Days Transcript Thursday 12/6/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/6/18


Episode #13416 ~ Sarah appeals to Maggie to let Eric raise Holly; Chloe is thrilled when Lucas returns from Europe, but he drops a bomb; Eli confronts Lani about her feelings for him; Abe loses his temper with Sheila after some disappointing news from Valerie.

Provided By Suzanne

Lucas: There you are.

Chloe: [Gasps] You're home!

Lucas: Yeah.

Chloe: Hi!

Lucas: How you doing? It's really good to see you.

Chloe: Oh, it's so nice to see you. You must be tired. I know that's a long trip back from europe.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah. Um, how was your thanksgiving?

Chloe: Oh, it was wonderful. We had the best time with my parents in new york.

Lucas: Oh, good.

Chloe: How's allie?

Lucas: Uh, well, you know, I'm, uh... I'm glad I went.

Chloe: Well, I'm glad you went too. But I'm even more glad that you're home. I know we were only apart for a few days, but I really did miss you. I've made some fun plans for us. Uh...something wrong?

Lucas: Uh, I only came, uh, home to get my things. I'm going back to italy to be with allie.

Eric: So I should tell her that... her mommy isn't coming back but she'll always be watching over her.

Marlena: Yeah. Make sure she knows how many people love her and will be there for her.

Eric: All I want to do is make sure she feels loved and safe. It's the last thing that nicole asked of me.

Marlena: She was so lucky to have you. And so is her daughter.

Eric: Thanks. Thank you, mom, for your help.

[Sighs] You know... I know you have to go see john, so I don't want to keep you.

Marlena: Are you gonna be okay?

Eric: Yeah, I will be.

Marlena: Okay. Um... I'm so sorry about nicole. I do love you so.

Eric: I love you too.

Marlena: Mm.

[Soft dramatic music]

Maggie: Oh! Oh, just in time.

Sarah: Hmm?

Maggie: Okay, which one of these holiday dresses do you like better for holly? Oh, you know what? Who am I kidding? I'm gonna order all of them.

[Both laugh]

Sarah: Of course you are.

Maggie: I might even dig up some of your old ones in storage.

Sarah: Oh, I think she can do better than a 30-year-old hand-me-down.

Maggie: Oh, yeah. That little girl. She does--she deserves the best of everything. Yeah.

Sarah: Yeah, she does.

Maggie: Yes.

Sarah: And I know that you've really enjoyed having her live here, but... don't you think that it's time to maybe start thinking about her moving in with eric?

Maggie: Move out of here? Why?

Sarah: Because eric is responsible for her.

Maggie: But eric is not her father, sarah. Daniel is her father. And I'm her grandmother. She belongs with me.

Sheila: Hoo, what's up, lani? You just caught me coming out of the shower.

Lani: Seems like you are always taking showers.

Sheila: Why not? What's more fun than taking a shower? Come on in. Well, especially when you're not taking a shower alone.

[Tense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

John: So how's eric doing?

Marlena: Oh, well, he's-- he's struggling.

John: Yeah?

Marlena: Of course, he misses nicole. He's trying to find a way to be there for her daughter.

John: That's good. That's good. I'm sure he knows we'll support him however we can.

Marlena: Thanks for saying that.

John: Yeah. Look, I know this christmas isn't gonna be easy, but still, I want to make it as special as we can for him, for the whole family.

Marlena: I want that too.

John: I'm glad you said that, because first thing we're gonna do, we're gonna go shopping for all the kids, and then we're gonna head to that lot and we're gonna pick out the greatest christmas tree ever.

Marlena: Ugh. That's where abe and val sat every morning for breakfast.

John: Yeah. I'm sure he's missing her like crazy. Hey, would you-- would you mind...

Marlena: Postponing our tree shopping? Not at all. Isn't christmas about helping your friends?

[Holiday music]

Sarah: You will always be holly's grandmother, mom, but... nicole asked eric to raise her.

Maggie: I know what nicole asked. I also know that eric has never been a father, much less a single father.

Sarah: Plenty of single parents raise children. And eric is more than capable, and he's gonna have the support of his family and ours.

Maggie: Okay, well, then why take the risk? Holly, she's happy here. And she loves being around ari and around her aunt sarah. And victor is quite taken with her.

Sarah: But you and victor have raised your families. This should be the time that you get to sit back and enjoy each other.

Maggie: Are you implying that I'm too old to keep up with a toddler?

Sarah: Oh, no, no, of course not. No, mom, you have more energy than most 20-year-olds I know.

Maggie: [Sighs] Okay. Well, then what's this about?

Sarah: Eric. Losing nicole tore his whole life apart. Raising holly is something that he has to do, something that he needs to do to heal. Please don't take this away from him.

Eric: Hey, we're not open yet. You know what? If you're looking for something to eat, you're gonna have to go somewhere else.

Brady: I'm not here for a meal, eric. Listen, I have a proposition for you.

Eric: Yeah, well, I'm not interested.

Brady: You might be. I want to arrange a memorial service for nicole.

Lani: I thought you were just friends.

Sheila: Hey, you didn't want him. I mean, so why should I let this hot piece of police business go to waste?

Eli: Okay, sheila, look, we don't need to do this.

Sheila: I used to have a crush on him back in the day. And who knew he would turn out to be such a hottie?

Lani: Yeah. Who knew?

Sheila: I mean, and don't go and try to take him from me, now.

Eli: Okay, sheila. All right, stop.

Lani: No, it's fine. I'll let you two get back to it. I mean, what's a little morning sex between friends, right? Oh, here, your damn pie pan. I got it back by mistake.

Sheila: Thank you.

Lani: Excuse me.

Eli: Lani. Lani. Lani!

Sheila: [Laughs]

Eli: What the hell, sheila? Why'd you do that?

Sheila: Do what?

Eli: You made lani think that we had sex.

Sheila: I didn't hear you correcting me.

Eli: Well, I tried to, but you kept--

Sheila: Oh, please. No, you didn'T. You stood right there and tried to see if she was jealous, and guess what. She was so jealous, she had smoke coming out her ears. So you're welcome. [Scoffs]

Eli: Yeah, well, now I have to go put that fire out thanks to you.

Sheila: [Laughs]


Chloe: What do you mean you're going back to europe? Already? What happened?

Lucas: Well, you know, the reason why I went is 'cause I was worried about allie, and it turns out, I had a right to be worried.

Chloe: Did something happen at thanksgiving?

Lucas: Yeah, yeah. I mean, we had a nice dinner. Everything was fine. And then, um, she had a glass of wine at dinner, and I thought it was okay, you know, but I think she went behind my back or something, 'cause at the end of the night, she was totally trashed.

Chloe: Oh. [Sighs] Wow, well, I'm sorry to hear that. And I know you're probably worried, with your history of addiction, but I wouldn't overreact.

Lucas: Listen, I can't take any chances with my daughter, all right? Um, she needs me whether she realizes it or not. I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't do everything I could to protect her.

Maggie: Eric is a good man. But he hasn't always been stable, especially in the face of tragedy.

Sarah: Is this about daniel? Because eric is a different person now. He's sober and--

Maggie: And he's one slip away from falling off the wagon. I'm an alcoholic, sarah. I know how easy it is to stumble when you're in pain. So for holly's sake, we can't take any chances.

Sarah: I think if you just talked to eric, you--you'd see how committed he is to--

Maggie: I don't doubt that he loves her. But sometimes you have to make the hard decisions.

Sarah: Mom, please. I understand your concerns, but just talk to him. For me. For nicole.

Maggie: [Sighs] All right. As you said, it was nicole's last wish. I'm willing to listen.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: I'm already planning a memorial for nicole. I don't need your help.

Brady: I loved nicole too.

Eric: How can you even say that with a straight face after what you did? You drove her away, let xander take that evidence and use it to make her life a living hell.

Brady: I never meant for that to happen, eric.

Eric: I tried to rescue her from a burning building, but you held me back from doing that.

Brady: Yeah, I was trying to save you.

Eric: You're the reason she's dead. So now, what, you want to have a memorial about you and your guilt? You killed her. You're the reason she's dead.

Abe: You know, we missed you folks at thanksgiving. Doug and julie just hosted a wonderful dinner.

Marlena: Mm-hmm. I'm just glad that you and eli had time to spend with val before she had to leave for D.C.

Abe: Mm.

John: Yeah, have you spoken to her since she left?

Abe: [Chuckles] About a thousand times.

John: [Laughs] Of course.

Marlena: I'm sure she will do very well as chief of staff.

Abe: You know, I know she doesn't want to hurt my feelings, but I can tell she loves it.

Marlena: Yeah. Well, D.C.'S gain is our loss.

John: You seem like you're handling this pretty well, partner.

Abe: [Sighs] You know, I don't want to hold her back from something that means so much to her. But it doesn't make me miss her any less.

Chloe: Well, if you really believe that your daughter needs you, then of course you should be there for her. And I'll support you in any way that I can.

Lucas: Thank you. Thank you for being understanding, as always.

Chloe: So how long are you gonna be gone?

Lucas: As long as I'm needed, you know? Um, I just want to make sure allie's on the right track.

Chloe: Oh. So, what, it's, like, open-ended? You're--you're moving to italy or...

Lucas: I don't know if I'm moving there, you know, but salem will always be my home, but I will be gone for a while, yeah. As much as I care about you, I don't expect you to wait for me.

Brady: Look, if you want to blame me solely for what happened to nicole, that's your right. You can do that. But... you know, eric, I, uh-- I've tried to make things better between us.

Eric: Tried?

Brady: Yes, I have, and you're not helping.

Eric: Tried? You had months to admit that you chased nicole out of town, but you never said a word. You know what? You just let me think that she left me because she didn't love me. You're nothing but a selfish coward.

Brady: You know, call me what you want. You want to--you want to--

[Sighs] I came here today to try to make things right with you. I think it's time that you accept your fault in this whole thing.

Eric: What are you talking about?

Brady: What am I talking about? You remember betraying your brother? Remember sleeping with nicole while she was with me? I remember that...very well. Oh, and let's not forget the reason why holly doesn't have a father in the first place. I am sick and tired of your holier-than-thou bs. I'm not gonna take it anymore. If you hadn't done what you had done, we wouldn't be here in this place, eric. You disrespected my relationship with nicole. You two decided to lie to me. And it broke my heart. You're not innocent in all of this, my friend. And if you want to blame anyone for holly being an orphan, why don't you take a look in the mirror? And that's the truth.

[Tense music]

This holiday, no matter

who's on your list,

John: You know, maybe something good will come out of this long-distance relationship with val.

Abe: How do you figure?

John: Well, you know, all that, um, "absence makes the heart grow fonder" stuff.

Abe: [Chuckles]

John: When I'm away on assignment, doc and I, we always...

[Cell phone ringing] Realize even more how much we miss each other.

Abe: Yeah, excuse me.

John: Yeah.

Abe: Yeah. Hello, sheila.

Sheila: Hey, boss. What's crackin'?

Abe: Nothing's crackin'. So I assume you're calling me because you have something important to tell me?

Sheila: Oh, yeah. I was calling to let you know I'm running a little bit late because your daughter stopped by to return this pie plate, but then she started getting an attitude with me for no reason. But you know what? I ain't even gonna let that bother me. But anyway, it took me a while to get properly dressed. And I remember you threatening to dock my pay if I was late again, but--

Abe: Look, look, look, let's just worry about that later, all right? I'm at the square right now, having breakfast with some friends, so I'll see you at the office.

Sheila: Boss man's gonna love this surprise I have for him.


Abe: Well, I'm sorry for the interruption.

John: No, that's all right. But whoever that was sure had a loud voice.


Abe: That would be sheila watkins, and everything about her is loud.

Marlena: Bonnie lockhart's friend?

Abe: Yeah, they were in statesville together. And now she's my executive assistant. I already regret hiring her.

Marlena: Oh, my gosh. Why would you hire her?

Abe: Lani asked me.

John: She--she wanted you to hire her?

Abe: Yeah, well, sheila's living with eli until she can afford her own place. And lani wants her out of there asap.

Lani: Did the wi-fi go out? You and your bae can't netflix and chill?

Eli: First of all, sheila is not my bae.

Lani: So you're just having sex.

Eli: Lani, we didn't have sex together, okay? Nor did we take a shower together. Sheila's just messing with you.

Lani: You were standing right there.

Eli: I know.

Lani: And you just let me believe it? Why didn't you say anything?

Eli: I guess I was just curious to see how you'd react. And it kinda looked like you were jealous.

Lani: I don't like being messed with, eli, especially by you.

Eli: So you weren't jealous?

[Chuckles] Lani, look--

Lani: No, I'm not having this conversation right now.

Eli: Yes, you are. Lani, we need to talk about this, what's going on between us.

Chloe: Oh, wow. Here I was expecting you to come in here and swoop me up in your arms and tell me how much you missed me and--

Lucas: Chloe, don't do that. Come on.

Chloe: I never expected you to break up with me.

Lucas: That's not what I'm doing.

Chloe: Oh, no? Then how would you put it?

Lucas: I am trying to be there for my daughter. That's all. Please, don't make this any harder than it already is for me.

Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. How can I make this easy for you?

Lucas: That's not what I meant. Chloe, wait a minute, please. Listen, you got me through-- you got me through on my last bender. You really did. You saved my life. I'd be down and out if it wasn't for you. I am--I am so grateful. And I'm sorry if I made you promises I couldn't keep. You and parker, you deserve the best. You deserve to be happy.

Chloe: So do you...lucas.

Lucas: You think?

Chloe: Don't be so hard on yourself. You are a good person and a good father.

Lucas: I'm trying to be.

Chloe: I'll miss you.

Lucas: I'll miss you too. You are an amazing woman. You're beautiful, you're smart, and you're talented. You're gonna be fine, trust me.

Chloe: Well, thanks for your faith in me.


Lucas: You are so special. You're such a special person-- to me and a lot of people. Take care of yourself, okay?

[Holiday music playing]

Chloe: [Sighs]

Sarah: Eric!

Maggie: Oh, my goodness!

Sarah: Stop! No!

Maggie: What's going on? Let him up!

Sarah: Get off.

Eric: Come on!

Sarah: Stop.

Eric: Get up!

Maggie: Oh, for god's sakes, you're brothers. This isn't right!

Eric: No, he's not my brother, not after what he did to nicole.

Sarah: Eric, stop.

Maggie: Brady, are you okay?

Brady: Yeah. No, I'm not, maggie.

Maggie: Well, I think you better go--now.

Brady: I'm sick of trying to make peace with you, man.

Eric: Yeah, well, you know what? Fine, then why don't you come back?

Sarah: Stop.

[Door slams] Are you hurt?

Eric: No, I'm fine.

Sarah: Well, you're bleeding.

Eric: Listen, I will be okay.

Sarah: Mom, will you go get some ice and a towel from behind the bar? Sit, eric.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: I'm fine.

Sarah: [Sighs]

Abe: Well, I will take care of this.

John: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, partner. You don't have to pay for us. I got it.

Abe: Oh, yes, I do. I know that you two only came over here to cheer up your sad-sack friend. And I appreciate it.

Marlena: We love our time with you. In fact, you'll come to supper very soon.

John: Yeah.

Abe: I'd like that. You know, val's going to be here this weekend.

Marlena: Oh! Well, then I'll reach out to her.

John: All right, that sounds like a plan.

Abe: [Laughing]

John: So thanks for breakfast.

Abe: All right.

John: And we'll see you soon.

Abe: Yes, absolutely.

Marlena: Bye, honey.

Abe: All right, you too.

[Cell phone rings] Hey, you. I was just talking to john and marlena. They invited us for dinner this weekend. Oh. Oh, no, no, no, I-I understand. The chief of staff has to be there. It's--it's--it's fine. Um, well, you know, I will be down to D.C. Weekend after next. Yeah, before you know it.

[Laughs] All right, well, I'll, uh, talk to you later. I love you.

Sheila: Long breakfast, huh, boss?

Abe: Yes, sheila, I-I thought I'd see you at the office.

Sheila: Well, you said you was here, so I thought I'd come find you. Here.

Abe: What is this?

Sheila: Well, what do you think it is?

Abe: You replaced my shoes?

Sheila: No, not yet. I'm still saving up to buy you a nice pair.

Abe: Then what is this?

Sheila: It's a gift. Open it.

Lani: There is no us, eli.

Eli: You're pushing me away again, just like you pushed me away when we lost david.

Lani: I pushed you away because I didn't want a relationship based on mutual pain.

Eli: And that was probably the right thing to do at the time, but...

Lani: I'm glad you agree.

Eli: Like I told you, lani, there's more than that pain and loss between us now. Look, I have real feelings for you, and I'm not afraid to say it. Why can't you just be honest about your feelings towards me?

Lani: Okay. Fine.

[Sighs] I care.

Eli: You--you care?

Lani: When we're together, I like it. And when we're not together, I miss you. And I wasn't expecting to feel that.

Eli: Well, I mean, it feels good to hear you say it out loud. For the past three months, I've wanted to be closer to you, but you just kept putting up all these roadblocks.

Lani: I wasn't sure if you really wanted to be with me or if you just felt like you had to because I was the mother of your child.

Eli: Lani, you mean so much more to me. And it's not disrespectful to our son if we care about each other. In fact, I think it honors him and what he brought to our lives.

Sarah: There you go.

Eric: Listen, where's holly? Who's watching her?

Sarah: Gabi's with the kids. They're making christmas decorations.

Eric: That's good, 'cause we need to make this christmas extra special.

Maggie: Well, that's exactly what we're gonna do.

Eric: [Sighs] Listen, I had a chance to talk to my mom. I'm ready to... tell her about nicole.

Sarah: Are you sure?

Eric: Yeah. I mean, we can all do it together and let her know that her family is here for her.

Maggie: Uh... well, I'm glad you brought that up, because I actually came here to talk to you about holly.

Eric: What about her? Is she okay?

Maggie: Sarah told me that you would like for her to move in with you.

Sarah: It just seemed like the right time to bring it up.

Eric: I'm glad you did. Maggie, you've been so gracious about welcoming holly into your home. I really appreciate it and... but nicole, she asked me to raise her.

Maggie: Yeah, I know she did.

Eric: So you understand why I want to take her.

Maggie: I understand, but I... I can't let that happen.

Eric: Why?

Maggie: Based on what I witnessed here today, I don't think you're in the right emotional state to raise my granddaughter.

[Dramatic music]

(Roger) being a good father

Lani: I know that we share these feelings, but what if it all goes wrong again? And after everything that's happened this past year, I feel more vulnerable and fragile than I wish I were.

Eli: Look at me. Lani, I'm not gonna pressure you. I know that we could have something really good together, but if you're not ready, then... I'll walk away.

Marlena: You know, what-- what--what brady did to eric and nicole was unconscionable.

John: Yeah, and my heart is breaking for eric. But you know what? Brady is suffering too. He really cared for nicole. And now that eve has left and theresa's taken tate away from him, he's lost practically everything.

Marlena: I know that. And I know that he was distraught when nicole left him for eric.

John: Yeah, of course you understand.

Marlena: I also know it's gonna take everything we have to pull this family back together.

John: That's a fact. So we're on the same team here, right?

Marlena: Always. We always are. And you know that I... I love brady. I'm going to be there for him. But I also need to be there for my own son.

John: I know you do. And god knows that brady's gonna need all the help he can get here.

Marlena: Are you afraid he'll start drinking?

John: I'm always afraid about that. I mean, we almost lost him last time, and there was nothing I could do about it. You know, the thing is, brady-- just one time after another, he's been let down. What he really needs is just to finally have somebody else in his life that he can count on.

[Soft music]

[Jazzy holiday music playing]

Chloe: Whoa. What happened to you?

Brady: Mm, I tried to, uh, make amends with eric.

Chloe: And, what, he attacked you?

Brady: Well, we kind of attacked each other.

Chloe: Oh. Brady, maybe you should keep your distance from him for a while.

Brady: Maybe you're right. Actually, I'M... I'm very okay with that.

Chloe: You're okay with that. What does that mean?

Brady: I-I mean I'm--I'm done with him, chloe. I am done. I... I know I screwed up, but see, he did too. He went after nicole. He slept with nicole when we were together. The man is not innocent, and I'm tired of him acting that way. He needs to owns up to what he did.

Eric: I love holly... more and more every day. She touches my heart in ways I didn't think is possible.

Maggie: I don't doubt that for a second. But we walked in here, and you were beating your brother to a pulp.

Sarah: Mom, we didn't see how it started.

Maggie: I don't care how it started. I'm not judging you, eric. I'm only interested in the best environment for holly. She deserves to be raised by someone who's gonna be responsible--

Eric: You don't think I'm responsible?

Maggie: I think that you are going through a really hard time.

Sarah: How does that make him not responsible? I mean, plenty of people go through hard times. It doesn't mean that they don't raise their kids.

Eric: Listen, I get it, sarah. I get it. I lost my temper. But I would never let my temper get the best of me with holly.

Maggie: And how can i be sure of that? How can you be sure?

Eric: Because she means the world to me.

Maggie: I'm sorry, eric, but I have seen you lose control before.

Eric: You're talking about daniel.

Maggie: Yes. You're in a very angry place, eric. I just don't think that it is the right time for you to be caring for a toddler.

Eric: I'm sorry you feel that way.

Sarah: Mom... I think it's time to go. You've said your piece.

Maggie: Okay. Let's go.

Sarah: I'm staying. I'll see you at home later.

Maggie: Eric, you can come and visit holly anytime you want.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: She doesn't think I'm capable of raising nicole's little girl.

Sarah: She's not being fair.

Eric: Well, I can't let that happen, sarah. I can't let her take her away from me.

Abe: What is this?

Sheila: It is every piece of paper in your whole office. It is every memo, every letter, every bill. I stayed up late last night and organized it all.

Abe: Why on earth would you do that?

Sheila: Because your office is a pigsty and your papers were everywhere.

Abe: It was that way for a reason. I have a system.

Sheila: Well, your system is a big ole nasty mess.

Abe: It's my system. I knew where everything was. Now this is all... screwed up.

Sheila: Well, how the hell was I supposed to know that?

Abe: Well, maybe you should ask me before you start changing everything.

Sheila: Excuse me. I was trying to help. And you don't have to be so rude about it.

Abe: All right.

[Stammering] I'm sorry. I, uh, overreacted.

Sheila: Yeah, you should be. I mean, so what's your problem this morning, anyway?

Abe: My weekend got canceled. Val's staying in D.C.

Sheila: And so how is that my fault?

Abe: Yeah, I didn't say it was.

Sheila: [Scoffs]

Abe: Look, the way I acted wasn't called for. And I am sorry.

Sheila: Yeah, you should be.

[Scoffs] And I will just see you at the office, mayor jackass.

[Holiday music]

Lani: I'm sorry if I keep sending you all these mixed signals.

Eli: No, look, it's-- it's fine. I'm a patient man. Besides, I have a roommate back at the house who is more than willing to keep me busy while I'm waiting for you.

Lani: Oh, no. Uh-uH.

Brady: [Groans] Thank you.

Chloe: You're welcome. It should help with the swelling a bit.

Brady: No, I mean--I mean-- I mean thank you for being my friend. You know, I think you might be the last one I have in town, honestly.

Chloe: That's not true.

Brady: It might be true. You're at least the best one I have.

Chloe: Oh, thanks.

Brady: Yeah, you're welcome. Lucas is a lucky man. He really is.

Chloe: [Sighs] Actually, lucas just broke up with me.

Brady: What? Come on. No, are you serious?

Chloe: Yeah. Um, he's going back to italy to be with allie, and, uh, he didn't want to hold me back.

Brady: Hold you back. Wow, chloe, that sucks. I'm so sorry, really.

Chloe: Yeah, merry christmas to me.

Brady: Hey, well, if he's dumb enough to let you go, maybe you're better off without him.

Chloe: Thank you for saying that.

Brady: I'm not just saying that; I mean that. You don't know how good it is to still have you in my corner after all this time. I mean, look at me. I need a cornerman at this point--cornerlady, whatever you want to call yourself.

Chloe: [Laughs] Well, I think you and i have both taken a punch or two.

Brady: Yeah. It's not how many times you get knocked down, right?

Chloe: Yeah, but... how many times you get up.


Sarah: My mom will come around. We'll find a way to change her mind.

Eric: What do you mean "we"?

Sarah: I want to help you.

Eric: [Laughs] Why?

Sarah: Because after rex and I broke up, you helped me. And...I think that you'll make a great father to holly.

Eric: Thank you. We haven't known each other very long, but I kind of feel like I can count on you.

Sarah: That's because you can.

[Soft music]

Eric: [Sighs]

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