Days Transcript Tuesday 06/25/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 06/25/19


Episode #13555 ~ Kate overhears a shocking conversation. Eric agrees to marry Sarah and Rex. Eve makes Justin a surprising offer. Jennifer tells Jack that Dr. Rolf's diary has been found and she urges him to take the serum to get his memory back.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Thank you. Make salem great again. Dev-er-aux!

[Crowd chanting] Dev-er-aux! Dev-er-aux! Dev-er-aux! Dev-er-aux! Dev-er-aux!

Jennifer: Dev-er-no! Dev-er-no! Dev-er-no! Dev-er-no!

Jack: Shh, thank you. Thank you. Very clever. Now, did it ever occur to you to maybe send an unbiased reporter to cover the news at my rallies?

Jennifer: I'm not here to cover your rallies, jack. There is no news. You won the election. So stop wasting taxpayer money on inflating your ego, and now that haley chen has been deported, why don't you stop whooping up your base into this frenzy?

Jack: If the voters agreed with you, then maybe I wouldn't have been able to wipe up the floor with your pal abe.

Jennifer: There's a lot of voters that agree with me, jack.

Jack: Read my lips: I don't care.

Jennifer: Well, you should care, because not only am i your constituent; I am the mother of your children. Speaking of which, when are you going to drop these ridiculous charges against jj?

Jack: Are you here to lecture me or fight our son's battles?

Jennifer: Neither. I'm here to talk about your past. And our future.

[Somber music]

Justin: I need to talk to you about my client.

Eve: [Sighs] Jj made his bed.

Justin: This isn't about jj.

Eve: Well, you know what? Can't you see that I'm busy? And I really can't talk about every case with every lawyer who walks in off the street, okay?

Justin: Well, you better talk to me, or pretty soon you'll nothing but time.

Rex: All right, bro. We're ready. Let's go for it.

Eric: Uh, yeah, okay, um...

[Chuckles] We are, uh...

Rex: We are gathered here today...

Eric: Yeah, I'm sorry.

[Stammers] We are gathered here today to celebrate two people... two people who will be forever joined in marriage. Sarah horton, rex brady. If for any reason we have anyone...

[Chuckles] We should probably just skip that part. Um...

Sarah: Wait. We can't do this.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: Ted, old boy, you do have find taste in jewelry. Almost as fine as my taste in women. "Dear sarah, I have no doubt I can win your affections regardless of whether you accept this necklace that another man bought for another woman." But how am I gonna explain this to kristen? "Hey, dear partner, I realized that laurent is more useful to us alive than dead." "Hey, kristen... as it turns out, I had another attack of conscience." She's gonna kill me for allowing ted to bribe me into letting him live. I can never tell him the truth.

Maggie: Tell who the truth about what?

[Tense music]

Nicole: What the hell are you doing here?

Kate: Well the door was open. I guess the maid wasn't paying attention.

Nicole: So you just thought you'd walk in? Liar.

Kate: Actually, I think you're the liar. You know, maggie claimed that she saw kristen dimera in this room wearing a red dress and lo and behold, a red dress.

Nicole: [Scoffs, snorts]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kate: [Chuckles] And to think that we thought maggie's stories were the ravings of a delusional drunk.

Nicole: She is a delusional drunk. Obviously, kristen dimera is dead.

Kate: Oh. Does that mean that maggie saw you wearing this dress?

Nicole: Ding, ding, ding.

Kate: Ah. Then that's so interesting, it really is. You know, and actually, I remember that day so clearly because maggie came to see me, and she was drunk as a skunk, and that was after you had torn into her at holly's funeral reception, which would mean then you came from burying your daughter and slipped into this slutty little number.

Nicole: [Scoffs] How I grieve is my business.

Kate: Oh, uh-huh. Well, does that include then burning documents? And mysterious handshakes with xander cook?

Nicole: What's your point?

Kate: My point is, none of this really adds up, and I'm going to find out exactly why that is.

Xander: Maggie, darling, you really must stop eavesdropping on me. First my phone calls, and now this.

Maggie: Well, I'm concerned about you. I thought you had turned over a new leaf, and then I find you talking to yourself and muttering about secrets and lies.

Xander: Fine, I'll... I'll tell you the truth. I wasn't really talking to myself. I was having an internal debate about whether to go through with something.

Maggie: Oh.

Xander: Something that's kind of A... a big deal.

Maggie: What is that?

[Gasps] Oh, xander, that's stunning.

Xander: I bought it for your daughter.

Maggie: What? Uh... you do know that sarah's engaged.

Xander: Right, but I also know that rex brady is not the man for her. I want to win sarah's heart. And I believe I can.

Maggie: [Gasps]

Sarah: We need a witness.

Eric: That's right. I didn't think about that.

Rex: Well, it's okay that you didn't, because I did. Aunt kayla's gonna be here any second.

Kayla: Ah! Sorry I'm late.

Rex: See, there she is.

Kayla: I wanted to stop at the gift shop and get you a bouquet.

Sarah: Oh, thank you. Thank you so much for making it on such short notice. Especially after caroline's passing.

Kayla: I know that my mom is rejoicing in heaven knowing that another generation of the bradys and the hortons are united in marriage. And with sonny and will's wedding, it's like there's romance in the air.

Rex: Yeah, I'm thinking double honeymoon. I mean, of course, when will's up to it.

Kayla: Well honeymoon or not, just--just spend time together. You know, as much and as often as possible. Life is too short to not be with the person that you love if you can be.

Jack: Our future? This should be a quick conversation, because basically, we don't have a future.

Jennifer: But we have a really long past. Which is why we need to talk about rolf's diary.

Jack: Oh, please, please. Not that again. Look, eve told me that she didn't have it. I believe her, so if this is another game of "jennifer and her pointless accusations," I'm sorry, I'm out. I'm out!

Jennifer: No, you're right. You are out. You're out of the loop! Jack, rolf's diary has been found, and you know what that means? It means that you can get your memory back. So there you are with your depression

Sarah: So, um, are we ready for real this time?

Eric: I am if you are.

Rex: Yep.

Sarah: I definitely am.

Eric: We are gathered here today to celebrate two people who will forever be joined in marriage: Sarah horton, rex brady. Marriage is a sacred... commitment between two people who are in love. It takes a lot more than just love to be successful in marriage. It takes truth, respect, and honesty. Be true to one another, to yourselves, as long as you both shall live.

Maggie: You want to woo my daughter?

Xander: It's a tough call. Part of me thinks I should just keep my feelings to myself.

Maggie: Well, you didn't have any trouble expressing your feelings when you took sarah to bed.

Xander: [Scoffs] Sarah turned to me when her fiancé cheated on her, which despite my many flaws is something I would never do. I seem to recall you were quite pleased when they called it quits.

Maggie: Well, it doesn't mean I think you should make a move on her.

Xander: Oh. I see. It's fine when I nurse your hangover and take care of you after you get sick and share melted ice cream with you, but heaven forbid I go anywhere near your precious daughter.

Maggie: Xander, I appreciate your support and your friendship and I will be forever indebted to you for saving will's life, and I truly hope that you can keep this up, because I know you can be a good man.

Xander: Just not good enough for your daughter.

Maggie: That's not fair. I didn't say that.

Xander: You didn't have to.

Jack: Who found rolf's diary?

Jennifer: Xander cook. Xander claims he stole it from the hospital.

Jack: And let everybody think that eve took it.

[Stammers] But wait a minute. Why would xander want that diary in the first place?

Jennifer: Because he thought it could be valuable to him, but then he had a change of heart when he heard about will.

Jack: So he gave the diary to will's doctors?

Jennifer: Yes, so then they had rolf's formula, and they made an antidote that saved will's life, which means they have the original serum, jack. Which means you could get your memory back. Isn't that incredible?

Jack: Not interested. No, not interested.

Eve: I'm listening. I'm here on behalf of ben weston. He asked me to represent him.

Eve: And you agreed? Justin! Why on earth would you help a maniac after what he did to-- to will and sonny?!

Justin: I'm well aware of what ben weston did, which is why I almost turned down. But I didn't, because of you.

Eve: Me?! Son of a bitch murdered my daughter and strangled sonny's husband!

Justin: Eve, you violated his civil rights. Have you ever heard of habeas corpus?!

Eve: That is the da's issue.

Justin: Well, there is no da! Ted laurent quit, and he hasn't been replaced.

Eve: Got an idea. What if you became the new da?

Justin: [Laughs]

Nicole: Knock yourself out, nancy drew. Oh, a dress. A pile of ashes. A handshake to cement my divorce with xander. Ooh! If you look hard enough, maybe you'll find professor plum somewhere around here.

Kate: Oh, so you think this is funny.

Nicole: No, I think you're trespassing, and I want you to get the hell out.

Kate: Okay, then why don't you call the cops and have them drag me out? But you're not gonna do that, are you? Because there's something here that you don't want me to see, and you know why? Because you are guilty as sin. Downtherecare with cottonelle.

Justin: Eve, there's another thing you need to learn about your new job. The police commissioner doesn't appoint the da. The mayor does.

Eve: I think jack would be on board for it. I do. I think, actually, he would be thrilled to have someone as skilled and experienced at the job as you, and guess what, you know? You guys are family.

Jack: Yeah, yeah. Jack hasn't exactly embraced his family.

Eve: Well he cares about you. And he loves jj. Actually, I don't think he really wants the book thrown at his son, to be honest.

Justin: Oh, I see. You want me to come on board to take it easy on jj, but ben weston, not so much.

Eve: Ben was just caught trying to burn two other people alive. You really want to see him get off, justin?

Justin: Well, that depends on whether he's guilty or not.

Eve: Eli caught him at the scene of the crime, a can of kerosene at his feet, and a lighter in his hand.

Justin: Eve, I do know what you went through when paige died. And I understand why you think ben weston hasn't paid, but--

Eve: But what?! You think he has? Because he gets to wander the streets of salem with a hot girlfriend in tow, acting all smug and arrogant? No, justin. Having lost my only child to that son of a bitch's hand, he hasn't paid nearly enough. But you can rest assured he will.

Jennifer: You don't want your memory back?

Jack: I didn't say that. I didn't say that. But this miracle drug has a very serious side effect. Will has a brain tumor. What is the point of me getting my memories back if I'm just gonna die?

Jennifer: I told you that there's an antidote, and will is improving every day.

Jack: But the ant--there could be a side effect of that. I mean, you cannot tell me that will won't just drop dead.

Jennifer: Let's talk to kayla. Let's go to the hospital. She'll discuss all your options.

[Phone beeps]

Jack: No, no. [Stammering] I gotta go to work. I got work. Oh, yeah.

Jennifer: Well, why can't we just go over there--

Jack: I'm sorry, I have so much work that I have to do. You know, honestly, I-- I have been living without memories for months now, and my life is really so much better without-- I really don't miss it at all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Rex: [Clears throat] I, rex, take you, sarah, to be my wife. To have and to hold in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, the good times and the bad, for as long as we both shall live. With this ring, I pledge my love to you, now and forever.

Eric: Sarah, if you will repeat after me...

Sarah: I got it.

[Clears throat] I, sarah, take you, rex, to be my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, in good times and in bad, for as long as we both shall live.

[Tender music]

With this ring, I pledge my love to you, now and forever.

Eric: As you two come together in marriage, I ask that you two cherish each other. From this day forward, you are now one. Honor that. Rejoice in it. As those will us here today and those looking down upon you now. May your commitment to each other and your love grow stronger each and every day. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Jennifer: I'm just so sorry about caroline.

Kayla: Thank you. I know. But listen, that obituary you wrote, it was just-- it was just lovely. Thank you.

Jennifer: Well, I'm honored to do it. And you know, will is working on a profile of caroline.

Kayla: I know, I saw him typing away on his laptop. I mean, his recovery is remarkable.

Jennifer: Yeah, it's so good to hear. And you know, I-- I talked to jack a little bit about the serum.

Kayla: I know that you probably have high hopes about jack getting it, but you know, we have a ton of red tape with the fda that we're gonna have to go through before it's even--

Jennifer: No, I understand, and you know what, it's probably a non-issue, because he doesn't want to take the drug anyway.

Kayla: Because of the risks?

Jennifer: That's what he says but I think it's an excuse.

Kayla: What do you mean?

Jennifer: Kayla, I don't think he wants to remember his past. I mean, as far as he's concerned he has the perfect life with eve. Why would he want his old life back?

Eve: Oh, right on time. Sweetheart, I was just telling your brother-in-law here what a fabulous da he is going to make.

Jack: Uh, [Stammering] I beg your pardon?

Eve: [Chuckles] Would you excuse us just a minute, justin?

[Whispering] Justin-- justin agreed to represent ben weston.

Jack: Well, you had to know that he was gonna hire a lawyer.

Eve: I didn't know he was gonna hire the best lawyer in salem.

Jack: And the most connected.

Eve: Just--the last thing i need is for him to get ben off. And worse, jack, I mean, what if he finds out that I set him up?

Jack: Adrienne is team jennifer all the way. How are we supposed to trust him?

Eve: Okay, look, we have to fill the slot. It's important that he is the best guy out there, and he's a good guy. He's reasonable, and he's always been an advocate to-- to get justice for paige, so can you just... will you just trust me on this one? Please?

Jack: Uh, okay, okay. Okay. Ah... congratulations, counselor. Job is yours.

Justin: Thanks, jack. But I would rather gargle glass than work for you.

[Tense music]

Maggie: Are you really gonna give sarah that?

Xander: Well, she's planning to marry that two-timing jerk very soon, and now's the time the time to act.

Maggie: Hello, sweetheart.

Sarah: Hey, mom. Rex got a phone call as we were pulling in, so...

Xander: I--I have something for you.

Sarah: What's this?

Xander: It's a present. For you.

Sarah: I'm--I'm sorry, I can't accept this.

Xander: Oh, I know you're engaged, but...

Sarah: Actually, I'm not.

Xander: Did you and rex break things off again?

Sarah: No, um, [Giggles] Mom, um... rex and I got married.

Both: You did what?!

Roman: Hey, son. Hey, I was gonna make myself a sandwich. You want one? Eric?

Eric: Uh, yeah.

Roman: You, uh, seem a little preoccupied.

Eric: Yeah, I just performed a wedding ceremony. For rex and sarah.

Roman: What, my invitation got lost in the mail?

Eric: It was spur of the moment. Just me and sarah and rex, and kayla was a witness.

Roman: Have a seat.

Eric: Dad...

Roman: Well, you know, they could've called me and kate. We'd have picked up maggie. Would've been there in ten minutes.

Eric: Dad, they didn't want to make a big deal out of it. You know, after grandma'S... passing, and everyone's focused on will's recovery...

Roman: Well. I am happy for rex, but, uh... that had to be very tough on you. I know you had feelings for sarah.

Eric: And how do you know that? Mom tell you that?

Roman: She didn't have to tell me anything. I'm not an idiot. I can see it. And I assumed, though, that that had all changed since nicole came back.

Eric: Yeah, it did. Nicole wants nothing to do with me. And what are you gonna do about--

Eric: There's nothing I can do about it, dad.

Nicole: And what am i guilty of, exactly?

Kate: Oh, man, there are so many, many, many answers answers to that question. But I think that your current scheme is the very bizarre fact that stefan has you now running my old company.

Nicole: You know what I think? I think you're afraid that i will bury you and titan. And you should be. In fact, I think I'm gonna start right now.

Kate: What the hell are you doing? What's wrong with you? This isn't over.

[Foreboding music]

Kate: She was definitely hiding something. And victor and I gotta find out what.

Kirsten: [Sighs]

[Chuckles] Oh, kate, you clueless old hag. You'll never guess my secret in a million years.

[Giggles] I wanted more from

Justin: I'd like to take my client across the street to be arraigned. Now, if you refuse, I'll go public with this gross violation of his civil rights.

Eve: Fine. No judge in his right mind's gonna grant him bail anyway. Go ahead.

[Ominous music]

Oh, man. Look, I--we gotta keep an eye on that one, I'm telling you. I'm sorry that I offered justin the job without talking to you first; it's just when he said he was gonna represent ben, I just went ape... like, rargh! Hey. You okay? What's going on? Did something happen at the rally?

Jack: Yes. Jennifer showed up.

Eve: Well, of course she did. Did she come galloping in on her high horse?

Jack: She said they found dr. Rolf's diary.

Sarah: We got it. We got rolf's diary!

Kayla: Where did you get that?

Maggie: From xander.

Sarah: We have to get it to the lab.

Maggie: Yeah, go, go.

Eve: Maggie, um... the diary-- did xander happen to say where he got it? Wow. That's, um... that'S... that's exciting news, jack. But, you know, even if he were to give you that serum, you... we both know it's not safe after what happened with will.

Jack: Jennifer told me that they came up with an antidote.

Eve: It could have side effects, too, you know, just like the original serum.

Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I just said the same thing.

Eve: You know, I... I thought we already talked about that possibility, and you said you were that happy with the life that you were building with me. And then you didn't want your memory back. You haven't changed your mind, have you?

Kayla: I'm sure that jack is perfectly miserable in his new life.

Jennifer: Uh, no, I don't think so, because I just saw him at his rally, and he is eating it up, kayla.

Kayla: Well, that's because that's all that eve is feeding him. It's not what jack really wants. He just doesn't know how much happier he could be.

Jennifer: Kayla, he doesn't want to know.

Kayla: I disagree with you. I--I think that he is just scared to get anywhere close to true happiness.

Jennifer: I don't know what you're talking about, kayla.

Kayla: You know, when you grow up like jack did, with no genuine affection, you don't believe that it exists and then later in life, when love comes your way, you don't believe it's real or that you deserve it. He is settling for eve because it's easier and safer. But believe me, it is not going to last.

Xander: Say it isn't so.

Maggie: Is it? I mean, is this true?

Rex: Sarah and I decided that we didn't want to wait any longer. We're in love. We would've been married months ago, so why not start our lives together right now?

Xander: Where do I begin?

Maggie: What are you doing here?

Kate: I'm looking for victor.

Maggie: Of course. He's not home.

Kate: Am i interrupting something?

Rex: Uh, sarah and i just got married.

Kate: Married, as in--as in--

Rex: As in we said our vows, and now we're husband and wife.

Kate: You got married and invited maggie and not me?

Maggie: They invited no one.

Kate: Why not?

Rex: Look, can we-- there's a whole lot of reasons why that I won't get into right now, but just, can you be happy for us, please?

Kate: Well, of course I am happy for you. I'm absolutely happy for you. It's just that, you know, I have to get-- I have to get used to it. And, uh, it's a little bit hurtful that I wasn't invited as mother of the groom.

Rex: Look, we know that you were focused on will, rightfull so. So we didn't want to distract from that.

Kate: Okay, well that's fine, that really is, as long as I can throw a huge party for you.

Rex: Then you know what? That sounds great. We'll do that.

Kate: Oh, my gosh. Congratulations. Ah, it's wonderful.

Rex: Thank you, mom. Thank you.

Kate: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. And I wish you every happiness.

Rex: Appreciate it.

Kate: As I'm sure xander does as well. So interesting to see you here.

Xander: I live here.

Kate: Smack in the middle of everything, right?

[Tense music]

Kristen: Ugh. Ah, this is so much better.


Ted's phone is dead. And he'd better be too.

Jennifer: I don't know, I just really thought I was making progress with jack because, see, I sort of kidnapped him to spark his memory, and I really believed that he was remembering, and i was so happy, and then he went off and married eve.

Kayla: Like I said, I think he's just putting up walls because he's scared. I mean, it's got to be overwhelming, right? All this love being thrust at him. Friends, family, kids, grandkids.

Jennifer: That's supposed to be a good thing, right?

Kayla: Well, of course it is, but maybe he just needs time to, you know, ease back into it. I think you need to be patient. He will come back to you. No doubt about it. You hear me?

Jennifer: Yes. Thank you, kayla.

Kayla: Yeah.

Jennifer: I hope you're right.

Jack: Of course I haven't changed my mind. I love being mayor, being married-- to you. Our life together. We--we're full steam ahead. You and me. I have no reason to look back, ever, ever.

Eve: Sweetheart, I'm just so sorry I've been on edge lately. It's just that I don't want anything to get in the way of putting ben weston behind bars.

Jack: You don't have to explain that to me. I--I understand how important this is to you.

Eve: Thank you, jack. Thank you so much. You know, it just seems like every day, somebody's telling me that I'm abusing my power, but i swear to you I'm not. I'm just trying to get justice for my little girl. She was everything to me.

Jack: I know, I know. I know. Oh, I know, I know. Oh, I know.

Eve: Oh, now I've got to go put out a fire over at that damn courthouse.

Jack: Okay.

Eve: See you later.

Jack: I'll see you.

Eve: Ugh!

Jack: [Laughs]

[Reflective music]

Jennifer: Honey, if you'd just give me a chance, I bought this, um... photo album of our life together and of our family, and if we can just look at it... just look. No expectations.

Eric: I'm sorry. I filled sami in earlier. I just think it's time for everyone to give up hope that nicole and I have a future together, and sami, she agreed.

Roman: Oh, please. Come on. Don't tell me you are taking advice on love from your sister.

Eric: Not exactly. But she could see that I had feelings for sarah. She said I should come clean.

Roman: And?

Eric: And I've learned that denial and dishonesty makes things worse. So I went over to the hospital, and when I got there, rex announced he and sarah were getting married. And he asked me to do the honors.

Roman: Oh, wow. That had to hurt.

Eric: Yeah, it did, and... they were just so excited and determined to get married that there was nothing I could say.

Roman: Eric, you are such a good man. Putting your brother's happiness ahead of your own... and I'm sure sarah is torn, but I can't believe she would have married rex if she didn't love him.

Eric: That's what I keep telling myself.

Xander: Why are you treating me like the enemy? We're colleagues.

Kate: Can you even spell it?

Xander: When you go low, I go high, and in response to your hostility, I'll be kind. In fact, I already gave sarah a gift.

Sarah: Which I told you i cannot accept.

Xander: Oh, no, please keep it. I insist. It's, um, a wedding gift. For both of you. A piece of jewelry.

Rex: How the hell is that for the both of us?

Xander: You can enjoy looking at your beautiful wife while she wears it.

[Phone beeps] I have to go. I wish you every happiness, and I hope you will wear your gift in the spirit in which it was intended.

Kate: I'm going to have to go too. Congratulations, kids. Whatever you're up to, xander, I am all over it.

Eve: Jennifer!

Jennifer: I'm in a rush, eve.

Eve: To kill my husband?

Jennifer: What?

Eve: I understand that the drug they gave will may be available to jack.

Jennifer: At some point, yes.

Eve: Oh, and I'm sure you're hanging on all your sad, little hopes that jack will take that drug, right? Because only a selfish shrew like you would push a deadly drug on a man who's so happy with his life exactly like it is.

Jennifer: Says you.

Eve: Says jack. He just told me in no uncertain terms that he does not want his memory back, ever.

Jack: You got a minute?

Kayla: I suppose.

Jack: I'd like to ask you some questions... about that serum.

Roman: Listen to me, all right? It is not over between you and nicole. Once the grief lifts, she will be able to see things more clear.

Eric: Listen, I don't think so.

Roman: You mark my words. You and nicole will be back together again, both my sons will be happy, and now I'm gonna make your sandwich for you.

Rex: We need to celebrate. I'm gonna go grab a bottle of champagne and a bottle of sparkling water for my wonderful new mother-in-law.

Maggie: Sparkling water.

Sarah: [Chuckles] Be happy for me, mom.

Maggie: I will be. As long as I know you're happy for yourself.

[Ominous music]

Kristen: What took you so long?

Xander: What matters is, it's done. I killed ted laurent.

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