Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/16/18
Episode #13404 ~ Kayla has suspicions about Gabi; Abigail feels betrayed by JJ; Jennifer and Stefan fight over Abigail and the baby; Claire's plot unravels as Ben gets the truth out of Wyatt.
Provided By Suzanne
[Both moan softly]
Tripp: Good morning.
Ciara: Good morning.
Tripp: Mm.
Mm, best way to wake up ever.
[Both chuckle]
Ciara: I should see if grandma julie needs me again today.
Tripp: Yes, yes.
Ciara: Yeah. [Laughs]
Tripp: Yeah.
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Tripp: What?
Ciara: Someone just confessed to framing ben.
[Dramatic music]
Wyatt: Here.
Claire: Wyatt, what are you doing?
Wyatt: It's what you paid me. You can have it back, all of it.
Claire: I-I-I don't get it. You said everything went fine. You were all excited about that gizmo you were gonna buy. Why are you doing this?
Wyatt: Because the necktie killer threatened to strangle me.
Claire: [Laughs] Really? Come on. You're being ridiculous.
Wyatt: The cops told weston that I confessed to planting the evidence. He was pissed off that i tried to set him up. He told me that I'm lucky that he's not crazy because if he was, he would choke me to death.
Claire: Hey, well, look, he was just--he was probably just trying to scare you.
Wyatt: You didn't see his eyes. I don't care how sane he claims to be. The man is a psycho. So this little scheme of yours is over. I'm out.
Chad: That's, uh-- no, that's amazing, sami. I-- I'm really happy for you. I-I can't believe ej's-- ej's actually alive. Uh, no, I, uh-- no, trust me, um... after everything that's happened recently, nothing really surprises me anymore.
Abigail: Please give me charlotte. Give her to me, please. Give me-- charlotte!
Chad: Sami, I, um-- I actually gotta go, yeah. Tell the kids I love them.
Ben: How'd it go with abigail?
Kate: What do you want?
Gabi: To celebrate!
Kate: To celebrate what, exactly?
Gabi: Our plan. It worked.
Kate: No, that's your plan, not our plan.
Gabi: And it worked, okay? Abigail, she's locked up in bayview, away from her baby.
Kate: She had the baby?
Gabi: It's a little girl.
Kate: Oh, my god, that was too soon.
Gabi: No, no. The baby's fine. And abigail, she's finally getting what she deserves.
Abigail: [Moans] Where's my baby? Where's charlotte? Is she okay?
Jj: Yeah, she's fine. She's at the hospital right now.
Abigail: Where is she? I need to be with her.
Jj: She has 24-hour care. And mom has been with her every minute. And actually, uh, I just got the full report. Kayla told me that her lungs are developing normally and she's eating great. Nothing to worry about.
Abigail: Except I'm trapped in here and I'm away from my child. Are you in on this, jj? Did you help chad and stefan steal my baby?
Jennifer: You know, your mama loves you so much. Yeah, she does. And she wishes she could be here with you. But your grandma's here, and I am never, ever gonna leave your side. There are so many people who love you and hear so much about you, and we are gonna take such good care of you until your mama gets home. Yeah, we are.
Stefan: Get the hell away from my daughter.
[Tense music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jj: Abigail, I swear to you, I had no idea what chad was planning. And the way he did it? That's a son-of-a-bitch move, and I am sorry for that.
Abigail: Yeah, but you've wanted me locked up in here just like everybody else.
Jj: Abigail, I'm on your side, always.
Abigail: Well, it doesn't really feel like it.
Jj: [Sighs] When you told me that gabi drugged you... I went over there and got ahold of her purse and tried to check it out.
Abigail: Did you find anything?
Jj: No, I didn'T. She caught me. And she went off on how she saved my life and how I could believe that she was capable of doing something so horrible as framing you.
Abigail: But she is. When I was at the dimera mansion, nobody saw my alter. Gabby only comes out when the real gabi has access to drug me.
Jj: Okay. But--but kate swears that she--
Abigail: Kate's lying. For some reason, she and gabi, they're working together and they're telling everybody that I'm splitting again.
Jj: It's just, gabi's been your best friend--
Abigail: She is the reason that I am here. She is the reason that my baby was taken away from me. So don't come in here telling me that you're gonna defend gabi hernandez.
Gabi: So chad, he used the baby as leverage, told stefan that if he wanted to see his daughter, he would have to commit his little wifey, abigail, to bayview. Stefan, he couldn't wait to sign those papers. And now he's at home happily bonding with his baby girl.
Kate: And yet the child is chad's, not stefan'S. And abigail is very sane, but she's in a mental hospital.
Gabi: Hmm. Karma--it's a bitch.
Kate: How can you gloat about this?
Gabi: It--it's what I've wanted. I want abigail to understand what I went through, what she put me through. I want her to feel my pain. Oh, come on. Don't look at me like that. You wanted this too-- justice for andre.
Kate: No, not like this. What you're doing is beyond cruel.
Gabi: What we are doing, partner.
Kate: Abigail believed in you. She trusted that you were her best friend.
Gabi: You know what? Save it, because not so long ago, you were all in.
Kate: Because you were blackmailing me, gabi. I want to look out for you, you know, but I-I-I've come to my senses with this. Abigail's baby was ripped out of her arms. Chad has lost his--his wife and his child, the child that he doesn't even know is his. And you're here drinking champagne, and I think that's a little bit monstrouS. Do you have even a shred of remorse about this?
Gabi: Fine. Okay, fine, yes. You want to know the truth? It doesn't feel quite as good as I thought it was gonna feel. So I--yesterday I went to the station, and I turned myself in--I tried to turn myself in.
Kate: So why didn't you do it?
Stefan: I left strict instructions not to let anyone in.
I am so sorry. I mean, she--she's the baby's grandmother, so I just thought that it'd be okay.
Stefan: You thought wrong. Give us some privacy.
Sorry, jennifer.
[Tense music]
Jennifer: This baby is my granddaughter. I have every right to be with her.
Stefan: I'm the father. I say you don'T.
Jennifer: Kayla gave me permission to be here.
Stefan: Well, I'll take it up with kayla. For now, leave.
Jennifer: Not until I tell you what I think about you.
Stefan: [Laughs] I-I'm very clear on that.
Jennifer: You sold out my daughter. She trusted you--god knows why-- but you sold her out so you could get your hands on this sweet little baby.
Stefan: I'm the father, jennifer.
Jennifer: Yeah. And I thought that you were really in love with the mother, gabby. How could you even do this to her?
Stefan: I was. I am.
Jennifer: And what happened? What happened to your big plan? You were gonna help gabby emerge again, and the three of you were gonna live live happily ever after.
Stefan: It was never gonna work out. Gabby was never really coming back.
Jennifer: What do you mean?
Claire: You cannot do this, wyatt. You will screw everything up.
Wyatt: And live to tell about it, which is the point. Look, I won't give up your name, okay? I promise. And I won't give up tripp either.
Claire: Really? Come on. You are really overreacting. You know, ben might have made some noise about being big and bad and scary, but he's not actually gonna do anything.
Wyatt: Uh, he sounded dead serious to me-- emphasis on dead. Look, that maniac is sitting on a hell of a lot of rage, and I don't want to be anywhere near him when he blows. Now, I'm--I'm sorry to bail, but this isn't what i signed up for.
Claire: Hey, hey, wyatt, would you just stop it? Look, I-I was--I was really scared of ben at first too. I hit him over the head with a frying pan at one point. But he's not dangerous anymore, okay? So just let me talk to him. I can fix this.
Wyatt: You do that. You fix this. Oh, and hey, you might want to wear this while you're at it.
Claire: Would you stop it? You are being absolutely ridiculous.
Wyatt: [Scoffs] Ben killed four people. Will horton may have come back from the dead, but only a loser takes 25% odds.
Claire: Wyatt, I'll give you more money. Lots of it. Okay? And I'll take care of ben weston. Just let me handle him.
Wyatt: I don't know.
Claire: Yes, just trust me on this, okay? Play this out a little bit longer, and it'll all be worth it.
Ciara: Why would wyatt plant evidence to frame ben? It doesn't make any sense.
Tripp: Does the article say if he gave a reason?
Ciara: Yeah, he--he told the cops that he was upset ben got away with setting the fire and trying to hurt me. But why would he even care? It's not like we're that close.
Tripp: The guy had a major crush on you.
Ciara: So?
Tripp: You seriously don't get it, do you? How extreme any guy who's ever cared about you would go for you.
Chad: People can't see us talking.
Ben: I was headed to grab a coffee, and I saw you sitting here. Figured I'd ask. I heard abigail had the baby.
Chad: Stop. You don't get to ask about abigail. You don't get to ask about my family, not after everything you did to her and my son.
Ben: Look, you hired me to pretty much--
Chad: Yeah, to pretty much do a job, and that job's done. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.
Ben: That's coming through loud and clear.
Chad: All right, well, you've been paid, so that's the end of it. So get your cup of coffee. Stay the hell away from me and my family, okay?
Abigail: You believed me enough to try and go search gabi's purse, which means there's a part of you that believes what I'm saying is possible.
Jj: Gabi's admitted that she's angry, but to go as--as far as--as framing you, it'S... she swears that all she wants is what's best for you.
Abigail: And gabi's never lied before? Has gabi never gone extreme? I think you know that that's not true. What is best for me in gabi's little world is this. A lie locks me up. Does that sound familiar? A mother separated from her child. Check. She's trying to punish me, and everybody who believes her is letting it happen.
Jj: I'm so sorry, abigail.
Abigail: You think I'm crazy.
[Soft dramatic music]
I was this close to proving everything. Kate came over to the house, told me she wanted to talk because she was concerned about me. When that woman has ever been concerned about me, I will never know. Should've been my first clue-- was my first clue. Then she told me she wanted to have tea.
Jj: That doesn't--that doesn't sound too ominous.
Abigail: Gabi offered me tea. And then that's when she drugged me. That's when she claimed that i knocked her out and attacked kate. So you know what? When kate wasn't looking, I switched our teacups, and guess what. The woman couldn't even keep her eyes open.
Jj: You're sure?
Abigail: She couldn't-- she couldn't even follow the conversation. But before I was able to watch her pass out and prove my point, chad comes in, kidnaps me, and now here I am. And nobody is ever gonna believe a word out of my mentally ill mouth, not even the brother who is apparently on my side.
Jj: Abs, I would do anything for you.
Abigail: Then get me out of here. I want my baby back.
Stefan: I didn't sell out abigail; chad did. I just went along with what he wanted. Now I have my daughter. Abigail gets the help that she needs. It's a win for everyone, don't you think?
Jennifer: No, no, no. It was so ugly and hurtful. Abigail was at her most fragile and so vulnerable, with a newborn baby in her arms, and you and chad took advantage of that.
Stefan: Jennifer, why don't you have this conversation with chad? He's the one who decided that abigail was such a danger to herself and others that he tore her away from her child and sent her off to an asylum.
Jennifer: No, I'm not talking about chad right now, because what he did, he did it because he loves her. But you? If you hadn't encouraged this gabby personality, things would've turned out completely different.
Stefan: Okay, now you're twisting the truth to make me look like the bad guy here.
Jennifer: I am not twisting the truth to make you look like the bad guy. You are the bad guy.
Stefan: I want you out of here.
Jennifer: I am not leaving this room. I am not leaving you alone in this room with my granddaughter.
Kayla: What are you thinking, arguing like this with this little baby here?
Stefan: You should've never let her in in the first place. I made my wishes very clear.
Jennifer: [Scoffs]
Kayla: Yes, you did. But I'm guessing that there's a heart in there someplace and that you couldn't possibly mind a grandmother getting to know her grandchild.
Stefan: Well, now she has.
[Dramatic music]
Jennifer: Fine. I will go. But you are never going to keep me away from my granddaughter.
Jj: I want you to be safe. You're my sister, and I want what's best for you.
Abigail: Do you really think being locked up in here away from my children is what is best for me?
Jj: No, I think you'll get through this, just like you've gotten through everything else in your life. Abigail, you are so strong.
Abigail: Oh, I am so sick of people telling me how strong I am. And then they tiptoe around me like I'm some kind of fragile basket case, refusing
Jj: I didn't mean to upset you.
Abigail: I'm upset! But I'm determined.
[Sighs] I've been here before, jj. I've fought my way back to my sanity and to my family. But this time, I have a little bit of an upper hand because I happen to not be insane. So with you or without you or anybody else, I'm gonna fight my way back to my children. And I'm gonna prove that gabi hernandez is the one that is behind all of this.
Gabi: When I was talking to will, hearing about the sacrifice he's making for paul...
Kate: What sacrifice?
Gabi: Well, he's completely and totally dedicated to him. He's putting paul first, making sure he feels supported and loved.
Kate: Yes, of course. My grandson has a big heart.
Gabi: Right. And listening to will made me realize that this need to punish abigail has consumed me. And what about the people that I've hurt--chad and jj?
Kate: And abigail, gabi-- abigail.
Gabi: I felt really guilty.
Kate: [Sighs] You felt guilty, and yet you're here drinking champagne. Why didn't you just do the right thing?
Gabi: Well, I went to the station with the sedatives and the wig, and I was gonna tell hope everything, but that's when she told me that-- that abigail had the baby and that she had been committed to bayview, okay? And I just couldn't-- I couldn't go through with it. After months and months, everything that I wanted was happening.
Kate: [Scoffs] Okay, I see. You have a conscience unless it gets in the way of you getting what you want. Hmm?
Gabi: I'm--I'm gonna do the right thing somehow. Just not right now, okay? I'm--I'm really close, and I need to see this through.
Kate: All right, gabi. Well, this endgame that's so important to you better include you telling chad that he's the father of the baby, because if you don't tell him, I'm going to tell him.
Gabi: [Sighs]
[Knock at door]
Chad: Kate. It's me. Can you open up?
Kate: Perfect timing.
Gabi: No, no, no. Chad cannot see us together. Please. Not until everything's worked out.
[Knock at door]
Chad: Kate. Please open up.
Gabi: Please. Please, kate. You have to do something, okay? You are not innocent in this.
Kate: [Sighs] Go hide--now. Go.
[Dramatic music]
Chad: Can we talk?
Kate: Come on in. Oh, honey. I am so sorry about abigail.
Tripp: Uh, why--why don't you cut wyatt a break?
Ciara: You're defending him? Tripp, you don't even like him.
Tripp: No. No, I don'T. But have you ever thought about looking at it through his point of view? I mean, the guy had real feelings for you.
Ciara: Yeah, and I told him that I never wanted to see him again, so it makes zero sense that he would do something like this. I mean, why would someone that I practically kicked out of here take some crazy chance to try to frame ben?
Tripp: Because he can't forget that you almost died. Because... because when he looks at you, he--he sees this smart, funny, and generous, kind, amazing woman. And he realizes that the-- how close he came-- everyone came to losing you. So yeah, yeah, that's-- yeah, he planted the evidence but to make sure that the right guy was punished.
Ciara: Except the only person who got hurt was my mom. Way to go, wyatt.
[Sighs] And what about ben? The poor guy is just trying to make a start fresh, and wyatt screwed him over.
Tripp: Still worried about ben.
Ciara: Everyone deserves a chance.
Tripp: He's dangerous, ciara, okay? So, what, like, he tells you that he has feelings for you and you rejected him? What if he comes after you? What if he tries to hurt you again? No, see, he needs to be put away, okay? It's--it's the only way you'll ever really be safe.
Ciara: I am safe, tripp. It's okay.
Tripp: No, it's not. It's not okay. It's not okay. I...I can't lose you, ciara. I love you.
Ciara: I love you too.
[Cell phone dings]
Claire: There you go. Way, way more than you deserve for almost weaseling out on me.
Wyatt: I still don't feel great about this.
Claire: Okay, then go buy yourself that gizmo you're so into and stop worrying, okay? We've got this.
Wyatt: Yeah, I sure as hell hope so. All those superpowers you think you have, you better work your mojo on weston. Otherwise I'm gonna need to use this money to buy a bodyguard.
For mild-to-moderate eczema
Kate: How's the baby?
Chad: Absolutely perfect.
Kate: Hmm.
Chad: She's so beautiful. Charlotte.
Kate: Wow. That's lovely.
Chad: I don't know. For a second, that-- I looked into her eyes, and she was--she was-- she was mine. I knew it. I knew it with all my heart. I could see our family growing, you know, just with her lying in my arms. Everything made--made sense. And then I realized that she wasn't mine and that she was stefan'S. So I made a deal with the devil. And I traded her child away so she could be hauled off to bayview.
Kate: You thought that was your only option.
Chad: I begged her. I begged her to commit herself and get the help that-- that she needs.
[Sighs] I love her. I love that woman with all my heart, and I want us to be a family again. I just--and the only way to do that is for her to get the help that she needs. You know, when I told her that help was on the way... she looked at me. She--she trusted me 100%. She was so thankful. And then she found out what I did, and the look on her face... she just screamed for her baby.
Kate: Oh, god. You can't do this. You can't beat yourself up. I mean, you did what you thought you had to do.
Chad: Well, how do i survive this, then? Not hate myself? I mean, the only way I can is by--is to tell myself that this was the only way to save abigail's life. It was the only way.
Abigail: I barely got any time with charlotte. Chad and stefan just couldn't wait to get me here, and I... screamed and I begged, and they just didn't even care.
Jj: I'm so sorry, abigail.
Abigail: I need to nurse my baby. If I don't do it soon, then I'm not gonna be able to. Charlotte actually needs me, and I don't see why nobody seems to understand that. What about thomas? How confused is my son right now? Does he know that I love him and that I'm trying to get back to him?
Jj: Well, maybe this separation won't be too long.
Abigail: I think it's already been too long.
Jj: Listen, the doctors are gonna figure out real quick whether your alters are back or not. Then they'll let you go, and you can go home to your kids.
Abigail: I named her after my favorite author.
Jj: Like I'd forget that? And your favorite book, "jane eyre." You remind me of her.
Abigail: If you say it's because I'm strong, I'm gonna--
Jj: No, I was going to say because she knows what she wants and she gets it.
Abigail: There is something I would like.
Jj: Name it.
Abigail: Will you go check on charlotte?
Jj: Absolutely.
Abigail: Thank you.
Jj: Hey, you know what? Uh, the nurse wanted me to remind you-- maybe take your meds every four hours, um, especially if you're feeling agitated.
Abigail: I'm definitely agitated, but, um, I don't think there's anything in there that's gonna solve my problem.
Jj: Okay. But, you know, if-- if you take them, you might score some points with the staff for cooperating, right?
Abigail: Fine.
[Tense music]
Jj: Listen, you've been through hell, okay? I want you to get some rest. Abigail, I love you very much.
Abigail: I love you. I love you.
Jj: Get some rest.
Abigail: Okay, yeah.
Tripp: Mm. Mm. I have to go get in the shower before I'm late.
Ciara: Okay.
Tripp: Mm.
[Dramatic music]
[Line rings]
[Cell phone ringing]
Wyatt: Ciara? Wow. Hi.
Ciara: Hey, wyatt. Any chance we can meet up?
Wyatt: Uh, yeah, absolutely. You name it, I'll be there.
Ciara: Where are you right now?
Wyatt: The park near the square.
Ciara: Great. See you in a few.
Wyatt: Listen, you know I'd never do anything to hurt you, right? Ciara? Hello? Damn it.
Ben: If it isn't wyatt stone. Your tie's a little messed up.
Wyatt: I don't want any trouble.
Ben: Good. Then you'll tell me what you're up to with claire brady.
Wyatt: Nothing!
Ben: Looked like something to me, wyatt.
Wyatt: All right. It wasn't me, okay? I didn't plant that thing, I swear.
Ben: Then who did?
Wyatt: Tripp dalton. People don't expect a female mechanic.
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: Hi.
Ben: Hi yourself.
Ciara: I was supposed to meet a friend here, but I'm guessing I got the place wrong.
Ben: No, you didn'T. Your friend wyatt, he was definitely here.
Ciara: What happened to him?
Ben: He's, um... he's gone.
Ciara: What do you mean he's gone?
Kate: I know things are pretty horrible right now, but they're gonna get better. Maybe even sooner than you think.
Chad: I don't know. I mean, abby's, uh--she's pretty far gone this time. She has this paranoia, which is--which is-- which is new. And...[Sighs] I mean, you know, when you were at the mansion, she--she was, uh--she actually thought that you were trying to drug her. She was so convinced that she switched the teacups.
Kate: Really?
Chad: She's still convinced that you and gabi are trying to frame her. There's--there's no way for me to help her understand that it's just in her-- you know, it's in her head.
Kate: Well... when you see her, will you tell her that I'm thinking of her?
Chad: I don't think that's gonna happen. She wants nothing to do with me. But when has that ever stopped me from trying?
Kate: Well, of course. You love her.
Chad: Yeah, she's my life. Okay. Uh, I should go. Thank you. Um... you know, there's, uh-- there's no one left in this world, literally, that I can-- I can--I can count on, except for you. And it means a lot to me.
Kate: Me too.
Chad: Thank you. Hmm? Huh?
Kate: Had some company last night.
Chad: Yeah? Good for you.
Kate: Yeah.
Chad: Mm-hmm.
Kate: Stop.
Chad: Mm-hmm. Okay.
Kate: [Laughs]
Chad: Love you.
Kate: Love you too.
Gabi: Thank you. Thank you for not throwing me under the bus.
Kate: No, no. Don't thank me. Just fix it. That man needs to know that baby is his.
Gabi: Yes, I will. Just not quite yet.
Kate: He's a wreck, gabi!
Gabi: And stefan has to pay, okay? I want him to bond so bad with that little girl that when the truth comes out, I pull his world out from under him.
Stefan: Hey, charlotte. Hey. Hey, sweetheart. It's daddy.
[Baby grunts] It's finally just the two of us, huh? Almost. Can I--can I hold her?
Actually... it's time to feed her.
Stefan: Oh, okay. Um, I mean, I'd like to do that. Can you show me? I don't really--I mean--
It's okay. Of course. Of course.
Stefan: Okay, great.
Jj: Kayla.
Kayla: Hi.
Jj: I'm glad I caught you. Um, abigail wants me to check on how my niece is doing. How--how is she?
Kayla: You know what? Even though she came a few weeks early, she is thriving. No issues whatsoever.
Jj: Except that her mother is in a psych hospital and her father's stefan dimera.
Kayla: How is abigail?
Jj: She's wrecked. She's desperate to see charlotte, hold her. Really worried about thomas.
Kayla: Abigail fought so hard to get healthy again. And she was really doing it. Just breaks my heart that her did is back just when she should be enjoying this little baby and thomas.
Jj: You know, abigail doesn't think that her alters are back.
Kayla: Well, she's probably in denial.
Jj: Well, actually, she--she believes that she's being set up. That kate and gabi are--are-- are making it look like she's split again and lying that she's attacked them when she hasn'T. She's actually claiming that gabi's been drugging her.
Gabi: Yeah, this the-- this is the medication you gave me when I was carrying arianna. Safe during pregnancy.
Jj: Kayla. Is something wrong?
Tripp: Ciara saw the news about wyatt confessing to planting the evidence. She was just like, "I can't believe that it's him." So, like, what if she talks to him? What if--what if he cracks? I mean, he's not exactly a guy who kept his mouth shut in the past.
Claire: Come on. Don't--don't worry about wyatt, okay? I talked to him. He is not gonna say a word to anyone, so you are totally in the clear.
Ciara: You didn't-- you didn't hurt him, did you?
Ben: Do you think I would?
Ciara: I just... I guess you know that he set you up, and I'd be furious, too, if I were you.
Ben: It wasn't wyatt.
Ciara: What do you mean?
Ben: I mean somebody else framed me.
Ciara: Who?
Ben: Tripp.
Kayla: Um, I just remembered something I need to take care of. If you'll excuse me?
Jj: Mm-hmm.
[Dramatic music]
Stefan: Been waiting my whole life for this. You're about as perfect as I thought you'd be. I know. It's okay. Me, I'm not perfect. You're gonna hear that a lot growing up, I know. They'll even tell you I'm a terrible father. But I'm afraid I'm the only one you have right now.
[Baby fussing]
Chad: Hey. I had--I had to come. I have to know how-- how abby's doing. How--how is she doing?
[Tense music]
[Door clicks open and shut]
Gabi: Hello, abigail.
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