Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 2/20/19
Episode #13469 ~ Abigail and Chad make a life-changing decision; J.J. urges Jack not to say anything about Haley's immigration status; Eli brings Sonny and Will into the police station for questioning; Marlena blasts Leo for lying about Sonny and Will.
Provided By Suzanne
Marlena: L righty. You've got something to tell me about your son, but it doesn't involve sonny or will.
Diana: That's right. And it is important.
Leo: What's going on here?
Julie: I am just so glad baby charlotte is home where she belongs.
Jennifer: Well, I have even more good news for you. Chad and abigail are back together. I mean, julie, I knew that they never stopped loving each other, but last night, their love won out.
[Jennifer laughs]
Julie: Oh, I'm thrilled. I'm just thrilled. You know this is what I've been praying for.
Jennifer: I know. You have been their champion.
Julie: And now I'm going to be yours. One couple down... one to go.
Jack: I got your message, the text, and I'm sorry I didn't get back to you. I just thought I'd come right over. wanna talk? Is it about charlotte? I heard she was found.
Jj: Oh, thank god she--she was found, but I-I wanted to talk to you about something. Someone, actually.
Jack: Who's that?
Jj: My friend haley.
Haley: Ms. Roberts, you need to eat.
Kate: Not hungry.
Haley: Will you at least have some water?
Kate: The temperature of lukewarm bathwater? I think not. Although, if you get me an ice-cold martini, I'll talk.
Haley: You know, it's really important that you keep up your strength...especially after what you've been through.
Kate: [Huffs] How the hell would you know what I've been through?
Haley: I read your chart, and I see that you overdosed. I'm not judging you. I've actually been there myself. But I promise you, it does get better.
Kate: I didn't try to kill myself, you little twit. A deranged woman injected me with a sedative to make it look that way.
Haley: Oh. Well, that was not in the charts.
Chad: I'm not leaving salem without making you my wife. Abigail deveraux...will you marry me?
Abigail: [Laughing] Oh, my god!
Chad: Again? I know--I know--I don't wanna pressure you, I know it's-- that this is a lot to ask. Marry me. Will you?
Abigail: I... have one thing to say. Yes. Yes! Yes. Yes.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Chad: You know, actually, i know this is all moving really fast. I just--I--I gotta--we gotta move to paris as husband and wife.
Abigail: God...yes! I want this more than anything. I-I'm sorry, I couldn't get the words out right away, but i just--this is just really fast.
Chad: I know, it's a new beginning for you and me and the kids.
Abigail: This sounds perfect. I mean, it sounds amazing, but we have to leave tonight if you need to be in paris tomorrow for shin--how are you gonna pull this off?
Chad: Just keep it simple. If it's all right with your mom, we can do it here.
Abigail: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that--that would work.
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: Oh, my god, I just-- I have to get a dress.
Chad: Well, you'll look beautiful in anything.
Abigail: Oh, my god, we have so much planning to do and not a lot of time. Oh, my--I have to--we have to--we're moving! I have to go--
Chad: Just one more thing before you go?
Abigail: What? Oh!
Jennifer: Julie, I appreciate your support and your encouragement. But--
Julie: But I do occasionally come on a little too strong. You can't argue with my tactics, though. Chad and abigail--little push here, little nudge there, et voila!
Jennifer: I know, and i couldn't be happier for them. But I really just don't believe that a reunion is in the cards for me and jack.
Julie: You still love him, don't you?
Jennifer: Julie, of course i love jack. But our love is rooted in our history, and he doesn't remember any of that. I'm a virtual stranger to him right now.
Julie: Just because he doesn't have the memories in his head doesn't mean they're not right here in his heart. You'll just need a little help to feel them again.
Jennifer: [Laughs] Well, you see, I'm not really just fighting amnesia. I'm also fighting eve donovan, because she is doing everything she can to turn jack against me.
Julie: Eve... eve is nothing but a temporary port in the storm, and that storm is gonna clear up.
Jennifer: She has her hooks in him--trust me. And by the time rolf's serum becomes an option for jack, if it ever does, it's just gonna be too late, so it doesn't matter.
Julie: Jennifer... you must not stop fighting. You mustn'T. Look at abigail. She was up against insurmountable odds. She didn't quit, and she's back with the man she loves.
Jennifer: I'm just saying you shouldn't put your money on me and jack.
Julie: Honey, I'm already all in. I'm betting on the two of you. I think it's gonna happen sooner than you imagine.
[Soft music]
Jack: So what's going on with haley?
Jj: As you know, she's undocumented.
Jack: Mm-hmm. Did someone find out?
Jj: No, no, but, uh, right before I told you, she sorta ran out of here, freaked out.
Jack: Yes, because you said you came on too strong. You were trying to help her.
Jj: Yeah, yeah. So before you showed up, I was upset.
Jack: Yes. I wasn't feeling too hot myself.
Jj: Well, you said you... you felt disconnected.
Jack: Mm-hmm. And as a failure as a father. Which I am.
Jj: No, you're-- dad, no, you're not.
Jack: Jj, please. You were there. You saw what happened at your mother's house when the baby was first missing. I came in there--I didn't know what to say, how to act.
[Scoffs] I just tried to comfort abigail and made everything worse.
Jj: Mm-mm. No, that wasn't your fault. Abigail wasn't--wasn't in the best place. She was lashing out at everyone.
Jack: Still, I don't know how to help my children.
Jj: That's--that's not true. You saw right away that I needed to confide in someone about haley. You encouraged me to open up, soon as I did, I felt better.
Jack: I'm glad I could help with that at least.
Jj: Look, dad...
[Sighs] Maybe it's not gonna be the same as it used to be. Maybe it--it might be awkward for a while. But I'm so damn grateful to have my dad to talk to again. And the thing is... I told you about haley, that she's here illegally. She's worried sick that it'll come out, and like I said before, no one can know. Dad, you have to promise me that you're not going to say anything to anyone.
Jack: I'm sorry, son. I'm not sure I can do that.
Leo, what are you two talking about?
Diana: My, my, matthew, a little paranoid?
Leo: It's leo. And maybe i should be paranoid, since the two of you clammed up the minute I walked in.
Diana: We were both taken aback by your entrance. Obviously, you're fired up about something.
Leo: Yes, mother, I am. I'm finally bringing two unrepentant criminals to justice.
[Tense music]
So there you are with your depression
Surely you know that not everything about a patient is noted in their chart.
Haley: I'm aware.
Kate: Were you serious before when you talked about overdosing?
Haley: Yes. But I'm okay now.
Kate: Mm. Well, that's good. But I might want a different nurse handling my medication.
Haley: You're due to be released today. But if I catch you back here due to malnutrition or dehydration, I'll make sure they assign you someone else.
Kate: Thank you!
[Knocks on wall] Hey.
Chad: I heard what jordan did. You okay?
Kate: Ah, aside from everyone thinking I tried to kill myself, yeah, I'm fine.
Chad: How'd you find out what jordan was up to?
Kate: It was really crazy, you know? I ran into her in the square. She was just nervous, you know, acting really nervous and edgy. And then she dropped this bag of supplies she was carrying, and out dropped a tube of diaper rash ointment, and I thought, "jeez, I don't think jordan needs that."
Chad: But charlotte would.
Kate: Yeah. So anyway, i tried to call the police, and what does she do but jam a syringe into my neck. And I guess she dragged me off to my--to my room, and she staged it to look like an overdose, you know? And if rafe hadn't found me, I probably would have died.
Chad: You're okay, though?
Kate: Yeah, you know. Aside from the lousy food and the bad decor, I'm doing just great. I heard that charlotte's doing good, too, right?
Chad: She is. And I promised abby I'd have charlotte in her arms by the end of the day, and luckily, I was-- I was able to do that.
Kate: I knew that you would do that for her. I knew that you never stopped loving abby.
Chad: And she never stopped loving me. She actually forgave me.
Kate: That's great. That's really wonderful.
Chad: I think it's time that I forgive you too, kate.
Julie: Oh, abigail, I'm overjoyed! I'm overjoyed that you're back with chad. Oh, darling, you never gave up!
Abigail: No, you never gave up.
Julie: And now... we can start working on your mama.
Jennifer: No. No, no, no. Never mind. Let's just concentrate on celebrating you and chad right now.
Abigail: Well, uh... I do have some news. So do you want the good news or the bad news first?
Julie: Bad.
Jennifer: Bad?
Abigail: Okay.
Jj: Why can't you keep haley's status secret?
Jack: Jj, ever since you told me that haley's undocumented, I've been concerned.
Jj: About what?
Jack: About you.
Jj: Me. Why?
Jack: Jj, how do you know that this girl's not just using you?
Jj: Using me how?
Jack: People come to this country all the time illegally and cozy up to someone just to get themselves a green card!
Jj: Green card.
[Laughs] That's ridiculous. 'Cause in order to get a green card, we'd have to get married.
[Laughs] I barely know haley.
Jack: Exactly. And yet she's already living with you. How did she finagle that?
Jj: She didn't finagle anything. Dad, she didn't have anywhere else to go.
Jack: That may be true, and yet, you are harboring an undocumented immigrant. If someone finds out, you go to jail.
Jj: Okay, so what are you saying? Are you gonna turn her in?
Jack: You're my son. I have an obligation to protect you or at least keep you from getting in any deeper than you already are.
Jj: I have no idea where this is coming from, but you're way off base here.
Jack: Jj, look--
Haley: What did I just walk in on?
Marlena: What's going on here?
Eli: Mr. Stark turned over evidence that indicates will and sonny were involved in a serious crime. I had to bring them in for questioning.
Marlena: And what is he accusing?
Eli: Sorry. I can't say.
Marlena: Will?
Will: It's okay. We'll--we'll figure it out.
Eli: Come on, guys. This way.
[Uneasy music]
Marlena: You will not get away with this.
Leo: I'm not the one who got away with something, dr. Evans. That was your grandson. And my husband. And now they're gonna pay.
There's little rest
for a single dad,
Jj: My dad just stopped by to see how I was doing. Dad, you remember haley. You met her on--on new years.
Jack: Hello again.
Haley: Hi.
Jack: Jj tells me you're living together.
Haley: Oh, it's--it's not like that. He's just letting me crash here for a while, we're... we're just friends.
Jack: Haley, did you hear what I said?
Haley: Uh, sorry, no.
Jack: I just wanna make sure my son doesn't get hurt.
Haley: Why would jj get hurt?
Kate: So are you serious about this?
Chad: I am, yeah. I'm tired of dwelling in the past. I just--I wanna... I just wanna look forward. If abby can forgive me, then i can surely forgive you.
Kate: [Small laugh] Wow. Actually, I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear those words. And I still have influence with the dimera board. I'm going to talk to shin, and we are going to bring down stefan once and for all.
Chad: I'm letting all that go.
Kate: What are you talking about? He's your enemy. You can't let him win.
Chad: I won...kate. I got my family back. I almost lost them once. I can't take that risk again. I'm not going to.
Kate: You seem relieved.
Chad: I am.
Kate: Then get out of this miserable place and go enjoy yourself.
Chad: Um... abby and I, we have some news.
Jennifer: Paris?
Julie: As in france?
Abigail: Yes. Chad is taking over the dimera office there.
Jennifer: Abigail, you just reconciled, and now you're gonna move to another country?
Abigail: I know that it seems impulsive, but this is what we want.
Jennifer: I know, but it's just you've been working so hard to get to this point. I mean, you're healthy, you have your family back. You have your father here. How can you leave now?
Abigail: Well, it's not just about chad's career. This is a chance for us to have a fresh start, and I want to give that to my family. I want to give that to chad.
Julie: In that case, you have my full support.
Jennifer: Wait--what? You want her to leave? Julie--
Julie: Jennifer, darling, not so long ago... you and jack needed a fresh start. You went to london with your little boy. You were sorely missed, but you needed that time. I think that abigail and chad deserve the same fresh start. Turned out to be a wonderful time for you, sweetheart. I think it's going to be a wonderful time for them too.
Abigail: Mom... we have to go tonight.
Jennifer: Tonight?
Abigail: Yeah. They need chad in paris right away.
Jennifer: Well, let him go. He can leave before you and the kids, right?
Abigail: No, I-I--he offered that, but I don't want him to. If we're gonna do this, if we're gonna have a fresh start, then i want it to be together. I want it to be as a family.
Jennifer: I hate this. I hate this so much. I hate it!
[Sniffles] But you know what? Julie's--julie's right. You do have to do what is best for you and your family. I need the good news right now. Real quick!
Abigail: Okay.
Eli: Okay, so...leo hit his head, and then what?
Sonny: And then he was lying on the floor, he was bleeding, he wasn't moving, and we really--we thought he was dead. I mean, clearly, he wasn'T.
Eli: So you didn't call the cops?
Will: We panicked. The guy who's suing sonny for sexual harassment dies in sonny's house the night before the sexual harassment lawsuit's gonna start? We knew no one would ever believe that was an accident.
Eli: Well, do you have any evidence that proves it is? Because leo has documentation.
Sonny: Yes, and he has been blackmailing me with these photos for months!
Eli: I understand that, sonny, but we will deal with that at a later time. Right now, I'm asking what do you have that proves this isn't attempted murder?
Will: I mean, all we have is our word.
Eli: I'm sorry, guys. That's not enough.
[Somber music]
Jennifer: Wow! A wedding in paris. Th-that'S...that's so romantic.
Julie: Or you could wait until chad needs to take a break, say the summertime, then come back here, be married at home, and--and--I can't wait to start planning it.
Jennifer: Yes!
Abigail: Actually, you don't even have to wait to plan it, because we're gonna have the wedding today.
Jennifer: You're joking.
Abigail: Um...we were actually hoping to do it here, you know, in the house, just an intimate family wedding.
Jennifer: Yes. That is perfect. Okay, okay, what do we do? What can we do?
Abigail: Oh, uh, I was wondering if you could talk to jj for me, because I'm not gonna have time, and he needs to hear it in person.
Jennifer: Yes, of course.
Julie: I'll get the house ready, uh, the seating, the lighting, the music--music! Do you suppose I can get a string quartet on such short notice?
Abigail: [Laughing] You don't have to go through that trouble.
Julie: Please, no, please! I insist! And flowers. At least flowers.
Abigail: Do you think there's time? I mean, we have to leave for the airport in a few hours.
Jennifer: Okay, we are talking about julie. Everything is possible. Okay? Here I go.
Abigail: Um...hey, mom.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Abigail: Do you think that you could invite dad? Please.
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, of course.
Abigail: Okay.
Jennifer: I will be right back.
Abigail: [Exhales] Ohh...
Julie: Okay, kid, let's hit it.
[Both laugh]
Kate: [Sighs] So... guess there's not time for the bon voyage party, huh?
Chad: But there'll be a wedding.
Kate: [Laughs] Pardon?
Chad: Yeah. Abby and I, we're gonna get married before we leave.
Kate: Yeah, but you told me that you were leaving tonight.
Chad: Yeah, we are. But that's why we're gonna keep it simple. We're gonna get married at the horton house. It's gonna be small, just family. Yeah, I don't have a lot of family. You're it. I'd really like for you to be there. I know with everything going on, uh, you know, if you're not up for it, then--
Kate: Seriously? Are you kidding me? Wild horses and a psychotic physical therapist couldn't keep me away.
Chad: You're okay? You're not gonna sneak outta here?
Kate: No! [Laughs] No. No, they're gonna release me soon, so no.
Chad: You sure?
Kate: Yes. Yes, I am--I am more than okay. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for forgiving me. You know, my life has been kinda dark lately, and, uh, I think your wedding is going to be the first light I've seen in a long time. I'm honored to be there, sweetie. I am.
Jack: The reason I'm worried about jj--
Jj: No, we don't need to get into it now.
Jack: I'm afraid we do need to get into it now.
[Knock on door] So the fact--
Jennifer: Hey.
Jj: Mom, hey. Come on in.
Jennifer: Hi. I didn't expect to see you here. Um...but I'm glad that you are, because I have news for both of you, actually.
Haley: I, uh, I'll give you guys some privacy.
Jj: What's going on?
Jennifer: Uh...abigail and chad are getting remarried.
Jj: Wow! Ha! I didn't even know they were back together.
Jennifer: I know, and it's all happening really fast, and what's really crazy is the wedding is today. And she would like for both of you to be there.
Jj: [Laughs] That's amazing. Of course!
Jennifer: Uh, jack.
Jack: Oh, look, I-- we were just talking about this. I was so useless before when the baby was first missing, I really don't think I should be at abigail's wedding.
Jennifer: Abigail specifically asked me to invite you. She wants you to be there. So do I.
Will: So us telling you what actually happened and telling you these photos don't even come close to telling the whole story--that means nothing?
Eli: It means something to me. But to someone else, it might look like you're covering up for the man that you love.
Sonny: But he's not! We are telling you the truth.
Eli: Sit tight, guys. Let me--let me talk to hope and see what she wants to do.
Sonny: Will...I never should have got you into this mess.
Will: This is leo's fault. It's not yours.
Sonny: On valentine's day i had gabi tie leo up, literally, so that we could spend the night together. That's probably what pushed him over the edge. We never should have antagonized him in the first place.
Will: I don't regret it. I never could.
Sonny: Even if we go to prison?
Will: I got to be with you. No matter what happens next, it was worth it.
Marlena: Exactly what is the evidence you have against sonny and will?
Leo: That's none of your business. I handed everything over to the police--they're handling it now. And that's all I have to say.
Marlena: You know, you may think you've got the upper hand here...but you don'T. Because the truth always comes out. Always.
[Tense music]
Sonny: How did you know we were here?
Chad: I went by the house and henderson told me that they brought you guys in for questioning. What the hell's going on?
Will: Well, leo happened.
Chad: What'd he do now?
Sonny: He, um, told the police that we tried to kill him.
Chad: That was an accident.
Will: Yeah, but unfortunately, it's our word against his, uh, evidence.
Sonny: Yeah. And he has photos of us rolling up his dead body in the rug and then putting it into the trunk of a car.
Chad: How can I help?
Sonny: Thank you, but, uh, but we've got it from here.
Will: Yeah. At least we're together.
Chad: That makes me happy.
Sonny: Yeah. We're happy too. Um, but what's going on? Why'd you need to track us down?
Chad: Well, you guys aren't the only two getting back together.
Sonny: You and abigail?
Chad: Yeah. We're getting married today.
Julie: I just looked in your closet, and I found three gorgeous, appropriate dresses. I laid them out on the bed for you to make the selection. Personally, I like the yellow one best, but of course, you're the bride, so you get to decide. And I called chef nile at the club--he's whipping up some wonderful canapés and champagne. Oh, I better call him back and make sure it's chilled champagne. And I talked to my boys at the florist, and your floral arrangements are on their way right now!
Abigail: Oh, my god! Julie, this is amazing!
Julie: Oh, don't sing my praises until you're walking down that aisle. Of course, we don't have an aisle, per se. I know! You're coming down the staircase in all your glory...
Abigail: Okay.
Julie: And we throw open the foyer doors, and you make your entrance through that archway. And chad will be standing right here, and the officiate will be standing here. Wait a minute. Uh, who is gonna perform this ceremony?
Abigail: I was hoping it would be you.
Jennifer: Jack, it's your daughter's wedding. You have to be there.
Jj: She's right, dad. We all want you to be there. I know it would mean the world to abigail.
Jack: Jj, we were in the middle of an important conversation.
Jj: We can discuss that another time. But...go with mom, okay?
[Small laugh] I gotta get ready. Mom, come here. Will you tell abigail that I'm so happy for her.
Jennifer: Yeah, of course.
Jj: And I'll see her soon.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jj: Okay? All right. So I can get ready.
Haley: Everything okay?
Jj: Yeah, um, my sister's getting married like--like now. So I don't mean to be rude, but I gotta get ready.
Haley: Before you go... what did your dad mean about not wanting you to get hurt?
Jj: Can we talk about this later?
Haley: Jj, please.
Jj: [Sighs] I-I told him...
Haley: What did you tell him? Oh, my god. You told your dad that I'm undocumented?
Marlena: Mark my words. You will regret hurting the people that I love.
Leo: [Scoffs] Uch. I've had enough of this abuse.
Diana: Excuse me. My son's upset.
Marlena: Oh, you're not going anywhere. As someone in witness protection,
Haley: Answer me, jj. Did you tell your dad that I'm undocumented or not?
Jj: Don't worry. A-all I told him was about how we kissed that one time.
Haley: We kissed and that's why he'd be so concerned about you?
Jj: I filled him in on some of what I've been through with women. So now that he knows I've been hurt, he's--he's just being protective.
Haley: Right. Okay, yeah. Just...trying to be a good dad. Making up for lost time. I get it.
Jj: He's easing back into it, so...I cut him some slack. And I promised him it's nothing to worry about.
Julie: For once in my life, I'm speechless.
Abigail: Well, you got ordained for hope and rafe's wedding, and you never got to actually have the ceremony, so i was just thinking...that you could do ours.
Julie: Are you sure?
Abigail: Yes. Yes, I'm sure, julie. The whole reason chad and I are having this reunion is because of you. You are the reason that I was able to come home and be with my children, and I never would have had this reunion with chad if it weren't for you. You did that. You encouraged me to be with him and to forgive him, and I have you to thank for that. So there's no one that I would rather marry us than you.
Julie: In that case...yes.
Abigail: Yes? Oh! Thank you.
[Both giggling]
Chad: I can't just sail off into the sunset knowing that you guys are in trouble. I need, uh--let me help.
Will: Honestly... you wanna help? Just make, uh, make abigail happy.
Sonny: Second chances are precious. And if you're lucky enough to get one, you grab it and you don't let it go.
Will: Anyway, we're gonna be fine. We're gonna get through this. Leo's a liar. He was lying about the sexual harassment and, you know, it's only a matter of time before we--we get him out of our lives for good.
Chad: Do you guys have a lawyer? I can have somebody from dimera come down here right away.
Sonny: I'm gonna call my dad. He'll take care of it. But you--you gotta go. You gotta start your amazing future...with the person you love.
Will: Yeah. That's my plan.
Sonny: Yeah. Same here.
Chad: It's just--it's not... not gonna be a wedding without you guys.
Will: Well, I mean... we're gonna be there in spirit, if that counts for anything.
Chad: You know, when, uh, when abby told me that you were alive, I didn't believe it. I don't know, I just--I-- I rushed over to marlena's, 'cause I had to see with my own eyes, and I gave you...I gave you a big hug. And a kiss. And you still had no clue who i was.
[Both laughing]
Will: I'm very sorry about that.
Chad: That's all right. I was thankful. Yeah. I'M...I'm thankful.
Will: So am I. You know, I remember, um, you were trying to spark my memory and, uh, you told me about the time when we both got wasted and I was on the hot tub and I was singing "good king wenceslas" at the top of my lungs.
Chad: It's classic.
Will: Yeah. You know, we had some fun times.
Chad: Yeah, we did. You. Sonny. You've been by my side through it all. You picked me up when I was down. You forgave me when you shouldn't have. You stood by me through all of it, and... I love you. I love both of you. Take care of each other, okay?
[Sniffles] All right. I don't know how to say good-bye, so I'm gonna go on and get.
Sonny: Then don'T. Let's just go with a bientot.
[Soft, emotional music]
Tech: At safelite autoglass
Marlena: You know, earlier you insisted on talking to me, and now here you are, rushing out.
Diana: Marlena, you know what it's like when your child's upset. You can't think of anything else.
Marlena: Right. You said what you wanted to discuss concerned leo. I thought, I don't know, maybe i could help.
Diana: [Chuckles] The only thing that will help me now is finding matthew.
Marlena: [Scoffs] What is going on with those two?
Julie: I see my bet's paid off already. Jack deveraux... this is the first time I've actually set eyes on you since your miraculous return. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you.
Jack: Forgive me, but... I don't remember you.
Julie: Really? Most folks find me absolutely unforgettable. Of course, these are unusual circumstances. I'm julie.
Jack: Julie. Thank you for having me.
Jennifer: Julie, the house, it looks beautiful. Oh, my goodness.
Julie: Well, you know, I love a grand occasion. And what could be grander than two people who belong together being reunited? And where's jj?
Jennifer: He is on his way, and I am amazed--but not really--that you have managed to pull this together, an entire wedding, in a couple of hours.
Julie: Well, after everything this family has been through, I'm so glad to bring people together just to be happy and to have a celebration and... and jack? You will want to remember what happens here today... because you'll feel what it's like to be part of this incredible family.
Eli: I'm sorry, guys.
Sonny: Hope won't let us go?
Will: How could she believe leo over us?
Eli: She doesn'T. We both think you're telling the truth. But leo made an official complaint, and he has evidence to back it up.
Sonny: So what are you saying?
Eli: I have no choice but to book you for attempted murder.
[Charlotte fussing]
[Jennifer chuckles]
[Soft music]
[Emotional music]
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