Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/14/18
Episode #13422 ~ Abigail breaks into Kayla's office to find proof of Gabi's deception; Julie sneaks into Gabi's bedroom, hoping to get the goods on her; Maggie and Sarah argue about who should raise Holly; Eric confronts Brady and Chloe about Nicole's letter.
Provided By Suzanne
Maggie: I hate that Eric took off like that.Sarah: Well, you're the one that told him about chloe's letter from nicole.
Maggie: I couldn't have kept that to myself!
Sarah: But you didn't even prepare him. You just walked in and said, "guess what. Nicole put it into writing that if anything ever happens to her, she wants chloe to raise holly." You just ripped the rug right out from underneath him, mom. How could you do that to him?
Chloe: "Brady destroyed any chance of happiness I might have had with eric. And though my heart aches for that loss and always will, I've had to let go of any hope that eric and I might be together again. For holly's sake more than my own, I've tried hard not to look back, not to long for someone who can no longer be part of my life. Therefore I must ask you a huge favor. If anything should happen to me, it's my wish that my daughter be raised by you"--
Eric: Chloe.
[Dramatic music]
Is that the letter from nicole?
Chloe: Oh, you--you know.
Eric: Maggie told me.
Maggie, hey, I got some great news. I found this perfect apartment for me and holly to move into.
Sarah: It was kind of crazy how it all happened. We were at the pub, and will came in, and he was talking about this apartment that he had gotten for he and paul.
Eric: Right, and since paul left, because will, you know, he can't afford it all...
Sarah: Right, and so he was looking for somebody to take over the lease.
Maggie: Eric--
Eric: Maggie, you gotta see it. I mean, it's got tons of light. It's got a park. You know...
Maggie: Eric, eric--
Eric: It's in walking distance to everything, and, I mean, once I kid-proof it all, I mean, it's gonna be perfect...
Maggie: Eric!
Eric: For holly
Maggie: We need to talk.
Eric: Yeah.
Maggie: It's about a letter nicole left for chloe.
Eric: Oh, my god.
Chad: So you understand what I want you to do? Good. I know what I'm asking, but I need it done tonight. Yeah, as soon as possible. Thank you.
Gabi: I'm guessing your mood isn't because of that phone call.
Chad: You're guessing right.
Gabi: I'm sorry that stefan had abigail released from bayview.
Chad: We had a deal: I gave him his child back, and he would have abby committed. That son of a bitch doesn't, uh--doesn't care what happens to her.
Gabi: Have you spoken to him? Have you seen him?
Chad: Yeah, I've, uh-- I've left messages, no response. But that'll change.
Gabi: Is that what your phone call was about?
Chad: Yeah, he thinks he's calling the shots. And once I've taken care of him, I'll get abby the help she needs.
Julie: But have you got anything on gabi yet?
Abigail: No, but I will.
Julie: Darling, you have to. She put you there.
Abigail: My whole family gave up on me. I kept telling them over and over again that it was gabi hernandez who was trying to set me up, that she was trying to take everything that mattered from me, and nobody listened to me. Nobody believed me. So now I just have to find a way to prove it.
Julie: And why are you telling me this?
[Tense music]
Abigail: Well, I guess... I guess because I know that you hate gabi hernandez, and... I'm just hoping, julie, that confiding in you isn't the wrong thing.
Julie: Abigail... I believe you.
Abigail: [Sighs] You do?
Julie: I know what gabi hernandez is capable of.
Abigail: Yeah.
Julie: And together, we are gonna find a way to make her pay.
Abigail: I know. I can't tell you what it means to me that you believe me, julie.
Julie: Well, I've always known what gabi is capable of, and, darling, I will do anything I can to help you.
Abigail: Can you, uh-- can you meet me at the park off the square in a few minutes?
Julie: Are you kidding? Wild horses couldn't keep me away. I want to see gabi hernandez get exactly what she deserves. She is a selfish, coldhearted little witch, and she always will be.
Abigail: [Gasps] Stefan.
Stefan: Gabby. Where you going?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: I was, uh-- I was--I was just gonna go out and get some fresh air. Ugh, took forever to get the baby to sleep. She was just crying and screaming and-- ugh, look at me. I'm exhausted. She finally wore herself out and fell asleep, but... I think I'm just gonna go out and get some peace and quiet.
Stefan: Mm, yeah, I'm pretty tired myself. So what do you say we... go on upstairs and go to bed?
Abigail: [Giggles] Aw.
Stefan: My bed's been, uh, pretty lonely and empty without you in it.
Abigail: I've been lonely too.
Stefan: Mm.
Maggie: Sarah, there was no good way to tell eric about nicole's letter.
Sarah: You never wanted him to have holly.
Maggie: I was worried, yes. Holly doesn't know him. And he's never experienced raising a little girl.
Sarah: But you agreed to it.
Maggie: You two wore me down. I never liked the idea.
Sarah: Even if nicole told him that that's what she wanted?
Kayla: Oh, I'm sorry. I must have come into a private conversation. I apologize.
Sarah: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Eric is your nephew. I'd like to know what you think about my mom ruining his chance to rebuild his life.
[Somber music]
Chloe: I'm sorry. I know you must feel like you've been punched in the gut.
Eric: [Sighs] You have no idea what I've been through the last few days. Sarah and I, we just-- we finally convinced maggie that nicole wanted me to be with holly. I said she'll always have a place in her granddaughter's life. She and I are working things out. Just like I know you and i can work things out. I've made arrangements. Chloe... nicole's final wish is for holly and me to be together.
Brady: Eric, I'm sorry. I know--look, I know how you feel, but nicole wrote that in a clear state of mind.
Eric: Who the hell are you to tell me about nicole's state of mind? You know what? This has nothing to do with you, so you stay the hell out of it.
[Dramatic music]
This holiday, no matter
who's on your list,
Kayla: Well, this is very complicated.
Maggie: I-it really isn'T.
Sarah: How is it not complicated? There's a lot of people's feelings involved, especially eric's-- not to mention the well-being of a precious little girl.
Maggie: Nicole's wishes were pretty clear, sarah.
Sarah: And that's complicated too.
Kayla: You know what? Maggie?
Maggie: Hmm?
Kayla: Would you mind if i just talk to sarah alone? I mean, I think cooler heads would be a good idea.
Maggie: All right.
Sarah: I agree.
Maggie: I really hate leaving this unresolved.
Kayla: Yeah. Here, why don't we-- why don't we sit? Roman told me what happened with you and rex.
Sarah: [Sighs] What happened with rex is that he had a baby with mimi, and I had a problem with that.
Kayla: I'm sure you do. No wonder you're on edge.
Sarah: I'm not standing up for eric because I'm frazzled. I'm doing it because it's what's right.
Kayla: But it's eric's problem, so... why are you so invested?
Eric: Look. Look. Look at the date on this. This is not nicole's last will and testament. She was just trying to make a plan for holly because she was terrified about xander. That is the only reason she wrote this!
Brady: I don't think that's the only reason.
Eric: Would you shut up and listen to me?
[Tense music]
Julie: I didn't hear you come in, jj.
Jj: Oh, I didn't-- I didn't mean to scare you. I just, uh--I wanted to know if mom knew any more about abigail.
Julie: Well, she's not here. She's still at work. I'm sorry.
Jj: Oh. Okay.
Julie: Jj, I know you're very worried about your sister living in the same house with that monster. We're all very worried.
Jj: Yeah.
Julie: Well, I was just on my way out.
Jj: I heard what you said on the phone.
Julie: You did?
Jj: Some pretty ugly things about gabi.
Julie: You know how I feel about her, jj.
Jj: Julie, you called her a coldhearted witch. And you know what? It's just not true. She's a great mother to arianna, and she really cares about her friends.
Julie: What friends?
Jj: If she hadn't have talked me down last christmas, I wouldn't be standing here right now.
Julie: I'm sorry I upset you, jj.
Jj: Look, I'm-- I'm aware of what abigail is accusing her of. But my sister, she's paranoid.
Julie: I'm just not as convinced of that as you are.
Jj: Chad caught her trying to choke gabi.
Julie: Well, what was gabi doing in bayview?
Jj: I told her I wanted an explanation, and she gave me one.
Julie: Oh, I bet she did.
Jj: Maybe that was a bad move.
Julie: You think?
Jj: But you know what? Gabi hasn't had the easiest life either. And now abigail is accusing her of things that she didn't do-- again. And it's getting to gabi. We went to the hospital together, and when we saw charlotte, she--she fell apart.
Julie: I hope you didn't let her within-- within inches of that baby!
Jj: It's because she can't have any more kids of her own. She's not sleeping, and she's not eating. That's why she was at the hospital-- to see kayla about it.
Julie: Really? Well... gabi needs help. I mean, that's for sure.
Jj: I listened when abigail told me that she thinks gabi is setting her up. And I tried to believe her 'cause I didn't want to think that my sister was really that sick. But she is... as much as it kills me to say it. No, I'm not gonna change your mind about gabi. But the idea that gabi is setting abigail up? I am not buying it.
Chad: I don't know if sonny and I will, uh-- will be friends again, but I'm in a position to hurt stefan and dimera enterprises.
Gabi: What did you do?
Chad: Read the business section of the paper tomorrow. You'll see. Unfortunately what I put in motion, uh, it may not be good for titan either. So victor's gonna be pissed. Probably be the end of me as ceo. But it'll also be the end of stefan. And as long as abby gets well, it'll all be worth it.
Abigail: Mm, oh, god, I want you so bad. It's all I've been thinking about.
[Both laugh]
Stefan: And now there's nothing holding you back. Come on.
Abigail: Oh, well, aha!
Stefan: What? What? What?
Abigail: Actually, there is.
Stefan: What do you mean?
Abigail: Well, I just had a baby. Come on, your daughter, remember?
Stefan: Oh, yeah.
Abigail: The doctor said that sex is a no-no for a little while.
Stefan: Oh.
[Sighs] Great.
Abigail: Yeah. But I'm gonna go to the gyno tomorrow, and I'm gonna see her, and I'm gonna find out exactly how long we have to wait.
Stefan: It's okay. I'm just--I'm just--I'm joking. You obviously take care of yourself, and I will do my absolute very best to control myself. I just-- I really want to hold you tonight. Can we do that?
Abigail: Mm, that sounds so nice. But, you know, I--
Stefan: [Sighs]
Abigail: I-I love you for being so patient. I do. I know. I just--I'm not gonna be able to control myself if you're holding me and kissing me. It's just... I think maybe, uh-- you know, maybe I should just stay in charlotte's room, you know, until--
Stefan: What? Until when?
Abigail: Ooh!
Stefan: Until when?
[Cell phone ringing]
Abigail: Your phone. Your phone.
Stefan: I know. I know.
Abigail: Well, you should get that.
Stefan: I know. This better be good. What? An injunction? What-- on what? Who's behind it? Of cour--yeah. No, you--you stay where you are. I'll deal with it.
Abigail: You have to go?
Stefan: Yeah, and I don't know when I'll be back, okay? I love you.
Abigail: I love you.
[Dramatic music]
[Tense music]
Sarah: Eric was very nice to me when things blew up with rex. He was there when I needed somebody. And I just--I just want to see him get what he wants for a change.
Kayla: I don't think you have the power to do that.
Sarah: I don't have the time either. I just got a very terse phone call from my department head at the hospital, saying that... if I don't return to work soon, then I could be out of a job.
Kayla: But if you go back to work, what are you gonna do about rex?
Sarah: I mean, I won't have to deal with him at first because... he took a leave of absence so that he could go be with, um, mimi and his daughter in pennsylvania.
[Cell phone ringing]
[Sighs] Speak of the devil. I have to take this, don't I?
Kayla: No--yeah, you do, actually. But I'll be right here-- unless you want me to leave.
Sarah: Please don't go.
Kayla: Okay.
Sarah: [Sighs] Look, I don't have the time, and I'm not in the mood, rex, so please just make this quick. What the hell do you want?
Eric: [Sighs]
Brady: Go ahead, eric. Say what you have to say.
Eric: Are you going to listen to me?
Chloe: Yes, he is.
Eric: Listen to me. There's been a lot of things that have changed since the date on this letter. I found nicole, and I found out that she wanted to be with me as much as i wanted to be with her. We were planning to be together for the rest of our lives and raising holly together.
Brady: And you didn't get that chance--
Eric: I don't need you to point that out to me or that she's dead.
Brady: I know that.
Chloe: Eric.
Eric: Brady, you were there. Nicole was trapped. She thought she was dying. And you know as well as I do that she knew what she was saying. I don't know why you can't just admit it.
Abigail: Julie.
Julie: Oh! Hi.
Abigail: Hi. I'm so happy to see you.
Julie: Oh, I'm so happy to see you-- and not wearing that frightful wig.
Abigail: Ugh, I know. I took it off in the car. I hate that thing. But I have to wear it. Otherwise stefan will get suspicious. Thank you for waiting. I wasn't even sure if you were still gonna be here.
Julie: What kept you?
Abigail: Stefan came home.
Julie: Oh.
Abigail: Yeah, but luckily he got a business call, thank god. I have so much to tell you, and there's not a lot of time.
Julie: How is stefan? I mean, how is he acting now?
Abigail: I mean, like-- like a man in love.
Julie: Yuck.
Abigail: I know. But I stalled him. I reminded him that i just had a baby.
Julie: Oh, good thinking. Good thinking. Cut him out of the bedroom. That may be a very good way to get the divorce you want.
Abigail: Right. In the meantime, then I can be with charlotte, and then you and I, we can come up with the evidence that we need on gabi.
Julie: Yes, yes. So tell me what you want me to do.
Abigail: Okay, uh, well, I've been thinking a lot about it, and what I want you to do, you have to do it without raising any suspicion.
Julie: Darling, I know everybody in this town knows I can express my opinions out loud, but... I can be devious. Just tell me what you need.
Abigail: Okay.
Gabi: I really hope you stick it to stefan, 'cause I hate him as much as you do.
[Door clicks open]
Stefan: What the hell are you trying to pull?
Chad: Well, what do you know? Looks like I finally got your attention.
[Dramatic music]
I'm not picking it up.
Stefan: So you went to court and are trying to say that titan has a claim on all that oil in the sub-saharan fields?
Chad: You should've done your homework. Titan does have a claim to all that oil. See, we now own the energy company that drilled those wells.
Stefan: That's just not possible.
Chad: Well, the judge thinks it is. That's why the injunction went through.
Stefan: So why'd you do it, chad?
Chad: You took abby out of bayview. We had a deal: I give you your child back, abby gets treatment. You welshed.
Stefan: I did no such thing. I made a deal to let abigail stay in bayview... not my gabby.
Chad: So that's what you had in mind all along.
Stefan: No. No, I did not. I agreed to marry abigail only when she asked me to. I did everything I could to get gabby back, but nothing worked, so... you sure you want to have this conversation in front of her?
Chad: Yeah. She knows everything.
Stefan: For once in your life, you are absolutely right. My point is, I made a deal with you because I wanted my daughter. And I didn't think I would ever see gabby again. But I guess I was wrong, because let me tell you-- she's back. And I want her just as bad as she wants me. So all bets are off, brother.
Abigail: Gabi was-- I mean, I have never seen her like that before. She was boasting about how she drugged me, and--and she showed me the wig that she planted at my mom's house.
Julie: How did she even get in to see you?
Abigail: She said she was jj's wife.
Julie: Ugh. That cunning little vixen.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Julie: So then what did you do?
Abigail: Well, I lost it. I-I went after her. And then chad came in, and, I mean, luckily he stopped everything. I could've killed her, julie.
Julie: She set everything up. She wanted chad to see you like that.
Abigail: Yes! Yeah. That's exactly right. That's exactly what she did. And now jj and my mom and chad all think that I'm, you know, nuts.
Julie: Please, tell me what I can do to help.
Abigail: Okay. Gabi still has the wig that she planted at my mom's house, and she probably still has the sedatives that she was giving me too. I can't go to the kiriakis house like this, like gabby with a y, but I was hoping that maybe you could talk your way in there.
Julie: Oh! Piece of cake.
Abigail: Yeah?
Julie: Yes. There may be another way, though, to find out about the sedatives.
Abigail: How?
Julie: Well, when jj went to see you at the hospital, he told me gabi was with him.
Abigail: What? What was she doing there?
Julie: Oh, who knows? But she told him she had an appointment with kayla. Said, oh, she couldn't sleep because she's been under so much stress. She's probably sleeping like a baby.
Abigail: Oh, my god. So you think that maybe aunt kayla was prescribing her the sedatives?
Julie: Yes.
Abigail: Well, if that's true, then it's definitely on kayla's computer.
Julie: Well, then do you want me to go to the hospital first?
Abigail: No, no. Uh, you let me do that. I used to work at the hospital, so it's really easy for me to go there and--and find out how, uh, it was recorded, you know?
Julie: Okay.
Abigail: But, um, I want you to go to the kiriakis house. I want you to search gabi's room, and start on the second floor in the east wing, okay?
Julie: How do you know that?
Abigail: Well, I don't, but that's--that's where chad's room is.
Julie: Ah. You're no dumb bunny, sweetheart.
Abigail: Listen. Get the pills and get the wig and then get the hell out of there, okay?
Julie: Sure, I'm on it. I'm on it.
Abigail: Thank you. Thank you so much, julie.
Julie: Oh, honey.
Abigail: I just-- thank you for believing me.
Julie: You be careful, darling.
Abigail: You be careful, darling, too, especially if gabi's around.
Julie: Okay.
Abigail: Love you.
Julie: I love you. Bye-bye.
Eric: You know you heard what nicole said. Why can't you just admit it? I heard it. I'll never forget it, I can tell you that. Damn it! Come on!
Brady: Eric! Eric, listen to me. We gotta get out of here. This whole place is gonna blow, man. We gotta go.
Nicole: Where's holly?
Brady: Nic, she's safe. She's--she's--she's safe. She's fine.
Eric: All right, go back to holly.
Brady: There's no way I'm leaving you here. You're coming with me.
Eric: No, I'm not leaving without nicole!
Nicole: Eric, listen to your brother. I'm trapped, and there's no way of getting me out of here. There's debris everywhere.
Eric: No.
Nicole: The building's about to blow.
Eric: I'm not leaving without you, nicole.
Nicole: [Whispering] No. I'm not letting you sacrifice your life for me.
Eric: I have no life without you in it!
Nicole: Well, what about holly? Who's gonna take care of her? The best thing you can do is promise me that you will look after my daughter!
Brady: Eric, we gotta go. Look at me. We gotta go. We gotta get out of here, man.
Eric: I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving.
[Dramatic music]
Are you gonna just stand there, look me in the eye, and deny what happened?
Chad: I know gabby with a y is back. I saw her with my own eyes. Abigail's sick. I can't get her back into bayview, but you can, so why don't you do the right thing?
Stefan: Forget it. It's not happening.
Chad: Suit yourself, because I'm gonna come after dimera enterprises with everything I have. With those oil fields tied up in court, you're already out millions. By the time I'm done with you, you won't have the price of a bus ticket out of here. I promise you.
Stefan: Chad, I don't have to tell you this, because, uh, you're well aware that I am not afraid of you, and there is no way in hell that I am having my wife and the mother of my child committed.
Chad: Your funeral.
[Tense music]
Gabi: I'm gonna go get him.
Stefan: You are not going anywhere.
Sarah: Thank god I didn't marry you. You are such a jerk. This day couldn't get any worse.
Kayla: What did he do?
Sarah: Rex is moving mimi and the baby to chicago so he can spend more time with his daughter. And he was just giving me a heads-up that he is already back at work. What am I supposed to do? Go back there and run into him handing out cigars and showing baby pictures? And if I don't go, I lose my job.
Kayla: I think you just have to take it one thing at a time.
Sarah: Which thing? They all suck.
Kayla: You know, I don't-- I don't know if this appeals to you at all, but... there's a vacancy in your department at university.
Sarah: Really?
Kayla: Mm-hmm. And I've read your articles. I think that you would be a perfect fit. I think the job is yours if you want it.
Sarah: [Chuckles] Wow. That would make mom really happy.
Kayla: Would it make you happy?
Sarah: I'd get to keep seeing holly. Eric says she really likes me.
Kayla: I'm sure she does.
Sarah: And I'd miss her. And I kind of--I got the feeling that eric was hoping that I'd be around to help him with her. But that was before nicole's letter came.
Brady: I did hear what nicole said. I was right there, man. I-I-I remember it the same way you did. But you have to understand what she was-- she was trying to do.
Eric: She wanted me to take care of holly.
Brady: Brother, she was trying to save you. She was trying to get you out of there because she knew that there was no hope for her. She wanted to get you out of the building. She didn't want you to die in there with her. That's why she said what she said.
Eric: You're a patronizing son of a bitch!
Brady: No, no, no, she knew-- she knew holly was taken care of 'cause she had already written the letter to chloe.
Eric: You know that is not true!
Brady: Eric, that is the truth!
Chloe: Stop it, both of you, right now!
[Devious music]
Julie: Now... just figure out which way is east.
Maggie: Julie?
[Laughs] What are you doing here?
Eric: Chloe, stay out of this.
Chloe: I'm not gonna stand here and watch you two beat each other up!
Brady: I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm trying to keep you from being more hurt than you already have been. That's all.
Eric: I'm telling you both right here now, I am not giving up. I know in my heart and soul what nicole wanted, and I am going to make sure her wishes are carried out. I will do whatever it takes.
[Dramatic music]
Stefan: Aren't you gonna thank me?
Gabi: For what?
Stefan: For not ratting you out to chad, telling him that you set abigail up to make it look like she'd fragmented again.
Gabi: You can't do that.
Stefan: Oh, no? It seems to me like I can do it anytime I want-- I mean, now that my gabby is back.
Gabi: Wouldn't have happened without me. Do you really want to rock that boat?
Stefan: No, I don'T.
Gabi: I didn't think so.
Stefan: But knowledge is power. And I know everything.
Gabi: Are you 100% sure that your gabby is back? Doesn't a part of you wonder if it really is abigail and she's just playing you?
[Dramatic music]
Kayla: That's great. Okay. Bye-bye.
Julie: There you are! Oh, I was just coming to see you.
Maggie: [Laughs] And didn't tell anyone you were here.
Julie: Well, all the doors were closed. I didn't want to bother anybody. I wanted you to know the horton christmas tree is up.
Maggie: Oh.
Julie: It's more beautiful than ever. And I want to be sure that you come to see it.
Maggie: Well, of course I'm gonna be there. I mean, I'm there every christmas. Why'd you think you have to invite me in person?
Julie: You have had a lot on your mind.
Maggie: Oh, yes. You are right about that.
Julie: Mm-hmm. And doug said, "be sure to tell maggie christmas is not christmas without her."
Maggie: Thank you.
Julie: Who knows? Maybe this year, we'll all get everything we really want.
Maggie: And wouldn't that be nice?
Julie: Yeah.
Maggie: Yes.
Julie: Well, I have to invite a few others, so I really must be on my way, darling.
Maggie: Okay, I'll see you soon. Merry christmas.
Julie: Merry christmas. Merry christmas. Merry christmas.
[Both laugh]
[Devious music]
As a fitness junkie, I customize everything -
Eric: [Sighs] Thank you for waiting.
Sarah: Did it go badly with chloe?
Eric: No, it wasn't chloe. It was my brother. I mean, he had the nerve to tell me what nicole was thinking and what she wanted.
Sarah: I'm so sorry.
Eric: No, now he's trying to prod chloe into taking me to court.
Sarah: You kidding?
Eric: Chloe, she's not gonna do it, but my brother, he's not gonna let her go down without a fight.
Sarah: What are you gonna do?
Eric: You know what? If they want a fight, I'm gonna give them one. I'm not giving up on holly.
Chloe: I would do anything to keep from hurting eric.
Brady: [Sighs] He just cannot accept the fact that he's completely wrong about what nicole wanted. Deep down, I think he knows I'm right.
Chloe: Brady, what if... nicole really meant what she said to him? I mean...she was dying.
Brady: She didn't really mean it. I was there. I know. What she wanted is written right here, clear as day. But he's--he's too grief-stricken to realize it, and he hates me so much, he's not thinking clearly. And as much as you may hate the idea, chloe, this may go to court. And if it does, you will win.
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: [Sighs]
Chad: Stefan take off?
Gabi: Yeah, I, um-- I saw his car pull out. Hey, I'm sorry that you didn't convince him to get abigail back into bayview.
Chad: It's all right. I'm not gonna give up. I got under his skin. I know I did.
Gabi: I know we both did.
Stefan: Gabby? Gabby?
"Decided to go for that walk after all. Love you, gabby."
Kayla: What are you doing here?
Julie: What is...this?
[Door clicks shut]
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