Days Transcript Tuesday 07/2/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 07/2/19


Episode #13560 ~ Marlena attempts to get through to Claire. Eve confronts Jack upon realizing that he is hiding something from her.

Provided By Suzanne

Carrie: Closing time, folks. Sadly, it's time to leave. Hope to see you soon. Thank you. Buh-bye. That goes for you too, buddy. Oh.

Haley: Is this even real?

Jj: [Chuckles]

Haley: You and me actually, really, truly together.

Jj: It's as real as it gets. It's just the beginning.

Haley: Well, it definitely beats being back in beijing.

Jj: You know what? Let's not joke about it. Because after everything my dad and eve did to ruin your life and our future, we're getting our chance, haley. Love wins.

Eve: [Sighs]

[Cell phone trilling]

[Sighs] Where are you, claire? Did you get my text? I'm worried that ben and ciara are setting you up, so call me as soon as you get this.

Jack: Hello, beautiful.

[Exhales] Miss me?


Eve: How did your meeting go with your constituents?

Jack: Oh, you know how it goes. Everybody wants something.

Eve: Mm-hmm. What do you want, jack?

Jack: Uh, excuse me?

Eve: Don't lie to me. I know exactly what you did.

Shawn: Claire, you here? Tripp, ci--

Tripp: Am I gonna live, doc?

Kayla: It could have been so much worse.

Tripp: This is all my fault. I should have put on the breaks before it went too far. No, no, I knew we were pushing her. And I should have stopped it, and now if claire pulled a knife on me, god only knows what she's gonna do to ciara, and I'm stuck in this bed--

Kayla: Well, you know what, hope is out looking for them right now, and let's just pray that she's already found them, okay?

Ciara: No, claire, please, wait, wait, wait! Wait, you don't have to do this!

[Crying] Claire!

Claire: This is the only way. This is the only way that things will change. I cannot be the loser again.

Ciara: Claire, no, don'T.

Claire: I cannot let you win.

Ciara: Claire, look at me. Look at me! This is not the answer, okay? This is not the answer. I love you.

Claire: I need this--

Ciara: And I know you love me too.

Claire: I need this pain to go away, okay? I need this pain to go away.

[Both panting] And I need you to go away.

[Dark, dramatic music]

Hope: Claire's car's around back. Hopefully they're in here. Damn it!

Ben: Ciara! Ciara, are you in there?

Ciara: Ben!

Ben: Ciara!

Ciara: Ben, in here! Claire's gonna kill me!

Hope: Sweetheart, we're here!

Ciara: Mom!

Marlena: Claire! Can you hear me? Open the door. Claire!

Ciara: Hurry. Please, help me, help me!

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Rafe: It's so good to see you. Wow, wow, it's been too long.

Carrie: Oh, my goodness.

Rafe: Yeah.

Carrie: Yeah, I didn't want to miss my grandma's celebration of life.

Rafe: Yeah. I'm sorry for your loss. She-- she was a special lady.

Carrie: I was looking for you at the wake.

Rafe: I wanted to come. Just, um, I didn't want to make hope uncomfortable, so...

Carrie: I heard about the divorce. I'm so sorry.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, me too.

Carrie: You know, we grow up believing that marriage means happily ever after. Nobody ever tells us how hard it is.

Rafe: Right?

Carrie: Yeah.

Rafe: No kidding. No kidding. Wait, wait, are you still practicing law? I could use some legal advice.

Carrie: I am. However, hope is family and I do not want to get in the middle of your divorce.

Rafe: It has nothing to do with hope.

Carrie: Oh. Okay, then how can I help you?

[Gentle music]

Haley: What are you thinking about?

Jj: My dad.

Haley: Your dad?

[Scoffs] Really?

Jj: Just--I keep thinking about how he's going to react when he finds out his big plan to get you deported went bust.

Haley: And you want to rub it in his face?

Jj: Maybe a little. That wrong?

Haley: I don't know, jj. I mean, you're already facing charges for aiding and abetting a fugitive and just ticking off your dad is gonna make things worse.

Jj: News flash. He got the charges dropped against me.

Haley: Wha--what? Oh, my god, jj. That's--that's incredible! But what's the catch?

Jj: Exactly what I asked.

Jack: How did you find out?

Eve: I'm the police commissioner, jack. I make it my business to find out what's happening. So I thought that we both agreed that jj deserved to have the book thrown at him for helping haley out.

Jack: You're talking about jj.

Eve: Yeah, I'm talking about jj. You dropped the charges, jack, and you didn't even bother to give me, you know, a heads up phone call? I mean, what the hell?

Jack: Hey, we won. We won the election. I'm the mayor. The chen girl is out of the country. I thought, "what's the point in torturing jj anymore?" He doesn't need more punishment. I mean, he's still my son after all.

Eve: You know what? He still despises you. Jack, why are you wasting so much time? Your family has made it abundantly clear that they're over you. You need to focus on the future.

Jack: Well, maybe... maybe we should just try to enjoy the present. Have you eaten?

Eve: No, I'm not hungry.

Jack: Well, I am. I'm starving. I tell you what, you order something up for the two of us, and I'm gonna run in there and grab a shower. All right.

[Tense music]

[Cell phone chirps]

Shawn: It's claire's phone. What the hell is going on?

[Cell phone ringing] Hey, kayla.

Kayla: Oh, I am so glad you picked up.

Shawn: Hey, listen, I can't talk. I'm at the loft. There's nobody here, and there's blood on the floor. I gotta call the police.

Kayla: Shawn, wait. Listen, claire wasn't hurt. But why don't you come down to the hospital?

Shawn: Why? Wait, what happened?

Kayla: Just come down and I'll explain everything to you.

Marlena: Ciara!

Hope: Ciara! Claire! Come on! Get it open!

Marlena: Open the door!

Ciara: Help me, please!

Ben: Damn it! Stay back, stay back, stay back!

Marlena: Oh!

[Dramatic music]

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Carrie: On the house.

Rafe: Whoa. Really, you don't say? Are you--are you sure?

Carrie: Yes, my pleasure. Okay, all right.

Rafe: Thanks, thanks.

Carrie: So what's the big legal matter?

Rafe: Mm. You know, I don't know if you're aware of it, but I've been looking after jordan's son, david, while she's in bayview. However, according to her doctors, she is not gonna be able to look after him any time soon. So she asked me if I would consider being his legal guardian.

[Door opens]

Jack: Well, that was fast! What'd you get us?

Eve: Well, you trusted me enough to make the decision for the both of us so take a look.

Jack: [Laughs] I could eat a--

Eve: Were you ever gonna tell me?

[Knocking at door]

Kayla: Come in.

Shawn: Tripp. Are you all right? Hey, what's going on? Where's my daughter? Where's ciara?

Kayla: Shawn, there was an altercation, but tripp is the only one that was injured.

Tripp: I was trying to protect ciara.

Shawn: It was that maniac weston, wasn't it? I told him to stay the hell away from her. I mean, how the hell does this guy even get out on bail after he torched another cabin?

Kayla: It wasn't ben, shawn.

Shawn: What do you mean? Then who did this to you?

Tripp: Claire.

Claire: Stop! Everybody stop!

Ben: Listen to me, please. Just put the lighter down.

Claire: You! What-what you think you're some sort of hero, busting down the door, coming in here, trying to save ciara. Ben, you killed people. You killed people. This is the same place that you took a match to chad and abigail.

Ben: Yes, and it ruined my life, claire, okay? Do not make the same mistake that I did, okay?

Claire: All of this is your fault, your fault!

Ben: My fault?

Marlena: How is it ben's fault?

Claire: Because if he had never been released from bayview, none of this would be happening and ciara would have never been at the stupid freakin' cabin!

Ben: Claire, it is happening, okay? It's happening, but you can end it. That's all that matters right now. You can end this right now. Just put the lighter down.

Claire: Ben, ben. Nothing matters. Nothing matters. It's too late.

Hope: No, no, claire.

Ben: It's not too late.

Hope: Hey, honey. Claire, look at me. It's not too late. It's not. You don't want to do this.

Claire: I didn't want to do any of this, grandma. It just spun out of control and I didn't know how to make it stop, and now you all think I'm some psycho!

Hope: No! No, nobody... we don't think-- we don't think that, not at all. I love you. We're family. You, me, and ciara, we're-- hey, we're family. We all love each other. And I know that you love me. Love me so much that you would never take her away from me.

[Whispers] Never. Please. Let her go. Let ciara go. I wanted more from

Carrie: Jordan wants you to raise her son for an indefinite period of time? That is a big ask.

Rafe: I know. Trust me, I know, but if I don't do it, then david ends up in foster care.

Carrie: Well, you were always a wonderful stepfather to sami's kids. I think you'd be awesome.

Rafe: Really?

Carrie: Mm-hmm.

Rafe: Do you really-- thank you. I mean, thank you for the vote of confidence because, yes, i always thought that I would have kids, but I did not think that i would be raising them on my own but here I am. I'm doing it. I'm excited about it.

Carrie: Well, I have no idea how long I'll be in town, but i can definitely get the legal ball rolling for you.

Rafe: Great. I appreciate it. I do, but by no means do not stay in town any longer than you have to for this because I'm sure that austin is more than eager to see you come back home. No? What's--what's wrong?

Carrie: Oh. We've separated.

Rafe: Oh.

[Soft dramatic music]

Jack: You went through my briefcase.

Eve: I knew that you were hiding something from me, jack, and I was right! How'd you get the diary anyway?

Jack: Will horton had it. And he said the only way he would turn it over to me was if I dropped the charges on jj. So I did.

Jj: My dad claimed he wanted to help me out because, despite everything, he's still my father.

Haley: And you don't trust him?

Jj: I trusted him to keep your secret and look how that turned out.

Haley: True, but maybe he's like my mother. He's had a change of heart and now he wants to make things right. Look, whatever your dad's motive, I'm just... I'm just so happy he's keeping you out of jail.

Jj: You got that right. I never want to be separated from you again.

[Soft music]

Shawn: Wait, what do you mean "claire"? You mean my claire? My claire did this to you? No, I don't believe that.

Tripp: It's the truth.

Shawn: Wait, you expect me to believe that my little claire put a guy like you in the hospital because you guys broke up? No, that doesn't make any sense. No, something else must have happened.

Kayla: Something else did happen, shawn.

Tripp: The fire that nearly killed ciara and the fire at the horton cabin, ben didn't set those fires. It was claire.

Shawn: No--no. No, no, no. No, absolutely not. Now you're lying to me, tripp. You're lying.

Kayla: Shawn, shawn, come on.

Shawn: No, what are you guys doing? Why you guys gonna come in here, you're gonna accuse my daughter of something like that? No! What is this, a sick joke? Where is claire? Where is she? I want to talk to her.

Tripp: Claire took off. And she has ciara.

Hope: You don't want to do this. You don'T. We can't lose someone else we love, honey. Please. Let ciara live. Please. Please.

[Lighter clatters]

Ciara: [Crying]

Hope: Thank you. Thank you. Ciara!

Ciara: Mom!

Hope: Are you okay?

Ciara: I'm fine. I'm so sorry. You must have been so worried.

Hope: Oh. Oh, my god, baby. Oh, my god, you're sorry?

Ciara: I don't know. I'm just so happy to see you.

Hope: Come on. Come on, baby, let's get you checked out. Come on. Okay, ciara, come here. Come here.

Marlena: I've got this. Go ahead.

Claire: [Sobbing]

[Door shuts]

Marlena: I know, I know. -Guys, I want you to meet someone.

Rafe: Carrie, I'm sorry. You know, honestly, I had no idea. Hey. I'm here. You want to talk about it?

Carrie: I don't even know what to say. How pathetic is it that I have no idea how my marriage fell apart.

Eve: Jack, there's only one reason you would want that diary is because you want your old life back, including jennifer.

Jack: I wouldn't have married you if I wanted jennifer back. But I am still a father. And I want to be in jj and abigail's lives. Now, how can I do that if i don't even remember what I'm meant to be in their lives?

Eve: Jack. I lost a daughter and I would never stand in the way or stand in between you and your kids. I swear to you, but if-- honey, if that was just about reconnecting with your kids, then why lie to me? Why hide it?

Shawn: Look, there's gotta be a mistake here. There has to be. I mean, you know, claire loves ciara, all right? She loved you, all right? Just because you guys broke up? I mean, it doesn't make--what, she was not gonna try to kill you two.

Tripp: I'm sorry. Claire pretty much admitted it.

Shawn: Just like that? What, she just--she confessed?

Tripp: Ben, ciara, and i suspected that claire set the fires, but we didn't have any proof. So ciara and I arranged to have claire find us together. We figured it would set her off and she'd confess. And she did. She almost did. She flipped out, she held a knife to my throat, there was a struggle. I got knocked out. When I came to, her and ciara were gone.

Shawn: Claire needed help. And you ambushed her? You provoked her? You reject my daughter and you break her heart, then you think it's a good idea to set her up?

Tripp: I never meant to hurt her.

Shawn: No, you know what? Shut up! Whatever claire has done, you pushed her to do it. You did, tripp.

Kayla: Shawn--

Shawn: No!

Kayla: He was just trying--

Shawn: Yeah, I got it. He's trying to help. Listen, I gotta go find my daughter.

Ciara: [Sobbing]

Hope: Thank god you're okay. Thank god!

[Sighs] If I had lost you, I... I can't even think about it.

Ciara: It's okay. I'm okay, mom, really. It was just--I was terrified.

Hope: I know.

Ciara: Claire was acting all crazy and out of control, and i kept telling her that I loved her and that I wanted to help her and she kept saying that she wanted me gone. Mom, if you hadn't shown up when you did, I don't know--

Hope: We're here. We're here, honey. We're here, thanks to ben. He figured out claire brought you here.

Ciara: Thank you. Thank you so much. Mom. What's going to happen to her?

Hope: The police are gonna have to be contacted. But for right now, marlena will take care of her, honey. Come on, sweetheart.

Marlena: That's my girl. You did the right thing, mm-kay? Whatever happens next, I will be right here beside you. But I think first you need to get a towel and get some of that gasoline off of you.

[Dark, dramatic music]

[Lighter flicks] Claire. No.

Claire: I can't go back after what I've done. Everyone's gonna hate me. Please just go. Please. Please just leave me alone. My life is over. It's better for everyone if i just die.

[Solemn string music]

Once-daily toujeo helps you

Carrie: You know, austin and I were happy. We were living in switzerland, raising noah, loving our careers and each other. It all seemed pretty charmed until it wasn'T.

Rafe: What happened?

Carrie: [Sighs] We didn't fight. There was no drama. We just... dwindled. You know, we'd come home from work every day and have dinner, hang out with noah, help him with his homework, then austin would go watch soccer and I'd read a book.

Rafe: Hmm. You just stopped communicating?

Carrie: And then one day i woke up and realized we hadn't made love for months and that everything that was "us" didn't exist anymore. And that's when I knew we had a problem.

Jack: I should have told you about the diary. I should have. I'm committed to you. I'm committed to you and me. I'm committed to our future.

Eve: Jack. What kind of future are we gonna have if you take that serum, hm? What if the same thing happens to you that happens to will and you get a brain tumor? Mm-mm. I love you too much to lose you.

Jack: There's an antidote now.

Eve: It's been tested on one person, one! And yeah, will's alive, but we don't know anything about that serum. I mean, what are the risks? I mean, what if there are complications? What if it's temporary, jack? I want you to think about this. Think about it. Do you really want to risk your life just to recover your memory?

Jj: You must be exhausted. Why don't you get some sleep.

Haley: Sleep? That's the furthest thing from my mind right now. Especially being back here. All the memories. I remember the moment that I started to fall for you. We were sitting right there on that couch. And you were playing the guitar for me. And that was it.

Jj: Yeah.

Haley: Yeah.

Jj: When you sang, that's when I started to fall for you too. Or maybe it was when you set off the smoke alarm making dinner for us.

Haley: [Laughs] Shut up.

[Romantic music]

Hope: Shawn! Shawn!

Shawn: I just got your message. Tripp and kayla are in there. They're trying to tell me some crazy story, saying that claire tried to kill ciara.

Hope: It's true. Shawn, I'm so sorry. It's true. Honey.

Shawn: What? My god, oh, my god. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Ciara: Mm-hmm.


Shawn: I just cannot believe this. I mean, I knew that she was having problems after the breakup, but I didn't-- I didn't think it was gonna be this. Where is claire? Is she all right?

Hope: She's with marlena right now.

Marlena: Claire. Put down the lighter. Your life is not over.

Claire: I tried to kill tripp. I tried to kill ciara. And I love them. I tried to kill haley and all tripp did was try to help her. What kind of a monster am I? I'm certifiable. I--I'm worse than ben.

Marlena: Let me tell you something. There was a time when ben thought his life meant nothing at all. But he worked hard. He turned that around and he-- he made a life for himself. You can do that. I'm gonna help you do that. I love you so much. So many people do. You're just gonna have to trust in that. You're just gonna have to trust me.

Andrew wanted nothing to do with his volcano demonstration.

Jack: I'm well aware the risks. This is not a decision I make lightly. And I have made no decision yet.

Eve: Well, I guess that means I can still talk you out of it.

Jack: I'm so sorry that i went behind your back. We promised each other no secrets. I broke that promise. Can you forgive me?

Eve: There's nothing to forgive you for.

Jack: You are an amazing woman.

Eve: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, jack.

Jack: You--[Laughs] You, you, you, you, you.

Carrie: I can't believe I'm laying all this on you. I'm so sorry.


Rafe: Well, I did get that cup of coffee out of the deal, so it seems fair.

Carrie: [Laughs, sighs]

Rafe: Yeah. I will say that I thought it was good when you and austin left town last time. You know, I... couldn't help but wonder maybe we could have happened, and I thought about it.

Carrie: It seems like a lifetime ago.

Rafe: Yeah.

Carrie: But you're still the rock you always were.

Rafe: The rock, yeah. A little beaten up, so... listen, we're friends, right? We have history and you can talk to me. You know you can tell me anything, right?

Carrie: Yeah. I really appreciate that. I just felt pretty alone. And here I go sounding pathetic again. I'm sorry.

Rafe: No, no, you know, you sound like you need a friend, and, um... after losing hope, I get it. I know exactly how you feel.

Carrie: I'm sure it's been really rough for you.

Rafe: You know, maybe you and austin can work things out. See a counselor? Have you seen anyone?

Carrie: We did, yeah, but I was the only one going, and it's really hard to save a marriage when you're the only one fighting for it.

Rafe: Yeah. Hey.

Shawn: Wait, so you and tripp, you set a trap to get her to confess?

Ciara: I'm so sorry.

Shawn: No, don't be. I'm the one who should be sorry. Listen, my daughter almost killed you, twice.

Hope: Both girls are alive because of ben. He figured out where they were. We got there just in time, shawn.

Shawn: Thank you. Can't believe that I almost lost you. I'm so sorry.

Hope: She's okay now.

Shawn: What am I gonna do about claire? What if I've lost my daughter?

Hope: Hey. She's gonna need you. She is going to need us more than she ever has, shawn.

Shawn: I don't know how I'm gonna tell belle about this.

Claire: Do you really think that you can help me?

Marlena: I know I can. Because I know you. I know your big heart. I know how hard you try. And ever since you were born, you have been my little granddaughter who could. Oh, claire, you've got such a wonderful life ahead of you. I'm never gonna give up on it. I'm never gonna give up on you.

Claire: [Cries]

Marlena: Got you. I've got you, honey. I've got you. (Mom) is that for me?

[Strumming gently]

Haley: Baby love has been a savior and every day without your touch is like a wrecking wind

[Stops strumming]

 [Song continues]

Haley: Lately I find myself alone here but every time I see your smile oh, how the storms they clear baby


Haley: Well, I've been working so hard, this time say to me honey, you and I are something so real and each morning I wake you're sun in my day each morning I wake you're sun in my day your ghost in the morning drives me wild your ghost in the morning drives me wild dreams go by like a rose that's gone dry dreams go by like I knew they would baby  


Haley: Well, I've been working so hard this time say to me honey, you and I are something so real but each morning I wake you're sun in my day each morning I wake you're sun in my day each morning I wake you're sun in my day

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