Days Transcript Monday 11/5/18

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/5/18


Episode #13395 ~ Sami opens the DNA results of the mystery patient; Susan has a premonition about EJ; Chloe drops a bombshell at Rex and Sarah's engagement party; an upset Sarah runs out on her fiancé.

Provided By Suzanne

Maggie: Everyone, could i have your attention? Um... thank you. I'd like to propose a toast.

Kate: Lucas?

Roman: Here you go.

Kate: Apple cider.

Lucas: Thank you, mom.

Kate: Apple cider?

Bonnie: Uh, no. I'll take the hard stuff. Bonnie lockhart doesn't do virgins.

Kate: Hm. That's the first time bonnie lockhart and the word "virgin" was used in the same sentence.

Maggie: I'll take it. Does everyone have a glass? Wonderful. Our families have been through a lot lately. I mean, just when we weather one crisis, another one seems to come along and we have to weather another. So I'd like to toast to rex and to sarah, for sharing their wonderful life-affirming news with us. And for showing us that no matter what happens, the love that we have for each other will always see us through. Sarah, mickey would be so proud of you today and so happy that our families are being joined together in marriage. Again.

[Laughter] A toast to the newly engaged couple, wishing you a wonderful, wonderful future together.

Roman: Cheers.

All: Cheers.

Rex: Maggie, thank you so much for that, really. I'd like to say a few words, if I may. To my fiancéE. Sarah, I love you so much. You're everything to me. You're obviously beautiful and brilliant and fearless and funny, but most importantly, at least to me, you have a kind and loving heart. You're more precious to me than you will ever know. And I simply can't wait to make a life with you.

Maggie: In salem, I hope.

Kate: I agree with maggie for once.

[Baby crying]

Rex: Cheers.

Sarah: Cheers.

Rex: Actually I'd like to make one more toast, if you don't mind. To my brother lucas and his new baby girl. I think we can all agree that the love a parent has for their child is the purest and most unconditional love there is. So, to you two. May you always be has happy as you are right now.

Lucas: Hey, man.

Rex: Cheers.

All: Cheers.

Chloe: Hi.

Lucas: Oh, hey. Glad you finally made it.

Chloe: Yeah, is there somewhere we can talk privately? I have something important I need to tell you.

Lucas: Um, yeah.

Victor: Finally some peace and quiet.

Susan: [Singing]

Victor: I don't know what I've ever done to deserve this.

Susan: Well, hey. What are you doing here?

Victor: I live here. You know what that means? It means that this is my house. This is my living room, my domain.

Susan: Well, you are almost out of mayo.

Victor: Ms. Banks! Why don't you enjoy your snack somewhere else. The cellar. Uganda.

Susan: I am beginning to understand your sense of humor. It's what they call sarcastic, isn't it?

Victor: I lose brain cells just listening to you.

Susan: I thought you would have been at the engagement party.

Victor: You know, an engagement party is about the only thing I can think of that would be worse than spending time with you.

Susan: I wonder if they have cake there. Hmm? I mean, they have cake at weddings, but I just don't know about engagement parties. Maybe it's bad luck. You know, like when the groom sees the bride? Oh, you know what would be so cute, is little tiny cupcakes with little tiny brides and grooms on--

Victor: Ms. Banks, when are you going to get the hell out of my house?

Sami: [Sighs]

Belle: Are you okay?

Sami: I'm just a little scared. I mean, I can't believe I'm going to find out if it's really ej.

Belle: Hey, well, um, I'm gonna leave you alone.

Sami: No, no, don't go.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sami: But what if I open this up and I find out that the man underneath all the bandages isn't ej? I mean, I told myself not to let my hopes get up, but...

Belle: Oh, come on, how could they not, right?

Sami: I've been alone for a really long time, and alone is not my natural state, you know?

Belle: Sami, you're not alone. And no matter what happens, you won't be alone.

Lucas: What? What is it? What's wrong?

Chloe: Not here.

Lucas: Wait a minute.

Roman: Uh, excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? All right? You know, there's an old irish tradition that when a couple post their wedding banns, that the older generation of men from both families stand up on these occasions and tell long boring stories about themselves.

[Laughter] So in a break with tradition, I just want to say how thrilled I am to welcome sarah into the family. You are a brave, brave woman.


Chloe: Lucas. What are they doing here?

Lucas: God only knows. I have no idea.

Kate: Why on earth are mimi and bonnie here?

Maggie: Sarah invited them to stay. She has a big heart.

Kate: Hm. Or little sense.

Roman: All right! To rex and sarah.

Rex: Cheers. Thanks.

All: Cheers!

Bonnie: Ooh. Well, there, honey. You shouldn't be drinking; you're nursing.

Mimi: As a matter of fact, I'm not nursing, so shut the hell up.

Bonnie: Mm.

[Glass shatters] Whoops. That's better.

Mimi: Uh, mommy, don't you remember what happens when you drink? You screw things up beyond all recognition.

Bonnie: Baby, don't be a buzzkill.

Mimi: Sitting in a room full of people who hate us is a buzz? Just being here is a really bad idea. Being here with you drinking is insane. Thanks to you, chloe already suspects I'm the baby's mother.

Bonnie: Well, didn't you say belle convinced her she was crazy? Honey, relax. Enjoy. In fact, go get me that last glass of champagne before it disappears. The alcohol police are watching me.

Mimi: No.

Bonnie: No? Has it slipped your mind I went to jail for you?

Mimi: Has it slipped yours that I let you use my baby to keep you from going back there? Fine.

Rex: Chloe. I just saw you come in. How are you?

Chloe: I'm good.

Rex: Um, sarah, this is my dear old friend chloe.

Sarah: Hi, it's so good to see you.

Chloe: Nice to see you. Congratulations. I hope you two will be happy.

Sarah: Thank you.

Rex: Are you leaving? So soon? You just got here.

Chloe: We'll be right back.

Lucas: Wait a minute. The baby. I'll be right back. What? What is the matter with you? What's going in?

Chloe: I have to tell you something; it's about the baby. It can't wait.

Bonnie: Where's my champagne?

Mimi: We need to get out of here now.

Susan: I thought that ancient greeks said that hospitality was sacred.

Victor: Good god. Did you actually say something that wasn't inane?

Susan: [Scoffs] Well, I read it in a book that was on my nightstand.

Victor: You read.

Susan: You know, I really don't know how that sweet maggie puts up with you.

Victor: Maybe I was hallucinating.

Susan: You say hurtful things on purpose.

Victor: I'm desperate. I'll pay you to go away. You could be a very rich woman somewhere.

Susan: No.

Victor: Anywhere.

Susan: No! No and no, mr. Money-can-buy-anything. I'm not leaving salem until i know that dr. Marlena is okay and that I get to see it with my own two eyes.

Victor: Well, you go ahead. I'll call you a cab.

Susan: Well, no, sami-- sami said that only family can visit right now. I mean, don't you think that's odd? I mean, I think that's odd. But what can you do? You can't fight city hall. Only it's not city hall. I mean, it would be the hospital, right?

Victor: Have you heard of a hotel?

Susan: Well... I couldn't hurt maggie's poor feelings by staying in a hotel. But I will tell you one thing.

Victor: I'm sure you will.

Susan: I wish I didn't let sami take that dr. Marlena doll to the hospital, 'cause I just wonder if I'm ever going to see it again.

Sami: Thanks for being here.

Belle: No, wait. Listen, I--just before all of this, I want to say that I'm so sorry that I blamed you for everything that happened with mom. I should've believed you when you said you didn't do it.

Sami: No, I totally understand; I was acting crazy, waving a gun around. It makes sense you thought I did it.

Belle: I'm still sorry.

Sami: It's okay. There's no need to apologize. I mean, are you kidding? If I started apologizing to you for all the things that I have done over the years, it'd take a lifetime.

Belle: Okay, then we're even.

Sami: Well, not quite; I mean, you don't exactly bat in my league for screw-ups.

Belle: That's not true. Listen, I've just been realizing that, you know, you've been through so much and you've suffered some terrible losses, and now that we're reconnecting, I... well, I won't say I'm sorry...

Sami: You better not.

Belle: But I will say that I wish I had been there for you more. I wish that I had, you know, been there to hold your hand through it and been a big enough person to put aside my petty resentments so I could be a better sister, you know?

Sami: They weren't petty. Okay? You are a great sister. You really are, and I do stupid things, trying to push you away, you know? That's what I always do, I push you or I sell you or... is that too soon?

Belle: Yeah, that's not quite...

Sami: Sisterly. Okay, we're working past it, okay? SorrY. But we're not gonna dwell on the past. How about we stop feeling sad and guilty all the time for the things that have already happened? Let's just move forward and be better, you know? We could try to give each other the benefit of the doubt, you know, and see the best in each other like we're doing right now, right?

Belle: Yeah.

Sami: And I'm glad that you're doing this with me, okay?

Belle: Oh, wait, you know what? We should go do this in mom's room. She's just down the hall. Let's go.

Sami: No, no, we can't go-- we don't want to bother her.

Belle: Sami, it wouldn't be bothering her. She'd want to be here for this.

Sami: Well, I guess that's true, but you're doing a great job. You're here--here with me, and you and I could do this together, just the two of us. We could just...

Belle: Sami? You're protesting too much. What is going on?

Sami: Nothing.

Belle: I know when you're covering up something. Fine. I'll go ask her myself.

Sami: Okay, no, you can't do that, 'cause... oh, god, belle. Because the woman in mom's room is not mom.

Bonnie: I'm not going anywhere. They haven't even served the cake yet.

Mimi: Damn it, listen to me. Chloe did not drop the idea that I am baby bonnie's mother. She's about to tell lucas right now. I do not want to be here when it hits the fan.

Bonnie: Fine, we'll go.

Mimi: Wait. Not without my baby.

Maggie: Do you really have to go? Is something wrong?

Lucas: I don't know what's going on.

Chloe: What the hell do you think you're doing? It was here.

Mimi: I don't like the tone of your voice.

Chloe: I don't like you trying to sneak out of here with this baby.

Lucas: We settled this; I have the baby this evening.

Mimi: Yeah, we thought you'd be spending quality time with her, not dragging her to a party and ignoring her.

Lucas: I wasn't ignoring her; she's sleeping, for god sakes.

Mimi: In a noisy restaurant full of people drinking, and if you really wanted to come to this party so much, you should have let my mom be with her little baby girl.

Chloe: Okay, there's a problem with that, mimi. This is not your mom's baby girl; it's yours.

Belle: So you're telling me that we did not take mom off life support. That was hattie. Where is mom? Is she...

Sami: No, she's okay. She's, um, she's fine. She woke up on her own.

Belle: When? Where?

Sami: Not long after they made the switch.

Belle: Oh, my god.

Sami: She is--she's fine. She's gonna be okay.

Belle: Really?

Sami: Yeah.

Belle: How did this happen? Who did this?

Sami: Well, your dad. Look, if kayla had taken mom off of life support when she was supposed to, mom would be dead. John saved mom's life. He was--he was right.

Belle: And no one thought that I needed to know this?

Sami: Well, if he told you then, you would've... look, he was protecting other people, too, other people who were in on it, like my dad.

Belle: What did roman do?

Sami: Roman is the one who got hattie out of jail.

Belle: Oh, yeah, right. Of course, that's makes sense. And then my dad told you.

Sami: No, no. I mean, he didn't want to tell me; it's just that I started getting suspicious, 'cause hattie was acting so crazy.

Belle: Wait, so when mom was so angry that I had enforced her advance directive, that was hattie?

Sami: Yeah. Sorry.

Belle: Oh, my god. I feel like such an idiot. I mean, you saw when hattie was like a crazy person, but I didn'T. Why didn't I?

Sami: No, no, I didn't figure it out right away. I mean, it took me a long time.

Bell: I should have known right away. I should've known when she woke up from the coma because she just--she seemed like she wasn't happy to even be alive or relieved to see her kids. And the horrible stuff she said to me, I mean, mom would never be that cruel.

Sami: You're right. But remember, at the time, we were questioning her behavior and john and kayla were both saying to us it was because of the coma or the trauma of the shooting, right? I mean, it was like that at the beginning, and it just kept going on.

Belle: Yeah, it kept going on and on while I was, like, so upset and tortured and you knew and you didn't think to, like, put me out of my misery and let me know that that wasn't my mom?

Sami: Okay, well, belle, you weren't exactly on the same side as me of that whole issue, if you'll recall. So no, I'm sorry that I didn't rush right out, drop everything else I was doing to tell you that it wasn't mom hurting your feelings. Hell... but you know what, that doesn't matter now, right? What matters now is that mom is okay. She's gonna be fine; she's recovering.

Belle: I know, and I get it. I know that's all that matters. It's just a little jarring to finally hear all of this, and I'm sure it was for you too.

Sami: Yeah, yeah. For sure.

Belle: I'm sorry. I just need some time to think about this and...

Sami: Of course. No, I understand. Take all the time.

Belle: Don't you think it's time for you to open the envelope?

Sami: Uh...

[Clears throat] Okay, god.

Susan: But I made the dr. Marlena doll using my own hair. I thought it would be real special for her.

Victor: Yes, that would do it.

Susan: And it turned out really nice, if I do say so myself. It's kind of hard, though, 'cause I had to pull out one hair at a time, and it's-- the hair is real little, so I had to use tweezers.

Victor: I've died. I have died and gone to hell.

Susan: Oh, gracious. You are such a gloomy gus. You didn't die, and you're not in hell. You're in your own living room. Have you ever thought about getting a puppy? I mean, you wouldn't be such a sourpuss if you had a little puppy licking your face.

Victor: I'm begging you. You have got to go.

Susan: [Sighs]

Victor: My sanity hangs in the balance.

Susan: Okay. I know what's gonna cheer you up.

Victor: Your demise?

Susan: There is an elvis marathon on cozi tv. And I can't remember what channel it's on. Uh... did you know that one of the costars in "loving you" became a cloistered nun?

Victor: A cloister. Vow of silence.

Susan: [Gasps] Oh, my stars and garters! Look what's on. It's "the mummy." And he's all bandaged up in there and you don't know who or what's in there. And you don't know what'S... in there. Who's in there? Oh, my!

Victor: You've got to stop doing that.

Susan: I just had this strong mystical moment. It was just a clear vision that elvis is alive.

Sami: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, it's him. It's ej.

Lucas: I was drunk that night, but I know bonnie was in my bed; it wasn't mimi. I know which lockhart I slept with.

Mimi: Yeah, watch what you're saying, 'cause we could sue you for slander.

Chloe: It's not slander if it's the truth.

Mimi: I know what you're trying to do; you're just trying to mess up the custody case for us. Damn it, chloe, you know that I can't have kids and that it's very painful for me.

Chloe: Okay, mimi, if you can't have children, then how do you explain these test results?

Victor: You know, I think you're right. Elvis is alive, and he needs you. You need to be on the next plane to graceland.

Susan: Not elviS. Elvis!

Victor: Right. Not elvis... elvis.

Susan: No. My elvis. No, I... I see him. I mean, he's wrapped up in bandages like a mummy. What can that mean? What can that mean? I mean, maybe somebody put him in a tomb. Or...or... vivian alamain, she buries her people alive. I mean, maybe he's in egypt or alamania.

Victor: Or maybe in university hospital, recuperating from burns over 90% of his body.

Susan: He'S... in university hospital?

Victor: Courtesy of his soul mate, samantha brady.

Sami: I just can't believe it. You know, I've been searching the earth for you, and the kids were starting to think I'd lost it, but you're here. You're right here. Oh, ej, I just--I can't believe I have you back. I never gave up on you. And I never will.

Chloe: I'm sorry for blurting it out, but she gave me no choice.

Maggie: Are you all right?

Kate: What's going on?

Lucas: That's what I'd like to know.

Chloe: Bonnie had said some things that made me suspicious, and so, long story short, I took mimi's water bottle and gave it to kayla and had her run a dna test.

Lucas: Wait a minute. We did a dna test, and it proved that bonnie was the mother.

Chloe: Kayla said they only looked at 15 markers, and it looked like bonnie was the match because she is the baby's grandmother. When kayla ran the test again with more markers, it proved that mimi was a perfect match for the baby, so there's no doubt about it. Mimi is this baby's mother.

Sarah: Do you know what's going on? Your brother doesn't look very happy.

Rex: Oh, bonnie lockhart has that effect on people.

Sarah: I know. It was dumb of me to ask them to stay.

Maggie: Oh.

Rex: Maggie, what's going on? Do I need to talk to lucas?

Maggie: Um...

Lucas: This doesn't make any sense. Why would bonnie say that she's the mother when mimi is?

Kate: You don't get it, do you? Bonnie used the baby as a get-out-of-jail-free card. She used you to get adrienne to drop charges against her.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, I know, mom; I heard everything from the get-go, how bonnie was scamming me to stay out of prison, the baby's not mine, blah, blah, blah, blah. I get it, all right? I get it!

Chloe: Lucas. This baby isn't yours.

Lucas: You gotta be kidding me. Oh, my god.

Kate: And you, how could you do this? How could you let her do this? I mean, it's generally accepted that drunken sluts don't make the best mothers.

Bonnie: Hey! If I'm a pot, you're a kettle.

Kate: Oh, queen of the witty repartee, aren't you?

Bonnie: Don't you dare look down your haughty nose at me, you bitch.

Kate: How could you let her do this?

Bonnie: Hey, lay off her, all right? Lay off! I didn't give her a choice.

Lucas: So it's true, then? It's true?

Mimi: Yes, it's true. I'm her mother.

For you, it's always

leap over look.

Kate: I could wring your neck!

Roman: Kate! Kate! As much fun as that would be, I don't think so. Kate!

Maggie: After everything that you did to adrienne, and then to me, you do this to lucas? You play with people's lives and you have fun doing it. You've played with your daughter's life, your granddaughter's life. I mean, what is it like at the absolute bottom of that barrel?

Bonnie: How many times do i have to say it? I didn't want to hurt adrienne, all right? That was angelica's idea. But you, you, sweetheart, were mine. Why didn't you just do me and mickey and this whole damn town a favor and stay dead! Ooh! Oh....

Maggie: Come on!

Susan: I need to sit down. What did you just say?

Victor: I probably shouldn't have told you, but you are the man's mother.

Susan: Tell me what?

Victor: Sami went down to nashville looking for ej.

Susan: No, no, no, she went to memphis where I live and found will. It wasn't ej.

Victor: Well, this time she went to nashville and she found ej. Seems that cheating death gives you a taste for country music.

Susan: That is not funny. You tell me what happened.

Victor: Somehow as soon as she got there, a building exploded, which is sort of par for the course for her. The man she was looking for was burned beyond recognition. Nicole walker and kristen dimera were both killed in the explosion.

Susah. Oh. Kristen, she's dead?

Victor: How can you not know this? It's--it was in the paper.

Susan: It wasn't in "the intruder," which is the only reliable source left. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Sami was here and she didn't say a word about this.

Victor: Probably afraid of the way you'd react.

Susan: Well, she should be afraid. Very, very, very afraid.

Belle: You okay?

Sami: Yeah. Just a little overwhelmed.

Belle: Yeah, I imagine.

Sami: I mean, oh, now that I know it's ej, I don't want him to hear.

Belle: What?

Sami: Look, I know he has this long hard battle to recover from these burns, but I don't even know what condition he was in before the explosion, you know? I do know that if ej could've, he would've come back to me any way he possibly could, and so i have to believe that something else is wrong, you know? I mean, kristen said that he has some of the same medicine that will had, and will totally lost his memory, so... so it's possible that when ej wakes up, he might not even remember me.

Belle: Honey, nobody could ever forget you.

Sami: Okay.

Belle: And will got his memory back when he was around all the people that he loved, and I'm sure that can happen for ej too, okay?

Sami: Yeah. If he survives.

Bonnie: You!

[All shouting] You know what, I'm gonna have you up on charges.

Maggie: Oh, and I'll have you for breakfast. The da dropped charges against you based on a lie.

Bonnie: Well, they can't take it back now, can they?

Roman: An agreement based on fraud isn't binding.

Lucas: The test--the test matched my dna. How is that possible if this is true?

Chloe: Well, kayla said it means that you must be related to the baby's real father.

Kate: Did you have another child with philip? Answer me!

Rex: It's not philip's baby, is it, mimi?

Sarah: How could you know that, rex?

Rex: Because the baby's mine.

Sarah: You said that you two were over years ago, that it was ancient history.

Rex: We were. We were. Except for one night. We ran into each other in chicago.

Sarah: And it was more than a run-in. That baby is four months old. That means your little hookup happened when we were already together.

Rex: We-- we hit a rough patch.

Sarah: So what? That just makes it okay for you to sleep with your ex?

Rex: Sarah. Sarah.

Sarah: No, don't touch me! I have to get out of here. I'm gonna be sick.

Maggie: Sarah! Sarah!

Roman: So what, you're the smart one? It did not occur to you to share that news in private? That sarah needed an audience for that?

Rex: I'm sorry, dad. I gotta go talk to her.

Rex: No, you don'T. I think she's probably had enough of you for one night.

Belle: What is that doing here?

Sami: Oh, this?

Belle: Yes.

Sami: You will not believe this is susan's custom wedding gift for mom and john. She made it herself. And I was able to use the hair from it as susan's dna sample.

Belle: Oh, why didn't you just ask susan to swab her cheek? Oh, right. 'Cause you wouldn't want her to know, got it.

Sami: No, I have enough to deal with without her craziness too.

Belle: Yeah, and...

[Clears throat] Speaking of crazy, when mom and dad got married in the hospital room, was that hattie?

Sami: Yeah. She demanded it, and I don't think john could figure a way ouT.

Belle: Does mom know about this? I mean, where is mom anyway?

Sami: She's herE. She's in the hospital. Kayla's keeping her somewhere safe.

Belle: Okay, good. Well, then you're going to take me to go see her, and I'm not taking no as an answer, so let's get going.

Sami: Oh, okay.

Belle: Go.

Sami: Okay, okay.

Kate: So how did you think this was going to turn out? Because all of bonnie's schemes turn out so well.

Rex: Mom. Come on, not now, please.

Roman: Hey. Let's go to the pub. I'll buy you a beer. Let them sort it out.

Kate: You didn't use protection, doctor?

[Baby crying]

Lucas: Wow, unbelievable. Well, it's great seeing you, mimi. Best to your mom.

[Soft music]

Mimi: Hi, sweetie. Everything's gonna be fine. Just fine. 'Cause you, my darling angel, are the best thing that ever happened to me. And I'm gonna make sure now that this fiasco with my mom is over, that you never have to wonder where I am or if I love you enough. From now on, I will be there for you 100%. And I'm gonna do my best to give you every chance to find happiness, to be the best you can be. Hey, little angel. I look at you, I feel all this love in my heart and think, "can I be this lucky?" See, I never thought I'd be a mom and then-- oh, I guess you wanted so much to make an appearance in this crazy world, you fought with all your might to be here, even when the odds were stacked way against you. You fought to be my little miracle.

Roman: All right, here you go.

Kate: You know, I have always been proud of my instincts; my gut instincts get me through. My sons, dear god, when it comes to women, they are absolutely clueless. Sami, nicole, mimi, chloe. You know, seriously, I really thought that was the worst until bonnie lockhart. Lucas coupled with bonnie lockhart.

Roman: He was drunk.

Kate: Hm. You know, the thing is, he loves that little girl. I mean, he really loves her, and lucas being lucas, he's not going to get over it, roman. He's not going to get over it. And the baby, well, the baby's father is rex, I'm the grandmother, the baby's going to be part of our family; that's not gonna change. But curse his big heart. I know he's going to be hurt. He's gonna be hurt badly.

Roman: He'll get through it.

Kate: I don't think so. You didn't notice, but I did.

Roman: Notice what?

Kate: Chloe moving in for the kill.


Chloe: I'm sorry that I went behind your back. It's just that I know what it's like to fall in love with a baby that isn't yours.

Maggie: I'm so sorry. This was supposed to be a special night for you.

Sarah: Oh, it was special, all right.

Maggie: Oh, honey.

Rex: [Sighs] She is beautiful.

Mimi: She's really sweet too. She smiles all the time. Hardly ever cries. And I know she's smart. I can tell by the way she looks at me. Like she wants to know stuff, like she's curious.

Rex: She looks like you.

Mimi: She looks like both of us, I think.

Rex: Your smile though.

Mimi: You really think so?

Rex: Yeah. You're smiling like that right now. Hi. Hi, bonnie. I'm rex.

Mimi: Her name is emily. And you're not rex. You're her father.

Belle: So are you going to start telling people that ej's alive? Because if you do, susan's gonna find out.

Sami: Wait, wait, no, no. No, we have to keep this between us for right now, okay? Ej just needs to have calm, capable people around him, and the light from calm and capable will take 8 million years to reach susan.

Belle: Sami, that woman is his mother.

Sami: Look, I'll tell her at some point. But right now, that loon is the last thing that ej needs to be dealing with.

[Monitor beeping]

[Dramatic music]

Susan: It's okay now, baby. Mama's here.

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