Days Transcript Friday 7/12/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/12/19


Episode #13568 ~ Julie finds Stefan and Gabi making out in her office; Tripp gets new roommates; Hope follows Xander, who's on his way to the secret room; and Kristen reveals herself to Kate and Ted.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: Okay, well, kristen says can't let ted and kate die like that.

[Bag rustling]

Ted: Kate, it means the world that you are willing to do this for me. I-I appreciate it more than you know.

Kate: Well, we'll see what happens.

Ted: Thank you.

[Lock creaks] Get ready.

[Suspenseful music]

Kate: Oh, my god. You are alive.

Kristen: Yeah, well, that makes one of us.

[Dramatic music]

Will: This is very unnecessary.

Haley: Will...

Will: Can I please walk? Please?

Haley: This is hospital policy, you know that.

Will: Well, can you make an exception? I--just once? I've been in this bed for so long. All right, I'm just gonna...

Sonny: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. Don't even think about it. Sit back down. In fact, to be on the safe side, haley, can I take him the rest of the way?

Haley: Just promise me that you won't let him out of this chair until you get to the lobby.

Sonny: Don't worry. I've got him. And I have no intention of letting you go.

[Intense music]

Stefan: [Grunts]

[Sneaky music]

Kate: Well, what do you know. The drunk wasn't hallucinating after all.

Kristen: Excuse me?

Kate: Maggie was babbling about seeing you in that red dress. Which I saw in nicole's closet.

Kristen: Oh. Well, you are hardly in the position to cast stones. I mean, it looks like the two of you have been having quite the party.

Ted: We did whatever we could to survive. Xander left us without any food or water. For days.

Kate: Xander also told us that his partner in crime was nicole, and clearly, that was wrong.

Kristen: Yeah. Dead wrong.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Haley: Aw, hey, you.

Jj: Hey yourself.

Haley: How was your shift?

Jj: It was good. No major catastrophes. What about you?

Haley: Same. Same, just so grateful that kayla let me come back to work here. Are you ready to go home?

Jj: Actually, I... might not have one anymore. Got an eviction notice.

[Dramatic music]

[Cool music]

Gabi: Ow. Ow!

Stefan: What? What is it? What?

Gabi: No, nothing.

[Both moan] Mm, okay, hold on.

Stefan: What? This is killing me.

[Both laugh] I have to tell you something. When you were talking to nicole, that really turned me on. That woman is just crazy. She's not used to not getting what she wants.

Stefan: Neither am I, and right now, all I want is you.

Gabi: [Moans]

Kristen: [Chuckles] Whoo! Here's a tip. Never bring a broken bottle to a gunfight. Huh? Hmm?

Kate: So you were the one who hit me on the head when I confronted xander in nicole's room.

Kristen: Good guess.

Ted: Maybe you can settle something for us.

Kristen: You can ask.

Kate: You know, while we've been in here, we've been wondering why we were here. The only thing that we could come up with is that holly's still alive.

Ted: And that you were threatening poor nicole and her baby all this time, correct?

Kristen: Wow. You both are too clever for your own good.


Kate: Okay. So there's one thing I don't understand, though.

Kristen: Just one?

Kate: Why are you doing it? What do you want?

Kristen: Only everything. Everything that was rightfully mine and then taken away from me. And as you both well know, I don't care who I have to hurt to get it.

Sonny: You know, we could've just gone home. Cook would've been more than happy to cook you whatever you wanted.

Will: I know that, but after weeks of nothing but soup and jell-o, I was craving the cafe's chicken club.

Sonny: Well, you should've told me, 'cause I would've brought it to you.

Will: No, I should not have told you, because you did enough. Visiting me every day. Keeping me positive.

Sonny: You're right. It was such a burden, you know, having to visit you every day in the hospital and giving you pep talks.

Will: You did more than pep talks. You gave me courage. Every time I felt hopeless, I would look at you and see the love in your eyes and realize I can't give up. I gotta keep fighting.

Sonny: Thank god you didn't give up.

Will: Thank you.

Sonny: You're giving me a little--little bit too much credit here. There's a lot of people who love you. Need you. You know, your mom and your dad and grandma. And our daughter. All right, and that's just to name a few.

Will: I'm very lucky.

Sonny: We're very lucky.

[Footsteps approaching]

Tripp: Okay, one pasta primavera.

Sonny: Ooh, thank you.

Tripp: And one chicken club.

Will: Yes. Looks great.

Tripp: Hey, it's good to see you out of the hospital, will. Fully recovered, obviously.

Will: Yes, I am, I'm very grateful for that. Um, listen. We, uh, we heard about what happened with claire.

Sonny: Yeah, man, we're very sorry.

Tripp: Thank you. Uh, part of me's still trying to process it all. You know, all this time, I had no idea.

Will: Yeah, none of us did. I mean, I still can't believe she tried to kill you.

Tripp: Not just me, but ciara and haley too.

Jj: Well, there--there-- there just has to be some kind of mix-up, you-- you got my rent check, didn't you? Right. First of the month like always, and I've--I've never been late, so I'm not really understanding. What's that supposed to mean? Listen, you can't evict someone because of your personal feelings. Oh, you better believe I'm talking to a lawyer.

[Phone beeps]

Haley: What--what was that all about? What did he say?

Jj: Nothing. Guess the guy just doesn't like me.

Haley: Except it's not you. This is about me, isn't it?

[Intense music]

Stefan: Whoa! What the hell was that?

Gabi: [Screams]

Julie: You two need some cooling off.

Gabi: [Gasps loudly]

Stefan: [Laughs] Really?

Gabi: [Growls loudly]

Stefan: [Sighs]


Xander: Xander, you are going soft, mate. What do you care if ted and kate starve to death? You're a bastard, but you're not that cruel. I have to get to that tunnel before it's too late.

[Suspenseful music]

Kate: Everything. Wow. Clearly, you have inherited your father's appetite. Is that why you have your eye on his company? I mean, I assume that's why nicole, you know, was hired at dimera enterprises, right?

Kristen: Yeah, well, unfortunately, stefan just fired nicole, without cause.

Ted: Wait, please wait. If you want to go after your brother, please, don't let us stop you.

Kate: There is nothing that ted and I would like to see more than for stefan to go down, absolutely, you don't have to worry about us, because we would keep your secret. We would never let anyone know you're alive.

Kristen: Well--well, right.

[Laughs] Pew!

Ted: Oh.

Kristen: Just having a little fun. You know, I do appreciate the vote of confidence, but I am afraid your stay here has already been overextended. Thanks to some apparent, clearly misplaced affection for ted, hope brady has been snooping around for answers. And despite your assurance, cynical me, I just don't trust the two of you to keep your mouths shut. I had counted on xander killing you both, but unfortunately, he didn't have the nerve to shoot you, but guess what!

[Laughs] You know what? I do. Hmm? Jardiance asks:

Jj: Apparently, the landlord voted for my dad. He wanted to see him and eve send you back to china. So let's--let's just say he wasn't too thrilled about our state senator standing up for you.

Haley: I knew it. I'm so sorry, jj.

Jj: Hey, hey, no, no, no. You have--you have nothing to be sorry about. Okay, it is not your fault. There are a lot of ignorant people in this world.

Haley: Yeah, maybe not, but if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to deal with those--those people. Look, I've already caused you enough trouble, okay?

Jj: What are you talking about?

Haley: Call your landlord back. Tell him that all of this was just a big misunderstanding and that I'm moving out.

Jj: What? No, no. What, you think I'm gonna go back there? There's no way in hell I'm gonna live in a building that's owned by a racist pig. Okay, not to mention, I'm not gonna live anywhere that's not with you.

Haley: Jj, you love that place.

Jj: Not anymore. Look, even if he changed his mind, I am out of there.

Haley: You sound pretty sure about that.

Jj: I am. What, you don't believe me? Haley? Look at me. For some reason, you have a hard time accepting when--when people-- you know, I'm just gonna use myself as an example-- when I want to be there for you. And it's not a-a sacrifice or an imposition. Look, in fact, being there for you and standing up for you when people are being incredibly unfair, that--it makes me feel good. Because it's right. And you happen to mean the world to me. Can you understand that? So will you stop apologizing when I do things for you that I want to do? Can you manage that?

Haley: I'll try.

Jj: Good. So how about I take you to lunch. And together, we can figure out where we're gonna live.

Haley: Okay. Okay, let's do that.

Jj: Come on.

Tripp: Look, I-- I appreciate the sympathy, guys, but I-I've gotta take my part in what happened.

Will: Your part?

Tripp: Claire was my girlfriend, you know, and when I married haley to keep her from being deported, that pushed her over the edge.

Will: Tripp, claire's mentally ill. You--you can't blame yourself for that.

Sonny: Yeah, besides, she set the first fire last summer. That was before you even knew haley.

Tripp: Yeah, but still, I wish I'd paid more attention, you know, realized how much trouble she was in.

Will: Tripp, like I said, none of--none of us did. None of us realized it.

Sonny: Yeah, I think, you know, I-I wouldn't dwell on something you can't change. I would just try to learn from it and move on.

Will: And the good news is that claire is in bayview now. So hopefully she's getting the help that she needs.

Tripp: Yeah. Hopefully. And now back to work.

Sonny: You have a long shift?

Tripp: Yeah, I gotta pay the rent, you know? And which has now gone up since claire's out of there, so. Well, it's good to see you, will.

Will: You too.

Tripp: Hey, listen, I know this is kind of a shot out of the dark and--but I know you guys live at the kiriakis mansion and it's probably great to have all those servants and whatnot. Well, if you ever, you know, want to live closer to town, you know, without any relatives breathing down your neck...

[Laughs] Look, I know I'm kinda doing a hard sell here, but I'm a little desperate, so would you guys have any interest in moving into the loft?

Julie: Eli? It's your grandmother calling. I assume you are out pursuing all the malefactors of salem. The malefactors that prey upon the very weak, the very helpless, the vulnerable. Well, at the moment, that is your grandmother. Two intruders have broken into my office at doug's place, and they are thrashing around in it even as I speak.

Gabi: Uh-uh-uh-uh. Eli, there is no emergency, except the fact that your abuela is muy loca!

Julie: Give me back my phone!

Gabi: You have to say the magic word. What is it?

Julie: Give me back my phone, you little... witch!

Stefan: I think she was going for "please."

Julie: [Scoffs] Wow. You two low-lives. You've got a lot of nerve. Using my office as a rent-by-the-hour motel room.

Gabi: Low-lives? We are paying customers.

Julie: Excuse me?

Stefan: Gabi and I rented the place out for the night.

Gabi: Yes, for the dimera enterprises event that we're gonna have here, and that includes your office.

Julie: You think renting my club means you can have sex in my office?

Stefan: Regardless, chloe has already approved the deal. The press has been alerted, and our event is set to start later this evening.

Julie: Over my dead body!

Hope: [Panting] Where'd you go?

Kristen: [Grunts] Finally. If you want something done right...

Xander: Does that mean what i think it does? Did you kill them?

[Suspenseful music]

[Phone ringing]

Hope: Hey. Eli. No. No, nothing yet. I tailed xander from the kiriakis mansion and then I lost him, or he lost me. I'm not exactly sure. Yeah. Right. I just--I have this terrible feeling that if he hasn't killed ted already, then... you know what, I should go. Yeah, I'll call you when I know something. Thanks. Really, thanks. Bye.

[Phone beeps]

[Mysterious music]

[Chain rattles]

[Suspenseful music]

I've always been excited for what's next.

Sonny: Um, well, thank you for the offer.

Will: Yeah. Thank you, uh, and the-- I mean, the loft is great, but I think with ari--

Tripp: Yeah, no, it might be a little tight.

Sonny: Yeah. Just a little bit, yeah.

Tripp: Uh, right, I wasn't-- I wasn't thinking.

Sonny: Um, this is for you.

Tripp: Yes.

Sonny: Hope that'll, uh, take care of it.

Tripp: Yeah, well, you've hardly touched your food.

Sonny: Yeah, I think we're gonna--we're gonna take off and go home.

Tripp: Uh, oh, great. I'll just get somebody to box this up for you.

Will: Thanks. And, um, good luck with the-- the roommate search.

Tripp: Thank you, yeah. And, uh... thank you for the tip.

Sonny: Anytime.

Tripp: Yeah. Hey, jj, haley. How you guys doing?

Jj: Hey. Well. How you doing?

Tripp: You know. Um, what can I get you?

Jj: Yeah, I'll have a burger, medium-rare. Oh, and a one-bedroom apartment.

Tripp: What?

Haley: Jj's landlord just evicted him. Because of me.

Jj: No. I told you it's not your fault. The guy's a racist jerk.

Haley: Okay, because he's a racist jerk... who had a problem with me.

Tripp: Man, that sucks. You're gonna take him to court, though, right?

Jj: Yeah, I mean, I want to, but I don't know how long that's gonna take. So in the meantime, I gotta find a new place to live.

Tripp: Well, maybe that might be on the menu after all.

Jj: Got a new special I don't know about?

Tripp: Well, not exactly, but I did already offer claire's room to haley, so I don't see any reason why you both can't have it.

[Dramatic music]

Julie: Whatever deal you struck with chloe, I assure you, you violated the terms. Now, I am going to take that desk of mine and send it out to be disinfected. And I think I will send the bill to dimera enterprises.

Stefan: I can write you a check right now.

Julie: You two. After what you did to abigail, I am amazed at you. I am amazed you have the gall to show your faces here. Let alone your other body parts.

Gabi: I really don't care what you approve of.

Julie: You know, gabi, I do approve. I really approve of this. I can't imagine two people who deserve each other more. Now get the hell out of my club. Both of you!

Gabi: Seriously?

Julie: V*monos!

[Exhales noisily] Ew.

Gabi: Yeah, well, now the event is totally ruined.

Stefan: No. We will reschedule. Don't worry. Come on.

Gabi: Where are we going?

Stefan: Back to my place. Finish what we started.

Gabi: I'm sorry, stefan. I-I can't do this with you anymore.

Xander: Answer my question. Did you kill them?

Kristen: First, tell me what's in the bag. Did you go on a takeout run?

Xander: Kristen, I--

Kristen: Save it. This discussion is best had elsewhere. Move it. Come on.

[Suspenseful music]

[Lock clicks]

[Intense music]

I didn't have to shout out for help.

[Card reader beeps]

Xander: Whoa. What happened here?

Kristen: I did a little redecorating.

Xander: In the "looks like a bomb hit it" style?

Kristen: Well, that son of a bitch, aka my little brother, had the nerve to fire me, so I'm a bit... you know, emotional.

Xander: That explains it.

Kristen: Hey. We are here to talk about the mess you've made.

[Laughs] I knew it! You lied to me!

Xander: I was famished.

Kristen: Mm-hmm. You expect me to believe that all this food was for you? The patron saint of 3% body fat? You obviously were going to bring it to ted and kate after we agreed to let them starve to death.

Xander: That was before i talked to sarah. And she explained how painful it would be in gruesome detail.

Kristen: Oh, my god. You... you're telling me you allowed your little bed buddy to talk you out of it?

Xander: She is a highly respected physician.

Kristen: I don't believe this. You took a shot at eric, ended up putting a bullet into marlena, but sarah horton gets into your head, and now you're losing your edge.

[Laughs] Well, sweetheart, you don't have to worry about ted and kate starving to death anymore.

Xander: You never answered my question.

Kristen: Hmm?

Xander: Did you kill them?

[Dramatic music]

Ted: Hope.

Hope: Ted. Oh, my god.

[Tender music]

Sonny: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Will: What?

Sonny: We have to do this right. Here, hold this.

Will: Oh, no, no, wait, wait.

[Laughs] You're not seriously gonna carry me over the threshold.

Sonny: Of course I am. I am, who are we to argue with tradition?

Will: Wait. No, you're right. You're right, it is tradition, so to prove to you that I am perfectly fine, I'm gonna carry you over the threshold.

Sonny: What?

Will: So--

Sonny: No. No, no. Hey, hey, hey. That is not going to happen.

Will: Come on. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. You can't handle this. You can't handle this.

Jj: Tripp, thank you. Thank you for the offer, but i think it might be a little weird. Haley to move into claire's room.

Tripp: Yeah, uh, yeah, haley mentioned that to me before when I offered it to her.

Haley: Although...

Jj: Although what?

Haley: I did live there with tripp when we were married, and it's a really great space. Not to mention really close to work, and apartments there are pretty much impossible to get.

Jj: So what, so, what are you saying? Are you saying you want to take it?

Tripp: Look, look, I-I'm-- I know that it's not ideal, given the circumstances, but you'd both be doing me a huge favor, and plus, with the hours I've been working and ciara spending most of her time over at ben's, you'd basically have the whole place to yourselves. And, to tell you the truth, uh, without claire, we're gonna have some trouble making our rent.

Haley: I think you got yourself a deal.

Tripp: Yeah?

Jj: Yeah.

Tripp: Awesome. Yeah.


[Uplifting music]

Stefan: I'm sorry, you can't do this anymore? Because back in that office, you seemed pretty into it.

Gabi: I was. Okay, I was. I'm not saying that we are not attracted to each other. Clearly, we are. And what's been happening between us, we've kept it quiet, but now julie knows.

Stefan: Yeah, she's not exactly known for discretion.

Gabi: Mm-hmm. She's gonna tell every single person in that club about us. She's gonna print it on the cocktail napkins, okay? I don't want to be the girl that everyone is talking about. Is she sleeping with her boss just to get ahead? Okay, I don't want to be that. I respect myself way too much. And I get it, nicole's been talking to you. You think that I'm playing you. But I'm--okay. I am willing to accept to myself and to the world that there might be something more than just sex between us.

Stefan: What are you saying?

Gabi: I'm just saying that-- I know it sounds crazy, but maybe we can make this real. Maybe we can'T. And if that's the case, we can just drop this right now. But if I'm right, I don't know, I think we should just take the next step.

Hope: Kate. Here.

Kate: Oh. Thanks.

Hope: Drink this, ted.

Ted: Thank you.

Hope: As soon as you're feeling better, I'll get you both to the hospital.

Ted: If you hadn't come along when you did... how did you find us?

Hope: The necklace. I asked xander about it, and he came up with some ridiculous story that he ran into you at a pawn shop.

Ted: You see? I told you it would work out. I gave it to xander, knowing that you would see it.

Kate: Yeah, well, it did look like a long shot at the time.

Xander: But it worked out.

Hope: And I'm guessing that you were held prisoner because of that 911 call you made, reporting that you heard xander admit to killing ted.

[Dramatic music]

Kate: Well, it turns out that, um, xander was only the muscle. He has a partner in crime.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Sonny: Okay, so, we just established a new tradition.

Will: You know, I happen to think that walking arm in arm across the threshold is much more romantic anyway. But--but seriously. I totally could've carried you. You know that, right? 'Cause I'm fully recovered, I'm feeling strong, I'm full of energy. I'm just so happy to be out of that hospital bed.

Sonny: I am so grateful to have you home. But even though you are full of energy, you have to take it easy, okay? Kayla gave me strict instructions not to let you push yourself too hard.

Will: Fine, then I'll let you wait on me hand and foot. Sonny, bring me my slippers. And where's my breakfast? I require my headphones and my laptop.

Sonny: Well, I will get you that anytime, okay?

Will: Oh, speaking of my laptop, I cannot wait to get back to work at the "spectator." What? Oh, what's that look?

Sonny: No, no, nothing. It's just, um, you know I support you 100% in your career, right? Like, you know that.

Will: Yeah. Oh, you're sort of in career limbo right now. I'm sorry. That was inconsiderate of me to bring up work.

Sonny: No, it wasn't inconsiderate at all. No, not at all, not at all. Okay, I-I mean, I do wish I had a clue of what my next step would be career-wise, um, but I don't know, I just, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: Okay, I have my answer.

Stefan: No, gabi. Wait.

Gabi: What?

Stefan: You're right. There is something... more between us. And yes, it started as--as just physical attraction, but, somehow, someway... yeah, yeah, I've developed feelings for you. And so now, I'm willing to take a chance and be real with you, be a real couple and...

[Chuckles] I don't care who knows.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: [Laughs]

Stefan: Go back to my place?

Gabi: No. I'm sorry. My answer's still no. I have to go, um, I have to go pick up ari.

Stefan: Oh. Yeah. Of course.

Gabi: But I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Kristen: Well, if you must know, I made an executive decision to postpone ted and kate's execution for the time being.

Xander: Executive decision?

Kristen: Mm-hmm.

[Chuckles] Yeah. I realized that, uh, I may still have some use for them.

Xander: And you're sure that's a good idea? They may not have the whole truth, but they definitely have enough of the picture to hurt us.

Kristen: Don't worry. I am certain, from this moment on, ted and kate will be choosing their words very carefully. Mmm.

Hope: Who's-- who's this partner? Okay, look, I know. I'm no longer a cop, but I have been working with eli on this. He'll get you both police protection. But you need to tell me who xander's working for.

Kate: [Sighs] Well, let's just say that it's not a coincidence that you found us in the tunnels underneath this house of horrors.

Ted: 'Cause xander's partner is a dimera. I'm just a normal person

Tripp: Yeah, and my next step was to set up an internet ad, which I really didn't want to do. So I'm pretty relieved to have friends living here.

Jj: We're relieved to have a place to stay.

Haley: Yeah, especially with all the media attention I've attracted. Who knows how many landlords feel the same way jj's did.

Tripp: Yeah, I'm just glad it all worked out.

Jj: Me too.

Tripp: Well, look, I better get going. You guys know where everything is. I'm gonna go shower off this lunch rush.

Jj: Sure you're okay with living here?

Haley: I don't care where we are, jj, as long as I've got you.

[Tender music]

Sonny: Well, after I left titan, you know, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, and then leo showed up, and then--

Will: And then I got sick, yeah.

Sonny: Yeah. And I was ready to do whatever i had to do to make sure you got well. And my effort paid off because you are healthy and we are married.

Will: Yeah. Okay, then now it is time to find your next job.

Sonny: Right. But I don't know what that is.

Will: [Laughs]

Sonny: Which is, like, so weird to me, because I've always known. Like, I've had a clear vision about what I wanted to do, you know? With my career. And now I just don't know. I don't have a clue what I want to do.

Will: Well, the good news is, whatever you decide to do next, you will be great at it.

Sonny: Yeah?

Will: Yeah. And, first thing tomorrow, we will--we will figure out what that will be.

Sonny: Tomorrow?

Will: Yeah. Because right now, tonight, there is a bed upstairs and it doesn't have the scratchy hospital sheets.

Sonny: No, more like a thousand thread count.

Will: Yeah, it doesn't have any fluorescent lighting.

Sonny: Thank god for that-- that dimmer switch.

Will: Yeah. Or anybody interrupting us to check my--my vital signs.

Sonny: Mm. Can I carry you up there?

Will: Oh, I think you-- you want to save your strength.

Sonny: Okay, okay.

Will: Come on.

Xander: And what makes you so confident that ted and kate won't just sink your plan to take over dimera from your brother?

Kristen: I don't think I want to answer that.

Xander: What, you don't trust me?

Kate: You mean after you told me you killed ted and kate? But instead you kept them hidden in the tunnels, sneaking them milk and cookies?

Xander: Oh, come on. If anything, I did you a favor. You just said yourself, you've suddenly realized their value. Seems to me it's a good thing I didn't kill them.

Kristen: I suppose. But I'm still not happy about you disobeying my orders.

[Chuckles] But I am not gonna let you ruin my good mood now. After all, I'm gonna be the one who has the last laugh.

Hope: A dimera?

Kate: Yes. Yes. A dimera. And we are in fear of our lives, but stefano's child needs to be stopped before someone else gets hurt.

Ted: The person who did this to us... is stefan dimera.

[Dramatic music]

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