Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 07/8/19
Episode #13564 ~ "Nicole" is surprised by what she finds in the secret room; Hope grills Xander about Ted's disappearance; Rex makes a reluctant confession to Sarah; and Brady reveals to Chloe Gabi's plot to destroy Stefan.
Provided By Suzanne
[Tender music]Eric: I'm sorry. I shouldn't be burdening you with my problems.
Sarah: You are not a burden, eric. You were there for me through everything, and I-- I want to be there for you too.
Rex: "On a biz trip that xander sent me on. Sorry to miss your wedding reception." What--[Exhales]
Brady: That's interesting timing, isn't it? I mean, xander doesn't say a word to me about sending her on a business trip, and then, I mention it and you get a text right now.
Rex: Okay, so take a look at this, this is a string of texts from my mom, right?
Brady: Yeah.
Rex: The last two came in after she left for malaysia. Do you see all these other ones? She always signs it "xoxo" when it's to me. These last two, she doesn't do that.
Chloe: Okay so you're worried about your mom because she sent you two texts and didn't sign them with xs and os?
Rex: Chloe, did you just hear me? Every single text that she sent back forever always has that. Plus, these last two came in after she "supposedly" left for kuala lumpur without telling anybody?
Brady: A trip that xander didn't even mention until I told him that kate was missing.
Chloe: So you don't think she's in malaysia?
Rex: I don't know what to think, I just hope I'm not overreacting.
Brady: I can contact titan's asian offices, and maybe I'll be able to confirm xander's story.
Rex: Thank you. I'll just feel a lot better once I've spoken with her.
Chloe: Mm, so she's not answering her cell phone? You did try to call her, right?
Rex: Chloe, of course, I tried to call... her... I did not try to call her. I will call her right now.
Chloe: [Soft laugh]
[Brooding music]
Xander: Why would nicole's name come up?
Hope: Ted left me a message saying he had good news about nicole.
Xander: The poor woman just lost her child. What news could that possibly be?
Hope: I think I know what's going on here.
Xander: You do?
[Cell phone rings]
[Phone beeps] Go on. Now, what exactly do you think is happening?
Hope: I think ted was gonna tell nicole holly didn't die in that car accident, that her daughter's still alive.
Stefan: Do we have a problem?
Kristen as nicole: [Exhales] You're seriously telling me to schlep all that champagne up the stairs by myself?
Stefan: Well, yeah, unless you want your first day at dimera to be your last.
Kristen as nicole: Schlepping it is.
[Smooth music]
Gabi: Thank you for having my back today.
Stefan: Yeah, it wasn't about choosing sides. I'll take a good idea whenever I can. What I don't appreciate is her attitude of entitlement. After all, it's my name on the company logo--not hers.
Gabi: I know that nicole is grieving, and I can't even imagine-- but she's very difficult to work with.
Stefan: Can't argue with that.
Gabi: Thank you for putting her in her place. That was very commanding. And very sexy.
Stefan: Oh, you like that, huh?
Gabi: Yes, please. How long do you think it's gonna take her to get all that champagne from the cellar?
Stefan: I don't know, probably a few minutes.
Gabi: Well, why don't we make the most of those few minutes?
Stefan: Gabi--[Sighs] We can't do this.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, enjoy bossing me around while you can, little brother, 'cause it's only a matter of time before I, kristen dimera, take over. And then everyone will be in for quite the surprise.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: Oh, I'm-- I'm sorry to interrupt.
[Tense music]
Rex: Mom, hey, it's me. Can you call me, please? Your last few texts have left me worried and-- where are you?
Kristen as nicole: Look who's alive and still kicking and half-naked.
Limu emu & doug
Gabi: You don't want me?
Stefan: No, of course I want you.
Gabi: Okay, well then let's go.
Stefan: Gabi, come on.
Gabi: What? What is it? What?
Stefan: You know what.
Gabi: No, you just said you wanted me.
Stefan: I do, I always want you.
Gabi: Great, it's mutual.
Both: [Moaning]
Gabi: Come on, let's go.
Stefan: No-no-no-no-no. We can'T. There--there-- it's the middle of the day. There are people wandering around the house.
Gabi: So, who cares? We'll go to your room and lock the door.
Stefan: No.
Gabi: Yes. We'll be quiet.
Stefan: Quiet--[Soft laugh] Quiet?
Gabi: Yes.
Stefan: You? Quiet? People will see us go up there.
Gabi: Okay, well, you know what, how about you go on before me, and then I'll go up 30 seconds later? And everything will be fine.
[Smooth music]
Eric: Mom, how's claire?
Marlena: Claire is sedated at the moment. Belle and shawn are with her.
[Soft dramatic music]
Sarah, if you'd like some privacy, we can step outside.
Sarah: Oh, no, no, um. I was gonna go check on claire's test results. I ordered a cat scan to rule out anything physiological.
Marlena: Right. You'll let us know.
Sarah: Absolutely. Bye, eric.
Eric: Sarah. You know, how--claire realize how lucky she is to have so much support, not to mention the best therapist as a grandmother.
Marlena: I wouldn't say I'm the best, certainly, 'cause the best would have done better by her. She would have seen all the signs. There were certainly plenty of them there.
Eric: We were all taken in by will's illness. You can't blame yourself.
Marlena: How can I not?
Eric: You can't solve everybody's problems. Isn't that what you tell your patients?
Marlena: No, what I tell my patients is, if someone you love is in trouble, you show up for them. Uh, what was going on with you and sarah when I walked in?
Brady: [Clears throat] You know, staring at that phone is not gonna make it ring.
Rex: I know, I know, I'm just trying to find out where my mom could be.
Brady: As soon as I can contact the asian offices, I will call you, okay?
Rex: Thank you. I do appreciate that. Look, guys, I gotta get to work. My shift starts soon.
Chloe: Hang in there. And thank you, again, for the necklace. It's really beautiful.
Rex: Absolutely, it looks gorgeous on you. Xander may be a dangerous criminal, but he's got good tastes. See ya.
Brady: Mm.
[Dramatic music]
Chloe: [Exhales]
Xander: What the hell are you talking about? Why would ted tell nicole that holly's alive?
Hope: You tell me.
Xander: [Scoffs] Like I said, I ran into the guy--
Hope: Rex found you in the hospital lab, holly's autopsy report in your hand. You made a copy. You made a copy of the autopsy report. You altered it, and then you had it sent to ted.
Xander: Why? Why would I go to all that trouble?
Hope: I don't know. Maybe you were... working some scam. Maybe you were going to demand ransom for holly's return? Or you just wanted to punish nicole, because she divorced you and you wanted to give her a false hope that her daughter was still alive.
Xander: False hope?
Hope: You wanted nicole to believe that her daughter was still alive, when you know it wasn't true, xander.
Xander: [Laughs] Oh, hope, if you only knew how very wrong you are.
Kristen as nicole: I don't think so!
Ted: Let us out of here! You can't do this!
Kate: Nicole, open the door!
Kristen as nicole: What the hell are you two doing in there anyway?
Ted: Xander locked me up in here after you knocked me out. You know it.
Kate: Nicole, he did the same thing to me!
Kristen as nicole: That little weasel.
Kate: Nicole!
Ted: Nicole! Open the door. You know--you don't even know what he did to us.
Kristen as nicole: He said they were dead.
Kate: Nicole, listen to me. Okay, I--I know that you've done a lot of outrageous things in the past, okay? But--but who hasn't, right? I mean, you are a good person. I--I know you are. You've been through some difficult times these past few years, all right? But I know you don't want to see us die in here! Nicole, I know that. That's not the nicole walker I know.
Kristen as nicole: [Scoffs]
Kate: Kristen dimera, she's being this, isn't she?
Hope: Ted dropped off the face of the earth. Last person to see him was you.
Xander: On his way out of town.
Hope: Oh, he told me he was on his way to nicole. Remember, he left me that message? But he never showed up there. So what the hell happened to him?
Xander: Is it really so hard to believe that he dumped you by text and skipped town?
Hope: Oh, xander, thank you for that. I never made any mention of ted dumping me by text. So how'd you get that idea?
Xander: Ted...
Hope: Ted.
Xander: Yeah, he told me when he sold me the necklace at the pawn shop.
Hope: Oh, well then maybe he also told you that he was meeting up with me after he spoke to nicole? Oh, he didn't tell you that? And suddenly out of nowhere, he dumps me? Via text?
Xander: Mm, that is bad form.
Hope: It was you, xander. You sent that text from ted's phone to cover your tracks. You're the one who made ted disappear.
Kristen as nicole: Kristen dimera? What does she have to do with anything?
Kate: Nicole, ted and I have had a lot of time to think about it, okay? Why we were hit over the head, why we were kidnapped, why we've been stashed under the dimera mansion.
Ted: And the only explanation we can come up with is that kristen is holding something over your head.
Kristen as nicole: You do remember kristen dimera is dead?
Ted: Oh, is she? Because everyone in that warehouse fire has turned up alive.
Kate: Including you. And have you forgotten that kristen's father is in phoenix himself?
Ted: Nicole, holly is not dead either.
Kate: It's true, nicole, but you desperately wanted everyone to believe that! And why--why would a mother want everyone to think that she's grieving?
Kristen as nicole: She wouldn'T.
Kate: That's right, she wouldn'T. Unless, perhaps, kristen faked holly's death and is holding her somewhere and is forcing you to do her bidding.
Ted: And you're terrified, terrified that the truth will come out and then kristen will really hurt holly.
Kristen as nicole: That's very... creative. But what makes you think the late kristen dimera is involved?
Kate: Well, for one thing, maggie saw her in your room wearing a red dress.
Kristen as nicole: Maggie took a tumble off the wagon. Wait, you're really gonna believe the memory of a drunk? She might as well have seen elvis himself.
Kate: Nicole, I know what I saw, okay? And I saw a red dress in your closet, and I'm also pretty damn sure that that voice I heard behind the door was kristen dimera'S.
Ted: Kate didn't see who hit her over the head. For all we know, it was kristen, it was not you.
Kate: Nicole? Listen, if all of these theories are right, I know that you're feeling desperate right now, I know it.
Ted: Nicole, we can help you.
Kristen as nicole: [Scoffs] How could you possibly help me?
Kate: Okay. For starters, I know exactly how to deal with kristen.
Kristen as nicole: Is that a fact?
Kate: Yeah, that is a fact. She may be a dimera, but I've been married to two of them.
Kristen as nicole: Then by your theory, why are you locked in there, and kristen's out running around?
Ted: Kate, she has a point.
Kristen as nicole: Okay, you know what, I'm gonna let you little love birds get back to doing whatever it is you were doing before I interrupted. Seemed like a vigorous way to pass the time while in captivity.
Kate: [Stammers] Nicole! You can't leave us in here.
Kristen as nicole: Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Ted: Please, nicole don't go.
Kate: Nicole! No! No! No, we could die in here! Nicole!
[Knocking on door] Nicole!
Stefan: Oh, gabi.
Gabi: What?
Stefan: Mind-boggling.
Gabi: What? What is?
Stefan: All I have to do is look at you and...
Gabi: And what? Finish your sentence.
Stefan: I don't think I have to, I'm pretty sure it's the same for you.
Gabi: Well, not exactly.
Both: [Chuckle]
Stefan: How did we go from hating each other to this sort of crazy desire?
Gabi: Well, actually when i hated you with every cell of my being, I still thought you were kind of cute.
Stefan: Oh, yeah?
Gabi: Mm-hmm. And you hated me, but you found me wildly attractive.
Stefan: I was too busy hating you to even think about it.
Gabi: Are you kidding? Come on. I saw the way you were looking at me. Even when you were saying cruel and hateful things, you couldn't stop staring at me. You couldn't stop staring at various parts of my body like you are now.
Stefan: Ah--
Gabi: [Moans]
Stefan: We have to exercise discretion.
Gabi: Why? What--why? There's nobody around.
Stefan: Cause there could be. And nicole's already threatened enough by you, right? It wouldn't be helpful if she knew that we were... involved.
Gabi: So who cares if she knows?
Stefan: I don't need her running to abe carver or hr trying to get me tossed out of my own company. If nicole knew that we were--
Kristen as nicole: Oh. Don't stop talking on my account.
Stefan: What took so long? And where's the champagne?
Kristen as nicole: Hmm? What? Oh.
Stefan: The champagne?
Kristen as nicole: The champagne, yeah, I couldn't find it--I don't know, maybe the servants drank it.
Stefan: There were cases of it down there the other day.
Gabi: She's probably just trying to get out of doing the heavy lifting, aren't you?
Kristen as nicole: Okay, you stay out of this.
Gabi: Oh, okay. Forget it, I'm just gonna go down there and get it myself.
Kristen as nicole: Oh... I'm not picking it up.
Eric: I came in here to pray.
[Soft music]
Marlena: And sarah?
Eric: She was trying to help me feel better.
Marlena: Feel better about what?
Eric: Mom.
Marlena: We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. When I walked in, it looked as if you were about to kiss.
Eric: Let's say you just came in at the right time.
Marlena: I know you still have feelings for her.
Eric: Mom, sarah is married to rex. I'm not giving in to any kind of temptations.
Marlena: Yeah. Uh, your father told me that, uh you married them right here in the chapel.
Eric: Yeah, I did. It was spur of the moment.
Marlena: I'm sure it was. Can you tell me what on earth you were thinking?
[Elevator dings]
Rex: Oh, sarah. Hi.
Sarah: Oh, hi.
Rex: You okay?
Sarah: Yeah, no, I'm fine. I was just--I came from the chapel 'cause I was saying a prayer for claire.
Rex: Oh, okay. Uh, come here, I--I want to-- I want to talk to you about something, but I don't want you to get mad at me.
Sarah: Why would I be mad?
Rex: Because I have, um, a confession to make.
Sarah: About? [Sighs]
Rex: Chloe lane.
Sarah: Oh, my god, please tell me you did not sleep with her?
[Dramatic music]
Chloe: Hmm, you don't like my necklace?
Brady: I think it looks amazing on you, I just don't know if it's a good idea to accept a gift like that from a guy who was just married two days ago.
Chloe: Rex and I are just friends, okay? There's nothing going on between us.
Brady: Don't--no, don't look at me like that. There's not--there's nothing-- there's no jealously going on or anything like that.
Chloe: Why would I ever jump to that conclusion?
Brady: Look, I told you... I accept the fact that I was a little overprotective when it came to stefan, all right? It might not have been healthy, the way I was acting.
Chloe: So, you're saying you're done with that, being jealous and overprotective?
Brady: I'll admit to you I was happy when I heard that you were moving out of the mansion. But it wasn't because I wanted you for myself or anything.
Chloe: Of course not.
Brady: Look, I never thought stefan was good for you. Still don'T. I never will.
Chloe: Mm. I used to think that he was the best thing for me and the kids. I thought he really cared about us, but he didn't really care when i found him in bed with gabi hernandez the day of holly's funeral.
[Dramatic sting]
Brady: Are yo--that happened? Really?
Chloe: Yeah, that happened. I--I don't get it. I thought stefan and gabi hated each other.
Brady: Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Chloe: I know they say that there's that fine line between love and hate, but come on. The guy framed her for andre's murder. She went to prison for it. She was beaten within an inch of her life. How do you go from that and then turn around and have sex with the guy? It just-- it doesn't make any sense.
Brady: No. [Blows raspberry] Not unless you, um, not unless you know the whole story.
Kristen as nicole: Don't go downstairs.
Gabi: Why not?
Kristen as nicole: Because... when I was wandering the tunnels I started to thinking.
Gabi: About?
Kristen as nicole: About how I shouldn't have shot down your ideas earlier.
Gabi: You changed your mind about the party?
Kristen as nicole: Yes. You were right. Margaritas would be more fun and hip--I mean, better than some musty champagne party.
Stefan: You were so insistent earlier.
Kristen as nicole: Yeah, I-- I know, I--I have a tendency to dig in when I'm challenged. And I'm not very good at listening to other points of view.
Gabi: So what changed your mind?
Kristen as nicole: I realized that I owe you, stefan, for giving me a chance. Uh--we're on the same team, right? We want the same thing?
Stefan: What's that?
Kristen as nicole: For dimera to come out on top.
Stefan: Glad to hear you say it.
Kristen as nicole: Gabi, I'm sorry for coming on so strong before. I guess I'm just still so angry for what happened the last few years, and I will do a better job of channeling it more constructively from now on.
Gabi: Well, I accept your apology, and I'm sure stefan does too.
Kristen as nicole: Oh. Since when do you speak for him?
[Dramatic music]
[Pounding on door]
Ted: Open this door!
Kate: Ted, stop!
Ted: You cannot leave us in here, nicole.
Kate: No, she can. And she did, she's gone.
Ted: [Sighs] Kate, look, is it me or nicole looked surprised, surprised to find us in here?
Kate: No, yes, I think she was surprised, but she was surprised to find us alive, which means that xander was lying to her, because he led her to believe that we were dead.
Ted: Then why, why was she in-- why was she in the tunnel in the first place?
Kate: I don't know, maybe she thought our bodies were down here and she was going to dispose of them.
Ted: Wow, there's a happy thought.
[Soft dramatic music]
Kate: But when she found us alive, why didn't she just kill us on the spot?
Ted: Well, maybe-- maybe she didn't expect us, she didn't expect us here. Look, she didn't even have a weapon.
Kate: So now that she knows that we're alive...
Ted: Is she gonna-- is she gonna come back? Is she gonna come back to finish us off?
Eric: Sami encouraged me to tell sarah how I felt.
Marlena: Oh--
[Soft laugh] I'm sorry, it--it isn't often that I agree with sami's advice, but, boy, this time I do.
Eric: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: So, you talk to sarah?
Eric: No. Before I had a chance, sarah and rex, they asked me to marry them.
Marlena: Hm. Did it occur to you to say no?
Eric: Mom, I'm not gonna do to rex like I did to brady. I can't do that to sarah either.
Marlena: Do-- don't you think that sarah deserves a chance at happiness?
Eric: She deserves to be loved by somebody wholeheartedly.
Marlena: And do you think that's rex?
Eric: I hope so.
Marlena: Well what about rex? Doesn't he deserve to have someone love him with her whole heart?
Eric: Well, sarah does love rex.
Marlena: Not the way she loves you.
Eric: Then why would she decide to marry him?
Marlena: Well, I think that she would marry him so she could get over the way she feels about you. But in my experience, that doesn't work very well.
Rex: Of course I did not sleep with chloe lane. Why would you ask me that?
Sarah: Be--because you said the word "confession" and then a woman's name.
Rex: Sarah, I promised you that I would never betray you again.
Sarah: I know. I'm sorry I jumped to the worst.
Rex: I get that. But you can trust me. You need to trust me.
Sarah: So--so what is this, all about chloe lane?
Rex: I gave her the necklace from xander.
[Soft music]
Sarah: You gave her my necklace?
Rex: It was a wedding gift. So technically it was both of ours.
Sarah: It's a woman's necklace.
Rex: [Chuckles] I'm sorry. I'm just--I know I'm reaching a little bit. I wanted to get rid of the thing because of all the bad memories it brought up. And I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry.
Sarah: No, it's--it's okay. And you're right. I've done some pretty impulsive things in my day, and I definitely don't want anything from xander.
Rex: And neither do I. The guy's dangerous and I don't trust him. Especially now.
Sarah: Why? Why now? What did he do?
Rex: Well, he apparently sent my mom on a business trip to asia to get her out of brady's hair, but things aren't adding up.
Sarah: What do you mean?
Rex: Well, I don't want to be overthinking this, but I'm getting these weird texts, and she's not answering her phone.
Sarah: Well, I mean, if she's out of the country, it's-- maybe she doesn't have good service. It's possible that the call didn't even go through.
Rex: I suppose. I mean, I left her a message, but--you know what? I'm just gonna try her again.
Ted: Okay, wait, kate, maybe we are just overreacting. We only have xander's word that nicole wanted us dead.
Kate: Oh--oh, really? So xander is now the good guy in this scenario?
Ted: Well, kate, he did spare my life.
Kate: Oh, what a peach he is. What a peach.
Ted: You said--you said that nicole was not a bad person. That means she's not capable of murder?
Kate: No. [Soft chuckle] Oh, god. She is most capable of murder. Okay, I was sweet-talking her, hoping that she would let us out of here.
Ted: Wonderful.
Kate: Oh yeah it's wonderful. Uh, she's faked pregnancy. She--she switched babies. And she has killed, all right? So to protect her child, to protect holly, she's more than capable of killing again.
Hope: What did you do with ted? Did you kill him?
Xander: [Sighs] Of course I didn't kill ted.
Hope: Why should i believe you?
Xander: Because you sound insane. Look, I know it must be very painful to lose your husb--
Hope: I know you're connected-- I know you are connected to ted's disappearance, xander.
Xander: I don't have time for this, I need to--
[Cell phone rings]
Hope: Answer your phone? If you're so eager to end this conversation with me, I'd think you'd want to answer your phone.
Xander: I don't care about the phone.
Hope: Oh, you don't? What's that?
Xander: What?
Hope: It looks like you have another phone in your pocket.
Xander: So?
Hope: So why do you have two phones? And why were you fumbling with the one in your hand like you don't know how to work it? Why is that, xander?
Xander: I don't know what you're talking about.
Hope: It's ted's phone, isn't it? Oh! Oh!
Brady: It was--it was kind of my idea for gabi to pursue stefan.
Chloe: Your idea? Why?
Brady: [Sighs] Because you had just moved in and...
Chloe: You were hoping that she would come between me and stefan?
Brady: I'm not proud of it, all right?
Chloe: Okay, so I could see why you would want it, but why would gabi help you do that?
Brady: Because gabi wanted revenge on stefan, for all the crap that he's put her through.
Chloe: Mm, how is sleeping with him revenge?
[Soft dramatic music]
Brady: I suggested that she could seduce him and perhaps have him fall in love with her, and then have him marry her, and then she could take him for everything he's worth. Good plan, right?
Chloe: Seriously?
Brady: Yeah.
Chloe: You planned all that?
Brady: I--I wanted to keep you safe.
Chloe: [Exhales] So you thought that if you could get stefan away from me, that I would instantly fall back in love with you?
Brady: Yeah.
Chloe: [Laughs]
Brady: [Soft laugh] Chloe, I thought it would maybe give us another chance or something. But I realized in the park when you busted me on the whole thing that I was acting... a little ridiculous. So, I just told gabi I was out.
Chloe: But she kept going?
Brady: Yeah, gabi claimed that she was in too deep to quit.
Chloe: So you're saying what I walked in on was just part of a scam? Gabi's plan to destroy stefan?
Brady: Mm-hmm. And if they were sleeping together? I guess it's working.
Kristen as nicole: You two have been a real team lately. When did that happen?
Stefan: Like you said, we're all after the same thing, right?
Kristen as nicole: Oh, yeah. Well, listen, I really have to go.
Stefan: You're leaving? Now?
Gabi: Wow, glad you put in a whole two hours after you missed your first day entirely.
Kristen as nicole: I was sick.
Gabi: So you said.
Kristen as nicole: To be honest, I still don't feel that great.
Gabi: You look fine to me.
Kristen as nicole: Do you have something to say to me you--
Gabi: What was that? Did you want to finish?
Kristen as nicole: Nothing. No, I-- just really should go home and get some rest. I wouldn't want to infect you. I'll see you tomorrow. Hasta maņana... team.
[Soft dramatic music]
Gabi: Is it me, or does she have, like, multiple personalities or something? Sorry. Terrible choice of words.
Stefan: Yeah.
Kristen as nicole: Damn you, xander, I asked you to do one thing.
[Phone beeps]
[Line trilling]
Xander: What do you want?
Kristen as nicole: Nice tone.
Xander: It's been a long day.
Kristen as nicole: Well, I got your text. Is kate really dead?
Xander: That's what the text said.
Kristen as nicole: I just wanted to hear you say those magic words. She got what she deserved and so did ted.
[Line trilling]
Kate: What do we do now? We're sitting ducks.
Ted: I have an idea.
[Rousing dramatic music]
[Glass smashes]
Kate: What are you doing?
[Glass smashes] Weapons?
Ted: Now we're prepared for whoever comes through that door.
Kate: Yeah. Whoever comes through the door, xander or nicole, whoever comes through there first.
Xander: Of course, this isn't ted's phone. I have a personal one and a business line. I'm a very important muckety-muck now don't you know?
Hope: Why'd it take you so long to figure it out?
Xander: It's new. Does this look like ted's phone?
Hope: No, it doesn'T.
Xander: Okay then. So we're done here, right? You're not a cop anymore. And I don't have to listen to your ridiculous conspiracy theories. Get out.
Hope: Whatever you've done with ted, I'll find him. I will.
[Soft dramatic music]
Xander: [Sighs]
[Phone beeps]
[Cell phone rings]
[Phone beeps] Kristen, I'll deal with you later.
Kristen as nicole: [Sighs] How dare you ignore me, xander. There's gonna be hell to pay. What patients don't realize is
Marlena: Hey. I've said this to you before. This is not over. It's not over for you. It isn't over for sarah. You--you need some closure.
Eric: Her marrying my brother isn't closure enough?
Marlena: No. That will more than likely just open up the wounds.
Eric: So what else do I do?
Marlena: Well, you should have told everybody the truth from the beginning.
Eric: Well, I didn'T. And now they're married. So can we just move on?
Marlena: No. It doesn't work like that. Sorry. And mostly because you don't have a very good poker face, my friend. You never have.
Eric: Well, rex hasn't noticed.
Marlena: No. But he will. He's just been trying not to notice so far. But when he does, and he will, it's gonna be painful for everybody involved in this.
Rex: God, straight to voicemail again. I swear, if I don't hear from her soon, I am going to the police.
Sarah: I think that's a good idea. It's better to be safe.
Rex: [Sighs] Are we okay?
Sarah: Of course. Why?
Rex: Well, you did just accuse me of cheating on you.
Sarah: I know. I know, I--I'm sorry, I-- I really thought that I had put our trust issues behind me, but-- I don't know, you-- you said chloe's name and two seconds later, I was right back to that insecure place.
Rex: I know we have a lot of work to do, honey, but we're gonna get there, right?
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, we will.
Rex: I know you're exhausted. When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?
Sarah: Forget sleep. We barely spent any time together in our first week of being a married couple.
Rex: I know, I know. We're gonna fix that soon. I promise.
Sarah: Then let's do it.
Rex: Do what?
Sarah: Let's plan a real honeymoon, just somewhere romantic and remote. You, me, a beach, and a bed.
Rex: God that sounds-- that sounds amazing.
Sarah: I need that, rex. I just want to be with you. And only you.
Rex: I want that too. I really do.
[Soft dramatic music]
Brady: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry if you were hurt in any way. I should have told you what gabi and I were doing earlier.
Chloe: You shouldn't have done it in the first place.
Brady: I know. You're right. But now that you know, what are you gonna do? You gonna blow gabi out of the water or something?
[Brooding music]
Chloe: Well, after everything that stefan's done, I think he deserves to be destroyed.
Gabi: What you thinking about?
Stefan: Nicole.
Gabi: That is not what I wanted to hear. [Sighs]
Stefan: No, I'm thinking about the way she's been acting, and why she wanted to get involved with dimera in the first place.
Gabi: What, you think she's got ulterior motives?
Stefan: I know she does.
[Phone beeps]
[Line trilling]
Hope: Hey. It's me. I need you to meet me.
Kate: So. Now we just... sit here forever, waiting for someone to come through that door.
Ted: You're tired. We can take turns sleeping if you want.
Kate: No, I'm not tired. I actually don't think I'm ever going to sleep again.
Ted: And, kate, just so you know, whatever nicole tries, I will defend you to the death.
Kate: After I had you kidnapped and dropped on a deserted island?
Ted: [Scoffs] I deserved it.
Kate: Damn right you did.
Ted: [Soft laugh] You didn't have to agree to that so fast.
Kate: I'm really scared.
[Tense music]
[Dramatic music]
Kristen as nicole: Surprise. It seems you have some explaining to do.
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