Days Transcript Monday 12/10/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/10/18


Episode #13418 ~ Ted tells Rafe he's having an affair with Hope; Julie confronts Ciara about her relationship with Ben; Gabi and Abigail play a game of cat and mouse; Abigail makes a desperate plea to Julie, who vows to help expose Gabi.

Provided By Suzanne

Hope: Hi. How did you know I was here?

Rafe: [Exhales]

[Shower running]

Ted: What's going on?

Rafe: That's a good question. What the hell is goin' on?

Stefan: Ted's working with hope brady?

Ben: The two of them set up a trap at the motel. Our lawyer just tried to get me to confess to setting the fire that almost killed ciara.

Stefan: But you said you didn't have anything to do with that.

Ben: Hope has been trying to pin this on me from day one.

Stefan: Mr. Weston, you're my new security chief. I need to be able to trust you.

Ben: You can.

Stefan: Can I? Or have you been lying about that fire?

[Edgy music]

[Mellow notes]

[Door closes]

Julie: Why on earth are you dating a serial killer?

Chad: You sure abby's out? That you saw--you saw her as gabby?

Jennifer: Yes, I saw her at the hospital with stefan. They were getting ready to take charlotte home. And when I tried to talk to her, she just--she just blew right by me. And I'm so worried, because when she has that dark wig on--

Chad: She's not just a danger to herself--she's a danger to anybody who comes in contact with her.

Gabi: Abigail. I thought you were locked up in bayview.

Abigail: Surprise, bitch.

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Chad: I was hoping she wasn't sick again. That it would turn out that all of us were the ones that were wrong.

Jennifer: I wanted that too. But when you look at the evidence, chad...

Chad: No. I wanted to believe abigail's explanation, but... turns out gabby was orchestrating the whole thing.

Gabi: Gabby?

Abigail: Oh, don't look so surprised. Abigail's no match for me.

Gabi: When did this happen?

Abigail: Right after our powwow at bayview. Yeah, when you...when you copped to framing me.

Gabi: What are you talking about?

Abigail: Oh, don't play dumb, gabi. I was there for everything. You confessed to setting up abigail. I mean, she was already headed straight for splitsville, anyway.

Gabi: No. I didn't confess to anything.

Abigail: Hmm. That's not what I remember. Doesn't really matter. I'm just so happy to be out of that rubber room.

Gabi: Stefan just had you committed.

Abigail: Oh, no, no, no. He had abigail committed. I'm gabby. And when my man laid eyes on me, he couldn't get me outta there fast enough. And now that I'm back in control, there is one thing that I wanna say to you.

Gabi: What's that?

Abigail: Thank you.

Julie: The lunatic walks into my club and asks for a table for two... as though I would let ben weston, convicted murderer, to take you out on a date!

Ciara: Grandma--

Julie: And then when I tell him, no, get lost, he tries to turn on the charm.

Ciara: Grandma--

Julie: He tries to tell me how much he cares about you.

Ciara: Grandma.

Julie: I know you're a smart woman. I know you're perfectly capable of making your own decisions. But I want you to ask yourself, darling, what kind of man shows he has the hots for you by literally trying to set you on fire?

[Dramatic notes]

Ben: Mr. Dimera, I did not torch that cabin. I would never hurt ciara.

Stefan: Right, right, right. But you don't deny hurting people in the past.

Ben: No, I don'T. And I don't expect any of them to ever forget it. But I do hope that one time, sooner than later, this town starts to see me as something other than the necktie killer.

[Stefan chuckles] Give me a second chance the way you did.

Stefan: Mr. Weston, I gave you a second chance because i relate to your predicament. I also told you that if you gave me one reason to distrust you, it's over.

Ben: I'm a guy who's trying to start over... prove to people that I've changed, and no matter how many times hope brady tries to jam me up, I am not going to wreck this opportunity, mr. Dimera, okay? It means too damn much to me.

Stefan: [Quietly] Right. Well, at least the... police didn't strong-arm you into a confession. But I-I-I must ask you what else you told them in that motel room.

Ben: I didn't tell them a damn thing.

Stefan: You sure? You didn't throw me under the bus for kidnapping ted?

Rafe: I can explain--

Ted: You can't possibly be surprised by this, detective hernandez.

Rafe: What?

Ted: Your wife is a beautiful, strong woman. She can get any man she wants. And you cheated on her. And now, well, she's cheating on you...with me.

Hope: Oh--rafe!

[Body thudding]

[Ted groans, rafe murmurs]

Hope: Rafe--stop!

Rafe: Come on, get up! Get up so I can knock you out again--let's go!

Hope: Stop. Put this shirt back on--put it on. Rafe, stop! Nothing happened.

Rafe: Hope, I can't believe you did this!

Hope: It's not what it looks like--

Rafe: Of all people, you sleep with him?

Hope: What? No.

Rafe: Is it because of what he said? Is it because of sami?

Hope: My god, no! It has nothing to do with sami.

Rafe: My god...

Hope: It's about ciara. This is all about ciara.

Ciara: I appreciate your concern, grandma, I really, really do, but...I've already heard all of this from mom.

Julie: Well, hope has every right to be upset. This guy killed three people! And he tried to incinerate many more, including you!

Ciara: But that's not the whole story. His father traumatized him. He terrorized the entire family. He had a terrible childhood, and that kind of stuff really affects you.

Julie: My darling, half the people in this world have a rough time growing up. They don't take their revenge on people by strangling them!

Ciara: Ben did some terrible things--yes. But he was sick. And he got help. Ben is not the same person he was before.

Julie: In my long experience, I have noticed that people rarely change that much. Especially not a sociopath like ben. He's cunning. He's snowing you. Just like he snowed everybody else in this town. Honey, before he was caught, we all thought he was a nice guy.

Ciara: Now he is a nice guy...for real. And I would really appreciate it, grandma, it would mean much to me if you would just please consider giving him another chance.

Julie: I know you're passionate about this, darling. You're just coming off a breakup.

Ciara: I know, but we're taking things slow, grandma. I'm fine.

Julie: Honey, you're vulnerable. A-and men like ben, they sense that in a woman, they seek it out. Past trauma. A heartbreak. They prey on that!

Ciara: Do you really think I'm that naive when it comes to men?

Julie: I know you're not. But ben weston is not your... average predator. He's lethal! So the next time you see him coming... whatever you think your feelings are, set 'em aside... and run!

[Dark music]

Ben: I'd never rat you out to the cops, mr. Dimera.

Stefan: Well, it''s obvious you want hope brady off of your back. Perhaps you found a way to make that happen.

Ben: By giving you up? Like a rat? Never. I am a loyal employee.

Stefan: Then you tell me exactly what went down in that hotel room.

Ben: [Sighs] Soon as I get there, ted is trying to sell me on the idea that we can sue the salem P.D. For false arrest, that they don't have any evidence on me. He gets a big payday out of it, make millions of dollars. But in order to go forward, he needs all the facts. In other words, he wanted me to confess.

Stefan: And you said...

Ben: I said I don't need your damn payday, 'cause I'm working for you. He freaked out. All of a sudden, hope crawls outta the bathroom and points a gun at my head.

Stefan: Then what?

Ben: Then ted starts making all these wild accusations, saying that you kidnapped him and that he escaped and that you hired me to kill him. I said, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about. You're the one that called me."

Stefan: I suppose if ted had any proof that I held him against his will, the police would have arrested me by now.

Ben: Trust me, they have nothing on you.

Stefan: But I-I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I mean, this was your first assignment, and you failed.

Ben: Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Stefan: You failed.

Ben: I will get this done, boss. I promise you.

Stefan: Relax. I'm not gonna fire you. I said I'd give ya a second chance, and I meant it.

Ben: Thank you. Because now I want to get this lying snake lawyer. What's our next move?

Chad: I'm gonna go talk to stefan.

Jennifer: No, you're not gonna do that right now because you're upset and you're gonna make things worse--please.

Chad: Stefan and I had a deal, all right? I give him his daughter back, and in return, he has abby committed. He reneged on his offer. Abby's sick again, and he's taking advantage of it. I'm not gonna let that happen.

Jennifer: No, please, you have to calm down, chad, you cannot go there right now.

Chad: I'm gonna go deal with that son of a bitch, okay?

Abigail: I'm so grateful for you. Gabi, all your scheming sent abigail over the edge. She cracked, and I'm free. And now, stefan and charlotte and I, we can live our amazing happily-ever-after.

Gabi: Or... or this is some big performance that you, abigail, are putting on so that stefan can spring you out of bayview. I know how much he loved and missed his beloved gabby, so I'm sure it didn't take a lot of convincing for him to bring you home, did it?

Abigail: I don't understand. What's with all the attitude, gabi, huh? I mean, I just told you how much I appreciated you.

Gabi: No, you''re doing a pretty good job at keeping up with me--I'll give you that. See, marrying stefan--that was a good idea. Pretending to be gabby...even better. So what's next?

Abigail: Next, I...well, i guess I, uh, live my amazing life.

Gabi: Uh...amazing life? W-what do you mean? Chad's gone. Your entire family bailed on you. You've been gone for so long, thomas probably doesn't even know who you are. And now that you're all in playing crazy, you're gonna lose your baby too.

[Intense music]

Abigail: [Quietly] Like hell I am.

When you're expecting

a little angel, be soft.

Hope: Ted and I made a deal.

Rafe: Yeah?

Hope: I protect him from stefan, and...he gets me a confession. From his client, ben. That's all that was going on.

Rafe: I was at the cabin--

Hope: Rafe--

Rafe: Hope, I went to the horton cabin.

Hope: Nothing else was going on.

Rafe: I saw the wine glasses, his boxers on the floor!

Hope: I had ted stashed there for his own protection. As for what you saw, I was stressed, okay? I-- and he's a slob! That's it. The bottom line is, all I wanted from ted was... a way to keep ciara safe.

Rafe: Why'd you lie to me? Why? Why'd you go sneaking around behind my back? He just said you were having an affair.

Ted: I was covering for her. She wanted to tell you the truth, but I didn't think you could handle it.

Rafe: What does that even mean?

Ted: You--you would have insisted by playing by the book, which would have left me vulnerable--vulnerable to anyone at the salem P.D. Who's on stefan's payroll. They would have tipped him off, and I will have end up in cement shoes. You know it.

Rafe: You say that like it's a bad thing.

Hope: Ted's right. He--he's right. You never would have agreed for me to do this--never.

Rafe: Yeah, you're right. You're absolutely right.

Hope: I'm not budging on this. The question is... will you help me?

Ben: Hey. Got your call. What's up?

Ciara: Uh... I don't really have much time right now. My shift starts in a few minutes, and I have to set up for a birthday party.

Ben: Oh. Anyone I know?

Ciara: An old family friend. He turns 84 today. Loves soap operas and yard work.

Ben: Oh. Well, I'd like to meet him.

Ciara: Not gonna happen.

Ben: Something bothering you, or...

Ciara: My grandma julie just gave me hell for getting involved with you. She thinks it's the biggest mistake I've ever made and practically ordered me to stay away from you.

Ben: Wait, are you dumping me?

Gabi: Finally...we're done playing games. I'm gabi, you're abigail. We can hate each other. You can probably take off that stupid wig.

Abigail: [Chuckling] I'm gabby...with a Y.

Gabi: All right, look, y-you might be fooling stefan with that bull, but I'm not some lovesick puppy. So listen to me, abigail. You probably have some sort of delusion where you think you're gonna get payback for what I did to you? Forget it. You're screwed.

Abigail: Actually, I'm exactly where I wanna be.

Gabi: No, I know. Yeah, you're out of bayview, and you're in stefan's house. Long enough so that you can get a divorce and then run out with your kid--that's the plan, right?

Abigail: What? No. I love my man. I would never leave him.

Gabi: What are you talking about? That man makes your skin crawl. You know what? Even if you manage to ditch stefan, you do know your entire family thinks you're insane. They're gonna do whatever it takes to make sure you get back to the funny farm for a very long time. And you can cry about how I set you up and everything, but your brother, your mother, and chad and everybody else have dismissed your crazy, paranoid story. No one is gonna help you. No one's gonna believe you. You are completely and totally alone.

Abigail: Hmm. You're right. Everyone does think that I'm crazy. Dangerous, even.

Gabi: I mean, I did a pretty damn good job, didn't I?

Abigail: [Laughs] Yeah, you did. You really did. And now that you've thoroughly convinced everyone that I'm gabby, I'm not gonna be held responsible for my actions. I mean, you know better than anyone that I got away with murder once, right? So what if, instead of slapping that smug look off your face... what if I just killed you instead? Hmm?

Welcome to saturday.

Ciara: I, uh, I don't really think you can dump someone after one date. But, uh... if you're asking if my grandma changed my mind about you... the answer is no. As you know, my mom already tried, and it didn't work out.

Ben: Yeah, well, your entire family is against us, so...

Ciara: Doesn't surprise me. But what does is that you try to take me on a date at grandparents' club.

Ben: It's a nice place.

Ciara: [Laughs] Yeah, where we agreed that they wouldn't even hire you as a dishwasher. Ben, what the hell were you thinking?

Jennifer: Julie, is everything okay? You seem really upset.

Julie: I was just talking with ciara. It seems she has made the unfortunate choice of dating ben weston.

Jennifer: What?

Julie: I know. It's terrifying, isn't it?

Jennifer: She told me that she broke up with tripp, but she didn't tell me the reason was because she's dating ben weston. Does hope know about this?

Julie: Oh, apparently, her mother read her the riot act, as I did. She's not hearing, jennifer. She thinks ben is a "changed man."

Jennifer: My goodness, I am shocked, because ciara knows exactly what ben did to abigail. He's the one who caused her first psychotic break.

Julie: Darling, I'm sorry, I should have asked right away. How's abby doing?

Jennifer: She's not good, julie.

[Edgy music]

Chad: What's going on?

Gabi: I came by to drop off some papers for stefan, and, uh, I was shocked to run into...her.

Chad: Yeah, jennifer said stefan got her released.

Gabi: He got gabby released. As we can see, she's in control. And this is hurting me, because I just want to see my best friend be well.

Abigail: Both of you can forget about seeing abigail anytime soon. But if the fragile flower does happen to resurface, I'm sure she'll find you, gabi. She'll wanna repay you for all your kindness. I, on the other hand, cannot be more thrilled to see you leave. So why don't you just hand over those papers you have for my husband, and get the hell out.

Gabi: No, it's okay, I don't wanna add stress to your life and worry you about my business with stefan. Call me if you need me.

Abigail: Get out. What, didn't you hear me? Leave. We have nothing to talk about.

Chad: I'm not here for you. I'm here for stefan. Where the hell is he?

Rafe: We need to discuss this in private.

Hope: Uh...I can't--I can't leave ted alone, i confession?

Hope: No.

Rafe: No? Okay, then the deal's off! Come on, we're out--

Hope: No, rafe--

Rafe: You know what, hope, i am trying--I'm doing my best to understand why you did this. This is definitely a big mistake.

Hope: Why can't you understand that ciara will not be safe until ben is behind bars?

Rafe: I do understand that. I do.

Hope: Rafe--

Rafe: We are gonna do this on the up and up.

Hope: There's no time.

Rafe: You are compromising your job as commissioner. You are jeopardizing everything, and I mean everything in your life. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I accused you of sleeping with ted, but you are in bed with him figuratively, and I can promise you, it is not gonna end well. You need to walk away from this. Now.

Ted: You can hate me. You can hate me for everything I've done. But if you stop protecting me, stefan dimera is gonna find me, and he's gonna kill me.

[Phone rings]

Hope: It could be ben. Answer it.



Ted: Hello?

Stefan: Well, isn't it the one that got away?

Ted: Hang on.

[Beep] It's stefan.

[Beep] Still there?

Stefan: Oh, I'm here.

Ted: I'm glad you called. This will give us both the chance to get on the record.

[Suspenseful music]


Ted: What do you want from me now, mr. Dimera?

Stefan: Well, I've heard that you've been making some pretty wild allegations against one of my employees. Specifically, my new head of security.

Ted: What, do you mean ben weston? 'Cause everything I said about him is pure fact.

Stefan: Is that right?

Ted: You kidnapped me, dragged me to some godforsaken island, and when I got away, you send that serial killer to get me.

Stefan: Ted, ted, ted, you're an attorney. Need I remind you where the burden of proof lies? So good luck building this case or any other against me, for that matter.

Ted: We both know what you did.

Stefan: What I know is that you're making some rather absurd, inflammatory, and unsubstantiated claims that could tarnish both me and my company. And it needs to stop. Be people know where to find you. Wherever you are. Only if the need may arise, of course.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

Ted: You heard that? Now two psychopath want me dead. I demand that you continue to protect me.

Rafe: [Scoffs]

[Sighs] Get your stuff.

Ted: I-is that a yes?

Rafe: Go.

Hope: Thank you. I know. He may not deserve it. But I cannot, in good conscience, throw him to the wolves.

Rafe: Hope, I'm telling you--

Hope: Stefan has already sent ben after him once. Without our help, he will never survive around two.

Ben: [Soft laugh]

Ciara: What's so funny?

Ben: That I thought I could actually win julie over. Huge mistake--knew it right away.

Ciara: Did she say that she would kill you if you tried to lay a hand on me?

Ben: How'd you know?

Ciara: [Laughs] I know my grandma. No one can hold a grudge like julie williams.

Julie: Abigail is married to stefan? And ciara is dating ben weston? This world--the--the world's gone mad.

Jennifer: Julie, they're monsters, and they are ruthless and evil, but what can we do?

Julie: I don't know, honey. But I know I just can't sit here sipping tea with you and two people that I love so much are in such jeopardy.

Jennifer: You said that you spoke to ciara.

Julie: I tried to warn her as best I could. I spoke to ben. I told him he would be a dead man if he tried to see my granddaughter again. I guess the thing to do now is just-- just go to stefan and tell him what'll happen if he so much as thinks about hurting abigail.

Jennifer: Wait, julie--

Julie: I'm going.

Jennifer: Julie--

Julie: I'm going!

Jennifer: I--julie--

Abigail: Stefan's not here.

Chad: I'll wait.

Abigail: I'll call security.

Chad: Stefan broke a promise. He has to answer for it.

Abigail: Don't you have anything better to do?

Chad: Like protect the people that I love? No. See, I was gonna give stefan his daughter back. In return, he would get abigail into treatment.

Abigail: Oh, he got her there. Just didn't take.

Chad: That's not good enough for me.

Abigail: What do you want, chad? You want stefan to give you the baby back, the baby that you rejected because it wasn't yours?

Chad: I'm not discussing this with you.

Abigail: Oh, okay. You're gonna discuss this with abigail only. All right, uh, but...I'm a part of her. Remember? I saw, heard, and felt everything when it came to that baby, and I know that your hate for your brother was stronger than your love for your wife. Hmm. Your ex-wife.

Chad: That's not true.

Abigail: No? Yo you could barely even touch her. And your disgust for her was so strong... that you had to move out of the house. All she wanted... was acceptance from you. And you couldn't give that to her.

Chad: [Clears throat] You're right. When I found out that child wasn't mine, it ripped my heart out. And I distanced myself because i was hurt and confused, but i never stopped loving abby. Never. And she'll get better again.

Abigail: Do you have any idea why I'm back?

Chad: Abigail relapsed.

Abigail: And whose fault was that?

Chad: No one'S. She was sick. It happens.

Abigail: Wrong! You abandoned her. You left her alone. You turned your back on her. That is not what someone who loves someone does. So...that's why I came back. And then I reached out to stefan... and now here I am. But it doesn't just happen, chad. Your cruelty to abigail made her split again.

Chad: She'll get better. I'll be there to watch it happen.

Abigail: [Laughing] You really don't get it, do you? You're not her savior anymore. You stabbed her in the back, and now you're her enemy.

[Soft, unsettling music]

Chad: You sound crazy.

Abigail: Hah. Well, you can think what you want. But the fact is... I'm in charge of abigail now. And if I have my way which, let's face it, I will... then you'll never hurt abigail again.

[Emotional music]

[Door slams] Ohh...

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Rafe: I'm adamantly opposed to this whole plan. But you leave me no choice.

Hope: Thank you. I feel awful. I do, I feel awful...for keeping all of this from you.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Hope: And I'm sorry.

Rafe: [Softly] Okay. No more secrets. No more lies. We're a team.

Hope: Mm-hmm. We are.

Rafe: We are.

[Both laugh] Okay, so what's the plan?

Hope: Okay, the plan is that you and i bring ted back to the cabin.

Rafe: [Groans]

Hope: Together. Okay?

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Hope: Where he'll be safe from stefan and ben. That's the plan.

Gabi: No! No, mission is not accomplished, okay? I snuck into the mansion to try to get the paternity results into stefan's safe, but then-- but then abigail, she showed up behind me. She was pretending to be gabby. I don't know, she must have convinced stefan to--to get her out of bayview! Kate, I'm not gonna go back there, okay? I don't see a point in getting these papers to stefan now.

[Phone beeps]

[Intensifying off-key notes]

Chad: Stefan wasn't there. Uh...abigail was, as gabby.

Jennifer: How did it go?

Chad: Not well. Gabby blamed me for abigail's relapse and said that I was the reason she took over.

Jennifer: What? That's completely unfair.

Stefan: No, it's not. It's true. If I would have stood by abigail the way I promised her I would, she... she wouldn't be going through this. But I didn'T. I failed her.

[Doorbell ringing]

Julie: Abigail. My god! What has that bastard done to you? Stefan! Stefan dimera! You come out here! You come out here and show your ugly face! I'm gonna settle your hash for you! And as for you, sweetheart... this town already has one trouble-making gabi. It really doesn't need another one.

Abigail: I'm not gabby. It's me. It's me, abigail.

[Dramatic music]

Ben: As much as I would love to win over your family, the only person whose opinion really matters to me is yours.

Ciara: It won't always be this way.

Ben: It's okay. I don't expect to change anybody's mind.

Ciara: You changed mine. And if I can see what a good person you've become, then I'm sure we can convince everyone else.

Ben: You think so, huh?

Ciara: I know so. But we're gonna need some time. So you need to get out of here, because this place is about to be filled with a ton of people who would completely, completely freak out if they found out we were together.

Ben: Right, right, right. The birthday party for the family friend.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Maybe by the time I'm 84, these people will actually like me.

Ciara: Come on.

Ben: [Ahem] I-- almost forgot to ask you. Would you like to go on a second date with me?

Ciara: I would love to.

Ben: Have fun.

Hope: I'm gonna take a look outside and make sure the coast is clear before I move ted, okay?

Rafe: Be careful.

Hope: I love you, hernandez.

Ted: I guess your wife convinced you to get behind her cause.

Rafe: Yeah, I'm behind her. Not you. Got it?

Ted: Got it.

Rafe: Good. Good, because if anything happens to hope under this little arrangement, stefan's not the one you're gonna have to worry about.

Stefan: I'm sorry. I overheard you talking about some documents you had for me? I'll go ahead and take those now.

Gabi: Uh, well, I--I'm not ready to present this particular report just yet.

Stefan: Okay. Whenever then.

Gabi: You're in a good mood.

Stefan: Hmm? Oh. Yeah. Things are finally going my way.

Gabi: Glad to hear that. Don't worry, I will get this report to you very, very soon.

Stefan: Okay.

Chad: If that child was mine, everything would be different.

Jennifer: That child exists because stefan preyed on a mentally ill woman, and he's still doing it. He is manipulating abigail for his own twisted needs.

Chad: Yeah, but gabby's right--abigail only turned to stefan because I abandoned her.

Jennifer: What? Don't let gabby's bravado fool you. The woman you love is in trouble.

Chad: Thought you wanted me to stay out of it.

Jennifer: No, I wanted you to stay away from the mansion because you were so upset. But abigail needs you. You can't give up on her.

Chad: I wasn't there for her before. I should have been. And I will be now. I promise you, I'm gonna fight like hell for the mother of my child.

Abigail: I had no choice. Pretending to be gabby, pretending to love a man that I, in fact, despise, it was all i could do, I had to do, in order to get back to my daughter. And I'm probably gonna have to keep pretending to do that for a while. It's not like anybody's gonna believe me.

Julie: Why do you say that?

Abigail: Well, my whole family gave up on me. I kept telling them over and over again that it was gabi hernandez who was trying to set me up, that she was trying to take everything that mattered from me, and nobody listened to me, nobody believed me. So now I just have to find a way to prove it.

Julie: And why are you telling me this?

[Suspenseful music]

Abigail: I guess... I guess because I know that you hate gabi hernandez, and... I'm just hoping, julie, that confiding in you isn't the wrong thing.

Julie: Abigail... I believe you.

Abigail: You do?

Julie: I know what gabi hernandez is capable of. And together... we are going to find a way to make her pay.

Abigail: Thank you. How do we stop london before it destroys us?

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