Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/17/19
Episode #13571 ~ Gabi has a bizarre encounter with "Nicole." Brady tries to oust Xander from Titan. Gabi pressures Kate to come clean. Jennifer makes an impassioned speech to Jack about the person he used to be.
Provided By Suzanne
Will: Oh. [Sniffs] Chocolate chip waffles. You're a god! And mums and--and lilies. This is a very nice touch.
Sonny: Yeah, I wanted your first morning back from the hospital to be perfect.
Will: Well, that is all i need for my morning to be perfect, but I'm not gonna say no to my two favorite food groups, chocolate and waffles.
Sonny: Also got, uh, some light reading.
Will: Anything interesting?
Sonny: Uh, you could say that. Uh, jennifer's op-ed pretty much skewered your uncle jack.
Will: Mm. That bad?
Sonny: I'm guessing if our mayor is reading this right now, his head is exploding.
[Uneasy music]
Jack: [Sighs] Oh. No, no, no. It's too early in the morning. Please keep moving. Please keep moving.
Jennifer: I want to give you an opportunity to read the op-ed I wrote about you and your administration, mr. Mayor. You probably want to finish your breakfast before you dive in. You may lose your appetite.
Ted: Commissioner deveraux. To what do I owe the honor?
Eve: Well, I just read over the statement about what stefan dimera did to you and kate. It was horrible! You must have been afraid for your lives.
Ted: Well, we were.
Eve: Well, rest assured that I will do everything in my power to make sure that justice is served, but before that case moves forward, you and I need to have a petite talk.
Kate: Austin, I'm fine. I really am. No, I'm concerned about you. Yes, I am. Why is this the first time that I'm hearing about you and carrie being separated?
[Sighs] Okay, look. I'm in the hospital, so I have nothing but time, so you need to start talking. Wait. N--well, you're in luck, because I have a visitor, but we're gonna talk about this sooner than later, sweetie. Okay. I love you too, austin. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
Gabi: How you feeling?
Kate: Well, I'm feeling like I want to get out of here, but rex wants me to stay overnight just to be sure.
Gabi: Hmm.
Kate: Those look fabulous.
Gabi: Oh, and I made them just for you.
Kate: Oh, good. Thank you.
Gabi: And you can actually have them when you tell me why you're lying about stefan.
[Phone beeps]
[Line trilling]
Kristen: Pick up, you bastard.
[Cell phone rings]
[Uneasy music]
Xander: Good morning, sunshine.
Kristen: You give me back that mask, you idiot!
Xander: Is that any way to talk to your partner in crime?
Kristen: [Sighs] You know I can't be seen unless I look like nicole. Thanks to you, partner, i haven't been able to leave this room since last night. So if you don't return that mask this instant, I'm going to--
Xander: Easy, tiger. Just having a little bit of fun with you. Go look outside your door. I left you something that will make you very happy.
Kristen: [Hangs up]
[Uneasy music]
It took months to develop this mask based on rolf's technology. I swear to god, if you have damaged it in any way, I'm--
[Disquieting music flourish]
[Uneasy music]
Damn you, xander!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Twangy music]
[Cell phone rings]
Xander: Mm. Did you like your gift? I hope I got the right size.
Kristen: You are playing a very dangerous game.
Xander: And you need to learn that you can't stab me in the back and get away with it.
Kristen: I told you, I had a plan.
Xander: I'm the one making the plans now, and I decided to put you on time out until you learned to behave.
Kristen: I am going to kill you with my bare hands. No, that's too good for you. I'm gonna torture you to death.
Xander: Such a pistol, but here's the thing, sweet-cheeks. Without nicole's mask, you can't step foot outside your door, not without risking your freedom, so you can't get at me or anyone else. Oh, and look who just walked in. Brady black, looking extra handsome today. Nice, uh, pecs, mate.
Kristen: You son of a bitch!
Xander: Later. Ciao. [Hangs up]
Brady: Who was that you were talking to?
Jack: You gotta be kidding me. "Mayor jack deveraux is crafting an atmosphere that emboldens racists?" That's completely untrue.
Jennifer: Really?
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Jennifer: Do you know that your son got kicked out of his apartment because of you, jack?
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. You're starting something in the middle of a conversation again. What are you talking about? Tell me.
Jennifer: Okay, you--the landlord, supposedly, is a big fan of yours, and so he evicted jj because he didn't want haley living in his complex.
Jack: And how is that my fault?
Jennifer: Jack, that's how you won the election! You played on everybody's fears and you encouraged everyone that the right thing to do was demonize this young woman.
Jack: Oh, this young woman-- yes, haley, the young woman who broke the law. So yes, yeah, I'm tough on crime. Sorry about that. People who game the system, take advantage of this great country of ours.
Jennifer: Yes, so you just wrap it up in a flag, and that makes it okay, right, jack?
Jack: I never encouraged racism.
Jennifer: And you never spoke against it, either, and that is how you won votes, so you should be ashamed of yourself.
[Eerie drum and chime music]
Jack: You know, the person who's prejudiced here is you.
Jennifer: Me?
Jack: Yes, you. You don't report; you attack. You're angry, bitter, biased. You're completely unprofessional--as a matter of fact, as of this moment, I'm revoking your press badge.
Jennifer: You can't do that.
Jack: Watch me.
Ted: Commissioner, petit talk--sounds serious.
Eve: Well, it is.
Kate: So what did you say to hope?
Ted: I told her what I was supposed to tell her--xander and stefan kidnapped us--just like kristen wanted.
Kate: Good, but just so you know, we're not gonna play along with this forever.
Ted: We're not?
Kate: No, we are not, because if we want to be safe, we have to get rid of that psychotic bitch and her dimwitted boy toy.
Eve: Ted? You look a little pale. Is there a problem?
Ted: Oh, no, there's no problem at all. I, um--I believe I told the detective everything I can remember from the kidnapping. Nothing but the truth.
Eve: Well, that's--that's good to know, because I'm gonna need some help from you to put stefan dimera behind bars.
Ted: Oh, yes. No, of course. Definitely would have my testimony, of course.
Eve: I don't mean as the victim, ted. I mean as the da.
[High clear music]
Kate: Why in the world would you think that I'm lying about stefan?
Gabi: Well, because he says he didn't do it, and i believe him.
Kate: Oh, really? You'd take his word over mine?
Gabi: You don't have a good track record with the truth.
Kate: And he does?
Gabi: Kate, just tell me what's going on, please.
Kate: You know, I think you should be thanking me right now, because you hate stefan. He's now going to jail. He's ruined--just what you wanted. Mission accomplished.
Gabi: Okay, yes, I did want to ruin him. I--I mean...
Kate: [Short vocalization]
Gabi: I want to ruin him, kate. It's just--it...
Kate: What? It's just what? Are you in love with him, gabi?
Will: "Mayor deveraux's only guiding principle is doing what's best for mayor deveraux. Salem deserves better." Ouch. She--she really called jack out for what he is, or what he's become.
Sonny: I'm actually--I'm surprised that he hasn't chosen to use rolf's serum yet.
Will: I hope he does, because this jack deveraux has zero moral compass.
Sonny: Yeah, well, speaking of no morals, I heard that xander got immunity this morning.
Will: You're kidding me. He--he kidnapped my grandma.
Sonny: I know, and ted laurent.
Will: Well, that--that i don't blame him for.
Sonny: Mm. I'm with you on that, but supposedly, he cut a deal to turn state's evidence against stefan dimera as the brains behind the kidnapping.
Will: So he just got off scot-free?
Sonny: Mm-hmm--well--
Will: That's unbelievable.
Sonny: Yeah, maybe not scot-free, 'cause with any luck, this should--this should be all brady needs to boot him from titan.
Will: Well, I hope so.
Xander: I was just talking to my assistant, lois.
Brady: [Laughs] You were telling lois that i looked extra handsome today.
Xander: Mm, wench has a bit of a crush on you. Tell you what: Next time I'm in the office, if you want, I'll put in a good word for you.
Brady: Ah. There's not going to be a next time, xander.
Xander: What do you mean?
Brady: Well, as of this morning, you are no longer a titan employee. You are fired.
[Uneasy music]
I'm just a normal person
Jennifer: [Whispering] Press
Jennifer: This is outrageous! You are violating the first amendment, jack.
Jack: Would you just keep it down--your free speech is making a scene.
Jennifer: [Whispering] Press will not be silenced.
Jack: As if I could ever silence you. So relax, all right? I'm not shutting down your pathetic little paper. All I'm doing is keeping you and your associates from ever coming to one of my press conferences again.
Jennifer: Well, you can't do that, because as a journalist, i have an equal right to access to information.
Jack: Tell it to the judge.
Jennifer: Oh, you would do that, wouldn't you, jack?
Jack: In a heartbeat.
Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. You used to be such a huge proponent of freedom of the press. You know what? The old jack would be disgusted.
Jack: I'm so sick of hearing about the old jack. I'm sick of it. Stop talking about him.
Jennifer: Do you even care about the man that you were, about the life that you had, jack? There's a serum out there, and you can take it. Why won't you?
Jack: I'm thinking about it. Right?
Jennifer: You're thinking about it?
Jennifer: Yeah, I'm thinking about it. You know, you may not believe this, but I actually kind of like my life, and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize it.
Jennifer: Jack, it's empty, and it's pathetic, and it's very sad.
Jennifer: I have a beautiful wife. I am mayor of salem. What's not to love?
Jennifer: You're a coward, because you are afraid of who you really are.
Jack: That's it. You did it. Miss horton, you helped me make my decision. There's no way in hell I'm going to take that damn serum now, because past, present, or future, there's no way I want you in any part of it! Part of it.
[Tense music]
Ted: You want me to be the da again?
Eve: Come on, ted. You can't be surprised. I've already offered you the job, and you never got back to me. I'm assuming the little, uh, mess-up with the kidnapping kind of got in the way, but you know what? The position is still open, lucky for us.
Ted: Well, I'm going to give you the same answer I intended to give you before the kidnapping: No.
Eve: [Sighs] Come on, ted. Think about the power, the perks, your opportunity to prosecute stefan dimera, a man who wanted to see you dead.
Ted: Yeah, well, I know you're new to this, but, uh, there's a little thing called conflict of interest. I cannot prosecute a crime if I'm the victim.
Eve: Oh, well, then, give yourself a waiver or something.
Ted: A waiver? This is not how it works.
Eve: Oh, come on. Can't you just think outside of the box just a little bit? I mean, you have in the past.
Ted: There is such thing as the rule of law. You know that.
Eve: Okay, then recuse yourself from the case. Come on, the offer still stands.
Ted: Isn't it up to your husband, the new mayor, to appoint a da?
Eve: Well, jack trusts me on this. I'm sure he will agree that you are the best man for the job.
Ted: Well, thank you. You offered me the job before because you want me to prosecute ben weston, but he's been cleared, so my question is, "why do you still want me to be the da?"
Kate: I warned you about this--bringing sex into the mix. I warned you. It's playing with fire.
Gabi: I'm not in love with stefan, okay? There is nothing that I want more than to see him suffer, but I want to be the one to make him suffer.
Kate: What difference does it make, gabi?
Kate: Huge! The plan is I become mrs. Gabriella dimera. I take his name, take his fortune, take his company, but if he's in prison, how am I gonna do that? You have ruined everything, kate.
Kate: Oh, I'm so sorry that my kidnapping and my near-death has inconvenienced you.
Gabi: I just want what's mine.
Kate: Do you love him?
Gabi: No.
Kate: Hmm? Not even a little bit?
Gabi: No.
Kate: Huh. Lust?
Gabi: [Laughs] The sex isn't terrible.
Kate: I knew it! I knew it. That's how it starts.
Gabi: Oh, my gosh. I have no feelings for stefan other than lust, disgust, and hate.
Kate: Oh, my god. I--if you say so, honey. If you say so.
Gabi: It's the truth, okay? And now it's time for you to give me some truth, because there is no way that stefan kidnapped you. It just doesn't make sense.
Kate: Okay. I killed his mother--uh, by accident, of course. He wants his revenge, gabi.
Gabi: Don't you think he would have done that months ago?
Kate: Well, maybe he's playing a long game, just like you are. But we both know hiring xander to kidnap me is definitely something that stefan would do.
Kate: But did he?
Kristen: I want you to go to the police and tell them the person who kept you hostage in here was stefan dimera.
Kate: But what if the police don't believe our story?
Kristen: Oh, you better make them believe it, 'cause I have people everywhere, and I'll have no choice but to send one to kill you both.
Kate: [Sighs]
Kristen: Or better yet, I'll just take out one of your precious children, kate.
[Foreboding music]
Kate: Stefan is definitely guilty of kidnapping me and ted, okay, and that's the truth.
Gabi: Really? So how does nicole walker fit into all of this?
Kristen: I need to get my mask back, but how?
[Uneasy music]
Brady: Hey. Who are you? What do you think you're doing? Hey, turn around, or I'm calling security.
Kristen, you're alive.
Kristen: I'm ready to make amends, to bed your forgiveness, brady. I never stopped loving you. I--and I know we can be happy, if you just give us another chance.
Brady: Kristen, I am so glad that you are here.
Kristen: You are?
Brady: Absolutely, I am. As you know, now... now I can finally do what I've been wanting to do for so long.
Kristen: Yes. Yes, brady.
Brady: And that is to put your ass behind bars, you conniving bitch.
Kristen: Oh. Okay, I guess I won't be doing that.
[Suspenseful music]
Xander: You can't fire me. We had a deal. I gave you nicole's confession, and you gave me a job with an ironclad contract--
Brady: You were charged with the kidnapping of two people, one of which was a titan employee. You have a clause in your contract that says if you commit a felony, that's grounds for termination.
Xander: Luckily, I have my contract right here.
[Tinkling music]
You... need to read the fine print.
Brady: Oh.
Xander: I have to be convicted of a felony, and in case you didn't hear, I got immunity this morning, so, uh, sorry. You can't get rid of me quite that easily.
Brady: Uh, maybe I can.
Brady: Yeah, see, as you can see, um, a felony isn't the only grounds for dismissal. Technically, you worked for the competition when you agreed to carry out stefan dimera's orders, so that, my friend, is a violation of your contract.
Xander: Technically, that's true, but I would argue, as would my lawyer, that i accepted the job to benefit titan.
Brady: [Laughs] How so, xander?
Xander: Stefan contacted me to put ted and kate on ice because he knew I used to be a mercenary, but now that I've changed my ways, my first reaction was to turn him down flat. Then I realized I could use this opportunity to take stefan down and destroy our family's biggest competition for good, so that's exactly what I did.
Brady: Ah. Gosh, I should be thanking you, I guess.
Xander: I kept ted and kate alive, left a trail of breadcrumbs a mile long so even hope brady could find them.
Brady: Oh, so you knew that hope was going to be following you?
Xander: Course. How stupid do you think I am?
Brady: Where should I start, xander?
Xander: I facilitated ted and kate's rescue, and now I'm the da's star witness against stefan dimera, which means the man is toast. So instead of firing me, you, uncle vic, and the whole kiriakis clan should be throwing me a parade.
Will: If brady does fire xander, do you think he will offer you the job?
Sonny: No, brady knows that i don't want to work at titan anymore, and that I want to run my own business. I just don't have a clue what that business will be.
Will: Well, I did promise i would help you figure it out, and now that I've carbo-loaded, maybe we can brainstorm. How about... a coffee shop? Really? A bar?
Sonny: Been there, done that.
Will: Uh, okay. How about your own lifestyle company? Sonny chic.
[Both laugh]
Sonny: I don't think I have the same eye as gabi does for fashion.
Will: Yeah, well, we do need to talk about refreshing your wardrobe.
Sonny: Are you really going there, mr. Plaid-for-days?
Will: Ouch, that's hurtful.
Sonny: Well, lucky for you, I do have a thing for lumberjacks.
Will: There's a job for you.
Sonny: What, a lumberjack? You're not helping.
Will: Well, I'm sorry. I'm--I'm distracted by my husband, who's very cute. Very jobless, but very cute.
Sonny: That's very funny, very clever.
Will: Uh, trust me, I'm not complaining, because it means i get to spend more time with you and do fun things like this.
[Gentle music]
Eve: You know, ben weston may be innocent of torching those cabins, but he's a psychopath. He will break the law again, because that's what he does. He can't help himself, and when he does, that's when we are gonna bury him. That's why I need a tough prosecutor like you to nail him to the wall, ted.
Ted: What if ben weston changed?
Eve: Changed?
Ted: Mm-hmm.
Eve: Since when are you a fan of ben weston?
Ted: A fan? No, I'm not. Stefan dimera tried to kidnap me long before this incident. He sent ben weston to do his dirty work.
Eve: You wouldn't happen to have evidence of that, would you?
Ted: [Sighs] No.
Eve: Well, you have a vested interest in bringing him down, so that's good enough for me, so what do you say?
Ted: I quit because-- because you fired hope, hijacked her career. Nothing has changed since. Till it does, my answer is no.
Eve: Wow, that loyalty-- it's admirable, and that's why I'm gonna give you some time to think about it--'cause you're a smart man, ted, very talented, and I think that we can actually work out a mutually beneficial agreement. Au revoir.
Ted: Au revoir.
[Dramatic string music]
Kate: Nicole walker? I don't know what you're talking about.
Gabi: I know for a fact that she was in those tunnels when you and ted were locked in that secret room.
Kate: Mm. You're mistaken about that.
Gabi: No, I'm not. She went to go get champagne. She claims that there was none down there, and so when I went to go check, she basically body-blocked me from doing that. That's because she saw you, and she didn't want me to see that.
Kate: Okay, look, I don't know how many ways I'm gonna tell you this, but ted and I-- we never saw nicole.
Gabi: You're lying. I don't know why, but you are.
Kate: Okay, this has got to stop. Stefan is going to prison, and that's all that matters.
Gabi: Fine, lie to me. Wouldn't be the first time. I don't need you. I'm gonna find some way to prove that stefan didn't do this.
Kate: They were dry anyway.
Gabi: [Sighs]
[Dramatic music]
Jack: You again.
Jennifer: Read it.
Jack: If you're suing me, take it to my lawyer.
Jennifer: I went back to "the spectator" and I got this out of the archives, and I just think it would be really great for you to read--very enlightening, jack.
Jack: I don't have time.
Jennifer: Well, not gonna let you finish your breakfast until you do read it.
Jack: Were you always this much of a pest?
Jennifer: Yep.
Jack: [Sighs]
Jennifer: Out loud.
Jack: [Sighs] "As journalists, we have a duty to this country to uncover and uphold the truth at all costs. Democracy only works if we provide a check on the government, on those in power who might try to deceive or manipulate its people. The minute this principle is curtailed in any form, our country begins a terrifying descent into fascism." Who's the bleeding heart who wrote that, huh?
Jennifer: You.
[Tender piano music]
Brady: Even if what you're saying is true, and that's a-- that's a huge "if," it doesn't change the fact that you violated your contract, xander. You can spin it any way you want; you worked for the competition.
Xander: Fine, fire me, but consider this: Stefan's trial is gonna be very public, and when I come out of it looking like a hero, you're going to have to explain to the board and victor why you fired the man who brought down stefan dimera. If you play this wrong, you could be the one on the outside, looking in.
Brady: Well, that's if you're telling the truth, and I gotta be honest with you. I like my odds.
Xander: It's your choice, but ask kate. She'll say the same thing. I'm the good guy in all this.
Brady: You're the good guy, huh? I don't think there's anything good about you, but you keep your job, stay where you are, and I'm gonna be keeping a very close eye on you, okay?
Xander: Whatever makes you happy, boss.
[Uneasy synth music]
[Door closes]
Kate: What are you doing?
Ted: Okay, is it me, or do I still smell like champagne?
Kate: Okay, look. I-I don't care, and it really doesn't matter, because right now, we have bigger concerns, okay? Gabi hernandez came to see me, and she doesn't believe that stefan kidnapped us. In fact, she's actually smitten with him.
Ted: And what did you say?
Kate: Well, obviously, i stuck to our story, but the problem is she suspects that nicole is involved.
Ted: Okay, how could she possibly know that?
Kate: Because she was in the dimera living room, and nicole found us, and she put together the dots that nicole saw us and never said anything.
Ted: Which is true.
Kate: It's true, but it's only true because kristen is blackmailing nicole, all right? I mean, truthfully, she's just as much of a victim as we are. In fact, I've been thinking. I don't like nicole, but I think if we team up with her, we can take down kristen together.
Kristen: Brady is so mad at me, he will never fall back in love on the spot. Being nicole is my only chance, and once he falls for her, oh!
[Laughs] I can reveal my true self and then he'll realize that I'm the one he fell in love with, the one he never stopped loving.
[Growls] But I need my damn mask back!
[Yells] God!
[Knocking at door]
Gabi: Nicole, it's gabi. Hey, I need to talk to you about stefan, okay? Could you please open up? Nicole, I know that you're in there, okay? Can you please open the door? I'm not leaving until you open. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Jack: Well, I can see why we were such a perfect match. We were both self-righteous blowhards.
Jennifer: At least you believed in something, jack.
Jack: You know what I believe in? Eating my breakfast in peace.
Jennifer: Do you know why i am fighting so hard to get the old jack back?
Jack: No, and I'm pretty sure you're going to tell me.
Jennifer: Because the world was a better place with jack deveraux in it, and maybe you didn't live up to your own ideals, jack, but you were so passionate to fight the good fight. Maybe the old jack didn't have the power and influence that the new jack does, but he had kids who admired him, and he had a wife that loved him, and there is no way that he would ever trade this for that.
[Mournful music]
Xander: Sure, my assistant will set up the meeting. Oh, the lovebirds!
Sonny: Hasn't brady fired you yet?
Xander: [Laughs] Tried and failed. I'm this for the long haul, jackson.
Sonny: Well, till you screw up again, which is inevitable.
Xander: Well, you're awfully grouchy for someone who just remarried the love of their life. You're welcome, by the way.
Sonny: For what?
Xander: Do I really have to remind you who handed in the journal that saved will's life? If it wasn't for me, you would've been a grieving widow, not a blushing bride all over again.
Will: He does have a point. Without the diary, I--I would be dead.
Sonny: I'm sorry, xander. You did come through for us. Of course, you could've come through a little bit earlier--
Will: But even still, we are very grateful, so... [Laughs] Thank you.
Xander: If you wanted to express your gratitude in A...
[Chuckles] Gift form, I have had my eyes on a new set of wheels.
Sonny: Really?
Xander: It was worth a try, right? But keep it in mind, boys. You do owe me now, and a day may come where I might need to cash in.
Ted: Kate, recruiting nicole is a terrible idea. What if she blabs to kristen? We're both dead.
Kate: Do you think I'm going to do nothing?
Ted: Kristen needs us to put stefan behind bars. Why change anything? I don't mind that at all. I can't stand the guy.
Kate: Mm-hmm. Well, I can't stand him either, but after he's behind bars, what use are we? I mean, we know too much. You don't think that kristen's going to kill us? She's already threatened us. She's threatened my family, hope.
Ted: I will not let anyone hurt hope, or you, or your children, kate, okay?
Kate: Okay, so those are really big words, but you can't make that promise. It's not gonna happen. We're dealing with dimeras here, okay? To survive, we have to be proactive. Put 'em on.
Ted: Where are we going?
Kate: We're going to nicole'S. We're going to make her help us.
Gabi: Nicole, I am serious, okay? You know me--I am not afraid to cause a scene. I will call management. I got no pro--oh. Nicole?
Kristen: Go away!
[Eerie music]
Gabi: What the hell?
Kristen: If you don't leave, I'm calling the police.
Gabi: What a freak. This is not over!
Kristen: [Sighs] I can pull off a lot of things, but this is not one of them. Ugh! You will not get me into the kiriakis mansion, will you? Oh.
[Clattering sound] What to do, what to do?
[Disquieting music]
Of course. Of course.
It's definitely tricky, but it might just work. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
[Melancholy music]
Eve: Can you believe this article that jennifer wrote? I mean, that whiny little prig's got a lot of nerve, doesn't she?
Jack: Tell me about it.
Eve: What's going on with you?
Jack: Oh, I... I've just been thinking about that serum--you know, the--the risks, the unknowns, the drawbacks--and I've finally made my decision.
Eve: Well, sounds to me like you're not gonna take it.
Jack: On the contrary. I wanna remember my past.
Brady: Gab--what was that, food?
Gabi: Just empty calories.
Brady: Hey, I, uh, heard about stefan getting arrested. I know it puts a wrench in your plans, but at least the guy's in prison, right?
Gabi: We'll see about that.
Brady: What does that mean?
Gabi: Well, that means that there's something very strange going on, and your friend nicole is in the middle of it.
Will: We owe you one? You kidnapped my grandmother.
Xander: And she's still alive because I kept her alive, despite stefan's orders. If you don't believe me, talk to kate. She'll back me up.
Will: Well... [Clears throat] I do want to--to check on her. Maybe I--I'll call her and see if she's up for a visit.
Sonny: Yeah, let's do it.
Xander: Give her my best.
[Foreboding music]
Kate: Hey, nicole. Ted and I want to talk to you. Nicole!
[Suspenseful music]
Sonny: I'll just grab my wallet, and then we can go.
[Knocking at door]
Kristen as susan: Oh!
Will: Susan?
Kristen as susan: Yeah! Surprise!
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