Days Transcript Wednesday 6/26/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 6/26/19


Episode #13556 ~ Kate finds herself in hot water. Lani tries to work things out with Eli. Abe does damage control with Stefan on Nicole's behalf. and a curious Jack questions Kayla about Dr. Rolf's formula.

Provided By Suzanne

Eve: So let me give you a little friendly advice, jennifer. If you really don't want to go to bed alone, then maybe you set your sights on some other poor sap, okay, and stop holding out hope for you and jack.

Jennifer: I didn't tell jack about the drug because I'm after him. I did it because I want him to remember how much he hated you.

Eve: And how many times do i have to tell you, he doesn't want his memory back, okay?! He likes things exactly thway they are. God!

Jack: Jennifer told me. She said the hospital is in possession of the serum, the one that gave will his memory back.

Kayla: She told me that she told you. What do you want to know about it?

Jack: What do you think i want to know? How soon can I take it?

[Phone ringing]

[Reflective music]

Lani: Hey, dad.

Abe: Hey, sweetheart. Sit down, sit down. Can I buy you dinner?

Lani: What are you working on? Did you get a new consulting job?

Abe: Uh, no, I've given up on freelance consulting. I've... taken a full-time position.

Lani: Really? Congratulations. So, who's the lucky company that snapped you up?

Abe: Dimera enterprises.

Lani: Are you out of your mind? Dad, y-- you're the one always saying the dimera family is a nest full of vipers.

Xander: What matters is, it's done. I killed ted laurent.

[Ominous tone]

Kate: Oh, my god. He did it. He killed ted.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Tense music]

Kate: Yes... yes, I most definitely do need your help. I'm at the salem inn. I just heard a man, xander cook, tell someone that he has killed, murdered, ted laurent. Yes, he was acting da. Please, I need you to send the police to room 514 at the inn. Please, yes, please hurry.

Kristen: Did pepe le pew beg for his life?

Xander: How does a bullet to the brain sound?

Ted: Xander, stop, please.

Xander: Oh, you should've seen him... he was whimpering like a little girl.

Kristen: [Squeals] Oh, that is glorious. [Laughing] Sexist but glorious. Unless it got to you.

Xander: Who do you think you're talking to?

Kristen: You're a corporate executive now. How do I know you haven't gone soft?

Xander: I don't want your blood on my hands, and not because I've gone soft. It happens to work directly against my goal.

Ted: This is about a woman?

Xander: Sarah horton. I'm still the same bloke I've always been.

Kristen: Well, you'd better be. Saint hope brady's nosing around, asking a lot of annoying questions about laurent.

[Foreboding music]

[Somber music]

Ted: A gift... for you. I bought this with the confidence that maybe one day you would want to be with me.

Hope: Where are you, ted? You just dropped out of sight. Why?

Ted: Somebody! Xander! You're gonna have a dead guy in this basement if you don't let me get out of here!

Lani: Why would you work for the dimeras? I-I thought you hated them, wanted them all in prison.

Abe: Well, not all of them. Theo's mother was a dimera.

Lani: And you said that her father locked her up in one of those tunnels of his. And that's what gave her the illness that ended her life. Dad, you went nuts when theo went to go work for them.

Abe: It's all true.

Lani: So help me understand.

Abe: All I can say is, I have my reasons. And I know how to take care of myself.

Lani: So what's the job description?

Abe: Cco.

Lani: Excuse me?

Abe: I'm in charge of dealing with the media.

Lani: So you could put a clean spin on all their dirty business. Will you at least tell me who you're gonna report to?

Abe: Stefan.

Lani: You seem to know what you're doing, so... I'm gonna try not to worry about you.

Abe: Well, I wish I could promise that about you.

Lani: Me? Why?

Abe: Because I can see you're not yourself. And I'd like to know why.

Eli: Okay, got it.

Eve: What's going on?

Eli: A 911 operator just got an anonymous tip. Someone called in and said that they overheard xander cook saying that he just killed ted laurent.

Eve: Are you serious?

Eli: Yes, I'm serious, eve. I don't make this stuff up. I'm going to check it out.

Eve: No, no, that won't be necessary.

Eli: You don't want me to check out a possible homicide?

Eve: No, I don'T.

Eli: Why?

Xander: What did you tell hope brady? You better not have said my name!

Kristen: What do you think I am, an idiot? I totally blew her off, a la nicole. Oh, but then I ran into brady later, and he said that he heard hope out there in the hallway calling ted's phone, and the ringing was in here.

Xander: So she knows you have laurent's phone?

Kristen: No, I don't think so, because brady said she tried it again, and there was no ringing. Luckily the battery died out. So, now ted's phone is dead, and so is ted.

[Cackling] He is dead, isn't he?

Limu emu & doug

Lani: I moved my things out of rafe's house. His arm is all better, and he doesn't need my help with the baby anymore.

Abe: I know how fond you've become of david.

Lani: I told myself, you, eli... that I wasn't getting too attached to him. I was lying... to all of you, to myself.

Abe: It's important that you know that now. You know, maybe caring for this woman's baby has helped you grieve for your own.

Lani: I don't know. But at least I've... come to my senses. It's just too bad it happened after eli walked out on me.

Abe: He did?

Lani: Yeah.

Abe: I'm--I'm sorry. You know, I'll talk to him.

Lani: No, I don't think it's gonna make much difference. I pushed him away. Too many times.

Abe: You love this man. And he loves you. Talk to him. What have you got to lose?

Eve: I heard most 911 calls are cranks anyway.

Eli: Oh, my god. Well, eve, you've heard wrong.

Eve: Well, you know what, eli, I'm gonna call the dispatch and I'll send somebody else to check it out, because I want you to stay on the ben weston case, 'cause he's lawyered up. He's got justin kiriakis, so go so go over his file with a fine- toothed comb, okay?

Eli: Whatever you say.

Eve: We have to hand the da's office an airtight case.

Eli: I caught ben at the scene of the fire with a lighter in his hand. That's not airtight enough for you?

Eve: Justin is good, okay? And I wasn't counting on him taking this particular case.

[Tense music]

Xander, what kind of trouble are you in now?

Xander: I told you laurent was dead, didn't I?

Kristen: Yeah, but people say all kinds of things.

[Phone ringing]

Xander: I, uh, have to take this. So. Look who came crawling back.

Eve: Knock it off! I'm calling to give you a heads-up.

Xander: About what?

Eve: 911 just got a tip about someone overhearing you shooting off your mouth about killing ted laurent?

Xander: Who was it?

Eve: It was anonymous, okay? But they heard it at the salem inn.

Xander: Well, whoever said that was making it up.

Eve: Well, that's good to know, because I had to stick my neck out to call the dogs off of you, so... I guess that makes us even.

Xander: And what's that supposed to mean?

Eve: Well, it means that I'll forget this phone call, and you will forget who gave you dr. Rolf's diary. Deal?

Xander: Deal.

Kristen: Who was that? What was that about?!

Xander: We have company.

[Ominous music]

I wanted more from

Jennifer: Hey, there. I saw your car parked outside. Do you have a minute to talk?

Hope: Yeah, of course.

Jennifer: Just for one second?

Hope: Sit down, here. Have a drink.

Jennifer: I just ran into mrs. Deveraux.

Hope: Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry.

Jennifer: She was just gloating about how jack is not interested in getting his memory back, even though kayla recreated the formula.

Hope: Eve would say anything to get under your skin, you know that.

Jennifer: Mm-hmm. This is true.

Hope: Talk to jack directly.

Jennifer: That's the problem. I did. He said the same thing.

Kayla: It was premature of jennifer to tell you anything about this.

Jack: But you've already used the serum on will.

Kayla: And he developed a brain tumor that has threatened his life.

Jack: But you fixed him, and he still has his memory.

Kayla: But neither the antidote nor the serum have been approved by the fda.

Jack: Since when does that stop you?

Kayla: Look, jack. I did what I did because if I had gone through the official channels to get the antidote approved, will would be dead. And he is my grandnephew, thank you.

Jack: And I'm your ex- brother-in-law. Steve is my brother. Wouldn't steve want you to-- to help me in any way that you could?

Kayla: Don't use steve to get to me. I cannot administer the serum or the antidote to you.

Jack: So it's only available to relatives you like, but not the ones you don'T. Am I right?

Eli: Yeah, um, commissioner deveraux asked me to let you know that the ben weston case will be in the da's office as soon as pos-- yeah, uh, it'll be there in the morning. Okay, I'll see you later. I'll talk to abe.

Lani: Hi.

Eli: Hi, I thought you... I thought you weren't back on duty until tomorrow.

Lani: I'm not. I came to see you.

Eli: About what?

Lani: Can you take a break? I was hoping that we could go somewhere and talk privately.

Eli: Yeah, it's just a few more minutes left on my shift. I can clock out early.

Lani: Thank you.

[Soft dramatic music]

Abe: Well. I swore that I would never have anything to do with you. Or your company. But I feel differently now you're either dead or holed up in one of your many mausoleums. Wish me luck. I know lexie is.

Stefan: I thought I was the only one who talked to that portrait.

Abe: [Chuckles] Well, I-- I think we all like to get our digs in when we can.

Stefan: Yeah. Wish I could've met the man myself, so I could form my own opinion. I never even met my sister.

Abe: She was everything your father was not. Measured. Forgiving. Enormously kind.

Stefan: Sure I would've been fond of her. I don't know how she would've felt about me, though. From what I hear, I'm more like the old man than she was.

Abe: What does that mean?

Stefan: It means if you see your friend nicole walker, tell her she's fired.

Kate: [Sighs] Speak up. I can't hear a blasted thing.

Kristen: Will you please tell me what's going on?!

Xander: You need to get out of sight.

Kristen: Why?!

Xander: Just do it!

[Tense music]

Kate: Ow! Ah!

Xander: Gotcha.

Unpredictable crohn's

symptoms following you?

Kate: I was just gonna knock on the door, okay? What the hell are you doing here?

Xander: I'll be asking the questions. You've been a very naughty girl, haven't you?

Kate: Okay, I don't know what that means.

Xander: You've been spying on me. You must know how I feel about that. Come on, kate. Talk to me. Now. Right now. I want to know what you know and who you've told. Now!

Kate: Ow! I heard you tell nicole that you killed ted laurent, okay?!

Hope: Jack may have told you that he doesn't care about getting his memory back. But you and I both know jack often says things he doesn't mean.

Jennifer: Yes, the old jack. This new version, I don't know why he does anything.

Hope: Yeah, well, this new life he has with eve, it's a total joke.

Jennifer: Mm, he seems pretty sold on her.

Hope: Cuz, mark my words. Eventually, he's gonna come around. And he's gonna want to recover his memory and his old life. He'll be talking to kayla very soon.

Jennifer: I wish I could be so sure.

Kayla: Don't make this personal, okay, jack? My hands are tied.

Jack: I-I won't rat you out to the fda.

Kayla: Well, maybe you won't, but eve certainly would.

Jack: [Sighs heavily] All right, so that's it, huh? That's--I'm just-- I'm out of luck.

Kayla: Listen, um, the fda controls the formula. But rolf's original diary belongs to will.

Jack: It does?

Kayla: Well, I didn't see any reason not to give it back to him. The serum and the antidote could be recreated again.

Jack: Are you telling me i can talk to will about this? What room is he in?

Kayla: Listen, I just-- I just went and looked in on him; he's sleeping. So, you know, maybe-- maybe tomorrow. 318.

Jack: Will, 318. Great. Uh, well, this will give me time to, uh, go get myself a chemistry set.

Kayla: You know, I wouldn't be glib about it, jack. I mean, the antidote did shrink the tumor, but we didn't have time to check it for any kind of side effects. Will didn't have a choice. He had to be our one and only test case.

Jack: I see.

Kayla: If you have to pursue this, just know that you are walking into unknown territory.

Jennifer: I owe you an apology.

Hope: For what?

Jennifer: Because I'm just-- I'm rattling. I'm going on and on about eve and jack, and I didn't even ask you how you're doing.

Hope: I'm good, I'm-- I'm okay.

Jennifer: No, you're not. You're not good. You just--

Hope: I am.

Jennifer: You just got divorced. And I know that you had really high hopes for you and rafe. And...

Hope: [Sighs]

Jennifer: Is that, uh, ted laurent still following you around?

Hope: No. Not anymore.

Jennifer: What happened?

Hope: I don't know. He vanished into thin air. I haven't heard from him in days, actually.

Jennifer: Well, he's a man of mystery, that's for sure.

Hope: And the last thing i heard from him... was some cryptic message about nicole.

Xander: You heard me say i murdered ted laurent. What, did you have one too many martinis in the lobby bar?

Kate: Well, if I'm so wrong about what I heard, why are you holding a gun on me?

Xander: Because I heard somebody loitering at the door and thought maybe they were about to break in.

Kate: So why not call the police?

Xander: Didn't occur to me.

Kate: Well it occurred to me. So they're on their way here right now, so whatever it is that you and nicole are up to, it's all over, my friend. Where is she, anyway? 'Cause I know you weren't just talking to yourself.


Kristen: Oh, that bitch has always been too nosy for her own good. [Scoffs] Don't just stand there. Finish her.

Eli: So? What'd you want to talk about?

Lani: I wanted to... tell you that you were right. And I was wrong.

Eli: About what?

Lani: The reason I was holed up at rafe's-- it wasn't to help rafe. It was to help myself. To help myself to jordan's baby. When rafe got hurt, I... I saw an opportunity to get close to david, and... I couldn't help myself. I would pretend that he was our david. That I was his mother. And every time I got jerked back into reality, I was not happy.

Eli: Which is why you didn't want to see me.

Lani: It's been almost a year since we lost him.

Eli: I know. How are you doing now?

Lani: After our big fight, I realized that I can't keep pretending to be a mother to a child that's not mine. The problem is,

[Sobs] I don't know how to say goodbye to the baby that was mine.

Eli: I know. I know what you mean.

Abe: You fired a woman who just lost her only child because she missed her first day at work. Were you at your best when you found out that abigail's child was chad's and not yours? Did you take a leave of absence?

Stefan: No, abe. To both questions.

Abe: You just released a statement saying that nicole walker is back at basic black, that she was part of the "new wave" at dimera. Now, you do you think it's gonna play with the board if find out that you fired her after missing one day of work?

Stefan: Okay, you made your point. How do you suggest I handle this?

Abe: Let me find out what's going on. And don't fire her sight unseen.

Stefan: Do it.

Abe: Thank you.

[Somber music]

Kristen: What are you waiting for? Kill her.

Xander: Oh, right, yeah. I should just fire a shot in a place where the walls are so thin, she heard me telling you I killed laurent. Shall I leave the blood spatter for the maid to clean up too?

Kristen: Okay, all right. All right, now we just need to get her out of here. She told you she called the police!

Xander: No one's coming.

Kristen: How do you know?

Xander: That call I got earlier, it's from my source at the police department telling me about kate's call to 911. No cops are coming here. There'll be no record of that call.

Kristen: Your source must be pretty powerful.

Xander: Oh, she is.

Kristen: [Laughing] She. Another one of your little bimbos?

Xander: Hardly. She's happily married to the new mayor. She's the commissioner of police.

Kristen: That's an ally that would come in handy one day.

Xander: Oh, stop licking your chops; it was one and done. The commissioner and I are now even.

Kristen: Lucky she owed you a favor at a time when we needed our asses saved. Ugh, what are we gonna do with this dragon lady?

Xander: Don't worry. I'll take care of her the same way I took care of laurent. Once-daily toujeo helps you control your blood sugar.

Eve: Yeah, it's me, jack. I'm back at the station, and... what happened to you? Where the hell are you?

Kayla: You need to return a call?

Jack: Ah... no. No, no, it's not important, but, um--look, could-- could we just, uh... could we just keep this conversation between us?

Kayla: What, you don't want your new wife finding out that you're interested in your old life?

Jack: I'm not really sure how interested I am.

Kayla: Sound pretty eager to me.

Jack: From my reading, I know that I am the screwed-up son of a very powerful father who... well, I'm glad to not be emotionally connected to any of that. I'm not eager... to live with what I did to you. And I'm sure there are a lot of other things I'd really rather not have to own.

Kayla: Then why even ask about the drug?

Jack: I have... I have a son and a daughter I know next to nothing about.

Kayla: And what about their mother? The love of your life?

Jack: I don't--I don't even know what that phrase means.

Kayla: You know what the definition is to me, jack? It's when two people love each other so much that even when things go wrong, I mean really wrong, they manage to find their way back to one another. Are you feeling that pull, jack?

Jack: L-like I said, could we just... please keep this conversation between us? And that includes my ex-wife as well as my current wife. Please. Can you agree to that?

Kayla: Well, a medical question. And I'm required by law to keep those conversations to myself.

Jack: Thank you. Thank you, thank you.

[Reflective music]

Jennifer: You heard ted's phone in nicole's room?

Hope: Yeah, I did. I-I mean, I think... I heard ted's phone in nicole's room, yes. I was calling him.

Jennifer: But ted told you that he was going to see nicole. And you haven't heard or seen him since.

Hope: Exactly.

Jennifer: And nicole hasn't seen or heard from him since.

Hope: No. I mean, well, the conversation with nicole only lasted a couple seconds. But there was something definitely off about it.

Jennifer: What do you mean, off?

Hope: I don't know, it just didn'T... I can't explain it. Look, the thing is, I know nicole, and she was definitely trying to get rid of me.

Jennifer: That sounds like nicole.

Hope: Mm-hmm. She took a corporate job at dimera enterprises. Now that... that doesn't seem like her, does it?

Jennifer: Well, it doesn't seem like abe, either, and he's thinking about taking a job there.

Hope: What?

Jennifer: Which is crazy because abe is like an uncle to nicole ever since he found out that she's brandon's half-sister. I don't know, maybe you should talk to abe. Right?

Hope: Yeah, maybe.

Jennifer: Or wait, maybe you should just talk to stefan. He's the one who hired her. Maybe she's with him right now.

Hope: I love that idea. You're brilliant, cuz, and you know what? That's exactly what I'm gonna do. Thank you for listening. Here. This is the tip.

Jennifer: 'Cause you never listen to me, ever.

Hope: [Laughs]

Jennifer: About anything. Ever.

Hope: I'm so glad we have each other.

Jennifer: I love you, cuz.

Hope: Oh, I love you too, cuz, so much.

Jennifer: And let me know.

Hope: I will, and I enjoyed sharing that glass of wine with you.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Hope: Bye.

Jennifer: Bye.

Ted: What'd you do to her? What'd you do to her?

Xander: Let's just say that her big mouth got her into a bit of trouble.

Ted: She's still alive?

Xander: She'll be fine. But for now, she'll be on ice here, just like you are.

Ted: You cannot keep us locked up here forever, xander.

Xander: You're alive, aren't you? Be grateful for that. Ciao.

Ted: Kate? Kate. Kate. Kate. Hey! So there you are with your depression

[Smooth ambient music]

Stefan: Abe's still not back. What do you think? Am I right to trust him? Yeah, I don't know ei--

Hope: Stefan. I have to talk to you. No, actually, I'm really looking for nicole. I understand you've hired her. Is she here?

Stefan: No, I haven't seen nicole all day. May I ask why you're looking for her?

Hope: Ted laurent is missing. She's my only lead.

Stefan: Lead? I thought you were fired from salem pd.

Hope: I'm doing this on my own.

Stefan: Hm. Either way, still can't help you.

Hope: Really.

Stefan: Mm-hmm.

Hope: Hm, interesting. 'Cause the last time ted laurent was missing, you knew exactly where he was. You were in it.

Stefan: In it? Kate dimera forced me to be "in it," so why don't you go talk to her?

Ted: Kate. Kate. Kate! Hey. You gotta wake up.

[Whispering] Kate.

Xander: That ought to keep her happy. It's not a total lie.

[Dark music]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone ringing]

Kristen: Oh, god. Not abe.

[Clears throat]

[Raspy voice] Hello?

Abe: You don't sound so good.

Kristen: No, I'm not good.

Abe: Well, I'm calling for stefan. He wants to know why you didn't show up for work today. He's ready to fire you.

Kristen: [Coughing] Just--just tell him I got a-- some kind of a bug.

Abe: Well, how long do you think you'll be out of action?

Kristen: Not... not long. The doctor said he, uh, eradicated the little sucker.

Lani: I've missed you. So much. And I would really like it if we could get back to where we were. If you think that's possible.

Eli: I've missed you too. And I think if we can survive losing a son, we can make it through anything. But we need to honest with each other.

Lani: I thought I was.

[Tender music]

Eli: I know the anniversary's coming up, and I think we should just face it.

Lani: How?

Eli: We can go buy some flowers, go to the cemetery, and... and tell david that he'll always be a part of us. No matter what.

Lani: That sounds perfect.

[Phone ringing]

Jennifer: [Gasps] Abigail! Hi! Bon soir! How are you, sweetie? How are my babies? My grandbabies? Good, good. Yeah, I-I know that you've been so worried about will, but you know what? He is doing amazing. And you can probably call him yourself tomorrow. Yeah. I know. It was very scary, and we really thought we were gonna lose him. But kayla and her team, they came up with this drug that reversed the growth of the tumor, so... I don't know what that means for your dad, sweetie, but I-- I wouldn't get my hopes up. I really don't think your dad is interested in getting his memory back.

[Door opens]

Eve: Oh, my gosh. Where the hell have you been? I was beginning to worry about you--gonna call your security detail.

Jack: Um, actually, um... I-I gave the guy a night off. I just needed to go for a walk.

Eve: A walk? Everything okay, jack?

Jack: Yeah, yeah, it's-- I just, I mean, I-- I needed some fresh air. I needed to clear my head.

Eve: Okay. All right. I'm glad you're here.

Jack: Yeah.

Eve: [Kissing] Can I get you some coffee or something?

Jack: Coffee sounds really good.

Eve: Okay. Be right back.

Jack: Okay.

[Dramatic music]

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