Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 6/27/19
Episode #13557 ~ Claire admits something to Shawn. Clara and Tripp are plotting against Claire. Stefan and Gabi share a romantic evening. JJ gets surprised.
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: Yes, that is two orders of the pesce all'acqua pazza, the dessert special, and could you also bring a bottle of prosecco? Yeah, it's room 318, and I will let the nurses know to expect y okay, thank you.
Will: Let me guess. Tonight, we are honeymooning on the amalfi coast.
Sonny: Freshest seafood in the world. And then tomorrow, you can pick the destination.
Will: Awesome. I love this idea of spending our honeymoon each night in a different place, but I'm hoping that tomorrow, we'll be able to spend the night at home...
Sonny: I want that too, but since they haven't signed off on releasing you yet, I thought maybe it would be cool if I could bring a bit of home to you.
Will: [Gasps] Ari!
Arianna: Mommy said you're all better.
Will: Well, if I wasn't before, I am now.
[Tender music]
[Soft dramatic music]
Jack: [Sighs softly]
Eve: Coffee, mr. Mayor?
Jack: Thank you.
Eve: [Chuckles] You know, why don't we take these coffees and go home? I mean, I've had a hell of a day and there is nothing that i would like more than to spend a very quiet relaxing evening with my handsome husband.
Jack: [Sighs] That sounds wonderful, but unfortunately, I'm gonna have to pass on dinner.
Eve: Really?
Jack: Yeah.
Eve: Why? What's going on?
Jack: I got work tonight.
Eve: Tonight? But--what?
Jack: Constituents. I gotta meet with the constituents and talk about some boring stuff--zoning, budgets, you know?
Eve: Okay. Well, I'll-- I'll pick up some take out. You want me to order something for you?
Jack: Uh, no. I don't know when I'm gonna be back, but I'll be back. I'll see you at home. Thank you for the coffee.
Eve: Okay.
Jack: I'll see you at home.
Eve: [Laughs softly]
[Door slams]
Jj: Hey.
Tripp: Hey.
Jj: Glad to see they didn't fire you for missing work.
Tripp: Oh, you mean all that stuff with haley? Nah, they just docked my pay. I got off easy compared to you. I'm sorry to hear about your dad--you know, trying to put you into prison.
Jj: Thank you. But I wouldn't exactly say you got off easy. You and haley almost died in that fire set by ben weston. Why the hell was that psycho ever allowed to run free?
[Knocking on door]
Ciara: You're out of jail.
Ben: Justin got me out on bail.
Ciara: Oh, my god. It is so good to see you. You really shouldn't be here. What if claire was here?
Ben: No, I saw her. She was headed to the pub with her dad. I know we're safe. I missed you so much.
Ciara: I missed you too.
[Romantic music]
[Upbeat music playing on radio]
Shawn: What, you gonna that, or are you just gonna keep poking at it with your fork?
Claire: I'm fine, dad! Look, I'm actually an adult now in case you haven't noticed, so I don't need my parents looking over my shoulder every second trying to make sure that I don't make a mess out of my life.
Shawn: Okay, claire, all I asked was if you were gonna eat your salad.
Claire: I know. I know. I'm sorry. I know what you said. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost it like that.
Shawn: Hey, what's going on?
Claire: I'm just bummed about me and tripp.
Shawn: Okay, well, are you sure that it's over?
Claire: Yup. Yeah, he made that pretty clear. Honestly, I can't blame him for ending things with me-- not after what I did.
Shawn: What do you mean? I mean, what did you do?
[Suspenseful music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Will: And we have all kinds of plans for the summer, don't we, sonny?
Sonny: Oh, yeah, lots of really fun plans.
Will: You wanna hear them? Okay, so, we are seeing fireworks on fourth of july. Obviously we are gonna ride the ferris wheel at the state fair.
Gabi: Mm.
Will: We're gonna go camping by the lake.
Gabi: Wow, that's a long list of fun, but you know, your daddy will's gonna need a lot of rest. He's gonna need the strength for that, so why don't we-- why don't we go and let him do that, huh? Let's go.
Arianna: Do we have to go, mommy?
Gabi: Um, yeah. Your daddy--he needs his rest.
Will: But you guys can come back tomorrow, right? Thanks for bringing her.
Gabi: Mm. Come here, ari. Let's go. Yeah, he'll come see you really soon.
Sonny: Can I get a hug? Can I get a hug? Bring it in.
Gabi: All right, you ready? Say bye.
Arianna: Bye, daddy will. Bye, daddy-daddy.
Sonny: Bye, sweetheart, bye.
Will: Bye.
Sonny: Bye, gabi.
Gabi: Bye.
Sonny: [Smooches]
[Door rattles]
Jj: It was horrible-- what ben did to you.
Tripp: Yeah, I mean, what a psycho, like you said.
Jj: [Stammers] And I don't understand it, because if he hated you because of everything that went down with ciara, why would he wait so long to go after you?
Tripp: I just want whoever is guilty to get what they deserve.
Jj: Whoever's guilty? Ben is guilty. The police caught him with the lighter in his hand.
Tripp: Right, right.
Jj: Look, I'm-- I've never been a fan of eve, especially after the way she went after haley, brainwashed my father, but I'm with her on this. Ben needs to stay locked up. It's the only way to keep ciara safe.
Ciara: It's not safe here, ben. If somebody sees you, they'll know that I've been lying.
Ben: [Sighs] I hate this. I hate it. I hate the idea of you and tripp pretending to be together to set claire off. I hate all of it.
Ciara: Yeah, well, we have to get a confession out of claire. It's the only way to clear you.
Ben: You understand how dangerous she is right now? You triggering her jealousy-- claire's literally tried to kill people twice because of it.
Ciara: Yeah, okay, well, what are we supposed to do? Just let her get away with it?
Ben: [Sighs] This isn't my style, but I think we should go to the cops, tell them what she did.
Claire: I was very jealous of tripp and haley, especially when he told me that they were gonna stay married for three years, dad. And then they kicked me out of my own home. I was so hurt. I didn't know what to do with myself.
[Indistinct chatter] I made a recording of tripp admitting that his marriage to haley was fake.
Shawn: And eve used it to deport haley, right? Oh, my gosh, claire--
Claire: I'm sorry. I know. I know it was a horrible thing to do, and I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for what happened to her, and I'm sorry for just about everything because I-- I ruined my own entire life.
Shawn: What? What do you mean? Why would you say that?
Claire: Because tripp doesn't love me anymore. And I don't think anyone else ever will.
Shawn: Oh, my--claire, listen to me. Even if it is over with you and tripp, you are so young. Come on, you've got your entire life ahead of you, but you're a wonderful person. You are smart, you're kind, you're talented. I can't even tell you how proud your mother and I are--
Claire: Oh, my--well, you shouldn't be. You should not be proud of me. In fact, after the things I've done, no one should ever be proud of me ever again, and no one should love me either. So there you are with your depression
Claire: [Sighs heavily] I'm such a mess. I hate this. I hate going to pieces like this in public. Are people looking at me?
Shawn: No, no, no. Nobody's looking. Nobody's even looking this direction. Promise. Hey. Do you remember at grandma caroline's wake when you spoke and you said that she never judged you? She never judged you because she understood. She understood that people make mistakes. They make mistakes, they learn from them, and then they come back stronger. She had faith in you, and she believed in you, just like your mom and I do. You got a huge heart-- huge heart--and it shined through your music and-- and it shines through the way you love your family.
[Mellow music playing on radio]
Claire: Well, thank you for believing in me.
Shawn: Always have, and I always will.
Claire: I really do wanna be the person you think I can be.
Shawn: All right, so what do you say we get rid of these salads and we get some sundaes?
Claire: [Laughs]
Shawn: Hm?
Claire: As wonderful and amazing as that sounds, um...
[Stammers] I have so much work to do, and I wanna wake up tomorrow feeling well-rested, optimistic, and hopeful.
Shawn: Well, I am all for that.
Claire: Yep.
Shawn: I'm all for it.
Claire: [Sighs] I'm determined to be a better person. I swear.
Shawn: I know. I believe you. I believe you, I believe you, and I love you so much.
Claire: I love you too, dad.
Shawn: You got this.
Claire: Yeah.
Shawn: All right?
Claire: Okay.
Shawn: All right, I'll see you, then.
[Door clicks]
Ciara: Without any hard evidence linking claire to the arsons, it's not gonna work. She'll never get arrested.
Ben: There's gotta be a way to bust her without you intentionally setting her off.
Ciara: Yeah, well, tripp and I have it worked out. We know exactly the way to trigger her into confessing.
Ben: [Sighs] When is this gonna happen?
Ciara: Tonight. Right here.
Tripp: So have you heard from haley?
Jj: I tried to video chat, couldn't make a connection.
Tripp: I'm sorry. I wish I could've done more to help.
Jj: You did a hell of a lot. You know what? You better let me buy you a beer at the pub, hm?
Tripp: Uh... yeah, no, I'm gonna have to do it another night.
Jj: You got plans? Claire?
Tripp: Something like that.
[Doorbell rings]
[Crickets chirping]
Stefan: I was just thinking about you.
Gabi: Should that make me nervous?
Stefan: If you're wondering if I've read the gabi chic budget, I haven't, but it's at the top of this stack.
Gabi: I'm not here for business.
Stefan: Okay.
Gabi: I just wanted to tell you that will has made an amazing turnaround and he's gonna make a full recovery.
Stefan: That's great news.
Gabi: Yeah.
Stefan: I'm happy for you. Ari must be thrilled.
Gabi: Oh, yeah, we spent the entire night at the hospital and she just--she lit up when she saw him get better.
Stefan: So you just came here to give me the good news?
Gabi: No. I wanted to say thank you. I was really struggling the other night, and you helped me get through that.
Stefan: Glad I could help.
Gabi: Okay, uh, great. So, I'm gonna let you get back to your work.
Stefan: Wait, ga... don't go.
[Monitor beeping]
Will: How did gabi seem to you?
Sonny: Relieved, like the rest of us. Now, she was scared that she and ari were gonna lose you.
Jack: Hey, guys.
Sonny: Uncle jack?
Jack: I, uh, I heard that congratulations are in order. Not only did you dodge the old grim reaper, but the two of you are now married again. Spectacular news all around.
Will: Thanks.
Jack: For you.
Sonny: [Sighs] What are you doing here, jack? And what the hell do you want? (Announcer) do you push through migraine?
[Monitor beeping]
Jack: You are my sister's son, jackson-- direct, to the point. I respect that.
Sonny: Yeah, well, how about respecting that we're on our honeymoon, and leaving us alone?
Jack: Yes, yes, well, I promise to be brief. Kayla told me that they were finally able to track down dr. Rolf's diary, and with it, recreate the serum that helped you regain your memory.
Will: Also the serum that gave me a brain tumor.
Jack: Yes, well, I was very pleased to learn about the antidote.
Sonny: Remember what you said about getting to the point?
Jack: Yes, yes, of course. I am currently weighing the risks involved in regaining my own memory.
Will: You wanna-- you wanna take the drug?
Jack: Perhaps, although kayla made it clear that the hospital and the fda don't give their approval, so the only way to access it is through the diary.
Will: And she told you I have it? And you expect me to hand it over to you?
Jack: Presumably, you don't need it anymore, so... I thought you wouldn't mind.
Will: Hm. Well, you thought wrong.
Stefan: I was just about to sit down to dinner with all this paperwork. Care to join?
Gabi: A working dinner?
Stefan: Just dinner-- good meal, great bottle of wine from the cellar.
Gabi: What about your stack of papers?
Stefan: They can wait. So, what do you say? Unless you have to get back to ari.
Gabi: Ari's at a sleepover, so I'm free the rest of the night.
Stefan: So, it's a date.
Gabi: [Laughs softly]
Stefan: Mm-hmm.
[Mellow music playing on radio]
Shawn: Hey, jj. Hey, join me, man.
Jj: [Exhales]
Shawn: Listen, I'm-- I'm sorry about everything that you're having to go through.
Jj: Thank you.
Shawn: Yeah. Let me buy you a beer, yeah?
Jj: [Sighs] Yeah.
[Speaks chinese]
Shawn: [Laughs]
[Stammers] I love you too, I guess?
Jj: Oh, what? I thought that "wo ai ni" meant thank you. That's what haley said to me before they took her away.
Shawn: If haley said that to you, what she said was, "I love you."
Jj: Oh.
Shawn: So what're you feeling? You feeling, like an-- you want an ipa? You want something lighter, or...
Jj: [Sighs] I think just about anything would work right now.
Shawn: Good answer. I'll get the waiter.
Ben: I can't let you do this. Ciara, I already almost lost you once. If anything were happen to you--
Ciara: No, I know, I know. I don't wanna lose you either, but I have to do this to get the charges against you dropped. Ben, it's the only way that we can finally be together. Now, you need to go. You need to leave before claire comes home. Please, ben. Just trust me.
Ben: I got my cell phone back from the police. You'll call me?
Ciara: As soon as I can.
Ben: Please be careful.
Ciara: I will. Now, go.
[Door rattles]
[Suspenseful music]
What patients don't realize is
Ciara: Get the hell away from me!
Claire: What is he doing here?
Ciara: He pushed his way in when I answered the door.
Ben: Listen, I can explain...
Claire: If you do not get the hell out of here right now, I'm gonna call the cops.
Ciara: Go.
Ben: Okay, I'm going.
Ciara: And don't you come near me ever again.
[Tense music]
Claire: Oh, my god.
Ciara: Oh, my god, thank god you walked in when you did. I'm so afraid of what may have happened.
Claire: Oh, my god. Come here, come here. It's okay, it's okay, all right? You're safe. You're safe with me...
Shawn: Oh, well, well, well, if it isn't the new police commissioner. I'm sure that criminals all over salem are celebrating right about now that they have one of their own in charge.
Eve: Mm, just wanted to stop by and see your uncle roman, offer my condolences about your grandmother.
Shawn: Well, he isn't here.
Eve: Kay. How is your family holding up?
Shawn: Look, we'll get through it.
Eve: Well, what about claire?
Shawn: She's taking it-- she's taking it pretty hard. Why do you ask?
Eve: Well, I just got to know her a little bit, you know, doing the face of bella contest, and sometimes, I saw a little bit of myself in her, and-- well, I know that she might act all grown up and in control, but inside, she's-- she's very fragile.
Shawn: Sounds like you know her pretty well.
Eve: Well, I know that she misses you and her mother more than she lets on, you know? It might help if you stuck around to give her some guidance.
Shawn: Wait, is there something that you're not telling me?
Eve: No, it's just-- it's just a feeling. It's nothing personal. You know, please send my best to the rest of your family.
Shawn: Yeah.
[Tense music]
Jack: [Sighs] I realize I don't have many fans in the horton family since I beat abe in the election.
Will: It's not that you won, jack. It's that you did it by fearmongering and targeting good people, including your own son.
Jack: Yeah. Jj and my ex-wife tell me that I used to be a better person.
Sonny: Much better.
Jack: But see, I don't remember being that person. I don't remember anything about him, and I've been okay with that for a while.
Will: But there is always a part of you that knows it's not real, that there's something out there that you're missing.
Jack: Look, you've been in my shoes. Why won't you help me?
Will: I never said I wouldn't give you the diary, but it is going to cost you. Get it! Get that butterfly!
Will: You and I both know that haley did not deserve what happened to her. Neither did your son. So, I will give you rolf's diary if and when all charges against jj are dropped.
Jack: [Laughs] I'm the mayor, not the da. That's not my call to make.
Sonny: I have a feeling you can make something happen.
Will: And you better, because until I know that jj is in the clear, mm, you don't get the diary, and you can stay lost in the dark.
Jack: I'll see what I can do. Yeah.
[Door slams]
Gabi: I don't know. I don't think I could ever get used to the idea of just snapping my fingers and having a five star meal anytime I want.
Stefan: Have? No, no, no. I didn't have this meal prepared. I prepared it myself.
Gabi: Wait, you made the dinner?
[Laughs softly] How did you learn how to cook like that?
Stefan: Well, I didn't grow up in a mansion with a staff. I made my own way, and I taught myself how to cook-- mostly to impress the ladies, but still.
Gabi: Well, it worked. That was amazing, and these, by the way, look fantastic.
Stefan: Oh, yeah. Parker and holly loved them. I used to sneak them to them every time chloe wasn't looking.
Gabi: You really miss them.
Stefan: Yeah, every day. Still, every time I think about holly, it's-- it's so hard to process.
Gabi: I know.
Stefan: You know, I even had a slide installed in the pool...
Gabi: Mm.
Stefan: Thinking we would be in there all summer, but now there's no one to use it, so...
Gabi: Well, an empty slide-- that's a sad thing.
Stefan: Yeah, it is. You're welcome to bring ari by to swim sometime if you'd like.
Gabi: Oh, um...
[Laughs softly] She's always at sonny's pool, so...
Stefan: Mm, of course.
Gabi: It doesn't have a slide though, so maybe we could stop by sometime next week.
Stefan: I'd like that very much.
Shawn: What the hell are you doing out of jail?
Eve: Ugh, judge granted bail.
Shawn: How?
Ben: Well, you'll have to ask justin that.
Shawn: Do not go into the pub. You're not welcome here. And do me a favor. Stay away from my sister.
Ben: Ciara can make her own choices.
Shawn: Well, at least now she knows what you're capable of. If you anywhere near my sister, I'm gonna take care of you myself.
Eve: Well, the judge may have granted you bail, but you're not gonna be walking these streets much longer because I got all the evidence I need to build an airtight case against you, ben weston.
Ben: So you've said.
Eve: And I hope ciara's sitting front and center in that courthouse the day that found guilty, 'cause I want you to feel the pain of losing someone you love, just like I did when you took my daughter away from me.
Ciara: Thank you so much for listening to me vent about ben.
Claire: Yeah, no, I'm glad that you finally see him for who he really is.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, I can recognize a dangerous, lying psychopath when I see one.
Claire: Mm-hmm. You know, the good thing about that is I think that'll help you get over him faster.
Ciara: You know what? I already am.
Claire: Good, good.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Claire: I'm so happy for you. Just wish I could say the same about me and tripp. Is he here right now?
Ciara: No, I assume he is at work right now.
Claire: Really? I mean, his shift ended a couple hours ago, so he should be home by now.
Ciara: Are you keeping tabs on him, claire?
Claire: No, but we do both work at the café, so I know his schedule, but I also think that he's avoiding me. God, it really just sucks that he won't give me another chance.
Ciara: I know, but you have to let it go, claire.
Claire: I don't know how.
Ciara: It's gonna take some time, but you really need to take care of yourself. You look pretty exhausted.
Claire: I know. I mean, these past couple of days have been...
[Inhales deeply] Very exhausting. I feel pretty wiped out.
Ciara: Yeah. You should probably go get some rest. Things will look brighter in the morning.
Claire: Kay, you're right. I know. I'm gonna go get some rest, and I'm gonna stop obsessing over tripp. Thank you. Thank you so much...
[Sighs] I'm so glad that we're close again.
Ciara: Yeah. Me too. I mean, we take care of each other, right?
Claire: Right. Right, okay.
[Tense music]
Gabi: Wow, it is actually pretty late. I'm gonna go and you have all those budgets that you need to go over, right?
Stefan: Oh, yeah, nothing like looking over numbers after a bottle of wine.
Gabi: Okay, well, buzzed or not, you're gonna realize that my plan is better than anything nicole walker has for basic black.
Stefan: [Laughs softly] Man...
Gabi: What's so funny?
Stefan: Gabi, nicole's not a threat to you.
Gabi: Basic black is a direct competitor.
Stefan: I'm not talking about the company. I'm talking about you as a person. Gabi, I have hundreds of employees, and not one of them with your work ethic, your creativity, and certainly not your passion. As for nicole, she didn't even show up to work today.
Gabi: Well, I told you it was a mistake to hire her. Why don't you just cut her loose?
Stefan: That's what I was gonna do. Abe carver convinced me to give her another chance.
Gabi: And you're just going along with that?
Stefan: Well, she said she was not feeling well. Though I think there's something else going on. I think she's still mourning her child. You know, there are days where you're perfectly fine, and there are other days where getting out of bed seems like a chore, and I think today was probably one of those days. Anyway... why are you looking at me like that?
Gabi: Everyone in this town thinks you're heartless. You know that?
Stefan: Do you?
Gabi: No. Not anymore.
Sonny: That was pretty impressive-- the way you laid down the law with my uncle jack.
Will: You liked that, did you?
Sonny: I did, yeah. You made him squirm.
Will: Yeah. You know, I'm sure eve is not happy about jack wanting to get his memory back.
Sonny: I'm sure he didn't tell her he was coming here.
Will: Oh, well, then, extra leverage to get the charges against jj dropped.
Sonny: You know, my uncle jack has done some awful things since he came back, but if this works, then maybe jennifer and jj someday will get to experience what I did when you got your memory back.
Will: Like when I remembered how much I love you?
[Tender music]
[Knocking on door]
Jj: Coming. Thought you were the pizza guy. It's a letdown. What's this?
Jack: The charges against you are being dropped.
Jj: All of them?
Jack: You're good to go.
Jj: What's the catch?
Jack: No catch. The lawyers working in the prosecutor's office want to make me happy. They're all hoping that maybe I'll appoint one of them to be the next da.
Jj: You asked them to drop the charges?
Jack: Mm. And they made it clear that the feds won't be pursuing this either. Their focus is on deportations, so... that's good news for you though, right?
Jj: Uh-huh.
Jack: Uh, I was hoping for a happier response.
Jj: What's in this for you?
[Soft dramatic music]
Jack: Well, like it or not, I'm still your father.
Jj: Not in any way that matters.
Jack: In the very least, I don't want us to be enemies. I may not remember... what's between us, but maybe, well, maybe someday, I will.
Jj: Look, if you're expecting me to say thank you, don'T. You ruined haley's life.
Jack: It was nothing personal.
Jj: It was the most personal thing in the world to me. You know, before she left town, she told me she loved me, only I didn't even know what she was saying, and now it's too late. It's too late for me to tell her that I love her too. It's because of you.
Tripp: Hey, looks like you already got the ball rolling.
Ciara: Shh. Claire's just gone to bed. She caught me with ben, but I covered.
Tripp: He's out of jail?
Ciara: Yeah, for now. He tried to talk me out of going through with the plan. He's worried that it might be dangerous.
Tripp: Well, now that we now know that claire's capable of, he's not wrong. How'd you get out of it?
Ciara: I pushed him away, made it look like he was forcing himself on me.
Tripp: Thankfully, you have me to help you pick up the pieces, right?
Ciara: She's gonna completely lose it when she catches us together.
Tripp: And hopefully confess to starting those fires.
Ciara: Mm-hmm, and this time, we'll be the ones recording her.
Ben: There's nothing I can do, eve, to take back what I did to paige. But I can't let you pin an arson on me that I didn't commit.
Eve: Well, it's a good thing you did it, now, isn't it?
Ben: Claire's the one who started those fires.
Eve: Oh, my god. Here we go again.
Ben: Look, you really wanna protect salem? You need to go have her arrested right now.
Eve: You know what? You're shameless. I got a kerosene can and a lighter with your fingerprints all over it. I got a cop who caught you at the scene of the crime. And now your precious ciara-- yeah, she thinks you're guilty too, so looks like you lost everything.
Ben: Claire's the one who started those fires, and we're gonna prove it.
Eve: Who's this "we"?
Stefan: [Chuckles]
Gabi: Don't worry. I am not gonna ruin your spotless reputation for being heartless. I know you've worked very hard to cultivate that.
Stefan: I appreciate it.
Gabi: And thank you for a surprisingly lovely evening.
Stefan: You sure you have to leave? I mean, we have a meeting here in the morning. It would save a lot of time on your morning commute if you just stayed.
Gabi: You're worried about my morning commute?
Stefan: Yeah. You know, traffic, this town, that time of day can be intense.
Gabi: Intense?
Stefan: All right, you need me to say it?
Gabi: What?
Stefan: I would like for you to spend the night.
[Tender music]
Will: You know what the best part about honeymooning on the amalfi coast?
Sonny: What would that be?
Will: The view.
[Knocking on door]
[Door clicks]
Jack: Me again! I'm not interrupting, am I?
Will: Yes, you are. Why you back already?
Jack: I have news. The charges against jj have been dropped. I just came back from telling him.
Will: And? Was he relieved?
Jack: Honestly, he was more concerned about haley's future than his own.
Sonny: He loves her. And because of you, he may have lost her forever.
[Soft dramatic music]
Jack: We had a deal.
[Monitor beeping]
Will: [Sighs] Here is the formula for the serum.
Jack: [Laughs softly] This could change my life.
Will: Well, certainly changed mine.
Jack: Look, could we not tell anyone about my pursuing this? I don't want to get anyone's hopes up.
Sonny: What about eve? Does she know?
Jack: Let's just keep this conversation between us. Thanks. You nearly died taking this. Do you regret it?
Will: No. I don't regret getting a second chance with the person I love.
[Knocking on door]
Jj: Finally. I'm starving.
Ben: I was talking about me and my lawyer. We're gonna prove my innocence. What did you think I meant?
Eve: I don't know, ben, but you and justin don't have to prove anything. The burden of proof falls on the prosecution. You know, I'm confident there's enough evidence there to get a conviction.
Ben: Well, I guess we'll see about that.
[Suspenseful music]
Ciara: [Clears throat]
Tripp: [Grunts] Nice touch.
Ciara: Thank you-- anything to provoke claire even more. Ready?
Tripp: Okay.
[Lighter clinks]
[Lighter clicks]
[Fire alarm blaring]
[Door rattles]
Claire: Oh, my god, what-- what is it? What is that noise? What... what is going on?
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