Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/5/19
Episode #13563 ~ Things heat up between Kate and Ted. Gabi and Nicole work together, but they end up clashing. Hope asks Xander about his gift to Sarah.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: Right. Work.
Stefan: Mm-hmm.
Gabi: You think nicole's gonna show up or, what, she's gonna come up with some lame excuse?
Stefan: She was sick, gabi.
Gabi: I'm sorry, but when you start a new job, you show up for work. I think you should fire her.
Stefan: So you've said. Are you sure you're not using my attraction to you to influence my personnel decisions? Because I'll have you know i keep business and pleasure separate.
Gabi: I know.
Stefan: Mmm.
Gabi: But we haven't started working yet.
Eric: Our god, may we be grateful for all that is given, compassionate for all those who are suffering... every kind of distress at this difficult time. Amen.
Hope: Eric.
Eric: Hope. Hey, how's claire?
Hope: The doctors are evaluating her.
Eric: How're you doing?
Hope: Seems surreal, all of it.
Eric: Yeah, it is. As sad as it is, grandma caroline...being gone and all, this would have broken her heart. You know, I just lit a candle for caroline and bo, if you wanna light one.
Hope: I would. Yeah. Thanks. But first, you know, I just... would really like to say a prayer of thanks for the love and support of this family. We're so blessed to have each other. We really are.
Eric: You know, I felt that yesterday.
Hope: Yeah?
Eric: You know, at that barbecue with all the hortons and bradys coming back together.
Hope: Yeah. Hey, um... speaking of which, will and sonny got married again. That's amazing news! Oh, and sarah and rex! They got married too.
Eric: [Softly] Yeah...
Rex: [Ahem]
[Both chuckle]
Sarah: Sorry. You scared me!
Rex: Didn't mean to startle you.
[Chuckling] You okay?
Sarah: Yes! No, I was, uh, i was just daydreaming about how handsome my husband looks in this picture.
Rex: Oh, thank you. It was a nice gift from aunt kayla.
Sarah: Yeah. I mean, I have a feeling that we're gonna get a lot of nice gifts which we have to write thank-you cards for.
Rex: Yes, yes, I know. Except for one. There's no way in hell I'm writing a thank-you note to xander for that damn necklace.
[Phone rings]
Xander: Howdy, partner.
Kristen as nicole: I checked ted's phone. Thank god there's no more calls from hope. I think my little dear jane text made her finally give up on our little french poodle once and for all. Ha ha ha ha ha! So how about kate? Any more annoying calls or texts from her family?
Xander: No. I told you, you don't have to worry about that, kristen.
Kristen as nicole: How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?
Xander: How many times do i have to tell you that ted and kate are dead and buried? I'll be very happy never to hear either of their names ever again.
Kristen as nicole: That makes two of us.
[Sighs] Now... I can finally concentrate on taking dimera by storm. No one is gonna get in my way.
[Tense music]
Ted: Let us out of here!
Kate: Stop--would you stop? Stop it! You're giving me a splitting headache!
Ted: I'm not the one responsible for the headache. It's hunger. If we don't get any food or at least water, we're gonna die here.
[Thudding] Help!
Brady: What do you think you're doing?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kristen as nicole: What the hell do you want?
Chloe: I came to check on you and, uh, to give you these oatmeal cookies that parker and I baked. Parker wanted me to give them to you.
Kristen as nicole: That's very sweet of parker.
Chloe: you think i can come in? Maybe we can talk?
Kristen as nicole: Oh, I see. You think a tin of cookies is gonna make up for the fact that you killed my daughter?
Chloe: No. Nicole, I'm so sorry. You have to know that I think about holly every moment of every day.
Kristen as nicole: That your stupid, reckless decisions are the reason that my daughter is dead?
Chloe: Please, can I just come in?
Kristen as nicole: I'll pass, I'll pass. However, oatmeal cookies are my favorite, and I did skip breakfast, so...
Sarah: Those doctor coats that they make us wear at the hospital are so blah. I mean, this...necklace would really jazz 'em up a bit. Don't ya think?
Rex: What?
Sarah: [Laughs] I'm joking!
Rex: Oh, my god!
Sarah: I'm never gonna put this necklace back on. And...if you are worried that xander is a threat to us, he's not. I'm a happily married woman.
Rex: [Small light] I'd like take this necklace and choke xander with it.
[Box snaps shut]
[Thuds on table]
Xander: If you must know, I'm going to the gym. Just packing a little post-workout sustenance--later.
Brady: No, xander, you're not going anywhere.
Xander: You're not the boss of me.
Brady: Actually, I am the boss of you, and it's all hands on deck, because we have a problem.
Xander: What now?
Brady: Kate roberts. She's missing.
Kate: Oh, my god, it's a waste of time! No one can hear you.
Ted: Then we wait for xander to come back and then we'll convince him to let us go.
Kate: Oh, right, right, because that psycho couldn't care less whether we die in here.
Ted: It's been a long time since he brought that steak. And we've been drinking nothing more than champagne for the last 24 hours.
Kate: [Huffs] My god. I can't believe I would ever say this, but I don't care if I ever see a bottle of champagne again.
Gabi: Oh, I really wish that we didn't have to go to work.
Stefan: Yeah, but we do, and I'm gonna go grab those gabi chic budgets.
Gabi: Okay.
Kate: [Laughs] You are nothing if not confident, gabi.
Gabi: Why shouldn't I be?
Kate: Well, I'm just saying what happens if you fall in love with the man that you're trying to destroy?
Gabi: [Laughs] Love. Oh... I am so over love. No, this is about money, and it's about power. So after I get what I want... I'm gonna kick stefan's broke and broken carcass to the curb. Kate's right. I'm not getting sucked in by stefan. Stefan's getting sucked in by me.
[Chuckles] And very, very soon, dimera enterprises will be mine. I will get everything that i want.
Kristen as nicole: And what exactly do you want... gabi? Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Gabi: I think it's pretty obvious, nicole. Gabi chic--I want it to be the crown jewel of dimera enterprises.
Kristen as nicole: Well, good luck with that.
Gabi: Yeah, good luck to you too--this is your first day back at work after being two days late, right?
Kristen as nicole: Well, yesterday was a holiday, and i was sick the day before, so...
Gabi: Yeah, and the dog ate my homework. You do realize that stefan just hired you out of pity. I mean, you have no real qualifications.
Kristen as nicole: I did an incredible job running basic black, and now I'm gonna bring it back and make it even better.
Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, you mentioned that. You also mentioned that this revival would put an end to me and my company? Fyi--I'm just getting started.
Kristen as nicole: We'll see. Oh, hey, I had a chance to look at your website. Yikes.
Gabi: [Laughs] Did you also get a chance to see the traffic that runs on my website? Gabi chic sets trends across every demographic.
Kristen as nicole: And once people see what my company has to offer, namely designs that are neither cheap nor trashy--
Gabi: What did you just say?
Kirsten as nicole: Cheap, nor trashy!
Gabi: All right, bitch, listen, I am not--
Stefan: Stop. Both of you. If we're gonna put dimera back on top, we have to work together.
Kristen as nicole: You're absolutely right. I'm sorry. Perhaps you'll accept these cookies as a peace offering. I made them myself.
Gabi: You made them when you were sick? Gross.
Kristen as nicole: Gross? Honey, what--are you five?
Stefan: Ladies, stop fighting, please. We have to present a united front, and to that end, we're gonna put on a major event.
Kristen as nicole: Ooh, an event. What kind of event?
Stefan: We're gonna have a gabi chic-basic black relaunch, and the two of you are gonna put it together, starting now.
Hope: By the way, I, um, wanted to thank you for trying to spare my feelings at the pub yesterday.
Eric: I'm not sure what you--
Hope: Eric. Eric, it's okay.
Eric: I'm sorry.
Hope: You were covering for rafe--I know that.
Eric: I'm sorry, really--
Hope: No, it's okay.
Eric: You didn't really need to deal with that after everything else you've been through.
Hope: You're right, I didn'T. Thank you for protecting me. He moved on. Yeah, he has.
Eric: Hey. Hopefully, you can do the same.
Ted: [Sucking]
Kate: You look like a dog with a bone. You smell like one too.
Ted: Oh! Mon dieu. I'm sorry. We must do something about that.
Kate: What are you doing?
Ted: 1998. Brut. Powerful. C'est parfait.
Kate: What are you gonna do with that?
Ted: What do you think I'm gonna do with it?
Kate: No! No! We're not drinking any more of this. We're gonna die of alcohol poisoning before we die of starvation.
Rex: your voicemail. My mom is out of town on a business trip. As her boss, shouldn't you know about that?
[Laughs] Lol.
Chloe: Hey, rex, do you mind if I join you?
Rex: Chloe, hi, yeah, please. Absolutely, have a seat.
Chloe: Thanks.
Rex: What's going on?
Chloe: Well, I just came from seeing nicole. I stupidly tried to make her a peace offering with cookies.
Rex: What's wrong with that?
Chloe: I should have just made an appeal from the heart instead of trying to give her some lame gift. It was just a big mistake.
Rex: Huh. Must be a bad day for gift-giving.
Chloe: [Sighs, murmurs] Well, what's yours? Oh, my! Is that a wedding gift for sarah?
Rex: Sure is.
Chloe: Well, it's stunning. What's the problem?
Rex: The problem is it's not from me. It's from xander cook.
[Tense chords]
Xander: Kate is...missing?
Brady: Yeah. Yeah, we had an important meeting this morning. She didn't show up. I've tried to reach her. You know, I got a call in to rex, but I--
[Beep beep] Now, see, this is--this is-- this is weird, because rex just said that kate told him that she went on a business trip. I didn't authorize any travel, so that can't be, so I don't like the way this is smelling. I'm gonna call the cops.
Xander: Oh, wait--don't do that. Don't do that.
Brady: Why the hell not? So there you are with your depression
Eric: Hey, aren't you seeing ted laurent?
Hope: Actually, uh, ted sent me a text that he decided the two of us would never work and left salem. For good. Cut off all communication.
Eric: I'm sorry.
Hope: Cop in me says there's more to the story, eric.
Eric: How so?
Hope: I don't know, it just-- something is off. It's really weird. To be honest, ted has always been--yeah, always been, uh, pretty persistent in wanting to prove how much he cared about me. Even tried to give me a very expensive necklace. On more than one occasion. I never accepted, though. But the other night, I saw sarah wearing it.
Eric: Really?
Hope: Yeah. She said that xander gave it to her as a wedding present.
Eric: You're sure it was the same necklace?
Hope: I'm pretty sure, yeah. I am. It's a pretty distinct necklace. I was on my way to question xander about it when I got the call from your mom that ciara was missing. So I never got the chance to follow up on it.
Eric: Hope, you need to go do that now.
Hope: Yeah, thank you. Now is a very good time. Thank you.
Eric: You're welcome. Thank you. Hope is right. We are blessed. We should be thankful. But I pray for all those who are still suffering--nicole, claire, and ciara. I also pray for those who are celebrating... sonny and will and... my brother rex and his new wife sarah.
[Footsteps approach]
Chloe: So xander cook gave that to your wife? Talk about...bold.
Rex: Yeah, that's one way to describe him. I was actually on my way to give it back to him-- choke him with it.
Chloe: I totally understand that.
Rex: I'm just really not that guy who wants his wife to wear jewelry from a man that she previously slept with-- especially one who has a thing for her. Especially xander.
Chloe: Mm. I hear ya. But that is awfully pretty. Musta cost the guy a fortune.
Brady: Why shouldn't I call the police?
Xander: Because I know where kate is. She's in kuala lumpur.
Brady: She couldn't have gone there on business.
Xander: Oh, she did. In fact, I sent her to the big international tech conference. I thought she'd be the perfect person to represent us.
Brady: Hold--hold--hold on. Wh--who in the hell do you think you are? What do you think you're doing?
Xander: Come on, brady. I'm doing you a favor. I know you don't want kate around looking over your shoulder, reporting everything back to uncle vic--you do know that her main job here is keeping an eye on you, right?
Brady: Xander...I'm very aware of that. I'm also very aware of the fact that I make the decisions. Everything you do--everything you do needs to be run by me. Do you understand that?
Xander: Yes, boss. Sorry I overstepped.
Brady: Just don't let it happen again.
Xander: Well, that's one idiot taken care of. But unfortunately, there's still work to be done. Sorry, ted and kate, you shall have to go hungry a little bit longer.
Kate: Can't allow you to drink this.
Ted: I was not planning to.
Kate: What are you gonna do with it?
Ted: You said that I was smelling bad, and there's no water around. So...
[Light music]
I'm gonna take a shower. Yeah.
Kate: Wh-- oh, my god.
Ted: I'm french. What can I say?
Kate: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
Ted: It's actually really good.
Gabi: Clubs, bars. Restaurants--been there, done that. We need a venue that is fun and exciting.
Stefan: Yeah, a place people'll be talking about.
Gabi: We need to build buzz on blogs, social media, so, drum roll...we do the relaunch by the sea--sand, surf, under the stars, and I think it'll be really sexy.
Stefan: I like it.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, my god.
Gabi: Okay, so we have to obviously showcase the clothes, so I was thinking instead of having a catwalk, we'd have a boardwalk. And we could have some celebrity host or somebody like...
Together: Jimmy fallon.
Kristen as nicole: Please! Like he would ever emcee your lame fashion show.
Gabi: We need to have live entertainment--that's the energy that we need. Oh, wait--instead of having one band, we can have a line-up of bands and then coordinate the clothes with the music, so like rock for workout clothes or island vacation with reggae?
Stefan: Gabi, that is so inspired.
Kristen as nicole: Are you kidding? Okay, you know what? I'm sorry--I don't even know why you're listening to her. She has terrible ideas.
Gabi: Well, at the relaunch for basic black, not only did i walk the runway, but I had to separate a brawl between your models because you were too busy fighting with kate.
Kristen as nicole: Over theresa's designs, which i insisted we use because it brought new life to basic black. Look, I remade this company once, and I will do it again, only not with tiki torches and a fake beach.
Stefan: Okay, what do you suggest instead?
Kristen as nicole: Honestly, stefan, these two brands aren't equal. A joint event? It's like throwing out a purebred with a, well... a mutt.
Gabi: Excuse me?
Kristen as nicole: Now, I'm not saying that we should cut gabi...whatever loose. I'm just saying that you should prioritize. Instead of dividing your resources, you should put them towards the one company that can guarantee to help restore dimera, and that is... let me hear it. Basic black.
Gabi: Oh, that is bull! Okay, you know very well that my company deserves to be at that event as much as hers.
Kristen as nicole: Fine. We'll get you set up in a little room in the back somewhere.
Gabi: She's trying to set me up to fail! Okay, please just look at the gabi chic budgets, okay? We've had exponential growth from the profits that I'm bringing in, okay? If anything's a gamble, it's basic black!
Stefan: She has a point.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, you idiots! This is not what father would have wanted!
Stefan: What did you just say? -Keep it down there. I have a system.
Rex: You know, now that i think about this, I don't wanna give this back to xander. I just wanna get rid of it. 'Cause he'll get a big refund for it. Actually...maybe I'll give it to you.
[Both laugh]
Chloe: You're kidding, right?
Rex: What? What, no! It's a beautiful necklace. It should be enjoyed by a beautiful woman.
Chloe: Okay. I think that you should probably talk to sarah.
Rex: Well, it was a wedding gift for the "two" of us, so technically, it's mine as well, and I can do whatever I want with it. And...I would like to give it to you.
Xander: Okay, that should keep the dogs at bay. At least long enough to buy me some time.
Hope: Good. You are here.
Xander: And now I'm gone.
Hope: Xander, wait. I'd like to ask you a few questions. It won't take long.
Xander: I thought they fired you as police commissioner.
Hope: They did. I'm here as a civilian.
Xander: Oh. Then I have nothing to say to you.
Hope: It's about sarah horton.
Xander: What about her?
Hope: I ran into her at doug's place about a night ago. And she was wearing such a beautiful necklace. She said she got it from you.
Xander: I bought it for her as a wedding gift.
Hope: No, you didn'T. You're lying, xander.
Sarah: I was just coming to say a prayer for claire and ciara.
Eric: I was just doing the same thing. Nice seeing you at the barbecue yesterday.
Sarah: You too. Your burgers are amazing.
Eric: Thank you. It was nice that you and rex revived our know, getting together, despite what we're all going through. Rex--that speech was really touching.
Sarah: Yeah. He has a way with words. How are you doing, by the way? Not just with the family stuff, but nicole. I know you had to be thinking about her yesterday.
Eric: And holly.
Sarah: Yeah, I was... thinking about her too. Just the most beautiful little girl.
Eric: I lit a candle for her. I hope she realized how much I loved her.
Sarah: Oh, she did. You could see it every time you two were together.
Eric: [Softly] I really miss her.
Sarah: Have you thought about talking to nicole again?
Eric: Pffff. Every day.
Sarah: And?
Eric: Nicole's made it very clear that she doesn't want to see me anymore. Just respecting her wishes.
Sarah: So in other words, you're just giving up? That's not like you, eric.
Eric: Never in a million years did I think I'd give up... on someone that I loved, someone who was the love of my life. Nicole's not the same woman anymore.
Stefan: Did you just say "father"?
Kristen as nicole: I meant your father.
Stefan: I didn't hear the "your" part.
Kristen as nicole: Well, that's what you would have called him if you had met him. No one ever called stefano dimera "daddy." Okay, look, my point is I knew stefano well enough to know how he would have wanted this launch to go, and it's exactly how i described.
Gabi: Why do you care about stefano? You hated him.
Kristen as nicole: You can't argue his business acumen. Okay, listen...
[Scoffs] I was around to see some of dimera's most successful campaigns. I have more experience than gabi. That is why you should listen to me.
Gabi: You've been out of the fashion loop for years.
Kristen as nicole: Honey, fashion and style come and go. It's experience that counts.
Stefan: You're right. She's right. But so do fresh ideas.
Kristen as nicole: [Laughs]
Ted: What are you looking at?
Kate: You. We might be dying in here, yet you're still obsessed with all that. You are so vain.
Ted: Oh, well, I didn't hear any complaints when we were together.
Kate: Yeah, maybe that's because you were busy admiring yourself.
Ted: Oh, please, kate. You wish you could have another shot at this.
Kate: [Scoffs, laughs] Oh, my god.
Ted: But I mean, I'm with hope--I'm sorry. And second--
Kate: Uh, yeah, we both agreed that you reek.
Ted: Oh, au contraire. I feel very refreshed after my shower. But you, on the other hand-- tch.
Kate: You are a pig.
Ted: No, I'm just speaking the truth. So why don't you do us both a favor... and take off your clothes.
Chloe: Okay, so I'm waiting to hear you say that you're joking, right?
Rex: I'm not joking at all. I wanna get rid of this thing, and it would look beautiful on you. Come on, humor me. Just try it on, please?
Chloe: Okay, fine. Oh! Ooh.
Rex: See? What'd I tell ya? Absolutely gorgeous.
Brady: What the heck's going on here?
[Light music]
Eric: You know, the pain of losing...holly totally changed nicole. Which is understandable, and I know... I've come to accept that it's over with, me and nicole, you know, but then I think maybe that I just didn't do enough and...
Sarah: What?
Eric: I mean, there just might be some way to get through to her. But then I might be thinking about it too much, you know, and--
Sarah: It's too painful.
Eric: I just...
[Exhales] I've done everything I could. I gotta let go.
[Soft, emotional music]
Xander: You think I'm lying?
Hope: Oh, I know you're lying. Because someone named ted laurent bought that necklace for me. I took it to the jeweler. It's one-of-a-kind. Ted tried giving that necklace to me more than once, but i never accepted it, xander.
[Dramatic musical sting]
Ted: Xander, wait. Look, I bought that necklace for hope. I want you to have it. Give it to sarah. Show her how dedicated you are to become a better man.
Xander: Cheers.
Hope: You didn't buy that necklace. You got that from ted laurent.
[Tense music]
Kate: A champagne shower? I don't think so.
Ted: Well, don't knock it until you've tried it. You know, it's quite refreshing.
Kate: '98. That was a really bad year.
[Jazzy music]
Stefan: So what are we thinking on drinks?
Gabi: How 'bout margaritas?
Kristen as nicole: Ohh--ahh! This is not spring break in cabo! It should be a classy event. 1998 brut blanc de noir. That is what we should serve.
Stefan: Hmm. That's a fine champagne, and i happen to have a couple cases in the cellar.
Kristen as nicole: That's right! I remember that when I lived here before. It's one of stefano's favorites. We don't have to order anymore. We'll just use what we have. Gabi, why don't you go get the champagne?
Gabi: I'm not your wine wench. It's your idea--why don't you go get it?
Kristen as nicole: Fine. I'll get some assistant to bring it up.
Stefan: No, I think you should get it.
Kristen as nicole: Chop-chop.
Stefan: I'm talking to you, nicole.
Kristen as nicole: What?
Stefan: I'm in charge here. And when I tell you to do something, you do it. You know the way, right?
Kristen as nicole: Uh-huh.
Stefan: Then chop-chop!
[Light music]
Rex: And that's the story. I just wanted to get rid of it.
Brady: Mm. And you think chloe should have it.
Chloe: Hey, you do not get a say in this.
Brady: I--okay. Okay! I'm just--hey, why not, right? If sarah doesn't want it--
Rex: She doesn't, and chloe looks beautiful in it, so I'd rather she had it instead of giving it back to xander.
Chloe: Thank you. Seriously, so sweet, and... thank you, xander, for having such great taste and such bad judgment.
Brady: Hmm. He's got his nose in the middle of everything lately. I mean, your marriage, my home, my company--which reminds me. I'm sorry about the confusion about kate. I thought something might be wrong since she didn't show up for our meeting, but apparently xander sent her away on some business trip.
[Phone beeps]
Rex: Sorry, guys, just getting a text. See, this--this is weird. It's my mom.
Chloe: What's weird about that?
Rex: The way that it's written--it doesn't sound like her. It makes me wonder if she even wrote it.
Xander: I wasn't lying to you. I did buy the necklace. From ted.
Hope: You two know each other.
Xander: Oh, we don'T. I bumped into him on his way out of town.
Hope: Let's back it up a second. You...ran into a random stranger who just happened to offer to sell you a very expensive piece of jewelry.
Xander: If you would just let me finish.
Hope: Please do.
Xander: I ran into ted on his way out of town at a pawn shop. I was just there doing some business, and he was trying to unload that necklace. I really liked it, offered him a better price... thought it'd make a lovely gift for sarah.
Hope: Hmm. So while the two of you were talking, did he happen to mention where he was headed?
Xander: Mmm, no. I didn't ask. Look, I would love to get to the gym. I assume you're done with all your questions?
Hope: Well, just... one more. By chance, did nicole's name come up?
Stefan: Do we have a problem?
Kirsten as nicole: Mmm. You're seriously telling me to schlep all that champagne up the stairs by myself.
Stefan: Well, yeah, unless you want your first day at dimera to be your last.
Kristen as nicole: Schlepping it is.
Do do-do-do
do do
Kate: You do know that you gave up the best thing that ever happened to you when you betrayed me.
Ted: Really, kate? Look who's vain now.
Kate: Nah, it's not vain. It's just's just the truth. I bet I'm still in your head.
Ted: I think you would lose that bet... badly.
Kate: Would I?
Ted: Yeah.
Kate: Really?
Ted: Yes.
Sarah: I'm so sorry for what you're going through.
Eric: Thank you. But you know what? You just got married, and i shouldn't be burdening you with my problems.
Sarah: You are not a burden, eric. You were there for me through everything. I wanna be there for you too.
[Soft emotional music]
Rex: "On a biz trip that xander sent me on. Sorry to miss your wedding reception."
Brady: That's interesting timing, isn't it? I mean, xander doesn't say a word to me about sending her on a business trip and then i mention it, and you get a text.
Rex: So take a look at this. This is a string of text from my mom, right?
Brady: Yeah.
Rex: The last two came in after she left for malaysia. Do you see all these other ones? She always signs it "xoxo" when it's to me. These last two--she doesn't do that.
Chloe: Mm. Seem suspect?
Brady: Yeah, it does. I'll bet you the cost of that necklace that it has something to do with xander.
Xander: Why would nicole's name come up?
Hope: Ted left me a message that he had good news for nicole.
Xander: But that poor woman just lost her child. What news could that possibly be?
Hope: I know what's going on here.
Gabi: Thank you for having my back today.
Stefan: Yeah. It wasn't about choosing sides. I'll take a good idea whenever i can. What I don't appreciate is her attitude of entitlement. After all, it's my name on the company logo--not hers.
Kristen as nicole: Oh, enjoy bossing me around while you can, little brother, 'cause it's only a matter of time before I, kristen dimera, takes over. And then everyone's going to be in for quite the surprise!
[Intense music]
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