Days Transcript Thursday 7/4/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/4/19


Episode #13562 ~ The Hortons and the Bradys celebrate the Fourth of July. Eli surprises Lani.

Provided By Suzanne

[Knocking on door]

[Door opens]

Jj: [Sighs]

[Knocking continues] Whoever you are, it better be important.

[Knocking continues]

[Grunts] Hey.

Jennifer: Hi. Happy fourth of july.

Jj: Hey, mom.

Jennifer: Oh, I'm sorry. You were in the shower. But listen, I was gonna call, but I didn't want to because I didn't want to give you the option of saying no.

Jj: [Laughs] Pleasant good morning to you too.

Jennifer: Listen, I know that you have been just a little bit depressed with haley having to go back to china and--

Jj: Well, actually--

Jennifer: No, I just want to tell you--doug and julie are having a party and--and I want us to go, and I think the best thing for you right now is to get out of the apartment, just to take your mind off haley.

Jj: Mom--

Jennifer: No, no, no, we're going--we're going to the party together, and it's gonna be great. And I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now but maybe--maybe it's a good time for you to meet somebody, I don't know. I mean, I know it's soon--

Haley: Come on, jj. I washed your back. Just get rid of who's at-- oh, my god.

Jennifer: Uh...

[Laughs] My sentiments exactly.

Doug: So glad you could make it.

Lani: Thank you for inviting me.

Doug: Why wouldn't I?

Julie: Well, maybe she doesn't want to party with us so soon after breaking up with eli.

Doug: Well, that was subtle.

Julie: Well, I said "breaking up"--I didn't say "broken heart."

Doug: Gotcha. Okay, I am going to check on things in the kitchen. Would you care to join me?

Lani: Actually, julie and i should talk.

Doug: Well, all right. But, uh, perhaps you haven't noticed, but julie gets a little protective when it comes to her family.

Lani: Thank you, but I'm up for it.

Doug: Okay.

Lani: [Laughs] There's something you should know.

Julie: Look, you don't have to explain. I understand you were grieving for your baby. But you--you've got to remember, that was eli's baby, too. And I think it was just asking too much, him--him seeing you taking care of david and--rafe's little david, and wanting to practice your mothering skills. And--you know? It's so upsetting to doug and me as well, but at this point, perhaps it's just for the best.

Lani: [Sighs]

Eli: Hey, grandma. Happy fourth of july. Hi. Well, did lani tell you the good news? We're back together.

Carrie: [Sighs] Oh.

Roman: Hey.

Carrie: Oh. Hi, dad. I was just gonna come down.

Roman: Mm-hmm. Waiting for rafe to go, huh?

Carrie: Excuse me?

Roman: You mean to tell me that, uh, that wasn't rafe i just saw sneaking out of your room?

Rex: Well, hope, if there's anything we can do...

Eric: Yeah.

Rafe: What is it? What happened? Hope?

Hope: Why are you coming from upstairs?

Rafe: Me? I was, uh...

Hope: Hmm?

Rafe: Huh?

Hope: What were you doing up there?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Carrie: Am I grounded?

Roman: Am I wrong?

Carrie: No. It was rafe. And I'm just gonna speed this up and tell you exactly what you want to know. Yes, rafe spent the night here last night.

Rafe: The reason that I was upstairs--

Eric: He was bailing me out. Literally. Uh, there's a--shower in the front room was leaking. I just asked him to check it out for me.

Hope: Why didn't he say that? Why--why didn't you-- doesn't matter.

Rafe: Well, are you gonna tell me what's wrong? Obviously, something's bothering you. What's going on?

Jj: So melinda finally made herself useful and reached out to our senator. He--he fixed it so haley can stay here while she's applying for her green card.

Jennifer: I--that is so wonderful!

Jj: Yeah.

Haley: Yeah, I--I'm so happy.


Jennifer: So that's it. I mean, the whole nightmare is over?

Jj: Seems to be.

Jennifer: Okay, so now we just have to work on getting these charges dropped that eve trumped up against you.

Jj: Mom, you were there. It was dad who pressed those charges.

Jennifer: Your dad is a puppet and eve is the puppet-master, and if she thinks for one minute that I am not gonna tell the whole world that this is all about revenge and abuse of power, she's got another think--

Jj: Mom, calm down. Dad--dad was here. He had the charges dropped against me.

Jack: Hey, I just saw john and marlena storming out of here. They were furious.

Eve: Yeah. Marlena was, anyway. She didn't want to hear the truth.

Jack: Uh-huh. And which truth would that be, now?

Eve: Talking about ben weston. She's been deluded into thinking that he didn't set those fires, so john and marlena came in here just to strong-arm me into dropping the charges.

Jack: Wait--wait, how could marlena strong-arm you? And--and why does she care about ben weston?

Eve: You know what, jack, i think that she's just probably professionally embarrassed. I mean, who's gonna want to go see a shrink who has, you know, been fooled by a serial killer pyromaniac? Huh? It's like... I don't think it's gonna do much for her credibility as a character witness either, actually.

Jack: All right, all right. I should have told you that i had dr. Rolf's diary. I know that you were right.

Eve: Why are we talking about that?

Jack: You had every right to be angry with me for keeping it from you.

Eve: What does that have to do with this, I don't--

Jack: Because I know you now, and you're keeping something from me. So there you are with your depression

Rafe: It was claire?

Hope: She's so lost. Why didn't I see that?

Rafe: I know how much you love her.

Hope: Marlena will do everything she can... to get her the help that she needs.

Rafe: Yeah.

Rex: Sorry, um, understandably so, maybe there--maybe there should be no barbecue today.

Hope: Huh? Uh, no, no. You... you should go ahead. I, um--I just, uh, will be heading back to the hospital to be with shawn and claire. Just came by to pick up some food.

Eric: Hey, is there anything else I can do for you?

Hope: No. Happy fourth.

Rafe: Yeah, happy fourth.

[Door opens, closes] I didn't need you to cover for me.

Eric: Listen, I didn't lie to cover for you. I lied because hope doesn't deserve any more crap in her life.

Roman: Listen, maybe I'm butting in here, but did you forget this is salem? There are no secrets. No privacy. What if austin finds out about this?

Carrie: Yeah, dad, um, austin and I split up.

Roman: When? Why didn't you tell me about it?

Carrie: Well, I just--i thought you had a lot going on with grandma.

Roman: Well, yeah, I mean, this is a hard way to find out about it, but nobody knows better than I do how sad it is when a marriage comes to an end. Is--is noah okay?

Carrie: Austin and I are very committed to making sure that he is.

Roman: Good. Sweetheart, I am--I'm so sorry.

Carrie: I--I should have told you--I'm sorry.

Roman: You're damn right you should have told me.

Carrie: [Weepy laugh] So weird. No matter how messy things are, I tell you about it and I almost feel like I can handle it.

Roman: Come here.

Carrie: [Laughs]

Eli: Okay, well, I can tell by the look on your face that lani did not tell you we're back together.

Julie: I didn't give her a chance--she didn't get a word in edgewise. I was a--I'm so out of line. I am so sorry.

Lani: It's okay. You were upset, and with good reason. I was in a bad place and I was hurting eli. I--I didn't think that I was trying to replace our david with rafe's but I was, and eli is helping me sort that out.

Julie: Oh, I'm so glad. I'm--I'm just so glad! And for both of you!

Eli: Thank you.

Doug: Eli's here! Hey!

Eli: Hey.

Doug: Hi, grandson.


Eli: Good to see you.

Doug: There seems to be a different dynamic from when I--i left the room.

Julie: Yes, well, eli told me that they are back together again, and I just went on and on and just apologized to lani. And everything's fine now.

Doug: Well, uh, julie does get there eventually. I'm so happy that you could work things out.

Eli: Thank you, thank you.

Lani: Thank you.

Eli: Well, we just came by to tell you guys--now we're off to a picnic by the lake.

Julie: Oh. Well, what about our party? I mean, jennifer and jj are coming. You'd be with family.

Lani: You know what? Family sounds nice. Thank you.

[Phone rings]


Julie: Oh. I'll get it.

[Phone beeps] Doug's place, julie speaking.

Sarah: Hi, julie. I just called to tell you that rex and I are reviving the horton/brady barbecue at the pub. Can you and doug come?

Julie: Sure, sure. Love to, love to. Uh, and eli and lani are here.

Sarah: Oh, well, bring them. Could you also tell jennifer and jj?

Julie: I'll call right now.

Jennifer: Your dad dropped the charges? That's, uh, quite a change of heart.

Jj: I don't--I don't think he has a heart. Not after what he did to haley. He's getting--he's getting something out of this, I just-- just can't figure out what it is.

Haley: Yeah, but you--you said that he told you he wanted to do something nice for his son.

Jj: It's like mom said... that guy is not my father.

Jennifer: I--I think that jj's right. I mean, I even told him that kayla recreated the drug that helped will get his memory back, hoping that he would want to take it, but no. He said he has no interest at all in remembering the man he used to be.

Eve: I'm not hiding anything--

Jack: Yes, you are. I saw you. The way you went on about marlena just now? You're acting cornered. When you're cornered, you go on this was felt all the way to vegas and across southern california. In an area with poor construction that can be devastating. We've seen it in other parts of the world before. By the time it, of course, reaches to where we are in los angeles area, the intensity is much laureate. We felt it -- much lower yet. We felt it, and people were chiming in from different parts of california. Hundreds of miles, hundreds of miles apart, declaring that they had felt it.

Was this stronger, lester, than other earthquakes that you've experienced?

It's among the strongest. Keep in mind i covered the disasters in japan and also in haiti and they were sizable after shocks after that we had felt. But it's been a long time since I felt one this -- that went on this long. I think they -- the length of it was what was -- disturbing, having been through these, sometimes it will feel like, okay, it's a little rocky, and then boom, you've got almost a second shock. This one was just this steady roll like you're on the ocean.

And in the past ten days, there have been two earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater centered nearby where this one hit. To what extent is there concern about aftershocks and potentially more earthquakes?

Just from -- not having spoken to anybody about this particular quake yet, you know, aftershocks are almost a certainty when you get an earthquake of this size. Whether they'll be of a sides that we see here in los angeles is to be determined. I would expect just from the experience of covering a number of earthquakes that we would, you know, we would get some aftershocks along the way.

Lester, we are thankful that you and your family are safe. We appreciate your joining us. Our joe fryer is in los angeles, as well. I want to get right to him. Joe, at this point what's the latest, any reports of any significant damage or injuries?

We're checking around. So far there are no reports of significant damage or injuries. We know it was felt in the los angeles area, but we also know L.A. Is a good distance away, a good two-hour drive from where this earthquake was centered. We are here in universal city, much like lester. We could also feel the earthquake. It was one of those situations where everyone sort of started to look around and go, is this an earthquake. Again, we felt the same thing lester did. Sort of a rolling motion which is very different from sort of an aggressive jolt. But it did seem to last longer than most of the earthquakes that we feel around here that aren't terribly aggressive. So the good news is no reports of any injuries. We know it was felt across california. Someone in a live truck said it felt like someone had jumped on the back bumper and was jumping up and down. Another person says that he was riding in a car and says he could feel the motion. Some people looked up and felt like they could see sort of the buildings swaying a little bit in downtown los angeles. It's something that nearly everyone seemed to notice, but it wasn't so aggressive that we're seeing things falling off of shelves or things being damaged to a serious degree. The big question will be if there are people who live closer to where this was centered, certainly it's not as well populated out there. But -- was there nature severe damage out there. All indications are that this was a relatively shallow earthquake. Those tend to cause more damage. It depends on how powerful the earthquake is and exactly where it happens.

And we will continue to track that and those questions throughout the afternoon. Joe fryer, thank you for that reporting. We will have much more tonight on "nbc nightly news" and continuing coverage about state-of-the-art.

Rex: Aww, you make that yourself in shop class?

Eric: Yeah, well, I wouldn't mock it if I were you. I been tailgating with this thing at every packer game since we traded our first round draft pick for, uh, brett favre, actually.

Rex: Looks like they used that at valley forge.

Eric: I prefer charcoal flavor over your propane fumes. Actually, this contraption right here will beat your little thing on any given sunday. Actually, any day of the week.

Rex: All right, well, game on, cheesehead.

Sarah: Oh, wow, men being competitive. That never gets old.

[Light music]

It is so good to see you in the flesh. It's so much better than emailing.

Carrie: I agree, because in all your emails you never told me the real story about you and my brother.

Andrew wanted nothing to do with his volcano demonstration.

Sarah: Uh, what--what do you mean? What story?

Carrie: Oh, well, I just wasn't sure that you and rex would be able to work things out.

Sarah: Oh...

[Laughs] Right, yeah, well, um, we did. We had to do some work, but we did do more than work things out, 'cause we got married yesterday.

Carrie: I heard. Eric performed the ceremony.

Sarah: Yeah, well, um, rex didn't really give him much of a choice.

Carrie: Well, you look very happy. Congratulations.

Sarah: Thank you. I hope that we can be as happy as you and austin.

Carrie: Well... careful what you wish for.

Sarah: What does that mean?

Carrie: That austin and i have split up.

Rex: Not smelling any charcoal over there, man. You know what you gotta do? You gotta--you gotta light it on fire.

[Laughs] No, that's right. You're--you're trying.

[Laughs] Hey, dad, how do you feel about beef tartare?


[Light music]

Do, do

Sarah: Oh, carrie. I am so sorry. What happened?

Carrie: Hard to say, exactly. Um, austin and I... I don't know, we just--we stopped communicating.

Sarah: After all this time?

Carrie: [Sighs] I know. Um, we tried counseling and neither one of us is sure that the marriage can be saved. So I just thought I'd come back here, give it a break. Maybe time will help.

Sarah: I hope so. I--I may be completely overstepping here, but is it gonna be awkward with rafe coming today?

Carrie: What do you mean?

Rafe: Happy fourth of july.

Eli: Hey!

Rafe: Hey.

Lani: Oh, hi, sweet boy.

Rafe: There he is. We're heading to the pub.

Doug: So are we. Shall we go?

Julie: One minute. Rafe, are you sure that's such a good idea?

Rafe: Is what a good idea?

Julie: You at the barbecue. You know what I mean?

[Background chatter]

Sarah: Well, it's just that doug and julie are gonna be here, and I don't think that they've forgiven rafe for wanting to go through with the divorce.

Carrie: Oh, right, yeah.

Sarah: What'd you think i meant? Why else would it be awkward to have rafe here?

Carrie: No reason.

Sarah: Carrie. Come on, it's me. You can't fool me. What's going on?

Carrie: Okay. Rafe and I slept together last night.

Eli: You know what? Lani and I will let you guys talk, and we'll meet you at the party.

Rafe: Okay.

Lani: [Quietly] Chicken.

Eli: Got that right.

Rafe: Well, I'm glad they left, actually, because there's something that I've been meaning to say to both of you, and that is I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry things didn't work out between me and hope, and I am sorry... that I hurt her. I promised you that I wouldn'T.

Julie: So, why don't you keep your distance today? Let hope go to the barbecue... relax with her family... and not have you around as a constant reminder... I don't have to go into details.

Rafe: All right. Well, hope's not gonna be there. She's gonna be staying with, uh, with shawn and... have you not talked to hope yet today?

Both: No.

Rafe: So you don't know what happened with claire? Ciara?

Doug: What are you talking about?

Rafe: Oh, boy. Okay. Uh, well, there's something that I need to tell you, and I'm sorry you have to hear it from me.

Jj: I'm sorry to ruin your fun, but you can't touch haley. Her case is now out of your hands.

Eve: Okay, today may be a federal holiday--

Jennifer: Oh, thank you for pointing that out. You're just a walking civics lesson, eve.

Eve: [Chuckles] But tomorrow I will be making the call, and I'm not gonna take the word of somebody who breaks the law like jj.

Jennifer: I know that you don't remember, but that is your son she's talking about. Did you lose your spine when you lost your memory?

Jack: Eve is right. Technically, haley chen is still an illegal...

Jj: Undocumented.

Jack: Immigrant, and she has no right to be in this country.

Jennifer: Okay, mr. Mayor, if you are all law and order, why did you have the charges dropped against jj?

Jack: That was--will horton--


Jj: Wait, will? What does he have to do with any of this?

Jennifer: Kayla gave will rolf's diary, so you... dropped the charges to get the diary, which is really interesting, because you said that you weren't interested in getting your memory back. But I am thrilled that you are even thinking about that, jack. Aren't you?

Jack: I'm just trying to keep my options open. You never know, there may be something--something I want to remember.

Eve: Like his children. When he looks at them he's very concerned, and why wouldn't he be? Without his influence, they're obviously very unstable human beings.

Jj: Look, I--I can't speak for abigail, and I can't speak for anyone else in the family, but I would be perfectly happy for you to forget all about us. For good. Let's get out of here.

[Retreating footsteps]

[Tense music]


Roman: [Laughs]

[Lid clangs]

Eric: You smell that?

Rex: Yeah, lighter fluid.

Eli: Okay!

Rex: What's up?

Eli: Yo, I smell that charcoal down the block!

Eric: I heard that.

Rex: Get in there, grab a beer.

Eli: Smells like real barbecue!

Roman: Wait a minute, whoa. Uh, I thought doug and julie were coming with you two.

Doug: Let me get this straight: Hope and bill and shawn-douglas are all at the hospital right now with claire?

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Listen, again, I am really sorry that you had to hear this from me, and, uh, you're right. You're right, I'm gonna take a pass on the barbecue. This should just be family, so...

Julie: Rafe. Rafe, I know you love ciara, and you've never judged claire, so... that makes you family.

Doug: Julie's right. We think you should come with us.

Sarah: I--I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, you have history with rafe and you're both going through a break-up.

Carrie: Okay, so you have to promise eric's lead, okay? I had a one-night stand with rafe, and hope can never--

[Door closes] This is hal.

Hope: Got to the hospital and I quickly realized that shawn and belle needed some, um, time alone with claire.

Sarah: Yeah, what they must be going through--it's just so terribly, terribly sad.

Julie: Hope.

Sarah: Oh.

Julie: Hope, I can't believe what has happened.


Jj: Hey, roman.

Roman: Hey.

Jennifer: Hey!

Jj: You remember haley.

Roman: Yes, how are you? Good to see you. Uh, listen, haley, could you do me a favor? Go on in and maybe get yourself a drink or something? I need to, uh, talk to jj and his mom.

Haley: Um, yeah. Yeah, sure. It's nice to see you again.

Roman: Good to see you again.

Jj: I'll be in in a second.

Haley: Okay.

Jennifer: Uh, I don't think this is going to be good news.

Roman: No, it's not.

Eli: Claire? I don't know how she's ever gonna get past something like this--I mean, didn't anyone see that she was going off the rails?

Julie: I should have. I should have--I've known her since the day she was born. I've just been so busy running everybody else's life.

Lani: Julie, this is not on you. You don't run other people's lives--you fight for your family.

Julie: Darling, what's the difference?

Lani: It's a big one. Claire is gonna appreciate having someone as tough as you in her corner.

Doug: Well said.

[Somber music]

Carrie: Um, hi. I have something to tell you. Sarah and I were talking about you and me, and hope walked in.

Rafe: What? Well, did--did she hear you?

Carrie: She didn't act like she did.

Rafe: Oh, for god's sake. Well, I sure as hell hope she didn'T. It's not like she needs more bad news in her life.

[Somber music]

[Indistinct chatter]

Rex: All right, you've had both burgers. Which one's better?

Sarah: [Sighs] Yours is cooked perfectly...

Rex: Yes.

Sarah: But--but... there is nothing like the sear on a charcoal grill burger!

Rex: Oh, come on! All right, you know what? The judge has rendered her verdict, and apparently the best man won.

Eric: That's right.

Rex: Happy for you.


Rex: Sarah. Sarah, come here. Hi, everybody.

Julie: Ah, hi!


Rex: So we're celebrating like two things today. We're--we're reviving a very special family tradition and we're sort of having a wedding reception at the same time.

[Excited exclamations]

Rex: So sarah and I are doubly happy that we can all be here together, and I couldn't help but notice that there--there are 13 of us here, symbolizing the--the 13 colonies--is that right?

Sarah: Did you actually count?

Rex: What? Sorry, my wife is a stickler for accuracy.

Sarah: I am just saying that if I'm counting, there's more like 16 or 17 of us.

Rex: Maybe I can get, like, a small little break?

Sarah: All right, yeah, fine. There's 13. Go on.

Rex: All right, we're moving on to something a little bit more serious. Almost 250 years ago, our forefathers--

Sarah: And foremothers.

Rex: That's--yes, you're absolutely right. In spite of their differences, they figured out that if they stuck together, that they could overcome any obstacle. From a united front they could conquer anything. So I would like to raise a glass to everyone here... and to the ones that have left us and to the ones who can't be here but are forever in our hearts. And just like this great country in the good times and the bad, if we stand together, we endure. To family.

All: To family.

Julie: Thank you.

[Indistinct chatter]

Eve: Happy fourth of july.

Jack: Happy fourth of july.

[Indistinct chatter]

Rafe: Happy fourth of july. Yeah. Mm-hmm. It's gonna be your first fourth of july, little man. Now, there's gonna be some loud noises. Don't be scared, okay? I got you. Yeah, I gotcha.

[Rattle rattling] Yeah.

Eli: Hey, is it cool with you if we don't hang with the crowd?

Lani: Are you afraid that I'll be hovering over david the entire time?

Eli: [Laughs] Actually, I was afraid I would.

Lani: Really?

Eli: Yeah. I was watching him all day. I mean, I saw rafe feeding him the bottle, and I wished it was me with my son. I get it now. I get how you felt.

Lani: I keep thinking about shawn and belle and... I mean, they must be going through hell.

Eli: I guess that's what you sign up for when you have a kid. You hope for their best, but you handle their worst, and you try to bring them through it.

Lani: Yeah, that scares me to death.

Eli: Yeah. Me, too. But, um... I'd like another shot at it.

Lani: Me, too. Someday.

[Both laugh]

Eli: Yeah, someday. Yeah, I--I think the first step, for me, at least, would be to have a wife. A wife that I love and respect.

[Both laugh]

Eli: Someone who makes me laugh.

[Both chuckling] Um... a wife that I know would be a great mother. Who I would spend the rest of my life with.

Lani: Sounds like a--a very reasonable first step.

Eli: Yeah, I think so.

Lani: [Laughs] Well, actually, uh, for me the first step would be having a husband who I love and respect. Someone who makes me laugh.

[Laughs] Sit down. Someone who is kind and generous... who I know will make a great father. Who I can share my life with.

Eli: Wow. Uh, well, since we're totally on the same wavelength here... I have a question for you.

Lani: Shoot.

Eli: Lani price... will you marry me?

Lani: [Laughs] Yes. Yes, eli grant, I will marry you.

[Fireworks booming]

[Fireworks whistling]

[Romantic music]

Rex: We did it.

Sarah: [Laughs]

Rex: We got our families together.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Rex: Nice work, horton.

Sarah: Ah, not too shabby yourself, brady.


[Bittersweet music]

Carrie: [Sighs] Okay.

Roman: [Laughs]

Carrie: I have to leave now or I'll miss my flight.

[Both sigh]

Roman: I'm so glad you came back for the memorial, okay? Thank you so much for that. Be happy, okay? All right.

Carrie: I'll do my best.

Roman: I love you.

Carrie: I love you. Okay.

Roman: Good-bye.

Carrie: I'm off to o'hare.

Eric: [Laughs] Whirlwind of a trip.

Carrie: You could say that. Thank you for keeping my secret.

Eric: Of course.

Both: Okay.

[Fireworks booming]

[Fireworks crackling]

[Indistinct chatter]

Rafe: Hey.

Hope: Hey.

[Fireworks crackling, popping] So big.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, they do that.

Hope: Yeah.

Rafe: Remember us pulling ciara from the burning cabin?

Hope: Of course.

Rafe: Never crossed my mind that it was claire.

Hope: Mine neither.

Rafe: I'm sorry.

Hope: I know.

Rafe: Yeah. Listen, uh, I know we're not married anymore, but... you ever need anything, I'm here for you.

Hope: The way you were there for carrie last night?

Rafe: Oh. So you do know.

Hope: Don't worry about it. It, um... doesn't matter, right? Not anymore. Here. We're not married, so...

[Fireworks crackling] Right? I might go check on my-- my dad and julie, okay?

Rafe: Okay.

Jj: You doing all right?

Haley: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm not afraid of eve anymore.

Jj: Just--with the news about claire. I mean, she tried to kill you and tripp, too.

Haley: Yeah, but she didn'T. You know, I've decided that I'm a pretty tough cookie.


Jj: Mom, you doing all right?

Jennifer: Yeah. Yes. Just remembering watching the fireworks over london with your dad. I was so happy, my heart was bursting.

Jj: You deserve better than him.

Jennifer: The him he is now, anyways. I don't know, I think I should just, um... shelf the old memories... of jack.

[Mournful string music]

Eve: Jack, the fireworks are over here.

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