Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 6/28/19
Episode #13558 ~ Marlena gets Ben to open up about Claire. Kristen throws Hope off the scent.
Provided By Suzanne
Marlena: Ben.
Ben: Hi.
Marlena: Hi. I heard you were released on bail.
Ben: Yeah, thanks to justin.
Marlena: Well, I would think you'd be a little happier about that. Are you okay?
Ben: No, I'm not. I'm worried about ciara.
[Alarm blaring]
Claire: What the hell is going on?
Ciara: Claire, we thought you were sleeping.
Claire: How in god's name could I have slept through that noise?
[Alarm continues to blare]
Tripp: All right, there we go. That's better.
Claire: What the hell?
Tripp: It's just probably the smoke from all the candles.
Claire: Oh, my god. I don't give a damn about the freaking candles! No, no, no. What are you two doing practically naked?
[Tense music]
Jj: Haley, what are you doing here? How did you get away? Come in.
Haley: Uh...
Jj: You know what? It doesn't matter, 'cause all that matters is that you're here and we can run. I have a bag ready to go.
Haley: Jj, wait. I'm not back so we can run away again. I'm back to stay.
[Suspenseful music]
Ted: You've been out too long. You've been out way too long. Wake up. This can't be good. Hopefully, this will do the trick.
Come on, kate.
Kate: [Coughing] Are you trying to kill me?
Ted: Look, I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead. I'm sorry.
Kate: I thought you were dead.
[Phone rings]
Xander: [Groans]
[Phone rings] What do you want?
Kristen as nicole: Nice tone.
Xander: It's been a long day.
Kristen as nicole: Well, i got your text. Is kate really dead?
Xander: That's what the text said.
Kristen as nicole: I just wanted to hear you say those magic words. She got what she deserved. So did ted.
Xander: Trust me, it's handled. I killed them both.
[Phone beeps]
Sarah: Who did you kill?
[Ominous music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Hope: Oh, nicole. Hey, wait, nicole. Sorry, I, um... I'm surprised to see you out and about.
Kristen as nicole: Yeah.
Hope: I heard you were sick.
Kristen as nicole: Horrible bug. I just went to the pharmacy to get some stuff. I thought maybe some fresh air would help.
Hope: Well, actually, you do look a little pale.
Kristen as nicole: Ah--yeah. How did you know I was sick?
Hope: How di--well... I heard you missed your first day at dimera enterprises.
Kristen as nicole: What is with you people? Don't you have anything better to do than sit around and talk about me?
Kate: Oh, my god, my head's killing me. It's killing me. Oh, you have to be kidding. The dimera tunnels? Oh, god.
Ted: Kate, you've been here before?
Kate: Yes! Yes, yes, I was trapped here before. And believe me, the company was not much better.
Ted: Right. So there's no other way out?
Kate: No, we're screwed. Get your own.
Ted: You know, it wouldn't be so terrible if we tried to get along. Close quarters and all.
Kate: What are you even doing alive? Xander cook said he killed you.
Xander: The newlywed.
Sarah: I heard you say, "i killed them both," xander. So who did you kill?
Xander: I wasn't actually talking about killing...people. I was talking about fake news stories.
Sarah: News stories?
Xander: Fake ones. I found out "the spectator" was about to publish two negative pieces on titan.
Sarah: You do know there's a difference between negative stories and fake stories, right?
Xander: Of course I do, but these were patently false, based on bad information, so as an executive vice president, i thought it was my duty to take action for the sake of the company.
Sarah: Oh. Well, good for you.
Xander: I must say I'm curious. This is your wedding night, and you're all alone. Is there any chance that you've come to your senses and dumped that lying, cheating husband of yours?
Marlena: What about ciara? Why are you worried about her?
Ben: You know what? I can handle this myself.
Marlena: Yeah. You know, I'm still your doctor of record, so our doctor-patient confidentiality is still in place in case you want to talk about something. You know what? Why don't we do that? Come on. I'll buy us some chowder.
[Somber music]
Tripp: [Clears throat]
Ciara: [Clears throat] Okay, claire, it's not what you think--
Claire: The hell it isn'T. You just had sex.
Tripp: No, we didn't--
Claire: Oh, okay, so you were about to?
Ciara: No, claire, I swear--
Claire: Shut up! No, no this is exactly what you wanted. Oh, and is this why you broke up with me, tripp, so you could go get naked with ciara again?
Tripp: No, no, claire, listen to me for a second.
Claire: Oh, so you can tell me more lies?
Tripp: Look, we really are sorry, claire.
Ciara: Yeah.
Tripp: I don't know, it's kind of weird. Ben setting those fires and trying to kill us actually ended up bringing us closer together--
Claire: Oh, my god, stop it! Freaking stop!
Jj: What do you mean you're here to stay?
Haley: It's totally crazy. I was waiting at the ice detainment center with melinda, waiting to board our flight to beijing, and all of a sudden, this official tells us we're not going.
Jj: What happened?
Haley: Well, it turns out that my sister--my mom and her ex-husband were donors to some senator, and so she asked him to intervene.
Jj: Why didn't melinda tell you about this before?
Haley: She just didn't want to get my hopes up in case there was nothing he could do.
Jj: So, what now?
Haley: It's still not settled. I'm still not legal, and it could still take years, but at least while I'm fighting for my green card, I can be here with you.
[Sentimental music]
Haley: [Giggles]
Ted: And when I was going through the boxes in my office, there it was. Holly's original autopsy report. The one that proved that the dna of the child killed in that car crash wasn't holly.
Kate: How is that even possible?
Ted: I bet xander manipulated the results of the autopsy.
Kate: So it's possible that holly's alive, which would be a miracle.
Ted: And I thought nicole would think the same thing, but no. When I gave her the news, she took a fire poker to my head. Next thing I know, I woke up here. Then xander-- he showed up with a gun, attempting to finish the job.
Kate: So why didn't he?
Sarah: Of course I didn't dump rex.
Xander: So where's the groom?
Sarah: He was called into surgery. Now, if you'll excuse me--
Xander: Wait, wait. I...I hate to see a beautiful woman all alone on her wedding night.
Sarah: No, it's fine.
Xander: No, it's not. And I have just the thing.
Sarah: No, really--
Xander: You're gonna love it. Please, just don't move. I won't be long.
[Dramatic music]
Hope: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you by any means. I'm concerned.
Kristen as nicole: Well, what do you expect from a mother who just lost her child? I mean, my nerves are shot. I don't even know how I'm walking around. Now, if you'll just... if you don't mind.
Hope: If I could just please ask you a few questions about ted laurent.
Kristen as nicole: Well, it's the same answer from the last time you asked me, okay? I barely know the guy. I know nothing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really need to go lie down.
[Dramatic string music]
Marlena: Is this about your arrest? Are you afraid that ciara will think less of you?
Ben: No. Ciara and I are solid. She knows I didn't set either of those fires and that eve's just trying to frame me.
Marlena: Well, then why are you so concerned?
Ben: Because ciara is determined to prove that I'm innocent. I try to wave her off the idea. She won't listen to me. Dr. Evans, right now, she's putting herself at risk trying to get a confession out of the person who really set those fires.
Marlena: Are you saying that you know who set the fires?
Ben: I do.
Claire: You wanted me to find you here, didn't you?
Ciara: Uh, excuse me?
Claire: Yeah. You know how much I love tripp, and you just wanted to rub it in that you can win again.
Ciara: That's not true.
Claire: All you've ever done is hurt me.
Tripp: Whoa, claire, come on.
Ciara: All I've ever done is hurt you? You stole theo from me. You stole the face of bella contest from me, and now you stole tripp!
Tripp: Okay, maybe we should take this down a notch, all right?
Claire: What tripp and I had was special, ciara, and you took that away from me. You ruined it!
Ciara: You ruined it. You lied to him. You tricked him. You busted him to the police. That's why he doesn't wanna be with you, claire. You're just too damn needy to see it.
[Ominous music]
Claire: What the hell is this doing here?
To most, he's phil
mickelson pro golfer.
Sarah: [Laughs] What's this?
Xander: Just a little something I whipped up. Thank you. Come on, join me.
Sarah: It's just that rex and I are going to be having dinner to celebrate this once he's out of surgery. This is lovely.
Xander: But you must be hungry. It is getting a little late. And who knows how long surgery will take? Who's the patient anyway? Not your sister, I hope.
Sarah: Really?
Xander: Sorry, but what better way to apologize than with champagne?
Sarah: You are relentless.
Xander: Part of the charm.
Sarah: [Sighs]
Xander: To love?
Sarah: Why not?
[Dramatic music]
Xander: Huh. I see you still haven't opened my wedding gift. So, what d'you say? Please? No time like the present.
Ted: Xander didn't kill me, because I convinced him that I was much more valuable to him alive than dead.
Kate: You know, I don't understand any of it, I really don'T. I mean, nicole walker ordering people killed. It just-- it just doesn't make any sense at all.
[Phone beeps]
[Line trilling]
Kristen as nicole: Where the hell are you, xander?
[Phone beeps] All those stupid questions about ted.
[Chuckles] Oh, that bitch with a bone has gotta go. And if I want it done right, i gotta do it myself.
Marlena: Ben. Tell me who set the fires.
Ben: You know, maybe i shouldn't have said anything.
Marlena: You trust me, don't you?
Ben: Yes.
Marlena: Well, then trust me enough to tell me. Who did it?
Ben: I don't wanna hurt you.
Marlena: Why would you hurt me?
Ben: 'Cause it's somebody that you love. Dr. Evans, it was your granddaughter. Claire was the one who set those fires.
Claire: This looks exactly like the lighter that ben used to set those fires.
Tripp: Really? No, it's just the lighter we used to light the candles.
[Tense music]
Claire: All I ever did was love you... wanna be with you, make you happy. I was never quite enough, was I?
Tripp: No, that is not true, claire.
Claire: You said that ciara would need you, that you would need each other, but I needed you, tripp, and you didn't care.
Ciara: We weren't trying to hurt you, claire. It's just that...well, tripp and I have this connection, and I think ben even knows about it too. Even back at the cabin when he was taking care of me, I think he knew that I was never really over tripp, and that's why he lost his mind and started the fire--
Claire: You are so stupid! Ben was not the one who lost his mind! He didn't--
[Phone beeps]
[Suspenseful music]
[Phone beeps]
[Phone beeps]
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Ciara: Is it important?
Claire: No. No, it's nothing.
Ciara: So, what were you gonna say about ben?
Tripp: Yeah, "he didn't" what?
Claire: Nothing. I don't know. Sorry, wow, so me, right? Totally lost it. And you know how I get. You know, these words just start coming out of my mouth.
Ciara: It's all right, claire. You can--you can tell us anything.
Claire: It's kind of funny that ben and I actually have something in common. You know, this insane connection that you and tripp have. Ben and I never really stood a chance, did we? I get it. I do, and I think you're both right. So, tripp, it is over for us. It is absolutely over. I mean that. No more jealousy, no more tantrums, no more of me being so...needy.
Ciara: Claire...
Claire: I'm just gonna pack my stuff and go. This is not my first time being rejected, you know. I'll get used to it. I am getting used to it. So, really, knock yourselves out. Have sex all over this apartment. I really do not care.
Ciara: There's no need to just take off. Let's keep talking. I think it's important.
Claire: Hmm. What else is there to say?
[Suspenseful music]
Xander: Go on, I think you'll like it.
Sarah: You know, a wedding gift is really supposed to be for the bride and the groom.
Xander: And like I said, rex will love looking at you wearing it. Ergo, it's for both of you.
Sarah: Okay, yeah. Fine. Wow. It's beautiful.
Xander: You like?
Sarah: I--I've never seen anything like it. I really--I can't accept this.
Xander: I insist. A beautiful necklace for a beautiful woman.
Sarah: No, it's too much.
Xander: There's no such thing if it brings a smile to your face.
Sarah: No, but I don't--
Xander: Relentless, remember? Which is why I have to insist that you at least try it on.
Sarah: Okay.
Xander: May I?
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
[Tender music]
Xander: Sorry.
You outshine that necklace. I don't understand how anyone could cheat on you in a million years.
[Phone beeps]
Sarah: [Laughs] Rex is out of surgery. We're gonna meet at doug's place.
Xander: Ah, yes, the celebratory dinner.
Sarah: I'm so sorry that you went to all this trouble making this meal.
Xander: It's no problem. More for me, right?
Sarah: Enjoy it.
Xander? Thank you.
Haley: I feel like I'm home. Is that weird?
Jj: Right where you should be. Who knows? You might even be making some linguini aioli here pretty soon.
Haley: Without setting off the smoke alarm this time, i promise. And maybe afterwards you can swoon me with your guitar.
Jj: Only if you'll sing. Haley, when you told me to forget about you and move on, I didn't make that promise, because there was no way I was gonna let that happen, even if you were in china. So much easier now that you're here, no?
Haley: I didn't know how i was gonna live without you.
Jj: I was dreading every day that wasn't gonna have you in it. So I guess we're in the same boat. How do you say that in chinese?
Haley: Same boat, um... we don'T. We say "tong bing," which is-- it's the same idea, but the literal translation is: "We have the same sickness."
Jj: Well, I'm cured now. You're here. You're safe. And we're fighting this together. You know that? I am with you every step, whatever it takes, 'cause I'm not about to lose you again. Wo ai ni. You said those words to me the day you left. You told me those words meant "thank you." I know now that what you said was "I love you."
[Romantic music]
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Haley: I had to tell you how I felt. I mean, the idea that i would never see you again or be able to tell you those words...
Jj: So you said them in chinese.
Haley: Yeah.
Jj: Look at me. All I have wanted to say to you from the moment I learned what you really meant-- actually, even before that-- is that I love you too, haley chen.
Kate: I followed xander. Followed him and where does he end up? He ends up at nicole's room too. And that's when I heard that he had killed you.
Ted: Did you put your ear to the door?
Kate: Oh, my god, well, they weren't exactly gonna invite me in, now were they? But do you know what happened? The door opened and he dragged me inside.
Ted: And how did he know you were there?
Kate: I don't know. Last thing I remember is that he had his gun pointed at me and then someone hit me on the back of the head.
Ted: Nicole strikes again.
Kate: I'm not so sure about that. I'm really not sure that it was nicole.
Ted: Who else would it be?
Kate: While I was listening through the door, it wasn't very clear. I mean, I heard a woman's voice, but I'm not sure it was nicole.
Ted: Did you recognize it?
Kate: You know, this is going to sound really insane, but that voice sounded like kristen dimera.
Kristen as nicole: "Hope, you self-centered bitch. You think the world revolves around you, but guess what. It doesn'T."
[Laughs] Oh, god, I wish I could send this. But I'm not. Poor lovesick ted is. So... "my dear, beautiful hope"... our relationship means more to me than you can ever know. But after... serious soul searching, I realized I'm not good enough for you. You are so perfect, and I am so not."
Marlena: [Exhales] Claire set the fires?
Ben: I know you love her, and I know it's the last thing that you wanna hear, but yes, it's the truth.
Marlena: Tell me why you believe it.
Ben: Remember when I asked you to hypnotize me, and I told you I heard that fragment of music back at the cabin?
Marlena: Of course.
Ben: Well, I heard it again. Claire was serving ciara and i back at the café. It was her ringtone. She wrote it. That's when it hit me. She set that first fire, and then she set the second fire at the horton cabin that almost killed tripp and haley.
Marlena: Look, I've talked to claire. I know how upset she was about the breakup with tripp.
Ben: Okay, well, did she say anything to you? Like, any type of clue, or...
Marlena: Nothing that I can divulge.
Ben: You believe me, don't you?
Marlena: I do. I just--I had no idea that... claire was capable of doing anything like this.
[Foreboding music]
Ciara: Say something.
Tripp: All right, look, let's--don't go like this. All right, let's just talk.
Claire: [Panting]
Tripp: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[Both breathing heavy]
[Dramatic music]
I wanted more from
Ted: You're right about one thing. This sounds completely insane. Kate, kristen dimera is dead.
Kate: I know. I know, but she is a dimera. She's come back from the dead before. They always do.
Ted: Between that bump on your head and the champagne, i think you're overthinking this.
Kate: No. Nope, I am onto something. I'm sure of it. What if nicole... is hiding kristen in that room?
[Eerie music]
Kristen as nicole: "Au revoir, mon amour."
[Phone beeps]
[Phone beeps]
Hope: Finally. What? "As much as I care for you, it's apparent that a relationship between us would never work. That's why I've decided to leave salem for good. Given the pain of this decision, I hope you'll understand that i think it's best we cut off all contact. Au revoir, mon amour, ted."
Marlena: Wait. Wait, if you believe that claire set the fires, why didn't you go to the police?
Ben: I did. I told eve deveraux everything. She doesn't give a damn. She's trying to hang these fires on me to punish me for what i did to paige.
Marlena: Oh. So we have a commissioner who is more intent on revenge than on saving lives.
Ben: Yeah.
Marlena: Well, then I see why you're concerned about ciara. And you said she's going out to get a confession?
Ben: I told her not to do it. I told her the whole thing could backfire, and she could be put into danger.
Marlena: What are they going to do?
Ben: She's working with tripp, which I guess makes me feel a little bit better. At least she'll have a small amount of backup if anything got out of hand.
Marlena: Ben, what is the plan?
Ben: They're gonna make claire so jealous that she loses it. They're hoping that she freaks out, confesses, so that they can record it.
Marlena: Oh, that's a bad plan.
Ben: Yeah.
Marlena: I mean, she's so fragile right now, who knows what she'll feel or what she'll go and do.
Ben: I tried to tell ciara, okay? I told her over and over again, the worst thing she could do would be to press claire's buttons, but the girl doesn't listen to me.
Marlena: Okay, okay. Where are they right now?
Ben: They're at the loft.
Marlena: We've gotta stop this before something happens.
[Sinister music]
Ciara: Claire, what are you doing? Put down the knife.
Claire: Stop right there! You think I'm so dumb. You both think you're so much better than me.
Tripp: That's not true, claire.
Claire: I mean, you almost slit kayla's throat, tripp. You're not exactly a freaking saint.
Ciara: Claire, you don't wanna do this, okay?
Claire: You used me, you used me and you jerked me around. It would serve you right if i slit your throat right now.
Tripp: Claire, claire, claire, claire, it's okay--
Claire: Shut up!
Ciara: Claire, claire, look at me. Look at me, listen to me, okay? Tripp is not the one you hate, it's me, okay? It's been me all along. It's always been me. You've hated me because of theo, you've hated me because of the bella contest, but tripp, you love him. Look at him, you love him. You don't wanna hurt him. You don't wanna hurt him, so please just put down the knife.
Tripp: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, claire. It's okay.
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[Sentimental music]
Jj: I meant what I said to you before you left. I've never felt more alive than when I'm with you.
Haley: And I've never felt so safe, so sure of what I want.
Ted: Why would nicole hide kristen?
Kate: I don't know. I mean, I don't know. Maybe she's threatening her. Maybe she's controlling her. I mean, that would make sense. That would make sense of the way nicole is behaving.
[Suspenseful music]
Ted: Hey.
Xander: Good to see you alive and well, kate.
Kate: No thanks to you, xander.
Xander: Well, I hope you're hungry.
Kate: To hell with your food. I don't want your food. I want some answers.
Xander: You're not exactly in a position to make demands.
Kate: I wanna know who knocked me out, okay? Was it kristen? Yeah, kristen. Is kristen alive?
Xander: Of course not. She's dead, just like you will be if you don't eat something.
Kate: Oh, what are you going to do? You gonna shoot him?
Ted: Kate, please.
Kate: I hope you don't expect me to thank you for the food.
Xander: That never crossed my mind. Oh, thanks again for that necklace, mate.
Ted: You're welcome. I'm starving.
Kate: Necklace? What necklace?
Ted: It was a gift I got for hope, but she never accepted. Now, I'm hoping that this will be our ticket home.
[Dramatic music]
Hope: Goodbye, ted.
[Phone beeps]
[Phone beeps]
Sarah, I... where'd you get the necklace?
Ben: Ciara! Ciara, you in there?
Marlena: [Gasps]
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