Days Transcript Thursday 7/11/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/11/19


Episode #13567 ~ "Nicole" attacks Stefan. Hope rips into Eve for keeping quiet about Claire. Sarah catches Maggie in a weak moment. Xander has second thoughts about his plans for Ted and Kate.

Provided By Suzanne

Hope: Nice work, eli.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Tense music]

Eve: You are going down. Come hell or high water, I'm gonna make you pay.

[Cell phone beeps]

Hope: That must have been ben weston.

Eve: Mind your own business.

Hope: Oh, this is my business, eve. You went after ben, knowing he was innocent... and knowing that claire is in desperate need of help. My daughter was almost killed because of you.

Eve: And I'm sorry that ciara had to go through that, but that was none of my business, okay? I had nothing to do with it. Where'd jack go?

Hope: He left. With any luck, he came to his senses and went to hire a new police commissioner... or file for divorce. Maybe both.

Eli: Sit down. Tell me about the murder of ted laurent.

Xander: Oh, I didn't even know the man was dead.

Eli: Well, that's strange, considering you're the one that killed him.

Xander: That's absurd.

[Tense music]

Kate: I'm at the salem inn. I just heard a man-- xander cook-- tell someone that he has killed--murdered ted laurent.

Xander: Whoever that woman is, she must have heard wrong.

Eli: I think you recognize the voice.

Xander: Okay, fine. It's kate dimera. But you can't trust a word she says. She hates me.

Eli: A lot of people feel that way about you, xander. But, you know, I can't see kate accusing you of murder unless she has a damn good reason.

Ted: Kate, please.

Kate: Maybe you're right. Maybe we are both going to die here. But I am not going to let us fade away together.

[Mysterious music]

Ted: You don't have it in you to kill me. I know that because I know you.

Kate: Maybe you don't know me well enough.

Gabi: Why are you still here?

Stefan: Did you hear what I said? You're fired. Now leave, please.

Nicole: You can't fire me. This is my company!

Stefan: Your-- [Laughs] What the hell are you talking about?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Maggie: Really, victor? Would it kill you to pick up after yourself every once in a while? Goodness gracious. I'm like his maid.

[Suspenseful music]


[Chuckles breathlessly]

[Laughs] Hmm.

Don't start. Don'T. Just don't, maggie. Put the bottle down, call brady...

[Dramatic music]

Just--just a little bit. Just...

Sarah: Mom?

Eve: You know, hope, I wouldn't be commenting on anybody's marriage if I were you. I mean, how many have you had--

Hope: No, no, no, we're talking about how many people could've died because of you-- because of your decision, eve, to keep quiet about how much claire was suffering.

Eve: No, I kept quiet because I didn't know. Claire herself even admitted that I was innocent. She's telling everyone that I didn't know that she set those fires.

Hope: Oh, clearly, she was trying to pro--

Eve: No, she was telling...

Both: The truth.

Eve: You are trying to build a case against me when you have absolutely no proof.

Hope: You've left several incriminating messages on claire's cell phone. Which just happened to disappear from the evidence room at the station. That was your doing, obviously.

Eve: And why would you think that, hope?

Xander: Kate and I both work at titan, and from the moment she came on board, we've been locked in a vicious power struggle. Kate resents the fact that I outrank her, and she wants me gone.

Eli: So she set you up for murder? Sounds a bit extreme.

Xander: Well, it's a very nasty battle. My last move: I packed her off halfway around the world on an extended business trip just to get her out of my hair, at least for now. You should've seen her face when I gave her the news. I thought she was gonna spontaneously combust.

Eli: Couldn't she just refuse to go?

Xander: And look petulant in front of all the bigwigs? Not a chance. So off she went.

Eli: We'll see if kate corroborates your story once I get ahold of her.

Xander: Oh, good luck. I've been trying to get ahold of her for days, but she's in nonstop meetings and her voicemail is full. So... unless she walks through that door right now to explain her outrageous accusation, you have no choice but to let me go.

Ted: Kate. You don't want to do this. We haven't had any food or water in days. We don't think clearly right now.

Kate: I am thinking very clearly that if you hadn't schemed with xander, I wouldn't be here right now.

Ted: I know. I hate myself for getting involved with that two-faced bastard.

Kate: Well, that's two of us who hate you right now, so what's your point?

Ted: Do you want to survive this? You need me.

Nicole: Obviously, when I said "my company," I was talking about basic black. I mean, I did sign a contract that puts me in charge.

Stefan: But I still own the company, which means I can fire you any time I want.

Nicole: You don't want to do this, stefan. Don't let yourself be influenced by gabi. Oh, yeah. I've seen you two together. I've seen the way you look at each other.

Gabi: And what way is that?

Nicole: Like you're jumping each other's bones on a daily basis.

[Gasps] Ooh. How would you like hr or the spectator to find out about your steamy little affair with this underling, who happens to be an excon? Mm-hmm. This kind of scandal can destroy a company overnight, and I'll tell you a little secret, stefan. If I go down, I'm taking dimera with me.

Limu emu & doug

Kate: Why do I need you, ted?

Ted: For when xander comes back. If you want to survive this, we need to work together. Put down this bottle. We need to plan our next move. Please.

Eli: You know, it's pretty convenient for you that kate's not around to verify this recording. And you just happened to send her out of the country, where she can't be reached.

Xander: She's a busy woman. And I'm a busy man. So unless kate teleports back here from malaysia in the next 30 seconds, I'll be on my way.

Eli: No, you're not going anywhere. All right? I have probable cause to detain you, and that's what I'm going to do. Now, you can call a lawyer if you want, but I doubt they'll be able to arraign you before I can get--

Xander: I'm not gonna call a lawyer. I demand to speak to the commissioner--now.

Eve: What or who would make you think that I took claire's phone? I mean, based on what, hope? Hmm?

Hope: Based on you. You're in the public eye, eve. We're watching you.

Eve: Is that a threat?

Hope: No, just a heads-up. You're using your position to cover up crimes and frame innocent people. You'll be held accountable.

Eve: Mm, you just keep on talking, hope. I'll sue you for defamation so fast, your head will spin. And if you even think about interfering with one of my investigations--maybe by using one of your buddies at the police department to keep tabs on me-- I'm gonna do worse than that. I'll bring you up on charges.

[Tense music]

Maggie: Sarah, I--I swear, I wasn't looking for the liquor. I mean, I just, um--I found it.

Sarah: You found it? In your hand?

Maggie: I was straightening up, and I came across a bottle that victor hid under the sofa. I... I poured a glass, yes, but I didn't drink it.

Sarah: You know what? Victor agreed to get rid of all the alcohol in the house.

Maggie: Well, don't blame him. I mean, he's suffering too. You know. What happened with claire-- I mean, it's devastating for him.

Sarah: I get it. I get it. But you need his support.

Maggie: Yes. Yes, I do. But, you know, I can't expect the world to bend around me because I--I...

[Exhales] I need to be stronger.

Sarah: You are strong. And yeah, you went off on a little bit of a bender, but from what I've seen after that, you--you've had it under control.

Maggie: Well, it looks that way. But the truth is... I'm scared. I--I--I-- I was sober... [Sobs] For over 30 years. The days and--and the weeks and the months... went by, and... when drinking never crossed my mind. And then since I've slipped, I'm tempted every day.

[Crying] It's--it's like I'm starting all over again.

Sarah: Mom. We all see you trying to be brave. But if you are not getting the help that you need, then you have to say something. You cannot be afraid to ask.

Maggie: [Cries] I... I think I do.


Gabi: Don't let nicole's empty threats get to you, stefan. She's just desperate.

Nicole: And she's a whore.

Gabi: What did you just say?

Nicole: Okay, why don't you listen to me, stefan. Women like her are predators. Her only mo is to get her hooks into a man like you so she can use him to advance her career-- only she doesn't have the first clue how to run a company. Quite frankly, neither of you do.

Stefan: Excuse me? So far, you have barely shown up for work. You've been erratic, unreliable, and completely uncooperative. You even forgot to book this place for the party tonight.

[Acoustic music]

Nicole: I lost a child. Forgive me for being a little overwhelmed.

Stefan: When you made your pitch to me for this job, nicole, I asked if you were ready to return to the workforce and you insisted that you were.

Nicole: I am. But are you at least willing to give me five minutes to get my bearings? No. You're not, and how well do you think that's gonna play out to the public, huh? Your lack of compassion.

Stefan: Nicole, I feel for you. I really do, and I appreciate that you're wanting to take on so much responsibility. But you're just not ready.

Nicole: You are so, so wrong.

Stefan: I'm sorry. Now, if you'll please leave, gabi and I have a lot to do.

Nicole: I did not come back from the dead and pull myself from the depths of despair after losing a child to just give up without a fight. If you do this, stefan, I will sue you for wrongful termination.

Stefan: Nicole, I have already explained to you: I have more than enough cause to let you go. You will not get a dime. You're time at dimera is done, and my decision's final.

Nicole: [Grunts]

Gabi: [Shouts] Great news!

Gabi: Nicole, let go!

Abe: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! No! What the hell is going on here?

Gabi: Nicole is freaking crazy--that's what's going on!

Nicole: There's more than one way to destroy you, stefan dimera. You better watch your back.

Stefan: I think I'm gonna be all right, and abe and gabi just saw you attack me. I'm calling the police.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Ted: I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. I did care about you, and I still do.

Kate: Those sound like the words of a man who just doesn't want his throat slit.

Ted: Kate. Of course I don't want to die. But also, I don't want you to go to prison for my murder. Look at me. Let me live, and I will fight for you with everything I have.

[Tense music]

Eve: So what's going on here, hmm?

Xander: Your detective is harassing me. From what I hear, he's already in hot water, which means that you are too. If I decide to go public, show the world what's been going on behind closed doors, well, that could make things much worse for you, couldn't it?

Eve: You know, I told you that this was my case. Why are you interfering?

Eli: Just trying to see justice done.

Eve: Well, I'll deal with you later, okay? Get out!

[Sighs] What the hell, xander? Making threats like that in front of one of my detectives?

Xander: Desperate times.

Eve: No. [Stammers] Listen. We made a deal: I would forget about the 911 call accusing you of killing ted laurent, and you would forget that you got rolf's diary from me, and that was gonna be the end of it.

Xander: Well, it wasn't because your detective dragged me in here, and now I need you to get me out.

Eve: Well, I'm not gonna do it... because I held up my end of the bargain, so you're on your own, my man.

Xander: Oh, and you will be as well-- the instant jack finds out that you lied to him. I bet he'll set a new land-speed record running back to jennifer.

Eve: Fine. Okay. You win. Get--go--you can leave. Stay out of trouble. This is your last time.


Xander: I hope you're polishing up your résumé, there, mate. You're going to need it.

Maggie: The meetings have been wonderful. Brady's been wonderful, but...

Sarah: Do you need to go to rehab?

Maggie: [Chuckles sadly] Mm-mm. I couldn't l--leave my family right now. I just couldn't bear it.

Sarah: I know. But there might be another option. The hospital has this new program. It's a short-term residential treatment followed by outpatient counseling.

Maggie: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I've heard something about it. Mm, I just--I don't know.

Sarah: It would only be for a few days. Will you think about it?

Maggie: I will. Sweetheart, I'm so grateful to have you looking out for me.

Sarah: You've looked out out for me my whole life.

Maggie: But not so much lately. Oh. You know what? I haven't been very nice to your new husband.

Sarah: No, you were just being protective.

Maggie: You're a grown woman. You made your choice to marry rex, and I've been nothing but judgmental... while you have been totally accepting of me.

[Inhales, exhales] So I'm gonna turn a page. I promise. I am going to change.

Sarah: Thank you, mom.

Maggie: Oh... oh, thank you, my sweet, my talented daughter. How did I get so lucky?

Abe: I--look, I'm not sure calling the police is such a good idea--not with the relaunch.

Gabi: Are you kidding? You just saw what nicole did. She could've killed stefan. We need to press charges.

Abe: Can somebody please tell me what happened?

Nicole: He fired me for no good reason.

Gabi: Hmm.

Nicole: And I got...angry.

Gabi: Oh, "angry"? No. Try "homicidal," okay? We need to call the cops. They need to be here right now.

Stefan: Okay, look, bottom line: Regardless of whether we press charges or not, nicole is unstable-- too unstable to run basic black. So I had to let her go. Nicole, I'm not doing this to be cruel. I understand you must be devastated over the loss of holly, but it is simply too much for you to handle right now.

Abe: Look, um... nicole... I know you want to rebuild your life, and--and I respect that. I--I--I think we all do. But I do have to agree with stefan. It's just too soon.

Nicole: Are you blind, or just stupid? This whole "grieving mother" thing is just an excuse for them to get rid of me, but gabi knows if I stay on, I'll expose her for the talentless loser that she really is.

[Chuckles darkly] You two are gonna regret this. Mark my words. You are not gonna get away with it. For god's sake, abe! I don't need a babysitter! Leave me the hell alone!

Kate: You really think they're coming back?

Ted: I don't know. But my money is on hope.

Kate: Oh, god, not that again.

Ted: I tell you, as soon as she's gonna see that necklace I bought her, she's gonna connect the dots and question xander.

Kate: You know, even if she does get close to xander, he's either gonna charm his way out of it or he's gonna take her out.

Ted: Well, xander may be ruthless, but I think, this time, he's way over his head. He's gonna slip up very soon.

Kate: [Scoffing] Oh, my god.

Xander: [Sighs] Where's the vodka? Where's the scotch?

Sarah: I got rid of them, along with victor's secret stash.

Xander: Yeah. That's not all you did.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Xander: You let your husband give away the necklace I gave you.

Sarah: Rex told you?

Xander: No. I ran into chloe lane, and she was wearing it. Seeing my gift to you on her... it was utterly humiliating.

Sarah: I can explain--

Xander: Save it. I just didn't need that on top of everything else I've been through today.

Sarah: Yeah, well, I've been through a bunch today too.

Xander: Well, then maybe you should've thought of that before you threw away all the damn liquor.

Sarah: I had to do it, you jerk. My mom was about to fall off the wagon.

Stefan: How do we put a lid on this?

Abe: We can'T. Every reporter here tonight will want to know why nicole was a no-show at her own launch.

Gabi: Okay, well, why can't we tell them the truth? She just lost her mind.

Abe: That would reflect badly on dimera. Stock holders would get nervous, and that, in turn, would upset the board.

Stefan: Find a way to put a positive spin on this. That's your job, abe. You can start by talking to nicole.

Abe: Did-- did you not see her storm out of here?

Stefan: She's mad at me, abe, not you. Okay? Why don't you convince her to say it was her decision to leave.

Abe: But that's not true.

Stefan: Then I go public with what she just did.

Abe: You would really threaten nicole with that, knowing what's going on with her?

Stefan: I have cut her a lot of slack, but I will not let her take this company down.

Abe: [Sighs] All right. What do you need her to say?

Stefan: That the decision for her to resign was entirely hers, that she realized, when she started the job, it was too soon to enter the workforce, and that dimera is being very compassionate by allowing her to exit gracefully.

Abe: And if she won't do it?

Stefan: Then I call the police, abe, and she ends up in an institution or prison.

Abe: She is not going to jail. I will get her to come around. But I'm going to need time.

Stefan: You have an hour. Tell nicole she can take it or leave it. Now, if you'll excuse us, gabi and I have a party to plan.

[Tense music]

[Door clatters open]

Nicole: Oh, just who the hell do you think you are, stefan? You are nothing but vivian alamain's bastard son, and I'll be damned if I let you run my company into the ground. Oh, I have to stop you.


[Intriguing music]

And I will.

[Laughs] Oh, it is time for kristen dimera to be back in charge once and for all!

Gabi: Okay, well, despite the major screw-up and the insane outburst, I was able to make arrangements, and tonight's gonna be amazing.

Stefan: Well done.

Gabi: Thank you. Those your final remarks?

Stefan: They are. I have two versions: One if nicole cooperates and one if she doesn'T.

Gabi: Well, I'd be happy to massage the text.

Stefan: Thank you. That is abe's job. In fact, I should get these sent off to him so he can take a look.

Gabi: Right, but... despite what nicole does, we're gonna be moving on without her, right?

Stefan: Absolutely. She's gone.

Gabi: Okay. So I have just one more question for you. Who's going to be in charge of basic black?

Stefan: I haven't decided yet. Do you have any suggestions?

Gabi: Yeah. Me.

Sarah: I cannot believe that I just betrayed my mom's confidence like that.

Xander: But... maggie's struggle isn't a secret-- at least not to me. And don't worry. I-- I won't tell anyone. You know how fond I am of your mum. I'm just so sorry she's having such a hard time right now. And I'm sorry I snapped at you about the necklace.

Sarah: For the record, rex did that on his own. I didn't even know about it until after he gave it away.

Xander: I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

Sarah: No, I'M... I was pretty harsh too, and... you're obviously dealing with something, and... I hope it gets easier.

Xander: You know, what would make things easier... is having an incredible woman like you in my life.

Sarah: Xander--

Xander: I know. I know. You're a married woman now and I'm just a single bloke who's drowning in problems I have no idea how to solve.

Sarah: Do you want to talk about it?

Xander: You are so sweet to offer. But I'm afraid your husband would not approve.

Sarah: I don't need rex's permission to talk to you.

Xander: I know. But... this is my cross to bear.

Kate: You're putting an awful lot of faith in hope's abilities.

Ted: Well, she's a very smart woman. If anyone can rescue us, it's her.

Kate: Okay. Well, enjoy your fantasies, mon ami.

Ted: That is all I have left. Look, kate, if this unfolds the way I pray it will and we do survive... can I trust you to tell the people that I'm just an innocent victim in all this?

Kate: Um... by "people," are you talking about a particular woman?

Ted: Yes. It would kill me to go through this to only lose hope.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Line trilling]

[Cell phone ringing]

Hope: Hey. Any luck with xander?

Eli: Before I could get anywhere, eve came back in and took over.

Hope: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I tried to stall her as long as I could.

Eli: It's okay. But what's not okay is that eve let xander go. He just left the station.

Hope: I'm on it.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Tense music]

Sarah: Okay. I--I will be there as soon as I can.

[Cell phone beeps]

Xander: Bad news?

Sarah: It's just one of my patients. It's this elderly woman that emts brought in two days ago. She didn't want medical attention, and now she's refusing to eat and refusing an iv and she is basically starving to death, and it's awful.

Xander: I thought that was one of the gentler ways to go. Isn't it just like... slipping away?

Sarah: Oh, my god, no. Starvation is torture.

Xander: Really?

Sarah: Oh, yeah. I mean, it's a slow and long, agonizing breakdown of your entire body. Your--your organs shrivel up and then they fail. But first, your immune system goes, which leaves you susceptible to basically any hideous disease. And it can be weeks before death finally comes in to relieve you. It's terrible. Anyway, I have to go to the hospital.

Kate: So, after everything you have done, you ask me to lie for you?

Ted: No, kate, I'm asking you to be a human being.

Kate: I see. Well, that's really rich coming from you, the man who betrayed me. Now you expect me to keep my mouth shut so you can live happily ever after with hope?

Ted: I'm in love with her.

Kate: [Laughing] What the hell do I care?

Ted: Because underneath, you still have a heart. And a beautiful one at that.

Kate: You are such a fool. But hey, I mean, if you can get her to go along with it, I'm not gonna stand in your way.

Ted: Merci.

Kate: Mm. Don't thank me yet. I mean, we don't know if we're gonna get out of here alive, right? But if we do, your secret's safe with me.

Gabi: Why are you looking at me like that? Is it so crazy that I'd want to run basic black?

Stefan: A little, considering you're already running gabi chic.

Gabi: Well, I could do both. I'm very good at multitasking, as you may know.

Stefan: I do. I just don't want you to bite off more than you can chew.

Gabi: I think I've proven that I can handle anything you've thrown my way. I'm ready to do that. So if I don't satisfy you, I will step down. No questions asked.

Stefan: I don't believe you.

Gabi: Pinkie swear.

Stefan: Was nicole telling the truth? Have you been using me?

[Mysterious music]

Kristen: [Sighs] I'm am so sick and tired of all of these losers! Stefan and gabi. Ted and kate. And xander! Every one of them is just slowing me down, standing between me and what I deserve. Well, I have had it! You hear me? I have had it! No more delays. No more cleaning up their messes. I am gonna end them all!


[Screaming angrily]

[Terrifying music]



Patients that I see that complain about dry mouth,

Xander: [Sighs] I don't care what kristen says. I can't let ted and kate die like that.

Eve: You checking in with your, uh, cousin, ex-commissioner? Do I need to remind you that I'm the commissioner now and you serve at my pleasure?

Eli: No, ma'am.

Eve: You know, you're skating on thin ice here, detective. You're already in serious trouble for, you know, screwing up the arson investigation, and now, it just seems like hope has A... direct line to what's going on around here. I'm assuming you know how I feel about leaks.

Eli: Actually, I don'T.

Eve: Well, then let me fill you in. If I catch any of my officers going behind my back, feeding inside information to a civilian who is actively trying to undermine me... they're gonna end up unemployed, just like hope.

[Suspenseful music]

Gabi: [Huffs] Why are you gonna listen to nicole? She hates me and she's nuts.

Stefan: Women have been known to seduce their bosses to get ahead before.

Gabi: Okay, well, not this woman. Why would I start playing you now? I've been nothing but honest from the start.

Stefan: You tell me.

Gabi: I wouldn't, okay? I've been very upfront. I told you I hated you for working with abigail to try to get me into prison. And I also hated the fact that I was even attracted to you. I've been very honest with you, even showing you that I've been ambitious and ruthless. Why--I just thought that that's what drew you to me.

Stefan: It was.

Gabi: Stefan, your ambition... your raw, naked power... that's what drew me to you.

[Dark music]

Abe: Nicole? Nicole, it's abe. Nicole? You there?

Ted: Kate, it means the world that you are willing to do this for me. I appreciate it more than you know.

Kate: Well, we'll see what happens.

Ted: Thank you.

[Lock clicks] Get ready.

Kate: Oh, my god. You are alive.

Kristen: Yeah, well, that makes one of us.

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