Days Transcript Monday 07/15/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 07/15/19


Episode #13569 ~ Xander is arrested; "Nicole" makes a move on Brady; Stefan is completely blinded-sided; and Lani and Eli share their good news with Abe.

Provided By Suzanne

Gabi: Well, if it isn't the rata himself.

Gabi: Eli, there is no emergency except the fact that your abuela's la loca.

[Phone beeps off]

Eli: Always something.

Abe: Oh, hey, eli.

Eli: Hey.

Abe: I got your message. You wanted to talk to me?

Eli: Yeah.

[Sighs] Abe, you know that I love your daughter very much. She's a great woman, and recently, we realized that we were meant for each other. So I'd like to ask for your blessing to propose to her.

Abe: [Chuckles] Eli, this is great news, and we can all use that right now. Of course I give you my blessing.

Eli: Well, that is a relief, especially since I already proposed to her.

Abe: Oh, I see.

Eli: Listen, please understand. I mean, it was very spur of the moment, it was fourth of july. We were talking about having another baby one day--

Abe: Look, you don't have to explain. I understand. Congratulations, eli. I'm so happy for you and my daughter!

Eli: Yeah! Thank you so much.

Abe: [Chuckling]

Lani: I'm glad to hear that, dad.

Abe: Whoa. Hey, sweetheart. Oh, it's wonderful. Just wonderful.

[Both chuckle]

Xander: Explain to me why you spared ted and kate's lives after repeatedly demanding that I murder them.

Kristen: Unlike you, I'm an expert at thinking on my feet. I managed to take your screw up... and turn it to my advantage.

Xander: Yeah, still not following.

Kristen: Well, of course you aren'T. Because my father taught me to plan two moves ahead and you are always at least three behind.

Xander: So catch me up.

Kristen: Hmm. This is about me taking my rightful place atop the family. I am a true dimera, xander. My brother stefan is just a pretender. And with the help of ted and kate, he's going down.

Ted: The person who did this to us is stefan dimera.

[Tense music]

Stefan: Last time I checked, my home is a private residence. What the hell are you all doing here?

Hope: I just rescued kate and ted from your underground tunnels, where they were being held hostage.

Stefan: Held hostage? By whom?

Hope: According to them, it was you.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Lani: [Chuckling] So now that we have my father's blessing, when are we going to tell everyone else?

Eli: Right after...I give you...this.

Lani: [Laughs] Eli... it's perfect.

Eli: For my perfect fiancéE. I love you so much.

Lani: I love you too.

Rex: Oh, hey, guys. Sorry, really, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I have to talk to you.

Lani: What's up, rex?

Rex: I need to report a missing person. It's my mom, she's been missing for a few days now. And xander claims he sent her on some business trip to asia, but I'm not buying that. I don't trust the guy.

Eli: You're probably right not to.

Rex: Why? Did something happen?

Eli: We had a 911 call from a woman who claims that she overheard xander say that he killed ted laurent.

Rex: What?

Eli: Yeah, and hope is certain that that woman is kate.

Rex: Okay--but... you're telling me that my mom calls to report that xander killed somebody and then she suddenly goes missing?

Lani: Rex, don't jump to the worst--

Rex: What if he killed her too? Guys, you need to arrest him, get him in here, question him, and find out what happened to my mother.

Eli: I already questioned him, but we couldn't hold him.

Rex: Why the hell not?

Eli: Because he's got some type of in with the new commissioner. Eve deveraux let him go.

Xander: You have a plan to take down your brother.

Kristen: I do. You see, ted and kate were begging me to spare their lives when this brilliant idea popped into my brilliant mind.

Kate: Kristen, you don't have to shoot us. We are not gonna tell anyone that you're alive.

Ted: Look, we will say whatever, whatever you want us to say.

Kristen: Whatever I want you to say?

Ted: Yes.

Kate: Yes, of course.

Kristen: Then on second thought, I want you to go to the police and tell them the person who kept you hostage in here was stefan dimera.

Kate: Stefan?

Kristen: Uh-huh.

Kate: Wha--

Kristen: Come on, like you-- like, yeah, you know it.

Kate: Because he's the one who stands between you and dimera enterprises.

Kristen: And like you, most people in this town loathe stefan anyway. No one's gonna be surprised that he left you in here to die in this room, and no one would be sad to see him go away for the crime.

Kate: Okay. Okay. But what if the police don't believe our story?

Kristen: Oh, you better make them believe it, because I have people everywhere. And I'll have no choice but to send one to kill you both. And you guys won't even see the bullet coming. Hmm? Oh, better yet, I'll just take out one of your precious children, kate.

Kate: You're sick.

Kristen: I'm determined. And ted...hi, ted.

[Laughs] That goes for your beloved hope brady. So don't you even think about double-crossing me. Hmm?

[Suspenseful music] Mm, and luckily, kate and ted saw the wisdom of my plan.

Stefan: I held them captive? That's absurd.

Kate: Oh, my god, would you let it go? She found us, okay? It's over.

Stefan: I don't know what you are talking about!

Ted: You threw us in the hole and left us to die.

Stefan: They threw themselves down there--for some reason, they're trying to frame me.

Kate: That is so absurd. We tried to starve ourselves to death?

Stefan: I don't know why I'm trying to even justify myself to you--you're not a cop anymore. I don't give a damn what you say, and you're all trespassing! Get out!

Hope: One thing you are right about--come on, let's go.

Kate: Can't you make a citizen's arrest?

Hope: You need medical attention, you both do. We'll call the police on the way to the hospital.

Kate: You are not going to get away with this.

Stefan: Right back at you.

[Ominous music] I'm just a normal person

Brady: Rata? Did you just call me a rat?

Gabi: Even my daughter knows you don't snitch on people. But you couldn't control yourself, could you?

Brady: What did I do, gabi?

Gabi: Well, you told chloe about my plan to take down stefan. Please don't tell me you're still trying to score points with her?

Brady: No, I'm not.

Gabi: So then why did you open your big mouth?

Brady: I opened my big mouth, because chloe found you in bed with stefan. She had a really hard time understanding why you would sleep with a guy that destroyed your life.

Gabi: Okay, well, why didn't you just say, "that's weird," and then moved on?

Brady: Chloe wasn't going to let it go.

Gabi: [Scoffs] What if she had gone straight to stefan with that information?

Brady: Well, lucky for you, she's not gonna do that, because she's not too fond of stefan right now either.

Gabi: Lucky for me.

Brady: So if you're in bed with stefan, that must mean that this plot of yours is still in motion, right?

Gabi: He can't get enough of me.

Brady: Oh? Think you can get him to propose?

Gabi: No, I know I can. And then after that, I will have the keys to the dimera kingdom.

Brady: Oh. Well, good for you. Just be careful.

Gabi: Oh, I know what I'm doing.

Brady: Yes, that's what i thought, gabi, when I tried to seduce eve to regain control of basic black. But I didn't plan on falling in love.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: That's not gonna happen. I'm in control.

Brady: So that means you still hate stefan?

Gabi: Yeah, more than ever. And as far as business goes, I am more solid at dimera than I have ever been, especially now that stefan fired nicole.

Brady: Stefan fired nicole? Why?

Abe: Hey, eric. I am so glad I ran into you.

Eric: What's going on?

Abe: It's nicole. She' the way she's been behaving--do you have a minute?

Eric: Of course. Did something happen?

Abe: Yeah, well, actually, a lot of things. She missed her first day at work, and when she finally did show up, she was unapologetic, belligerent... stefan fired her, she lost it, physically attacked him.

Eric: I'm sorry, I...

Abe: Stefan threatened to press charges and to go public with the allegations that she's unhinged and should be committed.

Eric: Abe, that would destroy her.

Abe: Which is why I persuaded stefan to let me talk to her, try to get her to resign.

Eric: She go along with it?

Abe: Well, I went to her room, she wasn't there. But the room was just totally trashed. I mean, she had obviously lost control.

Eric: Abe, you know she hasn't been herself since, you know, holly's death.

Abe: I know, and I chalked it up to grief at first, but I'm starting to think stefan's right, that nicole has suffered a mental breakdown.

Hope: You two have a seat here, okay?

Kate: Thanks.

Ted: Thank you.

Hope: And I'll get someone to check you out. I'll be right back.

Kate: Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't found us.

Ted: Stefan--what he would have done to us. Thank you.

Hope: I'm you're okay, both of you. I'll be right back.

Ted: Yeah.

Kate: Well, she seems to believe that stefan threw us in that room. Let's just hope the police believe us as well.

Ted: Yeah, they better.

Kate: Yes, they better, or kristen will kill us and everyone we love.

Ted: Kristen, she's insane, isn't she?

Kate: Oh, god, you don't know. We do not want her as our enemy.

Ted: And stefan dimera doesn't even know what's happening or who's behind it.

Kate: Well, I have to say that's the only positive thing about this. He's finally going to get what he deserves.

Ted: Yeah.

[Tense music]

Rex: If my mom has been harmed in any way, then I swear to god--

[Phone rings]

Eli: Just a second, hold on. Hope, hey.

Hope: Hey, I went to the tunnels under the dimera mansion.

Eli: You shouldn't have done that.

Hope: Well, I'm glad I did, because I found ted and kate locked up down there.

Eli: Alive?

Rex: Is that about my mom?

Hope: She's fine.

Eli: Your mom is safe.

Rex: Oh, thank god.

Eli: Where are you?

Hope: I'm at the hospital getting them checked out.

Eli: She's at the hospital with hope.

Rex: Thank you, really.

Eli: Did you catch xander with kate and ted?

Hope: No, I didn't, but he needs to arrested. And not just him.

Kristen: [Laughs] Hope brady just rescued ted and kate in the nick of time. We don't even have to engineer their release ourselves.

Xander: Pretty clever, kristen. You killed two little birdies with one stone.

Kristen: My brother stefan had the chance of being a real dimera, but he betrayed me, and he is going to pay.

Xander: Well, I'm just glad he's taking the fall, so we're both off the hook.

Kristen: [Laughs] Actually, I didn't say we both were off the hook. I wanted more from

[Monitor beeping]

Rex: Mom. Jeez, oh, my god.

Kate: Honey.

Rex: I was so worried about you. Are you okay?

Kate: Yes, yes, I'm fine. I'm a little dehydrated, I'm a little hungry, but hey, it's bathing suit season, right?

Rex: Really? Xander, that son of a bitch. I knew you wouldn't just leave town like that.

Kate: Okay, rex, it's okay.

Rex: But I don't want you to worry. The police, they know it was xander. They're going to arrest him very soon.

Kate: Good, that's good, but I have to say, you know, he didn't kidnap us on his own.

Rex: He didn't?

Kate: No, no. He was taking orders from stefan dimera.

[Dramatic music]

[Monitor beeping]

Hope: How you feeling?

Ted: Okay. Lucky to be alive, thanks to you. You saved my life, hope. And being here with you now makes it worth living. Thank you.

Abe: I wish I could help nicole, but I'm just at a loss.

Eric: Abe, you know there's nothing that I wouldn't do for her. But as long as she blames me for holly's death...

Abe: Yeah, look, um...maybe you could ask your mother to reach out to her.

Eric: It's worth a try. Abe, just remember, you know, this vindictive person that nicole has become since she lost her daughter, she's still nicole. She's nicole who just needs some help.

Gabi: Nicole may have wrapped plenty of men in this family around her finger, but she is so difficult to work with.

Brady: How so?

Gabi: All right, well, besides the fact that she didn't show up for her first day of work, when she did show up, she was so obnoxious. She was treating stefan like he was working for her, so he had no choice but to fire her.

Brady: How did nicole react to that?

Gabi: Oh, well, she completely lost it. She physically attacked him.

Brady: I'm sorry, she what?

Gabi: Yeah, he had to fight her off. She was completely out of control.

Brady: What's stefan gonna do now?

Gabi: Well, if it were up to him, she'd be locked up. And I think that that's where she belongs.

Xander: If you think you can throw me under the bus with stefan, I'm warning you, I won't go quietly.

Kristen: Yeah, but you will go nonetheless.

Xander: Not by myself. I promise you, if I go down, you're going with me.

Kristen: [Groans] Xander, wait. Wait! Xander, I have a plan. Damn you, xander! I can't go out looking like this.

[Ominous music] -Their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town.

Kristen as nicole: Stupid xander. I should have never trusted him in the first place.


[Knocking at door]

Eric: Nicole, it's eric.

Kristen as nicole: Seriously?

[Knocking at door]

Eric: Nicole, I know you're in there.

Kristen nicole: Go away, I'm busy.

Eric: I need to talk to you.

Brady: What are you doing here?

Eric: Listen, abe told me that stefan fired nicole and she flipped out.

Brady: I heard that too. I know.

Eric: Well, he said that he persuaded stefan to let nicole resign on her own terms, but I'm trying to convince her, and she won't listen to me.

Brady: All right, let me talk to her.

Kristen as nicole: Eric, i said go away.

Brady: Nicole, it's me. It's brady.

Kristen as nicole: Brady?

Brady: Nic, why don't you open the door? I need to talk to you.

[Dramatic music]

[Mystical music]

Stefan: You're right. There is something more between us. And yes, it started as just physical attraction, but somehow, some way...yeah, yeah. I've developed feelings for you. And so now, I'm willing to take a chance and be real with you. Be a real couple, and I don't care who knows.

Gabi: He's fallen for you, but you can't fall for him. Okay, just remember what he did to you. Remember what he took away. Stick to the plan.

Xander: Talking to yourself? First sign of insanity.

Gabi: What the hell do you want?

Xander: Just wondering what got your knickers in a twist.

Gabi: Nothing I can't handle.

Xander: Fine, be mysterious. I got my own problems anyway.

Gabi: Oh, what kind of problems do you have?

Xander: Nothing I can't handle. I just need to think.

Gabi: Oh, don't think too hard. I know those are muscles that you don't normally use.

Xander: You think you're so special just because you--

Gabi: Because what?

Lani: Hello, xander.

Xander: Detective. How did you get in here?

Lani: I showed my badge to your servant.

Xander: Is there something i can help you with?

Lani: As a matter of fact, there is. Xander kiriakis, you're under arrest.

Stefan: Do you have nicole's resignation?

Abe: Not yet. I went by her room, and she wasn't there.

Stefan: I'm not going to let her stall just so she can save face.

Abe: No, I understand.

Stefan: I want her out of my company and out of my life. If I don't have that resignation letter, I go public with what she did. She deserves to be locked up.

Eli: Speaking of locking people up...

Stefan: What the hell are you doing here, eli?

Eli: Stefan dimera, you're under arrest.

Abe: For what?

Eli: Oh, your boss didn't tell you? He kidnapped ted laurent and kate and held them captive in the tunnels under the house.

Abe: Kidnapping?

Stefan: It's not true.

Eli: We have their statements.

Stefan: They're lying.

Eli: We'll see about that. But for now, I'm taking you in. Put it down. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Stefan: Abe, you keep this quiet, you hear me? Don't say a word to anybody.

Kristen as nicole: Brady, it's so good to see you. But I can't talk right now. I have somewhere to be.

Brady: Nic, nic, can it please wait?

Kristen as nicole: No, it's a work situation.

Brady: You--it's a work situation?

Kristen as nicole: Mm-hmm. Stefan is depending on me.

Eric: Nicole, abe told me that stefan fired you.

Kristen nicole: Oh, of course he did. I bet he couldn't wait to tell the world. And what, are you here to rub it in?

Eric: Listen, you haven't been acting yourself, and I'm worried about you.

Kristen as nicole: Myself? Well, how else am I supposed to act when people are out to get me?

Eric: Nicole, I know you still miss holly.

Kristen as nicole: Thank you for bringing that up. Especially since I lost my daughter, because you ignored my dying wish to her.

Brady: Eric thought he--he thought he was doing the right thing.

Kristen as nicole: Yeah, well, the right thing would be for him to leave me alone.

Brady: Nicole, can I please just talk to you for a couple of minutes, please?

Kristen as nicole: Fine, but only you.

[Solemn music]

Rex: Mom, I just feel terrible. I should have alerted the police as soon as I got a weird vibe about your trip.

Kate: Honey, there's no way that you could have known.

Rex: Okay, so stefan dimera, is the one behind all this?

Kate: Yeah, yeah, I guess that he's just been biding his time waiting for the, you know, the perfect opportunity to avenge his mother.

Rex: Vivian?

Kate: Yeah, yeah. Honey, he has always blamed me for her death.

Rex: Okay, but I can't help but wonder, why keep you captive?

Kate: What do you mean?

Rex: Well, if he was hell-bent on revenge, why keep you alive?

Kate: [Scoffs]


Hope: The necklace. You gave it to xander hoping I'd figure out you were in trouble, didn't you?

Ted: Yeah, I kind of knew it was a long shot, but I had to try something. And I know how good of a detective you are.

Hope: You know, even after i suspected something was wrong, i almost didn't come looking for you.

Ted: What do you mean?

Hope: I mean that I wondered if maybe, possibly I was just seeing conspiracy theories, because I couldn't accept that you'd given up on me.

Ted: Given up on you? What are you talking about?

Gabi: So, what's he being charged with?

Lani: Aiding and abetting the kidnappings of kate dimera and ted laurent.

Gabi: Oh, wow. I know you wanted kate's job, but what's your problem with ted? Was he just collateral damage?

Xander: I didn't kidnap him.

Gabi: Oh, I know you didn't do it alone. You're not smart enough to do that.

Lani: Yeah, he had a partner in crime, or more accurately, a boss.

Gabi: Oh, yeah? Who was it?

Lani: None other than stefan dimera.

Gabi: Stefan? Are you serious?

Lani: Yeah, eli is bringing him in right now.

Gabi: I have to go.

Lani: What? Gabi...

Xander: Well, she didn't seem as concerned about me getting arrested, did she?

Lani: I assume you already know the drill.

Xander: You know, you and i could have some fun with it.

Lani: Oh, I'm already having fun--aren't you?

[Cuffs clicking]

[Dramatic music]

Hope: You sent me this text. See? Saying that it was apparent that "things would never work out between us." Those were your exact words.

Ted: Hope, I would never send you this. I would never. Come on.

Hope: I know that now. Xander or stefan must have taken your phone and sent it to me hoping I'd stop looking for you.

Ted: Yeah. Listen, hope... you are this powerful, unique light in this world. And me? Well, I'm just trying to be better. I would never give up on you, hope. God, when I was in this room, there was a moment I thought i was going to die. I thought of you the entire time. Hope, you are what kept are what kept me going.

Kate: Honey, how long do i have to stay in this dreary place?

Rex: Excuse me, I work in this dreary place.

Kate: I know, that's not what I--you know that's not what I meant. I'm just so--I'm fine. I'm fine, I just wanna go home.

Rex: No, you need to stay here, because you're safer here.

Kate: What do you mean I'm safer?

Rex: Well, if you're gonna testify against stefan dimera, I don't want him coming after you again. I want him behind bars.

Eli: Okay.

Stefan: You're gonna be sorry you did this.

Eli: Where have I heard that before?

Stefan: I'm innocent. I didn't kidnap kate and ted.

Eli: Well, they seem to think differently.

Stefan: Well, clearly, this is a scheme they're cooking up to get revenge against me.

Eli: Your word against theirs.

Stefan: They're liars.

Eli: Unlike the fine, upstanding citizen such as yourself?

[Scoffs] Besides, we don't think you acted alone. There may be more witnesses.

Stefan: I didn't do it, period. And who is this other witness?

Eli: Mmm. More like a coconspirator. Xander kiriakis.

Stefan: Never even met the guy.

Gabi: Stefan?

Eli: Gabi, you really shouldn't be here.

Stefan: Gabi, what are you doing here?

Gabi: I came as soon as i heard.

Stefan: What you heard isn't true.

Gabi: What is going on?

Stefan: What's going on is I'm being set up. They found kate and ted in the tunnels. Xander kiriakis must have stashed them there.

Eli: They say xander and stefan stashed them there. AStefan: They're both lying, and I'll prove it.

Eli: Well, I'm gonna wait for xander, see what he says in his interrogation speech.

Gabi: Could I have a few minutes alone with stefan, please?

Eli: [Sighs] If it's all right with him.

Stefan: Yeah.

Eli: There'll be a guard right outside the door. I'll be back soon.

[Door closes]

Stefan: You believe me, right? I didn't do this.

Gabi: Oh, I believe you. I stand with you--I promise.

Stefan: I'm being framed, gabi.

Gabi: By ted and by kate?

Stefan: And by whoever actually locked them in that room.

Brady: What the hell happened here?

Kristen as nicole: Well, I... got a little bit angry when stefan fired me. I-I'm not proud of it.

Brady: Yeah, yeah, gabi told me that you were having a pretty rough time over at dimera.

Kristen as nicole: Really? And did gabi tell you it was my fault?

Brady: Whose fault is it?

[Tense music]

Kristen as nicole: You have no idea how badly stefan and gabi treated me, especially after everything I've been through.

Brady: I'm sorry. I-I know it hasn't been easy for you at all.

Kristen as nicole: Not only did they not respect my business plan, it is obvious that gabi is sleeping with stefan to get to the top, and he's too stupid to see it.

Brady: Nic, um... did you attack stefan? Did you?

Kristen as nicole: He deserved it.

Brady: What-- what are you thinking? Why would you do something like that?

Kristen as nicole: Okay, well, you-- you seriously don't think I was out of line to go after him.

Brady: I didn't say that, I-- sit here for a second. I'M...I'm a little worried about you.

Kristen as nicole: You are?

Brady: Yeah, I-- I think you went to work a little too early, and maybe dimera wasn't the right place to go. And according to eric, stefan is willing to accept your letter of resignation, so no harm, no foul, right?

Kristen as nicole: I belong there. Why should I resign?

Brady: [Sighs] Think about it--because stefan could go public with this... about your behavior. He could paint you to be an unstable person, and that would affect your ability to get a job in the future. He could--he could bring up criminal charges against you. I mean, the man could have you committed, nicole, you understand that?

Kristen as nicole: No. No. No, I will not let him lock me up. I am not crazy!

Brady: I'm not... saying you are. I'm just saying stefan is not gonna... he's not gonna let this go.

Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] Oh, damn him! I am not the problem--he is.

Brady: I know this isn't easy. But this has a very easy solution, nicole.

Kristen as nicole: What, am I... am I supposed to just give up and walk away?

Brady: Yes. And forget about dimera, and you come to work for me again.

[Intense music]

Abe: Yeah, well, just let me know if you hear anyone talking about the arrest from an outside source. Yeah, thank you. Thank you.

[Beep] Did you see nicole?

Eric: Yeah. She didn't want to talk to me.

Abe: Well, thank you for trying.

Eric: But brady showed up. I just gotta hope that he figured out a way to get through to her.

Abe: Me too.

Eric: It's just killing me to see her life go off the rails the way it has...

[Sighs] There's gotta be something I can do help her outta this.

Kristen as nicole: You are the sweetest man in the world, and I would love to come work for you again, but... being with you every day, knowing... knowing that you don't want me would be too painful. Unless--

Brady: [Murmurs] I will always care about you. Always. But for you and I to-- to try to be together again after everything that's happened, nic... no, can't do it.

Kristen as nicole: Because of eric. Oh...biggest mistake of my life was sneaking around with him behind your back.

Brady: [Sighs] He's my brother, and I am not going to do to him what he did to me.

Kristen as nicole: But it's different, brady. Eric and I aren't together anymore. He means nothing to me.

Brady: I w-- I know that's not true. However, I don't see any reason why you and I can't work together. As long as we just keep it professional.

Kristen as nicole: Well, I, um... I can't promise you that, brady.

Brady: N--

Kristen as nicole: I--

[Intense music]

Xander: You know, I would love to talk to the commissioner--where is eve deveraux?

Lani: If you think she's gonna help you out of this, think again.

Eli: Welcome back, xander. Your pal stefan's in the interrogation room, but I'd like to talk to you first.

Xander: Oh, I'm not gonna say another word until I get an immunity deal.

Eli: Immunieaty dl? Why would we give you immunity when we have you dead to rights?

Xander: Oh, I'm just a pawn in this scheme. Don't you want the brains behind the operation? Because as soon as I get my immunity deal, I'm gonna sing like a canary.

Kate: Well, I tell you one thing--I'm not going to be intimidated by stefan or anyone else. I'm going to make sure that he goes to jail for a long, long time.

Rex: And you're sure that you can go through with this.

Kate: Believe me, it's the only way to protect our family.

Ted: Hope. I want us to be together. And I hope you want that too.

Hope: I'm really glad that you're okay. Truly.

Ted: That doesn't really answer anything.

Hope: There'll be plenty of time for us to... to both figure out what we want.

Ted: Okay.

Hope: And we need to make sure that, um... that xander and stefan pay for what they've done and are held accountable.

Gabi: You think that somebody put kate and ted up to this?

Stefan: I know they both hate me, but I also know that when hope found them, they were both dehydrated and borderline starving.

Gabi: Yeah, so if somebody did do that, they really suffered.

Stefan: Yeah. Well, for at least part of the time.

Gabi: What does that mean?

Stefan: I checked the room out myself. I found bottles of champagne.

Gabi: Wait a second.

Stefan: What?

Gabi: Don't you remember? Nicole went downstairs to get champagne, and she came up empty-handed.

Stefan: Oh, my god, she said she couldn't find them.

Gabi: Yeah, and when I tried to go downstairs, she totally stopped me.

Stefan: Wait a minute. Do you think nicole's actually behind all this?

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