Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 11/7/18
Episode #13397 ~ A frantic Sami rushes to find the missing patient; Paul and Will have a suspicious run-in with Susan; Gabi becomes furious when she learns from JJ that Abigail has out-maneuvered her; Stefan receives stunning news about his family.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: Oh, it was a big success. That gabi chic pop-up is gonna kill it. What're you doing here?
Jj: I just came to check on thomas, but, uh, the nanny is giving him a bath, so I'm just--I'm hanging out until I tuck him in.
Gabi: Oh, poor little guy. Must be all hands on deck while chad and your mom are having abigail committed.
Jj: You didn't hear?
Gabi: Hear what?
Jj: Chad couldn't do it-- have her committed.
Gabi: Why not? I thought it was his legal right as her husband.
Jj: He's not her husband anymore.
[Tense music]
[Pounding on door]
Chad: Abby!
Stefan: Stop doing that.
[Both talking at once] Get the hell out of here.
Chad: I'm not. Abby!
Stefan: Get--
Chad: I'm gonna talk to my wife. You understand me?
Stefan: Get-- [Grunts] Idiot.
Sami: [Gasps] Where is he? Where is ej?
Kayla: Sami, isn't it amazing that the dna test proved that the mystery patient is ej?
Sami: Yeah, except one small little problem: Where is he? Where is ej?
Will: Hey. I got great news.
Paul: Oh, that's great, 'cause I could definitely use some of that.
Will: I spoke to your nurse. Kayla is signing your discharge papers. They're releasing you.
Paul: Are you kidding me?
Will: No.
Paul: They're letting me go home?
Will: Yeah, you're a free man.
Paul: Oh, my god, I cannot wait to get out of here... and see our new placE.
Will: Oh, yeah, I really think you're gonna like it.
Paul: No, I'm gonna love it, just like I love you.
[Devious music]
What is it?
Will: Susan? Susan, we can see you. What are you doing here?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Susan: Ah! Oh, well, golly! Is that you?
Will: Yes, yes, it is me.
Susan: Oh! [Laughs] I gotta get these old peepers checked again. Well, I just didn't even recognize you.
Will: Really? Because it sort of looked like you did recognize me and you were trying to avoid me. Why don't you tell me what you're doing at the hospital, susan.
Susan: Oh... "susan banks." Well... well, that's me. And... we're a match. Oh, my lord. We are a match.
[Sniffles] You're really here. My baby boy. You came back, didn't you? And I am never, ever gonna let anyone take you away from me again. [Sniffles]
[Stammering] Well, I-- I came to see paul. I did. And guess what? Here he is. What are the odds?
Paul: Uh, it was very thoughtful of you to come see me, susan.
Susan: Well, that's who I am: Thoughtful and kind susan. Unlike some people, who are just nasty and selfish and just mean, mean, mean.
Will: Are you talking about anyone that we know?
Susan: Oh, I'm sorry, will. I'm talking about that horrible mother of yours, sami brady.
Will: Yep, I thought so. I don't wanna get into this with you, especially considering what you did to her, susan.
Susan: [Stammering] All I know is that--that-- that paul fell through a window to save her life, and I-- I bet she didn't even say a thank you to you.
Paul: Oh, actually, she did.
Susan: Okay, okay, well, she should do a heck of a lot more. She should've-- she should write you a check for $1 million. Or at least get you a pretty scarf or something. I mean, she's just--thinks only about herself. Always has and always will. I mean, you should've seen the way she lied to me the other day. I mean... the sacrifices you made for that she-devil? Oh, you could've ended up in a morgue, and believe you in me, you don't ever want to go down there.
Paul: I'll take your word for it.
Susan: Oh, yeah. From my experience, it's very creepy with a capital "creep."
Will: So how long are you staying in salem, susan?
Susan: Um, not--not long. Not long, not long at all. Nope, I'm just-- but I sure miss you. [Laughs]
Will: Oh.
Susan: Oh, you're so wonderful. And paul. Paul, paul, paul, you are such an inspiration. Oh, my lord. You know what? One day, I know it, you are gonna get out of that chair and you're gonna be walking on your own two legs. That's it. Okay, okay.
[Elevator dings] Well, you know what? I gotta run, so...bye!
Paul: Well, that wasn't weird at all.
Will: No, not a bit.
Sami: Where the hell is he, aunt kayla? I went to go visit mom, and when I came back, he was gone. What if something's happened to him?
Kayla: Okay, take it easy. Don't think the worst, all right? Maybe they just took him down for another test tonight.
Sami: Well, wouldn't that be on his chart?
Kayla: Well, give me a second, here. You know what? It's not listed yet. Maybe they haven't had time to put it in.
Sami: Do you think maybe someone took him?
Kayla: Let me just call the nurse, okay? See what's up.
[Line trilling] Hi, this is dr. Johnson, and I wonder if I could speak with the floor nurse?
Sami: Everything is gone.
Kayla: Yeah, hi, uh, andrea, listen, I'm in room 425, and I wondered if you knew where the patient was? Ah, right. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, exactly. Okay, buh-bye. No, they have nothing scheduled for him tonight.
Sami: Oh, my god. That means something has happened. It's not like ej got up and walked away on his own. I mean, something bad has happened to him, and we have to find him.
Kayla: Okay, take it easy. I'm gonna go talk to security, and I'll come back, all right? Just hang tight, okay?
Sami: Yeah.
[Suspenseful music]
With uncontrolled
Chad: [Sighs] Abby. Look, I know you're in there, okay? I just...
[Sighs] Look, I just need-- I need to talk to you, okay?
Stefan: Yes, thank you. As soon as possible. I'm--I'm having security throw him off the grounds. You don't have to worry about chad anymore. Just--let's step away from the door.
Chad: I'm not leaving here until I can talk to you, okay? I'm gonna be right here. I'm not leaving.
Actually, you are, sir. You're trespassing. You need to go.
Chad: Listen, you're obviously new, okay? You don't know me, but this is my house. I'm not gonna go.
Stefan: I know that was hard, but you did the right thing.
Abigail: I gave up my family.
Stefan: Abigail, they gave up on you first. They were gonna lock you away, remember?
Abigail: Because chad thinks I'm sick.
Stefan: Chad wants you a certain way. If you can't live up to being his perfect little wife, he will send you away to get "fixed." You understand?
Abigail: Look, I really appreciate you helping me out, but let's not pretend like you don't have some personal stake in all of this.
Stefan: Well, of course I do. I'm doing it for my baby-- for our baby, remember?
Abigail: And for my alter gabby. You are hoping that if I stay here with you, she will come back.
Stefan: Well, that's the part of you I fell in love with-- part of you that loved me.
[Melancholy music]
Gabi: So abigail divorced chad and married stefan? How is this even possible?
Jj: Apparently money and power can buy anything. They dropped the bomb on mom and chad after we left.
Gabi: So they were already married when we were there?
Jj: Surprise.
Gabi: I'm sorry, but this is just proof of everything that I have been saying all along: The abigail that we all love would never leave chad for a man like stefan. Are you kidding me? This was definitely done by her alter gabby.
Jj: Except it was all abigail. She married stefan so chad couldn't commit her to the asylum.
Gabi: I can't believe that she would do that. Doesn't she understand that she's hurting chad and you and your family?
Jj: She feels like her family's abandoned her. Man, I'm not even sure I blame her. Look, she's terrified of being locked up again and she's doing everything she can to keep that from happening.
Gabi: I, um--I just remembered, I gotta go get something from the office for a meeting in the morning.
Jj: Want me to give you a ride?
Gabi: Um, no, that's okay. You stay here with thomas, and I'll catch up later.
Jj: Hey, gabi, um... I'm sorry, I just wanted to mention something about the other night, before you went on your trip. I hope I, uh, I didn't overstep when, um, we, um, almost...
Gabi: Kissed?
Jj: So I wasn't imagining it.
Gabi: No.
Jj: Okay. Listen, I, uh...
Gabi: Listen, we were both upset. It's okay.
Jj: All right. Well, I just wouldn't want anything like that to--to get in the way of our friendship. Too important to me.
Gabi: I really gotta go.
[Tense music]
Jj: [Sighs]
Paul: Can't I just see one picture of the new place?
Will: No, no, no, hands off. It's gonna be a surprise when you get home. Oh, mom? Mom?
Sami: What? Oh! Will. Oh, my god, hi. Thank god.
Will: What, what, what? Hi. What's going on? What's wrong?
Sami: Will, ej is missing.
Paul: What do you mean, "missing"?
Sami: He was in his room when I left, and when I went back, he's gone.
Will: Are you sure that it's ej? You have proof of that?
Sami: Yes, and my aunt kayla did a dna test, and I used susan's hair, and it's a match.
Will: So susan knows about this.
Sami: No, no way. Are you kidding? I don't want that nutter butter anywhere near here. No good can come from susan anywhere near this hospital.
Will: Oh.
Sami: Wha... what do you mean, "oh"?
Will: Well, susan was here, and she--she looked like she was up to something.
Susan: [Gasps] These security folks should be a lot more careful, leaving their keys lying around where anybody can just pick them up and borrow them.
[Sighs] Oh, baby. I'm so sorry I was gone so long. I just...I got delayed. Don't you worry, little elvis. Mummy's back. [Smooches]
Jj: Hey, I just put thomas to bed, man. If you, uh, you go up right now, you can say good night--
Chad: No, I don't want him to--I don't want him to see me like this.
Jj: What happened?
Chad: Well, I went to go see abby, and, uh, stefan had me thrown off the grounds.
Jj: I'm sorry, man. That sucks.
Chad: How the hell am i supposed to get through to her if--if--if I can't even see her? The longer she's in that house--
Jj: The more likely it is that her alter comes back.
Chad: And if gabby comes back, then I may never get abigail again.
Jj: We have to get her out of there.
Abigail: Gabby was a part of me, yes, and she did love you. But she's gone.
Stefan: Is she? 'Cause your family doesn't think so and neither does kate.
Abigail: I think I would know if one of my alters were reaching out. And she's not the one causing all this trouble.
Stefan: Are you still clinging to the idea that gabi hernandez is setting you up?
Abigail: Yes, because it's true.
Stefan: Why would she go through all this trouble just for revenge? Really.
Abigail: I was gabi's best friend, so I know her better than anybody else, and when that woman is wronged, she becomes a very dangerous person. She says that she's my friend, she says she forgives me, but I don't buy it.
Stefan: Okay, so--
Abigail: When I look at her, she is still upset, she's still hurt, and she is still angry.
Stefan: So what do you think she wants then, hmm? What's the end game here?
Abigail: I think she wants chad to lock me away in an asylum for good.
Gabi: Abigail told me that you were her baby's father in confidence. Why would I wanna expose her secret?
Stefan: Because you wanted me to stop her from ending the pregnancy.
Gabi: Okay, and why would I help you? You've ruined my life. If anything, I wanna hurt you.
Stefan: I certainly won't argue with that. But maybe it wasn't about hurting me. Maybe it was about hurting abigail. You said it yourself, gabi. Abigail told you the truth in confidence. For all I know, she had no intention of telling chad she was... she was pregnant. Now, spilling her secret to me, that puts a pretty big, uh, wrench in the game, don't you think?
Gabi: Abigail's my friend. Why would I want to hurt her?
Stefan: Because she hurt you. Sent you to prison. Well, I--well, her alter did.
Gabi: With your help.
Stefan: I played a part. But her false testimony, ultimately, that's-- that's what sent you to prison. If it wasn't for-- if it wasn't for abigail, your, uh, cellmate would've never beat you up, right? Which apparently has left you barren, yes?
Gabi: I might not be able to have children anymore, yes.
Stefan: Right. Whatever, my point is, is that if it were me, I'd hold a pretty big grudge.
Gabi: Right, well, I'm not you. And abigail was not in her right mind when she said that. And I'm not gonna blame her for something that she didn't even know was happening.
Stefan: [Groans] Gabi, that's very, very good. Very...convincing. You've obviously been rehearsing all the right things to say.
Gabi: I don't need to rehearse anything. But you're right about something: There is someone to blame for everything that's happened to me, and that person happens to be you.
Stefan: Then why are you working with me?
Gabi: Well, because, as much as I may hate you, and I hate you, I love my company that much more. And it's the only way that I can run iT.
> Stefan: Let me make sure I understand this. gabby, and I'm the root of all evil? Abigail gets a free pass.
> Gabi: Abigail's my dear friend. I only want what's best for her.
Stefan: Why would she go after you and not me? I'm the one who set her up to take the fall for andre's murder.
Abigail: Maybe she wants more than just revenge.
Gabi: What a frickin' nightmare.
Kate: It's so lovely when you come to visit.
Gabi: You know, I totally underestimated abigail and how shady she can be, and now that crazy bitch has gone and screwed up my plan.
Kate: What nerve. How dare she screw up your plans to have her committed to an insane asylum. What did she do?
Gabi: She got a quickie divorce from chad, and then she married his brother.
Kate: Aha, she married stefan.
Gabi: And that's because she didn't want chad to sign the commitment papers. Can you believe that?
Kate: Actually, right now, I could believe anything.
Gabi: Are you trying to be funny?
Kate: No, no, no. It's perfect. I mean, stefan and abigail, they deserve each other. Maybe they'll sail off to crazy town and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
Gabi: No, that's not perfect, okay? What's perfect is abigail being locked up in a loony bin, okay? And not living happily ever after with stefan and some baby that's not even his.
Kate: Okay, okay. Why don't you just blow the whole thing up? You have the ammunition.
Gabi: What are you suggesting?
Kate: That you stop playing games and you tell the truth about the baby.
[Mysterious music]
Sami: Susan was here? Why? Why was she here? Why was she in the hospital?
Will: She claimed to be here to see paul, but when she spotted us, she kind of looked like a deer in the high beams.
Sami: Okay, if that lunatic tries to get near ej--
Will: Okay, no, no, no, no. Easy. Mom, come on. Look, yes, I understand you're upset, right? But--but sh--but she's probably upset too, right? If she found out her son is alive, she-- you know, she would never do anything to hurt ej. She's probably just going into protective mode.
Sami: "Protective mode"? By kidnapping him, probably?
Paul: Yeah, I wouldn't put that past her.
Sami: Look, I am tired of that woman trying to walk away with the people that I love, okay? If that wretch tries to get ej, I swear to god--
Will: No, no, you are going to remain perfectly calm and you're gonna work things out.
Paul: I don't think that's what she was going to say.
Sami: Not even close.
Will: Mom, I understand you're upset, and I understand you're angry, but susan's world ended when ej died too. And if she found out somehow that that was her son, she would do anything to keep him safe, and unfortunately, that means keeping him away from you.
Sami: Look, I get it, okay? But I cannot let her take ej away from me. I am not losing my husband again.
Will: Who are you calling?
Sami: I'm calling the police.
[Line trilling]
Susan: I am so sorry for leaving you alone in this creepy place, but I had to scout out the exits. And it's a good thing I did, too, because will and paul were there, and they could've ruined everything. Now, I... I'm gonna dedicate my life to helping you get better. But first we gotta get you out of here and away from that mean, mean, mean sami. Oh, I'm gonna take you home to meet my roger. He looks just like the real elvis, and he takes really good care of me, and we are gonna take really good care of you too. Oh, baby, we're gonna have a wonderful life, just the three of us.
[Object clatters] Oh. Oh! I mean the four of us.
Susan: She is beautiful, don't you think? Just like the real dr. Marlena evans.
[Chuckles] It was supposed to be a wedding gift for her and john black, but that sami brady stole it for her own selfish purposes. Can you believe she didn't want me to know that you were alive? Your own mother. I mean, maybe she's still mad at me for trying to turn her will into a you. And I know how that sounds, I do, but... [Stammers] I'll explain it to you when we get out of salem. Oh, my goodness. Well... it's time we hit the road. Oh! Wish me luck, elvis. I think this will work.
Will: Mom, please.
Sami: What are you doing? No, no, susan has to be stopped!
Will: Think about it. If you--if she has ej, calling the cops will only make her more paranoid and maybe cause her to do something crazy.
Paul: He's right, sami. I mean, the woman is unbalanced on a good day. The last thing you wanna do is set her off.
Sami: I'm supposed to worry about setting her off?
Will: Remember how susan was still in memphis after I left? She had a complete mental breakdown.
Paul: You know what? She was just here a little bit ago by herself, so she couldn't have gotten very far.
Sami: Okay, when she was here, what did she say? Did she say something that gave you a hint as to where she's going?
Will: I mean, no, not that I can think of.
Paul: No, wait, wait. She mentioned, uh, that I was lucky that when I fell out of the window, I didn't end up in the morgue.
Will: And she knew firsthand how creepy it could be.
Sami: Oh, god. Okay. She's gonna sneak ej out of the morgue.
Will: No, no, no. Mom!
Chad: Every time I think about her being in that house with him... [Mumbles]
Jj: I know. And this is exactly what stefan wanted: To isolate her from the people who love her and to make her think that she can't trust us.
Chad: How--I mean, what am I supposed to do? I want to believe every word that she says. I want to believe that she's getting healthy, you know, and that gabi's setting her up, but kate said she saw the alters too.
[Stammering] And... kate lies, but she's not gonna lie about this.
Gabi: I thought that you were good at this scheming thing.
Kate: I'm the best when it's my scheme.
Gabi: You are a part of this, okay? If I reveal that abigail's baby is chad's and not stefan's, then abigail and chad, they're gonna get together and they're gonna live happily ever after, and that's even worse.
Kate: Okay, so you don't want abigail with chad or stefan.
Gabi: You know, I keep telling you, kate, and you're just-- you're not getting it, okay? I want abigail to be miserable. I want her locked up. I want her to feel what it's like to lose everything that she cares about and loves. I want her to see what it's like to have that door slammed in her face as she sees hope sliding away. Then that is when I will be able to say the truth about her baby.
Kate: Oh, and then you're gonna step in and help chad with the baby, right?
Gabi: Oh, okay, good. Good. So you are retaining some of this information.
Kate: Oh, my god, seriously? You're going to chain yourself to a sham of a relationship with a man that you have told me yourself you don't love all to get back at abigail?
Gabi: Hold on. Okay, chad and I, we have a great relationship. And it's always been wonderful with arianna. And it's not like I'm dating anybody else, so who cares?
Kate: Gabi, but you could. You never know when that person--that right person-- is gonna show up.
[Pensive music]
Jj: Now I better get to work.
Gabi: Yeah, I'll, uh-- I'll see you later.
Jj: Yeah, and thank you again for everything you did for me. And abigail.
Gabi: Yeah, that's what friends are for. You know what? I'm not. I can'T.
Kate: Oh, god.
Gabi: I'm not going to sit around and wait for some perfect love to sweep me off my feet. I can't do that. I need to focus on the task at hand.
Kate: Well, there's really nothing that you could do unless you could prove that abigail snapped and was a danger to society.
Gabi: Yeah. You're right. And I can't do that, but... well, you can.
[Percussive music]
Abigail: I don't know why gabi isn't coming after you. Maybe she will when she's done with me.
Stefan: Or maybe she isn't holding a grudge. Maybe she isn't setting you up. Maybe you just can't face--
Abigail: Just stop, okay? It doesn't matter how many times you say it. It's not gonna be true. My alter gabby is not coming back.
Stefan: How can you be so sure of that? How?
Abigail: [Stammers] Okay, you have spent days with me. Have you seen any signs that maybe I've been losing track of time or another personality has been trying to emerge?
Stefan: No, I haven'T.
Abigail: No, you haven'T. If gabby were back, don't you think maybe she would've tried to come out when we were getting married, or she'd be desperately trying to get to you in some way? There's no voices, stefan. She's not there.
Stefan: Look, just because the incidents have stopped--
Abigail: The incidents have stopped because I'm in this house. Gabi hernandez can't reach me, so she can't hurt me.
[Suspicious music]
Kate: You have already involved me in too much of your mess. You're gonna have to fix this yourself.
Gabi: Everyone's already suspicious of me.
Kate: Oh, I wonder why? You're such a paragon of virtue.
Gabi: Chad believed you when you said that gabby with a y shoved you.
Kate: Okay, so what should I say to him this time? She shoved me again?
Gabi: No. No, no, this time, we need to take it further.
Kate: I really hate the sound of that.
Gabi: Okay, listen. All you need to do is get yourself to the mansion under some pretense, like you're-- you know, "I'm sorry. I wanna make amends, abigail."
Kate: Oh, yeah, because that's so believable.
Gabi: Yeah, you'll make it work. Anyway, when she is not looking, you can slip a light sedative into whatever she's drinking, wait for her to pass out, and then make that room look like a mess-- like a huge fight.
Kate: A fight.
Gabi: Ye--yes, kate, a very violent fight. That maniac gabby, she tried to kill you!
Kate: Are you serious?
Gabi: Yes, I'm serious. You are lucky to be alive, okay? And then you just rip your clothes a little bit, scratch yourself, call the police in tears. And then when abigail wakes up, not even stefan will be able to protect her. 'Cause that's when they'll have her arrested for attempted murder, and they're gonna have no choice but to commit her. Easy-peasy lemon squeazy.
Kate: No.
Will: Well, I should probably find my mom.
Paul: Yes, go, go. I'll be fine here.
Will: Are you sure?
[Elevator dings]
Kayla: Okay, well, let me know as soon as you find him, all right? Hey, guys. Oh! Listen, paul, I-- I have your discharge papers.
Paul: Thank you.
Kayla: But there's something that you should know.
Paul: Ej's alive and susan took him?
Kayla: You know about susan? I just saw her on the security footage.
Will: We know and so does my mom. She just went after them.
Susan: Okay, little elvis. Mama needs to be extra quiet, now. I'm gonna wheel you off, right into the promised land.
Sami: Oh, hey! I need your help.
Kayla: Well, susan isn't gonna have an easy time getting ej out through the morgue. The attendant is off duty this time of night, and the keys are only accessed on a need basis.
Will: Well, susan can be pretty resourceful when she needs to be. I mean, look at how long she hid me away.
Kayla: Well, I alerted security, so if she's here at the hospital, we're gonna find her and ej. They are not getting out of here undetected.
Susan: [British accent] Oh, my apologies, miss, um, but this is after hours and this is a restricted area, and you have to leave, um, post--
Sami: Can you just turn around, susan?
Susan: What?
[Sighs] How'd you know it was me?
Sami: Well, the socks and sandals combo was a dead giveaway, but that accent? Just don'T.
Susan: You don't have to be so mean about it. I--I--are you gonna hurt me?
Sami: No, not if you tell me why you were trying to take ej away from me.
Susan: Because you took him away from me first.
Sami: Okay, no, that is not true. God, be careful with him, please.
Susan: I had to hear that he was alive from-- from that victor kiriakisis, of all people, so no.
Sami: Okay, no, stop, stop. All right? I apologize. I'm sorry, susan. I really am, but I didn't want to get your hopes up until i was sure that it was really ej.
Susan: Okay, you know what? You tricked me. That's why you tricked me into giving you your mother's doll. Isn't that right?
Sami: Because I wanted to be sure.
Susan: Oh, well, little lady, that's not your decision to make. This is my little boy, my little elvis, and if you had one little moment that you knew he was alive, then you should've told me.
Sami: Okay. You're right. And I'm sorry. All right? I am sorry. Can we just put that behind us, susan, and do what is best for ej, please?
[Tense music]
Stefan: That was seth burns, the administrator at university hospital.
Abigail: What did he want?
Stefan: He called to tell me that... my brother ej is alive.
Abigail: He's alive? So then...then sami was right. The man that they brought back from nashville really was ej.
Stefan: Yeah. I gotta go down there and see for myself.
Abigail: Yeah, of course.
Stefan: Wanna come with me? I could use the company.
Abigail: Uh, I think I better steer clear of sami right now.
Stefan: Okay. I won't be late. Listen. I promise you, I'll keep you safe.
Gabi: Kate... [Chuckles] Aren't you tired of going through the motions? You tell me you don't wanna help me, and I tell you you have no choice.
Kate: I am so tired of it, but I am not framing abigail.
Gabi: Okay, so do I need to remind you what will happen if you don't help me?
Kate: Oh, believe me, you don't have to remind me. You have told me enough times that if I don't help you, then you're going to tell chad that I betrayed him by giving stefan confidential titan information. Hmm?
Gabi: Right, yeah. And I'm assuming you don't want to lose chad over this.
Kate: Is this really how you wanna play this? Because I'm not the only one who has something to lose here. If you expose me, I'll be more than happy to tell everyone about all of the lies you told about the baby and how you set abigail up, and that will make you very toxic. No one will wanna be near you.
Gabi: Yeah, you might be right. But not if I tell everybody it was your idea. I mean, who wouldn't believe that you wanted revenge on abigail? Because she killed your husband.
Kate: I'm very disappointed in you, gabriella.
Gabi: Well, I'm just doing what I have to do.
Kate: Hmm. Okay. Well, I hope it's worth the risk. Because if the truth does come out, you're going to lose everything. Your friends, your business, your daughter.
Gabi: Which is why we need to stay the course and finish this. Because our futures, they depend on it. And so does chad's.
Jj: Are we doing the right thing?
Chad: Last time she was sick, it took me too long to notice. I... I mean, I can't make that mistake again.
Jj: She swears it's not happening this time.
Chad: Well, maybe she's in denial, jj, 'cause... ah, hell, I was. Kate saw gabby. I mean, hell, she wrote a letter to justin just to persuade the judge to have her committed.
Jj: Yeah, it's--it's one thing to be in denial, but to divorce you and marry stefan...
Chad: About as extreme as you can get.
Jj: But we're not gonna win her over with reason.
Chad: It's too late for that anyway.
[Cell phone beeps]
Jj: I'm sorry, man. Hold on. Look, I... [Sighs] I gotta get to work.
Chad: Don't worry about it, man. Hey, thank you for watching thomas. I appreciate it.
Jj: Any time. We're gonna get her out of there. Somehow.
Chad: Somehow.
What would my father do?
Kate: [Sighs] I can't believe I'm doing this. This is totally insane.
[Suspenseful music]
Okay. Damn you, gabi, and your ridiculous blackmail. Here goes.
[Tense music]
Abigail: What are you doing here?
Kate: Hey, abigail. I think it's time for a chat.
Chad: See, some would describe stefano dimera as machiavellian.
[Liquid trickles] He certainly was unscrupulous. He tried to indoctrinate his children into his code of ethics: Always be ruthless, always be selfish, do whatever you have to to get what you want. "The end will always justify the means."
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