Days Transcript Monday 07/1/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 07/1/19


Episode #13559 ~ Claire holds Ciara hostage. Hope, Ben, and Marlena find the two. Ted tells Kate about his plan to get a rescue.

Provided By Suzanne

Kayla: Rex, what are you still doing here?

Rex: Kayla, hi, hi.

[Keys tapping]

Kayla: It's your wedding night. Go home to your bride. Come on.

Rex: I know, I just--I have to leave these post-op instructions for a patient, so...

Kayla: Okay. So tell me, did you get a chance to call your dad? Tell him about the wedding?

Rex: Uh, eric actually beat me to the punch, but, um--no, he left me a long voicemail and he's like 66 2/3% happy for me and 33 1/3% upset because he didn't get invited to the wedding.

Kayla: You know roman. He always has to give everybody a hard time. But I'm sure he is happy for you.

Rex: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it sets him apart from maggie. And xander cook, by the way.

Kayla: Who cares if xander's happy? What--what does he have to do with anything?

Rex: He's got it bad for sarah. So bad, in fact, that he gave her a wedding gift when i was standing right there. Guy's just a class-a jerk all the way.

Sarah: Uh, xander gave it to me.

Hope: Xander? Kiriakis? When?

Sarah: Uh, earlier today.

Hope: Do you know where he got that necklace?

Sarah: [Sighs] It was a--a present. I didn't ask where he got it from, I just--what's all this about my necklace?

Hope: Looks exactly like the necklace--oh, yeah-- that ted laurent tried giving me. Actually, I think it was still on him the night he disappeared. So the question is, how the hell did xander get his hands on it?

Kristen: It is about time you got here.

Xander: What do you want now?

Kristen: Well, I thought kate dimera was no longer gonna be a problem, but she is. A big one.

Kate: So how would giving xander a necklace be our ticket out of here?

Ted: Well, as I said, i bought that necklace for hope--

Kate: Okay, let me guess. Let me guess. She didn't want it because she's fresh off a divorce and she still has feelings for her ex, who actually happens to be a substantial guy. Unlike the sleazy monsieur laurent.

Ted: Kate, are you gonna stop insulting me and get ready to listen to my plan?

Kate: Oh, my god, of course. Go on, go on.

Ted: Anyway, so I bought that necklace for hope but she--she never accepted it. But she got a good look at it. And rafe? Well, he saw it too. There was something of a scene.

Kate: Oh, really?

Ted: Mm-hmm. So I think the-- the necklace made a great impression. When xander locked me up in here I still had it, so I suggest to him that he will give it to sarah. So if hope sees sarah wearing it, she's gonna ask question, and she's gonna go after xander. 'Cause she's a good detective.

Kate: Mm. I see. So if xander gives sarah the necklace, and if sarah wears it, and if hope sees sarah wearing it, then all we have to count on is hope being a good detective. Well, trust me, my friend, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time here together.

Ben: Ciara? Ciara, are you here?

Marlena: [Gasps] Oh, my god.

Ben: Is he breathing?

Marlena: He's breathing, but he's got a nasty head wound. Tripp? Tripp? Open your eyes. Look at me. Can you hear me?

Tripp: [Grunts]

Marlena: Tell me what happened.

Ben: Tripp, where's ciara?

Tripp: Claire. Claire, we have--we have to stop her. We have to stop her.

[Sinister music]

Ciara: [Groans] Ow, my head. Oh. Oh, no, no. Not again! Oh, no, no!


[Groans] Come on!



Claire: Sorry for the déjà vu. You know, it might be a little bit over the top, but... I just thought it would be fitting. To take you back to the place where it all began, you know? So that we can put an end to this. Once and for all.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ben: They're not here.

Tripp: I have--I have to call ciara.

Marlena: No, no, no. You be still. There's an ambulance on the way.

Tripp: We have to stop her.

Ben: Tripp, what happened?

Tripp: Ciara and I tried to--tried to trick claire into confessing to--to setting the fires. She must have figured it out. She--she flipped out and she held a knife to my throat.

Marlena: Oh, my god!

Tripp: Ciara--ciara begged her to stop and I--I tried to pull away free and I--I fell, hit my head. And I--I must have knocked out. I--I don't remember what happened after that.

Ben: Okay, so where do you think they went?

Tripp: I--I don't know. All I know is claire is crazy. Crazy enough to kill.

Ciara: Claire, we have to go back. Tripp is hurt, okay? And it could be really bad.

Claire: Do you think I should care? 'Cause he doesn't care about me. Nope, not the way he cares about you or haley.

Ciara: Look, uh, I know you're hurting. I know you're really hurt, but you need to stop this before you go too far, okay?

Claire: [Laughs] Are you kidding? Ciara, either tripp is dead and I killed him...

Ciara: That was an accident.

Claire: Or he's alive and he's telling the police everything right now.

Ciara: Okay, but telling them what? You never actually confessed. He doesn't know anything--

Claire: Come on. Ciara, come on. It's--at this point it is too late. The truth is gonna come out that I am the one who set this cabin on fire, and that I am the one who tried to kill you. So there you are with your depression

Kayla: I don't get it. Why would sarah accept a necklace from xander?

Rex: Because he saved will's life and it's sarah's way of showing gratitude, I guess. Anyway, things were already really weird with my mom flipping out about the wedding and--

Kayla: Hurt that she wasn't included?

Rex: Yeah, how'd you guess?

Kayla: Mm.

Rex: But, you know, she was happy for me and sarah, just like my dad. I have an idea that I can throw a big wedding reception so everyone that wasn't invited to the wedding can just come to that. Well, actually, that was mom's idea. In fact...

Kayla: What?

Rex: Well, you know what? If--she won't hold a grudge if i say she can go ahead and plan this big bash, and sarah and i will love it.

Kayla: Yeah, uh-huh. Good luck with that.

Rex: Yeah, thanks.

Both: [Laugh]

Rex: [Sighs]

Ted: How nice to be incarcerated with someone so upbeat.

Kate: Oh, please. Don't tell me that you're attracted to hope because of her intellect. Really?

[Sighs] Hey, wait a minute.

Ted: What?

Kate: Maybe--maybe we got by that first hurdle. I just remembered, I saw xander give sarah a wrapped gift.

Ted: The necklace.

Kate: Yeah, yeah. Well, i mean, he told her to put it on, so--

Ted: We're halfway home. We halfway home. I swear, as soon as hope sees that necklace she's gonna go after xander in no time.


Kate: Oh, yeah, this is a real slam dunk. Any more straws that I can grab at now?

Ted: I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I'm always la coupe de champagne half full. I'm that kind of guy.

Kate: [Scoffs]

Ted: And this should marry really well with the little meal that xander left us.

Kate: Oh, really? Well, sweetheart, I can't believe that you're really gonna eat that, because don't you realize it's probably poisoned?

Ted: And why would he do that? Hmm? He kept us alive.

Kate: Well, maybe now he wants us dead, and he's gonna make it look like natural causes.

Ted: Kate, "natural causes"? Natural causes? This is a secret room. Good plan.

Kate: My god, you are such an idiot.

Ted: Well, at least I won't be a hungry idiot. Oh... mm.

Xander: I don't know what you're talking about. I just killed kate as per your instruction.

Kristen: Right, right. I got your text. Yes.

Xander: So what's your problem?

Kristen: I, nicole, ran into hope again, and--and she would not let up about ted. And I realized she was gonna keep asking questions so I--i sent her a "dear john" text from ted's phone. And I want you to do the same with kate'S. Send her loved ones a text so they don't get suspicious. Hmm? You did keep her phone, didn't you?

Xander: Yeah, of course. I took it off her before i dumped her in the... grave.

Kristen: Okay, so where exactly did you bury ted and kate?

Sarah: I mean, are you sure it's the same necklace? Maybe ted and xander just have the same taste in jewelry.

Hope: Yeah, I mean, sure. Yeah, it--it could be a coincidence. It's a pretty distinctive necklace though.

Sarah: Yeah, that's--that's true.

Hope: And ted's disappearance. Just so strange. Sarah, I got a message from him days ago saying that he had good news. Then I never heard from him again. That is, until tonight, when I, um, received a text--actually, moments ago-- saying that it was apparent that things would never work out for us, so he decided to leave salem for good.

Sarah: Well, that sounds like pretty typical masculine behavior to me. I am so sorry, that--that was insensitive. You're obviously hurting.

Hope: [Stammers] No, no, no, no. I'm not hurt, I'm concerned. Especially throwing xander into the mix. Yeah, there's definitely... there's definitely more to this story, I feel. Since my dvt blood clot

Ted: You sure you're not gonna have any of that? It's really good. I know it's not alain ducasse, but it's much better than the food you had me served when you had me imprisoned.

Kate: Oh, my god, you never let go of anything, do you?

Ted: You held me captive for three month thanks to you.

Kate: You had it coming to you. Actually, you deserved much worse than that.

Ted: Kate, it was just a little blackmail.

Kate: It wasn't just "a little blackmail." You were torturing my grandson while you were sleeping in my bed. It was a very personal betrayal.

Ted: [Sighs] I said I was sorry. What else can I do?

Kate: You can shut up. And give me a bite of that.

Ted: This?

Kate: Oh, wait, not that.

Ted: Potatoes?

Hope: All right, let's just say for the sake of argument that it is the same necklace. How did xander wind up with it?

Sarah: [Sighs] I'm so sorry, I--I really just don't know anything else other than what I've told you. I think maybe you should talk to xander.

Hope: You know where he is?

Sarah: He was just at the kiriakis mansion. He lives there. I'm sure you know that.

Hope: You know, if it's not too late, I think I'll pay him a little visit. Congratulations to your wedding. So happy for you. And rex. Bye.

Marlena: Here.

Ben: Claire's car is gone. They could be anywhere by now.

Marlena: We need some help here.

Ben: Look, hey, you can't call the cops right now. Eve won't believe any of this. She'll try to nail me instead of going after ciara.

Marlena: What makes you think I'm calling eve?

[Phone line ringing]

[Phone rings, beeps]

Hope: Hey, marlena, I--

Marlena: You've got to get to the loft right away. Ciara's gone missing.

Hope: I'm on my way.

[Phone beeps]

Ciara: I don't believe it, claire... I don't believe that you tried to kill me.

Claire: Cut the crap. You and tripp were trying to get me to confess, weren't you? You were never actually gonna sleep with him.

Ciara: No.

Claire: And you knew that i was the one who set those fires. Or at least you thought.

Ciara: Yeah, that's true. Ben and I have thought that for a while now. Um... when ben was arrested, we decided that I would pretend that I thought he was guilty to get you to let your guard down. And then I teamed up with tripp to get you to confess the truth.

Claire: Mm.

[Sighs] Okay, well... you got what you wanted.

Ciara: Trust me, this is not what I wanted. I did not want to believe that you could do that to me. I couldn'T. When ben first told me I said, "no, you are so wrong." That she is my best friend. She's my family, and no matter what we go through we love each other. Claire, why?

Claire: I did not mean to!

Ciara: Why did you try to kill me?

Claire: I didn't mean to! You know--I swear! I swear to god. Look, I--when I got here that night I was--I was here to save you!

Ciara: How did you even know where I was?

Claire: B-because I--I was on my laptop and your cellphone location popped up.

Ciara: That's exactly what i thought, but why didn't you tell anyone?

Claire: You know, 'cause i wanted to be the hero for once.

Ciara: Well, if you wanted to be the hero you should have skipped the arson. The attempted murder.

Claire: God, see? Even now you just can't help it.

Ciara: Help what, claire?

Claire: It's that superior attitude of yours. It--it just drives me absolutely crazy! You know, you treat me like I am incompetent. Like you are so much more pretty and smart and popular than I am, and...

[Long inhale] God, I don't know, when--when i got here that night and saw you... you were just...

[Laughs] You were lying there like a--like a--some sort of freaking sleeping beauty. Like the smug, not a care in the world sleeping beauty. And I hated you so much. I wanted to hurt you. You know? 'Cause you just kept taking all of these things away from me! You took theo! You took the contest! And you know, I--I'm convinced that you did it literally just because you could. You were so frickin' smug about it! So superior!

Ciara: Claire... I didn't take anything that wasn't--

Claire: Shut up! I was just staring down at you... knowing that you were never gonna stop.

[Sniffs] Then...

[Laughs] I realized that I could stop you. Ciara, I could make all of this pain and all of this rejection just go away. And then it was like fate. 'Cause I saw ben's lighter... and I--I don't really remember picking it up, but I must have because there it was in my hand. And then... the next thing I knew I was just--I was setting everything on fire. You would be out of my life. Forever. What patients don't realize is

Rex: Hi.

Sarah: [Laughs]

Rex: What's this hanging around your neck?

Sarah: Oh, god, here we go.

Rex: Is that, um--that new?

Sarah: Oh, yeah, this? Isn't it stunning? And the guy who gave it to me is so generous. And he has excellent taste. I mean, it must have cost a fortune.

Rex: Stunning. Hmm. No, I was thinking more garish.

Sarah: Oh, well, I can take it off.

Rex: No, no, please, leave it on. I mean, I have no problem with you wearing a piece of jewelry that some other man gave to you even when he knew that you were married to me. By all means, wear it. I just think it's a little gaudy, that's all.

Sarah: Okay, you know what? It is not gaudy or garish, and all joking aside, I couldn't exactly spit in xander's face after he gave us the diary that saved will's life.

Rex: Okay, okay. I--i understand, you're right. But let's be real here. He didn't give that diary to you in the interest of science. We both know what he's interested in.

Sarah: Oh, my god. Can we please not fight about a stupid necklace? Not on our wedding night.

Rex: Okay, yeah. Can I say one more thing?

Sarah: Can I please stop you?

Rex: Okay, you may not have been able to stop him from buying it. You may not have been able to stop him from giving it to you, but you could have said no. You didn't have to wear it. 'Cause now this sick creep has got it in his sick creep mind that he's branded you as his.

Sarah: Oh, my god, that is so ridiculous.

Rex: Really? You're wearing his necklace.

Sarah: It's a necklace, rex. Not an engagement ring. He knows damn well that I am married and that I basically can't stand him.

Rex: And you still accepted his gift.

Sarah: Because of will! Can we just drop this please? Can you just trust me enough to not obsess over xander and a stupid piece of jewelry?

Rex: Damn it, I trust you. I don't trust him. You need to realize how dangerous this man is.

Sarah: Okay. Okay, fine. I shouldn't wear the damn thing. It's just-- especially not now that there's suspicion over how it came into his possession.

Xander: I buried them in the woods on the far end of town.

Kristen: Yeah, and you sure no one's gonna find them there?

Xander: Look, don't second-guess me when I'm doing your dirty work for you. Get your own hands dirty for a change.

Kristen: Calm down, all right?

Xander: Sorry. Killing people doesn't exactly put me in the best mood.

Kristen: Oh, yeah, you being so fragile and moral and all. Look, I didn't come planning on killing ted and kate. It was either them or us, and you know it. And now you have to make sure that no one goes looking for kate. That's all.

[Phone beeps]

Xander: Oh, god.

Kristen: What?

Xander: Rexy just told his mommy that he's planning a wedding reception.

Kristen: [Chuckles] Oh, dear. Well, it looks like mommy is not going to make it.

[Suspenseful music]

Hope: Hey, I just saw tripp being loaded into an ambulance. What's going on?

Ben: Claire flipped out. She took ciara.

Hope: Oh, my god. Why?

Marlena: Tripp said she attacked him. He fell, he hit his head. By the time we got here both girls were gone.

Hope: Why would claire do that?

Ben: She was the one who set the first fire.

Hope: What?

Ben: She was the one who tried to kill ciara.

Hope: It can't be.

Ben: Hope, she also set the fire at the horton cabin.

Marlena: We've gotta find them both before it's too late.

Hope: Do you have any idea where they are?

Ben: Claire's car is gone. But criminals always return to the scene of the crime.

[Phone beeps]

Ciara: So he just set this place on fire and you left me here to die?

Claire: No, no, no. When I-- when I realized what I had done I came back here.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Claire: But you had already been saved. Your mom and rafe beat me to it.

Ciara: Oh, what? So you just thought no harm, no foul?

Claire: There you go again! It's that superior attitude! God.

[Laughs] Damn it, I mean, I--I felt really bad about all this. Stop looking at me like that. You have no clue what I felt. None. No, no, no, you just know that you were so much better than me, right? But the fact is, I don't--i don't know how to explain it. It's like I--it's like it was not even me. It was some other person.

Ciara: So you just let everyone believe that it was some other person? First ben and then jordan.

Claire: Oh, come on. They aren't exactly blameless.

Ciara: All right, well, what about tripp and haley? They did nothing to you, claire. Nothing. And you almost killed them too.

Claire: Tripp and haley were running away together.

Ciara: And that's an excuse to try to kill them?

Claire: It wasn't me! It was not me! I--I don't know how else to say it! I couldn't stop!

Ciara: And you still can't stop, claire! You need help. You need help, and if you untie me and we go back together i will make sure you get that help, okay?

Claire: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I just can't do that.

[Tense music]

Kate: How long do you think it would for poison to set in?

Ted: There was no poison. Are you going to, um...

[Sinister music]


Kate: Oh, my god. Are you okay?

Ted: Gotcha.

Kate: You are so childish.

Ted: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I gotta find a way to amuse myself.

Kate: [Scoffs]

Ted: I don't know how long it's gonna take hope to track us down, so I'm sorry.

Kate: Well, you know, I have to tell you that boredom isn't our big issue, okay? Because I don't think xander has a very good plan to keep us alive, and he might just end up deciding to eliminate us.


Ted: I'm sorry.

Rex: Cheers. Mm. So going back, do you think that xander stole this necklace from ted?

Sarah: Or he could have bought it off of him.

Rex: I think it's safer to assume the worst from this guy. No? You don't think so?

Sarah: Maybe he's trying to change.

Rex: [Laughs] Do you really believe that?

Sarah: My mom does!

Rex: Your mom sees the best in, like, everybody. Except for me.

Sarah: Oh, she'll come around.

Rex: Yeah, I'm not gonna hold my breath.

[Phone beeps] Sorry. It's my mom.

Sarah: What's wrong?

Rex: So I--I've been trying to soothe her feathers because we didn't invite her to our wedding. So I said she could plan a reception, you know, any time she wanted, but...

Sarah: What? What'd she say?

Rex: This is weird. Something's not right.

[Monitor beeping]

[Door opens]

Kayla: Well, you just can't get enough of this place, huh? I am going to keep you overnight for observation, okay? Just to rule out a concussion.

Tripp: No, no, I--I can't stay. I gotta--I have to go find ciara.

Kayla: Ciara?

Rex: Yeah.

Kayla: What--what's going on? No, no, come on, take it easy. No, no, no. Tripp, come on. Take it easy.

Hope: Yeah. Thanks, eli. Hey, keep this on the down-low, okay? I will. I'll let you know if I need backup.

[Phone beeps] You were right. I had eli check the cctvs near route 17. He got a positive id on claire's license plate.

Ben: So she's headed for the cabin.

Hope: Yeah, and so am I.

Ben: I'm going with you.

Ciara: [Weeping] Claire, you're only making things worse for yourself. You know that, right?

Claire: The one thing I'm good at.

Ciara: Listen... if you just let me go and untie me I will get them to understand why you did what you did. I will do everything in my power to help you. Please.

Claire: Really? Really? Since when do you care about me?

Ciara: Since I can remember, claire.

Claire: Um, hello?

[Laughs] Okay, do--do you remember coming back from hong kong and vowing to get me because of theo? I mean, props to you. You--you followed through. You got me good.

Ciara: Okay, you're right. You're right. We did do some things to each other. Very bad things. But we can start over and fix this, claire. Just like I fixed maggie's figurine.

Claire: I'm not some damn figurine! I'm me! And you know, it--honestly, it's too late. It's too late. My life is over. And I'm going down, I am sure as hell taking you with me.

[Sinister music]

I wanted more from

Kayla: Look, I know that you are scared about ciara. I am, too. But there is nothing that we can do about it.

Tripp: But claire is going to hurt her.

Kayla: Tripp, tripp, listen to me. Hope knows what's going on and she's going to handle it. Now, if you're going to keep fighting me I am going to order restraints.

Tripp: You can't do that.

Kayla: Yes, I can. I am the chief of staff and I can do whatever I deem necessary. Listen, you have a head injury and we need to be careful. All right?

Tripp: This is all my fault.

Kayla: No, it is not your fault. Listen, you know how much I love claire. But it sounds like she's mentally unstable.

Tripp: I--I made it worse when I married haley. I mean, you--you told me yourself. You told me yourself how unfair it was to claire and--and I knew what she was like, and I did it anyway.

Kayla: Okay, okay, it wasn't fair. But that is not why claire set the fire or--or why she kidnapped ciara. You know, I misspoke before. I mean, what's happening with claire, it goes beyond mental instability. I mean, I'm not a psychiatrist, but, you know, it sounds to me like psychotic behavior.

Tripp: Sounds like what I did to you when you killed my mom--or I thought you did. I came after you with a scalpel.

Kayla: Tripp, come on. You were pressed. Pressed very hard. You were alone in the world, and the vitalis did everything they could to make you hate me.

Tripp: It doesn't excuse what I did.

Kayla: You were troubled, and you made mistakes. But you got past them.

Tripp: Because of you and steve.

Kayla: No, because of family. And claire is troubled, and she's making mistakes, but her family is gonna do everything they can to help her. Listen, you cannot take this on yourself.

Tripp: You know, I never got to meet my biological mom. My--my adopted mom died when i was really young. I barely even remember her. So in A... in a way you're, um, the only mom I've ever known. I just... I just want to say I'm so lucky to have you in my life.

Kayla: I'm the lucky one, tripp.

Rex: "Going out of town on official titan business. Don't know when I'll be back."

Sarah: What's not right about that?

Rex: It just sounds so cold. Don'T.

Sarah: I'm biting my tongue so much.

Rex: Yes, my mom can be cold.

Sarah: Oh, come on. Only on days that end in "Y."

Rex: What's weird about this is that she always ends her texts in "xoxoxo." Even when she's laying into me it's all hugs and kisses at the end.

Sarah: Yeah, she's a real sweetie, that one. I am sorry. No, really, I am. I--I shouldn't be so flip.

Rex: No, you're right. My mom is not exactly a walk on the beach, but you know what? That was our wedding, and I'm not gonna let her ruin today or tonight.

Sarah: And she won't, but why not just text her back and be nice and just say that we'll see her when she gets back.

Rex: You are such a good daughter-in-law.

Sarah: Yeah, well, I have heard stories, and I do not want to get on kate dimera's bad side.

Rex: [Laughs]

Ted: Okay, maybe you're right. But I think xander meant to keep us alive. He may have a change of heart, but hope will find us in time.

Kate: You know, I can't stop thinking about being stuck in here. And trying so hard to be optimistic and to believe that someone was gonna rescue us.

Ted: Right. So they did.

Kate: Yeah, yeah. John black and his son paul, they burst in and they--they saved us, but it was at the very last minute and I was suffocating. And I thought I was gonna die and...

Ted: You were? Just--just you?

Kate: No, not just me. Vivian and marlena, okay? And seriously, if I wasn't drinking champagne I think i would have killed vivian.

Ted: Well, eventually you did kill vivian.

Kate: [Laughs] In self-defense. You know, I can't decide which was worse: Being stuck in here with her or being stuck in here with you.

Ted: Thank you.

Kate: [Scoffs]

Ted: [Sniffing]

Xander: "Have a good trip, mom. Call me when you get a chance. Sarah and I will see you when you get home, xoxoxo." What a wimp.

Kristen: Well, this is gonna be a lot harder than with ted.

[Sighs] Hope is the only person in the world that gives a damn about him. Kate's spawned half a dozen kids, and texts are just gonna keep them at bay for so long.

Xander: Well, maybe we shouldn't have killed her.

Kristen: How else were we gonna keep them quiet?

Xander: Oh, gee, I don't know. Maybe we could have paid her. Her morals are totally situational, and there's not much she won't do for money.

Kristen: Well, it's a little late for that. Unless she comes back from the dead too. I hear that's quite the rage here in salem.

Xander: Well, maybe in the future we can at least try not to kill people.

Kristen: Well, we can try. But I'm not gonna make any promises.

Xander: Have you ever stopped to think that maybe brady black and dimera enterprises aren't worth all this trouble?

Kristen: No. And I am starting to sense a little squeamishness from you. Hmm? Please tell me your crush on sarah horton isn't making you go soft.

Xander: I just don't want to get caught.

Kristen: We won'T. Hope's off the scent and--and we'll deal with kate's family. There's no way this can come back and bite us. Hmm?

Rex: [Sighs]

[Sighs] I hope you don't mind getting this food to go. I just really want to be alone with you.

Sarah: [Laughs]

Rex: And since eric so nicely offered to spend the night at my dad's, we got the whole place to ourselves.

Sarah: So we came home early so that we could eat in private?

Rex: Which we will. Once we work up an appetite. Okay, you know what? We gotta take this necklace off. Sorry. Sorry.


Sarah: [Laughs]

Rex: Here. Come here.

Kate: I cannot believe my life depends on hope and a stupid necklace.

[Sighs] What did I ever do to deserve this?

Ted: Oh, katarina. Where should I start?

Kate: Shut it. Please, god. Please, god, let my children know that I am missing. Please don't let me die in here. With him.

Kayla: Hope didn't pick up. Hopefully she's going after claire and ciara as we speak.

Tripp: I just hope she's not too late.

Ciara: [Gasps]

[Gasps] No, no. Claire, please wait! Wait, wait, wait! Wait, you don't have to do this! Claire!

Claire: This is the only way. This is the only way that things will change. I--I cannot be the loser again. I cannot let you win.

Ciara: Claire, look at me. Look at me! This is not the answer, okay? This is not the answer. I love you!

Claire: I--I need--

Ciara: And I know you love me too!

Claire: I need--I need this pain to go away, okay? I need this pain to go away. And I need you to go away.

[Lighter clicks]

[Shaky breathing]

Ciara: [Weeping]

[Sinister music]

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