Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 07/16/19
Episode #13570 ~ Eric contemplates a big change; Xander gets revenge on Kristen; Ted does his best to throw Hope off track; and Gabi suspects Nicole is behind Stefan's troubles.
Provided By Suzanne
Xander: Oh, the police commissioner's finally here. What took you so long?Eve: You be quiet. So I understand that you arrested mr. Cook for kidnapping. Did you question him?
Eli: He's demanding immunity for testifying against his boss.
Eve: I will interrogate him in my office. You come with me.
Lani: Can we at least sit in on the interrogation?
Eve: You can shore up the case from here. I'll keep you posted. Come on.
Lani: That wasn't suspicious at all. I mean, should we just go and question stefan?
Eli: He thinks we're talking to xander. We'll just let him stew on that for a bit.
Lani: Yeah, he's not gonna give anything away.
Eli: True. But I know somebody who might.
[Phone ringing]
Stefan: Oh, my god. So you think nicole's the one who's behind all this?
Gabi: Well, she did go downstairs looking for champagne and came back with nothing.
Stefan: That's right. She said she looked everywhere and couldn't find a thing.
Gabi: Mm-hmm. How could she not see kate and ted? Unless she knew they were there already and was lying about it.
Ted: Thank you.
Hope: Welcome. Have I told you how glad I am that you're okay?
Ted: Have I told you how grateful that I'm alive?
Hope: Once. Okay, maybe twice. Three times. Maybe four, you know?
Ted: If you hadn't followed xander, kate and I would be dead by now.
Hope: Oh, I just remembered, uh, with everything that was going on I never asked about the voicemail you left.
Ted: A voicemail?
Hope: Before you were kidnapped you said you had good news about nicole. What is it?
Kate: [Scoffs] Unbelievable. That trust fund dilettante is already running titan into the ground.
Rex: Okay, never should have given you my phone. Gimme, gimme.
Kate: Yes, I--I am glad you did. Brady black is--ugh.
Rex: Brady black is a decent man who was concerned about you when you were missing.
Kate: Yeah, he was concerned I was gonna be found because he knows I'm gonna fire his ass from titan.
Rex: Mom, I was scared, okay? And brady made it a point to find out where you were. But now that stefan and xander have been arrested, you're finally safe.
Kate: [Laughs] Yeah, "safe."
Rex: Look, I'm gonna go check on your labs. Please get some rest.
Kate: Thanks, honey.
[Sighs] God. And what if the police don't believe our story?
Kristen: Oh, you'd better make them believe it, because I have people everywhere, and I'll have no choice but to send one to kill you both. And you guys won't even see the bullet coming.
[Laughs] Oh, or better yet, I'll just take out one of your precious children, kate.
Kate: I am never gonna be safe as long as kristen dimera is out there somewhere.
Brady: He's still my brother. I--I'm not gonna do to him what he did to me.
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] Brady, it's not the same. Eric and I aren't together anymore. He means nothing to me.
Brady: I know that's not true. But--but there's no reason why you and I, we can't work together. As long as we keep it professional.
Kristen as nicole: I'm afraid I can'T... promise you that.
[Melancholy music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ted: I, um--I almost forgot about that message I sent you, yeah. But it turns out there was no news about nicole.
Hope: I--I don't understand.
Ted: Xander called me saying that holly was alive, and he was going to take me to her. Told me to meet him at the docks, but to tell no one. I could not resist to call you first, so...
Hope: Well, it's a good thing you did. Otherwise I never would have known you were in trouble. Is that when he kidnapped you?
Ted: Yeah, when I got to the docks he knocked me out from behind. Last thing I knew, I woke up in that damn room.
[Monitor beeping]
Hope: He lied... about holly being alive?
[Tense music]
Ted: [Sighs] Where the hell have you been? Is holly all right?
Xander: Fine. Sleeping peacefully on her way to her new home.
Ted: I'm afraid so.
[Door slams]
Sarah: What's wrong?
Eric: It's nicole. She's gone.
Brady: [Moans] No, no, no.
[Stammering] Stop, I can't do this. You know that.
Kristen as nicole: Why not? Brady, you--I know you felt a connection. Otherwise you wouldn't kiss me--
Brady: It's not--it's not about the connection.
Kristen as nicole: Okay, so you felt it too.
Brady: Nicole!
Kristen as nicole: Brady. We used to be so close. And those feelings, they're still there for me, and I think they're still there for you, too.
Brady: I told you. I told you, I'm not gonna do this to eric. I won't do it.
Kristen as nicole: Why? He did it to you. He didn't care that he was breaking your heart.
Brady: I'm not--I'm not doing this. I'm not going there.
[Phone beeps] I--I have to leave.
Kristen as nicole: Now?
Brady: Listen, look at me. I'm sorry. I came here to help you. I know you're hurting. I don't want you to hurt. I just can't--this is a mistake.
Kristen as nicole: Brady! Damn it! Why is it always eric getting in the way? I know you felt something. Whether you knew it was me or not, you felt it. But none of it matters if xander rats me out to the cops.
Xander: I knew I could count on you to fix this.
Eve: Can't you go five minutes without breaking the law?
Xander: Who says I broke the law?
Eve: Oh, won't you save it? You know, you had the chance to be a part of the kiriakis family, and what did you do, xander? You throw in with the dimeras?
Xander: It's not what you think.
Eve: Yeah, what I think is that once again your incompetence has gotten you into a mess of epic proportions.
Xander: Well, then it's just as well I have the police commissioner to get me out it. If she knows what's good for her.
Eve: [Sighs] I wanted more from
Kate: What are you doing here?
Brady: Rex texted me and i came as soon as I could.
Kate: Oh, so you didn't bring me fake flowers to go along with your fake concern?
Brady: Kate, I came for the details about how xander kidnapped you.
Kate: Oh, I see. You wanna bask in my suffering.
Brady: No. I wanna fire the son of a bitch, is what I want to do.
Kate: Well, why did you hire him in the beginning?
Brady: Kate, he had leverage, all right?
Kate: Of course he did.
Brady: But now that he's tried to kill a titan employee on behalf of stefan dimera I can fire his ass with impunity.
Kate: So what about the leverage?
Brady: I'm gonna have to find a way around that. I just think we need to eradicate this bastard out of our lives once and for all.
Kate: All right. And what do you say we do the same with stefan dimera as well?
Stefan: Why would nicole kidnap ted and kate? And--and why would she try to frame me when I'm the one who gave her a job?
Gabi: Never underestimate how far a woman is willing to go to punish someone who's hurt her kid.
Stefan: But she claims that she doesn't blame me for what happened to holly, so, what? I let my guard down. Invite her into my company. Into my home.
Gabi: Now she has access to everything, including the tunnels.
Stefan: [Sighs] And xander?
Gabi: Well, you said it yourself. He couldn't have done this alone.
Stefan: I guess it was a little surprising when nicole let me off the hook so easily for holly's death.
Gabi: Yeah, she blamed everybody but you.
Stefan: Yeah, she lashed out at--at eric, chloe, even maggie, but not me.
Gabi: Yeah, it's because she was planning on nailing you this entire time.
Stefan: So the whole time, the threat was right under my nose and I didn't suspect a thing.
Eric: Nicole wouldn't even open the door, and then... brady arrived.
Sarah: She was probably just embarrassed that you heard how she attacked stefan.
Eric: It's more than that. It's me. It's almost like she can't even stand the sight of me, much less let me get near her.
Sarah: That has to be very frustrating.
Eric: [Sighs] Feel like a broken record. Every time I keep saying it's over between her and me. That I... wanna move on from trying. I gotta get on with my life. I just... it's hard. It's hard to see her suffering and there's nothing that I can do about it.
Sarah: I can only imagine.
Eric: I know--I know it's what I need to do... because this nicole is not the same woman that I fell in love with.
Kristen as nicole: Xander, where the hell are you? You call me as soon as-- you know what, never mind. I'll find you.
[Phone beeps]
Lani: Hello, nicole.
Eli: We'd like to ask you a few questions.
Kristen as nicole: Questions about what?
Eli: Your relationship with xander cook. I'm just a normal person
Eli: Kate and ted say xander was working with stefan dimera when he kidnapped them.
Kristen as nicole: Makes sense to me.
Eli: What do you know about what xander's been up to recently?
[Purse thumps]
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] You mean, did I know that xander was planning to kidnap two people and throw them in a dungeon somewhere? No, he never mentioned it.
Lani: Kate reported that she was outside this room when she heard xander say that he killed ted laurent. We're assuming that he was talking to you.
Kristen as nicole: Me?
Eli: What, are you saying that conversation never took place?
Kristen as nicole: No, I--I'm not denying it.
Eli: So then you're admitting that xander confessed to you that he murdered someone, and you didn't report it to the police?
Kristen as nicole: I guess so.
Eli: Why the hell not?
Xander: If you want me to keep my big mouth shut about our little agreement, you'll get me out of this jam.
Eve: No. We had an agreement that we were even after this last time, xander.
Xander: Well, as far as I'm concerned this is all still part of that last...
Eve: No.
Xander: Get-out-of-jail-free card. Unless, of course, you want jack deveraux to--
Eve: Yeah, okay, I get it. Find out that his lovely wife withheld rolf's diary from him. You know, this whole blackmail stuff is getting tiring.
Xander: Then you need to help me.
Eve: Jack already has the diary.
Xander: Well, then he knows how valuable it is. How'd you think he'd react to the news that he could have had it sooner?
Eve: Maybe he'll decide that he loves me so much it doesn't matter.
Xander: [Scoffs] I mean, you don't believe that any more than I do.
Eve: My marriage is strong.
Xander: Oh. So you're prepared to--to risk it? You're prepared to lose all of this just because you're too proud to help me?
Eve: Just give me that.
[Sighs] God, how did I let myself get involved with the likes of you?
Xander: Oh, just lucky, i guess. So what's it gonna be, lady commissioner? Spin the wheel of misfortune, or make a solid investment in your future? Drop this investigation. Cut me loose right now.
Kate: Stefan deserves to take the fall for this kidnapping.
Brady: Because he did it. That's what you mean.
Kate: Well, of course that's what I mean. I mean, I'm not gonna be safe until he's put away.
Brady: Are you worried that he's gonna try to come after you again?
Kate: Well, of course. I mean, you can think that the dimeras are out of your life, but they always find a way to--to claw their way back in.
Brady: Well, as we know, kristen is gone for good.
Kate: Well, she's the daughter of the phoenix, though. I mean, she has risen from the ashes before, now, hasn't she?
Rex: Brady, hi.
Brady: Hey.
Rex: Uh, mom, I'm gonna get going.
Kate: So you--you're gonna leave me here?
Rex: Well, you need to get some rest and I need to get home to my new bride.
Sarah: [Clears throat] It's a wedding gift from kayla. Rex loves it.
Eric: I can see why. You're beautiful.
Sarah: Uh, you like basil, right?
Eric: Uh, yeah. Thank you. Mmm. That's really good.
Sarah: [Laughs] Well, it's the least I could do.
Eric: Oh, my goodness.
Sarah: Gonna take you some time to get over nicole.
Eric: Yeah, well, not if i speed things up.
Sarah: How?
Eric: You know, get a fresh start somewhere else.
Sarah: You mean leave salem?
Eric: As long as I'm here, nicole's here. It's gonna be this constant pull. A consistent reminder of what I've lost.
Sarah: So you're just gonna move away?
Eric: Yeah, something like that. It's for the best.
Sarah: No, you can't go.
Sarah: You can't go because so many people will miss you.
Eric: "So many people."
Sarah: Yeah, your--your family and your friends. Me.
Eric: Sarah, I'm gonna miss you. But you're a newlywed. You have rex. You don't need me.
Sarah: Rex is my husband but you're my best friend.
Eric: [Sighs] Yeah, well, it's for the best.
Sarah: I'm serious, eric. It's true. I--I know that we haven't known each other that long but I've never had anyone in my world like you. You're--you're caring and selfless. I need you in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. Don't you know how important you are to me?
Eric: Sarah, don'T.
Sarah: It's true.
[Tender music]
[Door opens]
Rex: [Sighs]
Hope: After I heard your message, I did start to think that maybe your good news was about holly.
Ted: Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I thought I would be the one to bring that little girl back home. I did. Especially after that fiasco of a rescue. I just wanted to prove myself to you, hope.
Hope: To me? I never asked you to prove yourself to me.
Ted: I--I know. But you make me want to be a better man in every way.
[Sighs] I am... I just wanted the chance to prove it to you. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, hope. Nothing.
[Monitor beeping]
Kristen as nicole: You--you said ted is alive?
Eli: But you didn't know that when xander confessed to killing him.
Kristen as nicole: No, i mean, I guess I didn't think he was serious.
Lani: That's not the kind of thing people usually joke about.
Kristen as nicole: Look... xander showed up here ranting and raving about our divorce and things got heated and he blurted out something about how he would kill me like he did ted laurent.
Eli: Wait, he threatened to kill you?
Kristen as nicole: Yes. I guess that's what kate must have heard. And what was she doing by my door in the first place?
Eli: It's really not important.
Kristen as nicole: No, it is important. If kate heard xander threatening me she, what, couldn't be bothered to knock on the door to help?
Lani: What did you do after he threatened you?
Kristen as nicole: I told him to leave. I was afraid.
Eli: Nicole, if you were so rattled, why didn't you just report it to the police?
Eve: I don't know, I--I guess I was scared of what xander would do if I had turned him in. Look, why are you badgering me about this, anyway?
Lani: We're just asking questions. We're trying to understand why xander kidnapped ted and kate.
Eli: They're lucky they didn't die down there.
Kristen as nicole: Very lucky.
Eve: Well, I don't think I'm gonna be able to help you with this.
Xander: Did you hear what i just said?
Eve: I heard what you just said. It's one thing to bury a 911 call and chalk it up to human error. This is completely different--
Xander: How?
Eve: "How"? Two people accused you of kidnapping them and leaving them to die! Gosh, you heard my detectives out there! You saw them! They're watching my every move!
Xander: So fire them both.
Eve: [Groans] And face accusations of obstruction of justice? I don't think so.
Xander: What is the point in being police commissioner if you can't make the law work for you? You know, maybe I'll just use my call to phone the mayor and discuss all of this.
Eve: Stop touching my stuff, xander! I will call the D.A.'S office myself... and I'll see if I can get you a bail hearing or something.
Xander: "Bail"?
Eve: Yes.
Xander: Meaning I might still go to prison?
Eve: Well, it certainly beats, uh, being locked up right away, doesn't it? Hmm.
Xander: Fine. Make the call. But make sure the D.A. Knows that when I get my immunity i will roll over on my boss like a trained puppy.
Eve: You should be locked up.
Xander: Mm, don't go getting all judgy on me now.
Eve: Hmm. You know, jack and I ran a campaign about law and order, and I'm putting you back out there on the streets.
Xander: Life's funny, isn't it?
Eve: It's hilarious. At least I put stefan dimera behind bars.
Xander: Sure. Or whoever put me up to this.
Eve: What's that supposed to mean?
Xander: Well, that's between me and the D.A.'S office.
Stefan: Nicole will not get away with this. Neither will kate and ted.
Gabi: You think they're in on it?
Stefan: They know I had nothing to do with their kidnapping.
Gabi: Yeah, but like you said yourself, they're not gonna starve themselves purposefully, okay? Kate's a schemer. She's not suicidal. Nicole, they don't get along. They've been at each other for years.
Xander: So maybe nicole has something over them. Either way, there's nothing i can do about it as long as I'm in this room!
Gabi: I know. I can help.
Stefan: What?
Gabi: I said I can help you.
Stefan: Really? You'd do that?
Gabi: Yes, okay? I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, and I'm gonna get you out of here.
[Door closes]
Rex: Everything okay?
Sarah: No, it's not.
Rex: What's wrong?
Eric: [Sighs]
Sarah: Eric had another brutal run-in with nicole.
Rex: Oh, man, I'm so sorry. I know how much that hurts.
Eric: It's okay, I'm dealing with it. It's like I told you both before, it's over between her and me. It's time for me to move on. Besides, you've got enough stuff to deal with.
Rex: [Scoffs] "Enough stuff to deal with"?
Eric: Yeah, you know, with your mom missing.
Rex: Oh, um, you didn't hear.
Eric: No, hear what?
Rex: Um, they found her.
Eric: Kate's okay?
Rex: Yeah--well, I mean, more or less. She was being held prisoner with ted laurent in the tunnels under the dimera mansion, but hope saved them.
Eric: Hope?
Rex: Yeah.
Eric: Kate must really love that.
Ted: Hope, I--I know you've been hurt by men you thought you could trust, and that you cannot fully pursue a relationship with me until you can trust me for real.
Hope: Ted, it'S...
[Sighs] It's not just that. It's a lot of things.
Ted: Rafe.
Hope: Letting go. It's hard.
Ted: Is rafe seeing someone else?
Hope: He's moved on.
[Monitor beeping]
Ted: [Sighs] Maybe it's time for you to do the same.
Hope: Maybe it is.
[Tender music]
Kristen as nicole: I know what it's like firsthand to be kidnapped by that neanderthal. I--I'm sorry, I just don't know what else to say.
Eli: Nicole, we remember. But we do have more questions about xander's motivations. He kidnapped you on behalf of deimos kiriakis, right?
Kristen as nicole: But you said he was working for stefan dimera now.
Eli: Kate and ted said that.
Kristen as nicole: So where is stefan now?
Eli: He's in custody.
Kristen as nicole: Oh. Did xander admit that he was working for stefan?
Lani: No, he's demanding immunity first.
Kristen as nicole: Immunity?
Eli: He's promised that once he gets it he'll tell us everything we want to know about his boss.
Kristen as nicole: Well, personally, I hope that xander and stefan go away for a long, long time. Something else?
Eli: That's it. Thank you for your time.
Kristen as nicole: Have a good night.
Eli: You, too.
Kristen as nicole: I am not gonna let xander sell me out. I have got to figure out what he's planning to do.
[Phone beeps] What? "Xander cook granted bail for kidnapping ted laurent and kate roberts"? What the hell?
Xander: Going somewhere? (Avo) do you push through migraine?
[Monitor beeping]
[Door opens]
Kate: Hey.
Ted: Hey.
Kate: Hope I'm not interrupting.
Ted: Well, actually, we're in the middle of something.
Kate: I noticed. But I just wanted to--to check on my fellow captive, but it seems like you're doing fine.
Ted: Yes. Can--can this wait? A little bit later?
Hope: Uh, it's fine. It's fine, I--I need to make some phone calls anyway.
Ted: Hope, wait--
Hope: It's fine. I'll, um... I'll see you later.
Ted: Yeah.
Kate: Um, hope, I just wanted to thank you again for rescuing us.
Hope: Oh, of course. Any time.
Kate: Well, I mean, if you hadn't stayed on the case we might not even be here right now.
Hope: I'm glad you're okay. Both of you. Excuse me.
Kate: Mm-hmm.
[Door closes] Really? I still don't see what you see in her.
Ted: Kate, please stop. Stop.
Kate: Just trying to help you out, babe.
Ted: [Sighs] Well, barging into, uh, this room is not helpful.
Kate: The reason I'm here--the real reason--is to make sure you remember that kristen dimera is still out there.
Ted: Yeah, I'm aware. I'm very much aware.
Kate: Okay, that's really good, because we need to keep our story straight. If we don't, we're going to be wishing that we died in that basement.
Stefan: How are you gonna get me out of here? They haven't even set bail yet.
Gabi: Okay, I know. But kate is the weak spot, and I know she doesn't like working with nicole. If anybody can get the truth out of her, it's me. We have history.
Stefan: What kind of history?
Gabi: That doesn't matter. Are you gonna be okay here?
Stefan: Not my first rodeo.
Gabi: Of course not. Hey, listen, I gotta go get ari, but I'm gonna go talk to kate first thing in the morning.
Stefan: Sounds good.
Gabi: You need anything? Anything at all?
[Intimate music]
What was that for?
Stefan: Just saying thank you.
Brady: Do you care about doing this job with the least bit of integrity?
Eve: Hello, brady. I'm assuming this is about xander?
Brady: I just talked to the desk sergeant, and he said that he was arrested and then released.
Eve: Judge set bail. Xander posted it. I'm--what am I supposed to do?
Brady: So he's still facing charges, right?
Eve: Pending further investigation, yes.
Brady: But he will go to trial, right?
Eve: Well, we'll see.
Brady: What do you mean, "we'll see"?
Eve: Xander is trying to make a deal. Full immunity for testifying against stefan dimera or whoever he is working with.
Kristen as nicole: What the hell are you doing? The cops were here.
Xander: I know. I waited for them to leave.
Kristen as nicole: Did you point the finger at me?
Xander: For what?
Kristen as nicole: No, don't play games with me.
Xander: Oh, do you mean did i tell the cops that you were my accomplice in ted and kate's kidnapping? No. But I should have.
Nicole: What did you say?
Xander: Well, they told me that they just arrested stefan after ted and kate implicated him. I didn't say anything different.
Kristen as nicole: Hmm. And they bought it?
Xander: So far, ted and kate are sticking to their story.
Kristen as nicole: Well, you can thank me for that.
Xander: Thank you? Why the hell would I thank you? You covered your own ass and left mine hanging in the breeze.
Kristen as nicole: You left me no choice. Hope was already onto you, and if you hadn't have charged out of here, you know, maybe you would have heard that I had a plan.
Xander: Oh, what plan?
Kristen as nicole: For you to demand immunity and roll over on stefan. But look at that. I guess great minds think alike.
Xander: And why should i believe you?
Kristen as nicole: Because we've been such great partners up until now.
Xander: Hardly. I won't forget how you've treated me, kristen. I'm not your monkey anymore.
Kristen as nicole: All right, xander, let's talk about this.
Xander: Okay, let's talk.
Kristen as nicole: [Gasps]
[Choking] Let me go!
Xander: Sorry.
Kristen as nicole: [Gasps]
Xander: Can't do that. It's time to say good-bye...
Kristen as nicole: [Hollers]
Xander: Nicole.
Kristen as nicole: [Gasps] -Keep it down there. I have a system.
Sarah: I can't believe that xander would do that to your mom. I thought that he was trying to turn over a new leaf.
Rex: Yeah, well, I guess that leaf is as rotten as the last one.
Sarah: I'm just glad that your mom's okay.
Rex: Thank you. Me, too.
[Fork tapping]
Eric: Hey, I'll, uh--I'll just take the rest of this to my room and give y'all two some privacy.
Sarah: Eric, wait. We didn't finish our conversation. Eric wants to leave town.
Eve: Are we done, or do you want to attack me some more?
Brady: I don't like the idea of xander going free. You know, if it weren't for him, nicole wouldn't be going through this.
Eve: And how is nicole?
Brady: "How is nicole?" She's in a very bad place right now.
Eve: Yeah. Losing your child is tough. She's gonna need a lot of support.
Brady: Eric keeps reaching out to her, but... she won't give him the time of day.
Eve: Mm. Well, brady, maybe you could be the one to give her that support.
Brady: Me?
Eve: Yeah, she's always cared a great deal about you.
Brady: Yeah, she actually wants to, uh, get back together with me.
Eve: She told you that?
Brady: She did. But I'm not about to do that to my brother. You know how that almost ruined our relationship before.
Eve: Yes, I remember it well. So you not being with nicole is just about eric?
Brady: What are you asking me?
Eve: Well, I'm just saying, if he weren't in the picture would you be open to pursuing a relationship with her?
Rex: Wait, you--you're leaving salem?
Sarah: Yeah, I mean, I told him how many people need him.
Rex: Well, I hope you included me on that list.
Eric: And that's very nice of you to say.
Rex: It's not about being nice. You're not walking out of this room till you agree to stay.
Eric: Seriously?
Sarah: Seriously. I'm with rex. It's non-negotiable. You're staying. Even if we have to lock you in this apartment.
Eric: Okay, I'll stay. For now.
Sarah: Good answer, 'cause there's no way that I...
[Laughs] I mean, we would let you leave.
Gabi: You don't have to thank me.
Stefan: I do. From the moment I was arrested, not for a second did you question my innocence.
Gabi: Of course I didn'T. I know you would have never sent nicole down there if you were really guilty.
Stefan: Yeah. Well, it means a lot. Not since my mother's murder has there been anybody in my life to stand up for me like that, so thank you.
Gabi: Yeah, we're gonna beat this.
Stefan: Yeah. Do you remember earlier today when we were talking about our relationship? About taking things to the next level?
Gabi: Yeah, we can talk about that later. It's okay.
Stefan: And I guess... all I wanted to say is that... it feels like we already have. And, uh... I feel lucky to have you in my life.
Gabi: [Laughs]
Stefan: Gabi? Okay?
Gabi: Yeah, yes. I will see you soon.
[Door closes]
[Elevator dings]
Hope: Oh, hey.
Both: Hey.
Eli: We're gonna take statements from kate and ted.
Hope: Good, because, uh, they have quite a story to tell.
Kate: So, what did you say to hope?
Ted: I told her what I was supposed to tell her. That and stefan kidnapped us just like kristen wanted.
Kate: Good. But just so you know, we're not gonna play along with this forever.
Ted: What? We are not?
Kate: No, we are not. Because if we wanna be safe, we have to get rid of that psychotic bitch and her dimwitted boy-toy for good.
Kristen: [Gasping] Give it back!
Xander: [Grunts] I don't appreciate being left to twist in the wind, so now I'm gonna do the same thing to you.
Kristen: What the hell are you talking about?
Xander: Without this mask, you've lost your passport to move freely around salem. You'll be a virtual prisoner in this room.
Kristen: You wouldn'T.
Xander: I would. In fact, I'm gonna savor the thought of you trapped in here, unable to even open the door to visitors.
Kristen: Xander, please.
Xander: Oh, you're begging. I do appreciate that. I wonder if it's because you're thinking about your precious brady, and how you'll never win him back with that face.
Kristen: Please. No, no, no.
[Stammering] I'm--I'm finally starting to make progress, okay?
Xander: Oh, sorry, lady. Maybe next time you'll show your partner in crime a little more respect.
Kristen: [Grunts] You know, let's just talk about this, xander, okay? I can make this worth your while if you just give me back the mask.
Xander: I, uh... don't think so. Toodles.
Kristen: Xander, come back here!
[Screams] God! You are not gonna get away with this.
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