okay, well, you're working awfully hard to prove the innocence of a guy that you despise so much.

Gabi: Yes, I am. Because if he goes to prison for kidnapping ted and kate, I'm not gonna be able to destroy him myself.

Brady: Right. Because you hate him so much.

Gabi: Yes, I do. I've worked very hard and very long to bring down that bastard, okay, and nothing is gonna get in the way of what I want.

Brady: All right. Good luck with that.

Gabi: Hey! If you talk to nicole, let me know.

[Tense music]

Jack: Eve? I promise you. Even if I do take that serum, and all my memories come flooding back, it won't change what you and i have, mrs. Deveraux.

Eve: You don't know that, jack.

Jack: Oh, but I do. Because... what you and I have right now, right here, is what I want. I have never been happier than I am at this moment.

Eve: That you can remember.

[Stirring music]

Jack: Do you love me?

Eve: Jack, you know I love you.

Jack: Do you trust me?

Eve: With my life.

Jack: Then trust me on this. Memories are memories. But you are my present. And my future.

Eve: And you are mine. Oh, my god, jack, I love our life. I love it so much, what we've built. We've made a great life together. And I swear to you, I never thought that I would feel this way, that I would love you like I love you, I would feel the love that you have for me. The thought of losing you, jack, it just... it scares me so much.

Jack: Well, then, you tell me. You tell me, what can I do? What can I do? How can I make you understand that you're the woman I'm in love with, not jennifer?

Jennifer: I'm sorry. I'm going on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

Hope: No, no, no. You're allowed. Oh.

Jennifer: I mean, maybe it's good.

Hope: Just in time.

Jennifer: That jack was so hateful, because I have wasted so much time. Or I feel like I've lost so much time just hoping that he would come back to us. And then being good with him gone and then being hopeful again if I even got a glimpse of the old jack, and I can't-- I can't do that anymore. It just has to stop. Because the jack that i fell in love with, who put his family first and-- and loved us from the bottom of his soul, he doesn't exist, and he never will.

Hope: That doesn't mean you've stopped loving him. Right?

Jennifer: Right, but maybe it's time. Because if jack is not willing to change, then that means that I have to make a decision for myself. And I just, I have to move on.

Kristen as susan: It's something, isn't it?

Xander: It's very unusual.

Sonny: That is one weird gift.

Will: Well, it is susan.

Sonny: Yeah, it certainly is.

Kristen as susan: One of a kind, huh? Just like you, xandy.

Sonny: Xandy?

Kristen as susan: You don't mind me calling you that, do you? Xandy.

[Chuckles] Go on. Take it. You're not gonna disappoint me now, are you?

Sonny: Yeah. Might come in handy. You know, halloween, or if you're looking to make a career move.

Xander: Ha, ha, ha.

Kristen as susan: See, you can keep it safe in your big, shiny briefcase, hmm? You know, some people think those are funny, like cartoons. But those luchadors... stone-cold killers. And it all looks like fun and games, but then bam! Stabs you in the back.

Will: Well, I don't think they allow knives in wrestling matches.

Kristen as susan: Oops. That's my bad. I guess I was, uh, misinformed by the gentleman who gave it to me. Guess I shouldn't have trusted him.

Will: You're re-gifting?

Kristen as susan: Re-gifting is only in poor taste when it's given back to the person who gave it to you, isn't that right, xandy?

Xander: Oh, well, as lovely a gesture as this is, susan, I really think you should keep it.

Kristen as susan: That is very sweet of you! But I-I'm in the market for something a little more feminine.

Xander: Oh. Well, then I wish you luck.


Kristen as susan: Hey.

[Laughs] Aren't you forgetting something?

Xander: Oh. Of course. I'm so sorry. Where are my manners? Thank you.

Kristen as susan: Damn it!

Will: Susan? Uh... are you okay?

Kristen as susan: I just-- I just--I need to use the little girls' room.

[Laughs] I'll be right back.

[Door shuts]

Brady: Oh! God. Hi. This is hal.

Jennifer: Hope.

Hope: Hmm?

Jennifer: I did it again. I've been going on and on, and you're sitting here with divorce papers, and I'm talking about me. Again.

Hope: Don't worry about it.

Jennifer: No, I am gonna worry. No, you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna toast, right now. Yes, the two of us.

Hope: Okay.

Jennifer: To new chapters.

Hope: To new chapters. And novels. How about that?

Jennifer: And you know what else?

Hope: What?

Jennifer: To heroes. 'Cause ted and kate?

Hope: Mm-hmm.

Jennifer: They would not even be alive right now if it weren't for you. I don't even know how you managed to track them down.

Hope: Cuz, I am just really glad that I got to them in time.

Jennifer: Well, I know that ted is glad. Is he going to be a part of your new chapter?

Hope: He's made it very clear that's what he wants.

Jennifer: And what do you want?

Hope: To be happy. When I thought ted was dead, it really-- it really made me think, cuz. So maybe I do care for him. Hmm? And maybe these papers here say it's time to explore... those feelings.

Kate: I hate milk chocolate.

Ted: Well, me too. I'll try to remember that next time. But you need to eat something.

Kate: You know, your concern is just lovely, but I can take care of myself, thank you. Actually, you should probably spread your concern somewhere else. Perhaps you should go hover over your lover, hope brady.

Ted: Hover? Well, she's not my lover.

Kate: Really?

Ted: No.

Kate: Well, I seemed to be interrupting something in that hospital room.

Ted: We've been taking it slowly.

Kate: Oh, that's so quaint.

Ted: Quaint, yeah, well, I'm trying to be positive, and I believe that hope is about to move on from rafe, so.

Kate: Oh. Well, I would watch my step if I were you.

Ted: Kate, the connection that hope and I have is pretty real.

Kate: Well, what's going to happen to that connection once ms. Law and order finds out that you're not the changed man that you say you are? Because she's not known to be an especially forgiving person.

Ted: Are you talking about what happened between us in the tunnels?

Kate: I'm talking about holly, that you helped fake her death. Remember that? You're up to your eyeballs involved with xander.

Ted: Kate. Are you threatening me?

Brady: Susan, right? What're you--what're you-- what're you doing here in town?

Kristen as susan: Oh, I just, uh, popped back to check in on will, and I'm sure glad I did. Because, uh-- I'm sorry, did you by chance see xander come running through here? I--

Brady: No. No, I haven't seen him. Why?

Kristen as susan: Oh, well, I gave him a gift, and, uh, I just, you know, 'cause he saved will's life. I just want to make sure that he likes it.

Brady: Yeah, you know, I have some advice to give you about him. Don't be upset if he doesn't appreciate your gift, okay, 'cause that guy is out for one person, and that's himself, honestly.

Kristen as susan: You don't say.

Brady: Yeah, I could tell you some stories about him, but honestly, my cousin is not worth the breath in my body, susan. Honestly.

Kristen as susan: And what a body it is. Just, you're just hot and sweaty from your hot and sweaty jog.

Brady: Yeah... it's a scorcher out there. It's pretty warm outside.

Kristen as susan: I can feel the heat coming right over here. (Avo) do you push through migraine?

Ted: You promised to keep your mouth shut about my involvement with holly's death. You promised.

Kate: Well, like I said, I mean, if hope is dumb enough to get involved with you, well, that's her problem, isn't it?

Ted: So is that a yes? Because, uh, I need to make sure I can trust you, kate.

Kate: Oh, you can trust me. It's just whether someone else opens their big mouth, say, like, say, like, xander decides to brag a little.

Ted: Xander has as much to lose as I do, so no, he won'T.

Kate: Oh, well, you better hope so. Because, you see, hope has been betrayed before.

Ted: I know exactly what rafe did to her.

Kate: Oh, no. No, no, no. I'm not talking about rafe. I'm talking about larry welsh. Patrick lockhart. Aiden jennings. You see, hope tends to attract the not-so-nice guys.

Ted: Well, I-I'm different.

Kate: You're different? You're a blackmailer. You're a liar. You're a con man. You're a cheat, babe. You know, those dimples-- those dimples are deeper than your conscience.

Ted: Well, I have reformed.

Kate: Have you really? Because you just faked a child's death, so...

Ted: It was a mistake. I will be the man hope needs, okay?

Kate: That sounds like a lot of work, ted.

Ted: Kate, it seems like you're doing much better. I'm gonna go get hope and pick up the conversation I had with her right before you interrupted us at the hospital. Okay?

Kate: Mm.

[Tense music]

[Door shuts]

Kristen as susan: Oh.

Brady: You all right?

Kristen as susan: Oh! Yes, yes, yes. Just admiring your hard work. It's certainly... paid off.

[Both laugh]

Brady: Thank you. Um, now I'm gonna take a shower now. That's my reward. So, uh, I hope to see you around town.

Kristen as susan: You can count on that as a fact.

Brady: All right.

Kristen as susan: [Laughs]

Brady: [Chuckles]

Kristen as susan: Damn you, xander, where the hell did you go?

Gabi: Misplace your brain again?

Xander: What do you want?

Gabi: I think you're lying, about stefan being the one who put you up to kidnap kate and ted.

Xander: Really?

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

Xander: Well, tell me this, nancy drew. If I wasn't working for stefan, who exactly was I working for?

Gabi: Nicole walker. Ugh, another delay...

[Contemplative music]

Kate: I definitely need something stronger.

Ted: [Grunts] I'm gonna take a shower. Yeah.

[Cork pops]

Kate: [Yelps] Nope. I don't need champagne. And I don't need ted laurent.

[Tender acoustic strumming]

Ted: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

Hope: Ted. Please. Uh, sit down. You're out of the hospital.

Ted: Yeah.

Hope: How are you feeling?

Ted: [Sighs] Much better that now I'm looking at your beautiful face.

Eve: There is... one thing that you could do to reassure me.

Jack: Name it. Anything.

Eve: You love me, jack?

Jack: I do.

Eve: Well, then, you won't take the serum. You will protect what we have.

Jack: Eve. I love you. I do. But I'm sorry. I want my memory back.

[Stirring music]

[Mysterious music]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone line ringing]

Jennifer: Yeah! Dr. Shah, hey. Oh, I-I'm sorry. Yeah, henry. Yes, it is jennifer horton. Yeah. It has been a really long time. Yeah. I was calling because I was wondering maybe, um, if you would like to have dinner.

Will: Susan's been gone for a while.

Sonny: Yeah, well, you know susan. When she said she was going to the little girls' room, she probably decided to draw a bath. Or maybe she's trying to clear the air of uncle vic's bad chi. Maybe she cornered maggie and she's telling her about a talking squirrel.

Will: Maybe. I don't know, the way she showed up out of the blue, I... I got a bad feeling.

Sonny: Will, what're you doing? Didn't your mother ever teach you, you can never go through a woman's purse.

Will: Well, my mom is sami brady, so what do you think?

Sonny: Well, you got a point.

Will: And besides, susan lied to me for two years about who I was, so I don't really feel bad going through her gigantic stevie nicks purse.

Sonny: Yeah, you might even find stevie nicks in that purse.

Will: Very funny. Oh, my god.

Sonny: What is it?

Will: What the hell? What is she up to?

[Tense music]

Kristen: There's a reason I put those initials on the door in the warehouse. How the hell am I supposed to know if I'm in the right room? Xander, where did you put that mask?

Brady: Susan?

[Suspenseful music]

Xander: Why would I team up with my ex-wife? Nicole divorced me. She hates my guts.

Gabi: Or maybe it's all an act. Maybe you're secretly in cahoots.

Xander: Cahoots?

[Snorts] Hardly.

Gabi: I know there's something there. You can deny all you want. Nicole is involved.

Xander: If you're so smart, prove it.

Gabi: I will. I will. And probably all the proof I need is right here.

[Intense music]

Tessitore: Welcome back.

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