Days Transcript Tuesday 07/9/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 07/9/19


Episode #13565 ~ Marlena and Ciara blast Eve for using Claire; Claire says farewell to Salem; Shawn and Belle comfort each other over their daughter's situation; and Tripp reconnects with Haley.

Provided By Suzanne

Tripp: [Sighs]


[Ominous music]

[Groans] That can't be claire.

[Woman screams] Haley, what are you doing here?!

[Both panting]

[Door opens]

Victor: Ah, it's just you.

John: Sorry to disappoint.

Victor: I thought you might be maggie. So... if you're here to talk about caroline, I'm not in the mood.

John: No, not here to talk about caroline, vic. But I'm sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved her.

Victor: Everybody did. If you're not here to talk about caroline, why are you here?

John: More bad news, I'm afraid.

Eli: Hope, I got your message.

Hope: Hey. Thanks for meeting me so quickly.

Eli: It's all good. What's going on?

Hope: How do you feel about unofficial detective work?

Eli: Unofficial?

Hope: Eve can't know. If that puts you in an awkward position--

Eli: No, no. It... not a problem. Especially since I don't think the boss lady's gonna be around too much longer.

Hope: Why not?

Marlena: Well... eve denies knowing anything about claire setting those fires.

Ciara: What a bitch. She obviously knew and was helping claire cover it up. The voicemail is proof.

Ben: Yeah, but eve is still the police commissioner. There's a lot of power in that position, and she's using it.

Marlena: Well, those days are numbered. Eli has claire's phone. The evidence is right there. And hopefully eve will be fired. Ben, the charge against you will be dropped. And if there's any justice in the world, eve will spend a long time in jail.

Ciara: Claire tried to kill me. And then she tried to kill herself, all because of eve. Honestly, I just hope that bitch rots in hell. But what about claire? What's gonna happen to her?

Belle: So I sent your psyche evaluation to the court, and i think that the best-case scenario is that the judge sends you to bayview for treatment. Okay?

Claire: And if he doesn't?

Belle: Then you will... you'll have to stand trial for attempted murder, baby.

[Solemn music]

Claire: So an insane asylum or prison. Wow.

Shawn: Look, I know. I know it seems pretty bleak, but our best bet to get you feeling healthy is going to be bayview.

Claire: No, and I--I want to get better. I really, really do. And you know, this part is hard, the waiting and the not knowing.

Belle: I know. You know what? Let's stream a movie of your choice, help get your mind off things, okay?

Claire: Actually, if it's okay with you guys, I just want to rest right now.

Shawn: Yeah. Whatever you want, right.

Belle: Okay, baby.

Claire: Love you.

Belle: I'll be nearby, okay? Okay.

Claire: [Sighs deeply]

Eve: [Whispering] Claire.

Claire: What are you doing here?

Eve: I just wanted to see how you were doing, sweetheart. And beg your forgiveness.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Marlena: A psychiatrist has evaluated claire and written a report. And belle has given that report to the court. And now we're just waiting to see if-- if claire has to go to bayview, or if she has to stand trial.

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: Prison or a psyche hospital. I'm sorry, but I can'T... I can't imagine claire in either of those places.

Ben: Bayview. It is a good facility. I owe the doctors everything.

Ciara: Can I go see her? It's just--we haven't really had a chance to talk since that night.

Marlena: You know, I'm not she'll react to that.

Ciara: No, no, I promise i won't upset her. I... hey, I just want to make sure that she's okay.

Claire: Forgive you? Forgive you for what? Eve, I am the crazy one who did all the horrible things, okay? You were trying to help me.

Eve: No. No, I didn't help you, claire, but I should've.

Claire: But you did. Eve, you warned me that ben and ciara were trying to get me to confess. And then when I found out that tripp was in on it too, I just-- I lost it. Look at me now.


Eve: I am so sorry. I am so sorry about so many things. I, um... I heard what happened at the cabin.

Claire: Oh, god. What kind of a monster am I? Really? I tried to kill ciara. Again.

[Tender music]

Eve: You tried to take your own life.

Claire: Yeah, somehow my grandma managed to talk me out of it, but... I'm thinking that I should have ignore her.

Eve: What do you mean by that?

Eve: I mean, I tried to-- I tried to kill people I love, eve. I put my family through hell. And it is not even over, so yes, I do think I should've just torched myself when I had the chance.

Eve: Don'T. Don't you ever say that. Don't you ever say that.


Tripp: So, what are you doing here?

Haley: I forgot my key. And you must have been in the shower when I knocked on the door, so I climbed up the fire escape and came in through claire's window.

Tripp: No, what I meant was, aren't you supposed to be in china?

Haley: Oh. Um, well, we were waiting to board our plane, but it turns out that my mother had an in with the senator who pulled some strings at the last minute, so here I am.

Tripp: So you're here to stay?

Haley: Well, they're letting me stay while I apply for my green card, so yeah, hopefully I'll be here forever.

Tripp: That's--that's fantastic. Jj must be thrilled.

Haley: Oh, yeah. Yeah, no. He--he definitely is. Today's actually the first day we've--we've come up for air. He had to come back for work, and so I figured that I'd stop by, get the rest of my things, and, um... and just see how you're doing. I heard about what happened with claire, and... I'm just so sorry you got hurt.

Tripp: I'm fine. Claire's the one who isn'T.

Haley: I just--I still can't believe that was her who tried to kill us at the horton cabin.

Tripp: Yeah, me neither. Still can't quite wrap my head around it.

Victor: So claire tried to kill ciara.

John: Yup.

Victor: Twice.

John: Yup.

Victor: Good god. [Sighs] Well, listen. I got a bottle of bourbon hidden under the sofa there. Would you get it for me?

John: Yeah, sure.

Victor: Feel like I'm gonna need it. No, the other side.

John: Oh, of course. What was I thinking? Interesting place you keep your liquor, vic.

Victor: I was trying to get all the alcohol out of the house for maggie's sake.

John: Yeah. Well, I'm sorry to hear that she's struggling.

Victor: Apparently she's not the only one. What about ciara? Is she okay? How's she doing?

John: Well, she's, uh... she's--she's fine. Physically.

Victor: Claire? What's gonna happen with her?

John: Well, she had a psyche evaluation done, so now we're waiting for the judge to determine if she's fit to stand trial or be committed to bayview.

Victor: Did you tell her to talk to justin, see if maybe he can set up one of those deals where she's an outpatient?

John: No, vic, that's not gonna fly, man. What claire did was too serious.

Victor: Oh, well, we're family here. Ciara's not gonna press charges.

John: It's not about ciara, though. Claire set fire to the horton cabin. I mean, she could've killed tripp dalton and haley chen too.

Victor: Who? Well, never mind. Doesn't matter. Little claire locked up? I can't see it.

John: She won't have a choice.

Victor: The hell she won'T. I could have the titan jet gassed up in an hour and get her out of the country asap.

Eli: John and marlena turned claire's cell phone over to me. Based on the voicemail, eve knew that claire was guilty, and she didn't do a damn thing about it. And not only that, she tipped off claire and told her that ben and ciara were setting her up to get a confession out of her.

Hope: She knew claire was unstable. She did nothing. How could she not see the danger both girls were in?

Eli: Two words: Ben weston.

Hope: That bitch! That-- ciara and claire could've died, eli.

Eve: Taking your own life is never the solution.

Claire: You don't understand what I was going through, though.

Eve: Claire... yes, I do. Because when I was your age, I tried to do exactly the same thing.

Claire: Really?

Eve: Yes. I was lied to, bullied, hurt. And I thought the only way out was through a bottle of pills, but you know what? I made it through. I made it through, and so will you, because you are so much stronger than I was back then. Now, honey, you have so many people that love you. I should've never, ever let any of this happen.

Claire: Eve, no, no, no. You didn't do anything.

Eve: No, no. I knew that you were in trouble, sweetheart. I knew that. When you set those fires at the cabin, but I didn't say-- I didn't say anything, sweetheart.

Claire: Well, yeah, because you were trying to protect me.

Eve: Yeah, well that's what I told myself, but the truth... the truth? I was just hell-bent on framing ben for what he did to my daughter, but nothing mattered, including making sure that you were all right, sweetheart. And I'm so... I'm so sorry. Well, I'll just--I will... I will somehow deal with these-- with the consequences here.

Claire: What do you mean by that?

Eve: Your grandparents, they saw messages that I left on your phone and they realized that I'm the one--that I knew what you had done, and I didn't say anything. And I... oh, I tried to deny it--

Marlena: Whoa, whoa. What the hell are you doing here? This is hal.

Haley: Just... I feel so guilty. Maybe claire wouldn't have gone over the edge if you and i hadn't gotten married.

Tripp: No, no, that's my fault, not yours. I didn't think about what this would do to claire. She was so... so fragile.

Haley: Yeah. Well... the good news is, since our marriage was outed as a fraud and has been officially annulled, you, tripp dalton, are no longer stuck being married to me.

Tripp: It wasn't so bad. I got some really good wedding cake out of it.

Haley: Oh, yeah, that was-- that was really good cake.

Tripp: Yeah, it was.

Haley: Hey, um, thank you so much for everything. You were the best fake husband I ever could've asked for.

[Gentle music]

John: I know you want to protect claire. She's not well, vic. She can't run from this.

Victor: I'll see to it she gets all the help she needs as soon as she's safely out of the country.

John: Yeah, and then what? Do you really expect claire to be a fugitive the rest of her life?

Victor: As opposed to what, being caged up like an animal?

John: You know, she stands a really good chance of avoiding jail time here, so no running. We just play this out.

Victor: At the risk of her freedom. No, I can't see it. I can't accept that.

John: Well, why do you think it's up to you, vic? Doc and I, belle, shawn, you know, we know what's best for claire right now, and that is, she has to face the consequences of her actions and get the help that she needs.

Victor: She always was a little troublemaker. I admired that about her. But this, I... putting a match to her own aunt? And those other two, I mean it's incomprehensible. How could things have gotten so bad and someone not seen something?

John: Well, actually, someone did. And they didn't lift a finger to help her.

Eve: I--I just came to see how claire was doing.

Ciara: Now you care about her?

Marlena: You need to leave.

Claire: It's okay, she can--

Ciara: No, claire, it's not okay. Eve knew you were in trouble, and she didn't give a damn.

Eve: No, that is not true, ciara.

Ciara: Did you know that claire was in trouble? How long did you tell yourself that it was okay? Tripp and haley could have died. I could have died. She tried to kill herself because of you! Because all--

Marlena: Not the time. Not the time. Or the place.

Ciara: You're right. [Sighs] You are absolutely right, because eve will get everything that's coming to her. You're gonna lose your job. Your freedom. Everything that you love. And it's exactly what you deserve. Your life is over.

Eve: I know that you don't believe this, but I... I care deeply for claire, and I feel terrible about what happened to her.

Marlena: Oh, I think you feel terrible because you got caught. Let's go. Or should I call hospital security?

Claire: Grandma, wait. Y-you have it all wrong, okay? Eve had no idea that I set the fire. She's completely innocent. -And...that's your basic three-point turn.

Eli: Since belle hasn't allowed anyone to question claire given how fragile she is, eve refuses to drop the charges against ben, even though they're bogus.

Hope: Given that claire has admitted to it, she's gonna have to. The judge is about to make a decision about claire's future. Where's her phone now?

Eli: I logged it into evidence.

Hope: Evidence, well, I don't think that's the best place for it right now. Not with eve as commissioner. I think it'd be better if you moved it someplace less accessible, and the sooner the better.

Eli: Yeah, I'm on right now.

Hope: Okay.

Eli: Hey, hey, you called me about some unofficial police business.

Hope: It can wait. You just stay on eve, okay? I don't want her slithering out of what she's done to my granddaughter.

Ciara: Claire, you don't have to cover for her.

Claire: I'm not. I'm telling the truth.

Marlena: We'll talk about all this later. Right now, you--let's go.

Eve: I'll be thinking of you, sweetheart.

Marlena: [Clears throat]

Eve: Okay.

Claire: Why are you here?

Ciara: I wanted to see how you were doing.

Claire: What? Ciara, I... I tried to kill you. You should hate me.

Ciara: I don't hate you.

Claire: Well, you should. You really should, because i hate myself. And look, I know it probably doesn't mean much right now, but... I am so, so sorry.

[Melancholy music]

Ben: What were you doing in there, eve?

Eve: I came to see how claire was doing.

Marlena: You're trying to manipulate her. You want to play on her sympathy so that she will side with you.

Eve: No, that is not true.

Marlena: Well, it worked. Because claire believes that eve knew nothing about those fires.

Eve: Because it's the truth.

Ben: No, it's bull. Eve, we heard the voicemail you left on claire's phone. You knew what she did, and you tried to frame me for it.

Eve: Ben, I was just doing my job. All the evidence pointed right to you as the arsonist. I mean, any reasonable person would jump to that conclusion.

Ben: There's nothing reasonable about you. And there's no way in hell you're gonna get away with this.

Eve: Are you threatening the police commissioner here, ben?

Marlena: No. Of course not. We'd like you to know, though, that we've turned claire's phone over to eli. It's now considered evidence. And your voice on that phone is going to sink you.

Eve: Well, we'll see about that, won't we?

Victor: So eve donovan knew that claire was off her rocker and just kept the information to herself.

John: Yeah.

Victor: I always knew that lowlife was a piece of trash, but this a new low even for her.

John: I'm with you on that one, vic.

Victor: Well, she's not gonna get away with it, I promise you that.

John: Well, doc and I, we're already working on it.

Victor: Mm. All by the book, I'm sure. Well, if you don't manage to put that bitch behind bars, we'll do it my way.

John: [Laughs] Let us handle this, okay?

Victor: I'm an impatient man. And the clock is ticking.

John: I'll take that as a yes. And... I gotta run. I gotta get back to the hospital.

Victor: Keep me updated.

John: You know I will.

Victor: All right. And john, see to it that claire gets everything she needs. Spare no expense. I owe to her... and caroline and bo.

John: Yeah.

Victor: And john, give her a hug from me.

John: I'll do that, vic.

Ciara: Tulips. These, uh... these remind me of when we were little kids and... our families met up in amsterdam for vacation.

Claire: We got into so much trouble that summer. [Laughs]

Ciara: Yeah. We had so much fun. You were, uh... you were always my favorite person to visit, you know that? Always so glamorous and interesting.

Claire: Me, really? Glamorous and interesting?

Ciara: Yeah, I mean... you traveled the world. You saw all these amazing places. You did all this cool stuff. I was totally envious of you, claire.

Claire: Well, I was envious of you and how you got to grow up in one place. You had a real home. Always surrounded by a bunch of family and friends.

Ciara: You were my best friend. My best friend. I, uh... I don't know if, uh... we can ever go back to the way we used to be, but I would really like to.

Claire: Yeah, I know. So would I.

[Gentle music]

Belle: Hey.

Ciara: Hi.

Shawn: Hello.

Belle: Hey.

Claire: Hi.

Belle: We heard from the judge. He's made his decision.

Haley: I think this is all of it.

Tripp: You stay with jj?

Haley: Mm-hmm. For now, at least.

Tripp: Well, if you ever end up needing a room, I can't imagine claire's gonna be living here anymore, so there's an extra room if you need it.

Haley: Uh, that would be a little weird. But thanks anyway for the offer.

Tripp: No, yeah, you're probably right. Um, well here, can I walk you out? I'm headed to the hospital to get checked out.

Haley: That is actually where I'm headed. Yeah, a girl's definitely gotta work, and so I hope kayla will offer me my job back.

Tripp: What, are you kidding me? She's gonna be thrilled. You were one of her best nurses. Definitely the most popular.

Haley: Aw, look at you. You're awfully sweet for an ex-husband.

Tripp: Yeah, well, my ex-wife is kinda special.

Marlena: I don't know how that woman lives with herself. Claire is just so vulnerable right now, and... eve is using that for her own agenda.

Ben: Yeah, but like you said, eve's going down. Karma, all that. So right now, maybe we should just focus our attention on claire. You know what she needs.

Marlena: Mm. I think you'd make a very good therapist one day.

Ben: I learned from the best.

Marlena: [Chuckles]

Hope: Any news about claire?

Marlena: No. Not yet.

Ciara: Actually, um, shawn and belle just heard from the judges.

Hope: And?

Ciara: Claire's going to bayview. And she won't even have to stand trial.

Hope: Thank god.

Marlena: I wonder how soon they'll make the transfer.

Claire: So I'm going straight to bayview? Today?

Belle: Hey. I know this is a lot to process, all of this happening so quickly. This is honestly the best outcome we could have hoped for.

Shawn: It is. Now you can get the help that you need.

Claire: How long do I have to stay there?

Shawn: That's up to your doctors to decide.

Belle: But you know what? You're in good hands. They have a top-notch staff.

Shawn: And the good news is, you're gonna be close by. So everybody can come and visit you. Including us.

Claire: Wait, you're not going back to hong kong?

Belle: No, we're gonna stay here for now.

Claire: Oh, god. I am so sorry. I've ruined your lives.

Shawn: Babe, no, no. No, you haven'T.

Claire: No, I absolutely have and everybody's gonna know what I did; everybody's gonna know how screwed up I am.

Belle: Listen, all that matters is that you get well. That's all that matters.

Claire: I let you guys down so badly.

Belle: You're sick.

Claire: I'm sorry.

Belle: Claire, look at me. Look at me. Okay? If anything, we let you down. You were suffering, and... we didn't know. I should've been there for you.

Shawn: You needed your parents. And now you have us. We're gonna focus on the future, and we're gonna make sure that we get you better.

Belle: Yeah.

Shawn: All right? You're gonna put your life back together, and... you mom and I are gonna be there every step of the way. Okay?

[Tender music]

Claire: Okay.

Belle: We love you so much.

Claire: I love you too.

Hope: Feel like I failed her. Guess I did. Should have spent more time with her. Seen how unhappy she was.

Marlena: Well, now we know, we can do something about it.

Hope: Can she come back from this?

Marlena: Claire?

[Laughs] Oh, yeah.

Belle: Ciara told you?

Marlena: Yes, I think that's good.

Belle: I, uh--shawn's gonna bring her out in just a minute. Um... and I could use your help with these forms. They're just-- a lot to sign, and you know, just got, uh...

Marlena: Come on, come on. We got this.

[Door opens]

John: Hey. There's my girl.

Claire: Hey.

John: You have us now. You know that, right?

Claire: Mm-hmm.

[Tender music]

Hope: We love you so much.

Claire: I love you too.

Hope: It's gonna be okay. Anything you need, we're there, okay? Promise.

Ciara: So... I guess this is goodbye. For now. I'll come visit you at bayview if you want.

Claire: [Laughs] I would really like that. Yeah, eventually. Ben? I am so sorry that I let you take the blame for the fires. You're one of the good guys. And I get that now. And I hope that everyone else will see it, too.

Ben: Given my past, people are always gonna have their doubts.

Claire: Well, I guess we'll have to deal with the same thing when I get out of here.

Ben: No, no. You don't worry about that. You focus on the work that's ahead of you. Trust the doctors. They know what they're doing. Okay? One little bit of advice: Under no circumstance whatsoever do you ever eat their oatmeal, trust me.

[Laughter] Just don't--don't do it.

Claire: Okay, I'll try to remember that.

Ben: You promise?

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Ben: Thank you.

[Warm music]

Eli: Where is it?

Eve: Where's what?

Eli: Claire's phone. I logged it into evidence, and now it's gone.

Eve: Oh, dear. I hope it hasn't been misplaced. Hmm.

Claire: Do you think they'll let me listen to music at bayview?

Shawn: Honesty, I'M... I'm not sure.

Claire: They have to. My social media followers. If--if I don't post, they're gonna unfollow me, and they're gonna forget about me, and-- I need my music.

Shawn: Claire, claire. You don't need to be focused on that. You need to be focused on getting better. All right? It's gonna be good.

Claire: I know.

Shawn: I'm sure we'll work something out.

[Elevator dings] If you guys are here to confront my daughter, I don't think this is an appropriate time.

Tripp: Look, we didn't know claire was gonna be here.

Shawn: Yeah, well, given the circumstances, I think that maybe you guys should just keep walking.

Claire: No, no, dad. It's okay. I'd like to say my goodbye.

Tripp: Where are you going?

Claire: Bayview. Look, I... I am so... so sorry. For everything that I did. And I know that that's not nearly enough to make up for it. But... I'm just so glad that you guys are okay.

Tripp: I--I want to apologize too.

Haley: So do I. We never meant to hurt you, claire. I'm so sorry that we did.

Tripp: You--you kept me from running out of town and away from my problems. Showed me how to be strong, when all I wanted to do was just give up, and... I will never forget that. I will always... always be sorry that I ever hurt you so deeply.

Claire: Oh, my god. See, you're so-- you're so you. Even after everything I did... you're just so... kind and sweet. And I am so sorry. And I really, really hope that you find true happiness one day. Because you sure do deserve it.

Tripp: So do you. So do you. I'm just a normal person

Eli: Things don't get misplaced in this department unless someone misplaces them on purpose.

Eve: [Laughs] Oh, now that sounds like an accusation.

Eli: I logged that phone into evidence myself. I saw it filed. All right, the only person who has something to gain by getting rid of that phone is you.

Eve: I suggest you take that attitude down a notch and show a little respect, detective.

Eli: At the risk of appearing insubordinate, commissioner, you not only covered up a crime, you tried to pin it on an innocent man.

Eve: Always thinking. That's why you're one of our best. But you're wrong about this. And here's another suggestion. If you want to keep your job, I'd be very, very careful about throwing around baseless accusations.

[Tense music]

Tripp: I heard you saved ciara's life again.

Ben: Well, hope was the one who talked claire down.

Tripp: Yeah, well, still. You know where they were, and... if it weren't for you, we... might've lost them both.

Ben: Guess things worked out.

Tripp: Hey, ben. Look, uh... look, now I know you didn't set the fires, maybe-- maybe you aren't so bad as i thought you were.

Ben: Thanks?

Tripp: That's as much as you're gonna get from me.

Marlena: Okay. We're all set.

Belle: This is it, baby. It's time to go.

Claire: Will you come to bayview with us, grandma?

Marlena: Of course I will. I'll make sure that you're settled in and you're comfortable and you have everything you need.

Claire: And you'll come to visit me too. Right?

John: That's a fact, sweetheart.

Hope: We'll be with you every step of the way. I promise, every step of the way.

[Soft music]

Shawn: We're ready. Hang tight. [Laughs]

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