Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 11/6/18
Episode #13396 ~ Belle is reunited with Marlena and makes peace with John; Sami confides her fears about EJ to Marlena; Bonnie says goodbye to Mimi and the baby; Sarah unleashes her fury on Rex.
Provided By Suzanne
Susan: I knew it. I could feel my elvis was alive when I saw that mummy movie on tv. Oh... oh, baby, it breaks my heart to see you this way. But guess what? We're together now. Unless that's just wishful thinking--no! No, no, no. I trust my premonitions. They're always right. They're always right. What is that? Dna test results.[Sighs] "Patient tested against susan banks." Well... well, that's me. And... we're a match. Oh, my lord. We are a match. You're really here. Baby boy. You came back, didn't you? And I am never, ever gonna let anyone take you away from me again.
Belle: You're really not gonna tell susan that her son is alive.
Sami: Look, I realize it's not the kindest thing for susan, but it's what's best for ej. He does not need that nutjob smothering him during this process.
Belle: Yeah, okay. Well, why is susan even still here? Shouldn't she be back in memphis by now?
Sami: She said she wouldn't leave without saying good-bye to mom. So I guess that's her plan. I wanted to just let her go without saying anything about ej.
Belle: Yeah.
Marlena: Wow. It is so good to see my girls.
Belle: You save it, lady. I know who you really are.
Bonnie: Hattie, you gotta help--
Hattie: [Screams]
Bonnie: [Screams] What the hell are you doing?
Hattie: Oh. Sorry. I thought you were the devil.
Bonnie: Wh--
Lucas: I still can't believe it. I still can't believe that baby isn't my daughter.
Chloe: What bonnie did to you was a horrible thing, tricking you like that. But am I just as horrible for telling you the truth?
Lucas: You didn't want me to get attached to a baby that's not mine. Problem is, it's too late.
Chloe: You already love her.
Lucas: Yeah. And now I lost her forever.
Rex: Wow.
Mimi: Pretty crazy, right?
Rex: Emily. My daughter. You know, it explains it. The first time I held her, why I felt such a strong connection. She's mine.
Sarah: I cannot believe that only a few hours ago rex and i were celebrating our engagement, and now I'm dealing with the fact that he's a lying, cheating dog who had a baby with his ex-girlfriend.
Maggie: It's okay, honey. Just--just let it out.
Sarah: Mom, I do not want to cry over rex brady. I want to kill him.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Maggie: Sweetheart, I know--I know you're angry. And that's justifiably so. But it's okay. It is okay to be sad too.
Sarah: I loved him.
Maggie: I know.
Sarah: And he broke my heart. And now I want to break his face.
Maggie: Sarah.
Sarah: I just feel like an idiot for letting myself get sucked in the way that I did, 'cause when rex and I met, i didn't even want a relationship. Rex is the one that wanted to move in and get engaged and get married, and it doesn't make any sense.
Maggie: What doesn't?
Sarah: Why would he push for all that stuff if he was just gonna turn around and cheat on me?
Mimi: Rex, hiding my first pregnancy from you was the biggest mistake I ever made. And I didn't want to repeat it, but things are just so different now, you know? We've grown up and moved on. I thought I had made the right choice. Then yesterday you said you were ready to be a dad. Is that true?
Rex: I mean... I'm not sure. You know--
Mimi: I know this is all very new to you, but I've had a lot of time to think it through. You do not have to be a part of emily's life. I was always planning on raising her alone. There is no obligation here. I assume that's how you want it.
Rex: Mimi, it's just--it's a lot, you know, to take in, and i just--I need... I just need some time to think about it, you know?
Mimi: Uh, why don't you talk to your fiancee, you know, before you make any decisions.
Rex: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Would you mind if I did that?
[Baby raspberries]
Mimi: Of course not.
Rex: Okay.
Mimi: All right.
Rex: Here, honey. There you go, sweetie. Thank you.
Mimi: Yeah. Yeah.
Belle: You can drop the act. I know you're hattie adams.
Marlena: Honey--
Belle: Sami told me everything, how roman broke you out of prison so you could impersonate my mother and then somehow strongarm my father into marrying you. You know what, you can just--just keep on going because I got no use for you.
Marlena: So I guess you have no use for my joy and my wisdom. Or the way that I make you feel that everything is going to be all right. Isn't that what you said to me as I was going into surgery?
Belle: Mom.
John: Mom.
Marlena: Yeah.
Belle: Oh, my god. I'm so glad you're okay.
Marlena: Come on. Bring it, bring it, bring it, bring it. Ohh. My girls.
Belle: [Sighs]
Marlena: It makes me so happy to see you together.
John: I'm not quite sure they've reconciled.
Sami: We have, actually. We, um, hugged it out.
John: Hey, that's great news. We have some great news also. Hattie adams has, uh, has agreed to a divorce, and she's also going back to statesville.
SamI: How did you pull that off?
John: It was all hattie. I'm just, uh, I'm not gonna ask any questions. I'm just gonna go with the flow.
Belle: Oh, gosh, this is wonderful.
John: Yeah, it's a fact. In fact, your mom and I are on the way to make the switch right now.
Sami: No, wait, before you go, actually, I have some news myself about ej.
Susan: I promise whatever is wrong with you, we will fix it. Just--how did they get my dna? I would have known if somebody stuck me with a needle or swabbed my cheeks or something. I just d-- oh. It's sami brady. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. But keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. And prescription drug coverage isn't included. But, with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free.
Marlena: Oh, honey, I'm so happy about ej. I'm so thrilled.
John: How about sydney and johnny? They've got to be beside themselves.
Sami: No, no. I haven't told them yet. I mean, I'm still just digesting it myself and kind of keeping it on the dl, okay? Kayla said that ej's recovery might be really complicated.
John: Yeah.
Marlena: Well, we're here for you, whatever it is.
John: Whatever you need.
Belle: So I--I--I'm sorry. I need to interrupt because I need to say something to mom. Um...
Marlena: Of course, honey. What is it?
Belle: When you were shot, I was beside myself. We were all beside ourselves, and all we wanted to do was save you. And then I found your directive. And it clearly stated that you didn't want any extraordinary measures taken to save your life. But you were already on the ventilator and... so that meant if I unplugged the ventilator, we would lose you, and I, you know, just... I wanted to tear up that paper, but I was your proxy, and you trusted me to stand up for you.
Marlena: I know. I know that.
Belle: And I did. I did. I fought with everyone. I fought with eric and sami and dad, especially dad. I just need you to know that that was the hardest decision I have ever had to make, and I was only doing what I thought you wanted. And I didn't know you would wake up. I-- I'm just so sorry.
Marlena: No, no, no, no, no. Please don't apologize. You listen to me. You did exactly the right thing.
Belle: [Cries]
Susan: That sami brady is a liar and a thief. She suspected that you were alive, and she kept it a secret from me. If it were up to her, I would never know the truth. Even though I'm the one who loves you the most in this whole wide world. I mean, I know she loves you too. But what kind of a selfish witch would keep a child from its own mama?
Bonnie: You thought I was the devil? I'm your best friend.
Hattie: Yeah. Yeah, I know. It's a long story.
Bonnie: I'm sorry. We don't have time for that right now. I am in a serious jam.
Hattie: Oh, no. Operation bon-bon failed?
Bonnie: Stupid chloe lane, she stuck her nose in where it didn't belong. Now everybody knows the truth.
Hattie: Yeah, that you were trying to pass off your own grandchild as yours and lucas's kid.
Bonnie: Come on. That baby was my get out of jail free card. Now the da is gonna throw me back in state for good this time.
Hattie: [Sighs] Bonnie, some you win; some you lose.
Bonnie: Hattie, please. Please! I can't go back to that hellhole! Listen. Marlena has to help me, okay? Say I had postpartum and that i wasn't in my right mind.
Hattie: Oh, wait. You were never pregnant.
Bonnie: Right. Say I had a split personality. "Ronnie" made me do it. I mean, it worked for abigail, right? I mean, say anything you want. Please, just say something.
Hattie: Oh, honey, it won't work. Dr. Marlena evans has to do that because she--she's a world-renowned psychiatrist.
Bonnie: Right.
Hattie: But, honey, I'm just plain, old hattie adams. Besides, I'm going--I'm going back to prison myself.
Mimi: Well, baby girl, it's just you and me again. Back to how it used to be. At least we'll finally have some peace and quiet.
Sarah: Why would a man who lies and cheats want to get married?
Maggie: Well, the only person who can answer that question is rex.
Sarah: I don't ever want to see him again. I just-- I want to go upstairs and pack my stuff and just disappear.
[Door clicks open] I landed.
Maggie: Rex, what do you want?
Rex: I was just hoping for a few minutes alone with sarah.
Maggie: That's up to her.
Sarah: It's fine, mom.
Maggie: Are you sure?
Sarah: Yeah. I can handle this loser.
Maggie: Okay.
Rex: Sarah, I am so sorry.
Sarah: Sorry that your dirty little secret got out.
Rex: Can you please just give me a chance to explain?
Sarah: Yes, please. Explain, rex. Explain why you cheated on me, lied to me, and had a baby with your ex-girlfriend.
Lucas: I got to go.
Mimi: Lucas, wait. I want to apologize. I really am sorry. I--I-- I never wanted any part of thiS. But my mom didn't give me much choice.
Chloe: So this is all bonnie's fault?
Mimi: No. It was her idea, but I went along with it, knowing how insane it was. But I hated every minute. I never meant to hurt you. I feel awful.
Chloe: Well, you should. It's obvious you didn't give a damn about lucas, but did you even think about what this could have done to your daughter?
Mimi: There you go judging again after everything you pulled with nicole's kid.
Chloe: Okay, I never said i was perfect, but what you did to lucas was downright cruel.
Lucas: It couldn't have been easy for mimi either. I'm not excusing what she did at all. I'm just saying bonnie was the one calling the shots. Whatever bonnie wants, bonnie gets. To hell with everybody else.
Hattie: So my days of playing dr. Marlena evans are over. Honey, she's dull as dishwater anyway. I mean, she was just no fun.
Bonnie: [Laughs] Yeah, but she has the perfect life.
Hattie: Wh--yes, she does. For her. But not for me. So, look, uh, I gotta tell you, I've decided to go back to statesville and finish out my time, and then... after that, I'll see what happens.
Bonnie: [Laughs] Well, if that's what you want, good luck to you.
Hattie: Yeah. What about you?
Bonnie: Oh, I'm gonna do the only thing I know how to do: Skip town.
Hattie: Or you could come with me.
Bonnie: [Laughs]
Marlena: I guess we better find hattie before she changes her mind.
John: Yeah. Um... I'd like to have a word with belle for a second, though. If that's okay with you?
Belle: Sure.
Marlena: Tell me about ej.
Sami: Oh, mom. I just can't believe-- I mean, after all of this, the man of my dreams, he's back, and I am ecstatic and--and terrified.
Marlena: You're terrified. Why?
Sami: Because what if ej, the man I love, what if he can never be the same?
Susan: Sami brady will never take you away from me, i promise.
Marlena: Help!
Susan: What was that?
Marlena: I can't breathE.
[Creepy music]
Susan: No. No, can't be.
Marlena: Let me out of here.
Susan: What?
Rex: As ridiculous as this sounds, sarah, I never meant to cheat on you.
Sarah: But you did.
Rex: Okay, last year, we were having problems--big problems. And I was under an insane amount of stress at work, and our schedules were busy and conflicting and then for the first time in memory, I had 12 hours off from work. And you were busy, so a friend of mine invited me to a card game. And mimi just happened to be there. So we were playing poker, and we were having a few drinks, and... and then it happened.
Sarah: Please.
Rex: It was stupid... and thoughtless mistake. You know what's incredible? Is that I had this unbelievable moment of clarity where i realized for the first time that all I wanted--all I wanted for the rest of my life-- was you.
Sarah: Wait, are you telling me that sleeping with your ex made you realize that you actually love me?
Mimi: Thank you for not hating me.
Lucas: How can I hate you? You--you're the mother to this beautiful baby. I mean, I didn't spend that much time with her, but she really got to me. You know, she got right in my heart.
Mimi: I know. And, again, I'm so sorry. Uh, but now that the truth is out, baby emily and I are leaving salem.
Lucas: Emily?
Mimi: Yeah. That's her real name.
Lucas: When are you leaving?
Mimi: Tonight. No reason to wait till morning. There's nothing keeping us here anymore, so.
Lucas: So I guess this is it, right? Do you mind if I just hold her once?
Mimi: Of course.
Lucas: Hey. Hey, there. You know, I'm not new at being a dad. I just never seem to be able to get it right. But with you, I was kind of hoping for a chance, you know, to be better, but it really doesn't look like that's gonna happen now.
[Baby grunts]
[Sighs] I guess it's just not meant to be. But I want you to know, baby emily, I want you to know that I want you to have a life full of happiness, and if you ever need anything, I'll be there for you. I will. You'll always hold a very special place in my heart. I love you.
[Baby coos] Yeah.
Susan: Where is that voice coming from? Is there some hidden camera trick or something?
Marlena: Help me.
Susan: Oh, my. It really is you. You're talking to me.
Marlena: Not for much longer if you don't get me out of here.
Susan: [Yelps, stammers]
Marlena: I'm suffocating.
Susan: [Gasps]
Marlena: Oh, thank god, i thought I was gonna die in there.
Susan: You poor thing! Oh--[Stammers] I'm so sorry. I mean, kristen stabbed you, and now sami just, you know, takes some of your hair and she stuffs you in a little plastic baggie.
Marlena: They are mean, mean, mean!
Susan: Yeah, you could say that again. And I just--I really wanted you to be perfect for dr. Marlena evans.
Marlena: Sami is never gonna get me to marlena. She just used me to find out if mr. Mummy here was elvis.
Susan: So I was right. She did take your hair for that dna test.
Marlena: And she wasn't gonna say a word.
Susan: [Sighs] Do you think that... sami was gonna take my elvis away from me?
Marlena: That's exactly what she's doing, and you have to stop her.
[Eerie music]
Belle: Uh, dad, I-I-- I know I owe you an apology.
John: Sweetheart, I'm the one who owes you an apology. I've been--[Sighs] Feeling really lousy about the way I treated you the whole time mom was in the coma. It's just that, you know, I really thought that I was losing her. So I--I... I just took out all of my anger and my helplessness on you.
Belle: Well, I was afraid i was gonna lose her too. And I truly believed there was no hope, so. I gave up, and you didn't, and that's good, because if we would have pulled the plug, she would have died, so... you making that switch with hattie saved her life.
John: We didn't know that at the time.
Belle: Well, the good news is mom's gonna be okay, so.
John: What about us? Are we gonna be okay? Oh, sweetheart.
Bonnie: There's no way I'm going back to prison.
Hattie: Oh, honey, aren't you tired of running?
Bonnie: It beats sitting in solitary, girl.
Hattie: But it won't last. They will track you down. They will find you. And then they'll put you back in prison for a long, long time. But, listen. If you come back with me, and you turn yourself in voluntarily, they might just go easy on you. Honey, listen to me, we don't have that much time left to serve. And if we go back, we can-- we could serve it together.
Bonnie: Mm. I don't know.
Hattie: Well, what is it? The food? Hey, don't forget! I'll be doing the cooking.
Bonnie: [Grunts] You still make that corndog casserole?
Hattie: I do. With lots and lots and lots and lots of bacon bits. And, honey, once we're out, we can have them whenever we want. We can do whatever we want because we will be free--we will be really, really free. So what do you say?
[Sniffles] Come on, bonnie. You and me.
Bonnie: [Laughs] Mm.
Mimi: You keep right on sleeping, em. And I'll have us out of here before you know it.
[Knock at door] Hi. Thanks for coming.
Belle: Yeah, your message sounded urgent. Is everything okay?
Mimi: I wanted to say I'm sorry.
Belle: Wow. It's quite the day for the apologies.
Mimi: I'm serious. I hadn't seen you in forever. And within five seconds, I asked you to defend my mother, which put you in a terrible position with lucas and chloe, and then I tell you I have a baby with rex and swear you to secrecy.
Belle: Mimi, it's okay.
Mimi: No, it's not. It was way too much to ask. But you came through for me.
Belle: That's what friends do.
Mimi: You went above and beyond, and I just want you to know how grateful I am, how grateful we are.
Belle: Oh, mimi, you and I--we've been through a lot in our lives. We're still here for each other. We always will be.
Mimi: That is really good to know, because I have no idea what I would do without you.
Sarah: Nothing like sex with your ex to clarify feelings.
Rex: I know. It sounds so lame.
Sarah: Oh, we are past lame! Rex, if you weren't happy, then why the hell did you propose to me?
Rex: Because I love you, sarah. And I want to make a life with you. Please, is there anything I can do to get you to forgive me?
Sarah: You know, going into this, I knew exactly what kind of guy you were. You liked to have fun, and so did I. But I thought that we were ready to get serious.
Rex: We were. That's what I want.
Sarah: You know what I want? Honesty. So no more secrets, no more lies.
Rex: Okay.
Sarah: You and mimi. Was that the only time that you cheated on me?
[Dramatic music]
Rex: Sarah, I'm so sick about this. I'm sick about what happened. I'm sick about what I did. But believe me. If I could go back, I would do anything to go back and change this.
Sarah: I never pushed you for a ring. Not once. You said that you had all this pressure, and it didn't come from me.
Rex: Yes, yes, you're absolutely right. I mean, I put all of this pressure on myself. Pressure to check boxes in my life, you know? And my career and then marriage and then kids and--
Sarah: I am not some item on your to-do list!
Rex: You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't--I didn't mean it that way. I just--I panicked. Okay? And I made some really bad decisions that I really regret, but, sarah, I always came back to you.
Sarah: And lied... to my face. How many were there, rex, before this blew up in your face at our engagement party? How many more would there be?
Rex: None. None. I swear to you. I think that I got it all out of my system.
Sarah: You can't get a child out of your system!
Rex: I'm just asking you to please, slow down. And just--just think about this before you--
Sarah: Dump your pathetic ass?
Rex: Before you make an impulsive decision in the heat of the moment.
Sarah: Oh, like you did when you jumped into the sack with mimi!
Rex: Sarah, is there anything-- anything I can do so we can get past this?
Sarah: No. That child is a constant reminder of your betrayal, and i am never gonna get over that.
Bonnie: What's going on?
Mimi: Emily and I are leaving salem...tonight.
Bonnie: Yeah, about that.
Mimi: You're a fugitive, mom, don't even think about coming with us.
Bonnie: I'm not. I was actually just wondering if you would still be my lawyer.
Belle: Why? The custody hearing's over. Everybody knows that emily is mimi's baby.
Bonnie: Yeah, it's not about that, actually. It's about me. I was hoping you could negotiate a good deal.
Belle: What kind of deal?
Bonnie: For my surrender. I'm turning myself in.
Marlena: I understand your fears. But, honey, when there is life and there's love, there's hope. Look, john never gave up on me, and here I am. Do not ever give up.
Sami: You're right. I'm not. I couldn'T. And I have to stop worrying about what might happen and focus on taking care of ej right now.
[Cell phone rings]
[Phone beeps] Hello? Yes, this is samantha dimera.
[Sighs] You do? Yes. Uh... yes, that's incredible news. Thank you. Um... yes, and I'll call you first thing in the morning to go over the details. Thank you. Thank you.
Marlena: Oh, my. Is it good news?
Sami: Yes, it's great news. Oh, mom, I've been researching places that specialize in dealing with burn victims and looking up all the top physicians and mental health experts and physical therapists. I just want to make sure that i have all my bases covered for whatever ej might need.
Marlena: Kayla's a pretty good therapist right here in town.
Sami: You're the best, but I was thinking he needs, you know, a clinic where everything would be all in one place, you know? And I found this amazing place in italy. It's top-rated. And if I could get in there, you know, the kids could be close by. And they just called to say they have room for ej.
Marlena: Oh, honey, you didn't need my help. You have got this so covered.
Sami: Mom, I'm starting to feel some of that hope that you were talking about earlier.
Marlena: You should. Because with you in his corner, ej will be just fine, I know it.
Sami: Thank you. I think I should go and tell him the good news, don't you? Maybe he'll even hear me. Oh, mom.
Marlena: Oh, honey. Honey, honey.
Susan: Why? Why?
Marlena: Ow! Yipes! Inside voice. This is a hospital.
Susan: I just wanna know why sami brady doesn't want me to have my son back. If I didn't come to the hospital, I'd never know he was alive.
Marlena: That leaves one question. Are you going to let sami get away with this?
For mild-to-moderate eczema
Mimi: You're going back to choice.
Bonnie: Yep.
Mimi: That is... not what I expected.
Bonnie: Me neither.
[Laughs] Really, I figured I'd just do what I always do, you know, and keep on going till I came up with the next con, but, um... old friend of mine made me realize that I can't run forever, you know.
Belle: Well, of course I'll help you with the details, bonnie.
Bonnie: Thank you.
Mimi: I got to say, mom, I'm impressed. I think you're making a smart move.
Bonnie: Well, don't get me wrong. I'd much rather be on a deserted island with a cold beer and a hot man, if you know what i mean? [Laughs]
[Sighs] But you know me. My luck, as usual, stinks. Hm. Except-- except I hit the jackpot when i got you for a daughter, baby. It's true. Hey. I might not have won any... awards for being mother of the year, but I do plan on being one hell of a good grandma.
[Baby coos] Look at her. I do love her. Baby, I love you so much, i named you after myself.
[Laughs] You'll always be baby bonnie to me.
[Baby coos]
Mimi: We'll miss you, mom.
Bonnie: I'll miss you too, baby. And, look, I don't expect you to bring the baby to statesville, okay? But when I get out, I really would like to see her.
Mimi: You got it.
[Baby coos]
Bonnie: [Sniffs]
Rex: I don't know what else to say. Except that I am so sorry. And I love you. And I still want to marry you.
Sarah: [Sniffs] It's never gonna happen.
Rex: Sarah, please.
Sarah: It's over.
[Somber music]
[Door clicks open]
John: Ready to go?
Hattie: Yeah. Uh, sure. Let's roll.
Marlena: Hang on. I want to say something to hattie first.
Hattie: Figured you might have a few choice words for me.
Marlena: Just two. Thank you.
Hattie: Thank me?
Marlena: Yeah. You have created a lot of problems. But you also saved my life. And for that, I will always be grateful.
Hattie: Oh. You're welcome. You know, I spent a lot of years being so jealous of you. You know, I wanted all that love and that respect that you were getting. But I finally--I finally began to come to some peace with who i really am.
Marlena: I'm glad.
Hattie: To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to a little less drama in my life.
Sami: Ej, my love, you're never gonna--
[Dark music] Oh, my god, where is ej?
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