Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/13/18
Episode #13421 ~ Eric shares with Sarah his excitement about raising Holly; Sonny and Leo's wedding ceremony is interrupted; Maggie has a change of heart about Holly; Kayla tells Tripp the truth about Steve, and he comforts his stepmother.
Provided By Suzanne
Kayla: Oh, steve, when il heard that you'd been released, I was just so happy and relieved. Not coming home? I-- I don't understand. Well, of course I know that you would want to fix this, but... what about us? What about your son? Well, can you tell me when you're gonna come back? Yeah. It's just... it's just so hard. It's so hard to be without you. I just miss you so much, and I-- yeah. Yeah, I-I get it. It's just...I love you.
[Phone beeps] Oh.
Tripp: I thought my dad was away on business.
Kayla: Um...he is.
Tripp: Yeah, but that, uh... that sounded like, um... like he's not coming back.
Eric: I'm grateful that maggie agreed to let me raise holly.
Sarah: Well, she knows that's what nicole wanted, and she knows how much you love that little girl.
Eric: What's not to love? I mean, she's feisty!
[Laughs] She's independent. She's, uh...she's pretty cute.
[Sarah laughs] There's a lot of nicole i already see in her.
Sarah: Yeah. She's very special.
Eric: Yeah, she is. You know what? I'm just, uh, really thankful. For you. For you helping me so much with your mom.
Sarah: Naw. I didn't do anything.
Eric: What are you talking about? You did so much for me. I mean, if you hadn't gone to bat for me, I don't think your mom would have ever agreed. I owe you.
Sarah: Oh! Well, in that case, I'm gonna hold you to it.
Maggie: "Although holly is my child and daniel's, I know that the nine months you carried her bonded you with her in a very special way. Because of the bond and because you gave birth to her, you love her with all your heart. And that's why, if anything should happen to me, it's my wish that my sweet daughter be raised by you."
[Sighs] "Alongside her half-brother, daniel's son parker." Oh, my god.
Chloe: Yeah. It's dated from a few months back. Nicole must have written it when xander was holding her hostage.
Brady: She must have felt very alone, very scared for her life.
Chloe: And we know how much you love holly.
Brady: But chloe is a good mom, and parker loves his little sister.
Chloe: And I promise that you would be a very important part of holly's life.
Maggie: I don't doubt that. Only--[Clears throat]
Brady: What is it?
Maggie: I gave my blessing to eric. He said that nicole wanted him to raise holly.
Chloe: Oh, well... I'm sorry, but this letter says otherwise.
Sheila: "So if anyone present today knows of any reason why these two may not lawfully be joined together," let them speak now or forever hold your peace."
Adrienne: I'm sorry--
Justin: No.
Sheila: Okay. Nobody? Okay.
[Door slams] Then let's get these two hitched.
Victor: What in the name of all that's holy is going on here?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eric: You know, I have so much to do to get ready for holly moving in with me.
Sarah: Oh, you mean baby proofing your room?
Eric: No, I'm talking about finding a place for us to live.
Sarah: Are you moving?
Eric: Well, living above a pub is really not the ideal for raising a kid, so I need a place with like a yard, you know?
Sarah: [Gasps]
Eric: Kitchen.
Sarah: You'll have to get a little kiddy pool for the summertime and a playhouse like ari has.
Eric: That's a great idea.
Sarah: Mmm-hmm. Okay. I'm gonna help you make a list of everything that you need.
[Door opens] Hi, cousin!
Eric: Hey.
Will: Oh, sarah.
Sarah: Come here!
Will: Hi, hi!
Sarah: Hi!
Will: I-I heard you're back in town. I'm sorry I haven't come to visit.
Sarah: Oh, that's okay. My return to salem hasn't exactly gone as planned.
Will: Yeah, I heard. I'm sorry about rex.
Sarah: [Sighs] Me too.
[Laughs] But, uh, it hasn't been the greatest welcome back.
Will: Yeah. I can relate.
Eric: Hey. Mom told me that paul went back to san francisco. So you and sonny can be together.
Will: Um... unfortunately, there's been a change of plans, and sonny is going to marry someone else.
Victor: Well, what the hell's going on here?
Justin: Uncle vic, you need to take a seat.
Victor: Is this a wedding?
Adrienne: What tipped you off?
Victor: I thought sonny wanted to be with that twit will horton.
Sheila: I guess maybe he traded up.
Leo: Aw, thanks, girl.
Victor: I don't understand what's going on here. Justin, adrienne, you spent all thanksgiving ragging on me to bring sonny back so he could be with will.
Sonny: Things have changed, uncle vic.
Victor: Well, now, there's an understatement.
Leo: Maybe I can help. We haven't been formally introduced. Mr. Kiriakis, I'm leo starke.
Victor: Leo starke? You're marrying the bastard who tried to destroy our company? Has everybody in this family lost their minds? As someone in witness protection,
Kayla: How long were you listening to my call?
Tripp: Long enough to know you wouldn't be this upset if he was just on a routine case.
Kayla: Your dad was supposed to call you and check in.
Tripp: When? 'Cause I've been leaving him messages and texting him for days.
Kayla: He's on a very sensitive case.
Tripp: I don't believe you, kayla. I can obviously see how upset you are.
Kayla: Tripp, don'T.
Tripp: You're not telling me something.
Kayla: I can'T.
Tripp: Okay, fine. I'll just have to go to john then.
Kayla: Please. Please--
Tripp: Well, you're not giving me much choice here, kayla. What, my dad just disappears without even saying good-bye? I won't stop asking questions till I find out why he left.
Kayla: Okay. I'll tell you. But it has to stay between the two of us or people will be hurt.
Victor: What the hell is wrong with you, sonny? Marrying a man who accused you of being a predator... cost you your job at titan?
Leo: Technically, you cost him his job at titan.
Justin: Stay outta this.
Victor: Still waiting for an answer, sonny.
Sonny: [Sighs] Things-- they're--they're complicated.
Victor: They're more than complicated. They're insane.
Sheila: Can we please get on with this wedding, folks? We're on the clock here.
Victor: No. There'll be no wedding here until I find out what the hell is going on.
Leo: Just hang tight, sheila.
Sheila: I'll hang, but I get overtime if this drags on.
Victor: I want you out of this room.
Sheila: I'm the officiant.
Victor: I don't care if you're the pope--out! I need to talk to my family.
Sheila: Well, why don't you leave the room, grandpa?
Leo: Okay, how 'bout we give him a minute? We can go out there and discuss your bonus.
Sheila: Now you're making sense. Tch.
Leo: Don't take too long. I know you're just as anxious as I am to start our new life together.
[Somber music]
Eric: Wait--sonny's marrying somebody else? But...he loves you.
Sarah: How did this happen?
Will: Um...well, I can't go into the details, but let's just say he's making a huge sacrifice for his family and for me.
Eric: Wait, wait--how is that helping you by marrying somebody else?
Will: I-I can't tell you any more than that.
Eric: Come on. You can tell me who he's marrying, at least.
Will: Leo starke.
Eric: Leo starke? Isn't that the man who sued him for sexual harassment?
Will: The one and only.
Eric: Why in the world...
Sarah: Sounds like blackmail to me.
Eric: Is that was this is? If sonny agreed to marry him, he would drop the suit?
Will: Something like that.
Eric: That's unbelievable. There's really no other way to diffuse it?
Will: Sonny doesn't think so. So anyway, I'm, you know, alone again, and on top of that, I got this--this apartment that i rented for paul and me, but i can't afford it by myself, and the landlord's not letting me out of the lease unless I find someone to take it over.
Sarah: What's this apartment like?
Will: It's like two-bedroom. It's right around the corner. It's furnished, it's really nice, and just too big and expensive for me.
Sarah: Is there any chance it has a yard?
Will: Yeah, it has a fenced-in yard. It's on the ground floor. Why?
Eric: There may be a way we can help each other.
Maggie: I planned on raising my granddaughter. But, uh...eric and sarah persuaded me to honor nicole's dying wish that eric take care of holly.
Brady: Well, we know how much eric wants to be there for holly, but it was nicole's choice to have chloe raise her daughter. It's there in writing.
Chloe: Yeah, maggie, I mean, I would have never expected this--not after that custody battle that nicole and I went through.
Brady: But you worked everything out, and nicole knew how much you loved holly.
Chloe: I do. And I know that eric loves her too, and I don't want to hurt him.
Brady: Problem is, this isn't about eric. It's about holly. It's about nicole and what she wanted for her daughter.
Chloe: And I promise you I'd take care of her as my own.
Maggie: I believe you would. God forgive me but, see, I've had concerns about eric... that he isn't in the right emotional state to raise that little girl. 'Cause I know he's grieving for nicole, and he will for a very long time.
Brady: Yet you were still willing to give her over?
Maggie: Sarah. She convinced me that holly would give eric the help that he needs to put his grief behind him... and that they'd heal each other.
Chloe: Yeah, but like brady said, this isn't about him. It's about what nicole wanted. And I owe this to nicole. So maggie, I need to know that you're on board with this. Will you support me in adopting holly?
[Soft emotional music]
Tripp: So they accused him of espionage, what, he's a double agent?
Kayla: Everything that your father looked at since the surgery was compromised. And someone used those images against the isa, and now your dad is trying to help undo the damage.
Tripp: Why didn't you tell me this sooner?
Kayla: I couldn'T. It was confidential.
Tripp: I'm his son.
Kayla: But you were very wrapped up in the ciara situation, and your dad just didn't want you to worry.
Tripp: I'm not a kid, kayla. Right? If my father's in trouble, I wanna help. I mean, don't you?
Kayla: More than you can know. This whole thing--everything about this--it's my fault.
Tripp: Your fault? How?
Kayla: I went behind your dad's back... and got the bionic eye from stefan dimera. This whole entire mess is because of me.
Will: So here's the second bathroom.
Eric: It's a nice, big tub.
Sarah: Perfect for bath time. Will, do you have a place to stay if you move out?
Will: Yeah, I'm sure eli'll let me move back into my old room at the martin house.
Eric: Just let me know what i can do, 'cause the sooner I get a new place, the sooner I get holly.
Will: Okay. I'm gonna call the landlord.
Eric: Okay. This could be the easiest apartment search ever.
Sarah: If this isn't a sign, I don't know what is.
Eric: Yeah, well, maybe it's nicole sending a little good fortune my way.
Maggie: We all only want what's best for holly. And while eric is devoted to her... it's clear in this letter that nicole...she put a lot of thought into this decision.
Chloe: Yeah. And it couldn't have been an easy decision. Things got so nasty after holly was born. I have so many regrets.
Brady: But in the end, you backed off. You did the right thing.
Chloe: I swear to you, maggie, I will be as devoted a mother to holly as I am to parker. And they'll grow up loving each other as brother and sister.
Maggie: Well, that's all i could ever ask.
Sheila: You know, I gotta be honest--I don't think this wedding's gonna happen. I should just cut my losses.
Leo: Don't you dare leave. I'm paying you for this.
Sheila: Did I mention my time is very valuable? I am the--
Leo: The assistant to the mayor--I know! How does that happen, anyway? How does an ex-con end up working for abe carver?
Sheila: I hustled, that's how. And how did you go from suing this family to marrying into it? What's your scam?
Leo: If you think I'm gonna cut you in on the action, think again.
[Sheila huffs] But you finish this ceremony, I'll make sure my groom gives you a big, fat tip.
Sonny: I have no choice but to marry leo. Otherwise, he's gonna turn me and will in for attempted murder.
Victor: Lesson number one-- when you kill somebody, make sure they're actually dead.
Adrienne: That's the lesson you wanna teach my son?
Victor: If he had learned it, we wouldn't be here.
Justin: It was an accident. And leo has enough evidence to send sonny and will to prison.
[Knock on door]
Sheila: [Sighs] So are we finishing this wedding or not? 'Cause I'm a very busy person.
Leo: Of course we're finishing the wedding. And let me just say I am so excited to become a part of your family, uncle vic. May I call you that?
Victor: Absolutely not. You sicken me, and I can't wait for the day very soon when you get what's coming to you. In the meantime, I won't stop this marriage. Let's get it over with.
Sheila: What heartfelt sentiments, mr. K. So, boys, where were we?
[Lightly edgy music]
Got directions to the nightclub here.
Tripp: So if stefan dimera secured the eye, why doesn't the isa just bust him?
Kayla: Because he denies having anything to do with the hack.
Tripp: [Scoffs] Of course he does. I mean, they must be able to connect him to it, though, right?
Kayla: Not so far. But your dad's working on that. And some other angles.
Tripp: Why can't he do that from salem? I mean, stefan is here. Why does dad have to be the one to leave?
Kayla: I don't know.
Tripp: He must have said something. Is he working on the lead?
Kayla: You know what, I don't really think that it has much to do with the lead.
Tripp: I don't understand.
Kayla: I just think that maybe... he's staying away because he can't forgive me for what I did.
Brady: You are making the right decision, maggie.
Maggie: I hope so. I just have one concern.
Chloe: What's that?
Maggie: You, brady.
Brady: Me? What about me?
Maggie: You just seem awfully supportive of holly going to chloe.
Brady: Sure. 'Cause I think that'S...the best thing for her.
Maggie: Do you? Or do you just want to see eric get punished?
Brady: Is that what you think? That this is all about hurting eric?
Maggie: Well, I walked in on a pretty ugly fight between you and your brother.
Brady: Maggie, it's no secret that my brother and I aren't getting along right now, but I wanted to make amends with him. That's why I was there. He's the one that can't let the past go.
Maggie: Somehow, I don't think it's one-sided. Eric betrayed you. Nicole broke your heart when she left you for your brother. Can you honestly tell me that you are still not resentful?
[Somber music]
Will: Thank you. Thanks so much. Uh, yeah, my uncle will be in touch. Okay. Bye. The landlord is cool with you taking over the lease.
Eric: What?
Will: You wanna check the place out?
Eric: Like right now?
Will: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Take my key...
Eric: Perfect!
Will: And feel free to raid the fridge.
Sarah: Are you not gonna come with us and give us a grand tour?
Will:, I'm gonna hang here.
Sarah: Okay. Well, you call me if you wanna talk. We can compare notes on how to get over exes.
Will: Cool. Thanks. Um, yeah, so if you like the place, text me, and we can, you know, do the paperwork.
Eric: Will do. You know, it's like a new start for all of us.
Sheila: Okay. This is the part with all the words, the vows. Now, leo, repeat after me. "Till death do us part." Wait a minute--that can't be right.
Leo: I think you skipped a few cards.
Sheila: What?
Leo: Your cards are messed up.
Sheila: I know that!
Victor: This is the person you chose to marry you? What, arianna was not available?
Sheila: I--okay. There it is. "Do you, leo, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to ho--"
Leo: I do!
Sheila: O...kay. Good. Um...okay. "And do you, jackson kiriakis, take leonardo--" is it leonardo?
Leo: Sure.
Sheila: "Take leonardo to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
[Quiet music]
Sonny, do you need me to repeat the question?
Sonny: No. No, um... I do.
Leo: There you go! And now...
Sheila: Now what?
Leo: The rings.
Sheila: Oh, right. The rings. "The rings are symbols of everlasting love... very significant." So, guys, each of you put a ring on it, would you?
[Leo exhales] "May these rings remind you that marriage is not a journey but a destination." Wait, or is it the other way around?
Leo: Can you bring it home, sheila?
Sheila: Okay, okay. I'll wrap it up. "And I'll get to the part that you've all been patiently waiting for, that by the power vested in me by the church of humanistic spiritualism, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."
Sonny: That's gonna be a hard pass.
Leo: Oh, he's just a little shy--he just needs some encouragement.
[Light music]
Leo: [Exhales] We're family now. Don't all congratulate me at once.
Victor: Don't hold your breath.
Leo: Mother kiriakis, dad, anything to say?
Adrienne: Don't even start.
Justin: I'll be watching your every move, leonardo. And if you so much as jaywalk, i will use it to get you out of my son's life.
Leo: Well, it's nice to feel so welcome by the entire kiriakis clan.
Adrienne: Are we done here?
Sheila: Oh, not yet. I haven't gotten my tip yet.
Leo: Of course. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job, sheila. Sonny, darling.
Sonny: I-I don't have any cash.
Leo: Uncle vic? You must have a sack of money around here somewhere.
Victor: Go to hell.
Sheila: Why is it the richest people are always the cheapest?
Victor: I want you out of my house--now.
Sheila: [Scoffs] This is the worst wedding I've ever been to in my life--aside from my part. You owe me.
Leo: Time to celebrate. Uncle vic, do you have any champagne chilled?
Victor: You call me that one more time and see what happens.
Leo: No worries. I'll go down to the wine cellar, pick out a bottle or two.
Sonny: Good. Take your time. Get as many bottles as you want.
Leo: Well, I can't drink too much. Gotta be ready for our wedding night.
[Sonny clears his throat]
Tripp: Look, I know you feel guilty, kayla, but this is not your fault.
Kayla: I knew who stefan was. I knew what he had done to abigail. Your dad's niece. How he--how he manipulated her. He took advantage of her mental illness. Your dad hates him.
Tripp: When did he find out where the eye came from?
Kayla: After it was too late. When I finally got the courage to confess... the isa was already knocking on the door to take him away.
Tripp: So you haven't even had a chance to talk to him about it?
Kayla: Not face to face. This is killing me. I couldn't explain myself or tell him how sorry I was.
Tripp: Look, once he helps the isa figure out who's behind this hack, he'll...he'll come back to you. You'll work it out like you always do.
Kayla: I wish that was true. I feel him pulling away. I just wonder if he even wants to come back.
Brady: Maggie, I did some horrible things to eric and nicole. I know that. I lashed out. I'm not proud of it. But I would never do anything like that ever again. I swear to you, all I wanna do is make things right, and I've apologized profusely to him.
Chloe: Eric is the one who talks about forgiveness, but he won't forgive brady.
Brady: It's true. I mean, honestly, maggie, I've given up. I care about holly being safe and honoring nicole's wish. That's it.
Chloe: So I guess I should go talk to eric about the letter.
Maggie: No. I will. I'm the one that gave him my blessing to raise holly, so I should be the one to break the news that...that that isn't gonna happen.
Chloe: Thank you, maggie. Thank you for allowing me to raise your beautiful granddaughter. It is a privilege that I won't take for granted, I promise you.
Maggie: I'll let you know how it goes.
Chloe: [Sighs] Oh, wow. I really don't wanna hurt eric.
Brady: I know.
Eric: You know, I can't stop thinking about how perfect that apartment is.
Sarah: What do you love the most? 'Cause I like the yard and the park down the block.
Eric: Yeah, well, I was already scouting the swings.
[Both chuckle]
Sarah: You and holly are gonna be so happy there.
Eric: Yeah. You know, I remember when nicole and I were talking about raising holly together. I said I would put in a swing in the yard, and she said we would take turns pushing her back and forth. Had it all worked out.
Sarah: I'm really sorry that you lost that chance.
Eric: I didn't lose it. Brady took it from me.
Sarah: I know you're having a hard time forgiving him, but maybe this is the first step, you know? You've got this new place and this new life with holly.
Eric: And I really want it.
Sarah: And I want it for you. I want you to find happiness.
Eric: I want that for you too.
[Phone rings]
Sarah: Oh, wait a sec. Sorry.
Eric: Yeah.
Sarah: Hello? Hey, rich. I've been meaning to call you. When do you need a decision by? Okay, I understand. I'll be in touch.
[Phone beeps]
Eric: Hey. It's bad news?
Sarah: Um... that was the department head at my hospital. He said, uh...that if I don't return to work soon, he's gonna replace me.
Kayla: [Small laugh]
Tripp: Of course dad will come back to you. He loves you, kayla. I mean, he has to know that you only made the deal because you love him.
Kayla: You're right. I just don't know how much a relationship can survive all the secrets.
Tripp: Yeah. Yeah. That's why mine and ciara's just blew up. But you're different. You've overcome more than any couple in the history of the world, and you've come out stronger for it. You're gonna be okay.
Kayla: Yeah.
Tripp: Dad knows that you will never do anything to hurt him.
Kayla: If only I'd had more faith in him, in us. If I'd just been honest and trusted him--
Tripp: He'd still be blind.
Kayla: But at least he'd be here. With us.
Chloe: I'm gonna need to figure out how to deal with childcare.
Brady: You'll make it work.
Chloe: Yeah, well, it's hard enough managing things with parker and running this club and now adding a not even two-year-old to the mix.
Brady: It's all right, hey, you're not gonna be alone. You have plenty of people around this town that care about holly. You have maggie, you have sarah.
Chloe: And eric.
Brady: And eric. I mean, if he's willing to accept that role.
Chloe: I hope he does. I know that nicole would want him to be a part of her life.
Brady: I'm sure he'll understand. Oh, and by the way, you have me. I'll be there for you. For you and holly.
Chloe: Thank you.
Eric: Hey, you even want to go back to chicago?
Sarah: I don't know. I mean, at first I stuck around here because...chicago is where rex and I had a life. And I just couldn't face going back to the apartment that we shared together and...all those memories.
Eric: Is he back there now?
Sarah: [Laughs] I don't know. When he left salem he said that he was gonna try to spend some time with his daughter.
[Eric sighs] Which means he's with mimi too, obviously.
Eric: You know what I don't understand is how he can even look at another woman when he had you. I mean, he may be my half brother, but I think he really screwed up.
[Sarah laughs] You deserve better.
Sarah: Thank you for always knowing the right thing to say.
Eric: So what are you gonna do? I mean, I know how important your career is to you.
Sarah: I just didn't expect to like being in salem so much. Maybe it's time for me to go.
[Solemn music]
Will: Promise me you'll never go away again.
Sonny: I promise. I promise.
Victor: Where do you think you're off to?
Sonny: Well, I can't stay here, uncle vic.
Justin: Leo's gonna be looking for you.
Sonny: Good. Let him have his own wedding night.
Adrienne: Well, where are you going?
Sonny: The only person i wanna spend this night with is the man that I love.
Justin: You're going to see
Sonny: Damn right.
Victor: The hell you are. You're not going anywhere.
[Edgy music]
Kayla: I'm sorry. I know this is a lot to lay on you.
Tripp: Hey, I'm the one who asked for the truth. I'm just sorry you've been having to go through this alone.
Kayla: Uh, roman's--roman's been here for me.
Tripp: Yeah, well, now I am too. For what it's worth.
Kayla: It's worth a lot. Thank you.
Tripp: Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot when i first came to town, but... we're family now. And we have one very important thing in common.
Kayla: We both love your dad.
Tripp: Yeah.
Kayla: I don't wanna lose him, tripp. But I feel like I already have.
Victor: If there were any justice in this world, your new husband would be at the bottom of the lake. But since he isn't, we have to deal with leo and the leverage that he has over you.
Sonny: Isn't that what we just did--by me marrying the son of a bitch?
Victor: You said yourself that he could put you in jail. He can also destroy our company. I can't allow that to happen.
Sonny: What are you saying, uncle vic?
Victor: I'm saying you have to do everything in your power to keep him happy.
Sonny: Will is the only man that I love, all right? This is a marriage in name only.
Victor: Be that as it may, the fact remains he is holding our fate in his grubby little paws.
Sonny: Dad...there's gotta be something you can do.
Justin: And I'll keep working on it, okay? But for now, you have to try and make this look real.
Victor: Step number one-- stay away from will horton.
Sheila: Let me ask you a question. If you officiated a wedding for some rich folks and they didn't even offer you a glass of champagne--I mean, wouldn't you think that was messed up?
Will: Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.
Sheila: I mean, it's the first wedding I've ever finished, but weird vibes, though. I mean, I didn't feel a lotta love between the two fellas.
Will: You're not talking about sonny kiriakis and leo starke, are you?
Sheila: Yeah. Those are the grooms in question.
Will: S-so... so that's it, then. Sonny...sonny married leo.
Sheila: Sure did. To death do them part.
Chloe: I want eric to spend time with holly. Like maggie said, it could help heal him.
Brady: That's a lot to put on a little kid.
Chloe: Yeah, but if it does heal him, maybe he will forgive you.
Brady: Chloe, you don't have to worry about that. It's not your concern.
Chloe: I do worry about that. I worry about you. I worry about eric and what this will do to him.
Brady: Right. Eric--he will understand. He loved nicole. He'll wanna honor her... her wishes.
Chloe: I just hope that he sees that holly being raised with her brother is the best possible scenario.
Brady: And once he reads nicole's letter...he's not gonna have much of a choice.
Eric: That's, uh...that's a tough call. I mean, I know you have a job back in chicago. But, you know, I think there's a lotta reasons you should think about staying.
Sarah: Yeah? You... you think I should stay?
Eric: I think... I think you need to do what's best for you. It's just...
Sarah: What?
Eric: You'll be missed. You know, by holly...
[Laughs] Uh...
Sarah: I-I'd, uh, miss her too.
Eric: Hey, maggie. Hey, I've got some great news. I found this perfect apartment for me and holly to move into.
Sarah: It was kind of crazy how it all happened. We were at the pub and will came in and he was talking about this apartment that he had gotten for he and paul.
Eric: Right. And since paul left, because will, you know, he can't afford it all...
Sarah: Right. And so he was looking for somebody to take over the lease.
Maggie: Eric--
Eric: Maggie, you gotta see it, I mean, it's got tons of light, I-it's got a park--
Maggie: Eric--
Eric: It's walking distance to everything, and once I kid proof it all, it'll be perfect--
Maggie: Eric!
Eric: For holly
Maggie: We need to talk.
Eric: Yeah.
Maggie: It's about a letter nicole left for chloe.
[Intensifying music]
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