Days Transcript Wednesday 7/10/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/10/19


Episode #13566 ~ Kristen confronts Xander about his betrayal; Ted comes clean with Kate; Hope and Eli start to put the pieces together; and Ben and Ciara try to process what happened with Claire.

Provided By Suzanne

[Door opens]

[Keys jingling]

Ben: Hey.

Ciara: Hi.

[Keys clatter]

Ben: What are you looking at?

Ciara: [Sniffs] Oh, um... just some old pictures of me and claire. I still can't believe it. How troubled she was. Oh, man. You think you know someone and then--and then...


Ben: I know how hard this was on you. How hard this was on your whole family. Bayview is a good place.

Ciara: [Sighs]

Ben: Those doctors put me back together, and they are gonna do the exact same thing for her.

Ciara: [Sighs]

Hope: Judging by the look on your face, I'm guessing claire's phone wasn't in the evidence room?

Eli: You guessed right. Damn. I knew I should have put that phone somewhere eve couldn't get her dirty hands on it. All right, that phone was the only way that I could prove eve knew claire was dangerous. I'm sorry.

Hope: Me, too.

[Dishware clinking]

Eve: [Sighs] Oh, man.


[Sighs] I'm sorry, claire's phone, but i am gonna have to give you amnesia.


Jack: What are you doing?

Eve: [Sighs]

Chloe: What the hell do you want?

Kate: Ted, no one is coming.

Ted: I know we heard someone out there.

Kate: No, you're hungry and you think that you're hearing things.

Ted: I will wait for xander to come back with some food and I'll get him then.

Kate: That is so ridiculous. Nicole knows that he didn't kill us, okay? She is not gonna let xander bring us food. And if she doesn't come back to kill us herself, she certainly does not want us to escape here alive.

Xander: Look, kristen, I can explain--

Nicole: You double-crossed me. Give me one good reason why i shouldn't slit your throat right now.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Hope: I need a favor.

Eli: Name it.

Hope: It's a police matter.

Eli: It's not a problem.

Hope: Ted laurent is missing.

Eli: "Missing"?

Hope: Mm-hmm.

Eli: Are you absolutely sure?

Hope: I think xander's behind it.

Eli: Damn.

Hope: What?

Eli: I got a call from a 911 operator. She says she got an anonymous tip from a woman who was staying at the salem inn. The woman said that she overheard xander say that he had just killed ted laurent. Yeah, yeah. I was on my way to the inn, but eve came in, stopped me, and told me that she'd handle it herself.

Hope: Do you think ted was murdered?

Ted: You can't just give up.

Kate: Who said I'm giving up?

Ted: Because of xander involvement and... wait a minute. What is that?

Xander: [Shaky breathing] You're not gonna really kill me.

Nicole: Try me.

Xander: You didn't have the stomach to kill ted and kate, and you hate their bloody guts. You found them alive in the dimera tunnels and you-- you left them. You ran. Why is that? Kristen, what are you doing here?

Nicole: Keep your voice down. Do you want them to hear you?

Xander: Who's "them"?

Nicole: Oh, can it. You swore to me that ted and kate were dead, but they're not. They're behind that door alive and well. You're a like a freaking nanny bringing them meals. Move. Come on.

Xander: Why do you want to kill them, anyway? They didn't do anything to you.

Nicole: Because they got in my way! Oh, don't tell me you've developed a conscience.

Xander: Oh, and what about you? Back in the day if you wanted those two dead, you would have found a way to do it yourself.

Nicole: Don't be so sure I've changed.

Gabi: I came here because I'm your client.

Chloe: What are you talking about?

Gabi: The launch for gabi chic basic black? We're gonna have it here later tonight.

Chloe: I don't know anything about a launch.

Gabi: Oh, come on, chloe. Please don't play dumb, okay? Nicole booked it for later.

Chloe: I'm not. And no, she didn'T.

Gabi: Sh-she really didn't?

Chloe: No.

Gabi: What the hell is wrong with her?

Chloe: Uh, she's a grieving woman. That's what wrong with her. Why would you and stefan send her to book a party?

Gabi: We just thought that this would take her mind off holly.

Chloe: No, you didn'T. You knew she'd be the better option because julie and I would say no to you guys.

Gabi: I don't want any favors. I came here to rent this space for the party. It's called doing business.

Chloe: When I was at holly's funeral you were having sex with the guy that I thought i cared about. I don't want your business.

Gabi: [Sighs] Chloe, look, I'm--that was wrong. I'm sorry about that.

Chloe: Just spare me the insincere apologies and... I know why you did it.

Gabi: You know?

Chloe: Yeah, I do.

Gabi: O-okay, well, um...

[Stammers] Thank you? I don't--

Chloe: No, you don't need to thank me. What I meant was I understand why you seduced stefan. You know, your plan to destroy his life. I'm just a normal person

Gabi: I'm not trying to destroy stefan.

Chloe: Oh, knock it off, gabi. Brady told me everything.

Gabi: Like what?

Chloe: Like how it was his idea to have you seduce stefan and take him for everything that he's worth. I was wondering why you'd want to sleep with the guy who tried to ruin your life, but now I get it.

Gabi: And what? You're planning on telling stefan all of this?

Chloe: Nope. I can't stand you, but I hate him, so go for it. Take him down.

Gabi: Hmm. How do I know you're not conning me? What--what if you go tell him?

Chloe: Because I don't care. Whatever you've got planned he has it coming, and I'll even help you if you want me to.

[Tense music]

Nicole: Tell you what... you kill ted and kate like i told you to and maybe--oh, maybe I'll let you live. But you'd better do it before anyone else goes in that basement.

[Knife clatters]

Xander: No one ever goes down there.

Nicole: What? Are you a moron? It's a wine cellar. Stefan made me go down there to get champagne for some party he's giving. And it's a good thing he didn't go down there, because when i went down there your little friends, katie and teddy, were planning to escape. They were also planning to tell the world their little theory that kristen is pulling nicole's strings and that little holly isn't dead.

Xander: They said that?

Nicole: Yeah, they said that. Those two clowns are getting too close to the truth. You'd better shut them up once and for all.

Xander: I have to say, I couldn't disagree more.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Ted: You know what this is?

Kate: That looks like the work of a rather large mouse.

Ted: No, it--it's a raisin. It's full of iron. Really good for you. Here, have it.

Kate: No, no, you found it. It's yours.

Ted: Okay, we split it.

Kate: God, your optimism is making me perfectly nauseous.

Ted: Well, it's called hunger.

Kate: No, no. You know, one raisin isn't going to make everything better.

Ted: Well, I'm still betting that hope will find us in time. As soon as she sees the necklace I gave to xander, that's it. She will--

Kate: Oh, my god, I am so sick of you going on and on about stupid hope brady and the stupid necklace, okay? You know, maybe that's all you have, but I--I have a family, and I have children who are gonna be wondering about where I am.

Ted: Okay, snap out of it! The only reason--only--the only reason why you're not dead is because xander and I are such good...

Kate: What? "Xander and you are such good" what?

Hope: Do you--I--do you... really think that maybe ted's dead?

Eli: I don't know what happened, okay? I was going to follow up on the call, but eve stopped me and told me that she'd handle it and that I needed to stay on the ben weston case. I didn't hear anything else about it so I just assumed it was a--a prank, or it was a false alarm. I--I'm sorry. I should have asked eve more questions.

Hope: Do you think she really handled it?

Eli: No.

Hope: No. No, neither do I.

Eli: Yeah, and I never would have let eve take me away from investigating-- investigating the case if I knew that ted laurent was actually missing.

Hope: I couldn't file a missing person's report because I didn't have enough to go on.

Eli: What made you suspicious?

Hope: [Sighs] Lot of things. I knew that something was wrong when ted sent me a text out of the blue. That it was apparent that things would never work out between us and that he was leaving town for good. But eli, you know how he felt about me. How he acted around me.

Eli: Yeah. Well, hey, don't jump to conclusions, okay? Maybe it was a--a prank call, or maybe the caller heard wrong.

Hope: Don't go to eve about this. Do not follow up with eve, okay?

Eli: No, I--I'm not, but what's eve's motive? I mean, why would she cover for xander?

Hope: Well, xander and eve came back to salem with jack.

Eli: Mm-hmm.

Hope: We also know that john is convinced that eve was the one who stole rolf's diary from the hospital and that xander was the one who turned it over to maggie.

Eli: Which he wouldn't have done unless he was getting something in return.

Hope: Uh-huh, exactly. So if he knew that eve stole that diary and he made it look like she didn't, then--

Eli: He's got the police commissioner right where he wants her.

[Scoffs] Damn.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Phone ringing]

Eve: I'm destroying evidence, jack.

Jack: Evidence that could implicate--

Eve: Me! We both know that ben didn't set those fires, and I told you who did. I also told you that they didn't deserve to suffer.

Jack: You have to tell me now.

Eve: It was claire.

Jack: Our claire.

Eve: Yes, jack, and I swear to you I tried to get her to go see therapy. I--she wouldn't hear anything about that. She didn't want help.

Jack: So--so you just looked the other way?

Eve: Well, I didn't know what else to do! God! And then ciara, of course, she figured it out, and she and tripp confronted her.

Jack: And what happened?

Eve: Well...

[Sighs] Claire went off the deep end. She went to set another fire, and then marlena and hope and ben show up. I mean, she tried to kill ciara.

Jack: Oh, my god. So--so what's happened to her now?

Eve: [Sighs] Well, her family has admitted her into bayview to avoid, you know, charges. Now that whole brady clan, of course, suspects me.

Jack: Why?

Eve: Cover-covering up because of this damn phone! One that I left messages on and that I stole out of the evidence room.

[Sighs] God.

Jack: This is out of the way. You're in the clear, right?

Eve: God, I hope so, jack. I don't know, I just...

[Sighs] Don't know. It's my own guilty conscience that I can't deal with right now. I just...

[Sighs] Claire meant so much to me. I mean, she didn't have anybody to turn to. Her parents weren't around. She turned to me, and because of everything that I went through with paige, I mean, I--that meant the world to me. And now I just--she-- you know what, I--

[Sighs] I was dead set on framing ben for those fires that I--I just--

Jack: You just didn't want her to out-and-out prove an innocent--

Eve: But I should have gone to her family. I should have put--I should have put claire first. That's what I should have done, but I didn'T. But I had no idea that she was gonna go this far, jack. I swear to you, I didn'T. Please, do you believe me?

Jack: Of course I believe you. I believe you. Oh, I believe you.

Eve: Thank you. Thank god.

Jack: But you know what you have to do now, right?

Ciara: I was remembering coming back from hong kong... and announcing that I was going to ruin her life. Boy, did I do a hell of a job.

Ben: Ciara--

Ciara: Ben.

Ben: Claire did this to herself.

Ciara: No.

Ben: Yes.

Ciara: It wasn't all her. Theo was my best friend and he fell for her. She didn't make that happen. It just did, and... I couldn't stand it. I was selfish. And I was jealous. Jealous of her for being happier than I was, or...

[Sighs] At least I thought she was happier, but... that is--is what started this whole mess.

Ben: Stuff like that happens all the time. It doesn't usually end up the way this did.

Ciara: Yeah, but this wasn't the normal stuff. It was a little bit more complicated than that. Theo was into me before he was into claire, but I wasn't interested. I mean, I love him--I love him so much, but just not--

Ben: I know. I know what you mean.

Ciara: Then after what I went through with chase, I was so lost.

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: I still am. But I feel guilty... and I feel angry. And I just feel sad, ben. I feel so sad. Mostly sad... that someone with so much love in her heart and so much talent was just ready to throw it all away. How do--how do you get over something like that, ben?

[Sniffles] How are we supposed to have fun again? How am I just supposed to let go of this--this awful sadness? I...

[Both sigh]

Ben: It's called survival. Realizing how fast somebody's life can take a turn. How quickly things can change. Just makes me that much more grateful for what I do have.

Ciara: Knowing how fleeting it all is, you mean.

Ben: Yeah. Knowing that and... well, I don't know if I'll ever be truly happy, given what I've done in the past, but... I can still feel love. And be grateful... for the life I do have, and... that I've been given another chance to just be a decent person. I--I'm not gonna keep going on and on. I--I don't have all the answers or have the right to try and help anyone, but...

Ciara: But you are helping me, ben. You always do.

[No audible dialogue] You know, there was this time... at bayview where I hurt myself. Told the doctors that... I was pretty damn sure that nobody gave a damn about me. I don't feel that way anymore. Because of you. I can't tell you what that means to me, because that's what allowed me to let go of some of the pain. The guilt. The sadness. Ciara, so many people love you. They are gonna be the ones to help you get through this. They'll make the difference. Just like you made the difference for me.

[Tender, melancholy music]

-Keep it down there. I have a system.

Ciara: I, uh...

[Sighs] This doesn't--this doesn't feel right.

Ben: Why?

Ciara: Because claire is in bayview and we're--

Ben: We're together? We just saved each other's lives. What is wrong about that?

[Tender music]

Eve: If you want me to resign as commissioner--

Jack: That's not what I want. You have to drop the charges against weston.

Eve: No!

Jack: You will never make them stick. If a deal was made for claire to go to bayview, that means she made a full confession in front of one of your prosecutors and a judge. They know that she set those fires.

Eve: What, and then ben just gets to go free? Gets to have a girlfriend, a job, a life, and my daughter is six feet under! Jack, no!

Jack: I'm so sorry, but you have to do this. You have to let it go.

[Bag crinkling]

Eli: I--I gotta look into this without tipping eve.

Hope: Check the dispatch log of the day the call came in to see if any cars were sent to the salem inn.

Eli: Right.

Hope: And eli? It would be very helpful to hear the anonymous call.

Eli: I got a friend who's a supervisor.

Kate: What kind of relationship do you have with xander?

Ted: No, I didn't say anything about a relationship.

Kate: All right, really? Just stop, okay? Just stop. Just tell me. Just spill it. I'm not gonna tell anyone.

Ted: [Sighs] Look, uh, since I got back to salem, I...

Kate: You, uh, what? Just--just tell me.

Ted: I been working for xander.

Kate: What?

Ted: I owed him. He rescued me from that island that you and stefan dimera left me to die.

Kate: Oh, my god! Xander is not a humanitarian, okay? He would only do that if you were useful to him! And I don't possibly see how you could be useful to him. I really don'T. I mean... t-the accident? Did you help xander fake holly's death? Oh, my god, you did. Oh, my god. Really? You know, I remember reading that you were called in to negotiate the ransom, and then you showed up at the scene of the accident. Really? Why, ted?

Ted: I was the interim D.A. I was keeping tab on the drug cartel that was threatening chloe lane, so it wasn't so hard to pin the so-called "holly death" on them.

Kate: O-okay, now you're telling me how it happened, but you're not telling me why xander wanted it done.

Nicole: [Laughs]

Xander: I just think ted and kate are more useful to us alive than dead.

Nicole: Mm-hmm. Okay, I'll play. How useful?

Xander: Ted told me eve deveraux offered him the D.A.'S job. He said he could keep working for us from the inside.

Nicole: Hmm. Is that why you didn't kill him? If you and I own the D.A.--

Nicole: Yeah, he could prosecute us for kidnapping and attempted murder.

[Scoffs] Enough stalling. Kill them both. Now.

Gabi: I--I thought I was supposed to handle things down here?

Stefan: Your conversation didn't sound like party arrangements.

Chloe: Yeah, you're right. I was just telling gabi that i think the two of you deserve each other.

Gabi: Chloe doesn't know anything about our party.

Stefan: You're kidding. It's tonight.

Chloe: Well, you're not gonna find another venue with this late notice, so I'll let you have your party here--for triple the going rate.

Stefan: We'll need the whole restaurant.

Chloe: Okay, fantastic. I will go let my kitchen staff know and leave you lovebirds alone.

Gabi: [Scoffs] We don't have a menu. We don't have a liquor order. We have nothing, and it is all thanks to nicole.

Stefan: Gabi, for somebody who campaigned for this job, you're doing a lot of bitching.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone line ringing]

[Phone ringing]

Eve: Stefan. Probably wondering where the hell I am. You know, I should be helping to run my family's company. Instead I'm cleaning up your messes.

Xander: Ah, tell your troubles to somebody else. That tribe of kate's never stops trying her phone. Now I've got hope brady all over me about where ted is.

Eve: Why would hope connect you to ted?

Xander: Because she's a cop out of a job. She fills the empty hours chasing down leads.

Eve: She's asking too many questions. Which is even more reason for you to get rid of ted and kate.

Xander: Forget it.

Ted: Look, kate... when xander tell me to jump, the only question I ask is how high. I have no desire to know why he want that accident to happen.

Kate: You told me that you accidentally came across the faked autopsy report. That's what you told me. And now you're telling me that you were in on it the--the entire time, okay? I thought we were both innocent victims here, but obviously not true.

Ted: Well, if you hadn't been trying to dig some dirt on xander, right now you would be with children and grandchildren.

Kate: Ted, you were up to your eyeballs in--in that car crash. You were, and--and then you have the bright idea of telling nicole that no, that's not your child who was killed in the crash. Do you know how stupid that was? And you did it all to impress hope brady. Hope brady. My god. You are the reason that we're here! This is all your fault! God.

Hope: I wish your friend would get back to us about that anonymous call.

Eli: He will. What made you think xander might have made ted disappear?

Hope: Ted tried giving me a very expensive necklace on more than one occasion, but right after ted disappeared I saw sarah horton wearing it. When I questioned her about it she said she got it as a wedding gift from xander.

Eli: Are you sure it was the same necklace?

Hope: Oh, yeah. Pretty positive that-- eli, you know I know my jewelry. Anyway, I, uh, paid xander a little visit. He gave me some lame excuse about running into ted at a pawn shop as ted was on his way out of town.

Eli: Yeah, that is lame.

Hope: He's lying.

[Phone beeps]

Eli: Oh, it's the audio recording of the 911 call.

Hope: All right, let's just lower the volume a little.

Emergency, what is the problem?

Kate: I'm at the salem inn. I just heard a man-- xander cook--tell someone that he's just killed--murdered ted laurent. Yes, he was acting D.A. Please, I need you to send the police to room 514 at the inn. Please. Yes, please hurry.

Hope: It's kate dimera.

[Phone beeps]

Ben: Excuse me.

Ciara: Mm.


Ben: [Groans] Oh, my god.

Ciara: What?

Ben: Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

Ciara: What?

Ben: It's from justin. The D.A. Just dropped charges against me!

Ciara: Are you freaking kidding me?

Ben: I'm not kidding!

Ciara: Are you freaking kidding me? Ben, this is amazing! Wait, they dropped the bogus charges against you?

Ben: There's more, there's more.

Ciara: What? Whoa, whoa, what?

Ben: Eve and jack are holding a press conference right now. Wait, do you think they're gonna give me an apology?

Ciara: No way. No way. But--but I am still excited to see this bitch have to say that she screwed up. Let's see if they're livestreaming it. Put it on.

Ben: Here, you do it.

Ciara: Okay, okay, okay. Yes!

Eve: Police department has uncovered the name of the serial arsonist that's terrorized our community over the past year.


[Camera shutter snaps] Due to a series of missteps, the previous commissioner was unable to accomplish this.

Ciara: She's throwing mom under the bus.

Eve: The guilty party is a troubled relative of ex-commissioner brady'S. Thankfully, the fast action of our first responders prevented further tragedy from occurring, and the young woman responsible has made a full confession. She's now in the hospital and receiving treatment.

Ciara: She's saying mom was covering for claire? You're the one who knew about claire and didn't do a damn thing, you crazy bitch!

Eve: This could have been dealt with sooner, but an overzealous police detective id'd the wrong perpetrator. He will be dealt with accordingly.

Ciara: And now she's going after eli?

Ben: It is getting pretty crowded underneath that bus.

Eli: I'm gonna go back to the squad room and see if eve made any attempt to follow up with kate's call, and then I'm gonna go have a little chat with xander.

Hope: All right, I'm gonna catch--gotta catch up with kate. See if she knows anything else about that day. I just wish there was more i could do.

Eli: Hey, don't worry, all right? It may not be as bad as it seems.

Hope: Hold on a second, okay? Watch your back. Work quietly. If eve is covering up a crime, it'll be dangerous for anyone she thinks is getting closer to the truth.

Eli: I'm not scared of eve.

Hope: Maybe you should be.

[Door closes]

Nicole: I'm sorry, maybe i need to get my hearing checked. Did I just hear you defy a direct order?

Xander: Oh, no, your ears are in wonderful shape. Look, I'll do a lot of things for you, but I draw the line at executing two people just because they got in your way.

Nicole: Okay. Fine. Don't kill them. Just leave them in the basement to starve, and then you can tell your shiny new conscience that you didn't lay a finger on them. You know, I heard dying of starvation is easy. You just pass out and slip away. I am thinking of you, too. If those two do escape, then they're gonna point the finger at the guy that put them in the basement. And then your promising new life here in salem will just--poof! Blow up in smoke. Is that what you really want?

Gabi: So that is the traditional hernandez family margarita recipe. I think we should serve it tonight.

Stefan: Salud.

Gabi: Mm.

Stefan: [Coughing] What the hell did you put in there, jalapeņo?

[Hisses through teeth]

Gabi: No, habanero. That's what you get for saying i bitch too much.

Stefan: We are not serving that at the party.

Gabi: We'll-we'll have regular margaritas for the wimps in the room. No offense. It's fine.

Nicole: Oh, so sorry I am late. I had something I had to deal with. So, where are we with the party arrangements?

Xander: Where did you get that necklace?

Chloe: Rex brady gave it to me. Why do you want to know?

Xander: It's very beautiful.

Chloe: I think so, too.

Xander: Have a good day. Does sarah know he did that? She couldn'T.

[Phone buzzing] Ah, bloody hell.

[Sighs] It's bad enough you're on ted's trail, but now you're calling kate?

Hope: Damn it. Kate's voicemail is full. Please let ted be alive.

Ted: What are you doing?

Kate: You know, I was-- I was saving this to use on nicole in case she comes back, but, uh, it's looking pretty grim. Probably not gonna be coming back. So then I was thinking, maybe I could just use it on you. Patients that I see that complain about dry mouth,

Jack: You nailed it. Congratulations.

Eve: Oh, you should congratulate yourself. You're the one who wrote the statement for me.

Jack: Hey, I heard someone say once, "you never admit guilt, you never accept blame, and you can get out of pretty much anything unscathed."

Eve: Jack deveraux, you better never try that on me.

Jack: Deal.

Eve: Okay. Oh, there's a reporter from the "spectator." I'm gonna go get rid of him.

Jack: All right.

Hope: I just saw eve's press conference. Is there nothing she won't stoop to? I mean, jack, is--is there no limit to your corruption?

Jack: Please, don't be so melodramatic.

Hope: The people of this town are scared of getting in your way.

Jack: Really? Why? Nothing to be afraid of.

Hope: My god, I wish that were true.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone line ringing]

Ben: Look, I don't give a damn about apologies from eve, but those cheap shots she took at your mom? Come on.

[Phone ringing] Hang on, let me grab that. I don't recognize this number.

Ciara: Well, then don't-- don't answer it.

Ben: Oh, it's probably just a telemarketer.

[Phone beeps] Hello?

Eve: You watching the news?

Ben: What do you want, eve?

Eve: You know, you may think that you have skated, but what you've done is gonna follow you for the rest of your life. And if it's the last thing that I ever do, I'm gonna make you pay for murdering my daughter.

Eli: [Clears throat]

Xander: What do you want?

Eli: You. I'm taking you in for questioning.

Xander: What about?

Eli: You're under suspicion of murdering ted laurent.

Ted: What good would killing me do? Really?

Kate: Well, you know, if i don't get out of here alive, i would at least like to have the satisfaction of knowing that i got even with the bastard who got me in this mess.

Nicole: So?

[Scoffs] What do you want me to do? Give the wait staff their marching orders? Greet our guests? What?

Stefan: Your services won't be necessary.

Nicole: Excuse me?

Gabi: You just asked what we wanted you to do. Stefan just told you. We want you to leave.

Nicole: [Laughs] Okay, this is a really important night, so to ask--

Stefan: Not for you. You're fired.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

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